Forecasting Tips

Forecasting Tips

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Information Overwhelm

Of all the questions I get from aspiring astrologers, forecasting is one of the more common ones. People want to know where to start, what to do first, what’s more important in a chart than other things and so on. And I agree, It’s overwhelming.

With forecasting there is no end to the amount of information that you can generate with your software and apps. The trick, really, is to sift through and decide what’s important, where to start and also what to not look at and what to dismiss that you can leave for another day. So, if you’re suffering farm forecasting info overwhelm, I’ve got some ideas on how to focus onto what you’re supposed to be looking at first. I just like to share some of my ideas about getting started in forecasting.

Get Started

I’m just going to cover the main forecasting techniques which are the ones that I use and the ones I recommend you start with. Please be aware that there are other forecasting techniques and you are certainly encouraged of explore them as soon as you like.

If you are just getting started with astrological forecasting, then focus on transits first. Every astrologer needs to know how to work with transit and they are the backbone of your forecasting data. Even if you never learn the other forecasting techniques, always focus on transits first.

How to Spend Your Forecasting Time

Each Hour

Let’s just have a quick look at how much time you should spend on each forecasting technique. We’re going to suppose here that you’ve already worked on the natal chart and probably spent an hour or two interpreting that. Now you’re turning your attention to the forecasting. Perhaps you’re going to put an hour into your forecasting. The diagram below shows that if you have 60 minutes available for forecasting, you want to spend half your time or 30 minutes on transits, 15 minutes on secondary progressions, 10 minutes on solar returns and 5 minutes on solar arc directions. Clearly the emphasis that you ought to put in your energy expenditure on each of the forecasting techniques. It is evident that transits are far ahead, by a long chalk, the most important technique you can do.



It doesn’t really matter if you spend one hour, one day or one week on your forecasting. And in the beginning certainly you will put in more than one hour and I certainly did when I was starting out. The important thing is to pay attention to the percentage of time you spend on each of the forecasting techniques. This diagram clearly shows that solar arc directions are not as important as transits. And you should carefully expend your precious forecasting energy on the right things to start with.

Direct Forecasting

Direct forecasting refers to what is happening up there right now. There are several ways that you can work with direct forecasting techniques, but here I’m going to talk about a couple which I use and they are transits and solar returns. Let’s take a closer look at them.


Planets to Consider

When working with transits, always start from the outer planets and work in. So first look at Pluto, Neptune and Uranus and then move on to Saturn and Jupiter.


Transit Orbs

For all transit work, use a 1° orb applying and separating.


Transits What to Look For

With transits, need to know which natal house the transiting planet is in. Next you are going to look for any aspects that the planet is making to planets in the natal chart. Always look at the aspects in this order:

  • Neutral aspects: conjunctions.
  • Hard aspects: oppositions and squares.
  • Soft aspects: the trines and sextiles.

I like to call this aspect set, my “Fab Five” aspects.


Planets Changing Signs

For personal natal chart readings, there is not much value in discussing when a transiting planets changes signs, it will change signs for everybody. Unless the transiting planet makes a direct contact to their natal chart, either via an aspect or by a house cusp change, I would tend to ignore this in personal forecast readings


Planets Changing House

When a transiting planet changes house, it is hugely important for the person. The energy that was expressed by the planet in the old house will shift onto the new area of life which the new house represents.



Transiting planets will retrograde back and forth over the chart. Each contact is important to show a main theme.

Solar Returns

The technique of solar returns is the second indirect forecasting technique which I use.

How to Cast a Solar Return Chart

For each solar return chart that you calculate, your software will work out the exact moment (time) for the chart. So, solar returns come into effect for each person around one month before their birthday and definitely by the time the transiting Sun has entered the birth Sun’s sign. What you need to do is put in the current place. The solar return place depends whereabouts you are in the world at the moment of the return. So, if you were born in New York and now you are living in Hong Kong, you will cast the solar return chart for Hong Kong.

Travelling on Your Birthday

If you happen to be away from home for your birthday, as I was one year when I went down to Mexico, use that place. I celebrated my birthday in Cancun, Mexico and so Cancun was my solar return chart place for that year.

What to Look for in Solar Return Charts

Sun’s House

The first thing I look for is the Sun’s house, because that will show the trend for the whole year. Each year the solar return Sun will be in a different house. It cycles through the chart in a specific pattern. The solar return Sun’s house is an indication of the types of things that there will be a focus on for the individual that year.


Sun’s Aspects

The second step is to consider all of the solar returns Sun’s aspects. You need to explore each solar aspect as it will have something to say about the solar return chart. On a side note, I never look at the other planets positions or aspects within the solar return chart, although you can if you have time.


Solar Return Ascendant.

The solar return Ascendant is always an interesting position in the solar return chart. I would always put the solar return Ascendant position degree into the natal chart to see which house it is highlighting Additionally, if you have time, you can do this the other way around as well.


Indirect Forecasting

Indirect forecasting covers all techniques where the chart is extrapolated through a time-based count forward. Secondary progressions are equal to one day per year. There are many ways of calculating indirect forecasted charts, but we’re just going to concentrate on two here today. They will be the secondary progressed chart and the solar arc directed chart.

Secondary Progressions

How to Cast a Secondary Progressed Chart

Your computer software will calculate your secondary progressed chart for you. You do not have to enter the time, but make sure the chart is set for the natal place of birth. For all progressed chart interpretations please use a 1° orb.


And for more certainty, this means use 1° of for all the aspects, whereas in a natal chart you would use an 8° orb for a conjunction, when working with forecasting, you’re going to be using a 1° orb both applying and separating.

Progressed Chart What to Look For

There are three main things to look at in the secondary progressed chart, and they are:

  • House ingresses
  • Sign ingresses
  • Aspects

Progressed Planets to Consider

Typically, with progressed charts, you start with the inner planets at the Sun and work your way out through the five personal planets. So that would be the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in order. Now you can if you wish, work on the outer planets too, but you would have covered those energies already in the transits section.

Progressed Planets Changing House

Look for progressed planets changing houses. When they are within 1° orb of the actual house cusp. In general and loosely, the personal planets will be moving at about 1° year, so one if you use an orb of 1° it will give you a run up to the actual house change as well. These are important as some planets are better placed in some houses than others.

Progressed Planets Changing Signs.

With a bi-wheel, look for any progressed planet changing sign in the natal chart. And again using 1° or applying and separating.

Progressed Planet Aspects

With progressed planets play attention to the aspect starting in sequence with the conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile. If you have time, you can work on to the lesser used aspects as well, but I never do.

Progressions Overview

Usually there is not much information that comes through in a progressed chart. You may have 3 or 4 planets changing sign or house and you will definitely consider those.

Solar Arc Directions

How to cast a Solar Arc Directed Chart

Your computer system will cast the solar arc directed chart for you. Make sure the place is set for the natal birthplace.


Directed Charts What to Look For

The directed Sun’s position will be the exact same position as the as the progressed Sun’s position. Directed planets only move forward, there is no retrogradation in a directed chart. With the directed chart, you are again looking for the three main things:

  • Directed planets changing signs
  • Directed planet changing houses
  • Directed planet aspects to natal planets.


Directed Planets Changing Signs

Look for any directed planets changing signs. Use a 1° orb.


Directed Planets Changing Houses.

Look for any directed planets changing house and again use a 1° orb to the house cusp.


Directed Planet Aspects

Look for any directed planets making aspects to the natal chart. You will use it 1° orb for this. Look at the aspects in sequence of conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines and sextiles. Again, you could look at the lesser used aspects if you wish and if you have time, but I never do. Typically, there is not much information that pops up in a solar arc directed chart, but what does come forward is gold.


Transits First

Forecasting is a vast subject and there’s always something new to learn, but if you’re just getting started, then begin with transits and fully understand them because this knowledge will benefit you even if you’re doing horoscope work in general as well. For every client’s chart which you ever look at, you will always consider their transits. Getting to know where each of the planets currently are placed is always a great thing for an astrologer.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Election Day 2024

USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Election Day Chart

Let the Astrology Speak

I don’t want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I’d take the red of the blue pill, because this is not the platform for that. I’m only going to concentrate on what the astrology is saying, what is being shown in the charts, and I’m going to leave the interpretations up to you. Arwynne and I have already noticed that this is quite a fraught topic, particularly for some of our YouTube videos surrounding Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and I do not wish to add fuel to the fire.

The Chart

This year’s election in the USA will be on Tuesday, November the 5th, 2024. I’ve set the chart for Washington, DC as that is the capital, just to give us a feel for the planetary positions on the whole day. Although millions will go to the polls and vote on voting day, thousands of other Americans have already sent in their votes from overseas and by post.




The Republican contender is Donald Trump who’s chart we have looked at more thoroughly and you can read more on Trump’s birth chartBut this time we’re going to be looking at the bi-wheel. With the bi-wheels, you always put the natal chart on the inside and then the transit chart on the outside. So in this bi-wheel, we’ve got Trump’s natal chart on the inner wheel, and the outer wheel is the actual transits for the day of the election.

Midheaven in 10th house.

Really when you’re considering politics and voting someone into the highest office, whoever they are, you would look at their 10th house. So in Trump’s birth 10th house he has Taurus on the cusp 24°. He has quite a wide 10th house and Gemini is intercepted fully within it. The actual 10th house is 38° wide which is one of his widest houses as well as the opposite 4th house.

Uranus conjoin the Midheaven.

We can immediately see that Uranus is conjoined the Midheaven. Uranus is at 25°42′ Gemini which is only 24′ short of the exact conjunction aspect to the Midheaven. This is a very powerful position for Uranus and Uranian themes are typically unexpected, sudden and future looking.

Jupiter in the 10th House

The one other planet that is in his 10th house is Jupiter in Gemini. Now, Jupiter has been there for a while, but it certainly wasn’t placed there the last time he was voted into office and neither was the Uranus, for that matter. These two dynamic planets are likely to show us how Donald Trump’s fortunes will favor on the day of the election.



The Democratic contender is Kamala Harris and you can read an in depth look at her chart here. The bi-wheel for Kamala Harris has the Midheaven at 2° Pisces.

Saturn in 10th House

She has Saturn in the 10th house, which is in accidental dignity and Saturn is conjoined her Chiron in the 10th house. This may suggest that she may be asking herself the questions, as Michelle Obama did in the Powers dub. Do I have a seat at this table? But clearly she does.

Neptune in the 10th House

So for her, Neptune’s been in the 10th house for many, many years. This is nothing new, but it is the planet of the rules the Midheaven which does indicate that if she’s going to take us her place on the centre stage of the world this would be a good time to do so because Neptune rules are Midheaven. Which of course shows the highest honors you can gain in life. Whether or not this will just be as a contender for the presidency or the actual presidency itself remains to be seen.



As Pluto is at the very tail end of Capricorn on Election Day, it does suggest a Capricornian theme to the result. However, Pluto is moving into Aquarius on November the 19th, and it will remain in Aquarius all the way through until the inauguration in January. This particular planetary ingress, more than anything else, is likely to create profound intensity to what will eventually unfold in January.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The People in Your Astrological Houses

The People in Your Astrological Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

People of the Astrological Houses

Where’s Waldo?

Years ago and thinking about people, when I first started learning astrology and particularly the astrological houses, I discovered that in the 3rd house are your siblings, which means your brothers or sisters. So, I looked in my third house and there I had Mars and Venus which were supposed to represent my brother and sister.

And I thought, “Gosh this astrology lark is very clever” because I have one brother (Mars) and I have one sister (Venus) and I thought, “This is brilliant!”

To me, this perfect alignment between what the chart said and what was real for me was one more indicator about why I should learn astrology and how astrology is so great.

Of course, the more I dug into the planets in the houses which represent the people in our lives, I realized that there is a subtlety to these interpretations. This what I’m going to be chatting about today.

When reading an astrological chart, frequently you want to know about people in your life and where they may be represented in your birth chart. This is a quick guide to most of the people that you will encounter in your life and the houses in which you can find them. Any planets in these houses will suggest the energy of the type of person within the house.

Example: 7th House

For example, if you have three planets in your 7th house of marriage, it suggests that you will be married or have close personal relationship with three specific people who are of the nature of the planets themselves.

The first partner will be indicated by the planet that is most clockwise in the house. This could also be said as the planet that would rise first over the Ascendant to the planet nearest to the house cusp on the clockwise side. The second planet suggests the second partner and the third planet suggests the third person. This goes the same for any business partners as well.

Vacant Houses

If a house is empty and has no planets, it doesn’t mean that those people-of-the-house do not exist in your life, but rather you would look to the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house, as that planet will then be indicative of these types of people in your life.

Think about it, not everyone has a planet in the 1st house, but everyone is alive and has a body, which is represented by the 1st house.

Vacant houses suggest that the focus of the person’s life will not be in a place where the planets are not. Where the planets are indicates where the individual will bring focus to that area of their life and the people within in it.


Example: 5th House

If you do not have planets in the 5th house of children, it does not mean that you will not have kids, but that they may not be the be all and end all of your life experience. Your offspring could easily be a pleasure and not cause unnecessary concerns for you. Your focus in this lifetime will be where your natal planets actually are.

1st House

The folks in your first house are all concerned with you and your physical appearance.

Your first house people are:

  • You yourself.
  • Your personal trainer.
  • Your hairdresser.
  • Your manicurist.
  • Your personal stylist.
  • Your masseuse.
  • Your life coach.
  • Your alter ego.

2nd House

The people in your second house are connected to your financial situation, your assets and what you find attractive.

People in your second house are.

  • Your financial advisor.
  • Your banker.
  • Your art dealer.
  • Your auctioneer.
  • Your personal shopper.

3rd House

The 3rd house individuals are connected to family members of the same generation as yourself and people who live and work nearby your home.

Your third house people are:

  • Your siblings or brothers and sisters.
  • Your cousins.
  • Your schoolteacher.
  • Your neighbors.
  • Your Uber driver.
  • Your bus driver.
  • Your postman.

4th House

Others in your 4th house are representative mainly of your family and where you came from. Additionally, those who will be around in your twilight years.

Your 4th house people are:

  • Your father.
  • Your ancestors.
  • Your family members in general.
  • Your countrymen and women.
  • Your mother-in-law.
  • Your hospice carer.
  • Your interior decorator.

5th House

People in your 5th house are related to your recreation, your creation and your procreation.

Your 5th house people are:

  • Your own children.
  • Children in general.
  • Your playmates.
  • Your theatre cronies.
  • Your gambling buddies.
  • Your romantic dates.
  • People with whom you have affairs.

6th House

The people in your 6th house are related to your work, your day-to-day activities, your pets and your health.

Your 6th house people are:

  • Your workmates.
  • Your employees.
  • Your servants.
  • Your cleaning lady.
  • Your pool guy.
  • Your workout buddies.
  • Your yoga instructor.
  • Your doctor.
  • Your pets.
  • Your pet’s vet.
  • Your clients and customers.

7th House

The individuals in your 7th house are related to your life partners, business partners and people in general.

Your 7th house people are:

  • Your spouse, husband or wife.
  • Your common law spouse.
  • Your life mate.
  • Your business partners.
  • Your lawyer.
  • Your children’s teachers.
  • Other people in general.

8th House

People in your 8th house are related to anyone who provides you with their resources physical or financial. Additionally, people related to the inevitables of life taxes, sex and death.

Your 8th house people are:

  • Your organ or tissue donors.
  • Your surgeon.
  • Your sex partners.
  • Your debtors.
  • Your undertaker.
  • Your henchmen.
  • Your secret supporters.
  • Your loan sharks.
  • Your tax advisor.
  • Your psychologist.
  • Your gynaecologist.

9th House

Folks in your 9th house are related to anything to do with religion, travel or adult education.

The people in your 9th house are:

  • Your preacher or religious leader.
  • Your university professors.
  • Your college education tutors.
  • Your travel agent.
  • Your translator.
  • Your gurus.
  • Your visionaries.
  • People with whom you walk your life path.
  • Your brothers in law and sisters in law.

10th House

People in your 10th house are related to your career and your greatest achievements in this world. They also represent the government and authority figures in general.

People in your 10th house are:

  • The police.
  • Traffic cops.
  • Your mother.
  • Your boss.
  • Your superior.
  • Your father-in-law.

11th House

People related to your 11th house have to do with your friends and associates and the children of others.

Your 11th house people are:

  • Your friends.
  • Your associates.
  • Your collaborators.
  • Your teammates.
  • Your group members.
  • Your adopted children.
  • Your stepchildren.
  • Your astrologer.

12th House

People related to your 12th house are frequently people in the shadows of your life.

The people of your 12th house are:

  • Your guardian Angel.
  • Your magician.
  • Your psychic reader.
  • Strangers in general.
  • People who come to you in your dreams.


Here I’ve given you some ideas I know about how to find the people in your life through the astrology chart.

If you are a consulting astrologer dealing with clients who perhaps bring up issues surrounding their sister, their vet, their lawyer or whomever, you will know in which house to explore to find indications around how that person will impact your client’s life.

As you interpret the birth charts of your clients there will be other people who crop up who may not be on this list, but there is always a way to work them out through derivative houses. Or you can just consider what role that person would be playing in your client’s life.

I hope you enjoy this article about the people in your chart. And it gives you something to think about during the next week.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: October 2024

Mars in Transit

Mars takes 685 days to go all the way around the zodiac, meaning it spends an average of 8 weeks in each sign, but that is wildly variable. It can spend as little as 6 or 7 weeks in a sign, or as long as several months, like the 2024-2025 transit. Mars enters Leo on November 3, 2024 and goes retrograde on December 6, while making an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, which is a potentially volatile aspect.
Pluto is entering Aquarius for the last time on November 19, after a very long stay in the final degree of Capricorn and a couple of retrogrades since 2023. Try your best to avoid conflicts with others around December 6 because sparks could really fly and the effects could be lasting if tensions erupt into open aggression.
Mars will retrograde back into Cancer on January 6, and it will continue its retrograde movement until February 23, when it stations direct and moves back into Leo on April 18, where it will stay until June 17. So if you have Mars or any major planets in Leo or Cancer, you’ll want to take a note of those dates and the degree of your planets to see when they will be activated by the movements of Mars. These could be critical days for you.

Mars in the Birth Chart

The planet Mars can be in any house or sign because Mars’s orbit is outside the orbit of Earth. Unlike Mercury and Venus which, from our perspective on Earth, only ever travel a couple of signs away from the Sun. So for example, if you have a Virgo sun, you can only have Mercury in either Leo, Virgo or Libra, or one sign away.

Similarly, if you have the sun in Virgo, you can only ever have Venus two signs away at most, meaning Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio. But you could have Mars in any sign.

Mars is the planet of action of desire, activity, aggression and, as Alison Price likes to say, what gets you up off the couch. It also plays a significant role in relationships, along with Venus, as it describes the preferred style with which you go after what you want in relationships, career, exercise… and anything else that requires positive action and initiative.

