Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

Life Comes in Cycles 

One of the more obvious cycles is the seasonal changes you experience as the Sun moves through the zodiac when it enters a cardinal sign every three months.

This is the start of the four seasons.

The Zodiac Year

The year begins as the Sun enters the first sign of Aries and spring officially begins. Summer starts as the Sun enters Cancer around July 21st. Autumn is ushered in late September and winter draws in from December 21st at the Sun’s ingress to Capricorn.

Midsummer Sun in Leo: What to expect

Here we are in the early degrees of Leo. It is just about mid-summer. But what can we expect?

That depends on whether you have a strong Leo presence in your chart from planets or your Ascendant or your Midheaven is placed in the sign.

Or, if you have a chart where there is no Leo influence at all and you have zero planets or angles in the sign of the Lion. 

If you do have a natal Leo influence

As the Sun moves through its own sign it will connect with any planets or chart points in Leo.

This will stimulate that planet or point and you will become aware of creative potentials as suggested by the strength of the contact,

Having Leo planets already in your natal chart will be reinforced as the Sun comes through. Things can become over-the-top but to express your individuality is key this month.

If you do not have a natal Leo influence

When the Sun transits Leo, and if you have no Leo signature in your chart, it becomes an opportunity for you to experience your inner child and express yourself in ways in which you would not normally.

Yes, at times it can get dramatic and loud but it can also be a lot of fun.

Summer is always good to kick back, relax and when you can be the star in your own life production.

It is a great time for a vacation or at least relaxing at home lying barefoot in a hammock. 


Enjoy the simple pleasures of sunbathing, sun-downers (drinks at sunset) and sunbeams playing in your windows. Be kind to yourself. Soak it up and make the most of the Sun in Leo.

You can’t keep up a punishing work pace all year. Even the tireless practitioners amongst you need a break from your grueling schedule of clients, preparations, and research.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

You can’t be going at full tilt all year.

Going forward into Virgo

Face September with renewed enthusiasm and bring your relaxed and refreshed self to your business and clients.


(Note, All these comments are for the northern hemisphere. For southern hemisphere reverse the seasons, but maintain the dates).


The Elements in the Garden: An Astrology Tale

The Astrological Elements in the Garden

This is the shortest story about how the four elements of fire, earth, air and water express themselves through astrology.

Element Count

The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Each chart will have a predominant element which is the element containing the most planets.

Count how many planets you have in each element.

If you have a tie then count in the Ascendant and Midheaven.


Elements Story

The four elements fo Fire, Earth, Air and Water were friends.


Fire Element

It all began when Fire was out and about in the garden and, standing in a sunny spot, had an inspiration.

“Let’s create a fabulous place and encourage all these birds which visit our garden to rest here,” said Fire.


Earth Element

“I will design and make a shelter for the birds,” said Earth.

He went off to purchase building materials at the hardware store.

Next he made a sturdy home for their winged friends.


Air Element

“We will call it Chateau Cardinal!” decreed Air.

“I will inform everyone that I have named it so,” she said.

Air dashed off to spread the word.


Water Element

Water arrived carrying a bag of birdseed and a water dish.

“I will care for these birds. I will provide food, clean water and nurture them,” said Water carefully eyeing-up next-door’s cat.



And so it was, that each element brought their own strengths to the same issue to encourage the birds to live in their garden.

How to Give an Astrological Referral

How to Give an Astrological Referral

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: February 2025 How to Give an Astrological Referral Introduction In one of the Dirty Harry movies, Clint Eastwood famously said, "An expert knows when it's time to call in the experts." This principle applies directly to astrological...

How to Give an Astrological Referral

How to Give an Astrological Referral

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: February 2025 How to Give an Astrological Referral Introduction In one of the Dirty Harry movies, Clint Eastwood famously said, "An expert knows when it's time to call in the experts." This principle applies directly to astrological...

Virgo Gets Things Done

Virgo Gets Things Done

Virgo Gets Things Done

If you have planets in Virgo you can get things done.

Virgo is a modest sign. Often people with many Virgo placements brush off their accomplishments as old hat when others comment on their abilities by replying simply “Oh, but everyone can do that.”

Well no, not everyone can do the things those with a strong Virgo chart can.

A strong Virgo signature is a chart where there are three or more planets or the ascendant in the sign of the virgin with Mercury direct.



The imagery for Virgo is a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat.

Now I propose she did not just get the bundle of cereal handed to her off camera. I imagine she donned her wellies and was down in the field and harvested the grain herself.

Miss Virgo then paused for the photo opportunity (our imagery of the constellation) she turns, walks over to the millstone and thrashes the wheat from the chaff.

She gathers up the germs of goodness and enters her kitchen to bake bread.

When the loaves are prepared she calmly places them on a clean gingham cloth in a wicker basket. Then serves her nutritious sustenance to the workers in her village.

Simple food, not flashy but full of goodness.

Very practical.



The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury and there are clues in the affinity Mercury has with the hands, handiwork, and craftwork.

Women with Virgo planets are often knitting, baking and crafting things.

These seem to be skills which are slowing disappearing as not all girls are taught these subjects anymore.

Men with Virgo placements are definitely handy to have about the place. Mr. Virgo is a guy who can wire a plug, chop onions and bath the dog.

Maybe not at the same time.


Perhaps the true skill of Virgo is that they look like they don’t know how to do things but in actual fact they do.

They don’t yell from the rooftops about what they have done but go about their business attending to what needs doing on a daily basis.

Richard Branson’s Virgin International’s tag line is “More experienced than our name suggests” which about sums it up.


“More experienced than our name suggests”


If you are lucky enough to have Miss or Mr. Virgo living in your home you maybe taking them for granted…

Do you have a strong Virgo signature?

Do you have planets in Virgo?

Can you get things done?

I really don’t expect any comments as the Virgo’s themselves don’t think they are that important.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2012

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars wants to compete and initiate things. Sagittarius is keen to be on a journey be it religious, educational, philosophical or physical. Here the sprinter (Mars) meets the marathon runner (Sagittarius).

What to expect

  • Defenders of the faith come from from all sides.
  • Adventure and excitement abounds.
  • Your energy is scattered now and it may be hard to focus.
  • You easily justify your actions.
  • Sport and competition are favored.
  • Journeys begun now will be enlightening.

To make use of astrology properly you need to find ways to work with the planetary potentials of the moment. You’ve gotta to know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

Whilst Mars is energizing Sagittarius you can take the initiative and get your plans moving.

Steady now, you may want to start too many things at once. This is the time to pick your battles but not go overboard.

Fortune favors the brave

If you have a long term project that has been languishing on the back burner it can be begun now. Have faith and simply start. Perhaps your adventure awaits.

Every journey begins with the first step. Take yours as Mars strides through Sagittarius.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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