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Your Saturn Returns

Your Saturn Returns

Your Saturn Returns

The Saturn Return is becoming one of the most talked about astrological events in people’s lives.

It is the third most popular astrological topic for the general public after, “What is your sign?” and  “Did you survive Mercury retrograde?”

Everone receives a Saturn return or two or three during their lives. If you are over thirty you have already experienced one and have more to come.


When to Expect Your Saturn Returns

First Saturn return – Age 29/30

Second Saturn return – Age 58/59

Third Saturn return Age 87/88


Podcast: Saturn Returns

Listen to our podcast about Saturn Returns where we discuss more on Saturn Returns.

Click below.



Saturn and the Ages

Saturn is a broad timekeeper and marks the passage of life.

Before your first Saturn return you are in the first age. the second age occurs after your first Saturn return.

The third age begins after your second Saturn return and the fourth age starts after your third Saturn return.


The First Age

The first age is from birth to your first Saturn return at age 30.

This period of life takes you from child to adult to responsible person.

In these years you learn to do as you are told up to a point.

Those in authority like teachers, your parents, the government and older people will dictate how you should behave.

Maturity. You get in your lane and you know your place.

Your duty is to your parents. You learn the rules.

You are looked after by others but you struggle to be autonomous. You get honours for yourself.

Keyword – Crisp.


The Second Age

The second age covers the years of life from 30-60 this stage of your life are the mature years when you are responsible for other kids and holding down a job or taking a mortgage.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

Now you consolidate your worldly achievements whatever they are.

You have a duty to your spouse, kids and your boss to reproduce and play by the rules.

You look after others. You are honour bound.

Keyword – Solid.


The Third Age

The third age starts at age sixty and lasts for thirty years until the age of ninety.

In this age you get more time for yourself and the responsibilities of earlier years often fall away.

You have mastery. Your duty is to yourself. You have some personal achievements.

You can rewrite the rules you live by.

You look after yourself.

You are honoured as you choose to do things for others.

Keyword – Capable.


The Fourth Age

The fourth age begins very late in life at age ninety.

This is the final Saturn return it ias the fourth one. 

Not everyone will make it this far, but more do every year.

Now you will spend each day carefully living your life as if it were your last day on Earth. Time is precious.

You have limitations. You ignore the rules.

You have a duty to a higher order. You are looked after (physically and spiritually).

You become honoured for time and longevity.

Keyword – Tired.


Read more >>> Natural Cycles

Read more >>> Saturn



Astrological Forecasting Techniques

Astrological Forecasting Techniques

Astrological Forecasting: Overview

Astrological forecasting is a popular use for astrology and many people come to astrology exactly for the predictions you can get.

But not all forecasting techniques are created equal. Some are easy to understand and some are more complex.

Forecasting is in two broad sectors, the direct forecasting methods and the indirect forecasting techniques.

Direct Forecasting

Direct forecasting techniques use the current positions of the planets in the sky as we speak. You need an ephemeris for transit work.

Examples of direct forecasting techniques are:

Indirect Forecasting

The indirect forecasting techniques are often those that equate one day’s planetary movement to one year of life. They are also known as symbolic forecasting techniques.

Examples of indirect forecasting techniques are:

  • Secondary progressions
  • Solar arc directions (Venus arc directions etc.)

Forecasting Techniques You Need to Know

Most astrology students learn the forecasting techniques in the following order:

  1. Transits
  2. Secondary progressions
  3. Eclipses
  4. Solar returns
  5. Graphic ephemeris
  6. Solar arc directions
  7. Other (primary directions, firdaria etc.)

Learn to Love Transits

It is common to learn transits first.

Many astrologers only use transits as they are easier to learn. Every Sun sign horoscope column relies on transits only and this makes transits the most popular forecasting method in any astrologer’s repertoire.


“Transits are the most popular forecasting method.”


If you work on several charts and need to do the forecasting then if you know that Uranus will change signs into Taurus in May 2018 it will do so for everyone.

Once you know a transit movement you can use that knowledge for every single chart you every look at. This makes transits the go to astrological forecasting technique.

Everyone needs to know transits.

Secondary Progressions

The second most popular forecasting technique is conveniently called secondary progressions.

In this case, the movement of a planet for each day of life from birth is symbolised as the corresponding yearly movement.

If you are thirty-three then you will cast a secondary progressed chart for the thirty-third day after your birthday and use the planet’s positions that day to cast the secondary progressed chart.

Each person’s secondary progressed chart is different. No two are the same unless you were born at the same time, date and place.

This means it is more work for the astrologer because it is almost as another chart to read. Professional astrologers will probably use secondary progressions for your full forecasting picture.

Solar Returns

In a solar return chart you cast a chart each year for the exact time the Sun returns to its natal position.

If your birth Sun is at 15 degrees 45 minutes of Virgo then each year when the Sun returns to the precise position you cast another chart.

Each year you will have a new solar return chart.

People with the same birth date (but not the same year) will have similar solar return charts but not exactly the same.

So, everyone born on September 15th will have the Moon here and Venus there in their solar return chart but the ascendant will be different.

This makes solar return charts popular as they are based on the transits of the day and astrologers know where the Sun and Moon are and the other planets.

Graphic Ephemeris

The graphic ephemeris is a special diagram that has to be read by the astrologer and it typically shows the superior planets and their cycles over a year or two. See image.

This is probably the most useful tool I personally use in my astrological forecasting.


Solar and lunar eclipses are transits and are special due to the close alignment of the Sun, Moon and the Earth on the eclipse day.

Eclipses can be further broken down into:

  • General eclipse forecasts
  • Personal eclipse forecasts
  • Collective eclipse forecasts

Solar Arc Directions

In solar arc directed charts you take the progressed movement of the Sun (as found in the secondary progressed chart) and add the longitudinal measurement to all the planets positions at birth. From this you will create a new chart called the solar arc directed chart.

From this you will create a new chart called the solar arc directed chart.

If your natal sun is at 15 Virgo and you are 33 years old you add 33 to 15 Virgo and the result is 18 Libra. This is the position of your solar arc directed Sun.

You do the same for the other planets. Add the Sun’s movement to every planet in your chart and find the new placement which will be 33 degrees further in the zodiac.

In a solar arc directed chart the aspects between the planets remain the same but the planets change house and sign.

The solar arc directed chart changes slightly every day as you get older.

How Much to Learn in Forecasting

How much you have to learn about astrological forecasting depends on who you are now and who you want to be later. There are 5 levels of astrologer and you can see where you fit in.

Hobbyist Astrologer

If you are simply trying to learn some more about astrology to make your life easier and more understandable then stick to transits.

Student Astrologer

If you are a student astrologer and plan to be a professional astrologer one day then learn transits first and the work down the list, (secondary progressions, solar returns, solar arc directions, eclipses and other).

Professional Astrologer

To be a professional astrologer you really do need to know at least four forecasting techniques.

They will compliment each other and underline the trends in the clients forecasting picture.

You are a Client

If you are a member of the public and you are looking for a professional consulting astrologer then do yourself a favour and find one who does advanced forecasting techniques.

Ask your prospective astrologer, “Which forecasting techniques will you use when you do my predictions?” and see what their answer is.


“Which forecasting techniques will you use when you do my predictions?”


If they only use transits be wary as they may not be fully trained in the more complicated astrological forecasting techniques. This may imply they do not have a broad astrological education.

Creative Growth

If you have got this far then you will likely want to grow your astrological forecasting techniques and begin to understand the differences in each one. To be a better astrologer you need to know these things. Forecasting often separates the “men from the boys” in the astrology world.


Your Astrology Questions Answered

Your Astrology Questions Answered

Your Astrology Questions Answered

We answer several of the questions we get from listeners, viewers and students.

Some of you have emailed your questions in and you can do that by contacting us at

And we have some podcast episodes dedicated to answering our listeners questions as well. You can see these episodes below.


Your Astrology Questions Answered: 75th Episode Celebration

Your Astrology Questions Answered: 50th Episode Celebration

Your Astrology Questions Answered: 25th Episode Celebration




“Can you tell me if Financial Astrology is lucrative? I would like to earn money as an astrologer.
What do you think is the best way to learn financial astrology?”

This is a question I received from a reader like you about making money as a financial astrologer. This query comes up often and I have answered it below.


“Is Financial Astrology Lucrative?”

Whether financial astrology is lucrative depends. There is not a “yes” or “no” answer.

It depends on who you are and what you know.

As an astrologer, it really hinges on your own natal chart. For all questions like these, we would look to your unique birth chart

Ask yourself the following about your own chart:

Do I have the natal promise for income from financial astrology or even regular astrology for that matter?

Do I have planets in my second house?

Are they unafflicted?

Where is Uranus (the planet that rules astrology) and what is its condition?

Is Uranus unafflicted and that means it has no squares or oppositions from the malefics?

Is my second house ruler strong, direct and well-placed?

Then you would assess the Midheaven its ruler and the tenth house for your entrepreneurial skills.

  • What is the sign?
  • Who is the ruler?
  • Where are they placed?
  • Is your most elevated planet conjoined the Midheaven?

You may like to consider how to set up and run a prosperous astrology business.

Then look to your eleventh house for income from a business you own.

And let’s not forget the morning planet that will indicate your vocation and what really moves you.


“I would like to earn money as an astrologer.”

This is a career choice that you are trying to make. When you read your first chart and charge a fee then you are making money as an astrologer.

The point here is the words “making money” as that means different things to different people.

The real question may be, “Do you have enough money?

Income of US$1-1000 per month

Many astrologers do make some money from astrology. Anything from US$1 to US$999 per month.

Many astrologers work in this area with a variable income that can vary each month and it depends on how many charts they read and other activities.

Income of over US$1000 per month

Some astrologers make a reasonable amount. Here the benchmark is more than US$1000 per month. So that is around US$12000 per year.

But, does it provide for a full time living off astrology alone?

Perhaps not, but it does augment your day job, and it provides an outlet for the creative work that astrology can be.

If you live in Africa (as I did for over thirty years) or Asia you are likely to find this adequate income.


Income of over US$5000 per month

Very few astrologer fall into this category but it can be done. Here the income is enough to sustain astrology as a full-time job, career and vocation and you can comfortably budget for tax at around 20%.

With a net income of US$4000, anyone can manage, even those of us living in expensive cities in the first world.

You can look at the five levels of astrologer and see where you are and map out yoru career path using this a guideline.


“What do you think is the best way to learn financial astrology?”

Let us assume that you already know basic chart reading and you can you interpret a chart with confidence.

Financial astrology falls into two camps:

Do you want to follow the stock exchanges, forex and financial markets and earn money through your general fiscal information and tips?


Do you want to help everyday people to make good financial decisions based on their own natal chart and what it suggests for investments and luck?

Either way, you need to fully understand the dynamics of a chart, the four financial house and two financial planets. In other words your money planets.

Where to next?

You have to be confident in basic astrology in the first place.

You have to understand financial markets, economics etc.

You should be tracking your own financial upliftment that has happened through your own decisions based on the astrology in your chart.

