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Chart Indicators for an Astrologer

Chart Indicators for an Astrologer

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

Uranus as an Indicator for an Astrologer

Your natal chart gives clues as to the type of astrologer you are likely to be. Modern astrologers take Uranus, as the ruler of our craft and the traditional ruler is Mercury.

  • During Uranus transits to sensitive planets and chart points in your natal chart external changes may occur to alter your life path.
  • When you experience secondary progressions to Uranus from planets and chart points it may be a time when internal changes are likely to develop to alter your karmic direction.

The above two points, of transits and secondary progressions to your natal chart taht include Uranus, can suggest times in your life when astrology will begin to loom large.

The more forecast triggers that happen at once, the more likely it will be.


As the modern ruler of astrology and astrologers Uranus is a strong indicator for an astrologer.

If Uranus is conjoined your Ascendant, Sun, Midheaven or Mercury or, if Uranus is the morning planet where it suggests your vocation these are stron indicators for an Astrologer.

There are many instances where Uranus aspects the morning planet in well-known astrologer’s charts.

All natal aspects to your Uranus will modify the type of astrologer you are likely to become. Uranus conjunctions are the strongest indicators.

When your natal Uranus is stimulated by progressions from the Sun, Mercury, the Ascendant or Midheaven an interest in astrology will probably develop.

Transiting Uranus Aspects to Mercury

The traditional ruler of astrology and astrologers is Mercury the planet of information gathering and dispersal and of scribing the events of the day. When your natal Mercury receives aspects from transiting Uranus astrology becomes an interest.


As the philosopher and teacher, Jupiter often conjoins, squares or opposes the Sun or Uranus in an astrologer’s natal chart. It also frequently contacts Mercury, the Ascendant or Midheaven.


Aspects to Jupiter

When natal Jupiter is stimulated by transiting Uranus or progressed Mercury it may spark an interest and you will seek astrological knowledge

Uranus’ Sign: Aquarius on Angles

Aquarius on the first house cusp shows a personal interest in astrology. On the Midheaven the water bearer indicates that a business can be made from astrology.

When your secondary progressed or solar arc directed ascendant or Midheaven enters Aquarius the focus of your life will shift. This change alone will not confirm astrology, but it will if supported by other indicators.


Uranus as a Career Indicator for an Astrologer

Many factors contribute to an interest in astrology. If you take your passion for astrology a step further, it makes sense to look at the career indicators for an astrologer in your chart. This can guide you towards fulfilling the potential shown by your natal placements.

If you live in tune with your natal chart, you are more likely to be satisfied with your life and you can more readily be the type of astrologer your chart suggests. This is in contrast to striving to be an astrologer which you think you should be, by attempting to emulate those around you.

Uranus Complex

The nature of your natal chart can suggest the type of astrologer you are. Again, we look at your natal Uranus and its condition to see how astrology may manifest in your life.

Your Uranus complex is all the information we can gather about Uranus in your chart. We look at Uranus’ house, sign, aspects, direction, dipositor, house ruler, sign rulers and any other chart details.


Uranus’ Position

Whether Uranus is the handle of a bucket, in a Guquelin sector, most elevated or the morning planet will show the prominence that Uranus has in your chart and thus how astrology has status in your life.


Uranus Sign Placement

Uranus spends around seven years in each zodiac sign in turn and it can be considered as a “generational” placement. Uranus by sign is not particularly useful in finding the message about your astrological direction.

Uranus in Aries

This sign above the others tends toward you being an astrological entrepreneur. Running a one man (or woman) show comes naturally and you can strike out on your own early on in your career.

Uranus in Taurus

With Uranus in Taurus you can move forward to create a body of work. This sign inclines towards making money with astrology either for yourself or your clients. You can attract wealthy clients.



Uranus in Gemini

When Uranus is in Gemini you will attend many astrology classes and workshops and can be the perpetual student. This sign for Uranus is inclined to do multiple astrology techniques at once. You may be constantly chopping and changing what you offer and how your run your business. Word of mouth will bring in the clients.