For example, when Mars is in Aries, the sign that it rules (along with Scorpio), Mars is quintessentially independent, competitive, bold and fiery. Whereas Mars in, say, Cancer is not as naturally comfortable in such a watery, lunar sign.

Mars in Cancer tends to be highly emotional, maybe even passive-aggressive, and it may take a lot more to get the Mars in Cancer person fired up or moving. They may struggle with motivation, assertion, positive action. They may only be moved when their emotions are highly engaged, for better or worse.

Mars in Leo

If you have Mars in Leo here are some keywords that may resonate with you: dramatic, confident, expressive, dramatic, egotistical, possessive, jealous, competitive. This is definitely a drama king or queen placement.

They’re often driven to create or perform, and they have a high tolerance for risk. They tend to be idealistic but their anger erupts when they feel their pride has been injured or they’re not being respected. They can be self-righteous and egotistical but they always act from their heart.


They have a strong sense of right and wrong.  They can be very ambitious, whether in their career or in their pursuit of love or the object of their desire, but since Leo is a fixed sign, their energy is more about perseverance than initiating change.

They tend to make good leaders because they have a natural empathy despite their ego. They know what it is to need respect and unless you’ve done something to cross them, they will naturally extend that respect to you.

They’re passionate and fiery but not as impulsive as Mars in Aries. In relationships, they can be very magnetic, authoritative and proud. If they’re kept happy by their partner, they can be among the most loyal of Mars placements, but if neglected they won’t hesitate to seek out the attention and admiration they require outside the relationship.

If their heart isn’t in something, whether it’s work or a relationship, it’s very hard for them to get fired up and motivated. Picture the male lion relaxed at the center of his pride, being fed by the female huntresses and lolling in the grass, satiated and regal. Now picture a solitary lion in a zoo; listless, bones protruding, hair matted, thousand-yard stare on his face. Is there anything sadder or more out of place?

If you have Mars in Leo and you feel like the lion in the zoo, some things that might boost your morale and motivation are:


  • Fall in love, passionately and completely. Devote your dramatic urges and desire for over the top self-expression to be fully focused on your object of desire.
  • Take up a competitive sport, preferably with an audience. Join an acting or improv class, learn an instrument, or talk to your boss about a promotion.
  • Stand up for someone who is being overlooked or not living up to their potential.
  • Teach others one of the many skills you’ve mastered; provide guidance, moral support and encouragement.
There is no expression of pride and mentorship quite as genuine as that of Mars in Leo. When the Sun King shines his rays on you, it’s almost impossible not to feel warmed and expanded by their attention!


Mars in Leo in Relationships

According to Steven Arroyo’s excellent book, Person to Person Astrology, Mars in Leo has a fondness for living life to the fullest and delights in participating in group events, social rituals and robust, physical activities of all kinds. They usually have a big personality with a dramatic flair and a friendly nature, a knack for telling stories and jokes and an instinct for entertaining and encouraging others. They’re often good at sales professions and have a unique capacity to vitalize organizational efforts. They like to be in control.

Their overall tendencies are dramatic self-assertion, warmth expressiveness and abundant vitality and creative flair. They need to assert themselves dynamically and creatively, but may be seen as pushy or domineering and their physical and sexual energy is stimulated by attention and demonstrative generosity. They need to be complemented and appreciated for their sexual, physical or creative prowess.

Celebrities with Mars in Leo

Beyoncé, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, George Clooney, Hillary Clinton, Paul McCartney, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan, Cher, Frank Sinatra and Colin Farrell.

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Libra Equinox 2024

Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Medical Astrology

This time I’m chatting about medical astrology which is a branch of astrology that I personally do not practice, but many of you do. The reason I don’t offer health readings is because I just don’t know that much about the inner workings of the human body. If you are a nurse, doctor, therapist or practitioner in the healthcare world, then knowing some medical astrology will add interest to your daily work. So, I’m just going to go over the basics of health astrology for those who are attracted to this topic and I know many of you are by the number of requests I’ve had about this branch of astrology. I received a particularly long email from Sarah, thank you, which spurred me on to layout the basics about medical astrology, so you can go deeper for yourself.


I am not a health care expert and any health concerns you have should always be addressed with your qualified healthcare professional.



Each zodiac sign is traditionally associated with specific parts of the body.


The planets, by their rulership of the signs, affect various bodily systems and health conditions.


Your natal chart can help to identify potential health strengths and vulnerabilities based on the planetary placements and aspects.


You can use transits and progressions to anticipate periods when you might be more susceptible to certain health issues.


Health astrology often emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit in overall wellness.


The Decumbiture Chart

Decumbiture is a specialized branch of medical astrology that focuses on the moment a person falls ill or takes to their bed due to illness. The term comes from the Latin word “decumbere,” which means “to lie down.”


A decumbiture chart is cast for the exact moment when a person first feels unwell enough to lie down or seek medical attention. This is considered a significant astrological event.

Chart Interpretation

The decumbiture chart is analyzed similarly to a birth chart, but with a specific focus on health matters. You would examine the planetary positions, aspects and house placements to gain insights into the nature and potential course of the illness.

Diagnostic Tool

Practitioners use decumbiture charts to diagnose the type of illness, its severity, and the affected body parts or systems.


The chart is also used to predict the likely duration of the illness and its potential outcome.

Treatment Timing

You can use decumbiture charts to suggest the best time to begin treatment or administer medications.

Historical Significance

Decumbiture was widely practiced in medieval and Renaissance medicine, with many renowned physicians of the time incorporating it into their practice.

Modern Applications

Some astrologers still use decumbiture as part of their health astrology practice.

Health Houses


In astrology, there are three main houses related to health they are the 6th house, the 12th house and the 1st house and on occasion, the 8th house. Pay attention to the sign on the cusp of the health houses their rulers and condition. Any planet in a health house will directly indicate the issues that may arise health wise.

6th House

Recoverable Health

The 6th house is your main health house and it suggests the recoverable ailments, illnesses or diseases which you experience. Illnesses of the 6th house are things such as a broken ankle that will heal, or when you catch the flu, and you will recover from that. All illnesses and diseases in the 6th house you will recover from.

12th House

Critical Health

The 12th House represents critical illnesses that you may get in your life. These are any diseases that will be fatal or will be terminal if not treated. If you must take medication for the rest of your life for some disease or illness that you have, that then is a 12th house illness. Examples of 12th house illnesses are leprosy, diabetes, cancer, malaria, Ebola and rabies -and of course, there may be more.

1st House


The first house relates to your core vitality. This house suggests how well people can bounce back from health issues and get back to normal. It gives information about your physical body.

Elective Surgery

Note the 1st house also suggests non-life-threatening elective surgeries such as Botox, nose-jobs, hair implants, liposuction and facelifts which people may choose to do to improve their appearance.

8th House


All surgery, where there is any slicing and dicing, is found in the 8th house. Injections and infusions with needles which penetrate the skin and enter the body, are 8th house related.


Organ transplants are represented by the 8th house, as this is the house of the resources of others. Tissue donations, and being an organ donor, like blood, kidney, liver donations, egg and sperm donations are also 8th house in nature. Donating you body to science is an 8th house activity.


The 8th house is the house of death. It may indicate the nature of your death shown by the house ruler and tenants, but also through transits and progressions.


Body Parts

Each of the signs is related to one or two body parts and broadly, the signs start at the head with the first sign of Aries and end at the feet with the last sign, Pisces.



Aries rules the head, brain, face, eyes and ears.



Taurus rules the neck.


Taurus also rules the throat.

Vocal Cords

Taurus rules the vocal cords as many of the best singers are Taureans.



Gemini rules the hands, which are used for gesticulating when talking and for sign language. Braille is read through the fingertips.


Gemini also rules the arms from the shoulder down to the elbows, the wrists and fingers.


Gemini loves to rule pairs of things. It rules the pair of lungs which are also related to Gemini as an air sign. Breathing and aspiration – the drawing of breath is ruled by Gemini.


Breasts and Chest

Cancer rules the breasts and breast milk and the chest area.


Cancer also rules the stomach as the container of food.



Leo rules the heart and the cardiovascular system. It is the first sign of life from a fetus shown on an ultrasound scan at around eight weeks.


Leo rules the back, the spine and the strength.


Digestive System

Virgo rules the digestive system which includes the intestines. Indigestion is a theme for Virgo. Virgo rules the abdomen area in general.



Libra rules the kidneys and the renal system.

Inner Ear

Libra rules the semicircular canals and otoliths of the inner ear organs used for balance.


Reproductive System

In women, Scorpio rules the vagina, ovaries, eggs, cervix, womb and pregnancy. In men, Scorpio rules the penis, testicles, sperm production and the prostate.

Eliminatory System

Scorpio rules the bladder, bowel, anus, sweat glands and the vomit reflex all of which eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.



Sagittarius rules the hips.


Sagittarius rules the largest single bone in the body, the femur, in the thigh of the upper leg.


The Archer rules the largest organ (after the skin) which is the liver.



Capricorn rules the knees and joints.


Capricorn rules the skeletal bones in general.



Aquarius rules the ankles. Aquarius rules the circulatory system.



Pisces rules the feet. Pisces rules the lymphatic system.



The planets themselves are related to some areas of the body similar to the signs they rule, and certain diseases.



The Sun is always the beating heart and shows the heart of the matter.


The Sun rules the back, backaches and back pain.


Solar diseases are weak hearts, heart attacks, heart transplants, fibrillation, slipped disks and spinal surgery.


Bodily Fluids

The Moon rules body fluids like the tears, the lymph and the female monthly cycle blood loss.


The Moon rules the breasts, breast milk and nurturing breast feeding.


Moon diseases are things like swellings, stomach ache, breast reduction and augmentation surgeries, breast cancer, the lactation let-down reflex, fluid retention and pigeon chests.



Mercury co-rules the two hemispheres of the brain where thing takes place.


The Messenger of the Gods rules the hands, hand signals, handiwork and handicrafts.


It also rules the arms, shoulders and elbows.


It rules the lungs and breathing.


Mercury related disease are things like Alzheimer’s, dementia and tremors or arthritis in the hands. Mercury also rules lung disease like bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema and collapsed lungs.


Vocal cords

Venus rules the vocal cords.


Venus rules all sweet sugary things including glucose.


Venus diseases are typically stiff necks, throat infections, loss of voice, kidney failure, dialysis and diabetes.



Mars rules the blood, blood pressure and all blood related diseases.


Mars rules fevers and sweating.


Martian diseases are blood and fever related like scarlet fever and hypertension. Infections from tattoos are Mars related.



Jupiter rules the liver the life-giving organ.

Thigh Femur

Jupiter rules the upper leg, walking and ambulation.


Jupiter related diseases are things like liver failure, hip replacements and all growths in the body.



Saturn rules the knees.


Saturn rules the bones and the skeleton.


Saturn rules the teeth, dentures, orthodontics and fillings.


Saturn rules kidney stones and gall stones.


Saturn rules the skin which is the limit of the body.


Saturnian diseases are skin related like pale skin, or acne. Saturn rules knee pain and knee replacements.



Uranus rules the ankles including sprained or twisted ankles.


As the ruler of electricity, Uranus rules the micro electrical synapses in the brain.


Uranian diseases are typically modern, like Covid-19, and unusual conditions. When you are hooked up to a life support machine or baby’s incubator, which is plugged into the electricity, it is a Uranian event. 



Neptune rules the feet, toes and arches.


Neptune has much to say about tinctures, drugs and the actual medications you may take.


Neptunian diseases relate to gasses in the body, halucinations and ingrown toenails.



Reproduction System

Pluto rules reproduction, sex and birth.

Elimination System

Pluto rules the eliminatory system that purges unwanted products from the body.


Plutonic diseases are sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and others. Pluto also rules any post operative infections. 


Visible Weaknesses

Chiron rules any visible weaknesses which can be seen. These are such as when you are on crutches, in a wheelchair, have a colostomy bag, wear spectacles or a visible hearing aid.


Chironic diseases cover all open wounds, stitches, weeping wounds, scar tissue and any issues which weaken your constitution in general.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...

Astrology Business Branding

Astrology Business Branding

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Business Branding


Branding has become quite a popular trend recently. Your astrology brand is who you are and what you do in the astrology world. It is not your other social media streams or “friends”, it is only your astrology business. When you set up an astrology business, there are a few steps that will help you get going sooner and they can be taken in sequence. Your business brand will generally be shown by the Midheaven and the 10th house complex in your commercial start chart.

Business Name

Choose a good business name that says “astrology” in the name because it helps search engines like the mighty Google find you. Pick a business name which is easy to spell and say over the phone. Good examples of names for your astrology business are Newtown Astrology, Astrology by the River, or We Love Astrology. Avoid business names like “PDQ Industries” and “Audrey and Leslie PLC” because you can’t tell what the business is about just by the name.

Business Colour Palette

You will need to have some colour in your branding. This will ultimately go on your website, logo, favicon, banner, business cards, t-shirts, candles, cards and everything else you do for your business. You can get away with one color, or choose two colors, but at the most you will need three colors.

  • A main colour like red, blue or magenta.
  • A complimentary support colour like teal, yellow or pink.
  • An accent color like black, grey or white.

Your Logo

A logo is a symbol or a little image. Logos are always square. Your logo can be an immediate indication of your business and will be with you a long time. Your logo should be simple and in your chosen colour palette. Logos are you typically used on your business card, on your website favicon, on all your social media streams like TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X, or Pinterest, they all have a spot for your logo.


Website and Online Presence

Once you have a business name, you could go on to the next part of building your business with an online presence. Get a self-hosted website with a domain name

Social Media

You could also set up a Facebook business page under your new business name, which is separate from your personal Facebook page. Additionally, you can create a Pinterest business account in your new name, because astrology is a highly visual medium. I always recommend taking your business name to all the channels a securing the name. If you don’t use it today you may wish to later. If you are happy with other social channels, by all means use them. Just keep your business social media channels to business. Don’t post about what you did last night because that juicy information goes on your personal page only.

Business Cards

Print business cards to give to everyone you meet if they ask.

Business Elections


When you finally decide to set up your astrology business there will be a start chart. This will be the birth chart for your business. If you just decide at your kitchen table you’re going to be working on charts, that’s one thing, but as soon as you start charging money and go professional, you will have a start chart for your astrology business.

Future Business Chart

Maybe you are aware that opening an astrology business is something you’d like to do in the next 12 months. Then certainly you have plenty of time to pick and choose a great start chart for your business. This is known as electional astrology where you are electing to do something in the future such as starting a business.

Existing Business Charts

All listed companies will have a start chart because they have an incorporation date and that would be the date and time for their birth charts. But for solopreneur one-woman-show astrology businesses it’s goes one of two ways:

  • Past: You started in the past doing chart readings.
  • Future: You decide that you are going to finish your training and hang up your shingle and start your astrology business, then you get to choose.

Been Doing Astrology for While

Let’s just look at the first scenario. Say you have been doing astrology on and off for 10 years, and now recently you’ve started charging money for doing charts, but you haven’t yet formed a business. Now you need that start chart and there is two ways you can do this.

  • You can go back to that very first day when you took your first dollar towards astrology, which is the indication of a professional business, and cast that chart.
  • Or you could decide that you are still working towards it and decide to have a launch party day, as it were and make an election chart for the business.

This launch party will be in the future to signify the official public launch of your astrology business.

Future Astrology Business

Your second option is if you are perhaps still working towards learning more about astrology, and let’s face it, who isn’t? We’re all learning as we go forward, but you may decide that in the next year you want to start an astrology business. Now you can choose a start chart for yourself through electional astrology.

Relaunch and Existing Business

Your third option will be that if you registered your astrology business sometime in the past, that date will be the start chart for your astrology business. So here you’ve got two options really. And, I’m going on a side note now, but bear with me.

Future Choice

Electional astrology is often used for marriage charts. You decide you’re going to get married next spring, and you pick a good day because you want Venus well placed or whatever it is. You decide and you have a marriage chart, and you go forward with that chart. However, if you come to astrology later in life and you’ve already been married for 25 years you could go back to the date from 25 years ago to the time when you said, “I do” and cast that wedding chart and that will be technically the chart for your marriage.

Retaking Vows

Now there is, of course, this modern thing of retaking your vows. This usually happens when marriages have been going a long time or they’ve hit a rocky patch and they’re trying to get back on track. The couple want to remake their vows to each other and reinforce the strength of their love. And then again you can then have a restart chart for that, so you wouldn’t just pick any old day to retake your vows and have a party. Now you’re going to choose carefully and elect a great day for your re-vow party and that would be then the chart moving forward.

So that’s just an example with weddings, but technically you can do with businesses as well.

Business Charts Examples

Not that I’m going into great detail regarding business electional charts here, but I just want to bring forward a pair of high profile business launches and the impact that one planet had on how they fared.


Facebook went public with their initial public offering (IPO) at 11:30 AM on the 18th of May 2012 in New York. The launch chart has Venus retrograde. This is not a good position for money. I recall at the time that astrologers were saying that FB had not consulted and astrologer, otherwise they would never have launched on that particular day with Venus retrograde. But they did launch and of course Facebook is a massive company.

However. initial benefit from that launch was quoted as “a disappointment”. On the first day Facebook started at $34.41 and closed at $38.23. I have provided you with a link here to the Wikipedia article about it and how the financials didn’t rise to the expectation.


Twitter (X)

Twitter went public at 9:00 AM, November 7th, 2013, again on the New York Stock Exchange. Twitter’s start chart has Venus directTwitter exceeded expectations financially on the day of their launch. They opened at $26 and closed at $44.90. Even though at the time Twitter was a far smaller company than, Facebook was or is. The simple fact of having Venus direct made all the difference. I’ll also reference here the Wikipedia page discussing how their launch was. Exceeded expectations.



I’ve already mentioned. One planet. When referencing these two business charts on the habit gone into a deep dive, certainly, I’ll leave that to you. But the point is that when you are creating a business election, you do need to make sure not only that your 10th house is well supported with good planets. You also want to make sure that Venus is direct and not going to be going retrograde in the next 7 days.And additionally, you really want to make sure that the malefic switch are. Mars, Saturn and Pluto in general are not in prominent positions or on the 1st or in the 1st house. Of course, when you are doing elections, you can’t always have everything but. Venus is one of those planets that’s very important because it rules love and money. So it’s important for wedding elections and it’s important for business elections. Just something to keep in mind.

Decision Time

Option 1:

If you are happy with your existing company chart because your business was registered on a particular day in the past, go with that.

Option 2:

If you feel you want to do some rebranding or relaunch your business or go down a different route with what you’re doing, you could then have a restart chart.


My Starzology website was launched way back in 2003. When I launched my podcast, I had an election chart for that venture. And when I launched this Starzlife newsletter I had an election chart for this venture. It really, it is up to you.


