Sun in the Houses

Sun in the Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Sun in the 1st House

The Sun in the 1st house is a powerful placement in your chart. This position generally indicates someone who is comfortable in the spotlight and has a natural ability to lead and inspire others through their strong sense of self.

Key Themes

Individuals with this placement tend to have a strong, vibrant personality. They often exude confidence and charisma, naturally drawing attention to themselves.

The sense of self is usually well-developed and clearly defined. There’s typically a strong drive to express one’s authentic self without inhibition.

Often associated with a commanding physical presence or distinctive appearance. May be more conscious of their body and personal style.

Natural leadership qualities are common with this placement. They often take initiative and prefer to be in charge of their own path.

Usually blessed with high energy levels and a robust constitution. Health and physical vitality are often important focus areas.

Strong desire for autonomy and self-reliance. May struggle with considering others’ needs or perspectives at times.

Tend to make strong first impressions on others. Often seen as warm, engaging, and direct in their approach.

Highly self-aware, sometimes to the point of self-consciousness. Personal growth and self-improvement are usually important.

Can sometimes come across as egocentric or overly self-focused. May need to learn to balance self-expression with consideration for others.


Sun in 2nd House

The Sun in the 2nd house presents a unique blend of energies focused on material security, personal values, and self-worth. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core identity and purpose through building material security, developing personal resources, and establishing a strong sense of self-worth.

Key Themes

Strong emphasis on financial security and material possessions. Often driven to accumulate wealth or valuable assets.

Sense of self is closely tied to personal resources and earnings. May measure self-worth through tangible accomplishments or acquisitions.

Develops a clear set of personal values and principles. Identity is shaped by what they consider important in life.

Natural ability to recognize and develop personal talents. Often skilled at turning abilities into financial gain.

Seeks stability and security in life, particularly in financial matters. May be more resistant to change, especially if it threatens their sense of security.

Appreciates physical comforts and luxuries. Often has a strong connection to the physical sense

Usually adept at managing resources, both material and personal. May have a talent for business or financial matters.

Can be possessive of belongings and relationships. May struggle with letting go of things, even when necessary.

Often develops a strong work ethic. Finds fulfillment in productive, tangible results.

May become overly focused on material gain at the expense of other life areas. Could struggle with equating self-worth solely with financial status.

Ability to build lasting financial security. Talent for recognizing and developing value in various forms.

Sun in 3rd House

The Sun in the 3rd house is an intellectually stimulating placement that emphasizes communication, learning, and mental agility. This placement suggests an individual who finds their sense of self and purpose through communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. They often shine brightest when sharing knowledge, engaging in stimulating conversations, or exploring new ideas.

Key Themes

Strong focus on self-expression through speech and writing. Often gifted communicators with a knack for conveying ideas clearly.

Insatiable appetite for knowledge and information. Enjoy learning about a wide variety of subjects.

Quick-thinking and adaptable mindset. Able to grasp new concepts rapidly and make connections easily.

Thrive on social interactions and exchanging ideas. Often enjoy debating and engaging in intellectual discussions.

Significant focus on relationships with siblings or close relatives. May take on a leadership role among siblings or peers.

Often actively involved in local community affairs. May become a well-known figure in their immediate environment.

Enjoy short journeys and exploring their immediate surroundings. Traveling can be a source of learning and self-discovery.

May have talents in writing, teaching, or public speaking. Often drawn to careers involving communication or education.

Strong analytical abilities and logical thinking. Enjoy solving puzzles and tackling complex problems.

Can be mentally restless, always seeking new information or experiences. May struggle with boredom if not intellectually stimulated.

Tendency to overthink or become scattered due to numerous interests. May sometimes prioritize intellect over emotion.

Core identity is often tied to their ideas and how they express them. Feel most alive when engaged in intellectual pursuits or discussions.

Sun in 4th House

The Sun in the 4th house is a deeply personal and emotionally-rooted placement in astrology. This position emphasizes home, family, roots, and inner emotional life. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through creating a nurturing home environment, connecting with family, and exploring their emotional depths. They often shine brightest when cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional security for themselves and others.

Key Themes

Strong emphasis on home and living environment. Often feel most authentic and alive in their personal space.

Deep connection to family, both of origin and chosen. May play a central or leadership role within the family unit.

Core identity is closely tied to emotional experiences and inner life. Personal growth often involves understanding and processing emotions.

Often possess a nurturing, caring personality. May derive satisfaction from caring for others or creating a welcoming environment.

Tend to be private individuals, needing time alone to recharge. May prefer intimate gatherings to large social events.

