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12th House

12th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The 12th House


The 12th house in astrology is often referred to as the house of the subconscious, the hidden and the spiritual.

It is associated with dreams, secrets, intuition and the unseen aspects of life.

This house rules over solitude, confinement (such as hospitals and prisons) and self-undoing.

It also relates to karmic debts, past lives and the coll ective unconscious.

Here’s a look at the meaning of each planet when it is placed in the 12th house:

12th House Affinities 

The twelfth house shows hospitals, reconstructive clinics, rehabilitation clinics, sanatoriums, neonatal clinics, incubators, decompression chambers, hospices and nursing homes, the people who work there and your experience of these places.

All critical illness and chronic diseases (those illnesses which will eventually kill you e.g. cancer) are shown in the twelfth house.

Any illness for which you have to take regular or daily medicine (e.g. diabetes) is a shown in the twelfth house.

Your destructive behavior, (e.g. self-medication with drugs, smoking or alcohol).

It shows your self-undoing, self-sabotage and where you shoot yourself in the foot. 

It shows places of collection and curation like libraries, museums, archives, art galleries, curators and zoos and your relationship with them is indicated by the condition of the twelfth house.

Your dream life, sleep, insomnia, nightmares, unconsciousness and your subconscious are all here too.

Being under general anesthetic, epidural anesthetics, and your reaction to these drugs and gasses are shown in the twelfth house.

The twelfth house indicates confinement; being in custody, incarceration, prison, jail and penitentiaries and your experience of these places.

The twelfth house is about all large animals (larger than a goat) and typically farm animals like horses, ostriches and cattle etc. but not big game animals as they are in the 5th house.

This house shows farming and control of livestock. 



Sun in the 12th House

Hidden Identity

You may be unconfident.

Your sense of self and identity may be deeply connected to the subconscious or hidden aspects of life.

You may feel more comfortable behind the scenes or in roles that involve helping others.

Spiritual Calling

There can be a strong drive toward spiritual pursuits or a deep inner life.


You might experience periods of solitude or a need for retreat to recharge.


Moon in the 12th House

Emotional Depth

Emotions are often deeply buried and may be hard to access or understand. There’s a strong intuition and sensitivity to the collective unconscious.

You may cry at night.

Hidden Feelings

You may keep your true feelings hidden, and emotional expression can be challenging.

Psychic Sensitivity

A heightened psychic ability or sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others is common.

Mercury in the 12th House

Hidden Thoughts

Your thoughts and communication might be introspective, secretive, or focused on the subconscious mind.

Dreams and Intuition

A strong connection to dreams, intuition, and possibly telepathy.

Solitary Learning

You read spiritual literature.

You might prefer to study or learn in solitude or be drawn to hidden or esoteric knowledge.

Venus in the 12th House

Hidden Love

You spend time in meditation.

Love and relationships may be kept private or involve secret affairs.

There’s a tendency to idealize love or experience it on a spiritual level.

Compassionate Love

A deep sense of compassion and selfless love, often leading to helping others.

Artistic Inspiration

Artistic and creative pursuits may be inspired by the subconscious or spiritual experiences.

Mars in the 12th House

Hidden Desires

Your desires and actions may be driven by subconscious motives or hidden passions.

Indirect Action

There might be difficulty expressing anger or asserting yourself directly, leading to passive-aggressive behavior.

Spiritual Courage

A drive to confront inner demons or to pursue spiritual and psychological battles.

You expend energy in prayer.

Jupiter in the 12th House

Spiritual Growth

Growth and expansion come through spiritual, subconscious, or hidden realms. There’s a sense of protection and luck in these areas.


A natural inclination toward charity, compassion, and helping those in confinement or suffering.

Inner Wisdom

You have big dreams.

A deep connection to spiritual wisdom and inner guidance.

Saturn in the 12th House

Hidden Fears

Fears, limitations, and responsibilities may be deeply buried in the subconscious. There can be a sense of isolation or confinement.

Karmic Lessons

Significant life lessons and karmic debts may come through solitude, spiritual pursuits, or dealing with hidden aspects of life.

Inner Discipline

You may suffer in the cold.

Developing inner discipline and strength through facing subconscious fears and limitations.

Uranus in the 12th House

Sudden Insights

Sudden, unexpected insights and changes in the subconscious mind or spiritual understanding.

