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How to Find a Job with the Sun in Astrology

How to Find a Job with the Sun in Astrology

Finding a Job with The Sun

Maybe you are toying with the idea of a career change. Perhaps you want to find a company that pays better, maybe you’re underemployed or between jobs and you could do with a little help to find a position.

When you start to look for a job you need all the help you can get.

Use the Sun to assist you to find the good, better and best times to support your efforts in your job search and find your day in the Sun.


When to Start your Job Search

You may tell yourself you are looking for work because you are dispirited with what you are doing all day and so you could search a few job boards and in a half-hearted way look for work.

You could be forced into job search mode because you have no work for whatever reason. You need a paycheck because you have mouths to feed and need a roof over your head. You cannot stop your search until you have work. This is important and you start your job search.

There are a few instances when you can start a job search.


When you are between jobs

When you find yourself between engagements. This is a euphemism for being unemployed but we will use it here. You could be recently between jobs or discover that it can take months to find something else. Anything else.


When you are underemployed

When you are underemployed and have a two day a week job but that’s it. In this example you may go in to work on Monday and Thursday and like what you do, but you could do more. But the company you work for can’t help you with that, and you’re not sure if your want another two day a week job with someone else.


When you are employed

You may be in a job you love – but things can change at work.

  • Your boss may leave and you don’t like the new guy.
  • Your company could be taken over.
  • The top people may move onwards and upwards and this changes the corporate culture.
  • You hate your co-workers, they are crashing bores or tiresome.


Things can be fluid at home as well.

  • Marriage changes your priorities.
  • Divorce can make other demands on your finances
  • A new baby means you have to earn more.
  • Illness in the family could require more from you.
  • Your aging parents may move in with you, so your overheads go up.
  • Grown children eventually fly the coop, so maybe downsizing with less overheads is your option.


All of these things are a part of life and it is naïve to think that things will stay the same after life-changes happen.



The only thing that is constant is change.

Bored to Death

But maybe you are just bored with your job.

Ask yourself:

  • If someone offers you enough money will you take the job, any job?
  • In what circumstances will you move jobs?
  • What is your number?

The answers to these questions can tip the balance between making an income and enjoying your job. Ideally you need to be in the sweet spot where you earn sufficient to meet your needs and you actually like what you do.

They say that you should follow your passion and this means you need to find work that is not work. I’ll explain.

Find the job that you love and would do anyway even if they didn’t pay you. You do this by discovering your passion.


Discover your Passion

One way to discover your passion is to look at what you do in your spare time.

  • What will you do on your next day off?
  • Are you volunteering?
  • What are your hobbies now?
  • Who do you talk to if you have a choice?
  • What activity will you get up early for?
  • What would you do even if they didn’t pay you?

This is just to underline that we all will move jobs for the right reasons and motivations.

What to Do

All of this brings us to the point that you should always be ready to take advantage of a new job.



Always be closing (a job offer).


Be Prepared

You should always be prepared to seek a job at a moment’s notice.

This means:

  • Have your CV or resume up-to-date
  • Get LinkedIn leaning towards the job you want not the one you have
  • Butter-up your contacts
  • Plan your future
  • Assume a flexible stance

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Follow the Sun

In a broad sense you can follow the Sun through the year as it passes through each sign.

The Sun highlights good times to do things and it depends on your own sign, (and in more detail your own chart), which times are highlighted.

It is easy for everyone to know which sign the Sun is in as it is about the same each year. If you are not sure you can check the handy Sun sign list below.

The Sun does not change sign at midnight, so it could be the day before or the day after these dates.

  • January 1 to 19 – Capricorn.
  • January 20 to February 19 – Aquarius.
  • February 20 to March 21 – Pisces.
  • March 21 to April 19 – Aries.
  • April 20 to May 20 – Taurus.
  • May 21 to June 21 – Gemini.
  • June 22 to July 21 – Cancer.
  • July 21 to August 22 – Leo.
  • August 23 to September 22 – Virgo.
  • September 23 to October 23 – Libra.
  • October 24 to November 22 – Scorpio.
  • November 23 to December 21 – Sagittarius.
  • December 22 to December 31 – Capricorn.


What to Do Every Day for your Job Search

Dawn to 8am

Don’t waste your time on job searches at this time of the day.

Avoid breakfast meetings for work as they will go nowhere.

The best you can hope for is getting snippets of background information on companies and people, or in other words gossip.

Listen to the news and keep your own council.