Strong interest in family history, cultural heritage, or ancestry. May feel a deep connection to their place of origin or cultural background.

Often talented in areas related to home and domesticity. May enjoy cooking, decorating, or other home-centered activities.

High need for emotional and physical security. May prioritize creating a stable home environment.

Childhood experiences often play a significant role in shaping identity. May need to work through early life issues for personal growth.

Rich inner life and imagination. May be introspective and reflective.

Can be overly sensitive or moody. Might struggle with balancing public and private life.

Often find increased satisfaction and self-expression in later years. May become more interested in home and family as they age.

Sun in 5th House

The Sun in the 5th house is a vibrant and creative placement in astrology. This position emphasizes self-expression, creativity, romance, and joy. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through creative expression, romantic pursuits, and bringing joy to others. They often shine brightest when they’re able to showcase their talents, engage in playful activities, or inspire others through their enthusiasm and zest for life.

Key Themes

Strong urge to express oneself creatively. Often talented in arts, performance, or other creative pursuits.

Youthful, fun-loving nature. Enjoy games, sports, and recreational activities.

Passionate approach to romance and dating. Often charismatic and attractive to others.

Natural leadership abilities, especially in creative or recreational settings. May excel at directing or organizing entertainment or creative projects.

Strong focus on children, either one’s own or working with young people. Often skilled at relating to and inspiring youth.

Comfortable in the spotlight. May be drawn to performance arts or public speaking.

Willing to take calculated risks, especially in creative or romantic pursuits. Enjoy the thrill of chance and adventure.

Usually exude self-confidence and optimism. Identity is closely tied to their ability to shine and stand out.

Passionate about personal hobbies and interests. Often have multiple creative outlets or recreational pursuits.

Tend to be generous, especially with their time and talents. Enjoy making others happy and entertained.

May struggle with ego issues or need for constant attention. Could be prone to gambling or taking unnecessary risks.

Seek out and create joy in their lives and for others. Often have a talent for finding pleasure in various aspects of life.

Sun in 6th House

The Sun in the 6th house is a placement that emphasizes work, service, health, and daily routines. This position brings the core essence of one’s identity into the realm of practical matters and self-improvement. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through practical work, being of service, and continual self-improvement. They often shine brightest when they’re able to apply their skills effectively, solve problems, or contribute to the well-being of others through their work or daily efforts.

Key Themes

Strong focus on work and productivity. Often derive a sense of self-worth from their job or daily tasks.

Natural inclination to be of service to others. May find fulfillment in helping professions or volunteer work.

Heightened awareness of health and wellness. Often interested in nutrition, exercise, or holistic health practices.

Sharp analytical abilities, especially when applied to practical problems. Enjoy organizing, categorizing, and creating efficient systems.

Tendency towards perfectionism in their work and personal habits. High standards for themselves and others.

Find security and self-expression through daily routines and habits. May be skilled at time management and scheduling.

Constant drive to improve skills and become more efficient. Lifelong learners, often pursuing courses or training to enhance abilities.

Keen eye for detail and precision. Excel in tasks requiring thoroughness and accuracy.

Often good at handling emergencies or solving urgent problems. May be drawn to crisis-oriented work.

Generally modest about their abilities. Find satisfaction in doing a job well, even if it’s behind the scenes.

May be prone to workaholic tendencies or neglecting personal life. Could struggle with anxiety or health worries if not balanced.

Pragmatic approach to life and problem-solving. Value usefulness and functionality.

Sun in 7th House

The Sun in the 7th house is a placement that emphasizes partnerships, relationships, and cooperation. This position brings one’s core identity and sense of self into the realm of interpersonal connections. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through partnerships and cooperative endeavors. They often shine brightest when engaged in meaningful relationships, whether personal or professional, and when using their interpersonal skills to create harmony and mutual understanding.

Key Themes

Strong focus on one-to-one relationships, both personal and professional. Often find their sense of self through interactions with others.

Natural inclination towards teamwork and collaboration. May excel in roles that require diplomacy and negotiation.

Seek balance and harmony in their lives and relationships. Often skilled at mediating conflicts and finding compromise.

Gain deeper understanding of themselves through relationships. May see themselves reflected in their partners or close associates.

Partnerships play a central role in their life path. May feel incomplete without a significant other or close collaborator.

Often skilled in public relations or customer-facing roles. Natural ability to relate to and understand others’ perspectives.

Strong sense of fairness and justice in dealings with others. May be drawn to legal or counseling professions.