You can be unexpectedly hospitalized.

Unconventional Spirituality

A unique or unconventional approach to spirituality and the unseen realms.

Hidden Rebellion

A tendency to rebel against hidden restrictions or societal norms, often in subtle or subconscious ways.

Neptune in the 12th House

Spiritual Sensitivity

A strong connection to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. There’s often a heightened intuition and psychic ability.

Illusion and Confusion

Challenges with distinguishing reality from illusion, leading to potential escapism or deception.


You meditate in seclusion.

Pluto in the 12th House

Subconscious Power

A powerful drive to understand and transform the subconscious mind and hidden aspects of life.

Intense Spirituality

Intense and transformative spiritual experiences, often involving facing deep fears and taboos.

Healing and Regeneration

A strong ability to heal and regenerate from deep within, often through confronting hidden issues and past traumas.

You can manifest destructive behavior.


Each planet in the 12th house brings a unique influence to the themes of the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. This house challenges individuals to explore the depths of their inner worlds and transform through introspection and spiritual growth.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The 8th House


The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division.

The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and rebirth, sex, deeply committed relationships, shared resources and other people’s money (like taxes, inheritances, and investments).

It’s a house that goes into the mysteries of life, including the psychological and emotional aspects of intimacy and personal growth.

It is a house of profound change and the subconscious mind.

8th House Affinities 

The 8th house is the house of your sex life showing the who, what, when and where.

It is the house of secrets.

The eighth house is about death, funerals, undertakers, embalming, wills, inheritances, legacies and the goods of the dead. Taxes, tax returns and tax audits are all in the eighth house.

It shows your debt, your credit score (FICO) and any loans or mortgages you take out.

This house shows interest accrued and owing. It indicates your credit card interest rate.

This house shows any annuities, life insurance or other insurance you have and your personal financial advisors.

This house shows your views on other people’s money.

The eighth house shows your attitude towards other people’s resources such as your partner’s money.

This house shows the influence you have and where people vote for you and support you and this is often done in secret.

The eighth house is about surgery where slicing and dicing take place.

It shows your view on organ donations, blood transfusions, blood donations and this includes sperm and egg donations and surrogacy. 


Sun in the 8th House

Transformation and Identity

This placement suggests that your sense of self and purpose undergo significant transformations throughout life.

You might have a deep interest in exploring the mysteries of life, psychology, and the occult.


Your identity is tied to your ability to connect deeply with others, and you may experience intense relationships.


There could be a focus on inheritance or benefits from other people’s resources.

You may inherit from you father.

Moon in the 8th House

Emotional Depth

Emotions run deep with this placement. You may have a strong intuition and a need for emotional security through deep, transformative experiences.

Psychic Sensitivity

There’s often a heightened sensitivity to the unseen and emotional undercurrents in relationships.

Family Resources

Issues around shared family resources or inheritances might be significant.

You feel overwhelmed by debt.

Mercury in the 8th House

Communication about the Unseen

You might have a talent for discussing taboo subjects, psychology, and mysteries.

Investigative Mind

This placement often gives a sharp mind for research and uncovering hidden truths.

You read occult books.

Financial Discussions

Conversations about joint finances or investments can be prominent.

Venus in the 8th House

Deep Love

Love and relationships are intense and transformative.

There’s a desire for profound emotional and physical intimacy.

You appreciate good sex.

Shared Finances

Financial benefits may come through partnerships, inheritances, or other people’s resources.

Aesthetic Transformation

A love for transforming beauty and art in profound ways.

Mars in the 8th House

Passion and Conflict

This placement brings intense passion and sometimes conflict in intimate relationships. There’s a drive to explore and assert oneself in matters of transformation and shared resources.

Courage in Crisis

You might have a fearless approach to dealing with crises or transformational experiences.

Sexual Energy

Strong sexual desires and drive can be associated with this placement.

You enjoy your intimate life.

Jupiter in the 8th House

Growth through Transformation

Expansion and growth come through transformative experiences, deep learning, and understanding the mysteries of life.

Financial Gains

There could be significant financial gains through inheritances, investments, or other people’s resources.

But on the downside, you may run up huge debt.

Philosophical Depth

A philosophical or spiritual approach to life’s mysteries and the deeper aspects of existence.

Saturn in the 8th House

Serious Approach to Transformation

Challenges and lessons come through deep, transformative experiences. You might face limitations or fears around intimacy and shared resources.