Stop talking.

Spend this time in meditation, walk the dog or go to the gym.


8am to 10am

Connect online (LinkedIn, FB etc.) with “friends” and associates.

Go to group Meetups or pop in at coffee and networking events.


10am to Noon

The golden hours for job seeking every day.

These two hours are excellent for everything career related.

Noon to 2pm

Keep pushing on your job search. Explore work outside your usual field.

Look at opportunities further away from home both nationally and internationally.

2pm to 4pm

Seek endorsements from others – gently, don’t push it.

Reciprocate with support for others through your endorsements or referrals for others.

Unearth your back channels and the people in them.

Offer to do little things for those who may help you later.

4pm to Sunset

Don’t do job searching at this time or sign anything.


Sunset to Two Hours after Sunset

This is a good time for employment activities.

Have those after work (happy hour) get-togethers and butter up your contacts, but don’t stay too long.


Two Hours after Sunset to Midnight

Let it go. Spend time with loved ones, have some leisure time and work on your hobbies or read non-career related books.


Midnight to 2am

So you can’t sleep? This can be a good time for international calls, reviewing employment contracts and signing electronic offers.

But don’t do knee jerk acceptances.

Consider any offers you received during the day before using this time slot for anything.

Think it through.


2am to 4am

Go back to bed.


4am to Sunrise

If you are awake this early concentrate on yourself. This is your time.

Attend to personal grooming, stretching and positive thinking.

Stand tall and wide and assume a power pose feet wide and arms outstretched and head up and hold for five minutes.

Prepare your clothes for the day.

Write your gratitude journal or do the crossword to sharpen your mind.


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Best Times in the year for Job Seekers

Best Time

The best time each year to start a career search is from December 22nd to January 19th when the Sun is in Capricorn. This plays into the “New Year – new job” movement which surges at the start of every year as companies look for new people and recruiters post ads and you begin your search.


Second Best Time (Better)

The second best period to begin to look for work is between August 23rd to September 22nd when the Sun is in Virgo. This is just after the back-to-school time and when people get itchy about making a change.

Note that I say around the 21st of the month but there is a variable of about two days each side of the date to account for the variation in the Sun’s movement. The Sun can change signs at any time in the day or a day or two either side of the 21st.


Pay Increase (Good)

If you want to push for a pay increase do so when the Sun is in Taurus which is from April 20th to May 20th.

The best time to get a pay adjustment like; less cash, more time off, go on flexitime, get benefits or stocks etc., is between October 24th to November 22nd, because this is the time the Sun is in Scorpio.

You can also pay attention to Mercury retrograde periods in the year as they relate to job seeking.


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How to Manage your Time when Looking for Work

We have seen the best times to look for work in the year and these dates are supported by the Sun’s energy which shifts as it moves into each of the signs.

Now let’s see how to look for work on a daily basis and find the best times to do the many activities associated with looking for work, each day.

Daily activities can be done at good times in the day or not so good times.

These good, or not so good, times each day are determined by the placement of the Sun each hour and as it rises and sets.

When to Send a Cover Letter or Resume

You can spend hours, and even days, crafting a compelling cover letter and associated resume aimed at a particular job. How long this takes doesn’t matter. The important thing is the time when you send it and you no longer have control over it.



The important time when you click “send” on your email system and not the time they open the email. Of course you may never know when they will open and read your email (or if it goes straight in the trash). If you have email tracking on you will know when they opened it but you have no control over when they will do so.


Snail Mail

If you are sending a snail mail cover letter or resume it is the time you pop the envelope into the mailbox. This is the point of no return as you can’t get the letter back.


Personal Delivery

You may decide to print your cover letter and resume and go to the company to personally deliver the documents. In fact some companies prefer this method as it proves you are in the area and available. In this scenario it is the time you hand the envelope over to the receptionist or the HR person.

The best times to send, deliver or present a job seeking resume and cover letter each day are (in order of priority):

  • Between 10am and noon – the golden hours (best)
  • Between noon and 2pm – the silver hours (better)
  • Between sunset and two hours after sunset – the bronze hours (good)

That there are better times in the day for job seeking it follows that there are worse times as well. Some hours each day are not as good as others to have your message heard which is what you are trying to do in the first place.

You want recruiters and prospects to open and read your cover letters and resume. You don’t want your application to be ignored, put on the slush pile or to end up in the deleted bin.