In your business chart you will be looking to the Midheaven, and 10th house of the chart. Ideally you would choose your branding colours that reflect and support this business from:

  • The sign on the Midheaven.
  • Any 10th house planets.
  • Any planetary aspects to the Midheaven degree.

Sign Colors

Each of the zodiac signs pertains to certain colours and it all hangs off the colour wheel.

Primary Colours

In the colour spectrum, there are three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and astrologically these relate to the fire signs. Aries is red, Leo is yellow and Sagittarius is blue.

Secondary Colours

The three air signs, which are midway between each of the fire signs, are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They take the secondary colours which are orange, green and violet.

Tertiary Colours

In between each active sign there is a passive sign, either earth or water. They will take the tertiary colours from the colour wheel. Taurus is tangerine, Cancer is apricot, Virgo is chartreuse, or lime green. Scorpio is turquoise, Capricorn is purple, and Pisces is fuchsia or shocking pink.


Planetary Colours

Planet Color

Another way to look at colour choices would be through planets which are prominent. Each planet has its own colour or collection of colours. Note: Here I’m just sharing my ideas with you, other astrologers could assign different colours to the planets. I’m not saying this is the final word on planetary colours it’s just the ones I use.

  • The Sun is yellow and gold.
  • The Moon is white and silver.
  • Mercury is green and paisley.
  • Venus is pink and lacey.
  • Mars is red.
  • Jupiter is royal blue.
  • Saturn is dark purple, grey or black and stripes.
  • Uranus is electric blue or turquoise and zig-zags.
  • Neptune is cyan or see green.
  • Pluto is maroon or dried blood red.
  • And once Chiron came along, I assigned it to taupe.

Planet Color Influence

When considering a business election chart, we’re looking at the Midheaven and the 10th house. After considering the sign on the Midheaven and its associated colours you can explore any planetary colours both as 10thhouse tenants and by Midheaven degree aspect.

Ask Yourself

  • Which planet is the Midheaven ruler and what is its colour?
  • Which planets tenant the 10th house and what are their colours? If the10th house is empty ignore this.
  • Which planets aspect the Midheaven (trines and sextiles are most helpful).

Computer Colours

And if you are getting very particular about your colour choices, do remember there are different ways of determining the names or numbers for different colours in use today.


On computer screens we use the RGB system which is red, green and blue combinations. The RGB triplets lets you know which combination of red, green and blue to use.


Hex colours are another way to specify computer colors. They follow a hex triplet notation following a # and have two numeric values each for red, green and blue. Example #970511.


Pantone colours are specific colours that can be called for by their name or by their code. These are used in the graphic design, printing and the paint industry. Each year Pantone announces the Color of the Year which is keenly followed by fashionistas and design people.


Here are some questions that you might like to ask yourself as you start to set up your brand-new astrology business.

  • What business name do you want?
  • Which colors do you want?
  • What type of astrology do you want to practice?
  • Who is your ideal customer?

Your Clients

Clients Starting Their Businesses

If you have clients who want to start or launch a business, and they come to you and say, “Hey, I want to open a widget business next June”. Once you’ve cast their election chart, you could then continue on to advise them on their colour choices for their business so that their selections are aligned astrologically to their business start chart. This extra step will add value to your business astrology consultations.


Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...



Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024



A T-square is a major aspect pattern found in charts it is formed with three planets, two planets oppose each other and the third planet squares the other two. 

The pattern is in the shape of a “T” in a chart. Many natal charts have T-squares and I believe that between 60% to 80% of charts will have the pattern. Personally, I don’t have one in my chart. And you may find a chart that has one T-square. Additionally, you can find charts with multiple T-squares in them.


In general, when interpreting a T-square, the energy of the two planets in opposition tends to flow towards the focal planet, which is the planet that is getting the two squares from the other planets.

This is like a pointer in a chart, as many of the triangular major aspect patterns are.

Focal Planet

So the sign, and particularly the house, where the focal planet is in a T-square suggests where this energy of the whole T-square will be expressed through the person’s life.


Typically, T-squares are in one of the three modes, so you would either get a cardinal T-square, a mutable T-square, or a fixed T-square. If all the planets are in the same mode, this is definitely the case. However, if one of the planets is in a different mode and two or in another mode, that is then known as their disassociate T-square and it makes it slightly weaker.

In the example chart I have below for Elton John, this is a fixed T-square because Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs.


Important Planets

A T-square will be particularly important if the following planets are included in it:

  • The chart ruler.
  • The Sun.
  • The Moon.

You have to fully analyze all the three planets in their signs and in their houses before you can draw it all together and combine it into the group of three planets which make the T-square. It is unadvisable just to go straight in and it look at a T-square. You do need to have a full understanding of the planet’s complex before this.


T-squares are often triggered through transits because there are three planets spread about the chart. Any of those planets could receive a transit from any of the planets at anytime.

For example, the Sun will pass around the chart and it will trigger each of the three planets in a T-square three months after each other as the Sun moves through the quarter of the chart, and not only that, where the Sun goes, Mercury and Venus follow closely behind.

So Mercury and Venus will also be aspecting the T-square and all it means three times a year.

Then you need to consider all of the other planets that may, or may not be, making aspects to the T-square.

T-square Themes

Any T-square, including its planets, their houses, their signs and the focal planet within the T-square will suggest a theme within the chart.

When you have aspects that are all hard, such as squares and oppositions, these are aspects that the person will have been grappling with from day one.


The orbs I use for a T-square are 8° for a square and 8° for an opposition.


The square is typically an aspect that shows internal dilemmas within the person, things that they are working with and trying to work through at all times.


An opposition aspect shows external dilemmas where the person is dealing with other people, other situations that are not from them. Here they may also bring in projection as well and blaming of the other and all the things that pertain to the opposition aspect. But they are external dilemmas.

The point is that the whole T-square is considered a dilemma for the person whose chart it’s in.


Another way of interpreting T-squares is to consider the sequence with which the T-square is triggered.

You do this by deciding which of the three planets is on the earliest degree.

In the example chart I show below for Elton John, there is a T-square between the Moon opposition Chiron, both squaring Pluto. Pluto is the focal planet.

The next step would be to look at the degrees that each of these planets is at. Chiron is at 7°, the Moon is at 10° and Pluto is at 11 degrees.

This tells us the sequence for Elton John’s T-square is Chiron-Moon-Pluto because as the transiting planet comes up towards the T-square, it will first aspect Chiron either by a conjunction, opposition or square.

Next it will then aspect the Moon either by a conjunction, opposition or square, and then it will finally aspect Pluto either by a conjunction, opposition, or square.

The important thing here is that the sequence of how the events unfold in his life will remain the same. This shows a pattern in the natal chart.

So initially you would have a Chiron situation unfolding, which then moves on to a lunar situation that unfolds and followed by the culmination of a Plutonic situation as the final situation.

Ideally if this is your client, you want to be able to try and weave a story relating to how these planets are likely to work because the pattern continues in throughout their life.


Mr. “X”

Above is the chart of a guy we’re calling Mr. “X” and he actually has two of this pattern in his chart, a Jupiter and a Mars T-square. We actually give a full interpretation of this on the podcast episode, so make sure to listen to that.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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3 Steps to Interpreting Solar Eclipses


Eclipses as Transits

Upcoming eclipses are technically transits that will occur in the future. Each year there will be at least two solar eclipses, and there could technically be five solar eclipses as there was back in 1935. It’s just a good idea to get your forecast material organized ahead for each upcoming year. I typically do this in October, November and December to make sure I know when the eclipses will be occurring and what their likely impact is going to be.

Number of Eclipses

If you do decide to work with eclipses, you will typically only have two solar eclipses in most years. For example, 2025 has only two solar eclipses which is pretty much what often happens. Any time investment you make into understanding eclipses, for say next year, will benefit you for all the forecasting or horoscopes that you do in that year.

3 Steps to Interpreting Solar Eclipses

3 Steps

There are three steps to interpreting solar eclipses which are general, family and personal.

  1. General: The solar eclipse chart itself.
  2. Family: The original family Saros chart to which the eclipse belongs.
  3. Personal: The solar eclipse in a (yours or your client’s) natal chart.

Interpreting Solar Eclipses

Not all eclipses are created equal, and not all eclipses will affect individual people either the same or at all. Each solar eclipse has to be analyzed on its own merit. As an astrologer, you need to determine just how effective each eclipse will be.

In general, by the nature of the actual Saros family chart and whether or not it will affect individual people such as yourself, your family or your clients by its position in the Zodiac.

Eclipse Timing

You will still need to pay attention to exactly how long the effect of each eclipse will be. Although the consensus is that the effects of eclipses last six months, I don’t believe this is the case. You need to pay attention to the totality of the eclipse to calculate the time of effect for each eclipse.

Three Steps

Let’s look at our 3 steps:

Step 1: General, we’re looking at the actual eclipse chart and interpreting it as it stands by itself.

Step 2: Family, we’re looking at the family. That is the original Saros family. All eclipses belong to a Saros family which can last for over 1000 years and there are around 70 ish eclipses in each family. The idea is that you look at the original eclipse family chart, that is the birth chart for the Saros. This chart will tell you about the core nature of this particular eclipse family itself.

Step 3: Individual, is the personal effect of an eclipse, such as how will it affect you or your family or your client’s chart. You do that by finding where the actual eclipse contacts your chart, or not. 

For example, if you have an eclipse that occurs conjoined your Sun, it will definitely affect you. But if that same eclipse happens on your sister’s chart and it does not make any conjunctions or oppositions, it is unlikely to effect her whatsoever. In this case the eclipse will just pass her by. Let’s have a closer look at the three steps to interpreting solar eclipses.

Step 1: General: The Solar Eclipse Chart Itself

House System

Cast the eclipse chart on the Zero Aries house system unless you are doing horoscopes for a particular location.


The solar eclipse on October 2, 2024, occurs at 10° Libra. When considering specific eclipses, you need to focus on the zodiac degree where the eclipse occurs.

South Node

The October solar eclipse is at the south node. In this case, the node is in the same sign as the actual eclipse, in Libra. So, in this case, we’re looking to Venus as the ruler of this eclipse.

Note that if the node is in the adjacent sign to the eclipse point, you must consider both the ruler of the node and the ruler of the eclipse.


Solar eclipses at the South node, are symbolically of a low tide washing off a beach. As the tide flows out, it removes driftwood and other stuff from the beach.


Mercury is conjoined this eclipse and the eclipse is squaring Mars at 15 Cancer. There is also a sesquiquadrate to Uranus.

Step 2: Family: The Original Saros Chart


Please note, I’m referencing Bernadette Brady’s fabulous book, Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark.

Brady has done some spectacular research and lists all the Saroses and the Saros birth charts.

S.S. 8 South

The original Saros family for this eclipse is Saros Series 8 South.

The first eclipse occured on April 1, 1718, at 15:02 GMT at the South Pole.

This particular Saros family will end with the last eclipse in April 2962.


The Sun and Moon are at 10° Aries.

Mercury is at 19° Pisces.

Venus is retrograde at 23° Aries.

Mars is at 20° Taurus.

Jupiter is at 24° Cancer.

Saturn is retrograde at 29° Libra.

Uranus is retrograde at 3° Libra.

Neptune is at 14° Taurus.

Pluto is retrograde at 12° Virgo.

North Node is at 24° Virgo.


Saturn is on the New Moon / Mars midpoint.

Saturn = Mew Moon / Mars.

Interpretation Keys

Separation and loss. To be parted. To finish something, and to feel sad at its completion. Physical injury is also possible through over straining one’s strength. This is not the time to undertake strenuous physical activities.

Step 3: Personal: The Solar Eclipse in a Natal Chart

Natal House

When interpreting eclipses, you need to look at the house in the natal chart where the eclipse occurs. In this solar eclipse, we’re looking for 10° Libra. What you need to do is find the house in your chart where 10° Libra is and that will be the house which will be affected by this eclipse. If you are working with clients, you would look at their natal charts to see where this eclipse occurs in their chart.

Aspects to Consider

  • Pay close attention to any natal planet that conjoins the eclipse.
  • Consider any oppositions to the eclipse.
  • If there are natal planets conjoined or opposing the eclipse degree, you do need to interpret them thoroughly.

Aspects to Ignore

If there are no conjunctions or opposition to this eclipse you can move on. I tend not to consider squares and or trines from eclipses. This is due to the nature of the eclipse, which is either an opposition or a conjunction. Of course, you can explore every aspect and if you have time then do so, but I never do.


South node eclipses remove things from you in the nature of the house in your birth chart where the eclipse happens. South Node eclipses provide release for you from information, insights, friends, jobs, situations or events in your life. It is the time to let go of what you’ve been holding you back.

This is the moment to free yourself of emotional baggage or limiting beliefs which you perhaps have held on to for too long. This is the time for initiating relationships of all kind. There is a window of around three months where this eclipse has influence.

Pay close attention to what unfolds on the day the eclipse as this will set the tone for the next quarter. If your birthday is within the week of this eclipse, this influence will stay with you longer than for other people to around twelve months.

Eclipse Path

On the datasheet, the eclipse path is clearly marked with the red line. It is always an interesting to see exactly where the shadow of the Moon with sweep across the face of the Earth. This particular eclipse runs across the Pacific Ocean and just touches the very end of South America.

Orthographic Map

Data Sheet

You can download an orthographic map of every eclipse from the NASA website on public domain. I prefer to call this an eclipse data sheet as it has everything you need, astrologically, for an eclipse. I don’t pay attention to everything on the document as there is so much information which is not relevant to me as an astrologer.


What I do look for in a solar eclipse is the duration of totality. In this case it is 7 minutes 25 seconds which converts to a period of influence of seven and a half months which is pretty long. Now the next solar eclipse will occur on March 29th, 2025, which is before the seven and a half months are up for this eclipse. Typically, when a new solar eclipse occurs it will supersede the previous one. I urge you to test this for yourself if an eclipse contacts your chart with a close conjunction.


Natal Chart

Let’s have a look at the October solar eclipse in relation to an individual’s chart. Looking at Kamala Harris’s chart, we note that the solar eclipse is at 10° Libra. This means that it will occur in her 5th house.


Considering the aspectarian for Kamala Harris, here her natal planets are across the top (X- axis) and the solar eclipse planets are down the vertical (Y-axis). We can isolate the eclipse, which are the Sun on the Moon’s aspects, from the solar eclipse chart.

To see which eclipse aspects form in her chart, we note that the only aspect that there really is from the eclipse point is the sesquiquadrate to Jupiter. As I’ve said before, typically when working with eclipses, I only consider aspects which are conjunctions and oppositions.

Of course, you may explore this chart in far greater detail if you wish, starting with the sesquiquadrate to Jupiter. Furthermore, you could go on to consider all the other contacts from the solar eclipse chart.

Remember that these aspects in the aspectarian, like Uranus applying to her Jupiter, are actual transits for her as well and would normally be picked up when you did the transit work first.


Solar Eclipses Reflection


Working with eclipses is very thought-provoking. And in general, you only an opportunity twice each year to witness a solar eclipse in action.

Natal House

I would be interested to know in which natal house this particular solar eclipse occurs for you. For myself, it will be in my 4th house, conjoined my Immum Coeli. So this is one of those solar eclipses that does closely contact my chart and I will be paying close attention to what unfolds on eclipse day.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Born on a Cusp

Born on a Cusp

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Born on a Cusp

In this article I want to talk about people who were born on the cusp. A sign cusp refers to the transition point between two zodiac signs. It is the boundary where one zodiac sign ends and the next begins.

Cusp Debate

There’s some disagreement among astrologers about the exact width of the cusp and its influence. This cusp debate has to do with the width of the Sun’s influence by its actual disk which is about 0°29′.

Some astrologers believe cusp-born individuals have a unique blend of characteristics from both signs, while others strictly adhere to the sign the Sun was in at the time of birth. I am firmly of the latter persuasion. I believe that if a planet is at 59°59’ of a sign, it is in that sign. I believe that if the Sun is in 0°00’ of a sign, it is in that sign and it has taken residence.

My main reason for this is because a planet at a cusp is like a person standing in a doorway threshold from one room to the next. They are exiting the room they are leaving, but all their focus and energy is on the new room they are entering which is the new sign. I’m pretty firm on these things, but you can choose to see it differently if you wish.

Sun Sign Ingress

This all comes back down to your Sun sign. Your Sun sign is decided by the Zodiac sign that the Sun was in at the moment of your birth. Inconveniently, the Sun does not change signs at midnight.

The Sun will change signs at any time during the day. So, people who were perhaps born in the morning may have a Taurus Sun, and others born in the afternoon could easily have a Gemini Sun. This works for all the sign cusps.

Poem: Between Two Worlds

By Claude


Straddling realms of fire and earth,

A soul emerges at day’s birth.

Not quite Aries, not full Taurus,

A blend of gentle and uproarious.


One foot in passion, one in grace,

Two natures etched upon one face.

Bulls and rams clash in the stars,

As cusped child breaks through cosmic bars.


Stubborn drive meets flighty spark,

Dawn’s light pierces through the dark.

Neither here nor fully there,

A bridge between, so strange and rare.


Cusped soul, you dance on edges fine,

Two signs entwined like grasping vine.

Your path unique, a dual-starred way,

Where yesterday meets coming day.


In you, the zodiac finds its seam,

Where endings flow to new beginnings’ stream.

Embrace your gift of double sight,

Born of twilight, child of light.

Horoscope Columns

The Sun changes zodiac signs approximately every thirty days, though the exact date can vary slightly from year to year. When you read a horoscope column either online or in a magazine, the astrologer generally uses the dates listed below for when the Sun enters each zodiac sign:


  • Aries: Around March 21
  • Taurus: Around April 20
  • Gemini: Around May 21
  • Cancer: Around June 21
  • Leo: Around July 23
  • Virgo: Around August 23
  • Libra: Around September 23
  • Scorpio: Around October 23
  • Sagittarius: Around November 22
  • Capricorn: Around December 21
  • Aquarius: Around January 20
  • Pisces: Around February 19


These dates are approximate and can shift by a day or two depending on the year. The exact time of the Sun’s ingress into a new sign can also vary this is discovered when you cast the chart. So this is the simplistic way of categorizing each person by the actual date they were born. And for the general public this is normally good enough.

However, for astrologers it is not. Your clients may come to you and say, “I’m a Virgo” and when you cast the chart, you discover the’re actually a Libran.

Cusp Days

A cusp day is a day when the Sun changes zodiac signs. So typically, this is around the 20th to 22nd of each of the months. But there are two special things that you need to pay attention to with cusp days. There are two ways that need to be looked at to find the difference on cusp date.

Each Year

Each year, the actual cusp day may move from the 21st to the 22nd or even to the 20th. Every year is different. What was the cusp day this year may not be a cusp day next year.