Uranus in Cancer

When Uranus is in Cancer it shows that you like a home based astrology business and you like to work on your family’s charts all the time. Your clients will feel cared for and you will have a good client base most of the time.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo suggests you will do creative astrology. You are good working with children’s and young people’s charts. You can do birthday party astrology and make it fun for your clients. Uranus in Leo benefits from lots of astrology props, like terrestrial globes and wooden carved planet glyphs. This is a good placement for astro-drama and role-playing type consultations. This position indicates you will be good at risk astrology such as the stock market and day-trading astrology.

Uranus in Virgo

Uranus in Virgo supports critical astrology and the detailed analysis of charts which can lead to too much time being spent on chart preparation and an inability to actually read for others. The constant revisions and may cause hesitation in getting an astrology business going.

Uranus in Libra

If you have Uranus in Libra, you will do astrology best with a partner. Not necessarily a personal partner but a business partner as a team of two. You need someone to bounce ideas and reading interpretations off before going public. It may even be that you both do the consultations, alternating with being the receptionist and then the chart reader. Taking it in turns.

Uranus in Scorpio

With Uranus in Scorpio you want to know how astrology works and have the desire to interpret the lives of others and this is very good for an astrology business. Spend time preparing your business strategy and keep it low key to succeed. Discretion is everything for Uranus in Scorpio.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Astrologers with Uranus in Sagittarius can be well travelled and lecture around the world. If you belong to this group, you are good at spreading the message of astrology and teaching others how to develop a personal journey and life-path with your astrological insights.

Uranus in Capricorn

You can get a professional astrology business going as soon as you like. Do not get bogged down in the red tape of the business side but set it up properly. Start working towards a solid client base and watch your robust reputation bring clients to you. With this placement you can build a business that other astrologers aspire towards and want to emulate.

Uranus in Aquarius

Astrology for all is the way to go when Uranus is in its own sign. You will strive to provide astrological understanding for everyone and as such may not consult in the strictest meaning of the word. You are better in commune type settings by spreading the word to many.

Uranus in Pisces

There can be a delicate touch to your astrology business when Uranus is in Pisces. Here you want to make sure your client fully understands what you have said in your reading and you may spend too much time with each client to make it a viable business.


Uranus’ House

Your chart hints at where you can be an astrologer by the house placement of your Uranus. As an astrologer you may need to do many things (as all micro-business people have to), but the house that Uranus tenants suggests the strengths that you have for expressing astrology through your natal Uranus.

Uranus in the First House

This placement does incline towards someone who can say “I am an astrologer” and they may assert this early on in the career.

Uranus in the Second House

Uranus in the second house suggests that you can earn money from astrology and have an income from astrology.

Uranus in the Third House

This is good for astrology teachers. You can set up class structures, learning syllabi and even start an astrology school.

Uranus in the Fourth House

A classic sign for a home based astrologer at the kitchen table. Perhaps moving into the basement or simply having a home/office for your astrology will appeal.

Uranus in the Fifth House

This person is good at party astrology, either using astrology as pure entertainment as in “book me for your event” or in a Tupperware style “party” where friends get together for a fun afternoon or evening.

Uranus in the Sixth House

With this Uranus placement you can make astrology your job and you will spend time in the daily ritual that an astrology business entails. To keep records and book clients will be a breeze.

Uranus in the Seventh House

Here Uranus inclines the person to do couples astrology or wedding electional astrology. Either way working with two people through their astrology will be a good fit if this is your Uranus house.

Uranus in the Eighth House

Exploring the deep psychological issues and traumas of life will be your forte with this Uranus house placement. You will be good a private sessions that bring your clients hidden angsts to light.

Uranus in the Ninth House

To teach others and lecture will be good for this placement of Uranus. Here there may be continual learning and exploration of astrology as a philosophy. You are likely to write and publish a book or books and papers on your astrological understanding.

Uranus in the Tenth House

This is the classic house placement to run an astrology business. You can achieve good success with astrology and become well known as an astrologer.