You should already be giving astrological financial advice to family and friends.



Always look to your own natal chart for guidance on when to start an astrology business, how to name your astrology business.

Investigate the messages from the forecasting techniques of current transits, solar arc directions and solar returns, secondary progressions and eclipses.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Oh, The Charts You Will Read!

Oh, The Charts You Will Read!

by Alison Price

Natural Sequence to Chart Reading

As you start to get into astrology and read horoscopes there is a natural sequence to charts that you will read.

Some of you who begin with astrology may stop sooner than others who may go on to be competent astrologers.

Several of you will go on to be aspiring astrologers and competent astrologers and be able to provide an acceptable solid reading. You may read for friends and family or in a casual way.

A few of you will become experts and exceptional chart readers and can read any and every chart that comes your way. You are likely to attract clients at this stage.

Chart number 1: Your own chart.

You will always start with your own chart and certainly, this chart will be with you through your astrology journey. You will read it in a simple way and then develop your interpretations into more complex methods in the future.

You will work on this chart for the rest of your life.

Charts numbered 2-10: Your immediate family’s charts

This includes your husband, wife, kids, parents and siblings etc. They are people you know very well and have known for many years. Now you can benefit from some basic chart reading skills.

At this point you are a hobbyist astrologer

Charts numbered 11-18: Charts of people who you do know.

These are the charts of friends and people you know well enough to ask for their chart details, “so you can practice.” You will do these charts for free and enjoy the time spent pouring over each unique chart.

At this point you are a student astrologer

Charts numbered 18-25: Gateway charts

These charts you will draw up for people who are technically “clients.”

You will tentatively explain that you are opening an astrology business and although you are still a junior astrologer, you wish to read their charts in a professional manner to practice your readings and your professional practice competency. You are aware of how your outer planet signature attracts clients.

You will charge them a moderate fee of around US$5-10 or barter for a cup of coffee.

These charts are for your gateway clients and they get you into being a professional astrologer. There may be more charts in this group but if you are determined that astrology is for you then you will only need about six practice runs and these are the charts you will use.

At this point you are an amateur astrologer and may consider seven days to a better chart reading.

Charts numbered 26-100: Your paying clients – Junior astrologer

You are now in business. You charge a fair fee for your services. You may be interested in 10 things to do before your client arrives.

At this point you are a junior professional astrologer.

Charts numbered 100 plus: Your paying clients – Professional astrologer

At this point you are a professional astrologer. You know how to give an astrological referral. You can run a prosperous astrology business and you know how to work with clients.

Your Journey

The process of becoming an astrologer is not one straight line from start to finish. Each person will make detours and have stops and starts along the way.

To see where you are exactly on your journey towards becoming an astrologer the five levels of astrologer are explained in more detail.  You can see that you could be straddling two areas at once.


If you want to travel fast go alone,

if you want to travel far take a friend.

Think about how many charts you have read. Consider where you are on your journey to becoming a fabulous astrologer.


Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 4 – Detailed Notes

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 4 – Detailed Notes

Chart Interpretation: Step 4: Detailed Notes

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

Basic Chart Interpretation Step 4 – Your Interpretation – Detailed Notes

The fourth step for a basic chart interpretation is where you take the margin notes and flesh them out.

You can either write directly onto the margin notes page or type some detailed notes up for a written report for your client. I tend to do the written notes if I am having a face to face session with my client.

Gone are the days of written reports but some of you may still find there is a clarity that comes from details written notes. I certainly suggest you do this at least once either for your own chart of someone close to you.

It is a good exercise in the discipline required to read an astrology chart.

Example Detailed Notes

Below is an example of the first page for detailed astrology chart notes for an example chart.

Each piece of the chart is considered and a report like this can be over 50 pages of text.

If you have Solar Fire you can start to add each paragraph into the database so you don’t have t o keep repeating yourself in the future when you do another chart which has the same components.

Notice how the second paragraph draws together the three parts of; the strong western hemisphere, the strong triple division of houses and the strong second quadrant.

This is a typical feature of interpretation where three indicators bring clarity to your readings.

1 Strong western hemisphere

2 Strong 2nd triple division of house

3 Strong 2nd quadrants

You always need to be on the look out for themes and indicators that come from more than one source when doing a basic chart interpretation.


Your Future Chart Interpretations

The more charts you read the better you will get at interpretations.

There is a tipping point for chart readings and when they start to get easier. It is after your twenty-fifth chart that you suddenly can read a chart with ease.

Tips on How to Read a Birth Chart

Tips on How to Read a Birth Chart

Tips on How to Read a Birth Chart

Every time you start to read a chart there are so many things to look at and it can be daunting.

Here I have brought the essence of chart reading down to a few features to consider. These are things you will always look at when you do any chart reading.

If you practice this type of high level chart your interpretation you will get to the heart of your chart reading sooner rather than later.

These tips will sharpen your focus so you don’t go off at a tangent or wander down a chart reading rabbit hole.


1. The Dominant Broad Stroke

The dominant broad stroke refers to the background feel for a chart. This is shown by the quantity of planets and their distribution throughout the chart.

The broad strokes do not consider individual planets.


Planet Count

You count the visible planets only and this will always add up to seven. The seven visible planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

The broad strokes that you count are:

  • The two polarities of active and passive.
  • The four elements of fire, earth, air and water.
  • The three modes of cardinal, fixed and mutable.
  • The four hemispheres of north, south, east and west
  • The four quadrants numbered first, second, third and fourth.

In all of this find the highest possible number and focus on interpreting that broad stroke.


2. The Chart Ruler Complex

The chart ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant. If it is one of the three signs with two rulers (Scorpio, Aquarius or Capricorn) then look at both rulers.

Look closely at this planet and discover it’s message. Understand the chart ruler by sign, house, aspects and position in the chart.



The chart ruler is strong if it is in its own sign or in exaltation or in other words if it has essential dignity.

It is strong in accidental dignity which is the natural house of its sign. So for example, Mars in the eighth house is strong because Mars rules Scorpio the natural eighth sign.

Notice if it rules the hemisphere, quadrant, division or the house it tenants.

If the chart ruler has only soft aspects it is supported, but if it receives only hard aspects it is afflicted. A combination of both brings a neutral feel.


Position in the Chart

See if the chart ruler dominates the chart by being high in teh chart and most elevated, oriental, the final dispositor or is it in an angular house (first, fourth, seventh or tenth).

These positions add weight to the planets and give it gravitas.


Major Aspect Patterns

See if the chart ruler is well engaged by being part of a major aspect pattern. Check if it dominates the pattern.

This placement adds strength to the chart ruler.


Chart Ruler’s Direction

Check if the chart ruler’s motion is direct, stationary or retrograde.

Being direct adds weight and makes the planet strong but the state of being retrograde detracts from the planet’s potential. Being stationary can add strength depending on how comfortable it is in its sign.


Read more >>> Dispositor Trees


3. The Sun Complex

Understand the Sun in the chart by sign, house, aspects and position in the chart. A well placed Sun will function far better than an afflicted Sun.

The Sun’s Message

Fully explore the message of the Sun in the chart.


Read more >>> What Each Sun Sign Wants at Work

Explore more >>> Your Astrology Questions Answered


4. The Tightest Aspect

To find the tightest aspect you have to consider the aspects between the planets and the orbs.


What to Look For

Look for aspects between the planets and not the points.

The planets to consider when looking for the tightest aspect are; the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron.


What to Ignore

Do not consider any points like the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Lunar Nodes or the Part of Fortune etc.

I also do not consider the asteroids unless you use them in your daily astrology practice. If not then ignore asteroids including Ceres.


Only look for the five Ptolemaic aspects which are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition.


Tightest orb

Find the aspect with the tightest orb which should be 00°00′.

See which aspect it is and understand the meaning of this aspect.

Consider at the two planets in the aspect and how they will work together in this chart and in this aspect.

Check the house and signs that the tightest aspect lies over and understand what this means.




5. The Prominent Major Aspect Pattern

You need the find the most dominant major aspect pattern in the chart.

Some charts may not have a major aspect pattern and if so, then skip this step.

Major aspect patterns in order of importance are:

If there is more than one major aspect pattern of the same type, say you have three T-squares, then find the tightest orbed T-square, the non-disassociate T-square and the one that includes the chart ruler, the Sun or the final dispositor.

Find this major aspect pattern and fully understand the planets involved in it by sign, house and essential dignity.

Use these tips to help you read a chart quickly and easily.


Read more >>> Essential Dignity

Read more >>> Astrology ABCs

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.




Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 3 – Margin Notes

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 3 – Margin Notes

by Alison Price

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

Preparing for the Interpretation – Margin Notes

Once you have the correct chart data, have cast the chart and printed it with the appropriate coloured highlights on the page the next step is the written notes you will make and first you will do the margin notes.

At this stage your are not using you astrology journal to take notes for a client that will be used to capture basic astrology interpretation meaning.

You will typically use loose paper with lines and, wait for it, a margin.


The margin is the column on the left side of a ruled page.

Margin notes are any notes you put in a margin. Simple.

Yes, but exactly what notes will you put in a margin when you do a chart interpretation?

Margin notes can be either handwritten astrology glyphs or astrology short form codes (used when typing or emailing).

Example Chart – Stephen King

Below is Stephen King’s chart.


Five Main Points for Chart Interpretation

The five important details for margin notes are:

  • The Balances
  • The Ascendant Complex
  • The Chart Ruler Complex
  • The Sun Complex
  • Major Aspect Patterns

Example Margin Notes for Stephen King

The Balances


Active = 4 and passive = 3.


NH = 6, SH – 1, EH = 4 and WH = 3.


Q1 = 3, Q2 = 3, Q3 = 0 and Q4 = 1.

The Ascendant Complex

ASC 29CA51.

Ascendant aspects

ASC-60-SU, ASC-60-VE, ASC-0-MA, ASC-120-JP, and ASC-120-NN.

First House Planets

PL and SA.

The Chart Ruler complex

MO SG 5th

Aspects of the chart ruler

MO-120-SA, MO-120-PL and MO-60-ME.

The Sun Complex

SU VI 3rd.

Sun aspects

SU-0-VE, SU-90-UR and SU-45-PL.

Major Aspect Patterns

Mini grand trine 1


ME focal planet 4th

Mini grand trine 2


ME focal planet 4th

Subsequent Margin Notes

After the five main points you will list in order:

  • The Moon complex (if not already done as the chart ruler)
  • The final dispositors complex (if not already done as the chart ruler)
  • The rest of the planets in order in the houses by angular, succedent and cadent

At the end, you will have everything listed in the chart. But the first five things will be the important issues and the ones that the client is dealing with already.


Interpreting a chart is easy when you break down the steps and do them in order of importance and order of relevance.

You do not need to be looking at a Chiron semi-sextile the North Node aspect as the first thing you consider.

Nor do you interpret from the planets in Aries first and then Taurus. Understand the weight of the planet and its prominence within a chart.

Get to love margin notes.



Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation

Step 2: The Physical Chart

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

The Physical Chart – Printing and Highlighting Main Features

This time I going to share with you some of my process and the focus will be on the natal chart. I will answer the following questions that plague new astrologers.


Once you have the chart cast what do you look for? What is important? What is not worthy of consideration and where do you start?


The image below is of a chart for Rosie and she is one of my clients. I have not shown the chart details that is; the time, date and place as that is not important.

What we are going to be looking at is how to prepare a chart for reading after you have printed it out and before you start.

This is like step 2 of the natal chart reading process.


What to Print

In Solar Fire or your other astrology program print a chart with a half aspectarian in the corner as shown above. This is a standard chart so you should have no problem doing this.

House Rulers

Write the house rulers against every house cusp. Start at the ascendant and in this chart (above) I have written Jupiter/Neptune and drawn a bubble around them at the house cusp.

Quadrant and Hemispheres

Draw a circle in the top right of the page. Draw a cross in it with one horizontal line and one vertical line.

This shows the four quadrants (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and the four hemispheres (north, south, east and west).

Only counting the visible planets from the Sun to Saturn count how many planets are in each quadrant.

In this chart there is one planet in the first quadrant (Saturn), two planets in the second quadrant (Jupiter and Venus), three planets in the third quadrant (the Sun, Mars and Mercury) and one planet in the fourth quadrant (the Moon).

Elements and Modes Table

Draw a table of four columns and three rows.

On the top label the columns F (fire), E (earth), A (air) and W (water). On the side label the rows C (cardinal), F (fixed) and M (mutable).

Add the number of visible planets (the Sun to Saturn) and write the quantity in the appropriate cell in the table.

Add up each row and column. The total will always be seven.

Chart Ruler

Find the chart ruler which is the planet or planets that rules the ascendant sign. In this case, it is Pisces so the ruling planets are Jupiter and Neptune. Colour in each instance of the ruling planets in yellow.

Major Aspect Patterns

Find all the major aspect patterns.

In this chart there is a stellium of the Sun, Neptune and Mars and a Moon yod of Mars, Pluto and the Moon.

Bracket the stellium and highlight in red so you can see it easily.

Colour the yod in green to relate to the quincunx colour which is green.

The idea is to bring forth the main features of a chart through the use of colour so you can easily see the main points when you pick up this chart again next month.

If you are reading many charts a week you do not have time to reread each chart to discover the main threads. they should be highlighted the first time around.

Most Elevated

Note the most elevated planet in this case it is Mercury (although I originally noted Mars in the drawing and I can’t change the image.

Morning Planet

Note the oriental planet in this case it is Venus.

Lunar Phase

Note the lunar phase in this chart for Rosie it is a gibbous Moon phase.

Essential Dignity

Find the essential dignity of the planets and write the score on the left of the aspectarian. the aspectarian is the triangle-shaped grid at the bottom left of the chart.

In this chart we note that Mars gets a score of -5 for being in Libra and Venus of -4 for being in fall in Virgo.

Mutual Receptions

Note all mutual receptions in the chart. Interestingly enough in Rosie’s chart there are two mutual reception pairs, Mercury and Venus are the first pair and the Moon and Jupiter are the second.

On the back of the natal chart page you will also draw the dispositor tree using these handy mutual receptions as your start.


Watch the video about highlighting a birth chart as part of your chart preparation process.

Note that it refers to another birth chart but show sthe process that you will use for every chart you cast.



Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 1 – Birth Chart Data

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 1 – Birth Chart Data

Basic Chart Interpretation

Step 1: The Birth Data

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

The Birth Chart Data – Time, Date and Place

Every chart is cast for a certain time, date and place. What we mean by these terms is explained below.

Unless you were witness to the birth you never know for sure.

Birth Time

The time for the birth chart is the actual time of the birth.

You really need the time of the first inhalation of breath by the child.  It is at this time that the child takes in all the potentials of the universe at that exact moment.

A birth time of 5 pm or 6:30 am and close but not exact. As astrologers, we come across birth times like this every day and you will cast your chart to these times unless you have a better time.

The birth time is not:

  • The time the head crowned.
  • The time the umbilical cord was cut.
  • The time of the first slice for C-section or Cesarean births.

If there is no birth time

If there is no birth time ask questions to try to narrow it down. If their mother or aunt is alive you can ask them or anyone who may have been around at the birth.

For instance, you can ask, “Was it day or night? Was it before lunch or in the afternoon?

Birth Date

In all my years as an astrologer, I have only come across one person who did not know their birth date and they did not know the year.

As I recall she thought she was born on September 25th, 1967 or 1968. Wow, that was interesting. they had the time and the place but not the year.

Clearly, some people do not have a birth date and this really does pose a problem for astrologers as you cannot cast a birth chart with no birth date. In this case, it is better to ask a horary question and used the chart for those. It will not be a birth chart but it will be correct for the questions being asked.

Birth Place

The birthplace refers to the place they were born. We typically need the village, town or city and the county, state or province.

As an example, there are many places in the USA called Springfield and you need the state to know which one it was.

Some clients will tell you the actual hospital in the city they were born, which is interesting in itself, but if the birth time is not precise the exact hospital name will not help much either.


As an astrologer, you can only work with what they give you. If you have a good birth time, date and place then use it obviously you will do that.

Don’t worry about not being sure and not having exact with birth data as there is not much you can do.

The two options for getting a correct birth time from a near birth time are by:

  • Rectification or the birth chart. This is a special exercise that some astrologers do to good reviews.
  • Or checking the major transits to the ascendant and MC and this above all will be the best way to narrow down a wide birth time.

I personally do not practice rectification I prefer to use the transit and solar arc method for finding a correct birth time.

I mean you never really know do you?

My Kids

I have four children and with each birth my husband was there in the room with two watches on his arm to get the birth time. He was given strict instructions to get the exact inhalation of breath and because of this I have my four children’s  birth times not only to the minute but to the second. Their birth times are precise.

If you are pregnant or someone close to you is expecting then get them to capture the exact birth time.

Even if they do not agree with astrology their child may thank them later when they grow up to be an adult and they need a birth chart cast.

I feel that in this day and age every child born now should have the correct birth time recorded for them for later.

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

Now and then you may manage to get to an Astrology Conference. What you pack and take with you can make or break your experience.

These events are typically three-day weekends but sometimes they have a day before (Thursday) and a day after (Monday) for special classes.

This weekend I’m off to Norwac the North West Astrology Conference in Seattle, WA, USA which has prompted this piece. I have attended this conference before and you can read about that trip here.

Short trips and weekends away are shown in your third house. Longer trips, overseas journeys, and extended stays from home of a week to ten days are shown in your ninth house.

So, is a weekend in another country (the USA) third or ninth? To my mind, the answer is ninth because it is further than a horse can travel in one day which they tell me is 50km and yes, I got that from the horse’s mouth. The trip to Seattle is 230km and that definitely falls into the ninth house.

Art of Packing

The time before last when I went to the Faculty of Astrological Studies Summer School in Oxford for a week I took a massive suitcase full to bursting.

I was overweight at Vancouver before I had even boarded the plane. Coming back I had to buy another suitcase in England for all the stuff (gifts, books and clothes) I had bought whilst I was there.

When the driver of the coach from London to Oxford tried to lift my 60lb suitcase into his hold under the coach he turned to me and asked, “Why is this so heavy? Have you got a body is here?”

Packing is an art. You need to learn how to pack and haul less stuff around.  I now use a small Rimowa cabin sized suitcase on wheels and if something cannot fit in that it doesn’t go. The cabin size means it can be stowed in the overhead cabin on an aeroplane because it is small enough. I never check luggage to the hold when flying anymore.

Don’t take too much stuff.

Three-Day Weekend

I am going to share my tips and tricks about packing stuff for a three-day weekend astrology conference. This assumes you go on Friday morning and leave on Sunday evening, and so spend two nights in the hotel.

The Plan

You will be wearing your Friday outfit as your leave home. There is a new top for the Friday evening dinner.

Saturday sees you in a simple ensemble for the day and a change into your evening top for the banquet.

On Sunday morning your will again wear casual clothes as you will be traveling home in them later that day.

Tech stuff

Tech stuff is essential and you need the cables as well. If you are going to Europe you will need an adaptor to connect your tech stuff to the electricity supply.

  • Smartphone – To take photos, chat with the family at home, post to social media (I currently like Instagram) and to keep up with friends at the hotel with texts if you plan to meet up for breakfast etc.
  • I take my MacBook Air which I’ve had it since 2009 and it’s still going strong. I use this in my hotel room to continue my work but I don’t take it into the lecture rooms. The conference organizers don’t like that.
  • iPad with Astro Gold for casting charts at the conference. I usually offer readings at a reduced rate and currently do this through the featured charts and my Jupiter patron program.
  • Chargers for all equipment.


These suggestions are for women. I expect men do something similar and may need a tie and jacket for the dinner and banquet.

  • Black pants.
  • Leggings.
  • Light tunic x 2.
  • Light knit top.
  • Light jacket.
  • Evening top, coloured – For the Friday night dinner.
  • Evening top, jazzy – This can have a little twinkle as it is for the banquet on Saturday night. This is where most of the photos are taken.
  • Running shoes.
  • Booties (ankle boots).
  • Socks – Always wear socks in a hotel and avoid walking barefoot on the carpet or in the bathroom and shower).
  • Camisoles or bras and panties (knickers) x 3 (the camis and panties double as pajamas).
  • Pashmina in a solid colour. I like rose pink or cream.
  • Scarf – Light cotton or silk in bright tones. Wrap twice around the neck with both ends hanging at the front.
  • Jewelry – regular daytime and statement jewelry for Saturday night.
  • Handbag/tote bag for the daily lectures, for notes, your journal and lecture handouts. Watch out that this particular bag is not massive or you will haul more stuff around all weekend.
  • Evening bag black, small – For your phone, credit cards, business cards, lipstick, cash and room key.

What to Wear When

Friday in the day – Leggings, tunic, light jacket, socks and booties.

You will be travelling and need stretch pants thus the leggings. The jacket could have pockets for your phone and cash. The tunic hangs lower at the back to cover your bottom and can be shorter in the front for ease when sitting in a car or on a plane for hours.

Friday evening – Replace the tunic for a nice coloured evening top and lose the jacket. Booties and socks. Evening bag. Photos may be taken.

Saturday in the day – Black pants, top (tunic or knit top) and scarf. Running shoes and socks.


Saturday evening – Black pants, jazzy evening top, pashmina, booties, socks, statement jewellery and evening bag.

Sunday in the day – Leggings, another coloured tunic, and the light jacket. Running shoes and socks.


With the leggings, you can wear them on Friday and Sunday. If you like you can wash them on Friday night so they will be dry and fresh for Sunday. It is up to you. If you do decide to do washing in your hotel room squirt some shampoo into the basin and wash your leggings a by hand. Hang them up in the shower to dry.