Leap Year Reset

Because the Earth takes 365 and a quarter, plus some minutes, to go around the Sun each year. After every four years we add an additional day to the year, February the 29th, which is of course the leap year. This is the first step that realigns the Sun to the earlier cusp time.


Capricorn Ingress


From this table you can see that when the cycle starts, at the leap year, the Sun, in subsequent years, makes the ingress into Capricorn later and later on the day on the 21st. And finally, the Sun moves its ingress onto the 22nd of December.

Leap Year for Capricorn

Then at the leap year reset, the Sun once more goes back to the earlier time on the 21st of December and it slowly creeps forward each year from there. Here I’m just giving the example of the Capricorn ingress, but it’s the same for all the signs. The Sun starts off early and then each successive year is later and later in that day, or the next, until we get to the next leap year when it resets to the earlier time.


From this we can see that the Sun will enter Capricorn either on the 21st or the 22nd, bearing in mind that is GMT, and it does depend on where you live in the world. If you’re very East of Greenwich, it can also be on the 19th and if you are very West of Greenwich, it can on occasion, be on the 23rd.

Leap Century Reset


Leap years have 366 days instead of 365, with an extra day in February. The old Julian calendar made every 4th year a leap year, but this method adds too many leap days – about 3 extra days every 400 years. Which results in us having too many leap days over time, causing the calendar to drift away from the actual seasons.

To fix this, the Gregorian calendar, created in 1582, only makes century years (like 1700, 1800, etc.) leap years if they’re divisible by 400. So, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 (a common year) wasn’t. This helps keep the calendar more strictly matched to the actual length of the solar year and the seasons.

This change shifts the calendar year to match the Earth’s orbit around the Sun far closer, keeping the seasons better aligned with the calendar.

The Year 2400

This won’t bother us astrologers, but it shows how the Sun’s path drifts slightly all the time. The year 2400 will be the next century year that’s also a leap year.

In century leap years:

  • January 1st is always on a Saturday
  • December 31st is always on a Sunday
  • February 29th is always on a Tuesday


Anaretic Degrees

Anaretic degrees refer to the final degree of any zodiac sign, specifically the 29th degree (as each sign has 30 degrees). This concept is significant in interpretation.

Anaretic Definition

The anaretic degree is 29°00′ to 29°59′ of any zodiac sign.

Anaretic Significance

These degrees are considered critical or sensitive points in a natal chart or transit.

Anaretic Interpretation

Planets or points at anaretic degrees are often seen as:

  • Unstable or in crisis.
  • At a turning point or transition.
  • Carrying extra weight or importance.
  • Representing completion or culmination of the sign’s energy.


The anaretic degree is thought to embody the most intense expression of that sign’s qualities, as if the energy is at its peak before transitioning to the next sign.

Karmic implications

Some astrologers view anaretic placements as indicating unfinished business from past lives or lessons that need urgent attention.


When planets transit anaretic degrees, it indicates a time of important decisions or changes related to that planet’s themes.


Natal planets at anaretic degrees suggest areas of life where the person feels pressure or experiences significant developments.


I think that while I always note planets at an anaretic degrees, they should be considered within the context of the entire chart.

Solar Returns


This continuous movement of the Sun as ingresses the signs is why your solar return is frequently not on your birthday even if you stay at your birthplace.


Of course, your solar return will not be on your birthday if you move very east or west of your birthplace either. I always have my solar return the day before my birthday because I’m in Vancouver and was born in England which is a move of around eight time zones west.



Extend Yourself

Transiting Sun Ingress

See for yourself how the Sun changes times and dates for each of its ingresses into your Sun sign. I’ve done Capricorn (see table above), now you can do this experiment for your Sun sign. So, if you are a Sun Libra, do the Libra ingress.

In your astrology journal, please do the following:


  • Draw a table like the one I have above.
  • Find the precise date and time that the Sun entered your birth Sun sign this year.
  • Continue checking the exact dates and times that the Sun will ingress your own Sun sign every year until 2032, which is a leap year.
  • See if you find the realignment at each leap year to an earlier date and time.

Extend Yourself Further

Your Born-on-a-Cusp Client

Most people do not understand why if they were born on December 21st, and they’ve always thought they were a Capricorn, that their natal chart returns them to be a Sagittarius. Unfortunately, the born-on-a-cusp issue adds confusion that surrounds the astrological techniques and the astrological community, so we need to develop some clarity here.

In your astrology journal, please do the following.


  • Write a few of paragraphs and simply explain how two people who were born in different years, but on December the 21st, so they have the same birthday, why one person has a chart which returns a Sagittarius Sun, and the second person has a chart that returns a Capricorn Sun.
  • Use simple language and consider what you would say to describe this phenomenon to your client (500 words).


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Aspects: Partile

Aspects: Partile

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Partile Aspects

Using partile aspects is another way to fine tune your interpretations. Partile aspects are the ones you need to look at first as they have built in potential to be effective in the person’s life.

Partile Definition

Exact or within 1° of exact. The word “partile” comes from the Latin “partilis,” meaning “divisible.” In astrological terms, a partile aspect occurs when two planets are in the exact same degree of their respective signs.

The planets must be in the same degree although the minutes do not matter. Aspects may be in place but not partile.

Partile Examples

  • Venus at 27°01’ Taurus is partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.
  • But Venus at 26°59’ Taurus is NOT partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.

Example Chart: Jimi Hendrix

Looking at Jimi Hendrix’s chart, he has Mercury opposite Uranus.

Both Mercury and Uranus are at 2° of their respective signs.

Therefore they are in a partile opposition.

This make this particular opposition more meaningful than the Sun-Saturn opposition for instance.


Partile Significance


Partile aspects are considered to be at the peak of their influence.

They represent a precise alignment of planetary energies, often manifesting as clear and unmistakable influences in a person’s life or in current events.


Partile aspects have the strongest and most pure expression of the aspect’s energy.


Their effects are often felt more immediately and obviously than wider aspects.


The blending of the planets’ energies is clear and undiluted, making interpretation more straightforward.

Tightest Aspects

They are typically the tightest aspect in the chart.


Types of Partile Aspects

Any aspect can be partile. For example:

Partile Conjunction

Planets at the same degree in the same sign.

Partile Opposition

Planets at the same degree in opposite signs.

Partile Trine

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same element.

Partile Square

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same mode.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Aspects of Declination

Aspects of Declination

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Aspects of Declination

Declination Definition

Declination is the angular distance of a planet either north or south of the celestial equator.

It’s like latitude on Earth but projected onto the celestial sphere.

While the zodiac deals with east-west positions (longitude), declination measures north-south positions.

Parallel and Contraparallel

When we talk about aspects of declination there are two types.


Two planets at the same declination, both north or both south of the celestial equator.



Two planets at the same declination, but one north and one south of the celestial equator.

These aspects are considered similar in effect to conjunctions and oppositions respectively, but they operate on a different plane.

Planets that are parallel or contraparallel do not need to have an aspect of longitude such as a conjunction or trine to make the aspect.


Orbs for Aspects of Declination


The orbs for declination aspects are tighter than those for longitudinal aspects.

I suggest you use a 1° orb for aspects of declination.

Significance of Declination Aspects

Double Whammy

If two planets are conjoined and parallel it is what I call a double whammy.

This is a super conjunction and needs close attention.

If two planets are in opposition and contraparallel it is again what I call a double whammy.

This is a super opposition and needs close attention.


Aspects of declination add depth and intensity to planetary relationships with aspects the two aspects of conjunction and opposition.


  • They can reinforce existing zodiacal aspects (Double Whammy).
  • They can create connections between planets that aren’t aspecting by longitude.
  • They have a more subtle, but deeply felt influence.

Example of a Declination Aspect

Let’s say:

  • Mars at 15° Aries with a declination of 20°N
  • Venus at 28° Taurus with a declination of 20°N

While these planets aren’t in a major aspect by longitude, they form a parallel by declination, suggesting a strong, conjunction-like connection between Mars and Venus energies.

Example Chart: Justin Bieber

In Justin Bieber’s aspectarian you can see that Uranus and Neptune are conjoined and they are parallel.

This makes this particular conjunction a Double Whammy.

Whearas the conjunction between Mercury and Mars in not.

Neither is the parallel between Jupiter and Mars.


Out-of-Bounds Planets

Monster Declination

A related concept in declination is “out-of-bounds” planets.

These are planets that go beyond the maximum declination of the Sun (approximately 23.5° north or south).

Out-of-bounds planets express their energies in unusual or extreme ways.

Typically, the Moon and Mars are sometimes out of bounds more often that the other planets. 

Interpretating Aspects of Declination

When interpreting declination aspects:

  • Look for parallels and contraparallels between planets.
  • Pay special attention when they are double whammys.
  • Consider them as potentially revealing “hidden” connections in a chart.
  • Remember that their influence is often subtle but profound.

Declination in Predictive Astrology

In predictive work, declination aspects can be particularly revealing:

  • Transiting planets forming declination aspects to natal planets may trigger significant events or realizations
  • Progressed declination aspects can indicate important developmental phases

Aspects Articles

Here is a roundup of my aspect articles.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...

Aspects: Applying and Separating

Aspects: Applying and Separating

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Applying and Separating Aspects

Applying Aspects

In an applying aspect the faster planet moves towards an exact aspect with the slower planet.

These aspects are considered a more powerful as the potential is still to come.

Separating Aspects

In a separating aspect, the faster planet is moves from the exact aspect and is moving away.

These are typically seen as waning in influence as the climax has passed.


Applying Example

Mars moves faster than Jupiter.

Let’s say Mars is at 15° Aries and Jupiter at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s an applying trine, as the faster planet (Mars) is coming up to the exact trine point.

Separating Example

Let’s say Jupiter is at 15° Aries and Mars at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s a separating trine, as the faster planet (Mars) has already passed the exact trine point.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Libra Equinox 2024

Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

The Libra Equinox

Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the four special days that mark the seasonal changes.

This week, as the Sun enters the cardinal air sign of Libra, it is the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.

When working with these charts you can get a general view of what’s coming up globally for everyone. You can cast solar season charts at the two solstices and the pair of equinoxes.

Business Quarters

In the business world, people talk about Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Business quarters divide the whole calendar year into four. The first quarter is January, February and March, the second quarter is April, May and June, the third quarter is July, August and September, and the fourth quarter is October, November and December. Each quarter slightly under 100 days each and it’s good chunk of time for measuring trends.

Solar Quarters

Solar Ingress

The solar quarters all start as the Sun enters one of the four cardinal signs, which are Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

These special days signal the beginning of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. And yes, I’m talking Northern hemisphere-centric here.

I spent most of my life living in the southern hemisphere, so I do understand that the seasons are swapped over. But because I now live in the northern hemisphere, I’m going to be talking mainly northern hemisphere-centric in this edition.

Libra Solar Quarter

In 2024, the Libra solar quarter is starts on September the 22nd. This is when the Sun enters Libra.

It depends where you live on the world, but it could be on the 19th, 20th, 21st or the 22nd. But this year, it’s firmly on the 22nd of September here in Vancouver.

In astrology, if you want to do forecasting for a solar quarter moving forward, (Q4 if you will), you can get an idea of the trends and energies at play globally, as background noise by casting the actual start chart for the quarter.

Solar Quarter Start Chart

Sun Enters Libra

So as the Sun enters Libra at the Libra ingress, the exact point that is the time you set the chart for.

The example chart I have here is also set on the house system called Zero Aries because we are going to be talking globally here.

If you can just get your head round that, even though I’m in Vancouver, the actual chart will be the same for everyone if you put it on the Zero Aries.

Zero Aries

When a chart is set on Zero Aries, you do dismiss the Ascendant and the house cusps.

What we focus on are the planetary positions in the signs and the aspects between them.

You are looking for general trends and themes for the quarter.

Let’s have a closer look at this chart.

In an equinox ingress chart, the Sun will always be at 0° of the cardinal sign and in this case, it’s 0° Libra.


Neptune Kites

And we can see straight away that the planets form some kites to Neptune.

Neptune Kite 1

The first kite with Neptune has the Sun opposition Neptune and the Sun is trining the Moon and trining Pluto.

Neptune is also sextile Pluto and the Moon.

This forms the kite major aspect pattern which is basically a grand trine and a mini grand trine on top of it.

In all four kite patterns, the focal planet here is Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune Kite 2

The second Neptune kite involves. Mercury. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Neptune Kite 3

The third Neptune kite is between the Sun, the Moon, Pluto and Neptune.

Neptune Kite 4

The 4th Neptune kite is between Mercury, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune.

Kites Interpretation

Neptune Focal Planet

This means that all the energy from these four kites will flow towards Neptune in Pisces, which is technically in its rulership anyway, although Neptune is retrograde.

Although strictly there are four kites and if you were doing an astrology exam you would have to extract each one separately, in general, I would interpret these altogether because the main energy flow is towards Neptune.


Neptune has to do with intuition, the unseen, art and music in general and sometimes people in the shadows who are not there.

Because this is a global chart we’re doing and not a person’s natal chart, I would interpret this as being that there is something going on in the background, in the shadows, that we haven’t quite seen.

Although it may have been there all along, we haven’t been paying attention to it.

Whatever this situation is, it’s going to come forward.

It’s also possible there is something which people did not want to talk about (Mercury) and again, it could be a situation where emotions run deep because the Moon and Pluto are involved.

But with the presence of Pluto and Uranus, it’s likely to be some kind of taboo subject or something that is slightly distasteful, which is going to be brought to our attention, whether we like it or not.



Mercury and the Sun are pretty close together and form two T-squares with Jupiter in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces.

Jupiter T-square 1

We would refer to the first one as the Jupiter T-square with Jupiter, Mercury and Neptune and the second is also a Jupiter T-square with Jupiter, the Sun and Neptune.

We have a disassociate T square because the Sun is in a cardinal sign and both Jupiter and Neptune are in mutable signs.

So that is a dissociate T square.

But the second one, which includes Mercury is a mutable T-square full blown because Jupiter is in Gemini and Mercury is in Gemini and Neptune is in Pisces which are all mutable signs.

However, both of these T-squares are pointing at Jupiter.

Within a T-square when interpreting it, most of the energy flows towards the focal planet, which is the one at the at the short point and in this case it’s Jupiter.

Jupiter in Gemini is the highlighted planet for this quarter.

Pluto Cardinal T-square

There is third T-square in this chart which includes Venus in Libra, Chiron in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.

This would be referred to as a “Pluto T-square” because Pluto is at the apex of the T square.

Now in this case, Chiron and Pluto will have been squaring each other for a while and will continue to do so, but Venus just happens to have moved into position.

This is a cardinal T square as all the planets are in cardinal signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

Again, this provides a focus to Pluto in Capricorn, so let’s just take a closer look at that Pluto.


Pluto is in Capricorn.

For those of you who’ve been doing astrology for a while, you will know that Pluto has been in Capricorn for over 20 years.

This is the final gasp in this season.

Pluto has popped in Aquarius already, then it retrograded back into Capricorn and as you can see it is still retrograde in our Equinox chart.

It will continue to remain retrograde, until the 11th of October when it stations direct.

Then the dwarf planet will creep through the very last degrees of Capricorn to enter Aquarius for the final time on January 21st, 2025.

So, for the whole of this quarter, Pluto is lingering (or loitering with intent) right at the end of Capricorn and for a lot of the time in the anorectic 29th degree.

It will then leave Capricorn early in the New Year.

Pluto is highly engaged in this chart and is part of the four kites and this T square.

This planetary position, in five major aspects patterns, highlights this dwarf planet and gives it prominence even though it is retrograde.


This is an indication that the powers that be are going to go back on their word.

Typically, Capricorn is to do with government, rules, regulations and politics in general.

So, this will be a focus for the quarter and, as I say, Pluto’s has lingered in Capricorn for years.

This isn’t a kind of a new energy, but it’s just the final gasp before our quarter ends.

Venus Yod

Venus Focal Planet

Another major aspect pattern within this Libra Equinox chart is the Venus yod.

This pattern is comprised of three planets, Venus in Libra the Moon in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces.

In this major aspect pattern the focal planet, in this case Venus, is quincunx to the other two planets (the base) are the Moon and Neptune where the Moon is sextile Neptune.

This is an interesting pattern because it taps into the 12th harmonic, from which the quincunxes (five twelfths) are created.

Finger of God

It’s also known as the Finger of God or the Finger of Fate.

And because Venus is the planet at the pointy end of this triangle you would refer to it as a Venus yod.

Yods are often spiritual and almost ethereal major aspect patterns where there is a pointer actually in the chart indicating one of the planets saying, “Hey look at me!”

In this case, the planet in question is Venus.

This elevates Venus and gives us a clue that we do need to pay attention to her energy.


Briefly, I just want to say that for this quarter, Venus themes will be a focus.

But they’re not going to be on the headlines they’re going to be on page 3.

Venus themes broadly have to do with love, money and women.

We can anticipate that some women will come forward who perhaps are intuitive, artistic or musical in some way.

It is almost as though the Venus yod is the symbol of a goddess.

Let’s be clear here, we’re not talking about an old grumpy Aunt Agatha in sweat pants washing dirty dishes at the kitchen sink type of woman.

We are suggesting a woman who is going to be an inspiration for others.

It is likely that somebody in this silhouette will form and come to our attention during this solar quarter.

Dispositor Trees

I would like to give a look at it at the dispositor tree because, well I love them, and it is always a brilliant way to get an idea of the backstory within a chart.

The dispositor tree for the Libra equinox has two “Planet in Rulership” trees, one is Mercury in Virgo, the other is Venus in Libra.


Mercury in Rulership Tree

Mercury in Virgo

The Mercury tree is the larger and therefore is the more prominent of the trees because it has more planets within it.

Mercury is in dignity in Virgo.

Gateway Planet: Jupiter

Jupiter is below Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter is a gateway planet to Mercury.

A gateway planet has one planet above and three or more planets below it in the tree.

Gateway Interpretation

Jupiter has a lot to say about what’s happening now.

This position for Jupiter in Gemini, which is in detriment, suggests that there will be a lot of buzz, news and information flowing.

Perhaps even more than usual and not all of it can be trusted.

People with agendas will be able to get their voices heard.

Don’t get me wrong, the truth is out there, but first you do have to filter, filter, filter it out.


Below Jupiter is the Moon in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces.

Beneath the Moon is Mars in Cancer and below Mars is Chiron in Aries,

Underneath Saturn is Pluto in Capricorn.

Venus in Rulership Tree

Venus in Libra

Venus is in her own sign of Libra and is the second planet in rulership tree.

What I’m saying is there are two separate trees in this dispositor tree drawing.

I don’t necessarily think it is a forest.

I like to say if there are three or more trees, we have a forest.

Below Venus is the Sun in Libra and Uranus in Taurus.

However, we have a strong pair of trees.

