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The Elements in the Garden: An Astrology Tale

The Astrological Elements in the Garden

This is the shortest story about how the four elements of fire, earth, air and water express themselves through astrology.

Element Count

The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Each chart will have a predominant element which is the element containing the most planets.

Count how many planets you have in each element.

If you have a tie then count in the Ascendant and Midheaven.


Elements Story

The four elements fo Fire, Earth, Air and Water were friends.


Fire Element

It all began when Fire was out and about in the garden and, standing in a sunny spot, had an inspiration.

“Let’s create a fabulous place and encourage all these birds which visit our garden to rest here,” said Fire.


Earth Element

“I will design and make a shelter for the birds,” said Earth.

He went off to purchase building materials at the hardware store.

Next he made a sturdy home for their winged friends.


Air Element

“We will call it Chateau Cardinal!” decreed Air.

“I will inform everyone that I have named it so,” she said.

Air dashed off to spread the word.


Water Element

Water arrived carrying a bag of birdseed and a water dish.

“I will care for these birds. I will provide food, clean water and nurture them,” said Water carefully eyeing-up next-door’s cat.



And so it was, that each element brought their own strengths to the same issue to encourage the birds to live in their garden.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Learning Without Tears – Book Review


Discover how the Mercury Model (TM) can: 

  • Identify a child’s unique learning style
  • Unlock a child’s true potential
  • Turn tension into talking

Buy this book on Amazon.


Of all the astrology books I have had the pleasure of reviewing over the years Learning Without Tears is in a class of its own. Connerr takes the Mercury archetype, well known by astrologers, to a new level.

The author does not complicate the information being presented with an excess of technical terms, words and astrologese. She specifically uses regular dialogue to get her message across to the layperson.

There is the option to skip the detailed astrological explanations, if you wish to clearly focus on the child’s learning style, and not where it originates. With this brilliant approach the author has subtlety woven birth chart features into mainstream education which is directly aimed at parents and teachers.

We often hear the lament that astrology is not taken seriously by science. It is portrayed as the poor relation to astronomy and psychology. This fact was brought home to us during the 2011 online heated discussions. Here lies the beauty of this original book from an astrologer’s point of view. The author has parlayed astrology, and its centuries old traditions, into mainstream educational thought even perhaps without its detractors noticing.


Three Parts

This book is divided into three parts.

Part I – Individual Learning Styles and How They Interact

In the first section she discusses each of the twelve possible learning styles and how they manifest in every child. Presented with colorful animal characters clearly identifying each role.

Areas of similarity and difference are brought out in a subset by the style groupings and divisions which are easily recognizable to the astrology student as polarity, quadruplicity and element.

Connerr presents some real life parent and child scenarios and the resolutions are provided using the Mercury model.

We are challenged to explore our own learning style as parents and to consider how we default to that particular method by personally giving it preference and value


Part II – Variations and Background

She discusses how features in the whole nativity can influence each personality and provide modifications. Then goes on to explain the extraction of the essence for each Mercury archetype during individual analysis.


Part III – Identify a Learning Style

The author provides yearly assessment tables (Mercury ephemeris) to discover each persons learning style.


The New Physics and Essential Mercury

Helyn Connerr MSc is well qualified to write this book. Her background is impressive and she has studied astrology for over thirty years. She brings a scientist’s mind to an astrology problem.

Believing you can observe the energy principle of Essential Mercury in action and watch its effects, she discusses how the principles outlined are shown by planet, element, music, animals, literature, esoterica and the physical body. That Mercury, as an information receptor, is inherent in how we live, breathe and perceive.


Final thoughts

Although this book is aimed at educators, parents and children, one wonders if astrology teachers, when using this method, will find their students benefit and grasp new information in a way each learner can assimilate.

It is quite apparent that we retain our learning style throughout life. If as grown-ups, we choose to embark on further study, we will benefit by aligning ourselves with our own Mercury model.

This simple practice would enhance the adult education process. Rather than thinking, “I’m too old to learn this” perhaps we need to open up our minds, because, obviously we can learn if we are presented and communicated information in a way we each can appreciate

Learning Without Tears comes highly recommended for students, parents and educators.


The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

Some students may think it is odd

to work with the finger of God.   

One sextile and two

quincunxes to view

and now we all call it a yod.

The Yod Limerick

Most of you are probably wondering what the heck this limerick is all about.

Let me explain.

A Yod is an astrological major aspect pattern sometimes found in birth charts.

It comprises of one sextile aspect (blue line) and two quincunx aspects (green lines).


Yod Bearers

An aspect is an imaginary line drawn between two planets in a horoscope.

People who have a yod in their charts are known as Yod Bearers as it indicates there are burdens that need to be carried through life.

The image is that of an isosceles triangle where the short side is 60 degrees and the two equal longer sides are 150 degrees.

The shape is somewhat reminiscent of an arrow or finger pointing thus the nickname of The Finger Of God. It is also referred to as the Finger of Fate.

In chart interpretation the area of life that the yod is pointing at is highlighted and becomes an important focus for that person.


The Yod Major Aspect Pattern

A Yod is an astrological planetary configuration also know as a major aspect pattern which is formed when three planets line-up in a particular way.

A Yod is an aspect pattern composed of one sextile and two quincunxes. It looks like an isosceles triangle with one short side and two equal length longer sides.

A yod looks like a triangle. But it is different to a grand trine, T-square or a Thor’s Hammer because of the aspects it contains.

In the example chart of Margaret Atwood, she has a Neptune Yod with the Moon and Saturn as the base planets.

The Aspects in a Yod


A sextile is an aspect 60° wide or two signs. The orb for a sextile is 4° degrees.

It is an aspect of ease and it suggests your latent talents.


A quincunx is an aspect 150° wide or five signs.

The orb for a quincunx is 2°.

It is an aspect requiring constant adjustment and causes mild irritation.


How to Interpret a Yod

The broad stroke with interpreting yods is to look at the one planet being quincunxed (the green lines) by the other two.

This is known as the focal planet and is a sensitive spot in the zodiac which will be reflected in your chart by the house placement.

  • Pay special attention to the focal planet and interpret it thoroughly. Check the essential dignity of the planet and its condition.
  • Look at the house or the area of life that is bringing pointed to.
  • Look at the sign that the focal planet is in, this shows the type of energy that the focal planet can express.
  • The two planets in sextile are the support for the yod and offer up their energy and qualities to the focal planet.


Double Yod Key

If there are two yods lying side by side (so four planets and three quincunxes) then it is known as a “double yod key”.

This will reinforce the general meaning of the yod for the person.

What to Consider in a Yod

The focal planet at the end of the quincunxes, is the most sensitive planet as energies flow to it from the two other planets.

The two planets in sextile are known as the base of the yod and work together harmoniously.

The planetary ruler of the sign of the focal planet is important.

Interpretation of a Yod

Charts with yods suggest the person is independent and driven.

Due to the nature of the quincunxes they can be constant and unchanging but fraught with the constant adjustments demanded. T

his person may experience a crisis of energy and find they are constantly battling to stay on track.

There is a certain spiritual element to this pattern and these people can be lofty.

The meaning of the house and sign of the focal planet points (as the pointed in the shape) to the issues that need addressing in this person’s life.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Yod

In your astrology journal and referring to a chart with a yod major aspect pattern, please do the following:

  • Name the two aspects that form a yod, their angles and orbs.
  • Note the three planets involved.
  • Name the focal planet.
  • List all the individual aspects that make up this yod.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a brief interpretation for the sextile aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the first quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the second quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

Extend Yourself Further

  • Write a detailed interpretation of the yod incorporating the meaning of the individual aspects and try to weave a comprehensive interpretation (250 words).

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Mars in Aries: Fireworks!

Mars in Aries: Fireworks

When Mars enters Aries it is at the beginning of the zodiac


Where does the zodiac begin?

The zodiac starts at zero degrees Aries. Because the Sun on its path, the plane of the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator at zero declination on its path towards the northern hemisphere.