Uranus in the Eleventh House

This placement suggest that you will be good in group work perhaps in your local astrology gathering or by setting up Meetup and get-togethers for other astrologers. This placement suggests you can collaborate with small groups in your astrology business.

Uranus in the Twelfth House

This placement does support research astrology and private sessions. You may not wish to broadcast that you do astrology and keep a low profile.

Uranus Aspects

All aspects to Uranus will indicate the type of astrology that you can do and will be good at. These aspects can also show where you will be challenged and tested in your business. Any planet in aspect to Uranus suggests how you do (and can) use Uranus, and therefore astrology, in your life. Consider the aspect itself and only look at the Ptolemaic aspects of conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. Ignore minor or lesser used aspects with the exception of the quintile.

Uranus Conjunctions

Planets conjoined Uranus can suggest the true nature of your astrology interest. Any planet in this position will influence your astrology and shows what excites you about astrology.

Uranus Sextiles

Any planet sextile Uranus shows your latent talents in astrology in the nature of the planet making the sixty degree aspect. Pay attention to any sextiles as they indicate where you will be good and gifted.

Uranus Squares

Squares to Uranus indicate that you have to overcome astrological issues in the nature of the planet. You may be challenged by the planet and its meaning in your astrological beliefs or have to work through what the planet means in your business. This can suggest your clients are tense.

Uranus Trines

Planets trine Uranus indicate that you will be very good at the things shown by the trining planet. Your astrological business can benefit if you embrace what the planet in trine suggests.



Uranus Oppositions

Planets which oppose your Uranus can point to obstacles that you have to overcome in order to get your astrology business going. These issues could be regulatory (that is in the registering of your business) or just show the type of person whom you will attract to your practice.

Uranus Quintiles

Planets in a quintile aspect to your Uranus show where you have astrological creativity and genius. This will be expressed by the planet making the quintile, its nature and condition. Any planet quintile Uranus is indicative of how you will shine in astrology and you would do well to make a careful assessment of this planet.



Uranus’ Direction

in a natal chart Uranus is either direct, stationary or retrograde.

Uranus Direct

When Uranus is direct it is good for an astrology practice and the development of it as a part of your life. You can move forward at a regular and steady pace. You will gain and grow an astrology business on a steady trajectory throughout your life. Perhaps you will add to your abilities and take further courses yourself to develop a deeper astrology knowledge.

Uranus Stationary

Stationary Definition

A stationary planet is any planet which is within 0°10′ orb of the actual station position. Solar Fire will flag stationary planets with an “S” in the chart.

Stationary Retrograde or Direct

When Uranus is stationary in the natal chart you need to check if it is about to go direct or retrograde. Uranus in this position offers a strong presence for astrology where you really spend time to fully know your craft before being able to move on which usually happens later in life.

Uranus Retrograde

If Uranus is retrograde in your natal chart it suggests a slower or longer lead-up time to get going in a professional astrological career. This placement of Uranus inclines you to review and ponder your basic knowledge base (planets, signs, houses and aspects) for longer, before you feel confident. It is almost as if you are hesitant to go professional. If this is the case, it is best for you to take formal classes in astrology and gain astrological certification, which will provide you with the confidence to move up a level.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Online Astrology Reading

Online Astrology Reading

Online Astrology Reading




Many people in my audience have burning questions. Where to start? How do you start? How would you do a consultation?

I feel that being able to show different interpretations of charts for real people would be a valuable insight for aspiring astrologist all those who want to get a bit more information about where to start with chart readings.

I see these online astrology readings as a teaching moment for upcoming astrologers.

How to Get Your Online Astrology Reading

This year I am transitioning the way I do astrological consultations. As another option to in person one-on-one readings, I now offer to interpret your chart and publish the interpretation on my podcast. This is not an in-person reading. These will be known as Online Astrology Readings.


Public Domain

The online astrology readings will be published in the public domain for everyone to hear and see. Either on the Starzology Astrology Podcast or YouTube channel or both.

A copy of your chart will be on the blog post associated with the reading. Your real name will not be displayed.