We’ve got the Mercury tree, and we’ve got the Venus tree so let’s have a look at them.


Venus is in Libra, and as this is the Libra equinox chart it’s quite a high-profiled planet because it brings a focus to the seventh sign itself, along with the Sun which is spotlighting the sign of the scales already.

Usually, I’d be quite happy with Venus and Libra, but it’s in that pesky anaretic 29th degree at the very tail end of the sign.

Although it will still have strong influence because it is a top line planet in the dispositor tree, it is I want to say, almost on its last gasp.

This is coupled with the fact that Venus is part of the Pluto T-square, so it will be supporting Pluto.

Additionally, Venus is the yod planet as well.

Overarching View

Turns and Balances

Remember, when you look at the annual equinoxes (and solstices) charts, they are snapshots of the transits at one of the four cardinal ingresses.

These types of charts can be informative for general trends for three months in a year, and in this case, for the last season of the year.

Forecasting Astrologer

If you are a forecasting astrologer, it is always good to see what the wide-ranging trends are at these turning and balance points for the Sun.

I think it’s always interesting to take into consideration each season’s start chart.

In this case, we looked at the Autumn/Spring chart to see what’s likely to be unfolding in overall background themes for everyone.

I hope you have a wonderful season wherever you are.


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Solar Cycles

Below are a few more podcast eisodes featuring discussions around the solar cycles and solstices and equinoxes.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Election Day 2024

USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

Janet Markham: Professional Astrologer and Teacher

Janet Markham: Professional Astrologer and Teacher

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Janet Markham

Professional Astrologer and Teacher

This week I was delighted to get together for a fireside chat with my long-time friend and professional astrologer and teacher Janet Markham, from Toronto. Janet and I have known each other for over 15 years and have collaborated on a couple of astrology events in the past. Janet is highly educated astrologer with years of experience.

She has an MA from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. Janet was one of the founding group of the Canadian Association for Astrological Education way back in 1993. Interesting enough, Janet and I are both from the same county in England, we are both Lassies from Lancashire (break into song here).


Basic and Speciality Astrology Classes

Janet teaches in person and online.

  • Natal Chart Calculation & Celestial Mechanics: Astrology courses from beginner, intermediate and into advanced astrology techniques.
  • Manual Chart Calculation: Casting a chart without using a computer by using an ephemeris, tables of houses and log tables.
  • Chart Rectification: with charts that do not have a firm birth time or the birth time is suspect.
  • Vocational Astrology: This helps you find your way through career questions.
  • Astrology of Relationship: to do with. Finding your person, love and romance and what you bring to your relationships.
  • Counselling Skills for Astrologers: where you learn how to how to host a consultation, how to help your clients, what they can expect and what you need to do to make a great experience for your clients.

Contact Janet

If you reach out to Janet for some astrology guidance please let her know you found her through me.

Find out more about Janet here.


You can contact Janet at her blog at 

Astrologers in Business

Check out some more of our professional astrologer podcast episodes in this series related to your astrology business.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Election Day 2024

USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

Kamala Harris Birth Chart

Kamala Harris Birth Chart

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2024

Kamala Harris Chart Interpretation


This is a high level overview of the birth chart for Kamala Harris. It is part of the charts that we’re looking at for the 2024 United States election. And she is the Democratic contender.

Her chart details are 9:28 PM. October the 20th, 1964 in Oakland, CA. This returns an Ascendant of 24 Gemini.


Visible planets.

The balances are calculated by only considering the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Strong Fixed Mode

She has a strong fixed mode with four planets, which is 2 more than the next best mode? This suggests that she can be rigid in her attitude and that it may take a lot of persuading for her to change her mind.

For the other modes, she has two planets in cardinal and one in mutable.

Balanced Elements

The elements are balanced in this chart with 2 fire, 2 Earth, 2 Air and one Water.


Her four hemispheres are balanced with N 4. S 3. E 3 and West 4.



Are ascendant is Gemini. By 24 degrees, 25 minutes. The north node is in the 1st house. Can join to the ascendant.

Ascendant Aspects

Hard Aspects

Ascendant square Venus.

Soft Aspects

Ascendant trine the Sun

Ascendant trine Mercury.

Ascendant trine Saturn.

Ascendant sextile Mars.

Chart Ruler Complex

Her Ascendant is Gemini, so the chart ruler is the planet Mercury.

Mercury is in Scorpio in the 5th house.

Mercury is the evening planet.

Mercury Aspects


Mercury is conjoined the Sun.


Mercury is opposition the Moon.

Mercury is sesquiquadrate Chiron.

Mercury is semi-square Venus,

Mercury is semi-square Pluto.


Mercury is trine Saturn.

Mercury is trine the North Node.

Mercury is trine the Ascendant.

Mercury is trine the Midheaven.

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Libra in fall which is not a very good place for the Sun.

Sun House

The Sun is in the 5th house and gains position for accidental dignity as the Sun naturally rules Leo which is the 5th house in the natural wheel.

Sun Aspects


The Sun is controlling Mercury.


The Sun is semi-square Uranus.

The Sun is sesquiquadrate Chiron.


The Sun is trine to Saturn.

The sun is trine the North Node.

The Sun is trine the Ascendant

The Sun is trine to Midheaven.

Moon Complex

Moon Sign

The Moon is in Aries.

Moon House

The Moon is in the 11th house.

Moon Aspects


The Moon is opposition the Sun.

The Moon is opposition Mercury.

The Moon is Tesco quadrat Uranus.

The Moon is semi-square Chiron.


The Moon is trine Mars.

The Moon is trine the South node.

The Moon is sextiles Saturn.

The Moon is sextile the North Node.

The Moon is sextile the Ascendant.


Dispositor Tree

Are Two Trees a Forest?

Harris has two dispositor trees.

There is a committee tree and a single planet in rulership tree.

Committee Dispositor Tree

She has a four-planet committee of Mars in Leo, the Sun in Libra, Venus in Virgo and the chart ruler Mercury in Scorpio.

These all form a chain and four are all top-level important personal planets.

All of the planets on the second line of her tree have aspect on their links, which is very strong for this tree.

Mars disposes the Moon in Aries and Neptune in Scorpio.

Venus disposes Jupiter in Taurus, which in turn disposes Chiron in Pisces.

And Mercury disposes Uranus and Pluto in Virgo.

Single Planet in Rulership Dispositor Tree

Saturn is in its very own tree, or by itself.

Saturn is in Capricorn. It stands alone.

This is a very strong position for Saturn, and as we noted before, Saturn is the most elevated planet conjoined the Midheaven.

Also note that Saturn rules politics, and clearly, she is in politics.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

Libra Equinox 2024

Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...

Starzlife: Premium Paid Newsletter

Starzlife: Premium Paid Newsletter

Author: Alison Price   –   Published:August 2024


Welcome to Starzlife!

Premium Astrology Newsletter

Launched September, 2024.

Every Thursday, get practical tips and advice to deepen your chart-reading skills. Grow your knowledge and boost your confidence all while fitting astrology seamlessly into your real life.

Free Downloads

You’ll often find useful downloads like checklists, templates and printables. 


I aim to inspire you to connect more deeply with yourself and your clients, turning your passion into a rewarding and successful activity.

You’ll Also Get

  • Members only discount pricing on all astrology services.
  • Access to my full Starzlife article library, which will keep growing.
  • Exclusive seasonal online astrology workshops.
  • My free Sunday newsletter, The Starzologer.
  • The satisfaction of supporting my work.

It’s priceless but affordable. You can cancel anytime. What are you waiting for?


Topics include:

  • Favorite astrology products.
  • Forecasting techniques.
  • Chart tours.
  • Current transits.
  • Zodiac hotspots.
  • Recommendations and reviews.
  • Astrological research.
  • Astro art projects.
  • and more…

What Starzlife is


Starzlife is a transformative weekly newsletter written by myself (Alison Price, an astrologer, coach and podcaster at Starzology). Each edition explores some areas of creativity, wellbeing, vision, love and money, providing you with valuable insights to align your life with the cosmos. My expertise and passion shine through every article, offering you practical guidance and ideas to help on your life’s journey.

The Difference Between Free and Paid

The Starzologer

My free newsletter The Starzologer goes out every Sunday to anyone who signs up. It contains a short article, links to podcast episodes and some Extend Yourself sections to develop your astrology skills which you can work through by yourself. The Starzologer Sunday newsletter is sponsored and may contain adverts and affiliate links.


My paid Starzlife premium newsletter showcases my ideas on how to work with astrology topics. It supports my writing, work and energy. There are clear examples of natal interpretations, forecasting techniques and other items that aspiring astrologers need to know. 

Starzlife’s focus is on the five core thrusts of my work which are creativity, wellbeing, love, money and vision. These five points are featured now and then and show how to use astrology to live your life. At the same time, avoiding letting astrology dictate what you do or don’t do, think or don’t think. The hope is to learn enough astrology so that it enhances your life and does not become a burden on you. Starzlife meets you where you are on your astrological journey.


Who Starzlife is For

Live Your Best Life

Starzlife is perfect for those who aspire to live their best life with a touch of astrological insights. Whether you’re a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just beginning your celestial journey, this newsletter will enrich your understanding of how the stars influence your daily life and personal growth. It is for those who choose to support my creative work.

When Starzlife is Published


Starzlife arrives in your inbox every Thursday just after 1 o’clock Pacific Time. This marks Jupiter’s Day with its themes associated with optimism, vision, growth and education. It’s the perfect way to start your day with a fresh perspective just ready for the weekend.

Starzlife Costs

Less Than a Cup of Coffee

Each Starzlife edition costs US$2.88 per week when you invest in the current annual plan. This yearly subscription provides you with consistent, high-quality content designed to help you thrive in every aspect of your astrological life.

Receiving Starzlife


Starzlife is delivered directly to your inbox as a convenient digital newsletter through my worldclass email distributor Kit. This ensures you have access to my enriching content wherever you are.

Launch Date

Autumn 2024

I am thrilled to announce that Starzlife officially launches September 2024 in Vancouver. The first edition will wing its way to you on Thursday, September 26th. Join me in Starzlife and unlock the secrets of the universe to create a life filled with creativity, wellbeing, vision, love and prosperity.


Starzlife Start Chart


The Ascendant is the face of any entity and it is usually important for all initiatives. The Starzlife start chart has an Ascendant in Virgo.


Mercury rules newsletters in general. It is also the traditional planet that rules astrology so we need to have a look at Mercury. Mercury is the chart ruler and is placed in 1st house in Virgo. In a strong position, Mercury is the Final Dispositor of the whole chart.


Uranus rules astrology and for any astrology themed venture such as my Starzlife premium newsletter I wanted a well-placed Uranus in the 10th house. Uranus is conjoined Midheaven in the 10th house. Uranus is the most elevated planet.

Midheaven and 10th House

The Midheaven and 10th house suggest the public recognition of the Starzlife premium newsletter in its own right. There are three planets the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus in the important 10th house.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Election Day 2024

USA Election Day 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

Donald Trump: Birth Chart

Donald Trump: Birth Chart

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2024

Donald Trump’s Birth Chart

This is part of our US Election 2024 series and you can see more on the US Birth Chart.

Interpreting Donald Trump’s birth chart reveals key aspects of his personality, strengths and challenges.

Born on June 14, 1946, at 10:54 AM in Queens, New York, his chart reflects a complex, dynamic individual with significant planetary influences.

Sun in Gemini

Donald Trump’s Sun in Gemini suggests a highly communicative, adaptable and intellectually curious personality.

Gemini is known for versatility and Trump’s ability to navigate different situations, communicate effectively and quickly adapt to changing circumstances aligns with this sign.

However, this placement can also contribute to restlessness and a tendency to be easily bored, seeking constant stimulation.


Sun in 10th House

The Sun in the 10th house of a birth chart is a powerful placement, especially when it comes to career, public life, and politics.

The 10th house is associated with one’s reputation, status, and achievements in the world. It represents authority, leadership, and the legacy one leaves behind.

When the Sun, the planet of self-expression, vitality, and identity, is placed here, it shines a spotlight on these areas, often making politics or leadership roles a significant part of his life.

Drive for Recognition and Success

Trump with the Sun in the 10th house is highly ambitious and driven to achieve recognition and success in his professional life.

He seeks to make a mark on the world and is motivated by the desire to be seen as  a leader or authority in his chosen fields.

In politics, this placement can indicate a strong desire to climb the ranks, gain influence and leave a lasting impact.

Natural Leadership Abilities

The Sun in the 10th house often bestows natural leadership qualities.

He will tend to be confident, authoritative and capable of taking charge in public and professional settings.

He is often seen as a figure of authority and may be drawn to careers in politics, governance, or any field where he can lead and make decisions that affect the wider community.

Public Image and Reputation

With the Sun in this house, Trump’s public image and reputation are of great importance.

He is very aware of how he is perceived by others and often works hard to cultivate a positive and powerful public persona.

In politics, maintaining a strong and favorable image is crucial and Trumo may be particularly adept at managing their public relations.

Sense of Responsibility and Duty

The 10th house is also associated with responsibility and duty, particularly in terms of one’s role in society.

Those with the Sun here often feel a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

In politics, this can manifest as a commitment to public service and a desire to enact policies that reflect his values and vision.

Ambition and Legacy

He is often motivated by a desire to create a lasting legacy.

He wants his achievements to be remembered and respected long after he is gone.

In the context of politics, this might drive him to pursue ambitious projects, reforms, or leadership roles that allow him to leave a significant mark on society.

Pressure and Scrutiny

Being in the public eye, especially in politics, means facing constant scrutiny and pressure.

With the Sun in the 10th house, he may experience challenges related to living up to high expectations, both self-imposed and from others.

He must navigate the demands of public life while staying true to his core values.

Work-Life Balance

The intense focus on career and public achievements can sometimes lead to an imbalance between professional and personal life.

It’s important for him to find time for self-care and relationships outside of his public roles.

Ego and Power Struggles

With the Sun in the 10th house, there can be a tendency towards pride or an inflated sense of self-importance, especially in positions of power.

In politics, this could lead to conflicts or power struggles if the he is not mindful of the impact of his ego on his decisions and relationships.


Ascendant in Leo

His Ascendant in Leo indicates a strong, charismatic presence.

Leo rising individuals often project confidence, creativity and a natural leadership aura.

They seek recognition and tend to be drawn to the spotlight.

Trump’s public persona, characterized by boldness and a desire to be seen as a leader, is strongly influenced by this placement.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon represents emotions and inner needs. Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius suggests a deep need for freedom, adventure and expansion.

He is likely driven by a desire to explore new horizons and to be seen as someone who is larger than life.

This placement also points to a strong belief system and a need to express his personal truths.

However, the Moon in Sagittarius can sometimes lead to bluntness or a tendency to overextend oneself.

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius in a birth chart is a powerful and transformative astrological event.

It occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon and creating a moment of heightened emotional intensity and insight.

This eclipse might trigger a desire to break free from restrictions and pursue greater freedom in your life.

The Bigger Picture

He might feel a stronger pull towards understanding the bigger picture of his life and how he fits into the world.

He could feel a need for more honesty and openness in his relationships, or he could attract people who share his desire for growth and exploration.

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer indicates a communication style that is influenced by emotions and intuition.

Trump’s thoughts and speech may be deeply connected to his personal feelings and experiences.

He might have a strong memory and a way of communicating that appeals to the emotions of others.

However, this placement can also lead to a subjective or defensive communication style.

Venus in Cancer

With Venus in Cancer, Trump values security, comfort and emotional connection in relationships.

He may have a protective and nurturing side, particularly towards his family and those he holds dear.

Venus in Cancer also indicates a preference for traditional values and a strong attachment to the past.

However, this placement can also bring moodiness or a tendency to cling to familiar comforts.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo suggests a dynamic, confident approach to action and ambition.

Trump is likely to be assertive, determined and eager to take on leadership roles.

Mars in Leo individuals are often driven by a desire for recognition and may have a strong competitive streak.

This placement can bring enthusiasm and creativity, but also a tendency towards pride or stubbornness.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra indicates a natural inclination towards diplomacy, fairness and relationships. Trump may find opportunities for growth through partnerships and collaborations.

However, this placement can also suggest a tendency to overindulge in social situations or to rely too heavily on others for validation.

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra indicates a natural inclination towards diplomacy, fairness and relationships. Trump may find opportunities for growth through partnerships and collaborations.

However, this placement can also suggest a tendency to overindulge in social situations or to rely too heavily on others for validation.

Saturn in Cancer

Saturn in Cancer highlights challenges related to emotional security and family responsibilities.

Trump may have a strong sense of duty towards his family and a need to establish a secure foundation.

This placement can bring challenges related to emotional vulnerability or a tendency to be overly cautious in personal matters.

Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Libra and Pluto in Leo

These generational planets suggest that Trump is influenced by broader societal trends and transformations.

Uranus in Gemini indicates a revolutionary approach to communication and information.

Neptune in Libra suggests a generation concerned with idealistic views on relationships and social harmony.

Pluto in Leo represents a powerful drive for personal expression and transformation within the context of leadership and authority.



Donald Trump’s birth chart reflects a complex individual with a strong need for communication, recognition and emotional security.

His Gemini Sun and Leo Ascendant give him a dynamic, adaptable personality, while his Cancer placements highlight a deep connection to family and tradition.

His Sagittarius Moon suggests a desire for expansion and freedom, while Mars in Leo drives his assertiveness and ambition.

Overall, his chart reveals a blend of charisma, emotional depth and a strong need for recognition and security.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Jupiter Houses

Jupiter Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2024

Jupiter in the Houses


Jupiter, known as the planet of expansion, growth, and optimism, plays a significant role in astrology by influencing various aspects of our lives depending on its placement in the natal chart.

As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter embodies a sense of abundance and benevolence, guiding us toward opportunities for learning, personal development and positive experiences.

In the birth chart, Jupiter’s placement in the twelve houses reveals how and where we experience its expansive energy.

Each house represents different areas of life, from personal identity and relationships to career and spirituality.

Jupiter’s influence in these houses provides insights into where we may find growth, prosperity, and a sense of purpose.

Understanding Jupiter’s placement in each house provides valuable insights into where we may find opportunities for growth, abundance and fulfillment, helping us navigate our life’s journey with a sense of optimism and purpose.

Jupiter in the 1st House


Jupiter in the 1st house brings a sense of optimism and enthusiasm to the individual’s personality.

People with this placement are often seen as generous, outgoing and confident. They may have a larger-than-life presence and a strong desire for personal growth and exploration.

The energy for those with Jupiter well placed in the 1st house significantly impacts an their personality and life approach.

This placement often bestows a sense of optimism, confidence and enthusiasm, making the person stand out in a crowd.

The Greater Benefic here suggests a wealth of positive traits, including optimism, generosity and confidence.