Financial Responsibilities

There could be a heavy sense of responsibility or delays in matters related to joint finances or inheritances.

Emotional Resilience

Developing emotional strength and resilience is often a theme.

You may be cold in intimacy.

Uranus in the 8th House

Sudden Changes

Sudden and unexpected changes in areas related to transformation, shared resources, and intimacy.

You receive assistance from unlikely quarters.

Innovative Ideas

A unique approach to the mysteries of life, with an interest in unconventional or progressive ideas.

Revolution in Intimacy

Relationships and intimacy might be unconventional or subject to sudden changes.

Neptune in the 8th House

Spiritual Transformation

Deep spiritual and emotional experiences, with a focus on merging with the divine or the subconscious.

Mystical Experiences

A tendency towards mystical experiences or interest in the occult and hidden realms.

Financial Uncertainty

There could be confusion or deception in matters related to shared finances or inheritances.

You need clarity on tax forms.

Pluto in the 8th House

Profound Transformation

Intense and profound transformations are central to your life.

You have a powerful drive to understand and control the deeper aspects of life and death.

Power and Control

Issues around power, control, and manipulation can be significant, particularly in relationships.

You explore your sex life.


A strong ability to regenerate and rise from the ashes of your experiences, much like a phoenix.

8th House Overview

Each planet in the 8th house brings a unique flavor to the themes of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources, influencing how you experience and navigate these deep aspects of life.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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8th House

8th House

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Wheel of the Year Quack-Quack

Wheel of the Year Quack-Quack

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Wheel of the Year “Quack-Quack”

What is a Quack-Quack?

A “quack-quack” is a folded paper artwork (like origami) which you can use for many things. Typically, it is played to find yes/no answers or “he loves me, he loves me not” as a game.

Quack-quacks may have a better name, but when my kids were growing up, we called them quack-quacks because as you move them looks like little birds’ beaks opening and closing, thus the duck sound of quack-quack.

You can call them what you like and do let me know if you have a better name. In the meantime, I’ll continue to call them quack-quacks.


WOTY Quack-Quack

What You Do


Download the Quack-Quack template below.



Print out the full color page. You can make as many as you wish. You can also make it larger if you have bigger paper.

Cut Out

Carefully cut the full square diagram out. Try to keep the edges super sharp and square.

Folding Tips

As you make each fold be careful to keep the folds sharp. You can use a bone folder to help with this part.

When folding point into the middle, try to line it up exactly to keep the shape.


With the image facing down, fold the paper in half vertically then open.

Fold in half horizontally then open.

Still facing down, fold each corner into the centerfold crosshairs. This makes a smaller square.

Flip it over, colored side up.

Now fold each corner into the middle.

Gently open the four corners and place you thumbs and forefingers from both hands up into the little pockets.

Make it quack by opening and closing your fingers.


Wheel of the Year Festivals Summary

The Wheel of the Year is a modern pagan calendar that marks eight festivals, also known as Sabbats, celebrated by many Wiccans, Neo-Pagans, and other Earth-centered spiritual traditions. These festivals are tied to the cycles of the sun and the changing seasons.

Yule (Winter Solstice)

°Around December 21st, Yule marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the return of longer days. Traditions include lighting candles and fires, decorating with evergreens, and feasting.

Imbolc (Candlemas)

Around February 1st or 2nd, Imbolc signifies the midpoint between winter and spring. It is a time of purification and light, often associated with the goddess Brigid. People celebrate with candles, fire rituals, and early spring cleaning.

Ostara (Spring Equinox)

Around March 21st, Ostara represents balance, as day and night are of equal length. It celebrates the awakening of the earth and new beginnings. Traditions include planting seeds, decorating eggs, and celebrating fertility and growth.

Beltane (May Day)

Around May 1st, Beltane marks the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. It is a festival of fire and fertility, celebrating life and passion. Customs include dancing around the maypole, jumping over bonfires, and adorning with flowers.

  • More on BELTANE

Litha (Summer Solstice)

Around June 21st, Litha is the longest day of the year. It celebrates the power and strength of the sun at its zenith. Celebrations often involve bonfires, feasting, and connecting with nature.

Lammas (Lughnasadh)

Around August 1st, Lammas is the first harvest festival, marking the gathering of the first grains and fruits. It is a time of gratitude and abundance. Traditions include baking bread, holding feasts, and making corn dollies.

Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Around September 21st, Mabon is another time of balance, with equal day and night. It is the second harvest festival, celebrating the fruits of the earth and giving thanks. Activities include feasting, sharing the harvest, and preparing for the colder months.

Samhain (Halloween)

Around October 31st, Samhain marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. It is considered the pagan New Year and a time when the veil between the worlds is thin. Traditions include honoring ancestors, lighting candles, and sharing stories of the past.

These festivals offer a way to connect with nature, the changing seasons, and the cycles of life, encouraging mindfulness and gratitude throughout the year.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Forecasting Techniques

Forecasting Techniques

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Forecasting Techniques

Once you can read a chart you’ll want to get into forecasting.

Astrology has various techniques to forecast or predict future events and trends.

These techniques can be broadly classified into direct and indirect methods.

You don’t have to use them all.

Here’s a brief overview of the four main forecasting techniques which I use for every chart I interpret. 

Podcast Episode

You can listen to the full podcast episode with me and Arwyne by clicking below.

Direct Forecasting Techniques


Transits involve observing the ongoing movement of planets and how they interact with an individual’s natal chart.

As planets transit through the zodiac, they form aspects (such as conjunctions, squares, or trines) with the planets and points in the natal chart.

These interactions can indicate significant events, changes, or themes in a person’s life during the period of the transit.

Solar Returns

A solar return chart is cast for the exact moment the Sun returns to its natal position, which happens once a year around your birthday.

This chart provides insights into the year ahead, highlighting the major themes, challenges and opportunities.

Analyzing the solar return chart in relation to the natal chart can give a comprehensive view of the upcoming year’s potential.


Indirect Forecasting Techniques

Secondary Progressions

Secondary progressions are based on the “day-for-a-year” principle, where each day after birth represents a year in the individual’s life.

By advancing the natal chart forward one day for each year of life, astrologers can observe how the progressed planets and points interact with the natal chart.

This method reveals the internal, psychological, and developmental changes that occur over time, complementing the external events indicated by transits.

Solar Arc Directions

Solar arc directions involve moving every planet and point in the natal chart forward by the same amount, calculated based on the solar arc (the distance the Sun moves in a day, approximately one degree).

This method creates a chart that reflects the evolved positions of the planets and their aspects to the natal chart.

Solar arc directions provide a broad, long-term view of life’s significant shifts and transitions.

Other Forecasting Techniques

The following methods are ones which I never use, not because they don’t work, but becasue I prefer the first four methods I mentioned.


Firdaria is a time-lord technique used primarily in traditional astrology.

It divides a person’s life into distinct periods governed by different planets.

Each planet, known as a “time lord,” presides over a specific phase, influencing the themes and events of that period.

The sequence and duration of these periods vary according to the planet’s position and significance in the natal chart.


Profections is an ancient technique that advances the natal chart one house per year.

Starting from the Ascendant, each house represents a year of life, cycling through the entire zodiac every 12 years.

The sign and planets ruling the house of the current year become particularly significant, as they highlight the key themes and areas of focus for that year.

Primary Directions

Primary directions involve the symbolic (indirect) movement of planets and points through the sky, representing significant life events and developments.

This technique shifts the natal chart forward by a specific amount, usually one degree for each year of life, to see how the planets’ new positions relate to the original chart.

Additional Forecasting Techniques

Here are a few more techniques again that I do not use.

Lunar Returns

Similar to solar returns but focusing on the Moon’s return to its natal position, offering insights into emotional and domestic themes for the month ahead.

A lunar return is cast every month this makes it the most short lived method.

Planetary Arcs

Planetary arc directions, are where each planet and point is moved forward by an individual planet’s arc to identify long-term trends and transformations.

You choose the planet for the chart by its rulership of the topic in question.

For example for the lovelife use a Venus arc chart and for career use a Saturn arc chart

This one can be tricky and you may have to do it by hand (without a computer) as not many astrology software programs can calculate other planetary returns although good old Solar Fire does.

Transits to Progressed Chart

Analyzing how current planetary transits interact with the progressed chart is another way to forecast.

I’m not sure if this is a viable method becasue you are taking a transit which will be a progression one day, and applying it to an indirect movement of a planet.