Makeup and Hair

  • Your usual makeup.
  • Earbuds.
  • Hairbrush.
  • Toothbrush and toiletries.
  • Medicines and Imodium. You never know.
  • Usual vitamins and supplements


  • Promotional material – For instance a workshop you are presenting soon or another event that is coming up.
  • Ephemeris – I always travel with my big paperback Ephemeris.
  • Astrology journal – This is your daily astrology journal and contains all the information you like on astrology.
  • Business cards – To give to those who want. Never push your business card. Have them with you or out in front of you at the lecture table and people who need one will take one.
  • Awareness cards – I’ve started using these special postcard sized “awareness cards” and will give them out if someone is interested.
  • Pencils – These are my promotional pencils with my website details printed on. You may have other freebies to give.
  • Coloured crayons – This is for the astrology journal. After I have attended a lecture I like to colour the pages perhaps immediately or later that night as I unwind in my room before bed.
  • Pens – Take about three in case you lose one and then you can share with others


  • Your passport and Nexus card.
  • A copy of the proof of your conference payment. I once arrived at an astrology conference in Toronto and they did not have a record of my having paid. Fortunately, I did have my credit card receipt in my bag so all was good. But these things do happen.
  • A copy of the hotel booking. This can be in your wallet app to the hotel’s chain app, for instance, the Hilton app is used for Norwac.
  • Small denomination cash. This is so you will be ready to give something to any charities the conference supports, raffles at the banquet, a Tarot card or palm reading, the cash bar for your wine and tips for the waiters and chambermaid.

Sometimes there is a “Free stuff” table in the conference gathering area. This is the place to put your business cards, awareness cards, promotional materials like in my case my pencils and the flyer for our summer workshop in Vancouver in July.

What Not to Take

There are some things that you will use at home but don’t need to carry on trips. After all, you are hauling the bag around. If you free up your life and lighten your travels you will enjoy them so much more.

  • Pyjamas.
  • Robe or gown.
  • Slippers.
  • Extra shoes.
  • Extra bags.
  • Too many clothes just in case…
  • Regular shampoo and conditioner bottles. Always decant into 100mm bottles, take travel sizes or use the hotel’s products.
  • Alarm clock – Use your phone.
  • Big coat unless you are going north of the 60th parallel.
  • Other junk.
  • Your dog.

Astrology conferences can be so much fun. If you plan your trip carefully and only take the minimum of stuff you will enjoy the event all the more.

I have more on how to have fun at an astrology conference if you need some ideas.


Featured Chart: Gary Vaynerchuk: Businessman, Documenter

Featured Chart: Gary Vaynerchuk: Businessman, Documenter

by Alison Price

Chart Details

Born on November 14, 1975, in Mahilyov, Belarus. Time unknown.


There is no birth time so I have cast the noon chart because that brings the margin of error down to 12 hours. This means you have to dismiss the ascendant, Midheaven and houses. What is left is correct which are the planets, signs and the aspects.

The Moon does change signs that day so if Gary was born in the morning he will have a Pisces Moon and if in the afternoon an Aries Moon.

If he was born in the morning the Moon T-square would not be in effect and if in the afternoon the Moon T-square would be stronger and in closer orb.


Polarity, elements and modes

There is no earth and this indicates he may take a while to find his footing. he will likely surround himself with earthy types or strong Taurus, Virgo or Capricorns.

There are no mutable signs represented unless the Moon was in Pisces. At this stage it is difficult to say for sure.The strong cardinal mode suggests he does his own thing as a pioneer and rarely worries about what others think. he will lead from the front and if you choose to fillow he will be happy. There is not much room for compromise to suit you but when he feels he needs to make adjustments to his life or what he is doign he will change course and you need to keep up.


With his Sun in Scorpio it is in a power sign and indicates that he faces the haters and buries them. There is not much room for non-believers and he does not want to convert you, you have to believe in him for there to be a dialogue.

Moon in the morning Pisces in the afternoon Moon in Aries.

If Moon in Aries then there is a strong mutual reception between the Moon in Aries and

Mars in Cancer

Mercury oriental this is quite a common placement for Mercury and does indicate a talker. People like Gary have a message and can bang on or almost beat a drum. his voice is powerful and his choice of words is not always suitable for delicate ears. Even though he uses strong language it is never derogatory, vulgar or dismissive of others.


Venus conjoined Pluto is one indicator of a millionaire.  Venus in Libra is strong and as the final dispositor and makes him likeable and easy to love.


If his Moon is in Pisces (which I rather suspect) it makes him protect his wife from perceived publicity and intrusion. She is never on display or brought forward as a prop for his life.

Much the same goes for his mother although we do get glimpses of her early teaching about truth and her expectations. That she would not praise him for doing nothing in particular but only for when he did things for which she approved. His mother likely instilled many values he still refers to today and this role may have been picked up and continues by his wife. A woman is probably  holding up a mirror of accountability for him.

He revers his father shown by the Saturn trine Neptune and took his father’s small wine shop (again Saturn trine Neptune) and made it a prosperous business.

Gary knows where he comes from, how far he has come and he may see how much further there is ahead.

Genius and Creativity

His genius is shown through the aspects of the fifth harmonic or in other words any quintiles or bi-quintiles

Two strong planets are in this relationship the Sun is bi-quintile Jupiter which takes the credit for his positive buoyant outlook. This combination is double inspirational as they are the two fire planets.

Promotion is used to further his identity and place himself front and centre. He is not shy although there may be some natural stage fright at times.

He is proud of his journey. The path he takes satisfies his inner core and heart. He promotes himself and others from this place.


Gary uses his inbuilt charisma to grow. He enjoys being on the stage and laps up his audience.

Jupiter trines Neptune which shows the early promotion of the Wine Library which was the first public presentation on Youtube that started it al. Both of these planets are the Pisces rulers who work together in an easy way.


Neptune rules film and video and he uses it in a powerful way. To promote (Jupiter) his process and document his journey.

Unaspected Mercury

Gary’s unaspected Mercury may be a clue to why he is so prolific in his speaking and the easy way he shares his thoughts on how to do things.

His method of documenting his journey to share with others (in the Daily Vee and other productions) as an inspiration is driven by the unfettered state of his Mercury which rules speaking, writing, orating and off-the-cuff advice giving.

We have often seen him in the after-chat in a dark street of a big city speaking directly to the people. His people. This is his favoured way to share his message and reach his audience.

He sees life through the “thought, word and deed” method and believes it as well. His currency is his message as his unaspected Mercury shows in its role as the messenger of the Gods.


More Example Charts

Below is a selection of example charts. Thet generally show my process for getting the information together before the interpretation begins.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

More Articles

If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.




Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

How to Create an Astrology Study Group

How to Create an Astrology Study Group

Astrology Study Group

Humans are group oriented individuals. It is natural for us to congregate together even if it means simply sitting in a coffee shop or alone at a busy bar. The nature of people is to flock together. Did I hear “baaaa!”

Like minded people often gather to discuss their favored subject, support each other, bounce ideas off each other and explore theories amongst themselves.

A study group is created when several people join forces to work, read or study something of mutual interest. As I have said many times before, astrology can be an isolating interest.

It makes sense to go where you are understood and (dare I say it) everyone knows your name. Perhaps you have been thinking of getting some people together to mull over charts if so here are some ideas to help you formulate that plan.

When to Start a Study Group

Consult your chart to find the best time to begin building your astro group. Or any group for that matter. Bear in mind the planet that signifies the subject of the groups should be prominent. In our case Uranus rules astrology and astrologers.

Here are some times to look out for when creating a group:

  • Transits to your eleventh house. (For example, Mars is good to get things going.)
  • When the ruler of your eleventh house is aspected.
  • During transits to your North node. In astrology the North node suggests future people who may come into your life and the nodes are hubs and indicate get-togethers.
  • Conjunctions to your Vertex show new people entering your life.

Who to Invite

It is my belief that the people who will benefit from your group will make themselves known to you. It is natural for strong fire and air types to get together and the same for earth and water signs.

If you give it some thought, you will probably be able to come up with one or two people who live nearby and maybe interested.

Perhaps you have a busier astrologer in your area. Send them an invite. All astrologers have the same problem as in not having many others to talk to about the ins and outs of charts. This suggests why astrology conferences, retreats and seminars are so prolific and most astrology organizations are going from strength to strength.

When to Host

You may meet once a month, perhaps every third Wednesday, from 10:00am to noon or 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you establish a firm day and time it makes it easier for attendees to juggle their schedule and make more appearances during the year.

What to Do

  • Astrology book clubs are often the first step. One new book is chosen each month and the attendees read it beforehand to arrive prepared and ready to discuss it at the meeting. You can explore the philosophies of the author compare your views on the techniques presented or even compare the “professional” book reviews found in the trade magazines.
  • Astrology transit groups usually discuss the current Moon placements and any major transits or planets changing signs happening during the month. This is a good method to support general first level forecasting techniques.
  • Astrology interpretation groups will often discuss each others charts comparing Jupiter placements or work through one planet each meeting going over, for instance, Jupiter in all the houses and learning by hearing how other members of the groups experience their Jupiter placement. this type of get together supports natal chart analysis and better interpretation skills.

These are just some ideas for bringing your astrology cronies together in meaningful discussion.

If you feel like hosting a group similar to one of these in your home you can benefit by offering to do all the three type of meeting suggested above.

Astrology Trading Cards (ATC)

Astrology Trading Cards (ATC)

Astrology Trading Cards

Making astrology trading cards is a creative way to do arty things and learn some astrology as well.

Anyone who is interested to explore astrology in a fun way will enjoy crafting and trading with their Astrology Trading Cards.

Other ways of getting arty with astrology are through my astrology Wheel of Fortune.

The Inspiration for Astrology Trading Cards

Astrology trading cards are a twist on the famous artists trading card when an artist would do a large painting and then make several tiny copies on these cards to give to prospective buyers, galleries and other artists in an effort to promote their craft.

The cards would be swopped between others. You don’t sell them but you give one and they give you one back.

Over time you will have a vast collection of a variety artist’s work without spending a penny. At the same time you have distributed your hard won work to people who may be interested


Each card is 64mm x 89mm or 2.5″ by 3.5″ which is a standard card size.

Astrology Theme

At a group meeting each person will be given a blank copy of the trading card template. You can download a PDF copy below.


[purchase_link id=”13940″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Download Your Template” direct=”true”]


The leader, or moderator will offer you a hat, or jar, with pieces of paper containing one word indicating an astrology feature or theme. You take one piece of paper and the word printed on it is your theme for the day.

The pieces of paper will have either one planet, house, sign or aspect as your theme for you to work on. These are the starter words and are used in the groups I guide.

Examples of words on the papers are::

  • Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto
  • Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces
  • 1st House, 2nd House, 3rd House, 4th House, 5th House, 6th House, 7th House, 8th House, 9th House, 10th House, 11th House or 12th House
  • Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine or Opposition

When I have a more advanced gathering or class I can have more advanced themes like; anticia, moiety, contra-parallel or transits.


Astrology Trading Card front and back

What you do

Say you get “Jupiter” as your astrology theme.