Adaptable in social situations and relationships. Able to adjust their behavior to suit different interpersonal dynamics.

Often charismatic and diplomatically skilled. May have a talent for smoothing over difficult situations.

Might struggle with codependency or losing their individual identity in relationships. Could face difficulties in asserting personal needs or making independent decisions.

Often involved in or interested in contractual agreements. May have a knack for negotiating deals or partnerships.

Find creative expression through collaborative efforts. Often at their best when working closely with others.

Sun in 8th House

The Sun in the 8th house is a potent and transformative placement in astrology. This position brings one’s core identity and life force into the realm of depth, intensity, and regeneration. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through deep, transformative experiences and exploring life’s mysteries. They often shine brightest when delving into complex issues, facilitating personal or societal transformation, or working with resources in a way that empowers others.

Key Themes

Strong desire to explore life’s mysteries and taboos. Tendency towards intense experiences and relationships.

Natural ability to transform themselves and situations. Often go through multiple significant life changes or reinventions.

Keen interest in psychology and the hidden aspects of human nature. Often possess deep insight into others’ motivations.

Focus on shared finances, investments, or resources of others. May have talent for financial management or working with others’ money.

Heightened awareness of power structures in relationships and society. May be drawn to exploring or challenging existing power dynamics.

Often have a deep connection to their sexuality. May view sex as a transformative or spiritual experience.

Fascination with the occult, metaphysical, or hidden aspects of life. May have psychic or intuitive abilities.

Ability to bounce back from crises and emerge stronger. Often go through cycles of symbolic death and rebirth in their lives.

Experience emotions deeply and intensely. May need to learn healthy ways to process strong feelings.

Natural investigative abilities. Often excel in fields requiring deep research or analysis.

Could struggle with issues of control or manipulation. Might face difficulties in letting go or dealing with loss.

Often skilled at handling crises or emergency situations. May be drawn to professions dealing with life-and-death matters.

Sun in 9th House

Broader and Wider

The Sun in the 9th house is an expansive and enlightening placement in astrology. This position brings one’s core identity and sense of purpose into the realms of higher learning, philosophy, travel and broader perspectives.

This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through expanding their understanding of the world, exploring new ideas and places, and sharing their wisdom with others. They often shine brightest when engaging with big ideas, experiencing different cultures, or inspiring others with their broad perspective and enthusiasm for learning.

Key Themes

There is a strong drive for learning and understanding. They often pursue higher education or lifelong learning.

These people are naturally drawn to exploring life’s big questions. They tend to develop a personal philosophy or worldview.

There is a desire to explore different cultures and distant places and they often find self-discovery through travel experiences.

With this placement, there is an interest in spirituality, religion, or metaphysical concepts. They may seek to understand the deeper meaning of life

A natural ability to teach or inspire others is found with folks with the Sun in the 9th house. They often enjoy sharing knowledge and insights.

They generally have an optimistic outlook on life couples with the ability to see the bigger picture and long-term possibilities.

Sun ninth people appreciate diverse cultures and ways of thinking and they may be drawn to international affairs or cross-cultural communication.

There is a strong sense of ideals and principles where 9th house Sun people may be passionate about causes that align with their beliefs.

The potential talent for writing, publishing or broadcasting cannot be underestimated with ninth house Suns. These individuals may be drawn to careers that involve spreading ideas out there.

You can expect a fascination with law, ethics, and justice and they might pursue legal studies or advocacy roles.

On the downside, they could sometimes be overly idealistic or preachy and might struggle with practical application of abstract ideas.

There is a constant desire to expand horizons and grow. Here their identity is often tied to their breadth of experiences and knowledge.

Sun in 10th House

When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 10th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self and purpose is strongly tied to your career, public image and reputation.

Positively expressed, the Sun in the 10th house can indicate someone who is confident, successful, and respected in their field. However, it’s important to ensure that your identity and self-worth aren’t overly dependent on external validation from your career or status.

Key Themes

Tenth house Sun people have a strong drive to achieve success, recognition, and status in their professional life.

There is a desire to be seen as a leader, authority figure or public persona.

They attain ambition, determination and a willingness to work hard to reach their goals.

Their sense of identity and self-worth is heavily influenced by their career and social standing.

They may have a strong need for approval, validation and respect from others.

There can be a tendency towards ego, pride or arrogance if the Sun is not well-integrated.

Challenges with finding the right work-life balance and separating their public and private life can pose a problem.

Sun in 11th House


When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 11th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self and purpose is strongly connected to your social circles, group affiliations, and humanitarian/community-oriented goals.

