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by Alison Price

What Each Sun Sign Wants in the Workplace

In astrology the Sun shows what you want. Each Sun sign has specific wants that they naturally strive towards. When we consider how each sign can benefit you as an employer it makes sense to take a look at what each sign wants so you can place each person in the correct role in your company.


Aries wants to be first. They are keen to lead a team and be the front man and the go-getter. Rams want to make a difference and leave their mark, or two, at work. They can easily drive, encourage and push workers to reach their own potential. They are the natural entrepreneurs of the zodiac. Mars ruled folk love to start projects.


Taurus wants to produce things. They are happy for situations to remain the same. Bulls can work on consistent projects with results. They will establish valuable resources for the company and are adroit at managing business finances. Taurus is reliable, will stay put, be at their desk and build productivity.



Gemini wants to communicate information to anyone who will listen. They are great at interviewing and educating the workforce. Twins can translate concepts that lesser mortals struggle to see. They happily give knowledge, and they know all the office gossip. They will network with all and sundry and question ideas.


Cancer wants to care. They can easily step into the role of the office mother. Crabs are the most comfortable sign for working at home. In the workplace they make other employees feel safe and create a welcoming environment. They will lead from behind as they protect and nourish the staff. They love to cultivate both people and companies.


Leo wants to inspire others. They easily develop younger members, youth and children. Lions shine at work and can birth ideas that benefit the business. They are the perfect person to tackle one-off projects of which they can be proud. They will take risks and are not usually shy to show their style at work. The Sun ruled will support and mentor younger people as they create projects.


Virgo wants to serve. They are the best administrators of the zodiac. Virgins gladly assist on projects that are led by others. They are the best troopers in the office. They will stand behind and support others thus they make ideal assistants. They can analyze things and will give credit where it is due. They may be accused of micromanaging, but they will always help others with daily activities.


Libra wants to work with others. They straightway need to be social at work. The Scales will be an excellent silent partner for the other pushy signs. They make great mediators and are often found in human resources departments. Libra strives for an equitable work/life balance. They want to find win-win situations and negotiate results.


Scorpio wants to be an angel investor. They are attracted to research in all its forms. Scorpions make the best human resources terminator which is often a role that others do not want. They manipulate situations to be the power behind the throne. They will uncover problems and purge weak people, projects and trappings from the workplace.


Sagittarius wants to be a visionary. They can immediately see the overarching company direction and guide other towards the light. Archers easily realize the big picture. They are brilliant at reaching out worldwide to grow the company. They will encourage others to explore different approaches utilizing global techniques.


Capricorn wants to be in charge. They can easily solidify and formalize company structures. Sea Goats strive to build succession so they themselves can move up. They can prepare rules for systems and methods to aid productivity. They are the gatekeepers and will enforce commercial regulations, maintain dress codes and establish businesses.


Aquarius wants to innovate. They are the thought leaders of the zodiac. Water Bearers can use computer systems and will keep the company up-to-date with technology. They are happy to be one of the boys and to be seen as part of a group. They welcome newcomers to the office and embrace new ideas, projects and inventions.


Pisces wants to be artistic. They are keen to be in the backroom and may be a recluse. Fish are in tune with others and can intuitively find solutions to problems. They empathize with co-workers. They can happily work behind the scenes quietly making progress. They are the best sign to understand the underlying office energy and are aware of atmospheres and elusive behavior.