These individuals are often seen as inspiring and magnetic, with a strong desire for personal growth and new experiences.

While they need to be mindful of overindulgence and overconfidence, their vibrant presence and adventurous spirit make them natural leaders and motivators.

Jupiter in the 2nd House


Jupiter in the 2nd house brings a positive influence on financial matters, self-worth and values.

There is often a natural talent for attracting wealth and resources.

These people often attract wealth and have a generous, abundance-focused mindset.

While they enjoy material comforts and luxury, they must be mindful of overindulgence and financial risks.

Their strong value system and sense of security make them confident and supportive individuals, both in their personal and financial lives.

They are liberal with their possessions and often find opportunities for financial growth.

This placement is often associated with prosperity, generosity and a strong sense of self-worth.

Jupiter in the 3rd House


Jupiter in the 3rd house enhances communication, learning and relationships with siblings and neighbors.

These individuals are curious, articulate and eager to explore new ideas and experiences.

While they need to be mindful of scattered focus and overextension, their broad perspective and optimistic outlook make them effective communicators and lifelong learners.

Their ability to share knowledge and foster positive relationships brings growth and fulfillment.

This placement brings an expansive and optimistic approach to these areas of life, fostering growth and opportunities.

Jupiter in the 4th House


Jupiter in the 4th house enhances home and family life with a sense of expansion, optimism and growth.

These individuals often create a nurturing and supportive environment, fostering strong family relationships and emotional security.

While they may need to be mindful of overindulgence and excessive attachment, their positive outlook and desire for personal growth make their home a place of comfort and development.

Success in real estate and a deep connection to their roots further enrich their domestic experience, contributing to a fulfilling and harmonious home life.

Jupiter in the 5th House


Jupiter in the 5th house enhances creativity, self-expression and the enjoyment of life.

These individuals are often playful, romantic and adventurous, seeking to grow through joyful and creative pursuits.

Their love for fun and their optimistic approach to life bring growth and fulfillment, both personally and in their relationships.

Jupiter in the 5th house enhances romance and pleasure.

People with this placement are often playful, expressive and enjoy taking risks.

They may find joy and luck in creative pursuits, children and love affairs.

While they need to be mindful of overindulgence and overconfidence, their positive attitude and generosity make them inspiring and supportive individuals.

Jupiter in the 6th House

Jupiter in the 6th house enhances work, health and service with a sense of optimism and growth.

They may experience growth and opportunities through their work or health practices.

These individuals are often efficient and organized in their daily routines, with a strong focus on maintaining good health and well-being.

They find fulfillment through service to others and enjoy roles that allow them to mentor and support those in need.

While they need to be mindful of overworking and neglecting their personal needs, their positive attitude and generous nature make them valuable contributors to their work and community.

Personal growth and development come through continuous improvement and a holistic approach to life.

These people often have a positive attitude towards their daily routines and find fulfillment in helping others.

Jupiter in the 7th House


Jupiter in the 7th house enhances partnerships, marriage and social interactions with a sense of growth, optimism and harmony.

These individuals are likely to experience positive and fulfilling relationships, often attracting partners who bring joy and prosperity into their lives.

Personal growth often comes through their relationships and they thrive in environments where collaboration and fairness are valued.

They may experience growth through business partnerships, or other close relationships.

While they need to be mindful of over-idealizing relationships and maintaining their independence, their generous and diplomatic nature makes them valuable partners and friends.

Jupiter in the 8th House


Jupiter in the 8th house brings a sense of growth and optimism to shared resources and the exploration of life’s mysteries.

These individuals are naturally drawn to intense and meaningful experiences, often finding personal and spiritual growth by navigating crises and delving into the unknown.

Prosperity frequently comes through shared resources, and their relationships tend to be profound and transformative.

In this house, Jupiter fosters a desire for deep transformation.

These individuals may experience growth through shared wealth, inheritances, or managing other people’s finances.

They are strongly interested in the occult, psychology, and the process of profound change.

While they should be cautious of overindulging in intensity or becoming overly focused on control, their ability to embrace change and seek wisdom from life’s deeper experiences makes them resilient and insightful.

Jupiter in the 9th House


Jupiter in the 9th house amplifies a deep love for travel, learning, and spiritual growth.

This placement, where Jupiter feels right at home, inspires individuals to explore the world both physically and intellectually.

They are natural philosophers and educators, often drawn to higher education, religion, and legal matters.

Their lives are characterized by a continuous quest for truth, driven by curiosity and a desire to expand their horizons.

While they should be mindful of the potential for overexpansion and overconfidence, their open-mindedness and passion for understanding different cultures and belief systems make them wise and inspiring individuals.

This placement fosters a journey of endless growth and the pursuit of wisdom, making it a powerful influence on their path in life.

Jupiter in the 10th House


Jupiter in the 10th house brings a sense of growth, optimism, and ambition to career, public life, and reputation.

Individuals with this placement are often driven to achieve significant success and make a positive impact on the world through their professional pursuits.

As natural leaders, they possess a strong ethical foundation and aspire to be role models for others.

While it’s important for them to avoid overemphasizing their career and to manage public expectations carefully, their expansive vision and dedication to doing good make them influential and respected in their field.

Personal growth for them often comes through their professional experiences, as they learn to balance their ambitions with other aspects of life.

This placement also brings opportunities for career advancement, often leading to good fortune and recognition in their public and professional life.

Jupiter in the 11th House


Jupiter in the 11th house brings growth, optimism, and vision to friendships, social networks, and long-term goals.

Individuals with this placement are often drawn to community involvement, humanitarian causes, and progressive ideas.

They thrive in group settings, where their ability to connect with others and inspire collective action leads to success.

Personal growth comes through social interactions, as they learn the power of collaboration and the importance of contributing to the greater good.

With Jupiter in the 11th house, these individuals often have a wide circle of friends and enjoy being part of communities that share their ideals, experiencing growth through social networks and collaborative efforts.

While they should be mindful of over-idealism and the risk of scattering their energy, their generous spirit and commitment to social progress make them influential and respected figures in their communities.

Jupiter in the 12th House


Jupiter in the 12th house enriches spirituality, compassion, and inner growth with a sense of expansion and optimism.

Individuals with this placement are often deeply connected to the unseen realms and are drawn to practices that explore life’s mysteries.

They are compassionate and service-oriented, finding fulfillment in helping others and working behind the scenes.

Personal growth comes through introspection, healing, and awakening to the profound aspects of existence.

Jupiter in the 12th house highlights a spiritual and introspective quality, leading individuals to find solace in solitude, meditation, and supporting others quietly.

This placement brings expansion and wisdom to the hidden, mystical, and subconscious aspects of life, guiding them to seek meaning and understanding through inner exploration and connection with the divine.

While they should be aware of the potential for escapism and emotional overwhelm, their rich imagination and spiritual connection make them visionary and attuned to deeper truths.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Moon Houses

Moon Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The Moon in the Houses

Moon in the 1st House

The Need to Be Needed

When the Moon is in the 1st house, your emotional well-being is deeply tied to your sense of identity.

You have a strong need to be needed by others, and you often take on nurturing roles.

Your moods are visible to those around you, and you may come across as sensitive and empathetic.

This placement can make you highly intuitive, often sensing the emotions and needs of others.

Moon in the 2nd House

Nurturing Through Finances

With the Moon in the 2nd house, your emotional security is linked to your financial stability.

You take great care in managing your money and resources, finding comfort in material possessions.

You may have a tendency to seek emotional satisfaction through spending or acquiring things.

Financial stability provides you with a sense of safety and comfort.

Moon in the 3rd House

Emotional Connection to Learning

Having the Moon in the 3rd house suggests that you were nurtured through communication and learning environments.

School and early education play a significant role in your emotional development.

You find comfort in sharing your thoughts and idea, and you may have a close emotional bond with siblings or neighbors.

Writing and speaking can be therapeutic for you.

Moon in the 4th House

Home as a Sanctuary

The Moon in the 4th house places a strong emphasis on home and family.

Your home is your comfort zone, and you find emotional security in your domestic environment.

You have a deep connection to your roots and heritage, and family traditions hold significant meaning for you.

Creating a nurturing and safe home is essential for your emotional well-being.

Moon in the 5th House

Joy in Creativity and Pleasure

With the Moon in the 5th house, you derive emotional fulfillment from creative expression and pleasurable activities.

You enjoy fun times over a good meal and find joy in artistic pursuits, romance and hobbies.

Your emotional state is closely tied to your ability to express yourself creatively and engage in activities that bring you happiness and pleasure.

Moon in the 6th House

Emotional Ties to Work and Health

The Moon in the 6th house indicates that your work and daily routines are closely linked to your emotional well-being.

Your job and health may experience fluctuations and you may be sensitive to the dynamics of your workplace.

You find comfort in helping others and may have a nurturing approach to your work.

Maintaining a healthy routine is crucial for your emotional balance.

Moon in the 7th House

Emotional Fulfillment in Partnerships

When the Moon is in the 7th house, you seek emotional fulfillment through partnerships and relationships.

You benefit from forming close emotional bonds, especially with women.

Your mood and emotional state are often influenced by your interactions with others.

You find comfort in being part of a supportive and nurturing partnership and you may be drawn to emotionally expressive partners.

Moon in the 8th House

Deep Emotional Intensity

The Moon in the 8th house brings intense emotional experiences and a deep connection to transformation and rebirth.

You may feel overwhelmed by issues related to debt, shared resources, or inheritances.

Your emotional life is marked by profound changes and you may have a strong interest in psychology, occult studies, or anything that delves beneath the surface.

Emotional security comes from facing and embracing these deep transformations.

Moon in the 9th House

Emotional Exploration Through Travel and Philosophy

With the Moon in the 9th house, you find emotional fulfillment through exploration, travel and philosophical pursuits.

You enjoy foreign cuisine and cultures and expanding your horizons brings you comfort.

You may have a deep emotional connection to your beliefs and values, seeking meaning and understanding through higher education, spiritual practices, or travel.

Moon in the 10th House

Career and Public Life

The Moon in the 10th house places a strong emphasis on your career and public life.

Your emotional well-being is closely tied to your professional achievements and reputation.

You seek recognition and validation through your work and your career path may be influenced by your need for emotional security.

Public roles and responsibilities are emotionally significant to you.

Moon in the 11th House

Emotional Connection to Friends and Community

Having the Moon in the 11th house suggests that you find emotional support and fulfillment through friendships and group activities.

You have many friends and enjoy being part of a community.

Your emotional state is influenced by your social interactions and involvement in collective goals.

You find comfort in being surrounded by like-minded individuals and working towards common aspirations.

Moon in the 12th House

Emotional Depth and Intuition

The Moon in the 12th house indicates a deep, often hidden, emotional life.

You may cry at night, processing emotions in solitude.

Your intuition is strong and you are sensitive to the undercurrents of your environment.

You may feel a strong connection to spirituality, dreams and the unconscious mind.

Emotional healing and nurturing come from solitude, introspection and connecting with your inner self.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Travel Through the Zodiac

Travel Through the Zodiac

Acknowledged as the Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: July 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Adventurous, energetic, daring and bold. The fieriest of the fire signs; dives headfirst into life’s challenges.

Vacation Type: Action-packed adventures, off the beaten path; loves to explore and test themselves against the environment.

Ideal Destinations: Hiking in the mountains, surfing in Hawaii, exploring bustling, exotic places with lots of activities, like New Zealand.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Loves luxury, fine food and drink, relaxation or activity in a beautiful, scenic atmosphere that’s a feast for the senses.

Vacation Type: Relaxing, indulgent, beautiful and sensual, whether physically active or relaxing and meditative.

Ideal Destinations: Spa retreat in Bali, wine tasting road trip through Tuscany or Napa Valley, or a luxurious beach resort in the Maldives.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Curious, social and talkative; loves to be around people and learn about new things and places.

Vacation Type: Exciting, diverse and fun; wants to see and experience novelty, do lots of different things in a short amount of time.

Ideal Destinations: City tours in San Francisco, London or Tokyo; exploring eclectic neighborhoods and meeting a variety of people.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Home-loving, tradition oriented, sentimental and comfortable; loves food and family, creating a home away from home.

Vacation Type: Family vacations, staycations or traveling to your family’s country of origin to immerse yourself in the culture.

Ideal Destinations: Beach houses, lakeside cabins, train or boat travel to your ancestral homelands, learning and absorbing history in tangible vs. academic ways.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Loves glamour, drama and adventure, taking in grand sights and events; watching or participating in festivals or cultural activities.

Vacation Type: Extravagant, lively, beautiful, filled with excitement and artistic or cultural sights of your own making or performed for you.

Ideal Destinations: Las Vegas for the nightlife and gambling, luxury cruises, taking in plays or in New York or Paris, or a cultural festival in Rio de Janeiro.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Detail-oriented, health-conscious and organized; loves to make lists of all the sights to see and things to do on vacation.

Vacation Type: Organized and enriching, filled with activities, without a moment of down-time. Bonus points for walkable cities with healthy cuisine!

Ideal Destinations: Wellness retreats, intellectually stimulating travel like historical tours in Greece or Rome; places with rich, tactile culture you can take part in, like Bali or Thailand.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Romantic, cultured, graceful; loves beauty and sophistication, a balance of luxury and learning in a sublime setting.

Vacation Type: Beautiful, harmonious, relaxing, romantic or culturally enriching.

Ideal Destinations: Couples getaways in Paris or Venice, art tours in Florence, or relaxing on picturesque beaches. Shopping in Hong Kong or Madrid.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Passionate, intense and mysterious; attracted to the darker side, unearthing ancient secrets or exploring hidden places with rich or taboo histories.

Vacation Type: Intense and transformative, engaging on a deeper, emotional, cultural or ancestral level; experiences of a lifetime.

Ideal Destinations: Exploring ancient ruins in Egypt, mystical places like Machu Picchu, Petra, or the Catacombs of Paris. Ghost tours or altered states of consciousness.

 Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Freedom-loving, adventurous, philosophical and intellectually curious; fascinated by peoples and cultures different from their own.

Vacation Type: Adventurous, educational, rich in culture and history; wants to truly immerse themselves in a faraway place and come back a better person.

Ideal Destinations: Backpacking through Southeast Asia or Africa, cultural immersion in India, a tour of Eastern Europe’s great libraries, museums and cathedrals.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Ambitious, practical, entrepreneurial and achievement-oriented. Wants to come back from travel with something epic to show for it.

Vacation Type: Structured, goal-oriented, ambitious and impressive; exploratory, with a mission at the heart of the adventure.

Ideal Destinations: Skiing the world’s black diamond peaks, combining business with pleasure, studying historical sites, scaling Mount Everest or K2. Scouting for their next investment opportunity.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Innovative, independent, humanitarian, futuristic, intellectual and off-beat; seeks unique or strange adventures with friends or solo.

Vacation Type: Unique, unconventional, once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Learning about other people and cultures; changing their mind, their life or the world in the process.

Ideal Destinations: Exploring Iceland’s unearthly landscapes, attending music festivals like Coachella, volunteering abroad, backpacking in the Amazon, space travel or simulations thereof.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Dreamy, creative, compassionate, spiritual, meditative, contemplative, deep and meaningful.

Vacation Type: Peaceful, calming retreats or artistic, cultural adventures; mind-expanding experiences that are profoundly memorable or transformative.

Ideal Destinations: Swimming with turtles or whale watching, art retreats in the desert, spiritual pilgrimages to Sedona, Bali, or India. An ayahuasca trip in the South American jungle.



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

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Instagram @mspinkdotcom



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Libra Equinox 2024

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12th House

12th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The 12th House


The 12th house in astrology is often called the house of the subconscious, the hidden, and the spiritual.

It governs the realm of dreams, secrets, intuition and the unseen aspects of life that lie beneath the surface.

This house is closely linked to solitude, confinement (such as hospitals, prisons, and other places of isolation), and self-undoing—the ways in which we may unknowingly work against ourselves.

The 12th house also connects to past lives and the collective unconscious, the shared pool of human experience and memory that influences us all.

Planets in this house tend to be less visible or vocal, often operating in subtle or muted ways that can be hard to discern.

If you’ve taken a “vow of poverty,” either in this life or a past one, it may be reflected in the 12th house.

This can manifest as a deep-seated sense of self-denial or a struggle with material wealth that seems to stem from something beyond this lifetime.

Working Astrologers

Although everyone has a 12th house in their chart, it can be challenging for an astrologer to dig into this area during a consultation.

The initial focus often tends to be on more prominent aspects like the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, or major aspect patterns that stand out.

As a result, the 12th house may not come into focus until the second, third, or even fourth session with a client.

One reason for this is that clients are often hesitant to discuss the matters of the 12th house right away.

This area of the chart can touch on deeply personal and sometimes uncomfortable topics, which clients may not be ready to explore openly at the start.

Even if, as an astrologer, you notice significant issues in your client’s 12th house right away, it’s generally best not to address them immediately.

Building a rapport with your client is essential before delving into the complexities of the 12th house.

Establishing trust and understanding allows for a more meaningful exploration of this sensitive area when the time is right.

12th House Affinities 


The twelfth house in astrology represents places of confinement and healing, often associated with spaces where people are removed from the everyday world.

This includes hospitals, reconstructive clinics, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, neonatal units, incubators, decompression chambers, hospices, and nursing homes.

These are environments where care, recovery, and isolation are central themes.

This house not only highlights your connection to these places but also your experiences within them.

Whether it’s through receiving care or working in these settings, the twelfth house reflects your encounters with the more hidden and introspective aspects of life.

In addition to physical confinement, the twelfth house is tied to experiences of custody and incarceration, such as being in prison, jail, or a penitentiary.

It delves into how these experiences shape your psyche and the impact they have on your life journey.

Moreover, the twelfth house also encompasses the people who work in these environments, like nurses, caregivers, and other professionals.

It shows your interactions with them and the influence these relationships have on your sense of self and your understanding of compassion, service, and healing.


The twelfth house in astrology also represents places dedicated to collection, preservation, and curation, such as libraries, museums, archives, art galleries, and zoos.

These are spaces where knowledge, art, history, and the natural world are carefully gathered and cared for, often hidden from the everyday hustle of life.

Your relationship with these places is revealed by the condition of your twelfth house.

This includes not just your physical interaction with these spaces, but also your deeper connection to the act of preserving and curating knowledge, culture, and history.

Whether you are drawn to these places as a source of inspiration, reflection, or escape, or perhaps even work within them as a curator, librarian, or archivist, the twelfth house offers insight into how these environments influence your inner world.

The twelfth house can also highlight your spiritual or emotional connection to what these places represent—a longing to understand the unseen, the forgotten, or the mysterious aspects of life that these institutions seek to protect and showcase.

Critical Illness

The twelfth house in astrology is closely associated with critical illnesses and chronic diseases—those long-term health conditions that can be life-threatening, such as cancer.