You write your own name in the by line on the back.

You will write the word “Jupiter” in the top block on each card on your sheet of six cards. You do this on every trading card on the page so in the end you have six Jupiter named cards with your name as your by line.

This is the fun part.

You draw the glyph and write keywords or draw images of what this theme means for each card. You can make each card the same or each one different. It does not matter how you embellish your cards but what is important is that you make something nice because you will be trading them with the other people at the end.

When you have finished you will have six detailed and coloured Jupiter trading cards.

The Trade

When you are happy with your designs and have completed the cards you cut them out. You may keep one for yourself if you like otherwise you will trade these cards with the other people who have various themes and will have made different cards.

That day you will go home with six original works of art signed by people you know and they will all be special and unique.

If you meet again the next week you can redo the hat/jar theme pull with the remaining theme prompts and over time you will grow a beautiful Astrology Trading Card collection that spans all the planets, houses, aspects and signs.

That is at least a total of about forty handy dandy astrology trading cards.

Show Us Your Cards

You may decide to make more cards you can buy actual cards in better quality cardstock and thicker thicknesses (available at Michael’s craft store) to make better cards.

As the interest in making these little cards grabs you, you can develop your style and the way you present your astrology through cards.

Every astrologer is different and each one will work with the energy of astrology in their own way.

When you finish a card take a photo and put it on Instagram or other social media with the hashtag #astrologytradingcard and we will love to see your work.

Grow Your Collection

This can be used as a learning resource for beginners and seasoned astrologers as well.

Getting Clever

In reality, the artists write their name and the title of the piece they have created on the back. You can get creative here as well. This is also a place to put your website and contact details.

More advanced astrologers who get into Astrology Trading Cards collection will make individual cards to trade with other astrologers.

In Vancouver?

Follow me on Instagram for more updates or direct message (DM) so we can get started if you are in Vancouver. I am up for a trade as soon as you are.

Join In at Conferences

I was at Calgary in September 2017 and at NORWAC in March 2018 and I had had some of my Astrology Trading Cards to trade with you.

Will I see you there next time? I hope so.





Mutual Reception

Mutual Reception

Mutual Reception

Two planets may be in mutual reception when each planet is in the other planet’s sign.


Example: The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo are in mutual reception because the Sun rules the sign of Leo and the Moon rules the sign of Cancer.


Technically planets in mutual reception need a Ptolemaic aspect joining them to be considered in mutual reception, but this strict rule can we waived now and then I believe.

A planet in its own sign cannot be in mutual reception with another planet.

Mutual Reception by Sign

When mutual reception by sign occurs, and each planet is in the other planet’s sign, it’s like the two planets have entered the party but it is crowded.

Only at the “aspect” have they found each other in the melee.

Then when it’s a Ptolemaic aspect they fall in love in the Moonlight.



Relationships Bonds

When two planets are in mutual reception it creates a bond between them that cannot immediately be seen as with an aspect.

Mutual reception is like a back-channel of energy that flows but you can only see it when you take a closer look.

Like when someone is chatting behind your back to another person and they have an allegiance to them and you don’t realise they are related, like cousins, and that is the connection.


Mutual Reception Pairs


  • Sun in Aries and Mars in Leo
  • Moon in Aries and Mars in Cancer
  • Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini
  • Venus in Aries and Mars in Taurus
  • Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Aries and Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Aries and Mars in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Aries and Mars in Pisces
  • Pluto in Aries and Mars in Scorpio


  • Moon in Taurus and Venus in Cancer
  • Mercury in Taurus and Venus in Gemini
  • Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries
  • Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Taurus and Venus in Pisces
  • Pluto in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio


  • Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Leo
  • Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer
  • Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus
  • Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Aries
  • Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Gemini and Mercury in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces
  • Pluto in Gemini and Mercury in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo
  • Mercury in Cancer and the Moon in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Cancer and the Moon in Taurus or Libra
  • Mars in Cancer and the Moon in Aries or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Cancer and the Moon in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Cancer and the Moon in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Cancer and the Moon in Pisces


  • The Moon in Leo and the Sun in Cancer
  • Mercury in Leo and the Sun in Virgo
  • Venus in Leo and the Sun in Libra
  • Mars in Leo and the Sun in Aries or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius
  • Saturn in Leo and the Sun in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Leo and the Sun in Pisces
  • Pluto in Leo and the Sun in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Virgo and Mercury in Leo
  • The Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Cancer
  • Venus in Virgo and Mercury in Libra
  • Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Virgo and mercury in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Virgo and Mercury in Pisces
  • Pluto in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio





  • The Sun in Libra and Venus in Leo
  • The Moon in Libra and Venus in Cancer
  • Mercury in Libra and Venus in Virgo
  • Mars in Libra and Venus in Taurus or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Libra and Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Libra and Venus in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Libra and Venus in Pisces
  • Pluto in Libra and Venus in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Leo
  • The Moon in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Cancer
  • Mercury in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Taurus or Libra
  • Jupiter in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Saturn in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Pisces


  • The Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo
  • The Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Cancer
  • Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Taurus or Libra
  • Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aries or Scorpio
  • Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Pisces
  • Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Scorpio



    • The Sun in Capricorn and Saturn in Leo
    • The Moon in Capricorn and Saturn in Cancer
    • Mercury in Capricorn and Saturn in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Taurus or Libra
    • Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Aries or Scorpio
    • Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Sagittarius or Pisces
    • Uranus in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius
    • Neptune in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces
    • Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio


    • The Sun in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Leo
    • The Moon in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Cancer
    • Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Taurus or Libra
    • Mars in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Aries or Scorpio
    • Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Sagittarius or Pisces
    • Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Capricorn
    • Neptune in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Pisces
    • Pluto in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Scorpio


    • The Sun in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Leo
    • The Moon in Pisces and jupiter or Neptune in Cancer
    • Mercury in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Gemini or Virgo
    • Mars in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Aries or Scorpio
    • Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Capricorn or Aquarius
    • Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Aquarius
    • Pluto in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Scorpio



    And that’s the lot. It is quite a comprehensive list and one chart may or may not have any mutual receptions.

    You may decide to only use the traditional planets from the Sun to Saturn and this would be the case for creating a dispositor tree.


    Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Mutual Reception

    In your astrology journal and using a chart with a mutual reception, please do the following:

    • State the two planets in each other’s sign.
    • Decide if there is a Ptolemaic aspect between them or not.

    Extend Yourself

    • Interpret the mutual reception pair by considering the planets, signs, houses, house rulers, aspect (or not) and possible energy that can be brought forwards as they are in cahoots with each other (100 words).

    Author Bio

    Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

    Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

    If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

    Featured Chart: Elon Musk – Visionary and Explorer

    Featured Chart

    This is another featured chart of inspirational people of our times. I have written a brief interpretation for Elon Musk and brought forward the important features of his chart.

    Of course there are many smaller and minor details in this chart but as with all good astrology you need to stay on the high roads and leave the byways and back roads for another day.

    On a side note, I love that he is from South Africa as you may know I spent the majority of my life there so it is close to my heart.


    Chart Details

    Birth details  7:30am, June 28, 1971, Pretoria, Gauteng, Republic of South Africa. 



    Elon has an air and water emphasis suggesting his ideas and emotions are closely linked. He will go with his gut feeling when making decisions. Once the ideas come to him the level of excitement generated will allow his internal compass to choose the path he should take by the reactions each idea evokes.

    There is a lack of the fire element which means he has weak inspiration but as we shall see this is counterbalanced by the two fire planets, Mars and Jupiter, being so well engaged in his chart.


    The Sun

    The Sun in Cancer shows his deep feelings for his family and he sees the business as a family. He truly cares for his employees and will make himself available for them.



    Venus oriental in the sign of Gemini the Twins indicates people speak well of him and they will give him the benefit of the doubt. They love his message. He has a warm manner that attracts his audience.



    The crescent Moon phase is a sign of promise to come as his life develops. Thing will emerge in their own time.

    The Virgo Moon brings an emotional component to detailed work and he has the knack of spotting minute flaws in plans, projects or people. With this attention to detail he does not mean to bring others down but he uses it as a way to make things better for all. The smallest feeling or nuance will influence him to reassess his team and with whom he surrounds himself.


    Mutual Reception

    There is an interesting mutual reception between the Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Cancer. This supportive relationship suggests the feeling in his voice will be a give away as the coolness of his demeanor is belied by the emotions as he talks and shares his ideas with others.

    Using gesticulations and strong words to make people care and respond to his message is a tactic he employs to great effect. He can talk and people will want to be a part of it all.


    Major Aspect Pattern

    Cardinal T-square Uranus opposition Chiron square Mercury.

    With Mercury as the focal planet it draws the weakness and the breakdowns of his ideas through to be mentally processed. He probably has an active mind carefully assesses all inputs before he speaks. He will probably be aware of or be challenged by his perceived mental and verbal agility. He is a man of few words until he becomes comfortable with you. We may never know the real Elon as he protects himself through layers of technology.



    The good Saturn trine Pluto aspect harnesses the power of determination which will encourage Elon to succeed.

    The Jupiter conjunct Neptune (both Pisces planets) shows his exploration and vision are brought together to make something big. This is the sign of a dreamer.

    The Jupiter opposition Saturn (and note both of these planets are also contra-parallel) makes this a double whammy opposition. His dilemma is between his reach and his grasp. Can he strive towards massive journeys without compromising his core goals? This aspect will be the energy that keeps him awake at night.

    His natal Saturn is opposition to Neptune and again contra-parallel once more reinforcing his controlled imagination. He will likely see things through colour and feel and see the internal art they possess. This shows a duality of confidence coupled with the fear of following his own rainbow.


    Thor’s Hammer

    The Mercury square Chiron and both sesquiquadrate Jupiter form the Thor’s Hammer major aspect pattern. This drives the chart and the man. He may hesitate to speak up but his actions will be his voice. He may feel his background is weak but in time he will be lauded as a pioneer and explorer extraordinaire. In his own mind he is still a young man who struggles to make idle chit chat.



    Inherent creativity is shown by the quintiles in his chart.


    The Quintile Arrow

    This is the most likely major aspect pattern that spearheads his innovation and creative drive. Mars is conjunct the north node in Aquarius indicating unpredictable leadership. As the head of his tribe he keeps everyone on their toes.

    But that’s not all.

    Mercury and Pluto are quintile each other and both are bi-quintile Mars. This forms the rare quintile arrow and points to Mars as the resolution for all his creative energy. He is truly a pioneer in fact he probably has many projects and ventures in the pipeline. He can turn his ability to any of them. This makes him a man’s man and a no nonsense kind of guy.

    Mars trine Venus shows he will relish a beautiful woman on his arm. If she can communicate on his level or not it will not matter. He is likely to have the met love of his life at a young age and she may have been, or still is, the girl next door. He will use his early connection to the fairer sex as a yardstick with which to measure other women against.

    The Sun biquintiles Neptune which suggests his vast imagination and how being identified with “out of this world” things is a part of his life.