Direct Forecasting Techniques

Transits and Solar Returns

The two main direct forecasting techniques I use are transits and solar returns.

Transits: What to Look For

Transits are a key tool in astrology, providing insights into how current planetary movements impact your client’s natal chart.

Here’s a quick look at what to consider when interpreting transits:

Planets in Transits


Governs transformation, power and regeneration.

Pluto transits indicate deep, often intense changes and the need to confront and release what no longer serves.


Associated with dreams, intuition, and illusion.

Neptune transits can bring inspiration, spiritual growth, but also confusion and deception.


Symbolizes change, innovation, and upheaval.

Uranus transits bring unexpected events, breakthroughs, breakdownsa and breakouts and shifts in perspective.


Represents discipline, structure and challenges.

Saturn transits often signify periods of hard work, responsibility and testing.


Brings growth, expansion and opportunities.

Jupiter transits indicate times of prosperity, growth, learning and new experiences.


Drives action, energy and ambition.

Mars transits can spark motivation, what you will fight for, conflict and assertiveness.


Represents love, beauty and harmony.

Venus transits influence relationships, aesthetics, money and your social interactions.


Governs communication, intellect, trade and travel.

Mercury transits affect thinking, opinions, paperwork, information exchange and daily routines.


The aspects formed by transiting planets to natal planets and points reveal the nature of the influence.


Occur when a transiting planet is in the same position as a natal planet.

They bring intensified energy and focus on the qualities of the planet involved.

Pay close attention to conjunctions, as they signify major periods of activation and focus on the planets involved.

Hard Aspects (Square, Opposition)

Create tension and challenges that often require action and resolution.

Squares (90 degrees) and oppositions (180 degrees) indicate conflict, dilemmas, obstacles, or necessary adjustments.

Examine squares and oppositions to find areas of conflict, challenge and potential for growth through overcoming difficulties.

Many clients arrive in the astrologer’s consulting room when under a hard transit from an out planet.

Soft Aspects

Offer ease and opportunities. Trines (120 degrees) and sextiles (60 degrees) facilitate growth, harmony and beneficial developments.

Look for trines and sextiles to find periods of harmony, ease, and natural development, where things tend to flow more smoothly.

Personally I don’t bother with the soft aspect transits as they oftne just pass by. Whearas the hard aspects demand attention.

  • More on TRANSITS

Forecasting Technique: Graphic Ephemeris

I love working with a graphic ephemeris. It is a bit tricky to read to start with but well worth the effort to learn.

The Graphic Ephemeris is a powerful visual tool used by astrologers to track planetary movements and their interactions over time.

It give a graphical (visual) representation of the positions of planets and their transits relative to an your natal chart.

Understanding the Graphic Ephemeris

Graphical Representation

Unlike a traditional ephemeris, which lists planetary positions in a tabular format, the Graphic Ephemeris displays these positions on a graph.

Time is typically represented along the horizontal axis, while the zodiac degrees or signs are shown on the vertical axis.

Tracking Planetary Movements

The graph plots the daily positions of the planets, allowing you to see at a glance how planets move through the zodiac over days, months, or even years.

Being on a one page, it helps you to visualize the dynamic nature of planetary cycles.

Identifying Main Outer Transits

By overlaying the positions of transiting planets with key points in the natal chart (such as Pluto, Neptune and Uranus), the Graphic Ephemeris makes it easy to identify when transiting planets form significant aspects to natal planets.

Using the Graphic Ephemeris

Setting Up the Chart

To use the Graphic Ephemeris, one must first set up the chart for the individual or event in question.

This involves plotting the natal chart or any other relevant chart.

Overlaying Transits

Once the natal chart is set, transiting planets are plotted over time.

This can be done for specific periods, such as a month, a year, or several years, depending on the scope of the forecast.

Interpreting Patterns and Hot Spots

You then analyze the graph to interpret the patterns.

Look for when transiting planets cross important points in the natal chart and form aspects to natal planets.

These times are then interpreted for their potential impact based on the nature of the planets and aspects involved.


Eclipses are powerful astronomical events that hold significant astrological meaning.

In astrology, eclipses—both solar and lunar—are seen as harbingers of change, transformation, and pivotal shifts.

They occur in cycles, typically about every six months, and their influence can be felt for months before and after the event.

Here’s a detailed discussion on how eclipses serve as a forecasting tool in astrology:

Types of Eclipses

Solar Eclipses

Occur during a New Moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s light.