The Sun crosses the celestial equator twice a year at the equinoxes. Once going north March 20/21st (the Aries ingress) and once going south on September 22/23rd (the Libra ingress).

Planetary Ingress

An ingress is when a planet enters a sign or house either moving direct or retrograde.

As Mars enters Aries it is going home to the sign it rules.

The Aries Point

The Aries Point is zero degrees Aries in any chart. Some astrologers take any cardinal sign’s zero degrees as an Aries point. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

What to expect when Mars is in Aries

  • Action
  • Energy
  • Heat
  • Competition
  • Masculinity
  • Activity
  • War
  • Conflict
  • Confrontations
  • Excitement
  • Sexual awareness
  • Fires
  • Push, push, push

All of these things are ruled by Mars. When Mars is in its own sign it can operate cleanly and clearly at its true meaning.

Whilst Mars was recently in Pisces it was not a good place for Mars’ energy to be expressed.

Precession of the Equinoxes

This is the phenomena that the point of the vernal equinox (when the Sun enters Aries going north) is moving backwards through the constellation signs at the slow rate of one sign over a two thousand (ish) year period.


The Great Years

In astrology a great year is almost 26000 years and each Great Year is divided into twelve Great Months or Ages of around a two thousand year (give or take) period. You have heard of these Ages as for example the Age of Aquarius.

Therefore the Age of Aries came before the Age of Pisces. Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus.

In Ages each sign is before the present one going backwards through the signs. The “Ages” are reversed because of the precession of the equinoxes.

Great Years show large sweeps of history and are background noise for each time period.

The Age of Aquarius

We are now living in the Age of Aquarius (which began around the year 2000AD) and will last for just over two thousand years until about 4000AD. The symbol for Aquarius is two wavy lines like radio waves or microwaves and all technology waves and wireless devices and gadgets.

The Age of Pisces

Looking back, the Age of Pisces occurred from about year 1AD (at Christ’s birth) until 2000AD. The symbol prevalent at this time was the fish and this can still be seen on bumper stickers to indicate a Christian.

The Age of Aries

The Age of Aries was from +/- 2000BC to 1AD which is again a two thousand year period or “Age”. The symbols used in this age were the ram which is a male sheep. In Egypt Rameses I, II and III were cracking the whip. And the Romans developed metal armour and weapons to wear in battles and wars.

When considering this information you can see that the Mars ingress into Aries is highly important.

Mars enters Aries and starts the whole cycle again every two years. This is the time it takes Mars to make one orbit of the Sun and is the length or a Martian year. Obviously we are not experiencing Mars entering Aries for the first time it has happened. Mars get around.

We experience a Martian ingress into Aries every two years.

Mars disposes planets in Aries

As Mars moves through Aries it disposes planets in that sign. When Mars is in Aries it is a prime position to be final dispositor. Always give a quick scan to see if this is the case.


The Victoria Landscape Zodiac on Vancouver Island

The Victoria Landscape Zodiac on Vancouver Island

The Victoria Landscape Zodiac

Victoria is the capital of the province of British Columbia in Canada. The city is situated on Vancouver Island on the west coast and is named after Queen Victoria.

I have a particular interest in the Victoria Landscape Zodiac as it is very close to my home. This is an example of local astrology at it’s best.


Landscape Zodiac

Low Res VLZ map for Alison Blog

A landscape zodiac is found when you lay the planisphere (a star map of the northern skies) over a street map of a place (in this case the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island in Canada) or other land area and find correlations between the astrology sign meanings and the topographical geography of the earth.

These correlations can be in the forms of street names, parks, buildings, cemeteries, hills, streams, marshes or ponds.

Polaris Star as the Center Point

In the Victoria Landscape Zodiac, the north pole star Polaris is centered on the city at the aptly named Pointer Place.

The wheel is then adjusted until some form of connections is determined. Once the rotation angle has been decided the zodiac is set to that degree on the city map. In this way, the city of Victoria is segmented into the twelve signs.

Once the rotation angle has been decided the zodiac is set to that degree on the city map. In this way, the city of Victoria is segmented into the twelve signs.

Sidereal Zodiac

The constellation shapes created by the stars do not line up with the tropical zodiac because of the precession of the equinoxes. This is well known phenomena of which astrologers are aware.


The shapes of the sign symbols, when laid on a map, are known as effigies. These sign animal shapes (except Libra which is the scales) are then drawn onto the city map. See image. 

Tropical Zodiac

The astrological tropical zodiac is placed on the outside which is similar to a natal chart.

At this point, your natal chart can be overlaid on the city map and your personal natal planets will be in the same position of longitude and in a particular position in Victoria.


People in the history of the discovery of Landscape Zodiacs are Katharine Emma Maltwood, Mary Dowds and most recently Donald Allen who is the latest dynamic researcher working on the Victoria Landscape Zodiac.

Donald Allen has explicit permission to use the information and maps drawn by Mary Dowds to continue his exploration of the Victoria Landscape Zodiac.

He has successfully discovered the Victoria Cancer and Pisces effigy on the map which adds to his knowledge base.

Southern Hemisphere Landscape Zodiacs

Research into landscape zodiacs in the Southern Hemisphere using the southern skies planisphere and the southern cross will have to be pursued. Come on South Africa!

Your Chart Overlay

If you would like to see your natal chart overlaid on the Victoria Landscape Zodiac please contact Donald Allen with your details and for a modest research donation ($19.99 by PayPal) he will provide you with a full-color image of your chart married to the beautiful city of Victoria. He looks forward to hearing from you.

About Donald Allen’s ongoing research

Donald is actively researching the Victoria Landscape Zodiac and he would love to hear from you.

You are invited to contact Donald Allen by email at and you can visit his Victoria Landscape Zodiac Facebook page.

All images in this post (c) 2013 Donald Allen

The VLZ project is a work in progress I hope to keep you up-to-date with developments.



Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces 

Mars as the ruler of Aries and Scorpio is not particularity at home in Pisces.

Mars in Pisces will slow the pace for a few weeks.

You will have some breathing space, but if taken to extremes, the days can drift by with you lolling about in your pj’s watching old movies.

So what to do now?

This placement inclines towards creative expression like a step session, Zumba or Dance, Dance Revolution.

Go with the flow of the music or shuffle round the house in your slippers but let it drive itself.

Energy needs an outlet and the Mars powerhouse within us all has to come out somehow even when Mars in the soft sign ruled by Neptune.


Submarine Volcanoes

Another analogy of Mars in Pisces are the undersea volcanoes.

These mainly lie between the tectonic plates, for example in the atlantic ocean, where the Earth’s crust is opening up as the continents of America and Africa drift apart.

The gap allows magma to ooze or gush (depending on the place) and the red hot volcanic flow (Mars) is immediately cooled and hardened by the cold sea (Pisces).

This product can sometimes be referred to as volcanic glass and Neptune rules mirrors and glass.

Heat is released and warms the deep ocean creating a haven for obscure fish and marine creatures to live.

These animals do not exist anywhere else on Earth.


Flash Mobs

It seems the flash mob phenomena was born during a Mars transit of Pisces.

This is where a large group of people get together and dance in synch to blaring music.

These events appear spontaneous (but clearly are well rehearsed behind the scenes) and are usually held in a public place.

If you’ve ever seen this dance in action it gives the impression of a shoal of fish swimming through the ocean, changing direction sharply and in unison trying to evade predators.


Mars goes Back to Square One

When Mars enters its own sign of Aries at the start of the zodiac it will be back to full steam ahead.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

How to Cast a Chart without a Birth Time

How to Cast a Chart without a Birth Time

How to Cast a Chart with No Birth time

If your client does not know their birth time (and they are not interested in rectification) how do you cast their chart and find some information that you can use?

This frequently comes up in chart readings. You need to help your client and there are acouple of ways of tweaking the chart.

Here are some simple steps to overcome the issue.