    He is a dreamer with the drive to make innovation. We have not seen all he can do. The best is yet to come.


    Featured Chart: Jack Conte – Inspired Creator

    Featured Chart: Jack Conte – Inspired Creator

    by Alison Price

    Featured Chart

    Now and then I like to cast the featured charts of people who are inspirations to us all. I look for those individuals who have made a difference in the lives of others by their ideas, creations and actions. This time I chose Jack Conte the inspiration and creative drive behind Patreon.

    Chart Calculations

    I have the birth details of July 13, 1984, San Francisco, California, USA. Because his birth time is unknown (to me) I’ve cast the midday chart.

    The high noon time places the nativity halfway through the day and this means that no matter what his actual birth time was we are only a maximum of twelve hours out. Therefore most planets will be in the same positions in the signs.

    The only question is the Moon’s sign. If he was born in the morning then the Moon was in Capricorn or if in the afternoon then the Moon was in Aquarius.

    You have to ignore the ascendant and the house positions.

    Brief Interpretation

    If it is a Moon in Capricorn then he will be slightly reserved with his feelings and moods may linger longer than they need. This placement makes it hard to have felt loved in the early years. As an adult, he wants to provide a home environment where mutual respect is key.
    With an Aquarius Moon, it brings a cool emotional attitude to life. He will be more inclined to text his feelings or recite poetry to his lady love. This placement suggests he likes many types of cuisine and will experiment in the kitchen and share his offerings with those close to him.
    There are four planets in anaretic degrees. This means they are at 29 degrees of their signs. These are planets that are both subdued and yet paused awaiting their conscious revival by Jack himself. They are poised with their potential. As he grows older he can tap into these planets in a meaningful way.

    The two artistic planets Venus and Neptune are both anaretic. They are in the quincunx aspect with each other and this suggests he continuously strives to discover the music he likes. It is as if he knows it’s inside himself but it takes time to tease it out and let it fully bloom. He will be constantly adjusting the type of beauty and atmosphere which his music evokes.

    Inner Struggle

    The Sun in Cancer shows he has vibrant emotional responses and this can create knee-jerk reactions to many events in his day. Time has to be taken to fully process the mood of the moment before his inspiration can shine.

    The final dispositor of Jack’s chart is Mars in Scorpio and this provides him with controlled drive and the desire to challenge the status quo. He will likely compete with himself most of the time as things never seem to be exactly right. This suggests he redoes his efforts frequently until time itself pushes him to release the buried creative expression and give birth to his work.

    He is a passionate warrior and will go into battle for things that touch his core. The biggest conflicts may be inside as he struggles to find his path and direction. This can be accomplished by constantly facing the issues close to his heart so he can help others in a meaningful way.

    The conjunction of Mars with Saturn brings a steadfast discipline to finish the things he starts. The challenge here is that he may not like what it has become but he will continue to completion.

    This man will get better as he gets older. The drive as a young man will slowly but steadily become reined into a special purpose as he grows older. In time he will move from being a generalist to become a specialist. This shift of focus will bring him more personal satisfaction than in the early years.

    Art and Music

    As the founder of Patreon for the patrons to the arts, the principle sits well with his Venus Neptune aspects and the signs in which both planets find themselves. To bring value to art will be a theme for Jack. At the same time he will continue to do his own musical work as he always considers himself an artist.

    In days gone by he may have been a starving artist and the feeling of “want” will be the thing that propels him forward. This man will do more with a woman in his life than he can do alone. He is productive when his partner walks the path of life at his side, neither leading nor following, but as an equal.

    His Venus in Cancer urges him to make music that soothes or makes the listener feel they belong in a world where many do not. Jack’s Neptune is stimulated to make the journey from amateur to professional musician. That he ever made any money from his songs is still unbelievable to him.

    Energy Expression

    Mars is trine the Sun and this give endless energy and a bright outlook to life. In his heart of hearts, he is up to the challenge. He will fight the good fight and be on the side of the angels.

    Mars is square Mercury and this aspect shows the dichotomy between how he thinks and what he actually does. He can talk the talk and also walk the walk but the focus may be a troubling attribute. He will try hard to remain on track as the influences from other artists may be catalysts for a change of mind. Thoughts will benefit from being aired and groups like think-tanks will help him to get the energy for innovation out.

    Mars and Saturn are the two bad boys of the zodiac and when they come together hard facts are faced and the result is a structure that sustains. Life will have its challenges for Jack and he may face many hurdles. Grit and determination to produce something of value will be the core drivers of his life.


    There are several planetary configurations that will stimulate change for Jack in the next year or two.

    In October the growth planet Jupiter will conjoin his natal Pluto and this will be reflected as an expansion at the core levels of his life. Opportunities to bring buried projects to conception will present themselves. Personal transformation will be the over-arching them towards the end of 2017.

    The month of December promises to be full of activity and events and an opportunity to be published or launch an album will be an option. Jack will go into 2018 with more drive and confidence from his supporters than ever before.

    The challenge will likely be in deciding what to do next as the chances for great things come to him. It will be decision time and plans made during the last month of the year will affect his future.

    At the end of the year as Saturn meets his Neptune it triggers the quincunx to Venus and there could be a sadness as some parts of his life will be let go. He cannot do everything and it is best to focus on one or two projects whilst shelving others even though they may promise to be fun. He does not need to fear, as he can return to them later.

    The early months of 2018 will be a period all about planning and establish solid foundations on which to stand as Jack builds his empire.




    Note, if you happen to have the correct birth time please send me the info and I’ll cast the exact chart. 💛


    Mars in Gemini – The Juggler

    Mars in Gemini – The Juggler

    Mars in Gemini

    Mars Themes

    The red planet is known for its energy, effort being expended and activity.

    This is the planet that gets you off the couch as something inspires you take action.

    It is all about overcoming inertia and any sluggish behaviour that may have been plaguing you recently.

    Martial energy will push forward through the meaning of the sign and there is always a shift in momentum when Mars changes sign.


    Gemini Themes

    Gemini is the sign for multi-tasking and Mars in Mercury’s active sign helps you keep all the balls you are juggling in the air. The more balls you have the higher you have to throw them. Yeah…

    You may not get much finalized at this time but there will be lots of activity and brainstorming.

    Get you thinking cap on and forge ahead, carving out your ideas for world domination.

    We want to see you win.


    Mars in Gemini

    Gemini is not the easiest placement for Mars.

    It can work for you and it depends on what you are trying to do.

    Mars is all about activity and having the energy to expend.

    The knack is to make an effort where it matters.

    It is best to work with the cosmic energy and not against it.

    What will you juggle this time?


    Mars in the Signs

    Below are some more Mars placements in the signs. As I write more I’ll add them here.


    Author Bio

    Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

    Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

    If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

    More Articles

    Here are some more articles from our blog.



    Private Astrology Classes

    These classes are all by Zoom one-on-one with Alison.

    Price Details

    These prices are per person.

    All classes, consultations and services are prepaid.

    If you want to have a class with your sister, friend or mother each person pays the same amount.

    You cannot take one class and then decide to swap it for a semester and get a reduced rate.

    If money is tight you should carefully consider whether astrology is for you at this time. See if you qualify for a free class.

    Consultations and Readings

    Intermediate Reading (One hour)

    Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

    Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

    Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

    Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

    Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

    Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

    Semester One:

    Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

    Semester Two:

    Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

    Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

    Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

    Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

    Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

    Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

    Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (2 Classes)

    Your passion, earning and soft skills.

    Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

    Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

    Love and Romance Questions

    Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

    Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

    Basic Business Setup

    Start charts, website, products and services.

    Privacy and mission statements.

    Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

    Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

    Client work advice.

    Practise readings so you can get better.

    More Articles

    Astrology Basics – Chart Points

    Astrology Basics – Chart Points

    Chart Points

    Chart points are not planets or entities at all they are points in space and typically occur where two imaginary lines cross.


    The Ascendant

    The Ascendant is the face you show to people one-on-one. It is the mask or façade presented to strangers. It is the initial thing people see about you. It is the first impression you give to others.



    The Midheaven

    The Midheaven is the face you show the world. It is what the world knows you for. It represents your highest achievements in life and is your public status, reputation or notoriety.




    The Immum Coeli


    The Vertex

    The Part of Fortune

    The Part of Fortune shows where and how your personal fortune is likley to manifest in this lifetime.


    The Lunar Nodes

    The two lunar nodes, North and South, show your destiny, past and future.



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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

    More Articles

    If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.




    Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

    Astrology Basics: The Aspects

    Astrology Basics: The Aspects



    A Cornerstone of Chart Reading

    This is part of the Starzology Astrology Basics series of posts on the four cornerstones for reading a chart. This is what you need to know to read a chart. The other cornerstones are signs, planets, houses and a fifth cornerstone (?) is  chart points.


    Podcast Episode: Aspects Introduction

    In this podcast episode, Alison and Arwynne provide valuable insights into the aspects of your birth chart.

    They delve into the specific angles of major, minor and lesser used aspects, discuss the orbs that influence them, and offer real-life examples of how these aspects manifest in actual charts.

    Additionally, they offer guidance on where to begin and how to determine which aspects hold significance in your natal chart.

    Introduction to Aspects

    Aspects are the angular correspondences formed between planets, angles and other points in a chart.

    They are measured in degrees and minutes of longitude in the signs.

    Aspects are a function of simple geometry.

    • Every planet will usually have some aspects.
    • Not all charts will contain all the different aspects.
    • It is unlikely that all planets will have every aspect.
    • Not all planets will aspect each other.
    • Some planets may not receive any aspects from other planets (an unaspected planet).
    • Often charts will have a preponderance of one particular aspect such as trines or squares.

    Aspects in General

    Aspects and aspect patterns show the main story lines within a chart.

    The dialogue between the planets and chart points is found by the planetary connections expressed through the aspects.

    Aspects are like a conduit passing information between two planets.

    Two planets in aspect will communicate with each other for better or for worse depending on the actual planets and the aspect in question.


    Applying and Separating Aspects

    An aspect is determined to be either applying or separating.

    This state depends on the speed of the two planets and their position in regard to each other.

    The planets are listed here by speed, from the fastest moving planet to slowest moving planet; the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


    Note: Sometimes Mercury and Venus can be slower than the Sun it depends on their position at the time.


    Applying Aspects

    Aspects that are applying are stronger than those separating.

    The applying faster planet is moving towards the exact (or partile) aspect with the slower moving planet.

    During an applying aspect the pressure is still building, and the effect is of potential still to come.

    Aspects are applying when the faster moving planet has yet to catch up to the slower moving planet’s degree position.


    The Moon at 10° Virgo is applying a conjunction to the Sun at 15° Virgo.


    Separating Aspects

    Aspects are separating when the faster moving planet has passed the degree position of the slower moving planet.

    After the aspect has been exact the aspect is separating and the effect is more of release or acceptance.


    The Moon at 15° Gemini is separating from an opposition to the Sun at 10° Sagittarius.


    Pin this image to your Pinterest board.

    Major Aspects

    We will focus on the major and minor aspects.