From your initial request to the episode being published, will take about four to six weeks. It will depend on just how busy I am. I frequently discuss charts with my co-host Arwynne as well. It just depends.

I record my podcast episodes ahead of time and schedule them in. There is a time delay between creating the recording of the reading and the actual publication going live.

If you would like to request an online astrology reading. You may use this Google form.


Privacy and Pseudonym

Although I will require your real name to cast the actual birth chart, I am very happy to offer you the option to take a pseudonym, or fantasy name, so that your real name is not in the public domain. This is to protect your privacy.

I would imagine people will come along with pseudonym names like Lady Marmalade, Cheeky Capricorn and Mr. Big Stuff or something like that.

I am quite happy to use a pseudonym for you and not mention your real name when I am actually doing the consultation as I record it. 


Podcast and YouTube

I anticipate that the online astrology readings will go on to the Starzology Astrology Podcast. But it also occurs to me that I could present these also on the Starzology YouTube channel as how to do interpretations.




Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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When to Go Professional as an Astrologer

When to Go Professional as an Astrologer

The Best Time to Go Professional as an Astrologer

An astrology business usually blossoms when your natal Uranus (astrology) and your Midheaven (going public with a business) are stimulated. This can happens usually by transit, secondary progression or other forecast technique contact.

It can just be on the day you finally ‘get’ astrology, which usually occurs at a transit or progressed contact. If you know the exact day your life changed and started your astrological awakening, write it down in your notebook.

You can answer the following questions and gather the information in your notebook or astrology journal.

Your Uranus Transits

The years when transiting Uranus makes an exact Ptolemaic aspect to your Midheaven are important, but if you can get the dates of the transits three passes, that is very good.

  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus sextile your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus square your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus trine your Midheaven?
  • When transiting Uranus conjoins two other points and planet in your chart it is a good indicator for starting to go pro.
  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your Midheaven ruler?
  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your natal Saturn?

Your Solar Return Chart

The year when your solar return Sun falls in the 10th or 6th house of your solar return chart.

  • Which upcoming year is your solar return Sun in the 6th house?
  • Which uncoming year is your solar return Sun in the 10th house?

Your Secondary Progressions

The years when your secondary progressed Moon conjoins your natal Midheaven and passes through your tenth house are good indicators for starting to go professional as an astrologer.

  • Progressed Moon conjunct natal Midheaven.
  • Your progressed New Moon (previous).
  • Your progressed New Moon (next).
  • When does your secondary progressed Uranus station direct?

Your Solar Arc Directions

In solar arc directions the year when your natal Uranus is stimulated by a conjunction from any of; the solar arc Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Midheaven, Ascendant or Midheaven ruler suggest a growing interest in going pro with astrology.

Find the dates when the following occur:

  • Solar arc directed Sun conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Mars conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Jupiter conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Midheaven conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Ascendant conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Midheaven ruler conjunct natal Uranus.

Planning a Two-Year Window with Mars

Mars is the planet of beginnings, pioneering action, expended effort and it shows where you are happy to burn energy. Mars rules the sign Aries the Ram, which it the first sign of the tropical zodiac, and is the traditional ruler of Scorpio the Scorpion. As the first planet further from the Sun than the Earth, Mars takes about two years to make one complete pass through the zodiac. Because of this orbital period Mars can be used to kick start events and courses of action in your life.

Transiting Mars: Timing is Everything

Having two years to do something may seem a long stretch but if you plan to start a micro-business it can offer a convenient time span. The trick is to begin what you want to do when Mars transits the planet in your chart that rules the activity you want to start.

  • When Mars contacts your Sun, Moon, Uranus, Ascendant or Midheaven directly it may be time.
  • Mars conjoining your natal Sun is good for doing what you want and getting to the heart of the matter.
  • As Mars approaches your natal Moon it suggests active, and not reactive, behavior and you can use this emotionally charged time appropriately for taking the plunge.
  • When Mars nears radix Uranus it can create a spark for astrology and this may be the ideal time to overcome inertia if you have been thinking about an astrology business but not actually done anything about it – yet.
  • If Mars crosses your birth ascendant your personality gets fired up and you display confidence.
  • The red planet crossing your Midheaven indicates it is time to act on your career by taking a stab at competing for the career you want and being in the competition for the glory.