The Noon Chart

It is best to erect your client’s chart for noon on their birthday. Then you can only be twelve hours out.

Clearly this is not an ideal situation but better than twenty-four hours off the birth placements.

Experience will tell you that many people’s birth information is suspect at the best of times. You have to constantly be on the lookout for incorrect data and the chart results when face-to-face with your client.


The Moon in a Noon Chart

The Moon travels about twelve to fifteen degrees each day. With this movement halfway through the day (at noon) it will be six to seven and a half degrees out either way and may or may not be of use. However you could ascertain the lunar sign because if the Moon is between seven and a half degrees and twenty-two and a half degrees of a sign at noon, then you know for sure it is in that sign in the birth chart. Because the Moon would still be in the sign for a birth first thing in the morning and last thing at night.


Natal Noon Chart

With a “noon chart” the planets in the signs and planetary aspects are correct (except the Moon) but there are no angles or houses.

This means of the possible 100% information shown in a normal chart you only have 60%. The point is that the 60% you do have is still 100% correct.

There is less quantity of information available, but it is still quality information when you interpret a “noon chart”.

Planets on Sign Cusps

You do need to watch out for other planets near the cusps of signs and weigh the possibilities of them being in the next sign or the previous sign for retrogrades.


Planetary Stations

If a planet is stationary on the birthday you can bet it is in that position dead-on in the natal chart.

Forecasting with a Noon Chart

Forecasting with transits and solar returns (by planetary sign position not houses) can be used as well as secondary progressions and solar arc directions the latter two with care.

There are many ways to rectify a birth chart but that is a discussion for another day.



Virgo Gets Things Done

Virgo Gets Things Done

Virgo Gets Things Done

If you have planets in Virgo you can get things done.

Virgo is a modest sign. Often people with many Virgo placements brush off their accomplishments as old hat when others comment on their abilities by replying simply “Oh, but everyone can do that.”

Well no, not everyone can do the things those with a strong Virgo chart can.

A strong Virgo signature is a chart where there are three or more planets or the ascendant in the sign of the virgin with Mercury direct.



The imagery for Virgo is a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat.

Now I propose she did not just get the bundle of cereal handed to her off camera. I imagine she donned her wellies and was down in the field and harvested the grain herself.

Miss Virgo then paused for the photo opportunity (our imagery of the constellation) she turns, walks over to the millstone and thrashes the wheat from the chaff.

She gathers up the germs of goodness and enters her kitchen to bake bread.

When the loaves are prepared she calmly places them on a clean gingham cloth in a wicker basket. Then serves her nutritious sustenance to the workers in her village.

Simple food, not flashy but full of goodness.

Very practical.



The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury and there are clues in the affinity Mercury has with the hands, handiwork, and craftwork.

Women with Virgo planets are often knitting, baking and crafting things.

These seem to be skills which are slowing disappearing as not all girls are taught these subjects anymore.

Men with Virgo placements are definitely handy to have about the place. Mr. Virgo is a guy who can wire a plug, chop onions and bath the dog.

Maybe not at the same time.


Perhaps the true skill of Virgo is that they look like they don’t know how to do things but in actual fact they do.

They don’t yell from the rooftops about what they have done but go about their business attending to what needs doing on a daily basis.

Richard Branson’s Virgin International’s tag line is “More experienced than our name suggests” which about sums it up.


“More experienced than our name suggests”


If you are lucky enough to have Miss or Mr. Virgo living in your home you maybe taking them for granted…

Do you have a strong Virgo signature?

Do you have planets in Virgo?

Can you get things done?

I really don’t expect any comments as the Virgo’s themselves don’t think they are that important.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

My Little Darlings

My Little Darlings


My Little Darlings

I talk a lot about children’s astrology here on this blog.

Recently I have received several emails asking about my family dynamics and my children so I thought I would share a little about that.

At the same time respecting our Little Darling’s privacy.

My husband and I have four children. They are nearly all grown up and have almost left home.

This means I have more space to peruse my interests.

Time is the one luxury that I never had when the youngest was born and they all needed my attention.

I started studying and practicing astrology long before I had children. In fact my mother was an astrologer and she taught my sister and I lots as kids at the kitchen table.

The best laid plans

I knew the importance of the Sun in a chart and I wanted to select a child to be born with a Sun sign compatible with mine (Leo).

We decided to go for a fire Sun sign and the one that came up first that year was Leo. I fell pregnant and she was due on August 6th that year and bang in the middle of Leo.

But nature has a way of pulling off her joke and our daughter was born an amazing three weeks early when we welcomed in a beautiful little Cancerian Sun baby.

As the first grandchild in the family she was heralded as perfect in every way.

Our daughter’s birth story taught me much about taking life as it comes and accepting that things may not be as we might wish but that nature can make them better.

Accepting the fact that I could not organize a particular sign for my child to be born under led me to let nature take its course.

With the other children’s births, well they came in their own good time.

Astrological influence

So, as a mother and an astrologer to boot did I influence my children and raise them with the insights astrology?

I would like to answer “Yes, I did” but the truth is the kids are so very much their own people living their lives through their charts.

Where I felt I could have an influence is when rules had to be brought in and I became the voice of authority in the parental role.

Each child required a different carrot and still does.

You may also like:

Children’s astrologer Alison Price – Video interview.

Fibonacci Aspects

Fibonacci Aspects

Aspects of the Fibonacci Sequence

To remind you the Fibonacci sequence is a pattern in numbers where the previous two are added together to result in the next number in the sequence.

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…

One plus two equals three, two plus three equals five, three plus five equals eight and so on.

It can be drawn as a widening spiral. This shape is found in nature in plants and animals and can be clearly seen in the nautilus shell chambers and in the head of a sunflower.

The numbers build on the past sequence to create the future patterns.

It seems to me that this reflects a natal chart as it begins to progress and develop by building on what has gone before. The progressed chart unfolds over time from a base point in time i.e. the natal chart.

Situations that occur in life must have been in the natal promise to start with.


Read more >>> Aspect Basics


Fibonacci Aspects

The aspects in the Fibonacci sequence are:


  • Conjunction (1)
  • Opposition (2)
  • Trine (3)
  • Quintile (5)
  • Semi-square (8)
  • Baker’s dozen (13)

Missing Ptolemaic Aspects

In this sequence of numbers we see that the square (4) and the sextile (6) do not appear. Nor will the semi-sextile (12) aspect.

So what? Well, astrology is a system of patterns and symbols. We happily take chart divisions from one to twelve and for the simple reason that every number is represented.

We are also ok to extract the hard aspects in the eighth harmonic (1, 2, 4, 8) and call them manifesting aspects. Surely if the Fibonacci sequence occurs in nature and so is part of the Earth experience, should we not consider this group of aspects in a particular way?



Perhaps because the quintile aspect is found in the Fibonacci list that is our first clue. Quintiles are closely associated with your creativity and genius.


13th Harmonic a Baker’s Dozen

What about the thirteenth harmonic?

Keywords transformation and values. This is not an aspect that is widely used in general astrology but can it be somehow associated with the meanings of the others in our sequence, maybe following the quintile theme?

I’m not sure, but using the Fibonacci aspects in a particular way as a group is a theory that has been buzzing in my thoughts for a while now. I wanted to put these ideas out there for consideration.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Learn about the Sun Conjunct Pluto, and what it looks like in your natal chart includes some celebrity examples.

Do You Need Astrological Certification?

Do You Need Astrological Certification?

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: January 2013

Astrological Certification

Today I want to look at astrological certification and whether you need it or not.

Certification really means taking lessons and sitting a series of exams at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level of astrology. In this way you meet knowledge criteria.


“Most people can fry an egg but they don’t call themselves chefs.”


No, You Don’t Need Astrological Certification

Open Shop

The short answer to this question is no, you don’t need certification.

Anyone can set up shop and call themselves an astrologer.

