Your Saturn Returns

The Saturn Return is becoming one of the most talked about astrological events in people’s lives.

It is the third most popular astrological topic for the general public after, “What is your sign?” and  “Did you survive Mercury retrograde?”

Everone receives a Saturn return or two or three during their lives. If you are over thirty you have already experienced one and have more to come.


When to Expect Your Saturn Returns

First Saturn return – Age 29/30

Second Saturn return – Age 58/59

Third Saturn return Age 87/88


Podcast: Saturn Returns

Listen to our podcast about Saturn Returns where we discuss more on Saturn Returns.

Click below.



Saturn and the Ages

Saturn is a broad timekeeper and marks the passage of life.

Before your first Saturn return you are in the first age. the second age occurs after your first Saturn return.

The third age begins after your second Saturn return and the fourth age starts after your third Saturn return.


The First Age

The first age is from birth to your first Saturn return at age 30.

This period of life takes you from child to adult to responsible person.

In these years you learn to do as you are told up to a point.

Those in authority like teachers, your parents, the government and older people will dictate how you should behave.

Maturity. You get in your lane and you know your place.

Your duty is to your parents. You learn the rules.

You are looked after by others but you struggle to be autonomous. You get honours for yourself.

Keyword – Crisp.


The Second Age

The second age covers the years of life from 30-60 this stage of your life are the mature years when you are responsible for other kids and holding down a job or taking a mortgage.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

Now you consolidate your worldly achievements whatever they are.

You have a duty to your spouse, kids and your boss to reproduce and play by the rules.

You look after others. You are honour bound.

Keyword – Solid.


The Third Age

The third age starts at age sixty and lasts for thirty years until the age of ninety.

In this age you get more time for yourself and the responsibilities of earlier years often fall away.

You have mastery. Your duty is to yourself. You have some personal achievements.

You can rewrite the rules you live by.

You look after yourself.

You are honoured as you choose to do things for others.

Keyword – Capable.


The Fourth Age

The fourth age begins very late in life at age ninety.

This is the final Saturn return it ias the fourth one. 

Not everyone will make it this far, but more do every year.

Now you will spend each day carefully living your life as if it were your last day on Earth. Time is precious.

You have limitations. You ignore the rules.

You have a duty to a higher order. You are looked after (physically and spiritually).

You become honoured for time and longevity.

Keyword – Tired.


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