When the Sun is positively expressed in the 11th house, it can indicate someone who is a charismatic, influential leader within their social circles, with a strong humanitarian drive and a desire to enact positive change.

However, it’s important to ensure that their identity and self-worth don’t become overly dependent on external validation from their peers or social status.

Key Themes

There is a strong drive to make a positive impact on the world through their involvement in groups, organizations or social movements

A desire to be recognized and respected within their social networks and community is evident with Sun 11th people.

There is an inclination towards leadership roles within their friend groups, clubs, or professional associations.

A tendency to find fulfillment and a sense of purpose through collaborative efforts and collective endeavors surrounds Sun in the 11th people.

The potential to be a visionary, innovative thinker who comes up with unique solutions to societal problems is a positive driver for these people.

There is a need for validation and a sense of belonging from their peers and the larger community.

Challenges with maintaining a healthy work-life balance and setting appropriate boundaries within their social life may arise.

Sun in 12th House

Unseen Selfless Acts

When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 12th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self is deeply connected to the unseen, spiritual, and subconscious realms of your experience.

When the Sun is positively expressed in the 12th house, it can indicate someone who is highly intuitive, compassionate, and dedicated to serving others through selfless acts.

However, it’s important to find a balance between your inner life and your external responsibilities and relationships.

Key Themes

They have a strong inner life and intuitive, spiritual inclinations.

12th House Sun people have a tendency towards introspection, solitude and retreating from the external world.

There may be a desire to serve, sacrifice, or work behind the scenes for the greater good.

Karmic or past life themes that influence their sense of purpose and identity are important.

Sensitivity to the energies and suffering of others, which can lead to empathy or burnout may plague 12th house Sun people.

Anticipate challenges with boundaries, self-discipline, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

These folk need regular periods of rest, reflection and spiritual renewal.

The potential for artistic, imaginative, or mystical talents is huge.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

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USA Election Day 2024

USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Election Day Chart

Let the Astrology Speak

I don’t want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I’d take the red of the blue pill, because this is not the platform for that. I’m only going to concentrate on what the astrology is saying, what is being shown in the charts, and I’m going to leave the interpretations up to you. Arwynne and I have already noticed that this is quite a fraught topic, particularly for some of our YouTube videos surrounding Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and I do not wish to add fuel to the fire.

The Chart

This year’s election in the USA will be on Tuesday, November the 5th, 2024. I’ve set the chart for Washington, DC as that is the capital, just to give us a feel for the planetary positions on the whole day. Although millions will go to the polls and vote on voting day, thousands of other Americans have already sent in their votes from overseas and by post.




The Republican contender is Donald Trump who’s chart we have looked at more thoroughly and you can read more on Trump’s birth chartBut this time we’re going to be looking at the bi-wheel. With the bi-wheels, you always put the natal chart on the inside and then the transit chart on the outside. So in this bi-wheel, we’ve got Trump’s natal chart on the inner wheel, and the outer wheel is the actual transits for the day of the election.

Midheaven in 10th house.

Really when you’re considering politics and voting someone into the highest office, whoever they are, you would look at their 10th house. So in Trump’s birth 10th house he has Taurus on the cusp 24°. He has quite a wide 10th house and Gemini is intercepted fully within it. The actual 10th house is 38° wide which is one of his widest houses as well as the opposite 4th house.

Uranus conjoin the Midheaven.

We can immediately see that Uranus is conjoined the Midheaven. Uranus is at 25°42′ Gemini which is only 24′ short of the exact conjunction aspect to the Midheaven. This is a very powerful position for Uranus and Uranian themes are typically unexpected, sudden and future looking.

Jupiter in the 10th House

The one other planet that is in his 10th house is Jupiter in Gemini. Now, Jupiter has been there for a while, but it certainly wasn’t placed there the last time he was voted into office and neither was the Uranus, for that matter. These two dynamic planets are likely to show us how Donald Trump’s fortunes will favor on the day of the election.



The Democratic contender is Kamala Harris and you can read an in depth look at her chart here. The bi-wheel for Kamala Harris has the Midheaven at 2° Pisces.

Saturn in 10th House

She has Saturn in the 10th house, which is in accidental dignity and Saturn is conjoined her Chiron in the 10th house. This may suggest that she may be asking herself the questions, as Michelle Obama did in the Powers dub. Do I have a seat at this table? But clearly she does.

Neptune in the 10th House

So for her, Neptune’s been in the 10th house for many, many years. This is nothing new, but it is the planet of the rules the Midheaven which does indicate that if she’s going to take us her place on the centre stage of the world this would be a good time to do so because Neptune rules are Midheaven. Which of course shows the highest honors you can gain in life. Whether or not this will just be as a contender for the presidency or the actual presidency itself remains to be seen.



