In astrology, whilst the 2nd house the is main money house, there are three other houses related to your financial situation.

Astro Business End-of-Year Reflection
Author: Alison Price – Published: December 2024
Astro Biz End of Year Reflection
As we come to the end of the year, I think it’s valuable to give an end-of-year reflection on how things went. This is not something I’ve always done, but in the recent years I certainly have. I also find that December can be quite a hectic month with Christmas, holiday social events and family commitments. I prefer to consider my end-of-year reflection in early December. This week I just want to share with you some ideas I have about looking back at 2024 to see how you and I did. The idea is not to beat yourself up about what went down, but rather to acknowledge the highs and lows which happened during the year.
End-ofYear Looking Back
Best Transit
During the course of a year, you will have many transits and of course the ones from the superior and outer planets are more significant, mainly because they linger longer. I like to consider which transit was the best one for me and by best, I mean the one that helped me get things done or brought me some further insights or changed my life in some way.
Jupiter 11th House
Jupiter is a great planet to pay attention to because in general it will spend one year in one of your houses. This does depend on how wide these houses are to start with, but this year I was fortunate to have Jupiter entering my 11th house. This happened back in March when it conjoined Uranus right at the beginning of my 11th house.
Interestingly, my 11th house is the largest one (coupled with its opposite, the 5th) with Placidus house cusps it is 43° wide. I don’t have any planets in my 11th house, but when transits come through, I pay attention. I was particularly interested when Uranus entered there at the tail end of 2023. Then when Jupiter ingressed, that was the actual time when I relaunched the publication of The Starzologer newsletter.
I am taking the 11th house to represent groups which it does. So from the Jupiter Uranus conjunction right at the beginning of my 11th house it occurred to me that my newsletter subscribers, that’s you {{ subscriber.first_name }}, are my group. Thus far, I’ve been able to publish this newsletter every Sunday and then I stepped up to the additional Thursday edition in August.
This does beg the question, “When Jupiter leaves my 11th house will I continue creating newsletters?” Well, I would hope so because it has allowed me to put into place and grow through the medium of newsletters.
Previously I had, as you know, taught basic astrology classes for over 15 years. At the end of last year, I felt I needed to change and my revitalized newsletter has become that change. It became my way of almost providing a mini lesson every week to my subscribers. The good thing about an e-mail list is that if people don’t want to read it, they simply unsubscribe. But if they do want to consume it and find value, they continue to read and interact with my astrology offerings.
This creates a tight community of attentive people rather than a massive bucket full of random folks who have no interest in astrology, or specifically the astrology I like. I have the North Node in my 3rd house, and I do believe that my destiny is to communicate and teach what I know. I’m not saying I know everything; I sadly don’t know everything about astrology, but I do have some experience and many fresh ideas that I like to share with anyone who is attracted.
Best New Moon
We usually get thirteen New Moons each year and a couple of solar eclipses thrown into the mix. On reflection, I like to see if I can find one New Moon that was more important than all the others. For me it was the solar eclipse on October 2nd as it conjoined my IC and therefore opposed my Midheaven. As we speak, we’re still working our way through the vibrant energies expressed at this solar eclipse and I’ll have more for you later next year about that.
Seasons of Life
I try to find and reflect upon creative projects which I worked on during that period.
The winter solar season contains the signs Capricorn. Aquarius. Pisces. As 2024 began, I was highly engrossed on search engine optimization (SEO) and attending to my blog. I spent the first couple of months dumping old articles from 2011 about New Moons from that year which nobody’s ever going to read again. I purged horoscopes written for 2018 that were clogging up my website and making the system slower. I did spend quite a bit of time purging the bulk of old stuff on my website to make the load times faster for you.
The solar spring season contains the signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. My 2024 spring project was actually relaunching this newsletter. Back then I called it The Starzologer and as you may know, we’ve renamed it to Starzlife, which I feels fits better. This took a huge amount of time and energy to get off the ground and to fully understand how to work my newsletter e-mail provider Kit. And to be honest, I’m still learning something new every day. I’m not really using the full features in this program and the learning curve is pretty steep to start with, so a lot of time and energy was poured into that.
The solar summer season includes the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo. I didn’t really have a main business summer project as I had multiple family commitments that popped up.
