Astrology Trading Cards

Making astrology trading cards is a creative way to do arty things and learn some astrology as well.

Anyone who is interested to explore astrology in a fun way will enjoy crafting and trading with their Astrology Trading Cards.

Other ways of getting arty with astrology are through my astrology Wheel of Fortune.

The Inspiration for Astrology Trading Cards

Astrology trading cards are a twist on the famous artists trading card when an artist would do a large painting and then make several tiny copies on these cards to give to prospective buyers, galleries and other artists in an effort to promote their craft.

The cards would be swopped between others. You don’t sell them but you give one and they give you one back.

Over time you will have a vast collection of a variety artist’s work without spending a penny. At the same time you have distributed your hard won work to people who may be interested


Each card is 64mm x 89mm or 2.5″ by 3.5″ which is a standard card size.

Astrology Theme

At a group meeting each person will be given a blank copy of the trading card template. You can download a PDF copy below.


[purchase_link id=”13940″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Download Your Template” direct=”true”]


The leader, or moderator will offer you a hat, or jar, with pieces of paper containing one word indicating an astrology feature or theme. You take one piece of paper and the word printed on it is your theme for the day.

The pieces of paper will have either one planet, house, sign or aspect as your theme for you to work on. These are the starter words and are used in the groups I guide.

Examples of words on the papers are::

  • Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto
  • Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces
  • 1st House, 2nd House, 3rd House, 4th House, 5th House, 6th House, 7th House, 8th House, 9th House, 10th House, 11th House or 12th House
  • Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine or Opposition

When I have a more advanced gathering or class I can have more advanced themes like; anticia, moiety, contra-parallel or transits.


Astrology Trading Card front and back

What you do

Say you get “Jupiter” as your astrology theme.

You write your own name in the by line on the back.

You will write the word “Jupiter” in the top block on each card on your sheet of six cards. You do this on every trading card on the page so in the end you have six Jupiter named cards with your name as your by line.

This is the fun part.

You draw the glyph and write keywords or draw images of what this theme means for each card. You can make each card the same or each one different. It does not matter how you embellish your cards but what is important is that you make something nice because you will be trading them with the other people at the end.

When you have finished you will have six detailed and coloured Jupiter trading cards.

The Trade

When you are happy with your designs and have completed the cards you cut them out. You may keep one for yourself if you like otherwise you will trade these cards with the other people who have various themes and will have made different cards.

That day you will go home with six original works of art signed by people you know and they will all be special and unique.

If you meet again the next week you can redo the hat/jar theme pull with the remaining theme prompts and over time you will grow a beautiful Astrology Trading Card collection that spans all the planets, houses, aspects and signs.

That is at least a total of about forty handy dandy astrology trading cards.

Show Us Your Cards

You may decide to make more cards you can buy actual cards in better quality cardstock and thicker thicknesses (available at Michael’s craft store) to make better cards.

As the interest in making these little cards grabs you, you can develop your style and the way you present your astrology through cards.

Every astrologer is different and each one will work with the energy of astrology in their own way.

When you finish a card take a photo and put it on Instagram or other social media with the hashtag #astrologytradingcard and we will love to see your work.

Grow Your Collection

This can be used as a learning resource for beginners and seasoned astrologers as well.

Getting Clever

In reality, the artists write their name and the title of the piece they have created on the back. You can get creative here as well. This is also a place to put your website and contact details.

More advanced astrologers who get into Astrology Trading Cards collection will make individual cards to trade with other astrologers.

In Vancouver?

Follow me on Instagram for more updates or direct message (DM) so we can get started if you are in Vancouver. I am up for a trade as soon as you are.

Join In at Conferences

I was at Calgary in September 2017 and at NORWAC in March 2018 and I had had some of my Astrology Trading Cards to trade with you.

Will I see you there next time? I hope so.