As Pluto is at the very tail end of Capricorn on Election Day, it does suggest a Capricornian theme to the result. However, Pluto is moving into Aquarius on November the 19th, and it will remain in Aquarius all the way through until the inauguration in January. This particular planetary ingress, more than anything else, is likely to create profound intensity to what will eventually unfold in January.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

The People in Your Astrological Houses

The People in Your Astrological Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

People of the Astrological Houses

Where’s Waldo?

Years ago and thinking about people, when I first started learning astrology and particularly the astrological houses, I discovered that in the 3rd house are your siblings, which means your brothers or sisters. So, I looked in my third house and there I had Mars and Venus which were supposed to represent my brother and sister.

And I thought, “Gosh this astrology lark is very clever” because I have one brother (Mars) and I have one sister (Venus) and I thought, “This is brilliant!”

To me, this perfect alignment between what the chart said and what was real for me was one more indicator about why I should learn astrology and how astrology is so great.

Of course, the more I dug into the planets in the houses which represent the people in our lives, I realized that there is a subtlety to these interpretations. This what I’m going to be chatting about today.

When reading an astrological chart, frequently you want to know about people in your life and where they may be represented in your birth chart. This is a quick guide to most of the people that you will encounter in your life and the houses in which you can find them. Any planets in these houses will suggest the energy of the type of person within the house.

Example: 7th House

For example, if you have three planets in your 7th house of marriage, it suggests that you will be married or have close personal relationship with three specific people who are of the nature of the planets themselves.

The first partner will be indicated by the planet that is most clockwise in the house. This could also be said as the planet that would rise first over the Ascendant to the planet nearest to the house cusp on the clockwise side. The second planet suggests the second partner and the third planet suggests the third person. This goes the same for any business partners as well.

Vacant Houses

If a house is empty and has no planets, it doesn’t mean that those people-of-the-house do not exist in your life, but rather you would look to the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house, as that planet will then be indicative of these types of people in your life.

Think about it, not everyone has a planet in the 1st house, but everyone is alive and has a body, which is represented by the 1st house.

Vacant houses suggest that the focus of the person’s life will not be in a place where the planets are not. Where the planets are indicates where the individual will bring focus to that area of their life and the people within in it.


Example: 5th House

If you do not have planets in the 5th house of children, it does not mean that you will not have kids, but that they may not be the be all and end all of your life experience. Your offspring could easily be a pleasure and not cause unnecessary concerns for you. Your focus in this lifetime will be where your natal planets actually are.

1st House

The folks in your first house are all concerned with you and your physical appearance.

Your first house people are:

  • You yourself.
  • Your personal trainer.
  • Your hairdresser.
  • Your manicurist.
  • Your personal stylist.
  • Your masseuse.
  • Your life coach.
  • Your alter ego.

2nd House

The people in your second house are connected to your financial situation, your assets and what you find attractive.

People in your second house are.

  • Your financial advisor.
  • Your banker.
  • Your art dealer.
  • Your auctioneer.
  • Your personal shopper.

3rd House

The 3rd house individuals are connected to family members of the same generation as yourself and people who live and work nearby your home.

Your third house people are:

  • Your siblings or brothers and sisters.
  • Your cousins.
  • Your schoolteacher.
  • Your neighbors.
  • Your Uber driver.
  • Your bus driver.
  • Your postman.

4th House

Others in your 4th house are representative mainly of your family and where you came from. Additionally, those who will be around in your twilight years.

Your 4th house people are:

  • Your father.
  • Your ancestors.
  • Your family members in general.
  • Your countrymen and women.
  • Your mother-in-law.
  • Your hospice carer.
  • Your interior decorator.

5th House

People in your 5th house are related to your recreation, your creation and your procreation.

Your 5th house people are:

  • Your own children.
  • Children in general.
  • Your playmates.
  • Your theatre cronies.
  • Your gambling buddies.
  • Your romantic dates.
  • People with whom you have affairs.

6th House

The people in your 6th house are related to your work, your day-to-day activities, your pets and your health.

Your 6th house people are:

  • Your workmates.
  • Your employees.
  • Your servants.
  • Your cleaning lady.
  • Your pool guy.
  • Your workout buddies.
  • Your yoga instructor.
  • Your doctor.
  • Your pets.
  • Your pet’s vet.
  • Your clients and customers.

