12th House

12th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

The 12th House


The 12th house in astrology is often called the house of the subconscious, the hidden, and the spiritual.

It governs the realm of dreams, secrets, intuition and the unseen aspects of life that lie beneath the surface.

This house is closely linked to solitude, confinement (such as hospitals, prisons, and other places of isolation), and self-undoing—the ways in which we may unknowingly work against ourselves.

The 12th house also connects to past lives and the collective unconscious, the shared pool of human experience and memory that influences us all.

Planets in this house tend to be less visible or vocal, often operating in subtle or muted ways that can be hard to discern.

If you’ve taken a “vow of poverty,” either in this life or a past one, it may be reflected in the 12th house.

This can manifest as a deep-seated sense of self-denial or a struggle with material wealth that seems to stem from something beyond this lifetime.

Working Astrologers

Although everyone has a 12th house in their chart, it can be challenging for an astrologer to dig into this area during a consultation.

The initial focus often tends to be on more prominent aspects like the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, or major aspect patterns that stand out.

As a result, the 12th house may not come into focus until the second, third, or even fourth session with a client.

One reason for this is that clients are often hesitant to discuss the matters of the 12th house right away.

This area of the chart can touch on deeply personal and sometimes uncomfortable topics, which clients may not be ready to explore openly at the start.

Even if, as an astrologer, you notice significant issues in your client’s 12th house right away, it’s generally best not to address them immediately.

Building a rapport with your client is essential before delving into the complexities of the 12th house.

Establishing trust and understanding allows for a more meaningful exploration of this sensitive area when the time is right.

12th House Affinities 


The twelfth house in astrology represents places of confinement and healing, often associated with spaces where people are removed from the everyday world.

This includes hospitals, reconstructive clinics, rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, neonatal units, incubators, decompression chambers, hospices, and nursing homes.

These are environments where care, recovery, and isolation are central themes.

This house not only highlights your connection to these places but also your experiences within them.

Whether it’s through receiving care or working in these settings, the twelfth house reflects your encounters with the more hidden and introspective aspects of life.

In addition to physical confinement, the twelfth house is tied to experiences of custody and incarceration, such as being in prison, jail, or a penitentiary.

It delves into how these experiences shape your psyche and the impact they have on your life journey.

Moreover, the twelfth house also encompasses the people who work in these environments, like nurses, caregivers, and other professionals.

It shows your interactions with them and the influence these relationships have on your sense of self and your understanding of compassion, service, and healing.


The twelfth house in astrology also represents places dedicated to collection, preservation, and curation, such as libraries, museums, archives, art galleries, and zoos.

These are spaces where knowledge, art, history, and the natural world are carefully gathered and cared for, often hidden from the everyday hustle of life.

Your relationship with these places is revealed by the condition of your twelfth house.

This includes not just your physical interaction with these spaces, but also your deeper connection to the act of preserving and curating knowledge, culture, and history.

Whether you are drawn to these places as a source of inspiration, reflection, or escape, or perhaps even work within them as a curator, librarian, or archivist, the twelfth house offers insight into how these environments influence your inner world.

The twelfth house can also highlight your spiritual or emotional connection to what these places represent—a longing to understand the unseen, the forgotten, or the mysterious aspects of life that these institutions seek to protect and showcase.

Critical Illness

The twelfth house in astrology is closely associated with critical illnesses and chronic diseases—those long-term health conditions that can be life-threatening, such as cancer.

This house reveals the deeper, often hidden aspects of health issues that may eventually lead to serious consequences.

The twelfth house can indicate not only the presence of such conditions but also how they affect your overall well-being, both physically and emotionally.

This house also governs illnesses that require ongoing management through regular or daily medication, such as diabetes or hypertension.

The twelfth house reflects the enduring nature of these health challenges and how they integrate into your daily life.

It speaks to the underlying, persistent struggles with health that might not always be visible on the surface but require continuous attention and care.

In the broader context, the twelfth house can also highlight your relationship with illness itself and how you cope with long-term health challenges, your approach to healing and the impact these conditions have on your spiritual and psychological state.