    The major aspects are the ones used by the Greeks and are today known as “Ptolemaic aspects” after Claudius Ptolemy.

    The five major aspects are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile.

    The Conjunction

    First Harmonic

    The circle divided by one. 360°/1 = 360°. Usually planets in conjunction will be in the same sign or house. When a conjunction occurs over a sign boundary, they are said to be in a disassociate conjunctionFor instance, if the Sun is at 29° Virgo and the Moon is at 4° Libra, they are still conjunct but in a disassociate conjunction.

    Conjunction Aspect Meaning

    The conjunction is the most powerful aspect. It inclines the two planets towards togetherness and blends their energies. The planets virtually move as one and they have synergySynergy means one plus one equals three. Each planet is indistinguishable from the other. They show the same face to the world. Because of their close proximity it is hard for the first planet in the conjunction to clearly see the second planet and vice versa.


    The Sextile

    Planets in sextile work well together and support each other. They suggest that you have latent talents in the nature of the planets involved and this can be brought forward for the creativity and vision in your life. The sextile is a soft aspect.


    The Trine

    Planets in trine to each other are easy going and let the other planet be themselves. This is the best aspect of support and being positive. The trine is an easy or soft aspect.


    The Square

    Planets that are square to each other have some tension between them. Their energies compete for dominance and challenge each other. Planets in square create internal dilemmas for you. The square is a hard or difficult aspect.


    The Opposition

    Planets that oppose are in tension with each other and will struggle to work together. These planets create external dilemmas for you and can indicate where you project the issues to the other. The opposition is a hard or difficult aspect.



    Minor Aspects

    The minor aspects are those found to have value in chart interpretation. The four minor aspects are the semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx. 

    Minor Aspect Orbs

    The orb for minor aspects is 2° both applying and separating.

    Minor Aspects – Twelfth Harmonic

    The twelfth harmonic aspects suggest potential frustrations where constant adjustments are required to maintain equilibrium in whatever is brought up by the planetary energies involved in the aspect.

    Semi-sextile Aspect


    The circle divided by twelve. 360°/12 = 30°. The semi-sextile is half a sextile and one twelfth of a circle.

    Semi-sextile Aspect Meaning

    The semi-sextile is an aspect that can be unsettling and disruptive. There can be annoyances and tensionsIt is a difficult aspect but in a quiet way. Both planets behave as if the other did not exist and try to ignore each other. The semi-sextile shows where you will push something off to another and try to redirect.

    Quincunx Aspect

    The circle is divided by twelve and then timesed by five. (360°/12) = 30° x 5 = 150° (i.e. 5/12). A quincunx was a Roman coin. The origin of the word is from the Latin “quince” meaning five and “uncla” meaning one-twelfth. The quincunx is sometimes referred to as the inconjunct.

    Quincunx Aspect Meaning

    It is an aspect of awkwardness and unease. The quincunx shows where adjustments are needed. These two planets will grind along, but are never happy together. They can be un-supportive of each other and make for disharmony in a niggling way.

    Minor Aspects – Eighth Harmonic

    These aspects fall into the eighth harmonic which indicates they are manifesting aspects and will generally exacerbate change through tension upon us.


    The circle divided by eight. 360°/8 = 45°. The semi-square is also known as the octileOrb for a semi-square is 2°.

    Semi-square Aspect Meaning

    The semi-square is half of a square and it can be difficult to work the two planets energies smoothly. They can be unstable and require a change of approach each time. This aspect inclines the individual to persisting and to keep working at making it better and finding a solution.

    Sesquiquadrate Aspect

    The circle divided by eight and then multiplied by three. (360°/8) = 45°x 3 = 135°. The orb for a sesquiquadrate is 2°. The sesquiquadrate combines one square and one semi-square. The sesquiquadrate is also known as the tri-octile.

    Sesquiquadrate Aspect Meaning

    It is an aspect of tension and difficulty. The planets challenge each other, and this person has to redo decisions. This aspect spurs the person to find peace.

    Lesser Used Aspects


    Although not one of the big five aspects I use the quintile aspect as well as it is the aspect of creativity. Planets in quintile to each other show your creative expression in line with the meaning of the two planets. The quintile should always be considered when analyzing creative expression and outlets in your life.


    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

    To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Sun Square Pluto

    Sun Square Pluto

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    Venus Sextile Uranus

    Venus Sextile Uranus

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    The 12 Houses

    The 12 Houses

    The chart basics are four basic building blocks of knowledge. as a student of astrology you need to get a grip on some basic principles and this post is about the houses. The other building blocks  are:

    The Meaning of the Houses

    An astrological chart is divided into twelve sections, or houses, and each house is a different size.

    The chart looks like a pizza where each house is a segment.

    Each house represents a separate area of life and planets in houses suggest that a particular area of life, like family or work, is important to you.

    The houses are like a slice of life.


    First house

    The first house shows you, your body, what you look like, your complexion, fashion style, gait, haircut and first impression.

    Second house

    The second house is all about money, credit and acquisitions. It shows your values and what you value more than money. It suggests your self-worth and self-esteem.

    Third house

    The third house shows your brothers and sisters, school, neighbors, local area, short journeys and community involvement.

    Fourth house

    Your home, hearth and family life is shown by the fourth house in your chart.

    Your dominant parent (who is the one was there on a daily basis providing care and nurtured you) is shown by the fourth house.

    Fifth house

    The fifth is the fun house.

    It shows your children, your leisure activities, your romantic dates, play dates, sport, concerts and your creative expression.

    It suggests where you find entertainment and this includes risk activities like riding on a roller coaster, playing the stock market and gambling.

    Sixth house

    The sixth house is the house of your day-to-day work, pets, small plants, health and service to others.

    It shows your diet and exercise appetite.

    The sixth house in your chart shows your daily rituals, meditation and other habitual practices.

    More on the sixth house.

    Seventh house

    The seventh house indicates your marriage, your partner/spouse, business partners and your relationship with other people.

    It shows the general public, your relationship with others and open enemies.

    Eighth house

    The eighth house suggests your secrets, sex life, money from others, donations from others, support from others, inheritance, insurance, debt, death and taxes.

    It shows the inevitable things of life.

    Ninth house

    The ninth house suggests your vision, life-path, travel, long journeys, higher education, foreign cultures, publications and religion.

    Tenth house

    The tenth house is all about your career, public standing, reputation and what the world knows you for.

    It is where you are in the public eye.

    It indicates your passive parent

    Eleventh house

    The eleventh house shows your choice of friends, groups and causes.

    It is where you are a team player.

    It shows your social conscious.

    Twelfth house

    The twelfth house is the house of your imagination, self-undoing, chronic health issues, institutions, dreams, sleep and your subconscious.

    It shows your secret enemies.



    Aspiring Astrologer Activity: 12 Houses

    In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

    • Write a short interpretation on each house. Mention the sign on the cusp, the house ruler, if there is an intercepted sign in the house and any planet in the house (100 words for each house).


    Share on social with hashtag #starzclass.

    Astrology Basics: The Signs

    Astrology Basics: The Signs

    The 12 Signs of the Zodiac

    Signs can be categorized by their components of polarity (masculine or feminine), element (fire, earth, air or water) and mode (cardinal, fixed or mutable).

    Signs can be interpreted by these three distinct components in a broad way.

    This time we will take a look at the meaning of each sign in more detail and discover some of the personality traits, body parts, careers, and correlations associated with each sign.

    This is not to say that someone with the Sun in a particular sign will have that specific career, but it shows the inclinations for someone with a strong sign energy, through multiple planets, or if the Midheaven in that sign, to be attracted to the type of a careers and activities associated with the sign.

    The Meaning of the Signs

    Each sign has a different meaning and when a planet is in one sign it will behave differently to when in another sign.

    In your chart the planets will be in a variety of signs.

    The Sun passes through all the tropical signs.

    There are twelve signs of the tropical zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

    The signs start at Aries the first sign and end at Pisces the twelfth sign.


    The Sun is in Aries from March 21 to April 20.


    April 20 – May 21


    The Sun is in Gemini from May 21 to June 21.


    The Sun is in the sign of Cancer from June 21st to July 23rd.


    The symbol for Leo is the lion. The Sun is in Leo from July 24th to August 22nd.


    The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin and the Sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to September 23rd.



    The symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion and the Sun will be in Scorpio from October 23rd to November 22nd.


    The symbol for Sagittarius is the Archer and the Sun is in Sagittarius from November 22nd to December 22nd.


    The Sun is in the sign of Capricorn the Sea Goat from January 1st to January 21st and from December 22nd to December 31st.


    The Water Bearer is the symbol for Aquarius and the Sun is in your sign from January 21st to February 21st.


    Pisces is the sign of the Fish. Its symbol is two fish tethered together but swimming in the opposite direction. The Sun is in Pisces from February 21st to March 21st.


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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

    Start Here

    Start Here

    Astrology Basics

    Here are the basics of astrology and what you need to know to read a horoscope or birth chart.

    There are four building blocks to chart reading:


    And on top of that you need to know about chart division and chart points.


    Master the Basics

    If you are learning astrology you will do yourself a favour if you can grasp these basics. Then when you do read more intermediate or advanced astrology it will make more sense.

    As a kid when you learned how to read it was one step at a time. First the alphabet J-a-c-k, then words Jack, and then sentences “See Jack.”

    Astrology interpretation is much like learning to read.


    This series of posts will give you all the basic keywords and facts you need to understand the nature of astrology.

    Yes, of course there is more but these are the “See Jack, see Jack run” basic components so you can begin.

    More to follow.


    Basic Chart Interpretations

    This series looks at what to do to get a chart that you can work with in the first place.

    Step 1 – Printing the chart

    Step 2 – Highlighting the physical chart

    Step 3 – Margin notes

    Step 4 – the Interpretation notes



    Astrology Basics: The Planets

    Astrology Basics: The Planets

    Planets Overview

    There are many planets used in astrology. Each astrologer may choose to use all or only some of the planets in their work.


    The Seven Visible Planets

    The seven visible planets are those that can be seen with a naked eye.

    They are the Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are known as the traditional or Hellenistic planets.


    The Outer Planets

    The three outer planets are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They are the modern planets.


    Read more >>> Astrology ABCs


    The Meaning of the Planets

    The Sun

    The Sun is your identity, your heart and your character. It shows where you are honest and true to yourself. It is where you can shine in life. It represents your father.

    Read more >>> the Sun


    The Moon

    The Moon shows your feelings, reactions, gut instincts and your behavior. It rules food, how you care and who you nurture. It represents your mother, mother figures and caregivers.

    Read more >>> the Moon.



    Mercury shows your thinking, talking and communication style. It has to do with all buying and selling. It represents your schoolteacher and neighborhood people.

    Read more >>> Mercury.



    Venus shows beauty, art, style, love and money. It has to do with your values and what you invest in both things like jewelry and people. It represents young women and sisters.

    Read more >>> Venus.



    Mars is about sex, energy, drive, challenges and where you compete in life. It shows when you will get off the couch and do something. It represents young men and brothers.