Symbolize new beginnings, fresh starts, and the initiation of significant changes.

Can highlight areas of life where new opportunities or challenges will emerge.

Lunar Eclipses

Occur during a Full Moon when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon.

Represent culmination, closure, and the revelation of hidden truths.

Often signal the end of a chapter or the need to release something that no longer serves us.

Astrological Significance of Eclipses

Trigger Points

Eclipses often act as trigger points for significant events and changes, especially when they closely aspect personal planets or critical points (Ascendant, Midheaven) in the natal chart.

They can catalyze shifts in areas such as relationships, career, health, and personal development.

Intensity and Unpredictability

The energy of eclipses is intense and can bring sudden, unexpected changes. This makes them powerful times for transformation but also periods of instability and unpredictability.

Long-Term Influence

The effects of an eclipse can unfold over six months to a year, making them useful for long-term forecasting.

The themes and events triggered by an eclipse can continue to develop and manifest well beyond the date of the actual event.

How to Use Eclipses in Forecasting

Identifying the House Placement

Determine which house in the natal chart the eclipse falls. This indicates the area of life where changes and significant events are likely to occur.

For example, an eclipse in the 10th house might signify major shifts in career or public life, while one in the 4th house could impact home and family matters.

Examining Aspects to Natal Planets

Analyze the aspects the eclipse makes to natal planets. Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions are particularly potent and suggest major turning points.

Trines and sextiles, while still significant, tend to facilitate smoother transitions and positive developments.

Consider the Nodal Axis

Eclipses occur near the lunar nodes (North Node and South Node), which represent points of destiny and karmic lessons.

Eclipses near the North Node suggest new opportunities and growth, while those near the South Node indicate the need for release and letting go of past patterns.

Reviewing Eclipse Cycles

Eclipses follow an 18.6-year cycle, returning to the same zodiac sign and degree roughly every 19 years.

Reviewing past events from the previous cycle can provide insights into the themes that might re-emerge.

  • More on ECLIPSES

Solar Returns

Key Elements to Consider

A Solar Return chart is a powerful forecasting tool in astrology, created for the exact moment the Sun returns to its natal position, which occurs annually around your birthday.

This chart offers insights into the themes and events that will be significant in the coming year.

Here’s a detailed guide on what to look for in a Solar Return chart:

Solar Return Sun’s House

The house in which the Solar Return Sun is placed reveals the main area of focus for the year. Each house represents different aspects of life, and the presence of the Solar Return Sun highlights the significance of that area.

1st House

Personal identity, self-expression, appearance, and new beginnings.

2nd House

Finances, possessions, self-worth, and values.

3rd House

Communication, learning, siblings, and daily interactions.

4th House

Home, family, emotional foundations, and private life.

5th House

Creativity, romance, children, and hobbies.

6th House

Work, health, daily routines, and service.

7th House

Relationships, partnerships, and significant others.

8th House

Shared resources, transformation, intimacy, and deep psychological matters.

9th House

Travel, higher education, philosophy, and belief systems.

10th House

Career, public life, reputation, and ambitions.

11th House

Friendships, social networks, goals, and aspirations.

12th House

Solitude, spirituality, hidden matters, and subconscious.

Solar Return Sun’s Aspects

The aspects the Solar Return Sun makes to other planets in the Solar Return chart provide additional layers of meaning, indicating how the themes of the year will play out.


Intensify the influence of the involved planets, indicating major focal points.


Highlight challenges and areas requiring effort and adjustment.


Suggest balancing and integrating opposing forces or perspectives.

Trines and Sextiles

Indicate opportunities, ease, and harmonious developments.

The Solar Return Ascendant in Your Natal Chart

The Ascendant of the Solar Return chart, when compared to the natal chart, provides insights into how the year’s energy will manifest and where personal growth will be emphasized.

Ascendant in 1st House

Focus on self-development, personal goals, and self-image.

Ascendant in 2nd House

Emphasis on financial matters, resources, and personal values.

Ascendant in 3rd House

Increased communication, learning, and interactions with the immediate environment.

Ascendant in 4th House

Home, family dynamics, and emotional security are highlighted.

Ascendant in 5th House

Creativity, romance, and enjoyment take center stage.

Ascendant in 6th House

Health, daily routines, and work are key areas of focus.