The condition of the twelfth house can provide insights into how you manage chronic illness.



The twelfth house in astrology reveals the patterns of self-destructive behavior that can undermine your well-being and happiness.

This includes actions like self-medication with drugs, smoking, or excessive alcohol consumption—habits that may offer temporary relief but ultimately cause harm.

The twelfth house sheds light on these tendencies, often hidden beneath the surface, and how they can lead to long-term consequences if left unchecked.

This house also represents your self-undoing and self-sabotage—the ways in which you may unconsciously create obstacles for yourself or “shoot yourself in the foot.”

Whether through harmful habits, negative thought patterns, or choices that lead you away from your true path, the twelfth house uncovers where you might be working against your own best interests.

In a broader sense, the twelfth house explores the underlying psychological and emotional forces that drive these behaviors.

It can offer insights into the fears, anxieties, or unresolved issues that lead to self-destructive actions.

By understanding the influence of the twelfth house, you can begin to recognize and address these patterns, ultimately working towards healing and personal growth.

Not Awake

The twelfth house is deeply connected to your inner world, particularly your dream life and the mysteries of the subconscious mind.

It governs not only your dreams but also your sleep patterns, including issues like insomnia and nightmares.

The twelfth house reflects the hidden realms of the mind that come alive when you sleep, revealing your fears, desires, and unresolved emotions through dreams and subconscious thoughts.

This house also encompasses states of unconsciousness, such as being under general anesthetic or receiving an epidural during medical procedures.

The twelfth house shows how your body and mind respond to these drugs and gases, highlighting your sensitivity or resilience to such interventions.

It can indicate whether you experience complications, unusual reactions, or even profound spiritual or psychological experiences while under anesthesia.

Additionally, the twelfth house represents the deeper layers of your subconscious—those parts of yourself that are often out of reach during waking life.

It’s where your hidden fears, suppressed memories, and unacknowledged desires reside, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in subtle but powerful ways.

By exploring the twelfth house, you can gain greater insight into these hidden aspects of yourself, uncovering the root causes of your dreams, sleep disturbances, and reactions to unconscious states.

This understanding can help you work through subconscious issues and achieve a greater sense of inner peace and self-awareness.

Large Animals

The twelfth house is associated with large animals, specifically those that are bigger than a goat.

If you have a farmer as a client this may make more sense. I personally do not see a cow or touch a horse from one year to the next.

These typically include farm animals such as horses, cattle, ostriches and other domesticated livestock.


Photo: Piet van der Weil on Pixabay

The twelfth house reveals your relationship with these animals, the role they play in your life, and your connection to farming and the management of livestock.

This house also encompasses the practices related to farming and the control or care of these large animals.

It reflects how you interact with them, whether through farming, breeding, or simply a deep affinity for these creatures.

The twelfth house can provide insights into how these animals influence your daily life, your livelihood, or even your spiritual connection to the natural world.

However, the twelfth house does not govern big game animals like elephants, bears, or lions.

These majestic creatures are represented in the fifth house, which is associated with wild and untamed and often gameanimals.

In the context of the twelfth house, the focus is more on the domesticated, working animals that play a practical role in human life and agriculture.


Sun in the 12th House

Hidden Identity

You may be unconfident.

Your sense of self and identity may be deeply connected to the subconscious or hidden aspects of life.

You may feel more comfortable behind the scenes or in roles that involve helping others.

Spiritual Calling

There can be a strong drive toward spiritual pursuits or a deep inner life.


You might experience periods of solitude or a need for retreat to recharge.


Moon in the 12th House

Emotional Depth

Emotions are often deeply buried and may be hard to access or understand. There’s a strong intuition and sensitivity to the collective unconscious.

You may cry at night.

Hidden Feelings

You may keep your true feelings hidden, and emotional expression can be challenging.

Psychic Sensitivity

A heightened psychic ability or sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others is common.

Mercury in the 12th House

Hidden Thoughts

Your thoughts and communication might be introspective, secretive, or focused on the subconscious mind.