There are no regulations as there are with realtors or psychologists. To my mind, it is like being an artist. Whether you are doing fine art in oils of making wooden birdhouses it is still considered art.


The OGs of The Astrology World

Many famous astrologers are self-taught.

They don’t get certified because they don’t have to.

When you have spent twenty or thirty years learning your art you do know what you are doing.

There is a point when experience kicks in and overcomes formal training.


For Entertainment Purposes Only

Astrology is not widely considered a serious field it is generally used “For entertainment purposes only” and this sentence is recommended by legal consultants when opening an astrology business.


Yes, You Do Need Astrological Certification

The long answer is it depends on what you want to do with your astrology. There are two instances when I recommend taking the class and exam route.


  • If astrology is a brand new subject for you (that is if you have been studying for less than twelve months).


  • If you are learning from scratch you have the potential, in formal classes, to learn all the things you need to know without having gaps in your knowledge which frequently occur when you are self-taught.


  • If you want to be considered an authority in the astrology field either by the general public or the astrological community.


In the end, I believe it is a personal choice.

Astrological Certification Bodies


  • Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA)


Great Britain

  • Faculty of Astrological Studies London, England. ***** RECOMMENDED
  • London School of Astrology (LSA).
  • MA, Cultural Astronomy and Astrology – the University of Wales at Lampeter



  • International Society Astrological Research (ISAR)
  • National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR)
  • American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)


There are more but these are the ones that come to mind.


My personal recommendation is for The Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, England.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The Sixth House and Herb Gardens

The Sixth House and Herb Gardens

The 6th House and Herb Gardens

Herbs and herb gardens are shown in your sixth house.


Uranus conjunct Neptune

During the Huge Conjunction of 1991/93. Uranus conjoined Neptune for the first time in 170 years this time in Capricorn.

At the time I was a mamber of the Cape Town Astrologroup.

They had a particular meeting to celebrate the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune.

The activity that night was to get into huddles depending on which house the conjunction occurred in our natal charts.

6th House

For myself it was the 6th house.

I joined with the other astrologers in the clutch who had the Uranus Neptune conjunction in their 6th houses as well.

This is not the most exciting house in a chart because it is about health, daily rituals, service and work.

They began discussing their work and how busy they were, but it did not resonate with all the group members.

Someone said they had started gardening.

Well that was the catalyst for an animated discussion as we all had taken up gardening recently.

Then we got onto herbs… 🌱


My First Herb Garden – Cape Town

I was able to tell them about the new herb garden I had recently designed and had constructed in my garden.

It was down a narrow strip of land behind our house.

I explained how herbs had suddenly had more meaning for me.

That year I had been growing and cooking with fresh herbs and making interesting meals for my family.

Cooking with fresh herbs was something I had never done before.

It was glorious. I loved it.

Small plants are shown in your 6th house.

My Second Herb Garden – Phalaborwa

We later moved to another house right on the Tropic of Capricorn (that is another story) and again the garden needed care.

My husband and his guys laid out a beautiful 10m x 10m square herb garden with appropriate circles and a birdbath in the middle.

At the time of construction, we made sure that money, yes cold hard cash, was buried below the concrete of the water feature.

This was to provide for the garden.

A nice touch.

I often wonder what those gardens look like today having had thirty and twenty-five years to establish themselves.


The inspiration for both layouts was based on the designs in Margaret Robert’s book Guide to Growing Herbs in South Africa.

Below is a simple plan for a four square herb garden.

See more about the sign elements and herbs.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

More Articles

If you liked this post you may enjoy some other astrology related articles from our blog.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

How to Interpret a Retrograde Sun

How to Interpret a Retrograde Sun

Retrograde Sun


Everything you wanted to know about a retrograde Sun, but were too afraid to ask

There really are only two responses to the title of this piece. Ok, maybe more than two, but the essence of each will be the same as they are just variations on a theme.

The first response is “I have to learn about this new feature in astrology” and the second reaction is “What’s she banging on about now?”


Part 1: If you don’t know about retrograde Suns

Read this part if you have a retrograde Sun in your chart, if it is in a member of your family’s nativity, if it has cropped up in a friend’s horoscope or if you wish to learn how to interpret one.


  • Decide if it is a daytime or nighttime birth
  • Check for converse progressions
  • Realize that astrology has many confusing details
  • Calculate the chart with Regiomontanus house cusps
  • Book in for the class “Astronomy for Astrologers”
  • Make sure to discuss this interesting phenomena at you next astrology meeting

Part 2: If you do know all about retrograde Suns

Read this part if you know about retrograde Suns or if you have come across them before. Here are some thoughts on how to proceed.

  • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  • Choose your mentors wisely
  • Always be on the lookout for a sense of humor
  • Know that not all those reading this have your powers
  • Get behind the “All practitioners must get certified” regime
  • Go outside, stand in the Sun and smile

Remember everyone sees the world through the lens of their own chart. What one person sees is often different to how you view things.

Who is correct?

Sometimes it is not easy to tell.

Let astrology inspire you.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.


Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner contains information for anyone interested in astrology. It has material on the 2024 New and Full Moons, retrograde and direct dates and planetary ingresses (when the planets change signs) for the whole year.



Explore the polarity in a chart. This is the broadest sweep that you can give to a chart. It may have more active or more passive energy.

Mars in Capricorn: 10 Things to Do

Mars in Capricorn: 10 Things to Do

Mars in Capricorn.

The Red Planet’s energies mesh well in the sign of the Sea-goat as the principles of drive (Mars) and ambition (Capricorn) combine in a supportive manner.

We also note that Mars is exalted here.

If you have a Capricorn Sun or ascendant you’ll get a burst of energy as Mars rolls in.

There will be a time when Mars joins forces with Pluto and two of the bad boys of the zodiac gang up.

More on the Mars Pluto conjunction later.

What to do When Mars is in Capricorn

The knack to using astrology is to work with the planetary energies and not against them. Let’s have a look at the best way to work this placement.

  • Take steps to get your career on track.
  • Be assertive not aggressive.
  • Attend company sports events.
  • Participate in the office Year-end festivities.
  • Become the Go-To guy or gal.
  • Compete at work.
  • Address issues with your father.
  • Kick limiting strategies.
  • Master headaches.
  • Own your own life path (not your parents).

Surviving Mars in Capricorn and coming out strong is within everyone’s grasp.

Make your move.

Mars in the Signs

Below are some more sign placements for Mars. As I write more I’ll add them here.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Learn about my current research into the Astrologer’s Holy Trinity and the highest-level temperature of the chart thus reducing it down to only four values.

Solar Eclipses in Astrology

Solar Eclipses in Astrology

Solar Eclipses are Cool

A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon moves in front of the Sun. 

The Moon blocks out the light and the heat from the Sun.

Usually the birds stop tweeting as well which is a strange thing about solar eclipses.


Eclipse Conversations from our Podcast

For more inspiration on your eclipse journey, Alison and Arwynne have listed all their eclipses podcast episode as they are published.


My Solar Eclipse Story

I first experienced the cooling effects of a solar eclipse when we lived in a town called Phalaborwa in the province of Limpopo in South Africa.

This place name means The Town of Two Summers as the temperature is hot in winter and hot in summer.

Phalaborwa is situated right on the Tropic of Capricorn and experiences relentless dry heat all the time.

It is a mining town and copper is the reason the settlement is there at all.

In Phalaborwa, any tree is a good tree because it is a shade tree.

In the three years we lived there is rained three times for ten minutes each time.

Dry, dry, dry.

The Eclipse Starts

It was about 2pm and a hot afternoon.

I was ready for the solar eclipse and had the special eclipse glasses for all the kids as we sat in the garden sipping lemonade.

Looking up into the clear blue sky we watched the Moon slowly creep over the face of the Sun.

But, that’s when I noticed the drop in temperature and the chill of the eclipse.

Bearing in mind that temperatures were normally 40C at midday, suddenly it became cool and dark.

Not fully night as it was a partial solar eclipse, but still enough to reduce the light to dusky levels.