This house reveals the deeper, often hidden aspects of health issues that may eventually lead to serious consequences.

The twelfth house can indicate not only the presence of such conditions but also how they affect your overall well-being, both physically and emotionally.

This house also governs illnesses that require ongoing management through regular or daily medication, such as diabetes or hypertension.

The twelfth house reflects the enduring nature of these health challenges and how they integrate into your daily life.

It speaks to the underlying, persistent struggles with health that might not always be visible on the surface but require continuous attention and care.

In the broader context, the twelfth house can also highlight your relationship with illness itself and how you cope with long-term health challenges, your approach to healing and the impact these conditions have on your spiritual and psychological state.

The condition of the twelfth house can provide insights into how you manage chronic illness.



The twelfth house in astrology reveals the patterns of self-destructive behavior that can undermine your well-being and happiness.

This includes actions like self-medication with drugs, smoking, or excessive alcohol consumption—habits that may offer temporary relief but ultimately cause harm.

The twelfth house sheds light on these tendencies, often hidden beneath the surface, and how they can lead to long-term consequences if left unchecked.

This house also represents your self-undoing and self-sabotage—the ways in which you may unconsciously create obstacles for yourself or “shoot yourself in the foot.”

Whether through harmful habits, negative thought patterns, or choices that lead you away from your true path, the twelfth house uncovers where you might be working against your own best interests.

In a broader sense, the twelfth house explores the underlying psychological and emotional forces that drive these behaviors.

It can offer insights into the fears, anxieties, or unresolved issues that lead to self-destructive actions.

By understanding the influence of the twelfth house, you can begin to recognize and address these patterns, ultimately working towards healing and personal growth.

Not Awake

The twelfth house is deeply connected to your inner world, particularly your dream life and the mysteries of the subconscious mind.

It governs not only your dreams but also your sleep patterns, including issues like insomnia and nightmares.

The twelfth house reflects the hidden realms of the mind that come alive when you sleep, revealing your fears, desires, and unresolved emotions through dreams and subconscious thoughts.

This house also encompasses states of unconsciousness, such as being under general anesthetic or receiving an epidural during medical procedures.

The twelfth house shows how your body and mind respond to these drugs and gases, highlighting your sensitivity or resilience to such interventions.

It can indicate whether you experience complications, unusual reactions, or even profound spiritual or psychological experiences while under anesthesia.

Additionally, the twelfth house represents the deeper layers of your subconscious—those parts of yourself that are often out of reach during waking life.

It’s where your hidden fears, suppressed memories, and unacknowledged desires reside, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in subtle but powerful ways.

By exploring the twelfth house, you can gain greater insight into these hidden aspects of yourself, uncovering the root causes of your dreams, sleep disturbances, and reactions to unconscious states.

This understanding can help you work through subconscious issues and achieve a greater sense of inner peace and self-awareness.

Large Animals

The twelfth house is associated with large animals, specifically those that are bigger than a goat.

If you have a farmer as a client this may make more sense. I personally do not see a cow or touch a horse from one year to the next.

These typically include farm animals such as horses, cattle, ostriches and other domesticated livestock.


Photo: Piet van der Weil on Pixabay

The twelfth house reveals your relationship with these animals, the role they play in your life, and your connection to farming and the management of livestock.

This house also encompasses the practices related to farming and the control or care of these large animals.

It reflects how you interact with them, whether through farming, breeding, or simply a deep affinity for these creatures.

The twelfth house can provide insights into how these animals influence your daily life, your livelihood, or even your spiritual connection to the natural world.

However, the twelfth house does not govern big game animals like elephants, bears, or lions.

These majestic creatures are represented in the fifth house, which is associated with wild and untamed and often gameanimals.

In the context of the twelfth house, the focus is more on the domesticated, working animals that play a practical role in human life and agriculture.


Sun in the 12th House

Hidden Identity

You may be unconfident.

Your sense of self and identity may be deeply connected to the subconscious or hidden aspects of life.

You may feel more comfortable behind the scenes or in roles that involve helping others.

Spiritual Calling

There can be a strong drive toward spiritual pursuits or a deep inner life.


You might experience periods of solitude or a need for retreat to recharge.


Moon in the 12th House

Emotional Depth

Emotions are often deeply buried and may be hard to access or understand. There’s a strong intuition and sensitivity to the collective unconscious.

You may cry at night.

Hidden Feelings

You may keep your true feelings hidden, and emotional expression can be challenging.

Psychic Sensitivity

A heightened psychic ability or sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others is common.

Mercury in the 12th House

Hidden Thoughts

Your thoughts and communication might be introspective, secretive, or focused on the subconscious mind.

Dreams and Intuition

A strong connection to dreams, intuition, and possibly telepathy.

Solitary Learning

You read spiritual literature.

You might prefer to study or learn in solitude or be drawn to hidden or esoteric knowledge.

Venus in the 12th House

Hidden Love

You spend time in meditation.

Love and relationships may be kept private or involve secret affairs.

There’s a tendency to idealize love or experience it on a spiritual level.

Compassionate Love

A deep sense of compassion and selfless love, often leading to helping others.

Artistic Inspiration

Artistic and creative pursuits may be inspired by the subconscious or spiritual experiences.

Mars in the 12th House

Hidden Desires

Your desires and actions may be driven by subconscious motives or hidden passions.

Indirect Action

There might be difficulty expressing anger or asserting yourself directly, leading to passive-aggressive behavior.

Spiritual Courage

A drive to confront inner demons or to pursue spiritual and psychological battles.

You expend energy in prayer.

Jupiter in the 12th House

Spiritual Growth

Growth and expansion come through spiritual, subconscious, or hidden realms. There’s a sense of protection and luck in these areas.


A natural inclination toward charity, compassion, and helping those in confinement or suffering.

Inner Wisdom

You have big dreams.

A deep connection to spiritual wisdom and inner guidance.

Saturn in the 12th House

Hidden Fears

Fears, limitations, and responsibilities may be deeply buried in the subconscious. There can be a sense of isolation or confinement.

Karmic Lessons

Significant life lessons and karmic debts may come through solitude, spiritual pursuits, or dealing with hidden aspects of life.

Inner Discipline

You may suffer in the cold.

Developing inner discipline and strength through facing subconscious fears and limitations.

Uranus in the 12th House

Sudden Insights

Sudden, unexpected insights and changes in the subconscious mind or spiritual understanding.

You can be unexpectedly hospitalized.

Unconventional Spirituality

A unique or unconventional approach to spirituality and the unseen realms.

Hidden Rebellion

A tendency to rebel against hidden restrictions or societal norms, often in subtle or subconscious ways.

Neptune in the 12th House

Spiritual Sensitivity

A strong connection to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. There’s often a heightened intuition and psychic ability.

Illusion and Confusion

Challenges with distinguishing reality from illusion, leading to potential escapism or deception.


You meditate in seclusion.

Pluto in the 12th House

Subconscious Power

A powerful drive to understand and transform the subconscious mind and hidden aspects of life.

Intense Spirituality

Intense and transformative spiritual experiences, often involving facing deep fears and taboos.

Healing and Regeneration

A strong ability to heal and regenerate from deep within, often through confronting hidden issues and past traumas.

You can manifest destructive behavior.


Each planet in the 12th house brings a unique influence to the themes of the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. This house challenges individuals to explore the depths of their inner worlds and transform through introspection and spiritual growth.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The 8th House


The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division.

The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and rebirth, sex, deeply committed relationships, shared resources and other people’s money (like taxes, inheritances, and investments).

It’s a house that goes into the mysteries of life, including the psychological and emotional aspects of intimacy and personal growth.

It is a house of profound change and the subconscious mind.

8th House Affinities 

The 8th house is the house of your sex life showing the who, what, when and where.

It is the house of secrets.

The eighth house is about death, funerals, undertakers, embalming, wills, inheritances, legacies and the goods of the dead. Taxes, tax returns and tax audits are all in the eighth house.

It shows your debt, your credit score (FICO) and any loans or mortgages you take out.

This house shows interest accrued and owing. It indicates your credit card interest rate.

This house shows any annuities, life insurance or other insurance you have and your personal financial advisors.

This house shows your views on other people’s money.

The eighth house shows your attitude towards other people’s resources such as your partner’s money.

This house shows the influence you have and where people vote for you and support you and this is often done in secret.

The eighth house is about surgery where slicing and dicing take place.

It shows your view on organ donations, blood transfusions, blood donations and this includes sperm and egg donations and surrogacy. 


Sun in the 8th House

Transformation and Identity

This placement suggests that your sense of self and purpose undergo significant transformations throughout life.

You might have a deep interest in exploring the mysteries of life, psychology, and the occult.


Your identity is tied to your ability to connect deeply with others, and you may experience intense relationships.


There could be a focus on inheritance or benefits from other people’s resources.

You may inherit from you father.

Moon in the 8th House

Emotional Depth

Emotions run deep with this placement. You may have a strong intuition and a need for emotional security through deep, transformative experiences.

Psychic Sensitivity

There’s often a heightened sensitivity to the unseen and emotional undercurrents in relationships.

Family Resources

Issues around shared family resources or inheritances might be significant.

You feel overwhelmed by debt.

Mercury in the 8th House

Communication about the Unseen

You might have a talent for discussing taboo subjects, psychology, and mysteries.

Investigative Mind

This placement often gives a sharp mind for research and uncovering hidden truths.

You read occult books.

Financial Discussions

Conversations about joint finances or investments can be prominent.

Venus in the 8th House

Deep Love

Love and relationships are intense and transformative.

There’s a desire for profound emotional and physical intimacy.

You appreciate good sex.

Shared Finances

Financial benefits may come through partnerships, inheritances, or other people’s resources.

Aesthetic Transformation

A love for transforming beauty and art in profound ways.

Mars in the 8th House

Passion and Conflict

This placement brings intense passion and sometimes conflict in intimate relationships. There’s a drive to explore and assert oneself in matters of transformation and shared resources.

Courage in Crisis

You might have a fearless approach to dealing with crises or transformational experiences.

Sexual Energy

Strong sexual desires and drive can be associated with this placement.

You enjoy your intimate life.

Jupiter in the 8th House

Growth through Transformation

Expansion and growth come through transformative experiences, deep learning, and understanding the mysteries of life.

Financial Gains

There could be significant financial gains through inheritances, investments, or other people’s resources.

But on the downside, you may run up huge debt.

Philosophical Depth

A philosophical or spiritual approach to life’s mysteries and the deeper aspects of existence.

Saturn in the 8th House

Serious Approach to Transformation

Challenges and lessons come through deep, transformative experiences. You might face limitations or fears around intimacy and shared resources.

Financial Responsibilities

There could be a heavy sense of responsibility or delays in matters related to joint finances or inheritances.

Emotional Resilience

Developing emotional strength and resilience is often a theme.

You may be cold in intimacy.

Uranus in the 8th House

Sudden Changes

Sudden and unexpected changes in areas related to transformation, shared resources, and intimacy.

You receive assistance from unlikely quarters.

Innovative Ideas

A unique approach to the mysteries of life, with an interest in unconventional or progressive ideas.

Revolution in Intimacy

Relationships and intimacy might be unconventional or subject to sudden changes.

Neptune in the 8th House

Spiritual Transformation

Deep spiritual and emotional experiences, with a focus on merging with the divine or the subconscious.

Mystical Experiences

A tendency towards mystical experiences or interest in the occult and hidden realms.

Financial Uncertainty

There could be confusion or deception in matters related to shared finances or inheritances.

You need clarity on tax forms.

Pluto in the 8th House

Profound Transformation

Intense and profound transformations are central to your life.

You have a powerful drive to understand and control the deeper aspects of life and death.

Power and Control

Issues around power, control, and manipulation can be significant, particularly in relationships.

You explore your sex life.


A strong ability to regenerate and rise from the ashes of your experiences, much like a phoenix.

8th House Overview

Each planet in the 8th house brings a unique flavor to the themes of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources, influencing how you experience and navigate these deep aspects of life.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Wheel of the Year Quack-Quack

Wheel of the Year Quack-Quack

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Wheel of the Year “Quack-Quack”

What is a Quack-Quack?

A “quack-quack” is a folded paper artwork (like origami) which you can use for many things. Typically, it is played to find yes/no answers or “he loves me, he loves me not” as a game.

Quack-quacks may have a better name, but when my kids were growing up, we called them quack-quacks because as you move them looks like little birds’ beaks opening and closing, thus the duck sound of quack-quack.

You can call them what you like and do let me know if you have a better name. In the meantime, I’ll continue to call them quack-quacks.


WOTY Quack-Quack

What You Do


Download the Quack-Quack template below.



Print out the full color page. You can make as many as you wish. You can also make it larger if you have bigger paper.

Cut Out

Carefully cut the full square diagram out. Try to keep the edges super sharp and square.

Folding Tips

As you make each fold be careful to keep the folds sharp. You can use a bone folder to help with this part.

When folding point into the middle, try to line it up exactly to keep the shape.


With the image facing down, fold the paper in half vertically then open.

Fold in half horizontally then open.

Still facing down, fold each corner into the centerfold crosshairs. This makes a smaller square.

Flip it over, colored side up.

Now fold each corner into the middle.

Gently open the four corners and place you thumbs and forefingers from both hands up into the little pockets.

Make it quack by opening and closing your fingers.


Wheel of the Year Festivals Summary

The Wheel of the Year is a modern pagan calendar that marks eight festivals, also known as Sabbats, celebrated by many Wiccans, Neo-Pagans, and other Earth-centered spiritual traditions. These festivals are tied to the cycles of the sun and the changing seasons.

Yule (Winter Solstice)

°Around December 21st, Yule marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the return of longer days. Traditions include lighting candles and fires, decorating with evergreens, and feasting.

Imbolc (Candlemas)

Around February 1st or 2nd, Imbolc signifies the midpoint between winter and spring. It is a time of purification and light, often associated with the goddess Brigid. People celebrate with candles, fire rituals, and early spring cleaning.

Ostara (Spring Equinox)

Around March 21st, Ostara represents balance, as day and night are of equal length. It celebrates the awakening of the earth and new beginnings. Traditions include planting seeds, decorating eggs, and celebrating fertility and growth.

Beltane (May Day)

Around May 1st, Beltane marks the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. It is a festival of fire and fertility, celebrating life and passion. Customs include dancing around the maypole, jumping over bonfires, and adorning with flowers.

  • More on BELTANE

Litha (Summer Solstice)

Around June 21st, Litha is the longest day of the year. It celebrates the power and strength of the sun at its zenith. Celebrations often involve bonfires, feasting, and connecting with nature.

Lammas (Lughnasadh)

Around August 1st, Lammas is the first harvest festival, marking the gathering of the first grains and fruits. It is a time of gratitude and abundance. Traditions include baking bread, holding feasts, and making corn dollies.

Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Around September 21st, Mabon is another time of balance, with equal day and night. It is the second harvest festival, celebrating the fruits of the earth and giving thanks. Activities include feasting, sharing the harvest, and preparing for the colder months.

Samhain (Halloween)

Around October 31st, Samhain marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. It is considered the pagan New Year and a time when the veil between the worlds is thin. Traditions include honoring ancestors, lighting candles, and sharing stories of the past.

These festivals offer a way to connect with nature, the changing seasons, and the cycles of life, encouraging mindfulness and gratitude throughout the year.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Libra Equinox 2024

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Forecasting Techniques

Forecasting Techniques

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Forecasting Techniques

Once you can read a chart you’ll want to get into forecasting.

Astrology has various techniques to forecast or predict future events and trends.

These techniques can be broadly classified into direct and indirect methods.

You don’t have to use them all.

Here’s a brief overview of the four main forecasting techniques which I use for every chart I interpret. 

Podcast Episode

You can listen to the full podcast episode with me and Arwyne by clicking below.

Direct Forecasting Techniques


Transits involve observing the ongoing movement of planets and how they interact with an individual’s natal chart.

As planets transit through the zodiac, they form aspects (such as conjunctions, squares, or trines) with the planets and points in the natal chart.

These interactions can indicate significant events, changes, or themes in a person’s life during the period of the transit.

Solar Returns

A solar return chart is cast for the exact moment the Sun returns to its natal position, which happens once a year around your birthday.

This chart provides insights into the year ahead, highlighting the major themes, challenges and opportunities.

Analyzing the solar return chart in relation to the natal chart can give a comprehensive view of the upcoming year’s potential.


Indirect Forecasting Techniques

Secondary Progressions

Secondary progressions are based on the “day-for-a-year” principle, where each day after birth represents a year in the individual’s life.

By advancing the natal chart forward one day for each year of life, astrologers can observe how the progressed planets and points interact with the natal chart.

This method reveals the internal, psychological, and developmental changes that occur over time, complementing the external events indicated by transits.

Solar Arc Directions

Solar arc directions involve moving every planet and point in the natal chart forward by the same amount, calculated based on the solar arc (the distance the Sun moves in a day, approximately one degree).

This method creates a chart that reflects the evolved positions of the planets and their aspects to the natal chart.

Solar arc directions provide a broad, long-term view of life’s significant shifts and transitions.

Other Forecasting Techniques

The following methods are ones which I never use, not because they don’t work, but becasue I prefer the first four methods I mentioned.


Firdaria is a time-lord technique used primarily in traditional astrology.

It divides a person’s life into distinct periods governed by different planets.

Each planet, known as a “time lord,” presides over a specific phase, influencing the themes and events of that period.

The sequence and duration of these periods vary according to the planet’s position and significance in the natal chart.


Profections is an ancient technique that advances the natal chart one house per year.

Starting from the Ascendant, each house represents a year of life, cycling through the entire zodiac every 12 years.

The sign and planets ruling the house of the current year become particularly significant, as they highlight the key themes and areas of focus for that year.

Primary Directions

Primary directions involve the symbolic (indirect) movement of planets and points through the sky, representing significant life events and developments.

This technique shifts the natal chart forward by a specific amount, usually one degree for each year of life, to see how the planets’ new positions relate to the original chart.

Additional Forecasting Techniques

Here are a few more techniques again that I do not use.

Lunar Returns

Similar to solar returns but focusing on the Moon’s return to its natal position, offering insights into emotional and domestic themes for the month ahead.

A lunar return is cast every month this makes it the most short lived method.

Planetary Arcs

Planetary arc directions, are where each planet and point is moved forward by an individual planet’s arc to identify long-term trends and transformations.

You choose the planet for the chart by its rulership of the topic in question.

For example for the lovelife use a Venus arc chart and for career use a Saturn arc chart

This one can be tricky and you may have to do it by hand (without a computer) as not many astrology software programs can calculate other planetary returns although good old Solar Fire does.

Transits to Progressed Chart

Analyzing how current planetary transits interact with the progressed chart is another way to forecast.

I’m not sure if this is a viable method becasue you are taking a transit which will be a progression one day, and applying it to an indirect movement of a planet.