Dreams and Intuition

A strong connection to dreams, intuition, and possibly telepathy.

Solitary Learning

You read spiritual literature.

You might prefer to study or learn in solitude or be drawn to hidden or esoteric knowledge.

Venus in the 12th House

Hidden Love

You spend time in meditation.

Love and relationships may be kept private or involve secret affairs.

There’s a tendency to idealize love or experience it on a spiritual level.

Compassionate Love

A deep sense of compassion and selfless love, often leading to helping others.

Artistic Inspiration

Artistic and creative pursuits may be inspired by the subconscious or spiritual experiences.

Mars in the 12th House

Hidden Desires

Your desires and actions may be driven by subconscious motives or hidden passions.

Indirect Action

There might be difficulty expressing anger or asserting yourself directly, leading to passive-aggressive behavior.

Spiritual Courage

A drive to confront inner demons or to pursue spiritual and psychological battles.

You expend energy in prayer.

Jupiter in the 12th House

Spiritual Growth

Growth and expansion come through spiritual, subconscious, or hidden realms. There’s a sense of protection and luck in these areas.


A natural inclination toward charity, compassion, and helping those in confinement or suffering.

Inner Wisdom

You have big dreams.

A deep connection to spiritual wisdom and inner guidance.

Saturn in the 12th House

Hidden Fears

Fears, limitations, and responsibilities may be deeply buried in the subconscious. There can be a sense of isolation or confinement.

Karmic Lessons

Significant life lessons and karmic debts may come through solitude, spiritual pursuits, or dealing with hidden aspects of life.

Inner Discipline

You may suffer in the cold.

Developing inner discipline and strength through facing subconscious fears and limitations.

Uranus in the 12th House

Sudden Insights

Sudden, unexpected insights and changes in the subconscious mind or spiritual understanding.

You can be unexpectedly hospitalized.

Unconventional Spirituality

A unique or unconventional approach to spirituality and the unseen realms.

Hidden Rebellion

A tendency to rebel against hidden restrictions or societal norms, often in subtle or subconscious ways.

Neptune in the 12th House

Spiritual Sensitivity

A strong connection to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. There’s often a heightened intuition and psychic ability.

Illusion and Confusion

Challenges with distinguishing reality from illusion, leading to potential escapism or deception.


You meditate in seclusion.

Pluto in the 12th House

Subconscious Power

A powerful drive to understand and transform the subconscious mind and hidden aspects of life.

Intense Spirituality

Intense and transformative spiritual experiences, often involving facing deep fears and taboos.

Healing and Regeneration

A strong ability to heal and regenerate from deep within, often through confronting hidden issues and past traumas.

You can manifest destructive behavior.


Each planet in the 12th house brings a unique influence to the themes of the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. This house challenges individuals to explore the depths of their inner worlds and transform through introspection and spiritual growth.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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Astrology Houses

Astrology Houses


Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2021  –  Revised: February 2024

The Astrological Houses


Houses pertain to different areas of life. They are like the backdrop or stage of a play. There are twelve houses in every chart. The houses are numbered from one to twelve anti-clockwise starting from below the ascendant.

Houses can be any width; some are as small as twenty degrees wide and some are as large as forty-five degrees wide. It all depends on the house system being used and the place of birth for which the chart is set.


House Systems

All the charts on this website use the Placidus house system. It is recommended that you stay with one house system (these days most astrologers use the Placidus house system mainly because there have been Placidean Tables of houses available for years, which may not be the ideal, but it is the reality).

For the first year of your astrology study or until you can make an educated decision by exploring other house systems to decide which one you may feel resonates better with your own chart. Other house systems in common use are Equal house, Koch, Morinus, Porphry and Regiomantanus.

House Cusps

House cusps are measured in degrees and minutes and are the dividing line between two houses. The house flows anti-clockwise and ends at the next house cusp. A house has a cusp at both sides, but the anti-clockwise cusp is the one that pertains to the house. A planet is in one house or another it is never in both although it can be very close to a cusp (within one degree).