Cold and gloomy the kids ran inside and were excited and anxious at the same time.

Within five minutes, the Moon had moved over the disk of the Sun and again the bright light and heat came flooding back to the afternoon.

Almost as suddenly it felt as it had never happened.

Such is the nature of a Solar eclipse.

If you get a chance to experience a solar eclipse, pay attention to all your senses and not just sight and you will have a richer eclipse experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

New Moon

Every month there is a New Moon which occurs in the same sign as the Sun.

Each New Moon is usually in the following sign from the last one.

When the Sun is in Libra we have the Libra New Moon.

When the Sun is in Scorpio it will be the Scorpio New Moon.

A New Moon is a time to sow seeds, begin things and start a new course of action.

A New Moon will affect all the things shown by the area of life (house) in which it occurs in your natal chart.

If you know where this is going to happen you can plan ahead.

Types of Eclipses

There are two types of eclipse, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.

Either type of eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up exactly in the sky.

For a solar eclipse the sequence is: SunMoonEarth. 

For a lunar eclipse the sequence is: SunEarthMoon


Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves in front of the Sun and blocks out the light.

If the Moon is close enough to the Earth that its umbra (main) shadow can reach Earth it will cast a shadow across the face of the Earth, this is known as the eclipse path.

The eclipse path is usually quite thin and can be up to 170km wide crossing the face of the Earth.

This width varies with each individual eclipse.

Only places on Earth on the eclipse path and in the full shadow of the Moon will experience totality.



Solar eclipse October 22, 2014

Annular Solar Eclipse

It depends on how close the Sun is to the node whether it is a partial, total, total annular or hybrid (a bit of both) eclipse.

When the orb between the Sun and the node is less than 9 degrees it is an annular eclipse.

If the Earth is also at perihelion the Moon can fully cover the Sun’s disk and it is a total solar eclipse.

If the Moon does not fully cover the Sun’s face then it is a partial eclipse.

The Eclipse Path

Solar eclipses can only be seen during the day when the Sun is above the horizon.

An eclipse is visible from all places where the Moon’s shadow crosses the face of the Earth.

It you are on the eclipse path you will see the eclipse.


An eclipse will occur at different times depending where on Earth you are and you can catch a glimpse of one if you are near the eclipse path.

The Astrology of Eclipses

All eclipses are not created equal. Some are simply more dynamic and have a greater potential within themselves than others.

Each one has to be judged on its own merits.

Astrologically eclipses are both general and personal.

It depends on the eclipse chart (see above) and your own birth chart and if and how they connect.

Therefore some eclipses have a deeper and more profound effect than others.

General Effects of an Eclipse

  • This eclipse will be in a sign and the ruler(s) of the sign will have influence over the eclipse.
  • If it is an eclipse at the Moon’s north node it indicates that we are focussing on future things and drawing in people, goods and experiences to ourselves.
  • If it is at the Moon south node it suggests that we are letting go of people, stuff and emotional baggage.
  • The Sun and Moon may be conjoined a planet which inclines towards discussing the issues brought about at the eclipse and the meaning of the planet.

Personal Effects of an Eclipse

  • Whichever house the eclipse occurs in your natal chart will be the area of life that will be affected. For example in your first house your looks, seventh house your romance, partner, relationship or in your tenth house your career and goal setting.
  • If it is your birthday on the eclipse day you will feel the most effect from the eclipse.
  • If your Ascendant is on the eclipse degree the effects of this eclipse will be impressive and there may be a huge change for your life, your personality and how other see you.
  • If you have any planets in your natal chart at the eclipse degree they will be stimulated by the eclipse.


Read more >>> Upcoming Eclipses

How Long an Eclipse Lasts

The actual eclipse lasts about one hour but the effects of the eclipse are usually for around six months.

If a particular eclipse connects with your chart by any of the ways mentioned above it will have an effect on you for about six months.

This depends on how close the eclipse falls to your chart planets and points (Ascendant, MC, nodes, Vertex or Part of Fortune).

There are specific timing strategies that astrologers use which can change this six-month pattern.

You would have to consult with myself or your astrologer to fully determine how each eclipse in the next year or so will affect you directly.

Eclipse Seasons

Every six months the Sun draws near one of the lunar nodes and we have eclipses.

Sometimes only two and on occasion three.

It depends on how close the Sun is to the nodes in degrees.

The closer the orb the more likely eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Eclipses at the New Moon are always solar.

Solar eclipses impart a masculine or yang feel.

This means it is an active eclipse where you can get started on your intentions right away.

North Node Eclipse

Eclipses is at the north node suggest the future is improtant.

Your future can be supported based on intentions begun now.

South Node Eclipse

Eclipses at the south node suggest the past is important.

Your past may be influencing your present situation through memories, people or events.

Happy Birthday

If your birthday is on a solar eclipse day, you will feel that particular eclipse intensely because it forms part of your Solar Return chart whose celestial energies are in place for you for the next twelve months.

Eclipse conjunct a natal planet

Now and then an eclipse will be right on the degree of a natal planet, ascendant or MC in your chart.

Obviously, this doesn’t happen often but when it does you need to pay attention.

An astrologer can quickly tell when this will happen for you.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Solar Eclipses

In your astrology journal, and referring to the next solar eclipse, please do the following:

  • Find the exact position of the solar eclipse in degrees and minutes.
  • Note which house in your chart the solar eclipse will fall.
  • See if the solar eclipse will conjoin any of your natal planets or points.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a general interpretation for the eclipse hat can be used by everyone or in your horoscope writing. Include the sign, the node and any planetary conjunctions to the eclipse (use a 1 degree orb) (100 words).
  • Write a personal interpretation for the eclipse including the house and any conjunctions the eclipse will make to your chart (100 words).

Extend Yourself Further

  • Cast the charts for every solar eclispe that will occur this year and next year. Use the Zero Aries house stystem.
  • Write general interpretations for each upcoming eclipse. This will be useful for you as an aspiring astrologer for your forecast work (100 words per eclipse).

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October 31st

October 31 is Halloween and this time is also known as All Hallows’ Eve.

The Astrology of Halloween

Astrologically the sign Scorpio is associated with the end of things, death and the dead.

The animal that symbolizes Scorpio is the scorpion. Not all scorpions are poisonous but many are deadly.

It seems the smaller the species the more venomous the sting. Several scorpions simply paralyze their prey and eat them live.


Sun’s Position

Every Halloween, on October 31st, the Sun is at 7°/8° Scorpio, but technically Halloween occurs when the Sun reaches 15° Scorpio. Which is a few days later.

We use the date of October 31st, which is fine, to get the date in the calendar and it is now a set convention.

But as aspiring astrologers reading this I just wanted to be clear on the Sun’s position.

Halloween Traditions

Halloween is traditionally the night the dead rise from their graves until the dawn of All Saints Day when they are once more put to rest.

Hence skeletons and ghosts are the theme.


Trick or treat

Now this is a practice that sticks in my craw.

I love that the kids dress up and have super inventive costumes. This stimulates creativity and their imagination.

I love the streets and gardens decorated with tombstones, spiders and pumpkins.

Some have smoke and eerie music to set the tone for the evening.

Having lived in Africa, where hunger is pretty much the norm for many people, the practice of buying candy to give to the kids at the door, so they can have a sackful at the end of the night is strangely disturbing.

I would be happier if the kids gathered food for those in need instead.

Maybe I’m still not fully assimilated into life in North America.

They do say that resistance is futile.

All Saint’s Day

All Saints Day follows Halloween on November 1st each year.


Samhain Timing

Traditionally Samhain begins at sunset on October 31st each year.


Samhain Traditions

It is an old Celtic festival which came from the northern hemisphere and celebrates the completion of taking in the harvest and crops.

It indicates the darker days of the year and winter will soon be upon us.

Samhain is traditionally celebrated with the burning of village bonfires.

Samhain and Halloween are dates in the Wheel of the Year.