This season I was fortunate to spend a period in Mexico with my youngest daughter. I also managed to get away for a break and presentation with some good friends nearby here on the Sunshine Coast in BC, Canada. And I also flew to Toronto for a week for my middle daughter’s second graduation. Additionally, I caught up with my other grown-up children who live there. Cool.
I’ve got to tell you, normally I don’t travel anywhere, but this summer it seemed to be non-stop. I was coming home, unpacking my suitcase, doing the laundry, repacking it and going back out and at the end of the summer season I was absolutely exhausted, but it was all great fun.
Then we get into the autumn projects, which is really where we are still now at the moment. Autumn runs through Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius these are the three signs which the Sun passes through during autumn.
If you are teaching astrology, autumn can be quite busy because you’ve got the back-to-school brigade coming through eager for new lessons. This year, because for the first time this decade I did not teach any classes, it wasn’t an issue for me.
Earlier in Autumn, I launched the paid version of this newsletter, which is with the one you’re reading now that comes out on a Thursday. So far so good. I spend many hours drafting, preparing, writing and researching the content of these newsletters. I do enjoy drawing all the images and diagrams that I pop into each of the editions. I’m using my bold flat colour palette and all the primary colours, red, yellow and blue, which I love.
People First
In life, you don’t spend as much time and energy with everyone you meet. Because you have limited time and energy every day, it’s important that those whom you do focus on are the significant people in your life. This often works itself out quite naturally, if you have children, you attend to them or if you have a partner, you focus to them as well. But some reflection may indicate that perhaps you are spending too much time with some people and not enough time with others.
One instance for this would be if you have a friend who has become a habit to see every week. Perhaps you’re not getting anything from the relationship anymore, but you hang on. Here the value has passed, and it can become draining, or even toxic, on your precious time and energy. Reflection may help.
I just want to go through a few of my ideas about making sure that you are sharing your life with the people you’re supposed to be sharing it with and not wasting time with those who do not matter as much.
You need to be number one on your priority list. In your chart, you are represented by your first house. If you can’t look after yourself, you can’t look after anybody else. It’s like when you’re in an aeroplane and the oxygen masks drop down and you need to put yours on first before you can turn and help the person in the seat next to you. I believe some time has to be taken on inner work for your mental (air), physical (earth), inspirational (fire) and emotional (water) sides of life. I’m not saying this is easy, but you could use your birth chart and the recent transits as a guide.
In Your Home
The next people you need to care about are those people who live under your roof, those who are in your home, who we see every single day. These are 4th house people, even if they’re not blood relatives. If you have a family, like your kids and your partner, you may have parents living with you or roommates or whoever, but those who live under the same roof you have a very close relationship with. Even in your end-of-year review, it’s a good idea to consider how your interactions are with these people, and maybe even, how can you improve these connections?
Close Family
The next people are your close family. In general, your family is shown through the 4th house. Family tends to be people who you have known since the day you were born, or since the day they were born. These are the people who probably live nearby who you possibly see now and again. For me, I have a daughter who lives 10km from me and I see her every weekend. We like to chat and keep in touch. I don’t know absolutely everything about her life, but we are very close. Every week I text and zoom with my other kids in Toronto, and my sister who lives in Johannesburg. We tend to natter and keep up with what’s going on.
Friends are shown in the 11th house. If you have a friend, you are fortunate indeed. If you can count your friends on one hand, again, you are fortunate. My definition of friends are anyone who’s seen you in your bare feet because they’ve been around a long time. They’re the ones you’ve been on a picnic with, you’ve had sleepovers with and you’ve seen them at their worst and at their best. These are your friends. Everyone else is an acquaintance.
Let’s have a look at who are our acquaintances and they’re still 11th house people. To my mind, acquaintances are people who you maybe work with (sometimes they are 6th house people). You see them all the time, you know something about them, you know their name. This also includes, in my case, the doorman at my building, the woman at the local coffee shop who serves me all the time and even my hairdresser (sometimes). They are people whom I know and am on a nodding familiarity with. I know their name, but I really don’t know anything about them. These are 11th house acquaintances.
Where do your clients fit in? If you’re a practicing astrologer, you will have clients. Astrologically clients are shown through your 7th house of other people. A client is somebody whom you didn’t know by any connection until they approached you one day and said, “Can you do me a reading?” They may have come through via your friends, family or work colleagues, but you haven’t known them forever. Clients go from being someone whom you didn’t know, to someone you do know, as your customer. They are a different level of person, but still 7th house.