Direct Forecasting Techniques

Transits and Solar Returns

The two main direct forecasting techniques I use are transits and solar returns.

Transits: What to Look For

Transits are a key tool in astrology, providing insights into how current planetary movements impact your client’s natal chart.

Here’s a quick look at what to consider when interpreting transits:

Planets in Transits


Governs transformation, power and regeneration.

Pluto transits indicate deep, often intense changes and the need to confront and release what no longer serves.


Associated with dreams, intuition, and illusion.

Neptune transits can bring inspiration, spiritual growth, but also confusion and deception.


Symbolizes change, innovation, and upheaval.

Uranus transits bring unexpected events, breakthroughs, breakdownsa and breakouts and shifts in perspective.


Represents discipline, structure and challenges.

Saturn transits often signify periods of hard work, responsibility and testing.


Brings growth, expansion and opportunities.

Jupiter transits indicate times of prosperity, growth, learning and new experiences.


Drives action, energy and ambition.

Mars transits can spark motivation, what you will fight for, conflict and assertiveness.


Represents love, beauty and harmony.

Venus transits influence relationships, aesthetics, money and your social interactions.


Governs communication, intellect, trade and travel.

Mercury transits affect thinking, opinions, paperwork, information exchange and daily routines.


The aspects formed by transiting planets to natal planets and points reveal the nature of the influence.


Occur when a transiting planet is in the same position as a natal planet.

They bring intensified energy and focus on the qualities of the planet involved.

Pay close attention to conjunctions, as they signify major periods of activation and focus on the planets involved.

Hard Aspects (Square, Opposition)

Create tension and challenges that often require action and resolution.

Squares (90 degrees) and oppositions (180 degrees) indicate conflict, dilemmas, obstacles, or necessary adjustments.

Examine squares and oppositions to find areas of conflict, challenge and potential for growth through overcoming difficulties.

Many clients arrive in the astrologer’s consulting room when under a hard transit from an out planet.

Soft Aspects

Offer ease and opportunities. Trines (120 degrees) and sextiles (60 degrees) facilitate growth, harmony and beneficial developments.

Look for trines and sextiles to find periods of harmony, ease, and natural development, where things tend to flow more smoothly.

Personally I don’t bother with the soft aspect transits as they oftne just pass by. Whearas the hard aspects demand attention.

  • More on TRANSITS

Forecasting Technique: Graphic Ephemeris

I love working with a graphic ephemeris. It is a bit tricky to read to start with but well worth the effort to learn.

The Graphic Ephemeris is a powerful visual tool used by astrologers to track planetary movements and their interactions over time.

It give a graphical (visual) representation of the positions of planets and their transits relative to an your natal chart.

Understanding the Graphic Ephemeris

Graphical Representation

Unlike a traditional ephemeris, which lists planetary positions in a tabular format, the Graphic Ephemeris displays these positions on a graph.

Time is typically represented along the horizontal axis, while the zodiac degrees or signs are shown on the vertical axis.

Tracking Planetary Movements

The graph plots the daily positions of the planets, allowing you to see at a glance how planets move through the zodiac over days, months, or even years.

Being on a one page, it helps you to visualize the dynamic nature of planetary cycles.

Identifying Main Outer Transits

By overlaying the positions of transiting planets with key points in the natal chart (such as Pluto, Neptune and Uranus), the Graphic Ephemeris makes it easy to identify when transiting planets form significant aspects to natal planets.

Using the Graphic Ephemeris

Setting Up the Chart

To use the Graphic Ephemeris, one must first set up the chart for the individual or event in question.

This involves plotting the natal chart or any other relevant chart.

Overlaying Transits

Once the natal chart is set, transiting planets are plotted over time.

This can be done for specific periods, such as a month, a year, or several years, depending on the scope of the forecast.

Interpreting Patterns and Hot Spots

You then analyze the graph to interpret the patterns.

Look for when transiting planets cross important points in the natal chart and form aspects to natal planets.

These times are then interpreted for their potential impact based on the nature of the planets and aspects involved.


Eclipses are powerful astronomical events that hold significant astrological meaning.

In astrology, eclipses—both solar and lunar—are seen as harbingers of change, transformation, and pivotal shifts.

They occur in cycles, typically about every six months, and their influence can be felt for months before and after the event.

Here’s a detailed discussion on how eclipses serve as a forecasting tool in astrology:

Types of Eclipses

Solar Eclipses

Occur during a New Moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s light.

Symbolize new beginnings, fresh starts, and the initiation of significant changes.

Can highlight areas of life where new opportunities or challenges will emerge.

Lunar Eclipses

Occur during a Full Moon when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon.

Represent culmination, closure, and the revelation of hidden truths.

Often signal the end of a chapter or the need to release something that no longer serves us.

Astrological Significance of Eclipses

Trigger Points

Eclipses often act as trigger points for significant events and changes, especially when they closely aspect personal planets or critical points (Ascendant, Midheaven) in the natal chart.

They can catalyze shifts in areas such as relationships, career, health, and personal development.

Intensity and Unpredictability

The energy of eclipses is intense and can bring sudden, unexpected changes. This makes them powerful times for transformation but also periods of instability and unpredictability.

Long-Term Influence

The effects of an eclipse can unfold over six months to a year, making them useful for long-term forecasting.

The themes and events triggered by an eclipse can continue to develop and manifest well beyond the date of the actual event.

How to Use Eclipses in Forecasting

Identifying the House Placement

Determine which house in the natal chart the eclipse falls. This indicates the area of life where changes and significant events are likely to occur.

For example, an eclipse in the 10th house might signify major shifts in career or public life, while one in the 4th house could impact home and family matters.

Examining Aspects to Natal Planets

Analyze the aspects the eclipse makes to natal planets. Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions are particularly potent and suggest major turning points.

Trines and sextiles, while still significant, tend to facilitate smoother transitions and positive developments.

Consider the Nodal Axis

Eclipses occur near the lunar nodes (North Node and South Node), which represent points of destiny and karmic lessons.

Eclipses near the North Node suggest new opportunities and growth, while those near the South Node indicate the need for release and letting go of past patterns.

Reviewing Eclipse Cycles

Eclipses follow an 18.6-year cycle, returning to the same zodiac sign and degree roughly every 19 years.

Reviewing past events from the previous cycle can provide insights into the themes that might re-emerge.

  • More on ECLIPSES

Solar Returns

Key Elements to Consider

A Solar Return chart is a powerful forecasting tool in astrology, created for the exact moment the Sun returns to its natal position, which occurs annually around your birthday.

This chart offers insights into the themes and events that will be significant in the coming year.

Here’s a detailed guide on what to look for in a Solar Return chart:

Solar Return Sun’s House

The house in which the Solar Return Sun is placed reveals the main area of focus for the year. Each house represents different aspects of life, and the presence of the Solar Return Sun highlights the significance of that area.

1st House

Personal identity, self-expression, appearance, and new beginnings.

2nd House

Finances, possessions, self-worth, and values.

3rd House

Communication, learning, siblings, and daily interactions.

4th House

Home, family, emotional foundations, and private life.

5th House

Creativity, romance, children, and hobbies.

6th House

Work, health, daily routines, and service.

7th House

Relationships, partnerships, and significant others.

8th House

Shared resources, transformation, intimacy, and deep psychological matters.

9th House

Travel, higher education, philosophy, and belief systems.

10th House

Career, public life, reputation, and ambitions.

11th House

Friendships, social networks, goals, and aspirations.

12th House

Solitude, spirituality, hidden matters, and subconscious.

Solar Return Sun’s Aspects

The aspects the Solar Return Sun makes to other planets in the Solar Return chart provide additional layers of meaning, indicating how the themes of the year will play out.


Intensify the influence of the involved planets, indicating major focal points.


Highlight challenges and areas requiring effort and adjustment.


Suggest balancing and integrating opposing forces or perspectives.

Trines and Sextiles

Indicate opportunities, ease, and harmonious developments.

The Solar Return Ascendant in Your Natal Chart

The Ascendant of the Solar Return chart, when compared to the natal chart, provides insights into how the year’s energy will manifest and where personal growth will be emphasized.

Ascendant in 1st House

Focus on self-development, personal goals, and self-image.

Ascendant in 2nd House

Emphasis on financial matters, resources, and personal values.

Ascendant in 3rd House

Increased communication, learning, and interactions with the immediate environment.

Ascendant in 4th House

Home, family dynamics, and emotional security are highlighted.

Ascendant in 5th House

Creativity, romance, and enjoyment take center stage.

Ascendant in 6th House

Health, daily routines, and work are key areas of focus.

Ascendant in 7th House

Partnerships and relationships play a significant role.

Ascendant in 8th House

Deep emotional transformations, shared resources, and intimate relationships are emphasized.

Ascendant in 9th House

Travel, education, and broadening horizons become important.

Ascendant in 10th House

Career and public life are highlighted, with potential for achievements.

Ascendant in 11th House

Friendships, social connections, and long-term goals are emphasized.

Ascendant in 12th House

A year of introspection, spiritual growth, and addressing subconscious issues.

Solar Returns: Additional Considerations

Planetary Emphasis

Note the planets that are prominently placed or heavily aspected in the Solar Return chart, as they will play a crucial role in shaping the year’s experiences.

Lunar Phases

The phase of the Moon at the time of the Solar Return can provide additional insights into the emotional tone and overall mood for the year.

Angle Activation

Pay attention to any planets located on the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, IC) of the Solar Return chart, as they will have a heightened influence.

Repeating Patterns

Compare the Solar Return chart with the natal chart to identify repeating themes or significant transits that may reinforce certain areas of focus.

Extend Yourself: Direct Forecasting

Below are a few questions to ask yourself when starting with forecasting. You will of course go deeper and explore every avenue for your paying clients.

Considering the period of the next 12 months and using an orb of 1° applying and separating, in your astrology journal please do the following:




  • List any outer planet (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) conjunctions to your natal planets, Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • List any middle planet (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) changing house and note the date.
  • Find the next retrograde periods for Mercury, Venus and Mars and note which natal houses they will be in for you.
  • Write one sentence to sum up the transit forecast.



  • Note if the next solar eclipse will conjoin any of your planets, Ascendant or Midheaven.
  • Note which natal house the next lunar eclipse will be in for you.


Extend Yourself Further: Indirect Forecasting

Below are a few questions to ask yourself when getting greater into forecasting. You will of course go deeper and explore every avenue for your paying clients.

Considering the period of the next 12 months and using an orb of 1°, in your astrology journal please do the following:


Secondary Progressions


  • State the progressed chart ruler.
  • List all natal retrograde planets that are now direct by progression. If there are any, go back and find the station direct dates.
  • List all natal planets that are now retrograde by progression. If there are any, go back and find the station retrograde dates.
  • List all progressed planets that will change signs and note the dates.
  • List all progressed planets that will change house and note the dates.
  • Write one sentence to sum up the secondary progressed forecast.


Solar Arc Directions


  • Find any solar arc directed planet conjoined a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • Find any solar arc directed planet opposing a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.
  • Find any solar arc directed planet squaring a natal planet, the Ascendant or Midheaven and note the date.



  • Write one sentence to sum up the complete overall forecast.
  • Explore all the main themes that have come up through your examination of all the forecasting techniques. Write a brief summary (500 words).

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Jupiter Square Saturn

Jupiter Square Saturn

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Jupiter Square Saturn

In August 2024, an intriguing astrological event will occur as our two significant social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, form a square aspect with each other.

This alignment, known as the Jupiter-Saturn square, typically involves a three-hit transit.

These three exact contacts usually unfold over a period of six to seven months, making it a prolonged and influential phase.

The Jupiter-Saturn square is a relatively rare event, occurring only once every six to seven years.

This alignment brings about a dynamic interplay between the expansive, optimistic energies of Jupiter and the disciplined, restrictive forces of Saturn.

The tension between these two planets often signals a time of challenge and growth, requiring us to balance our aspirations with reality.

We are fortunate to witness this significant astrological phenomenon towards the end of 2024, continuing into 2025.

This period will provide an opportunity to navigate the complexities of ambition and limitation, encouraging us to find harmony between our goals and the practical steps needed to achieve them.

3-Hit Transit

As these are transiting planets, the Jupiter-Saturn square will involve three exact contacts over the next several months.

This three-hit transit adds depth and complexity to the astrological event, influencing our lives in phases.

First Contact

On August 17, 2024, Jupiter in Gemini will be at 17°, and Saturn in Pisces will be at 17° retrograde.

As Jupiter moves closer, they will form the first exact square.

This initial contact will set the stage, highlighting the areas of tension and potential growth in our lives.

Second Contact

On December 24, 2024, Jupiter, now retrograde in Gemini, will be at 14°.

It will form the second square with Saturn, also at 14° Pisces.

This middle phase of the transit often brings a revisiting of themes and challenges from the first contact, offering a chance to reassess and adjust our approach.

Third Contact

On January 15, 2025, Jupiter will make the final pass of its square with Saturn.

This third contact will bring closure to the transit, culminating the lessons and experiences of the previous months.

This final phase is a time for integration, where we can apply the insights gained and move forward with a clearer understanding of the balance between expansion and limitation in our lives.

The three-hit transit of the Jupiter-Saturn square provides a structured period of growth and reflection, encouraging us to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise with mindfulness and care.


Assessing Relative Strength: Direction and Essential Dignity

To understand the dynamics of a planetary aspect, it’s important to assess the relative strength of the involved planets.

One effective method is by examining their sign placement and Essential Dignity scores.

By doing so, we can gain insights into which planet holds more influence and how their energies will interact.

Direction and Essential Dignity

Determining which planet is stronger starts with evaluating their positions in the zodiac signs and their Essential Dignity.

Essential Dignity is a system in astrology that assigns strength to planets based on their placement in specific signs.

Let’s unpack the Jupiter-Saturn square aspect to better understand their relative strengths:

First Contact

Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini, with an Essential Dignity score of -5.

This makes Jupiter less effective in expressing its natural expansive and optimistic qualities.

However, Jupiter is direct, which gives it some added strength and forward momentum.

Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, which weakens its influence and ability to impose structure and discipline.

Additionally, Saturn in Pisces is in a position where it lacks essential dignity.

Despite Jupiter being in detriment, it is slightly stronger in this phase because it is direct and disposes Saturn in Pisces, where Saturn’s retrograde motion further diminishes its power.

Second Contact

Jupiter remains in Gemini but is now retrograde.

While retrograde motion typically indicates a period of reflection and internalization, the sign placement still plays a crucial role in determining strength.

Saturn continues to be in Pisces, still retrograde and without essential dignity, making it a guest in Jupiter’s sign.

Even with Jupiter retrograde, it is likely to be more influential because Saturn remains in Pisces (a sign associated with Jupiter).

The sign position of Jupiter generally prevails over the retrograde status, maintaining its relative strength over Saturn.

Third Contact

By the third contact, Jupiter has moved into Cancer, where it is exalted, receiving an Essential Dignity score of +4.

This exaltation greatly enhances Jupiter’s power, allowing it to express its qualities of growth, optimism, and expansion effectively.

Saturn, on the other hand, moves into Aries, where it is in fall, with an Essential Dignity score of -4.

This significantly weakens Saturn’s ability to function optimally, as its disciplined and structured nature is challenged by the impulsive and fiery energy of Aries.

In this final phase, Jupiter in Cancer, exalted and direct, will be much more effective and influential than Saturn in Aries, which is in fall and weakened.

By analyzing the essential dignities, direct or retrograde status, and dispositional relationships of Jupiter and Saturn during these three contacts, we gain a nuanced understanding of their relative strengths.

This helps us predict how the energies of the Jupiter-Saturn square will manifest over time, highlighting periods of growth, challenge, and resolution.

Extend Yourself

Jupiter square Saturn

In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • Add the three exact contact dates to your calendar.
  • Find the houses where 17° Gemini and Pisces are in your chart.
  • Find the houses where 14° Gemini and Pisces are in your chart.
  • Find the houses where 1° Cancer and Aries are in your chart.


Personal Forecast

Always relate forecast material to your own chart so you can understand and appreciate any subtle energies at work.


  • Write one personal forecast paragraph for each exact hit (200 words each).
  • Say how the aspect is likely to impact you by the planet’s positions in the houses in your chart.
  • Include any direct conjunctions to natal planets or points for each square.
  • Include any direct squares, to natal planets or points for each square.


Major Aspect Patterns

This square may move into position and form external major aspect patterns with planets in your natal chart.

These patterns may not be as dynamic as a natal pattern would be, but they can add valuable information if they do occur in your chart.


  • Note if the transiting Jupiter Saturn square forms a T-square to one of your natal planets and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).
  • Note if the transiting square forms a Grand Cross to two other planets in your chart and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).
  • Note if the transiting Jupiter Saturn square forms a Thor’s Hammer to one of your natal planets (now a focal planet) and consider this in your interpretation (100 words).

Aspect Podcast Episodes

If you enjoyed this article, consider listening to some more of our aspect episodes.

We add more as they become available.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Forest Bathing

Botanical Gardens

This week I went to a botanical garden near my home.

It is full summer here and the plants, shrubs and trees were in full bloom.

The weather was so warm and almost hot.

I walked the winding paths and sat on a few benches strategically placed for contemplation.

I’d first come across the idea of forest bathing last year.


Forest Bathing

To forest bathe means to immerse yourself in a woodland or forest where big trees grow and can touch each other high above in the canopy.

Here the noise of traffic is nonexistent or at least deadened.

It’s a way to decouple from the digital world and soak up some nature.


The City

I live in a big city and call myself a city slicker.

Even when I visit my friend and astrologer who lives further up the coast I comically say, “City mouse is visiting country mouse.”

Yes, there are parks in downtown, but not ones where the canopy joins together as it does in the botanical gardens.

Looking up towards the canopy where the trees join together.

12th House

Astrologically I believe that withdrawing and rejuvenating is a 12th house activity.

This is where you pray, take a bubble bath and now, yes, forest bathe.

See, cleansing and bathing go on in the 12th.

At the moment the Sun is transiting my final house so it just seems the right thing to do.

I enjoyed the few hours I spent in the garden.

I’ve took a couple of photos to show you what I mean.

There was even a “Moon gate” which ran under a main road.

I feel good that I managed to honour my 12th house in this simple way.


Grid Art

This week I created a simple grid art journal page in line and wash that is focused on leaves.

Creative art practice like this does not have to be complicated.

I hope to explore some more downtime activities in the next few weeks and make the most of the spotlight on my quiet 12th house.



A page from my sketchbook showing 12 grid art sketches titled “Leaves”.


The state of wellbeing is one that I will explore more in my work.

It is the seventh highest part of the astrology I practice.

Below is a simple chart to show how I think about wellbeing coupled with self-care and astrology.

And for those of you paying attention, yes, it aligns with the chakras and the visible planets.



Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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