Most Elevated Planet

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013 

Most Elevated Planet

Only one planet is the Most Elevated Planet. In your chart there will be one planet that is the most elevated planet.

This special planet is the one near the top of the chart. It is the planet that was highest in the sky at the time of your birth.

Not all most elevated planets are made equal and in some charts, they will be stronger than in others.

If you have a well placed most elevated planet you can use it towards supporting your career, reputation and public image.



How to Find Your Most Elevated Planet

The most elevated planet is the planet closest to the Midheaven (MC) in degrees of longitude on either side of the MC.

The MC is the intersection between the prime vertical and the plane of the ecliptic.

The most elevated planet is frequently in the ninth or tenth houses or close to the Midheaven, but can be in any house in the chart.


Singleton by Hemisphere 

If the most elevated planet is a singleton by hemisphere, in the south, it has extra strength. 

Disposes the Midheaven and is Most Elevated

If the Midheaven is in a sign which is disposed by the most elevated planet (by essential dignity) it gains weight.

Rulership and exaltation of your Midheaven add to the power of your most elevated planet.

Detriment and fall reduce the effect of your most elevated planet.


Examples If your Midheaven is in Libra…

  • And if the most elevated planet is Venus, it will add power to the most elevated planet because Venus rules Libra.
  • Additionally, if your most elevated planet is Saturn, it will add weight to the most elevated planet due to the fact that Saturn is exalted in Libra.
  • As well as if your most elevated planet is Mars, it will reduce the power of Mars as the most elevated planet as Mars is in detriment in Libra.
  • And if your most elevated planet is the Sun, it will reduce the potency of the most elevated planet because the Sun is in it’s fall in Libra.



The Nature of Your Most Elevated Planet

As the MC is the most elevated point in your chart any planet is measured for most elevation in relation to your MC.

Therefore any connection between the MC and the most elevated planet by aspect reinforces the potential of the most elevated planet in your chart.

The Midheaven shows for what the world knows you.

Any planet connected to the Midheaven (as in a conjunction, sextile or square) will influence this.

What this means is, if your most elevated planet has an aspect to the MC then it gains weight or power in your chart.


In Aspect to Your Midheaven

If your most elevated planet is in aspect to your Midheaven it supports the meaning of the planet.

If it is not in aspect to your Midheaven it has a neutral influence.


Conjunct your Midheaven

This is the power position for the most elevated planet as it could not be more elevated than the Midheaven.

Any planet conjoined your Midheaven will be a huge focus in your life.

Almost as if it is lighting the way for you like a torch. When the most elevated planet is conjoined the MC think star over stable in Bethlehem.


Sextile your Midheaven

A most elevated planet sextile the Midheaven will work together with the meaning of the Midheaven and support the nature of the Midheaven.

Planets is this position usually indicate latent talents which can be utilized by the Midheaven for your career and public image.


Square your Midheaven

When your most elevated planet is square your Midheaven it is in an aspect of tension.

However, this is an aspect where progress is strived for, in the nature of the most elevated planet.

This will not always be easy, in fact it can be difficult at times, but squares will always be on the front burner of your chart.

Example Chart: Tony Robbins

In this example chart for Tony Robbins Uranus is the most elevated planet.


Weaker Below the Horizon

Depending on the latitude of your birth place, sometimes the most elevated planet can actually fall below the horizon.

That is under the ascendant/descendant axis or in the northern hemisphere of the chart.

Although the planet will still be most elevated it loses much of its potency when it is below the horizon.

In this case it can be dismissed as a strong influence on the MC.

Generally a most elevated planet works well for you if it is high in the chart, aspects the MC and disposes the Midheaven by rulership.

Not all most elevated planets will benefit you.

If you do have a well placed most elevated planet it makes sense to work it to your advantage as best you can for career, reputation and public image.


Measure Your Most Elevated Planet

Use the quiz below to measure the strength, or not, of your most elevated planet.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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