Biz Finances
Your business income is any money that you received from sales, sponsors, clients, customers or donations. Any income that you get through your astrology practice is business income and it is shown in the 11th house.
Your business expenditures are everything you have to pay for to be in business. If you’re an astrology practitioner this generally would be things like your website. E-mail, cellphone, stationery and office supplies. Any professional development training you may have taken like astrology conferences or courses, books, software etc. is business expenditure.
To calculate your business profit and loss you add up all your income, you minus all your expenditure and you get a number. If it is a positive number, you made of profit and if it is a negative number, you have made a business loss. Simple. On a side note, it seems the tax man is ok for you to have a loss for three years running, but after that, not.
Personal Finances
I’m not a personal finance expert. There are many out there.
One of the first books I read on this topic was Robert Kiyosaki’s, Rich Dad, Poor Dad which really boils personal finances down to – money in and money out. His take on personal finances is very simple.
Assets feed you and liabilities eat you.
Once you get your head around that concept, personal finances are much simpler.
Assets Feed You
Your assets feed you and bring money in. Assets are shown in your 2nd house, and they are things that bring in money, such as real estate, stocks and businesses. Astrologically we include income from a job, money in the bank, royalties, dividends, tips, bonuses and grants.
Liabilities Eat You
Your liabilities eat you and flow money out. Liabilities are shown in your 8th house and they drain money like mortgages, car loans, credit card debt and more. Astrologically we include anything you owe to banks or others.
Net Worth
I like to calculate my net worth at the end of each year it gives me one master number that tells me everything I need to know about each year.
Net worth = Assets – Liabilities
To find your net worth, you add up all your assets, then you add up all your liabilities, now minus the liabilities from the assets and you will get one number. That tells you your net worth.
Assets + $10000
Liabilities – $9000
Net worth = $1000
Personal Development
Reflect on how each planet may have contributed sto your business success this year.
The Sun, as a representation of your identity, may be considered in your personal development. Let’s face it, it’s not every year that we’re changing into something else. Many years are very often repeats of the year before and sometimes even decades can be repeats of the decade before, but any individual drive for personal development is likely to come through your Sun.
The Moon rules reflection and how convenient it is that we are doing an end-of-year reflection today. Consider another theme related to the Moon that of habits, which can be a good way to tap into lunar influences during the course of the year. You may have new habits that you want to develop. For myself it was walking 10,000 steps a day, eating whole foods or cutting out plastics in my home. Ongoing…
There may be some bad habits that you want to get rid of. One of the modern behaviours that comes to mind is this death scrolling on social media. If ever there was a habit that needed shifting, I think this might be it.
The point is that you can look to your Moon to see, and reflect, about how perchance your habits have changed during this year. Perhaps what you were doing as a knee jerk reaction back in January is not what you’re automatically doing now in December.
In your end-of-year reflection, Mercury could suggest which books you’ve been reading or journals, you’ve been writing. More generally, it may show how much time you carved out to keep in touch with others.
Venus is likely to represent the things you’ve invested in this year. It could be both time and money and definitely any major purchases which you made. Clearly, Venus will also suggest your love life and marriage.
Mars is the action planet in your chart. It is likely show where you’ve actually got off the couch to go and do something. Back this year when Mars was stimulated by transit or progression, are the times when you were perhaps keener to compete or go for gold, in some area of your life.
In your end-of-year review, Jupiter will be the planet that shows where growth has occurred. The Greater Benefic indicates times when you had a vision, and when you raised your eyes to the horizon and speculated about what was over the mountains to wonder if dragons be there. It shows where you have ventured forth, taken the first step and struck out on new paths in your life.
Our old friend Saturn, if triggered by transit or progression, can be the planet that stops you in your tracks to authentically stonewall you. If you have faced severe restrictions or hardships somehow this year, it is possible that the ringed planet Saturn was somehow involved.
Overview: Awareness
Astrology, chart reading and forecasting is all about awareness. Self-awareness can be supported by doing an end-of-year review. I mean, let’s face it, some years are just better than others. For myself, 2024 has had some challenges, but it contained some high points as well. I do think it’s important to finish up with one year before we start looking towards the next year, which we will do in a couple of weeks.
Premium Astrology Newsletter
This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.
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Author Bio
Alison Price: Professional Astrologer
Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.
If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at
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