Saturn in Scorpio: Controlled Resources

Scorpio is the sign concerned with (amongst other things) money owed, debt levels, mortgages, insurances, wills and estates.

So when Saturn moves into Scorpio we can expect stricter controls, restrictions and virtually being caught between a rock and a hard place to become the norm.

Credit will be curtailed. Lenders will tighten up even more. During this period cash is king.

You can expect to be approached by people you know to lend them money. This may sound laughable at the moment because maybe you do not have much yourself, but when this time comes along, you will be richer than those asking for the loan.

We also need to remember that Scorpio is the sign of death, murder and violence. Scorpio also is concerned with sex and perversion. During the transit of Saturn these events should be restricted and controlled better.

Saturn is the planet that rules governments but forced restrictions on any population do not always work out the way those in authority would like.

1982 Saturn in Scorpio: Resources and mining

To see how Saturn is likely to work through Scorpio we can look back to when it was last there which is thirty odd years ago. Saturn entered Scorpio in December 1982.

We can consider how was the situation with the government (Saturn) back then. I can’t remember all the details but I do know that in July 1985 the country where I was living  went under a state of emergency because of the mining unrest. There was a curfew in major cities and rioting in the streets.

We also saw restrictions on gasoline sales. You could not buy gasoline after 6:00pm or on a Saturday or Sunday. This is another example of how governments (Saturn) restricts certain the resources (Scorpio) of the Earth.

Oil and gas are a focus as they are created deep underground by pressure (Scorpio). Remember the pressure cooker?

Saturn limits everything it touches. During this period the gold price is probably going to rise because the mines cannot get production up. Output will be limited either by the government or industrial strike action.

Gold is always high on the list when there are restrictions on the monetary base. Saturn teaches us hard lessons in life.

Scorpio ascendants start a diet

If you have a Scorpio ascendant you will change physically and look different. This will occur when transiting Saturn leaves Libra and goes into Scorpio it will very soon cross your own ascendant going into your first house.

This indicates a time for limited physical mobility or heavy lifting as in, weights at the gym. Firming up they bod.

It can be a time of actually reducing body mass (losing weight) because of a lack created by Saturn. It can also be a time when you may feel older or even get wrinkles. Argh!

Coping with resource restrictions

If we look at a simple resource that can be restricted, such as food, during the Saturn in Scorpio period my suggestions are as follows:

  • Take what you want but eat what you take, don’t waste food.
  • Prepare yourself a strict budget and menu plan.
  • Only buy what you need.
  • Eat more cold food.
  • Don’t turn on the oven to make a piece of toast.
  • Do not waste energy.
  • This is the time to cultivate your own vegetables (in a cold frame).
  • It is a time to preserve (Saturn) fruits in jams and chutneys.
  • Practice self sufficiency.

These are just some examples of how you can work with the Saturn influences when it moves through the different signs.

I am considering the water crisis (Scorpio) which will probably escalate and literally become the “Blue Gold” previously only seen in sci-fi movies.

Obviously during Saturn through Scorpio you perhaps should not take more credit. You could strive to respect your financial commitments and pay your bills on time.

If you recall the old adage of “Never a borrower or a lender be” that one sits well for Saturn in Scorpio.

The astrology suggests we will experience a credit dry-up. This will be the initial affect and as Saturn moves towards the end of Scorpio and passes out into Sagittarius. Only then will we see the final effects of the Saturn transit of Scorpio.

It is at times like this that I feel the need to save cold hard cash in a shoebox under my mattress.

Maybe this is simplistic but to me it is a solution to get through the two-year period when Saturn is in Scorpio.

Saturn will probably leave Scorpio with a legacy of tighter restrictions on the resources of the Earth both financial, mineral (mining) and vegetable (food) which will carry on into the future.