House cusps are derived from the birth time. It follows that a correct birth time is required for exact house cusps. If you do not have a firm birth time, then the houses cannot be used.

House Rulers

Every house has a ruler. The ruler of a house is the planet which rules of the sign found on the house cusp. For example: The ascendant sign’s planetary ruler is the ruler of the first house. This is a special case as the ruler of the ascendant is also the chart ruler.

The Sun and the Moon usually rule one house as the rulers of Leo and Cancer. Mercury and Venus usually rule two houses each Gemini and Virgo for Mercury and Taurus and Libra for Venus. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn usually each rule one house and co-rule another (traditional) house.

Mars rules Aries and co-rules Scorpio, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and co-rules Pisces and Saturn rules Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto usually co-rule one house each. Uranus rules Aquarius, Neptune rules Pisces and Pluto rules Scorpio. Chiron does not rule a house because it does not rule any sign.

If a house is thin (less than thirty degrees wide) then one planet may rule two consecutive houses as the same sign may be on both adjacent house cusps. A house ruler (by its sign, house and aspects) imparts its energies onto the affairs of the house.

Intercepted Signs

If a house is very wide (more than thirty degrees) there is the possibility that one sign is on the house cusp, the next sign is fully within the house and the third sign is on the following house cusp. The middle sign does not have a house cusp. This is known as an intercepted sign.

If the intercepted sign is Cancer or Leo it means that one of the luminaries does not have a house to rule. Intercepted signs are always in pairs and are found opposite each other.

The planetary ruler of the intercepted sign is a moot point for that house’s interpretation. It is as though it has no voice in the chart. That planet does not have as much weight.

Three Types of Houses

There are three types of house; angular, succedent and cadent.

Angular Houses

The angular houses are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses. They are found anti-clockwise from each angle. (Ascendant 1st, IC 4th, descendant 7th and MC 10th). Planets in angular houses are dynamic, front and center and are present.


Succedent Houses

The succedent houses are the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th houses. They fall behind the angular houses. They are also known as support houses as they support the angular house next to them, usually financially. Planets in succedent houses are paused, on hold and are pending.

Cadent Houses

The cadent houses are the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses. They fall behind the succedent houses. Planets in cadent houses are passive, retiring and are mute.


Extend Yourself


Referring to your chart and in yoru astrology journal please do the following:

  • State which house system is used.

  • List the planets that are in angular, succedent and cadet houses.

  • Note houses which have tenants and are vacant.

  • List any pair of intercepted signs.

  • Note which planet(s) rule each house.
  • Note which planet is your chart ruler.

  • Note your chart ruler’s hemisphere, quadrant, triple division and house.

  • Note which planet(s) rules the most houses.

  • Note any planet(s) which do not have a house to rule.

Extend Yourself Further

  • Write a short piece on each of your houses (100 words per house).


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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Quadrants Layout

There are four quadrants; the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants.

They are numbered starting from below the ascendant and in an anti-clockwise direction.

Quadrants are formed by the Ascendant/Descendant axis and the MC/IC axes which cut the chart into four.

The quadrants are not usually equal in length when measured in longitude.

However, the two quadrants which are opposite to each other are the same size, that is the first and third quadrants and the second and fourth quadrants.


Houses in Quadrants

The first quadrant has the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses which are found between the ascendant and the IC.

The second quadrant contains the 4th, 5th, and 6th houses which lie within the IC and the descendant.

The third quadrant is made up of the 7th, 8th, and 9th houses between the Descendant and the Midheaven.

The fourth quadrant covers the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses contained betwixt the Midheaven and the Ascendant.


Quadrant Emphasis

A quadrant is emphasized when it has two more planets than any other quadrant.

First Quadrant

Self-development (private – self) – Life

The first quadrant is known as the fire quadrant as Aries is on this cusp in the natural wheel.

When the first quadrant is emphasized you are an independent individual. There is a focus on yourself and your needs. You want to make an impression on the world.