7th House

The individuals in your 7th house are related to your life partners, business partners and people in general.

Your 7th house people are:

  • Your spouse, husband or wife.
  • Your common law spouse.
  • Your life mate.
  • Your business partners.
  • Your lawyer.
  • Your children’s teachers.
  • Other people in general.

8th House

People in your 8th house are related to anyone who provides you with their resources physical or financial. Additionally, people related to the inevitables of life taxes, sex and death.

Your 8th house people are:

  • Your organ or tissue donors.
  • Your surgeon.
  • Your sex partners.
  • Your debtors.
  • Your undertaker.
  • Your henchmen.
  • Your secret supporters.
  • Your loan sharks.
  • Your tax advisor.
  • Your psychologist.
  • Your gynaecologist.

9th House

Folks in your 9th house are related to anything to do with religion, travel or adult education.

The people in your 9th house are:

  • Your preacher or religious leader.
  • Your university professors.
  • Your college education tutors.
  • Your travel agent.
  • Your translator.
  • Your gurus.
  • Your visionaries.
  • People with whom you walk your life path.
  • Your brothers in law and sisters in law.

10th House

People in your 10th house are related to your career and your greatest achievements in this world. They also represent the government and authority figures in general.

People in your 10th house are:

  • The police.
  • Traffic cops.
  • Your mother.
  • Your boss.
  • Your superior.
  • Your father-in-law.

11th House

People related to your 11th house have to do with your friends and associates and the children of others.

Your 11th house people are:

  • Your friends.
  • Your associates.
  • Your collaborators.
  • Your teammates.
  • Your group members.
  • Your adopted children.
  • Your stepchildren.
  • Your astrologer.

12th House

People related to your 12th house are frequently people in the shadows of your life.

The people of your 12th house are:

  • Your guardian Angel.
  • Your magician.
  • Your psychic reader.
  • Strangers in general.
  • People who come to you in your dreams.


Here I’ve given you some ideas I know about how to find the people in your life through the astrology chart.

If you are a consulting astrologer dealing with clients who perhaps bring up issues surrounding their sister, their vet, their lawyer or whomever, you will know in which house to explore to find indications around how that person will impact your client’s life.

As you interpret the birth charts of your clients there will be other people who crop up who may not be on this list, but there is always a way to work them out through derivative houses. Or you can just consider what role that person would be playing in your client’s life.

I hope you enjoy this article about the people in your chart. And it gives you something to think about during the next week.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Aspects: Applying and Separating

Aspects: Applying and Separating

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Applying and Separating Aspects

Applying Aspects

In an applying aspect the faster planet moves towards an exact aspect with the slower planet.

These aspects are considered a more powerful as the potential is still to come.

Separating Aspects

In a separating aspect, the faster planet is moves from the exact aspect and is moving away.

These are typically seen as waning in influence as the climax has passed.


Applying Example

Mars moves faster than Jupiter.

Let’s say Mars is at 15° Aries and Jupiter at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s an applying trine, as the faster planet (Mars) is coming up to the exact trine point.

Separating Example

Let’s say Jupiter is at 15° Aries and Mars at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s a separating trine, as the faster planet (Mars) has already passed the exact trine point.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...



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Kamala Harris Birth Chart

Kamala Harris Birth Chart

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2024

Kamala Harris Chart Interpretation


This is a high level overview of the birth chart for Kamala Harris. It is part of the charts that we’re looking at for the 2024 United States election. And she is the Democratic contender.

Her chart details are 9:28 PM. October the 20th, 1964 in Oakland, CA. This returns an Ascendant of 24 Gemini.


Visible planets.

The balances are calculated by only considering the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Strong Fixed Mode

She has a strong fixed mode with four planets, which is 2 more than the next best mode? This suggests that she can be rigid in her attitude and that it may take a lot of persuading for her to change her mind.

For the other modes, she has two planets in cardinal and one in mutable.

Balanced Elements

The elements are balanced in this chart with 2 fire, 2 Earth, 2 Air and one Water.


Her four hemispheres are balanced with N 4. S 3. E 3 and West 4.



Are ascendant is Gemini. By 24 degrees, 25 minutes. The north node is in the 1st house. Can join to the ascendant.

Ascendant Aspects

Hard Aspects

Ascendant square Venus.

Soft Aspects

Ascendant trine the Sun

Ascendant trine Mercury.

Ascendant trine Saturn.

Ascendant sextile Mars.

Chart Ruler Complex

Her Ascendant is Gemini, so the chart ruler is the planet Mercury.

Mercury is in Scorpio in the 5th house.