Mars: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

If you are lucky enough to receive a Martian three contact transit (direct, retrograde, direct) to an important natal planet or your Ascendant or Midheaven, it shows the time is ripe to expend the effort required to get that particular project started. Sometimes a Mars transit passes by quietly. If you look ahead and get the important dates in the next two years it can show the best time to launch your astrology career.

The Mars Three Pass Transit

At the first direct transit you may initially be enamored by the idea and inspired. During the retrograde pass doubt can set in about the validity of the venture. Finally, on the last contact your plans should be steaming along and well under way.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity

Find the dates when transiting Mars makes these aspects:

  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Sun.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Moon.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Uranus.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Ascendant.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Midheaven.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The 5 Levels of Astrologer

The 5 Levels of Astrologer

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Your Astrology Business

Amateur versus Professional Astrologer

To go pro, means to become a professional. The difference between an amateur and a professional is that amateurs do not get paid but professionals do get paid.

To change your status as an astrologer from amateur to professional is a huge step and requires adjustment on many levels and particularly mental, financial, psychological and physical levels. This post explores what is required to go pro and how you can reach this status in your astrological career.

The Path to Becoming an Astrologer

Your personal astrological development can take years. You may remain at one stage or level for decades and this happens when life gets in the way. Many people start astrology as adults and may have a day job and other commitments that demand their time and energy. You can always pick up where you left off and continue your journey towards astrology.

The process of becoming an astrologer includes particular milestones. Some are based on your knowledge of astrology some are mental states that change, and others are professional decision you make. I am not saying that aspiring to become master astrologer is everyone’s goal, but the process of becoming an astrologer is clear.

The 5 Levels of Astrologer

There are five levels of astrologer and different criteria or milestones to be reached at each stage of the astrologer’s evolution. Consider where you are today as you start this journey and check back in six and twelve months’ time to see how far you have come.

Level 1: Hobbyist Astrologer

  • You read your horoscope every week
  • You know your own and your family member’s Sun signs
  • You can discuss astrology at a dinner party
  • You know enough to be dangerous (ha ha)

Level 2: Student Astrologer

You are considered a Student Astrologer when you have all of the above Hobbyist astrologer skills and the following:

  • You have attended an astrology lecture.
  • You own five astrology books including an ephemeris.
  • You subscribe to The Mountain Astrologer.
  • You have taken at least one astrology lesson.
  • You are considering attending a conference.
  • You own Astro Gold.

Level 3:  Amateur Astrologer

You are considered an amateur astrologer when you have all the hobbyist and student astrologer skills and attributes and the following:

  • You can read the glyphs in a chart.
  • You know the signs, planets, houses and aspects.
  • You own ten astrology books including a Table of Houses.
  • You have at least one planet specific book.
  • You are a member of your local astrology group.
  • You have taken a formal astrology education course.
  • You can interpret charts for family and friends.
  • You can debate houses systems.
  • You have attended an astrology conference.
  • You own the latest version of Solar Fire.
  • You know at least four forecasting techniques.
  • You are invited to speak locally.

    Level 4: Professional Astrologer 

    You are considered aprofessional astrologer when you have all the hobbyist, student and amateur astrologer skills and attributes and the following: 

    • You can construct a chart from scratch (without a computer).
    • You can calculate forecasts from scratch (without a computer).
    • You have an extensive astrology library with duplicate editions.
    • You subscribe to all the trade periodicals.
    • You are a member of the international astrology associations.
    • You accept payments for your work.
    • Your income surpasses US$12000 a year from astrology.
    • You are invited to speak internationally.
    • You have appeared on TV, radio or a podcast.
    • You write a column/blog.
    • You own your self-hosted astrology website.
    • You have published an astrology book.

    Local Astrology Group: Vancouver

    Meet Sukhwinder Gadey who has created, operates and facilitates THE ASTROLOGER’S DEN which is Vancouver’s premier astrology group. This group meets online twice a month and focusses on general and mundane astrology. Everyone is welcome.