More on the Wheel of the Year

I have a couple of articles on the Wheel of the Year which you can check out below.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

More Articles

If you liked this post on Halloween you may enjoy some more articles on astrology from our blog.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

New Moon

New Moon

The New Moon

New Moon Cycle

When two planets form an exact conjunction it heralds the start of their cycle. When those two planets are the Sun and Moon it is the New Moon.

The New is the first of the eight lunar phase and it is the beginning of the Sun Moon cycle as both celestial bodies are at the same place in the zodiac.

The Sun/Moon synodic cycle is a “meeting” of the two planets.

The Moon travels around the Earth through the tropical zodiac and it takes around twenty-nine and a half days for the Moon to catch up with the Sun. Each year there will be thirteen New Moons so one month in any given year will have two New Moons.

From the New until the Full Moon in a fortnight we experience the waxing half of the month. The Moon is becoming bigger in the sky each day. It is a time to focus on things that require growth.


Seed Moments

These special moments are known as seed moments during the month. They are times to literally plant seeds for your future. Things germinate in the dark of a New Moon.

Every month (well almost) the new cycle happens in a different sign as the Sun moves through the zodiac. The type of things you can “sow” are shown by the house in your chart in which the New Moon occurs.


Dark Night

On the night before, the night of and the night after a New Moon the Moon cannot be seen. These are the dark nights of the month.

Naturally nocturnal animals are less active at this time. When the light again begins to be reflected by the growing crescent Moon the night time creatures go back about their business.


Planting by The New Moon

Those of you into gardening can take note of planting seeds at the dar part of the lunar cycle for optimum growth and fruition. Farmers do this as a matter of course.



We experience high tides as both the Sun and the Moon exert gravity from the same position on the seas and oceans of the Earth.

Taking this one step further (and as the human body is largely water) it follows that the cycle beginning gravity will affect us as well.

The Moon provides us with the shortest of the planetary cycles.

It may sometimes go unnoticed by us.

Maybe this is the month to pay attention.


More on this topic

You can try some New Moon wishing and get in closer contact with the cycles of the Moon.


Moon Extras

Here are some articles on the Moon.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2012

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars wants to compete and initiate things. Sagittarius is keen to be on a journey be it religious, educational, philosophical or physical. Here the sprinter (Mars) meets the marathon runner (Sagittarius).

What to expect

  • Defenders of the faith come from from all sides.
  • Adventure and excitement abounds.
  • Your energy is scattered now and it may be hard to focus.
  • You easily justify your actions.
  • Sport and competition are favored.
  • Journeys begun now will be enlightening.

To make use of astrology properly you need to find ways to work with the planetary potentials of the moment. You’ve gotta to know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

Whilst Mars is energizing Sagittarius you can take the initiative and get your plans moving.

Steady now, you may want to start too many things at once. This is the time to pick your battles but not go overboard.

Fortune favors the brave

If you have a long term project that has been languishing on the back burner it can be begun now. Have faith and simply start. Perhaps your adventure awaits.

Every journey begins with the first step. Take yours as Mars strides through Sagittarius.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.


Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio: Controlled Resources

Scorpio is the sign concerned with (amongst other things) money owed, debt levels, mortgages, insurances, wills and estates.

So when Saturn moves into Scorpio we can expect stricter controls, restrictions and virtually being caught between a rock and a hard place to become the norm.

Credit will be curtailed. Lenders will tighten up even more. During this period cash is king.

You can expect to be approached by people you know to lend them money. This may sound laughable at the moment because maybe you do not have much yourself, but when this time comes along, you will be richer than those asking for the loan.

We also need to remember that Scorpio is the sign of death, murder and violence. Scorpio also is concerned with sex and perversion. During the transit of Saturn these events should be restricted and controlled better.

Saturn is the planet that rules governments but forced restrictions on any population do not always work out the way those in authority would like.

1982 Saturn in Scorpio: Resources and mining

To see how Saturn is likely to work through Scorpio we can look back to when it was last there which is thirty odd years ago. Saturn entered Scorpio in December 1982.

We can consider how was the situation with the government (Saturn) back then. I can’t remember all the details but I do know that in July 1985 the country where I was living  went under a state of emergency because of the mining unrest. There was a curfew in major cities and rioting in the streets.

We also saw restrictions on gasoline sales. You could not buy gasoline after 6:00pm or on a Saturday or Sunday. This is another example of how governments (Saturn) restricts certain the resources (Scorpio) of the Earth.

Oil and gas are a focus as they are created deep underground by pressure (Scorpio). Remember the pressure cooker?

Saturn limits everything it touches. During this period the gold price is probably going to rise because the mines cannot get production up. Output will be limited either by the government or industrial strike action.

Gold is always high on the list when there are restrictions on the monetary base. Saturn teaches us hard lessons in life.

Scorpio ascendants start a diet

If you have a Scorpio ascendant you will change physically and look different. This will occur when transiting Saturn leaves Libra and goes into Scorpio it will very soon cross your own ascendant going into your first house.

This indicates a time for limited physical mobility or heavy lifting as in, weights at the gym. Firming up they bod.

It can be a time of actually reducing body mass (losing weight) because of a lack created by Saturn. It can also be a time when you may feel older or even get wrinkles. Argh!

Coping with resource restrictions

If we look at a simple resource that can be restricted, such as food, during the Saturn in Scorpio period my suggestions are as follows:

  • Take what you want but eat what you take, don’t waste food.
  • Prepare yourself a strict budget and menu plan.
  • Only buy what you need.
  • Eat more cold food.
  • Don’t turn on the oven to make a piece of toast.
  • Do not waste energy.
  • This is the time to cultivate your own vegetables (in a cold frame).
  • It is a time to preserve (Saturn) fruits in jams and chutneys.
  • Practice self sufficiency.

These are just some examples of how you can work with the Saturn influences when it moves through the different signs.

I am considering the water crisis (Scorpio) which will probably escalate and literally become the “Blue Gold” previously only seen in sci-fi movies.

Obviously during Saturn through Scorpio you perhaps should not take more credit. You could strive to respect your financial commitments and pay your bills on time.

If you recall the old adage of “Never a borrower or a lender be” that one sits well for Saturn in Scorpio.

The astrology suggests we will experience a credit dry-up. This will be the initial affect and as Saturn moves towards the end of Scorpio and passes out into Sagittarius. Only then will we see the final effects of the Saturn transit of Scorpio.

It is at times like this that I feel the need to save cold hard cash in a shoebox under my mattress.

Maybe this is simplistic but to me it is a solution to get through the two-year period when Saturn is in Scorpio.

Saturn will probably leave Scorpio with a legacy of tighter restrictions on the resources of the Earth both financial, mineral (mining) and vegetable (food) which will carry on into the future.


Astrology Crossword Challenge

Astrology Crossword Challenge

Astrology Crossword Challenge

Here is a fun Astrology Crossword for those strong Mercury types.

What to do

Print this page, complete the crossword, scan to a file, attach to an email and send to to have your name posted here as one of the few to complete this crossword.


Our correct completed crossword congrats go to…

Julia Cann from Plymouth, England.

Arwynne O’Neill from Vancouver, Canada.

Maria Michaelidis from Skorpios, Greece.

Hennie Potgieter from Phalaborwa, South Africa.

Jan Weiss from Coventry, England.