Mercury is the evening planet.

Mercury Aspects


Mercury is conjoined the Sun.


Mercury is opposition the Moon.

Mercury is sesquiquadrate Chiron.

Mercury is semi-square Venus,

Mercury is semi-square Pluto.


Mercury is trine Saturn.

Mercury is trine the North Node.

Mercury is trine the Ascendant.

Mercury is trine the Midheaven.

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Libra in fall which is not a very good place for the Sun.

Sun House

The Sun is in the 5th house and gains position for accidental dignity as the Sun naturally rules Leo which is the 5th house in the natural wheel.

Sun Aspects


The Sun is controlling Mercury.


The Sun is semi-square Uranus.

The Sun is sesquiquadrate Chiron.


The Sun is trine to Saturn.

The sun is trine the North Node.

The Sun is trine the Ascendant

The Sun is trine to Midheaven.

Moon Complex

Moon Sign

The Moon is in Aries.

Moon House

The Moon is in the 11th house.

Moon Aspects


The Moon is opposition the Sun.

The Moon is opposition Mercury.

The Moon is Tesco quadrat Uranus.

The Moon is semi-square Chiron.


The Moon is trine Mars.

The Moon is trine the South node.

The Moon is sextiles Saturn.

The Moon is sextile the North Node.

The Moon is sextile the Ascendant.


Dispositor Tree

Are Two Trees a Forest?

Harris has two dispositor trees.

There is a committee tree and a single planet in rulership tree.

Committee Dispositor Tree

She has a four-planet committee of Mars in Leo, the Sun in Libra, Venus in Virgo and the chart ruler Mercury in Scorpio.

These all form a chain and four are all top-level important personal planets.

All of the planets on the second line of her tree have aspect on their links, which is very strong for this tree.

Mars disposes the Moon in Aries and Neptune in Scorpio.

Venus disposes Jupiter in Taurus, which in turn disposes Chiron in Pisces.

And Mercury disposes Uranus and Pluto in Virgo.

Single Planet in Rulership Dispositor Tree

Saturn is in its very own tree, or by itself.

Saturn is in Capricorn. It stands alone.

This is a very strong position for Saturn, and as we noted before, Saturn is the most elevated planet conjoined the Midheaven.

Also note that Saturn rules politics, and clearly, she is in politics.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Donald Trump: Birth Chart

Donald Trump: Birth Chart

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2024

Donald Trump’s Birth Chart

This is part of our US Election 2024 series and you can see more on the US Birth Chart.

Interpreting Donald Trump’s birth chart reveals key aspects of his personality, strengths and challenges.

Born on June 14, 1946, at 10:54 AM in Queens, New York, his chart reflects a complex, dynamic individual with significant planetary influences.

Sun in Gemini

Donald Trump’s Sun in Gemini suggests a highly communicative, adaptable and intellectually curious personality.

Gemini is known for versatility and Trump’s ability to navigate different situations, communicate effectively and quickly adapt to changing circumstances aligns with this sign.

However, this placement can also contribute to restlessness and a tendency to be easily bored, seeking constant stimulation.


Sun in 10th House

The Sun in the 10th house of a birth chart is a powerful placement, especially when it comes to career, public life, and politics.

The 10th house is associated with one’s reputation, status, and achievements in the world. It represents authority, leadership, and the legacy one leaves behind.

When the Sun, the planet of self-expression, vitality, and identity, is placed here, it shines a spotlight on these areas, often making politics or leadership roles a significant part of his life.

Drive for Recognition and Success

Trump with the Sun in the 10th house is highly ambitious and driven to achieve recognition and success in his professional life.

He seeks to make a mark on the world and is motivated by the desire to be seen as  a leader or authority in his chosen fields.

In politics, this placement can indicate a strong desire to climb the ranks, gain influence and leave a lasting impact.

Natural Leadership Abilities

The Sun in the 10th house often bestows natural leadership qualities.

He will tend to be confident, authoritative and capable of taking charge in public and professional settings.

He is often seen as a figure of authority and may be drawn to careers in politics, governance, or any field where he can lead and make decisions that affect the wider community.

Public Image and Reputation

With the Sun in this house, Trump’s public image and reputation are of great importance.

He is very aware of how he is perceived by others and often works hard to cultivate a positive and powerful public persona.

In politics, maintaining a strong and favorable image is crucial and Trumo may be particularly adept at managing their public relations.

Sense of Responsibility and Duty

The 10th house is also associated with responsibility and duty, particularly in terms of one’s role in society.