Second Quadrant

Self-expression (private – other) – Endings

The water quadrant is the second quadrant because in the natural chart Cancer a water sign, is on the cusp.

When this quadrant is emphasized your identity is based on your family background. You are considered both skilled and capable. You may be sensitive in relationships.

Third Quadrant

Self-expansion (public – other) – Relationships

The air quadrant is the third quadrant because Libra and air sign is naturally in this position.

When the third quadrant is emphasized, you forsake your individuality to merge with a partner. Your philosophies expand through your experience of purposeful partnerships. You are quite happy to play your part in society.

Fourth Quadrant

Self-transcendence (public – self) – Substance

The earth quadrant is the fourth quadrant as Capricorn is on this cusp in the natural wheel.

When the fourth quadrant is emphasized through your personal efforts and friends, you may aid humanity.

You focus on your career for individual accolades. Having solitary meditation is crucial for your well-being.

The Quadrant Ruler

The quadrant ruler is the planet ruling the cusp of the angle.

If the quadrant ruler is in its own quadrant, it gains status.

The quadrant ruler needs to be noted if a quadrant is emphasized.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

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By Alison Price


In an astrology chart there are four hemispheres: north, south, east and west.

Hemisphere Emphasis

Bearing in mind that you only count the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

A hemisphere is emphasized when it contains more than five planets.

The Hemisphere Ruler

The hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the angle of the hemisphere.

The northern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant.

The southern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the descendant.

The eastern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the MC.

The western hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the IC.

If the hemisphere ruler is found in its own hemisphere that planet gains status.

Northern Hemisphere

Spans from the first house to the sixth house.

The northern hemisphere shows your personal matters it is the private hemisphere).

When the northern hemisphere is strong

If the northern hemisphere is emphasized, your identity and personal resources bring success. You are probably a private person and like to keep it that way. Your family is behind you in all you do. You may sometimes be distracted by worldly commitments or demands made on you by your career or society. Strong northern hemisphere people are often introverted.

Southern hemisphere

From the seventh house to the twelfth house

The southern hemisphere indicates your outside world it is your public hemisphere.

When the southern hemisphere is strong

You are an extrovert if the southern hemisphere is emphasized in your chart. Your outside life is the highlight of your life. It is likely that you relish public acclaim. You probably strive for career and status. You may be distracted and even annoyed by the demands of your family and their needs.

Eastern Hemisphere

The eastern hemisphere encompasses the six houses from the tenth house to the third house. The eastern hemisphere is known as your self-hemisphere.

When the eastern hemisphere is strong

You are subjective, and everything is really about you. You are a self-motivated and self- oriented and much can be achieved in life. You value independence and may forsake marriage. You enjoy your own company and have many personal projects on the go. You demand personal freedom to come and go at will which does not sit well with the demands of a marriage or partnership unless your partner is flexible as well.

Western Hemisphere

The western hemisphere includes all houses from the fourth to the ninth. Interaction with other people (the “other” hemisphere).

When the western hemisphere is strong

Your interaction with others is the main focus of your life. You value personal relationships and marriage. You prefer to negotiate with others to find a win-win situation where possible. You learn about yourself through your interactions. There is a danger that you can become buried in a dead-end relationship.


More on Chart Division

Axes in a chart


Triple Division



Triple Division: Houses

Triple Division: Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: January 2021

Triple Division Houses

The twelve houses can be divided into three groups.

This is known as the triple division of the houses.


There are Three Divisions

  • The first division
  • The second division
  • The third division

Triple Divison Location

In astrology, the first triple division originates from the point called the Ascendant, which marks the beginning of the first house in a birth chart. This division divides the astrological wheel into segments, with each segment containing four houses.


Houses in Each Triple Division

In each triple division, you’ll find four houses. These houses correspond to the twelve natural houses represented by the zodiac signs. The four houses within a triple division are always associated with one of each of the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.


