Mars in Virgo

In this post, we are continuing our transit series of planets moving through the signs. We are typically only going to focus on superior planet transits which are the planets from Mars outwards. Of course, there may be exceptions.

This time we are taking a closer looking at Mars in Virgo.

Transiting Mars Dates 2023

Mars takes two years to fully transit the whole zodiac. Mars will leave Leo and be in Virgo from July 10, 2023 to August 27, 2023 when it enters Libra. That’s seven weeks in the sign of the Virgo the Virgin.


Let’s take a quick look at Mars. Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is an action planet that uses heat and friction for energy release. Mars suggests some activities that get you off the couch. Energy management can be an indication of Mars.

Your competitive edge is suggested by Mars. Mars expresses your primate urges and the desire to copulate.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. Virgo is earthy, practical and analytical. Virgo is detail oriented. Mars in Virgo is quite a relatively quiet and non confrontational Mars.


Mars in Virgo

Stimulates practical and methodical projects. Actively pursues projects. Many hot details. Mars does not often display outward expressions of aggression and anger when in Virgo. 

Here the competition is in the details. For instance, the nature of editing and fact checking is a good expression of Mars in Virgo. 


Explore more >>> The Planets

Explore more >>> The Zodiac Signs


Mars’ Transit of Virgo What to Expect

Virgo Sun

If you have the Sun in Virgo, you will experience a Mars conjoined Sun transit. This could be the impetus you need to get yourself moving. If you have other planets in Virgo they will get stimulated by Mars as it comes by.

Virgo Ascendant

If your ascendant is Virgo then Mars will leave your twelfth house and move into your first house. This is symbolically moving from the dark to the light. And from the unknown into the known. As Mars crosses your Ascendant there will be more activity in your life.

Virgo Midheaven

If you have a Virgo Midheaven Mara will activate your reputation during activity into your career. You may receive acknowledgements for your past actions. This will likely get the blood pumping around.

Mars Return

A Mars return is when Mars comes back to its natal position. This will happen for most people once in every two years. My Mars is at 13 Virgo and that means I had a Mars return on July 31, 2023. 

When Mars reaches its natal position, it triggers all your natalMars aspects and recalibrates any that have drifted off track. You can get more in tune with your Mars energy at a Mars return.

Explore more >>> Post Natal Returns of the Outer Planets

Explore more >>> Saturn Returns

Alison’s Mars Return Story

Way back in 2012 there was a Mars retrograde cycle in Virgo, that went over my Natal Mars. This created a three-hit transit to my natal Mars. It was at this time that I was spurred into action and I started the Starzology website and blog. I’d never done anything like it before, or since.

I was energized to get the blog populated. I wrote most of my blog posts, that are still live today, during the energy from that triple Mara return. 

I laid out my astrology courses and lessons one afternoon. I took my four kids to the library after school and the older kids needed some books and the young one likes the story hour the librarians put out in the afternoon. I sat against the wall facing forward with a pen and notebook and I laid out the blueprint of what was to become my astrology classes. 

I divided the classes into three levels namely beginner intermediate and advanced. I wrote the class titles for each series of learning in sixteen classes for each level. This was penned all in one go on one afternoon. Of course, I had to flesh the details out later, but the bones of my project were cemented that day.

The stimulation to action of teaching (3rd house Mars) was, and is, the foundation of my career for the next fifteen years. This culminates in the publishing of my book The Aspiring Astrologer – 52 Self-paced astrology classes. 

Usually, my Mars is quiet and non-confrontational. In Virgo Mars is pretty calm for the most part, but clearly every twenty-four years or so, you may experience a triple hit Mars return.

Mars Transiting Natal Houses

Either way, Mars will transit a house or two in your chart. This will heat up and energize that area of your life indicated by the House. You can anticipate some action, friction and heat in your life as Mars comes by.

People in the Houses

There could be some competition relating to the people in the houses and these are usually the odd house numbers.

For example, the first house is you, the third house your siblings, the fifth house your children, the seventh house your partner, the ninth house your college buddies and the eleventh house your friends and associates.

Other people can be in some of the even houses as well like your financial advisor in the second, your father in the fourth, your vet in your sixth, your surgeon in the eighth, your mother in the tenth and even your ghosts in the twelfth.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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