Ali Khan from Toronto, Canada





Clues Across

1. A positive element (3).

2. His laws on planetary motion (6).

4. Part of the Great Year (3).

5.  Greenwich Mean Time abbr. (3).

10.  An astrologer’s reference book (5, 2, 6).

12.  Mars’ colour (3).

14. Exalted in Aries (3).

15.  Largest of the big four asteroids (5).

16.  Ptolemy’s famous work (11).

19.  The house of your children’s career (6).

21.  An asteroid award (4).

24.  Finger of God aspect pattern (3).

25.  Local Mean Time abbr. (3).

26.  Easy aspect (5).

28.  The metal of Mars (4).

29.  Sagittarius’ element (4).

30.  Right Ascension abbr. (2).

31.  Falls in Virgo (5).

34.  Junction of the plane of the ecliptic and a planet’s path (4).

35.  A chart used in synastry (9, 5).

36.  Aspect tolerances (4).

37.  The point of the celestial sphere directly above the observer (6).

38.  Castor and Pollux are the Gemini pair (5).


Clues Down

1.  Saturn is the traditional ruler (8).

3.  The sign of the monarchy (3).

6.  Quadruplicities (5).

7.  Age of Aries symbolic animal (3).

8.  Planet of reflection (4).

9.  Toronto’s vibrant astrology group (9, 7).

11.  A planetary condition (7).

13.  The planet that rules the Phoenix (5).

14.  The State Of The Art astrology conference (4).

15.  A planetary key (6).

17.  Hemisphere from 4th to 9th (7).

18.  Immum Coeli abbr. (2).

20.  Below the Asc/Dec axis (5).

22.  Planet of rebellion (6).

23.  The 29th degree (8).

27.  The rulers of the signs (7).

32.  These can be fixed (5).

33.  The 6th house pertains to animals smaller than this one (4).



Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Mars conjunct Saturn

Mars conjunct Saturn

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: August 2012   –   Revised: March 2024

Mars Conjoined Saturn

Mars and Saturn get Together and We Take Notice

Mars is all about action, energy and competing. Saturn favours control, form, strategy and concrete results.

The imagery is of the young guy in a red shirt honing his skateboarding techniques in the hard landscape of the city park.

How many times has he tried this jump?

Who is watching?

His competition, the other young guys or the pretty girls?

Mars Conjunct Saturn in the Signs

Every two years Mars moves around the chart and catches up with Saturn.

Traditionally Mars was known and the lesser malefic and Saturn as the greater malefic. It is probably not politically correct to use these phrases anymore and yet there is some truth in the labels.

We look to the ruler of the sign that the conjunction is happening in to understand what is going on.

As two planets join forces in a sign one planet will be better placed than the other and its energy can be accessed easier.


Mars Applying to Saturn

Mars will compete with Saturn and when Mars is applying to the conjunction and will rise before Saturn.


Mars Separating from Saturn

After the exact conjunction Mars will rise after Saturn.


Saturn spends about two years and three months in each sign (depending on retrograde periods) so sometimes a conjunction is repeated in the same sign twice.

Find which house the conjunction will occur in your birth chart as this is the house for this conjunction.

Mars Conjunct Saturn in the Houses

First house

Start a diet. Mars is great for beginning things and with Saturn in your physical body sector, you can control your body size.

Second house

Start a mad-money plan. Decide you have a limited amount to spend on whatever you want and stick to it.

Third house

Take a course that will build on your strengths and bring you closer to your life goals. You can achieve good marks now.

Fourth house

Family dynamic relationships can benefit from you breaking down borders with close members for everyone’s benefit.

Fifth house

If you have kids they may need some guidelines this week as they test your patience. Make plans to give birth to your creative expression.

Sixth house

Sweat it out on the weights at the gym. This is a chance to expend energy to form your muscles and tone your long term health.

Seventh house

If you have been held back in asking someone on a date you now have the courage. If in a relationship you could thrash things out for mutual benefit.

Eighth house

If you are holding yourself back now is a time to examine any limiting strategies and bring things into the open.

Ninth house

There may be travel frustrations. You may experience difficulty if you are writing exams now because you have the desire to rush.

Tenth house

Promotion and putting yourself forward is favored now. Actively engaging in your career path is a good strategy.

Eleventh house

Competition is high. You want to win but perhaps at the expense of your team. You may be singled out and put forward as the front man or woman to represent your group.

Twelfth house

Your energy may be at low ebb. It is probably good to rest if you can. The best way to handle this period is to make master plans-of-action to be used later.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Essential Dignities

Essential Dignities

Essential Dignity

What is Essential Dignity?

Essential dignities refer to a planet in a sign and whether the planet is well placed in that sign or not.


What Planets to Consider

Traditionally, we usually only look at the visible planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) when assessing essential dignity.

However, you can also consider the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) if you use these planets in your daily practice.


Four Essential Dignity States

Initially we are concerned with the essential dignity states of Rulership, Exaltation, Detriment and Fall.


Essential Dignities Table

The table below I created from information found in, arguably the greatest astrology book of all time, Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy. Any errors are my own.



Rulerships are listed in the red column in the table.

When a planet is in its own sign it is in dignity or rulership.

A planet in rulership gains 5 points.

Planetary Expression

A planet functions well in rulership as its urges are in line with the sign. A dignified planet can most easily express itself. It can work at 100% of its meaning.

Example: Venus in Libra (Relating & partners).


Rulership Person Example

A planet in rulership is like the owner of a home. They can do what they like and have full access to every nook and cranny of the home.

Planets in Rulership

This is a list of all the planets in their rulership. Check your chart for planets in rulership and note they get 5 points.


  • Sun in Leo
  • Moon in Cancer
  • Mercury in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Taurus or Libra
  • Mars in Aries or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius

Planets in Exaltation

The blue column lists the exalted palents. Exalted planets get 4 points.


Exaltation Expression

When a planet is in the sign of its exaltation it functions well and is in line with the sign meaning. A planet in exaltation expresses intensity of energy.


Exalted Person Example

An exalted planet is like an invited guest to your home. They are like visitors who come for tea or the babysitter who uses the kitchen and can make a meal if they want.

They have access to many things, but they will not just start to paint the basement or take a shower.

An exalted planet is welcomed into the sign by the sign ruler.


Example: Saturn in Libra (Responsible and balanced).


Exalted Planets

The planets in exaltation are listed below. Check your chart and give exalted planet 4 points.


  • Sun in Aries
  • Moon in Taurus
  • Mercury in Virgo
  • Mars in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Cancer
  • Saturn in Libra


Planets in fall are shown in yellow in the table.

When a planet is in the sign opposite its exaltation it is in its fall. A planet in fall gets a score of -4.


Fall Expression

This is a difficult placement, as the planet will struggle to reach its full potential here. A planet here is weak.

Example: Sun in Libra (Individual’s needs vs. partner’s needs).

Fall Person Example

A planet in fall is like the lawn guy or the pool guy. They come onto your property and attend to the outside, but they do not come into the home. They are not really welcome and you probably know their name but that’s about all.

These people are tolerated and planets in fall are tolerated by the sign they are in and the sign ruler (host) itself.


Fall Planets

Planets in fall are listed here. Check your chart and give fall planets a score of -4.


  • Sun in Libra.
  • Moon in Scorpio.
  • Mercury in Pisces.
  • Venus in Virgo.
  • Mars in Cancer.
  • Jupite in Cancer.
  • Saturn Aries.




Detriment planets are shown in the green column in the table. Planets in detriment get a score of -5.

When a planet is in the sign opposite the sign of its dignity it is in its detriment.


Detriment Expression

This is not a good placement for the planet as its urges can be surpressed and thwarted.

Example: Mars in Libra (needs independence vs. needs of others).


Detriment Person Example

A planet in detriment is like the garbage truck guys. They attend to the property, but do not enter the house. They will not enter and are probably not welcome to just pop in for tea.

The planet in detriment is not really welcomed into the sign by the sign ruler (the host).

Detrimented Planets

This lists all the palents in detrimen. Check your chart and these planets get a score of -5.


  • Sun in Aquarius
  • Moon in Capricorn
  • Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces.
  • Venus in Aries or Scorpio.
  • Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo.
  • Saturn in Cancer or Leo.

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Peregrine Planets

A planet is peregrine when it does not have any essential dignity. This imparts a neutral energy.

A peregrine planet gets a score of 0 (zero).

Example: Moon in Libra (but not when the Moon is at 0-9 degrees Libra = face)


Note for the purists 

A planet is peregrine when it does not have any essential dignity by rulership, exaltation, term, face, detriment or fall.