Elements and Houses

  1. Fire Houses: These houses are associated with action, passion, and enthusiasm.
  2. Earth Houses: These houses relate to practical matters, stability, and material concerns.
  3. Air Houses: These houses focus on communication, intellect, and social interactions.
  4. Water Houses: These houses deal with emotions, intuition, and deeper emotional connections.

In each triple division, you’ll find a mix of these elemental energies, which adds a unique flavor or focus to that segment of the astrological chart.


Triple Division Strength

Triple divisions are strong when they contain five or more planets, or they are weak when they have no tenants.

When assessing the strength or weakness of each triple division, you can count the planets within that segment.

For this count, consider only the visible planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets are traditionally considered the most influential in astrology.


Strong Triple Division

If a segment has more planets from the visible seven, it indicates strength, vitality, and activity in the areas represented by that division.


Balanced Triple Division

An equal distribution of planets across the seven visible planets suggests a harmonious balance of energies in that division.


Weak Triple Division

A lack or absence of planets in a segment may indicate challenges or less focus in the areas governed by that division.


First Triple Division: Me Divison

The first division includes the first, second, third and fourth houses.

It is the me division.

Second Triple Division: We Division

The second division includes the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth houses.

It is the we division.

Third Triple Division: They Division

The third division includes the ninth, tenth eleventh and twelfth houses.

It is the they division.


By examining the planetary count in each triple division, you can gain insights into the dominant energies, challenges, or strengths in different areas of a person’s life as indicated by their birth chart. This method offers a structured way to understand the dynamics and energies at play within each segment of the astrological wheel.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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The 12 Houses

The 12 Houses

The chart basics are four basic building blocks of knowledge. as a student of astrology you need to get a grip on some basic principles and this post is about the houses. The other building blocks  are:

The Meaning of the Houses

An astrological chart is divided into twelve sections, or houses, and each house is a different size.

The chart looks like a pizza where each house is a segment.

Each house represents a separate area of life and planets in houses suggest that a particular area of life, like family or work, is important to you.

The houses are like a slice of life.


First house

The first house shows you, your body, what you look like, your complexion, fashion style, gait, haircut and first impression.

Second house

The second house is all about money, credit and acquisitions. It shows your values and what you value more than money. It suggests your self-worth and self-esteem.

Third house

The third house shows your brothers and sisters, school, neighbors, local area, short journeys and community involvement.

Fourth house

Your home, hearth and family life is shown by the fourth house in your chart.

Your dominant parent (who is the one was there on a daily basis providing care and nurtured you) is shown by the fourth house.

Fifth house

The fifth is the fun house.

It shows your children, your leisure activities, your romantic dates, play dates, sport, concerts and your creative expression.

It suggests where you find entertainment and this includes risk activities like riding on a roller coaster, playing the stock market and gambling.

Sixth house

The sixth house is the house of your day-to-day work, pets, small plants, health and service to others.

It shows your diet and exercise appetite.

The sixth house in your chart shows your daily rituals, meditation and other habitual practices.

More on the sixth house.

Seventh house

The seventh house indicates your marriage, your partner/spouse, business partners and your relationship with other people.

It shows the general public, your relationship with others and open enemies.

Eighth house

The eighth house suggests your secrets, sex life, money from others, donations from others, support from others, inheritance, insurance, debt, death and taxes.

It shows the inevitable things of life.

Ninth house

The ninth house suggests your vision, life-path, travel, long journeys, higher education, foreign cultures, publications and religion.

Tenth house

The tenth house is all about your career, public standing, reputation and what the world knows you for.

It is where you are in the public eye.

It indicates your passive parent

Eleventh house

The eleventh house shows your choice of friends, groups and causes.

It is where you are a team player.

It shows your social conscious.

Twelfth house

The twelfth house is the house of your imagination, self-undoing, chronic health issues, institutions, dreams, sleep and your subconscious.

It shows your secret enemies.



Aspiring Astrologer Activity: 12 Houses

In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

  • Write a short interpretation on each house. Mention the sign on the cusp, the house ruler, if there is an intercepted sign in the house and any planet in the house (100 words for each house).


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