Ascendant in 7th House

Partnerships and relationships play a significant role.

Ascendant in 8th House

Deep emotional transformations, shared resources, and intimate relationships are emphasized.

Ascendant in 9th House

Travel, education, and broadening horizons become important.

Ascendant in 10th House

Career and public life are highlighted, with potential for achievements.

Ascendant in 11th House

Friendships, social connections, and long-term goals are emphasized.

Ascendant in 12th House

A year of introspection, spiritual growth, and addressing subconscious issues.

Solar Returns: Additional Considerations

Planetary Emphasis

Note the planets that are prominently placed or heavily aspected in the Solar Return chart, as they will play a crucial role in shaping the year’s experiences.

Lunar Phases

The phase of the Moon at the time of the Solar Return can provide additional insights into the emotional tone and overall mood for the year.

Angle Activation

Pay attention to any planets located on the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, IC) of the Solar Return chart, as they will have a heightened influence.

Repeating Patterns

Compare the Solar Return chart with the natal chart to identify repeating themes or significant transits that may reinforce certain areas of focus.

Extend Yourself: Direct Forecasting

Below are a few questions to ask yourself when starting with forecasting. You will of course go deeper and explore every avenue for your paying clients.

Considering the period of the next 12 months and using an orb of 1° applying and separating, in your astrology journal please do the following:




  • List any outer planet (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) conjunctions to your natal planets, Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • List any middle planet (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) changing house and note the date.
  • Find the next retrograde periods for Mercury, Venus and Mars and note which natal houses they will be in for you.
  • Write one sentence to sum up the transit forecast.



  • Note if the next solar eclipse will conjoin any of your planets, Ascendant or Midheaven.
  • Note which natal house the next lunar eclipse will be in for you.


Extend Yourself Further: Indirect Forecasting

Below are a few questions to ask yourself when getting greater into forecasting. You will of course go deeper and explore every avenue for your paying clients.

Considering the period of the next 12 months and using an orb of 1°, in your astrology journal please do the following:


Secondary Progressions


  • State the progressed chart ruler.
  • List all natal retrograde planets that are now direct by progression. If there are any, go back and find the station direct dates.
  • List all natal planets that are now retrograde by progression. If there are any, go back and find the station retrograde dates.
  • List all progressed planets that will change signs and note the dates.
  • List all progressed planets that will change house and note the dates.
  • Write one sentence to sum up the secondary progressed forecast.


Solar Arc Directions


  • Find any solar arc directed planet conjoined a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • Find any solar arc directed planet opposing a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • Find any solar arc directed planet squaring a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.



  • Write one sentence to sum up the complete overall forecast.
  • Explore all the main themes that have come up through your examination of all the forecasting techniques. Write a brief summary (500 words).

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Jupiter Square Saturn

Jupiter Square Saturn

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Jupiter Square Saturn

In August 2024, an intriguing astrological event will occur as our two significant social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, form a square aspect with each other.

This alignment, known as the Jupiter-Saturn square, typically involves a three-hit transit.

These three exact contacts usually unfold over a period of six to seven months, making it a prolonged and influential phase.

The Jupiter-Saturn square is a relatively rare event, occurring only once every six to seven years.

This alignment brings about a dynamic interplay between the expansive, optimistic energies of Jupiter and the disciplined, restrictive forces of Saturn.

The tension between these two planets often signals a time of challenge and growth, requiring us to balance our aspirations with reality.

We are fortunate to witness this significant astrological phenomenon towards the end of 2024, continuing into 2025.

This period will provide an opportunity to navigate the complexities of ambition and limitation, encouraging us to find harmony between our goals and the practical steps needed to achieve them.

3-Hit Transit

As these are transiting planets, the Jupiter-Saturn square will involve three exact contacts over the next several months.

This three-hit transit adds depth and complexity to the astrological event, influencing our lives in phases.

First Contact

On August 17, 2024, Jupiter in Gemini will be at 17°, and Saturn in Pisces will be at 17° retrograde.

As Jupiter moves closer, they will form the first exact square.

This initial contact will set the stage, highlighting the areas of tension and potential growth in our lives.

Second Contact

On December 24, 2024, Jupiter, now retrograde in Gemini, will be at 14°.

It will form the second square with Saturn, also at 14° Pisces.