Those with the Sun here often feel a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

In politics, this can manifest as a commitment to public service and a desire to enact policies that reflect his values and vision.

Ambition and Legacy

He is often motivated by a desire to create a lasting legacy.

He wants his achievements to be remembered and respected long after he is gone.

In the context of politics, this might drive him to pursue ambitious projects, reforms, or leadership roles that allow him to leave a significant mark on society.

Pressure and Scrutiny

Being in the public eye, especially in politics, means facing constant scrutiny and pressure.

With the Sun in the 10th house, he may experience challenges related to living up to high expectations, both self-imposed and from others.

He must navigate the demands of public life while staying true to his core values.

Work-Life Balance

The intense focus on career and public achievements can sometimes lead to an imbalance between professional and personal life.

It’s important for him to find time for self-care and relationships outside of his public roles.

Ego and Power Struggles

With the Sun in the 10th house, there can be a tendency towards pride or an inflated sense of self-importance, especially in positions of power.

In politics, this could lead to conflicts or power struggles if the he is not mindful of the impact of his ego on his decisions and relationships.


Ascendant in Leo

His Ascendant in Leo indicates a strong, charismatic presence.

Leo rising individuals often project confidence, creativity and a natural leadership aura.

They seek recognition and tend to be drawn to the spotlight.

Trump’s public persona, characterized by boldness and a desire to be seen as a leader, is strongly influenced by this placement.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon represents emotions and inner needs. Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius suggests a deep need for freedom, adventure and expansion.

He is likely driven by a desire to explore new horizons and to be seen as someone who is larger than life.

This placement also points to a strong belief system and a need to express his personal truths.

However, the Moon in Sagittarius can sometimes lead to bluntness or a tendency to overextend oneself.

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius in a birth chart is a powerful and transformative astrological event.

It occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon and creating a moment of heightened emotional intensity and insight.

This eclipse might trigger a desire to break free from restrictions and pursue greater freedom in your life.

The Bigger Picture

He might feel a stronger pull towards understanding the bigger picture of his life and how he fits into the world.

He could feel a need for more honesty and openness in his relationships, or he could attract people who share his desire for growth and exploration.

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer indicates a communication style that is influenced by emotions and intuition.

Trump’s thoughts and speech may be deeply connected to his personal feelings and experiences.

He might have a strong memory and a way of communicating that appeals to the emotions of others.

However, this placement can also lead to a subjective or defensive communication style.

Venus in Cancer

With Venus in Cancer, Trump values security, comfort and emotional connection in relationships.

He may have a protective and nurturing side, particularly towards his family and those he holds dear.

Venus in Cancer also indicates a preference for traditional values and a strong attachment to the past.

However, this placement can also bring moodiness or a tendency to cling to familiar comforts.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo suggests a dynamic, confident approach to action and ambition.

Trump is likely to be assertive, determined and eager to take on leadership roles.

Mars in Leo individuals are often driven by a desire for recognition and may have a strong competitive streak.

This placement can bring enthusiasm and creativity, but also a tendency towards pride or stubbornness.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra indicates a natural inclination towards diplomacy, fairness and relationships. Trump may find opportunities for growth through partnerships and collaborations.

However, this placement can also suggest a tendency to overindulge in social situations or to rely too heavily on others for validation.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra indicates a natural inclination towards diplomacy, fairness and relationships. Trump may find opportunities for growth through partnerships and collaborations.

However, this placement can also suggest a tendency to overindulge in social situations or to rely too heavily on others for validation.

Saturn in Cancer

Saturn in Cancer highlights challenges related to emotional security and family responsibilities.

Trump may have a strong sense of duty towards his family and a need to establish a secure foundation.

This placement can bring challenges related to emotional vulnerability or a tendency to be overly cautious in personal matters.

Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Libra and Pluto in Leo

These generational planets suggest that Trump is influenced by broader societal trends and transformations.

Uranus in Gemini indicates a revolutionary approach to communication and information.

Neptune in Libra suggests a generation concerned with idealistic views on relationships and social harmony.

Pluto in Leo represents a powerful drive for personal expression and transformation within the context of leadership and authority.



Donald Trump’s birth chart reflects a complex individual with a strong need for communication, recognition and emotional security.

His Gemini Sun and Leo Ascendant give him a dynamic, adaptable personality, while his Cancer placements highlight a deep connection to family and tradition.

His Sagittarius Moon suggests a desire for expansion and freedom, while Mars in Leo drives his assertiveness and ambition.

Overall, his chart reveals a blend of charisma, emotional depth and a strong need for recognition and security.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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