Essential Dignity Example Chart

Let’s have a look at an examole chart to discove some basic essential dignity.

The chart we are using is Beyonce, 11:15am, September 4, 1981, Houston, Texas, United States.


Beyonce’s Essential Dignity

Here I am only considering the four main parts of essential dignity , so dignity, exaltation, fall and detriment. I am only considering the visible planets.


The Planets Score

The Sun in Virgo gets a score of 0.

The Moon in Scorpio is in fall so gets a score of -4.

Mercury in Libra gets a score of 0.

Venus in Libra is in dignity so gets a score of +5.

Mars in Leo gets a score of 0.

Jupiter in Libra gets a score of 0.

Saturn in Libra is in exaltation so gets a score of +4.


Top Planets

The top planets in this chart in order of importance are as follows:

  • Venus +5
  • Saturn +4
  • Moon -4

High Focus Planets

What you do now is focus on understanding Venus and Saturn first, These are dominant planets in her chart and need to be thoroughly unpacked.

If this was your client you need to dig deep into these planets first as they are strong in the chart.

You can confidently lead the discussion with Venus and Saturn and their planetary complexes as she will be aware of these strengths already.


Non-focus Planets

Note the Moon in Scorpio is in fall and cannot work well to its full potential.

The Moon will probably not be a huge influence in her life, but is can provide insights into where she retreats to when her feelings get hurt or how she reacts when she feels threatened.

This is a dynamic Moon placement and, as an astrologer, you would want to tread carefully here.

I would not lead the conversation with the Moon.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Solstice Turning Points

Solstice Turning Points

Gain insights on the symbolism of the Solar cycles, and focus on the solstices. Let’s explore the significance behind these celestial events and delve into the meaning they hold.

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Mercury and Mars aspects. We explain the difference between the five Ptolemaic aspects with the two planets Mercury and Mars in a chart.

Mars in Libra – Walk softly but carry a big stick

Mars in Libra – Walk softly but carry a big stick

Mars in Libra

Mars’ Orbit

Mars is the first of the superior planets as it is at a further distance from the Sun than the Earth.


Mars’ Sign Rulership

The red planet rules the signs Aries and Scorpio. Libra is the sign of its detriment (because it is opposite Aries) which means it cannot expend its energies to their full potential. Almost as if the brakes and on and the foot is on the accelerator.


Mars The Lesser Malific

Mars was traditionally known as the lesser malefic because of its tendencies to be difficult. Saturn was the greater malefic.


Mars Rules

Mars rules all activities which are often shown by verbs, as in “to do” things.

Mars is the planet that gets you off the couch and doing activities.

Mars is associated with gladiators and the competition of the Olympic Games where you represent your country but you can win medals for yourself and by your own efforts.


Mars in Libra

In Libra it is a gentle Mars, with style and is somewhat reminiscent of Steam punk prepared for battle but in a calmer way.

Mars in Libra looks the part.

This can be seen when soldiers wear their uniforms and, by their presence peace is maintained, without a shot being fired.


Mars in Libra – What to Expect 

  • Arms negotiations
  • Cessation of war- Amnesty
  • Active peace
  • Mediation kickstarted
  • Marital conflicts put on hold
  • Energy being expended between the genders
  • Male and female harmony
  • Balanced challenges
  • Male goddesses come forth?
  • Peaceful collaborations


Mars in Libra – Who this Affects

  • Those with the Sun in Libra
  • People with Mars in Libra
  • If you have Venus aspecting Mars
  • Anyone with Libra rising


You may also like:

Mars conjunct Saturn.

 * * *

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Here are a few more articles on astrology from our blog.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.

New Moon and the Part of Fortune

New Moon and the Part of Fortune

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: June 2012   –   Revised: March 2024

New Moon

When the Part of Fortune is on the ascendant it means it is New Moon.

Actually it is because it is New Moon the Part of Fortune will be on the ascendant.

A New Moon is potent because it is the seed moment in the Sun / Moon positions and the beginning point of the lunar cycle.

All things are possible now as the month unfolds.

Part of Fortune

Normally the Part of Fortune indicates through which realm of activities you will benefit and this is shown by its house position.

If the Part of Fortune is on an angle it becomes prominent and when conjoined the ascendant it has top billing in the chart.

The only other better place for the Part of Fortune to be is conjunct the Sun and Moon and on the ascendant.


Part of Fortune Conjoined the Ascendant

The Part of Fortune on the ascendant colors your whole chart.

Admittedly it is not a planet but a point in space.

However when placed on the sensitive ascendant the emphasis for the Part of Fortune increases and it gains prominence.

In the first house the Part of Fortune is well placed to benefit you throughout your life.

You come across as simply fortunate and appear to have a good life even a desirable one.

You are likely to have personal looks that are deemed attractive in your era.

You will be perceived as a classic beauty for women and considered handsome for men.

You are seen by others to be well off and to be from a good background.

Others perceive you as fortunate and bestow grace and favors on you.

It can become a self-fulfilling prophesy.


Part of Fortune Condition

All this is interpreted by the backdrop of the sign in which the Part of Fortune is placed.

The planet that rules the sign in which the Part of Fortune is placed is known as the dispositor or the Lord of the Part of Fortune and is an important planet to consider for this analysis.

If the ascendant sign and the Part of Fortune sign are the same then that planet gains influence over the fortune being given over this lifetime.


Part of Fortune calculations

The position of the Moon in relation to the Sun determines the placement for the Part of Fortune.

Daytime chart formula is

Ascendant – Sun + Moon = PoF

Nighttime chart formula is

Ascendant + Sun – Moon = PoF

A daytime chart is one where the Sun is in the seventh to the twelfth houses.

A nighttime chart finds the Sun is in the first to the sixth houses.

Moon Extras


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Sun Conjunct Pluto

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Learn about the Sun Conjunct Pluto, and what it looks like in your natal chart includes some celebrity examples.

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter’s Signs

Jupiter rules the sign Sagittarius the Archer.

Traditionally it is the ruler of Pisces the Fish.

We now refer to Jupiter as the co-ruler of Pisces along with the modern ruler Neptune.


Jupiter’s Orbit

Jupiter takes twelve years to make one journey around the Sun.

With a dozen zodiac signs Jupiter will spend about one year in each sign.

The timing is not exact but is pretty close.


Chinese Astrology Calendar

Jupiter’s orbit is loosely aligned with Chinese astrology which has one sign for each year and not each month as in western astrology.

You can see the slight permutations in the movement of Jupiter through Gemini when you line it up against the Chinese astrology signs.


Dragons, Snakes or Horses

People with Jupiter in Gemini born between:

  • 1900 to 1966 are either Snakes or Horses
  • 1976 to 1978 are either Dragons, Snakes or Horses
  • 1988 to 2025 are either Dragons or Snakes.

Jupiter in Gemini – Detriment

Detriment of a Planet

When a planet is in the sign opposite the one it rules (in this case Jupiter rules Sagittarius) it is said to be in its sign of detriment.

Ptolemy had much to say about the essential dignities of the planets and when a planet is found in its detriment it receives a weighting score of -5.


Jupiter’s Tradition Detriment

Jupiter is in its tradition sign of detriment when in Gemini.

This indicates the planets energies are not able to function particularly well or reach their full potential.

Of course as always, a full analysis of the Jupiter complex is needed to appreciate its position in any chart.

The planet of breadth has met the sign of information.


Jupiter Transits Gemini

What to expect:

  • Information overload
  • Urgent messages need to get out
  • Outrageous media reports may not all be true
  • You will have a finger on the pulse of what’s going on
  • Online magazines will become the norm
  • Ebook publishing market will explode
  • You will broadcast yourself even more
  • Short forms texts and tweets will become expressive
  • Headlines will be too good to be true

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Sun square Pluto is an aspect of intensity. Anticipate ego conflicts, feeling out of control or power struggles with people in authority.