This middle phase of the transit often brings a revisiting of themes and challenges from the first contact, offering a chance to reassess and adjust our approach.

Third Contact

On January 15, 2025, Jupiter will make the final pass of its square with Saturn.

This third contact will bring closure to the transit, culminating the lessons and experiences of the previous months.

This final phase is a time for integration, where we can apply the insights gained and move forward with a clearer understanding of the balance between expansion and limitation in our lives.

The three-hit transit of the Jupiter-Saturn square provides a structured period of growth and reflection, encouraging us to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise with mindfulness and care.


Assessing Relative Strength: Direction and Essential Dignity

To understand the dynamics of a planetary aspect, it’s important to assess the relative strength of the involved planets.

One effective method is by examining their sign placement and Essential Dignity scores.

By doing so, we can gain insights into which planet holds more influence and how their energies will interact.

Direction and Essential Dignity

Determining which planet is stronger starts with evaluating their positions in the zodiac signs and their Essential Dignity.

Essential Dignity is a system in astrology that assigns strength to planets based on their placement in specific signs.

Let’s unpack the Jupiter-Saturn square aspect to better understand their relative strengths:

First Contact

Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini, with an Essential Dignity score of -5.

This makes Jupiter less effective in expressing its natural expansive and optimistic qualities.

However, Jupiter is direct, which gives it some added strength and forward momentum.

Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, which weakens its influence and ability to impose structure and discipline.

Additionally, Saturn in Pisces is in a position where it lacks essential dignity.

Despite Jupiter being in detriment, it is slightly stronger in this phase because it is direct and disposes Saturn in Pisces, where Saturn’s retrograde motion further diminishes its power.

Second Contact

Jupiter remains in Gemini but is now retrograde.

While retrograde motion typically indicates a period of reflection and internalization, the sign placement still plays a crucial role in determining strength.

Saturn continues to be in Pisces, still retrograde and without essential dignity, making it a guest in Jupiter’s sign.

Even with Jupiter retrograde, it is likely to be more influential because Saturn remains in Pisces (a sign associated with Jupiter).

The sign position of Jupiter generally prevails over the retrograde status, maintaining its relative strength over Saturn.

Third Contact

By the third contact, Jupiter has moved into Cancer, where it is exalted, receiving an Essential Dignity score of +4.

This exaltation greatly enhances Jupiter’s power, allowing it to express its qualities of growth, optimism, and expansion effectively.

Saturn, on the other hand, moves into Aries, where it is in fall, with an Essential Dignity score of -4.

This significantly weakens Saturn’s ability to function optimally, as its disciplined and structured nature is challenged by the impulsive and fiery energy of Aries.

In this final phase, Jupiter in Cancer, exalted and direct, will be much more effective and influential than Saturn in Aries, which is in fall and weakened.

By analyzing the essential dignities, direct or retrograde status, and dispositional relationships of Jupiter and Saturn during these three contacts, we gain a nuanced understanding of their relative strengths.

This helps us predict how the energies of the Jupiter-Saturn square will manifest over time, highlighting periods of growth, challenge, and resolution.

Extend Yourself

Jupiter square Saturn

In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • Add the three exact contact dates to your calendar.
  • Find the houses where 17° Gemini and Pisces are in your chart.
  • Find the houses where 14° Gemini and Pisces are in your chart.
  • Find the houses where 1° Cancer and Aries are in your chart.


Personal Forecast

Always relate forecast material to your own chart so you can understand and appreciate any subtle energies at work.


  • Write one personal forecast paragraph for each exact hit (200 words each).
  • Say how the aspect is likely to impact you by the planet’s positions in the houses in your chart.
  • Include any direct conjunctions to natal planets or points for each square.
  • Include any direct squares, to natal planets or points for each square.


Major Aspect Patterns

This square may move into position and form external major aspect patterns with planets in your natal chart.

These patterns may not be as dynamic as a natal pattern would be, but they can add valuable information if they do occur in your chart.


  • Note if the transiting Jupiter Saturn square forms a T-square to one of your natal planets and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).
  • Note if the transiting square forms a Grand Cross to two other planets in your chart and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).
  • Note if the transiting Jupiter Saturn square forms a Thor’s Hammer to one of your natal planets (now a focal planet) and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).

Aspect Podcast Episodes

If you enjoyed this article, consider listening to some more of our aspect episodes.

We add more as they become available.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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