    Read more >>> Mars.



    Jupiter is about growth, expansion, reaching and even overdoing things. It shows your vision and potential. It represents uncles, teachers and preachers.

    Read more >>> Jupiter.



    Saturn is the planet of achievement, honors, control, limitations and fears. It represents your father, older men and authority figures.

    Read more >>> Saturn.



    Uranus is the planet for the future it rules trends, technology, computers and the space age. It represents adolescents, immigrants, those on the fringes of society and rebels.

    Read more >>> Uranus.



    Neptune is the planet of illusion, intuition, mysticism, art, magic and the unknown. It represents the psychic, the invisible, the underdog and the homeless.

    Read more >>> Neptune.



    Pluto is the planet of power, influence and sex. It represents people who have power over you through your use of their resources or those whom you have the drop on. It represents the loan shark, surgeon, psychiatrist, undertaker, criminal and therapist.

    Read more >>> Pluto.



    Chiron is the planet of wounds and healing. It suggests where you are weak and wanting. It represents people who help you like nurses, teachers, gurus and charity workers.

    Read more >>> Chiron.



    Eris is the planet of the female warrior. It represents the fight instinct in women. It suggests those who will fight for you simply because they are on your team, group or crew. It represents sisters-in-arms.

    Read more >>> Eris.


    Astrology Basics for Beginner’s

    This is part of the special Starzology Astrology Basics series for you all. Many of you ask where to start and here are the planet’s meanings.

    You can check out the rest of the series:



    10 Job Seeking Tips when Mercury is Retrograde

    10 Job Seeking Tips when Mercury is Retrograde

    10 Job Seeking Tips When Mercury is Retrograde

    You may have heard something about Mercury retrograde and wondered what it is and what is does, and what to do and what not to do, or you may have even thought, “So what?”

    If you are interested in finding a job or growing your career, see what to do when Mercury is retrograde, so you can make the most of every moment.


    Planetary Energy

    To make the best use of planetary energy it is all about going with the flow and that means taking the meaning of the planet and noticing if it is holding up a “stop” or “go” sign.

    One example of planetary energy that you can see is the Moon and the tides. The Moon pulls the waters of the Earth and creates two high tides and two low tides each day. As each day moves on the times for the tides constantly changes. But every day there will be two incoming tides and two outgoing tides.

    It is at the incoming tide that you can yell “Surf’s up!” and trot down to the beach to practice your surfing. Well if you live on the coast and have a surf culture perhaps like in Hawaii, but you get the picture. You can only surf when the tide is coming in. There is no point in paddling out to hope to surf in if the tide is going out. Right?


    About Mercury

    Each year Mercury will be retrograde three times at around four-month intervals and for about three weeks each time. Each year the dates are different.

    You can find the exact dates when Mercury will be retrograde for the next few years below. You can mark these dates in your calendar now and lock out this special time.


    About Retrogrades

    Apparent retrograde is the optical illusion of something going backward and in this case, it is the planet, Mercury. Imagine you are on a train and moving along at a fair pace then suddenly you come upon another train on the next track.

    The other train is going slower than you are so your train overtakes it but the other train seems to be going backward. Both trains are driving forward but one seems to be going in reverse. That is the illusion of retrogradation.

    That a planet is retrograde can be interpreted as a time to change the pace and adjust your approach to things. When a planet is not retrograde it is direct.


    Mercury’s Upcoming Retrograde Periods


    During April 1st to 25th from 27° Aries to 15° Aries.

    During August 5th to August 28th from 4° Virgo to 21° Leo.

    During November 26th to December 15th from 22° Sagittarius to 6° Sagittarius.

    Mercury Retrograde Element Focus

    Mercury’s current retrograde signs are mainly the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries and Leo) for 2024.

    Mercury Rules


    Every planet rules different things in life. Mercury rules communication, writing, signing, meetings, learning, schools, trading, auctions, merchants, agents and middlemen.



    In everyday life, this means all your shopping, buying and selling, texts, phone calls, emails and general chatting, as well as gossip, comes under Mercury’s influence.



    In the workplace, Mercury covers resumes, recruiters, interviews (by phone and in person). Mercury can influence your LinkedIn profile although Saturn has a lot to say about that as well.



    Mercury also is concerned with paperwork and anything you sign, like a job offer. It is also concerned with the fine print which during a retrograde period is more of a focus and you should read it all.


    Mercury Retrograde Sequence

    There is a sequence in each retrograde cycle and five main parts:


    1. Mercury enters the pre-shadow period of about ten days before the actual retrograde starts.
    2. Mercury stations retrograde.
    3. The retrograde period itself, usually 3 weeks.
    4. Mercury stations direct.
    5. The after-shadow time of about a week and a half after Mercury has been retrograde.




    Before Mercury goes Retrograde

    Before Mercury goes retrograde and is direct do the following:

    • Write your resume crafted for each specific job.
    • Compose targeted cover letters.
    • Apply for jobs via email and snail mail.
    • Call companies on the phone.
    • Reach out to your contact list and tell them you are looking for work.
    • Take the initiative to let your family, friends, and others know you are searching for a new job.
    • Start a short course on something you need in your job to build your marketable skills.
    • Join professional societies and attend Meetups in your field.
    • Create and develop your LinkedIn profile.
    • Accept initial interviews.
    • Sign job offers.


    All of the above should be done when Mercury is not retrograde and preferably not in its shadow period.


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    Mercury Retrograde

    When Mercury is retrograde do the following:

    • Revise your resume.
    • Refresh any cover letters.
    • Get your filing up to date of jobs for which you have already applied.
    • Write a list of companies and people with whom to follow up and contact them again.
    • Research current thinking in your industry.
    • Set up alerts for leads.
    • Schedule second interviews (phone and in person).
    • Review job offers.
    • Prepare your paperwork for jobs you plan to apply for after Mercury is retrograde as you wait for it to go direct.


    Revisit projects

    During Mercury retrograde periods you can follow up and work on things that you have already done when Mercury was direct.


    Don’t start new things when Mercury is retrograde because if you do, they will most likely be reversed when Mercury goes direct.

    Sometimes you have no choice because a job advert or interview comes up when Mercury is retrograde and you need a job so you have to go. In these instances be aware that the terms will change.

    As Mercury goes direct after the retrograde period, and if you did apply for a job or had an interview during the retrograde time, you can expect to return again and again for further interviews, or the job itself is shelved, or the job is morphed into something else altogether.


    When Mercury is retrograde, avoid starting new things because if you do, you will have to review them later as Mercury goes direct.


    Companies usually act in good faith when they place an advert for an opening in their business. The effect of Mercury retrograde changes the terms or the agreement and thus they may no longer need the person that they were originally looking for when Mercury was retrograde.

    This cuts both ways for people looking for work and recruiters. Companies and career consultants are better off only placing vacancy adverts when Mercury is direct and communications are clear.

    If a recruiter seeks a candidate during the retrograde period they will have to spend three times as long emailing back and forth and interviewing people who cancel and can’t make it to the interview for whatever reason.

    All of this time-consuming effort is due to the Mercury retrograde effect which impacts communications, trade and agency.


    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Learn a little about the pagan festival of Lammas which occurs as the Sun reaches 15 degrees of the fixed sign Leo.

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    Create the Life You Want with the Art of Astrology

    Create the Life You Want with the Art of Astrology

    Create the Life You Want With The Art of Astrology

    Your Creativity

    I believe that all women are creative. Each and every one of us has something to offer and it can be big or small.

    I find that if you bring your talents forward and make time for interesting things it establishes a balance in your life between what has to be done and what you like doing. It is the action of creating that makes the process satisfying.

    We all have responsibilities such as having to work for someone else, commuting, launching our kids into the world and maintaining a social life and meaningful personal relationship.

    Daily you may face a to-do list and if you don’t do them who will? If you tap into your creativity it can mitigate many of the mundane details of life.

    As Women Evolve

    Many of the women I see in my astrology practice are in the forty- or fifty-something age group.

    They have already brought up their children and made a home for their family. At this point in their lives they want something more. They ask me, “Is this all there is?” or words in the same vein.

    After the efforts they have put out for years that are now not needed, they have a good look at their life. The kids have gone their partner now may, or may not, measure up and an uneasy feeling of dissatisfaction has crept in.

    Other women relish their newfound freedom and seek ways to make the most of the next phase of life. Either way women want a new direction, purpose and meaning for their life.

    Enter Astrology

    This is where an astrology consultation can help. Astrology is the study of the influence that the stars and planets have on life on Earth. Thousands of years of analysis have shown that particular traits are inherent in each zodiac sign.

    A professional astrologer can cast your unique birth chart and provide you with a life map for your journey.

    Your natal chart is original and contains many combinations of planetary energies all flowing at the same time in different directions. It is the skill of the astrologer to sort through the themes shown in your chart and present a clear picture for you.

    I look at all the planets including your Sun and Moon signs and find the message in your chart. It is different for each one of you. Some will call it your soul purpose, others your life path.

    Whichever words you choose to use your birth chart shows all the potentials, urges and opportunities that you have and that need to be satisfied in this lifetime.

    We cannot all be rocket scientists, and indeed it would be a very different world if we were, but every woman owes it to herself to be what they truly want and not have to bow to what society, or your mother-in-law, or anyone else, thinks you should be.

    Reading for Mari

    I had a client recently a woman we will call Mari. She came to me in mid-life for a reading. I think initially she was simply curious as she had never consulted an astrologer before. We exchanged pleasantries. I offered her tea and we settled down in a comfortable environment for her reading.

    She started off by saying, “What can you see?” and I began discussing her chart and spoke of how I interpreted her chart and who I saw her as through reading her chart and the eyes of astrology.

    I had never met her before and soon I was chatting about her motivations and how her nativity was suggesting a certain path. She stopped me then, and said, “I wanted to do that when I was a girl, but I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it.”

    I asked her, “Do you still want to do it?”

    She thought for a moment and said, “Well I did once but that was a long time ago, I’m a different person now, I have responsibilities.”


    I shall break from the story here and tell you that this response is common. That what we wanted to do as children or young people has been shelved in favour of a life that is an existence but pays the rent.

    Yes, I know providing a roof is important but to my mind having your dream come alive again is a most desirable state of affairs.

    Astrology can help you focus on what is truly important in your life and, to be honest, it could simply be continuing down your present path. But for many women it is a way to re-ignite ideas or passions that have been left to wither on the vine.

    Let Your Ideas Breathe

    Going back to Mari’s situation. I urged her to consider changing what she was doing, not all at once as transformation can be daunting, but that she let the thoughts of following her long lost passion mull in her head for a while and give her ideas space to breathe.

    Two months later I met with Mari again and we discussed how things were going for her. She told me she had signed up for a class to refresh her desired activity and would be starting in the New Year.

    She also informed me that she has changed her attitude towards herself and her view of what she wanted her life to be.

    Although this was still a work in progress the small changes she had made had improved her overall perspective and brightened her outlook.

    Consider getting your chart featured. What are you waiting for?