    Listen to podcast >>> Sukhwinder Gadey: The Astrologer’s Den

    Professional Astrologer and Musician

    Meet Toby Aldren, D.F.AstrolS., professional astrologer and musician. Toby is exploring the connection between astrology, music and medicine.

    Read more >>> Toby Aldren: Professional Astrologer and Musician


    New Moon Group

    Meet Norma Lachance professional astrologer and teacher. At every New Moon Norma hosts a vibrant online meeting to guide and explore the potentials of the lunation.


    Listen to podcast >>> Norma Lachance: New Moon Group

    Level 5: Master Astrologer

    You are considered a master astrologer when you have all the hobbyist,  student, amateur and professional astrologer attributes, skills and knowledge and the following:

    • You have been a professional (accepting payments) for at least ten years.
    • You are considered a guru in the astrological community.
    • You have written more than one book.
    • Your income exceeds US$60000 a year from astrology.
    • Your name is known by the general public.
    • You are the Keynote speaker.
    • You are a recipient of astrological awards acknowledging your contribution to the art.
    • You may have forsaken daily consultations for focused astrology research.
    • You are the Astrorati of the day.


    Aspiring Astrologer Activity

    Look over the five levels of astrologer (hobbyist, student, amateur, professional or master) and ask yourself the following questions:

    • What level are you at today?
    • Which level will you be in six months time?
    • Which level will you be in two years time?
    • At which level will you be satisfied?


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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Getting Started in Astrology

    Getting Started in Astrology

    Getting Started in Learning Astrology

    How It All Begins

    In this post we’re going to give you some tips on how to get started in astrology.

    This was a question from one of our super fans and I believe it will be of value to you as well.

    Usually you read your Sun sign column.

    Next you begin to dig a little deeper into chart readings.

    Perhaps you have a friend who has had an astrology consultation and they say you should too.

    The next step is usually to go and have a reading and suddenly you are hooked.

    Astrology starts to creep into your mind at all times and you want to know more.

    Let’s look at some steps you can take to learn astrology for yourself.


    Podcast Episode

    Listen to the full conversation at the Starzology Astrology Podcast around Getting Started in Astrology with Alison and Arwynne.


    Listen now >>> Getting Started in Astrology


    Get Your Chart

    First of all you need a good copy of your birth chart.

    This means that:

    • The house system should be Placidus.
    • The aspect orbs should be standard.
    • The planets should be the usual ones – Sun to Pluto.
    • The lunar nodes should be true.
    • The zodiac should be Tropical.

    If you start with a different house system you can still read the chart.

    Be aware of the actual house system for which the chart is set.


    Next check the aspect orbs. 

    Standard orbs are 8 for conjunctions, oppositions, trines and squares and 4 for sextiles.

    Then 2 degrees for lesser used aspects of semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx.


    You need the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 

    I also add Chiron and sometimes Eris but not the asteroids.

    You can add more planets later. But we are just starting out.

    You can cast a chart with online astrology sites but I don’t recommend them.


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    Astrology Software

    If you are serious about learning astrology you need some chart calculation software.

    To my mind there are two options

    Solar Fire for PC and Astro Gold for Apple.

    Astro Gold

    Astro Gold is an iOS app that works on iPhone and iPad and separately Mac computers.

    Personally, I have the app and use it on my iPhone and iPad.

    I’ve not got to the stage of having Astro Gold on my MacBook Pro. There doesn’t seem to be a good reason.

    Solar Fire

    Probably the most robust astrology program is Solar Fire for PC it has been around for about twenty years and does it all.

    I use Solar Fire for Graphic Ephemeris calculations, harmonic charts and forecasting date generation.

    It is excellent if a bit clunky. 

    You do not need Solar Fire when you start out.

    Astrology Books to Start

    Here I’m going to recommend five astrology books to start your astrology bookshelf.

    These books are solid and have reliable content.

    You can get other books at a later stage and in fact you will probably continue to buy astrology books for the rest of your life like I do.


    The first book I’m recommending is an Ephemeris.

    Get The American Ephemeris at midnight by Neil Pottenger and Rique Pottenger. it’s the one with the purple cover.

    You will use this book to track the transiting planets movements and get information on retrograde cycles, eclipses, ingresses. and much more.

    I use my Ephemeris every day as a consulting astrologer.

    The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook

    The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook by Sue Tompkins is the best astrology book in my opinion to get you started.

    It contains lots about each planet, sign, house and aspect.

    Practical Astrology

    Practical Astrology by Priscilla Costello is a slim volume but contains core information about signs, planets and house systems.

    It is a cook book style astrology book.

    Meaning it has Jupiter in the signs and Jupiter in the houses and for all planets.

    Aspects in Astrology

    Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins.

    This book is a window into where many of the modern astrological techniques come from.

    6th Book: Tetrabiblos

    Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy.

    This book was written over two thousand years ago and shines a light onto the priciples that modern astrology is based.

    Back then, before telescopes, they only knew of the seven visible planets.

    7th Book: The Aspiring Astrologer

    If you want to get a feel for the classes I teach then I recommend getting The Aspiring Astrologer: 52 Self-paced Astrology Classes

    This book has all the class notes I give to my private one-on-one students. 

    It does not go deep into signs, planets, houses or aspects, but rather covers what to do with the information in a chart.

    I mention this book because it is at the core of my astrology business.

    Classes, Conferences and Retreats

    Local Astrology Groups

    Join your local astrology group in your city.

    If there is not one then start one.

    Invite a couple of people around to your place for coffee and start an astrology group.

    Astrology Retreats

    An astrology retreat is a treat in itself.

    There are several ones around which are regional.

    I have heard great reviews from attendees of Stephen Forrest’s Astrology Retreat in Sedona Arizona, USA.

    This is a week-long immersion event where you get to mix and mingle with people on their own astrological journey.

    To help you decide if this is for you, I’ve put the link right here.

    Please note, this retreat focusses on evolutionary astrology.

    Astrology Conferences

    The best conference to attend is the annual Summer School from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in Oxford, England.

    Each year they offer a ten day long program at Summer School at Oxford University, England.

    World Class Astrological Diploma

    The Faculty of Astrological Studies Diploma.

    The Faculty Diploma contains 9 Modules.

    Each module can take up to six months to complete.


    You complete Modules 1, 2 and 3 then take the Certificate exam.

    Intermediate Diploma

    Then you complete Modules 4, 5 and 6 and then take the Intermediate Diploma Exam.

    Final Diploma

    Then you take Modules 7, 8 and 9 and then take the Final Diploma exam.

    This is rigorous astrological training but it is, I believe, the best in the world at the moment.

    Who This Is For

    This full diploma course is not for everyone.

    However, if you are serious about astrology then do consider the amazing training you will get at the Faculty of Astrological Studies.

    So this is my advice for anyone wanting to get started in astrology.

    More on this topic

    Read more >>> Your Astrology Business

    Read more >>>  When to go Professional as an Astrologer

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

    To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Toby Aldren: Astrologer and Musician

    Toby Aldren: Astrologer and Musician

    Meet Toby Aldren

    Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s.

    In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner.

    He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, at the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and at the State of the Art Conference (Buffalo NY).

    As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK.

    Toby is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International.

    Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.


    How We Met

    Way back in the day, when I first moved to Vancouver I contacted Toby, whom I’d never met, and invited him for coffee.

    We struck up an enduring friendship from that day onwards.


    Previous Astrology Collaborations

    In recent years Toby and I have collaborated many times in Summer Workshops, readings and other astrology events in and around Vancouver.


    Summer 2024

    Head’s up, we are planning the Summer 2024 event and will have more details for you soon.


    Toby Aldren playing at his 97 year old piano

    Toby Aldren,  D.F.AstrolS.

    Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s. In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner. He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, the USA and the UK. As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK. Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.

    Contact Toby at Vancouver Astrology.

    Author Bio

    Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

    Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

    If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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