Avoid posting or droping off job applications from:

  • Dawn to 8am
  • 2pm to sunset

When to Schedule a Phone Interview

A phone interview is the next step for contact with your recruiter or prospective employer.

Recruiters use the phone interview to weed out unsuitable candidates at an early stage. You could be cut at this point because you don’t have the conversational skills needed or maybe you don’t sound confident if they ask you job related questions – and they will.

If they are interested in you they may contact you to schedule a phone interview.

You will probably be given some time choices such as, Monday between 2pm and 5pm, or Friday from 9am to 11am. This is great because you can choose the best time to have a phone interview from the time slots available to you.


The best time to have a phone interview are:

As with all job applications the three golden times as listed above and repeated here.

  • Between 10am and noon (best)
  • Between noon and 2pm (better)
  • Between sunset and two hours after sunset (good)
  • Between midnight to 2am (good) – international calls

Avoid phone interviews from:

  • Dawn to 9am
  • 2pm to sunset


When to Schedule a Face-to-Face Interview

If you get through the phone interview they may call you in for a face-to-face interview. This is excellent.

You will probably be offered a few time options to have the face-to-face and you may be inclined to jump at the first one (for many reasons) but astrologically the good time slots still stand.


Face-to-Face Interviews – Golden Times

As with all job applications the three golden times as listed above and repeated here.

  • Between 10am and noon (best)
  • Between noon and 2pm (better)
  • Between sunset and 2 hours after sunset (good)

Avoid scheduling face-to-face interviews from:

  • Dawn to 9am (so no early morning or breakfast interviews)
  • 2pm to sunset


When to Accept a Job Offer

If you do receive a job offer it can come in two forms. A verbal offer that may lead to a written or online offer, or just a written or online offer.

If you want the job you could verbally say so but then you may still have to finalise the offer by signing a physical paper offer, or by electronically signing the offer.

The verbal offer may immediately go onto the electronic offer if for example you are in the interview and they offer you the job there and then and open the screen on which you can accept. Or you may accept a verbal offer (in person or on the phone) and then you have to go online to their website and accept the electronic offer.

There are two times possible for you to accept a job offer verbal and when you sign.

Some people will accept a verbal offer but then fail to accept the written offer for whatever reason. Maybe they got a better offer in the meantime of they decided they just don’t want the job.

The deal is only final at the signing (either written or electronic) and this cuts both ways for you and the employer.

The time that you sign is important.


When to Accept a Job Offer – Golden Times

As with all job applications the three golden times as listed above and repeated here that are best for accepting a job offer are:

  • Between 10am and noon (best)
  • Between noon and 2pm (better)
  • Between sunset and two hours after sunset (good)
  • Between midnight and 2am is good for signing either paper or typically accepting electronic offers

Avoid signing job acceptances from:

  • Dawn to 9am
  • 2pm to sunset



We all look for work at sometime in our lives and on occasion it can take months to find anything. You can get a slight edge on the competition by working with the light, heat and energy of the Sun as it passes through the zodiac over the course of a year and as it rises and sets each day. You can’t look for work every waking minute so allow yourself times to push and times to release each day. Good luck.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Learn a little about the pagan festival of Lammas which occurs as the Sun reaches 15 degrees of the fixed sign Leo.

Relationship Astrology Classes

Relationship Astrology Classes

Relationship Astrology Classes

These Relationsship Astrology Classes will help you to interpret personal relationships.

Each lesson is two hours with the expectation that you will do two hours of Aspiring Astrologer Activities as homework and related study per lesson.

You will work with two charts throughout the course; your chart and another person’s chart of your choice (your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife etc.).


Who this course is for:

You must be able to read a natal chart and forecast in astrology to a fair level before taking this course.


Course Overview

You will be shown how to first interpret the two charts separately and learn to analyze them from a relationship point of view.

You will compare two charts for their romantic potential and determine the synastry between the two charts.

You will begin to appreciate the value of using a composite midpoint chart and Davison relationship charts in personal relationship analysis.

You will get some pointers on how to select a wedding date.

How to Book Your Class

When you are ready to invest in yourself and get some realtionship astrology classes, please click the button below.

Then you can choose your date and time and confirm the booking.

501: Synastry 1: Pairs of Charts and Bi-wheels

  • Pairs of charts
  • Interpretation for the romance of natal charts
  • Types of relationships – planetary focus
  • Comparing two charts – elemental and modes
  • Using double charts (bi wheels)

502: Synastry 3: Venus, Mars, Sun and Moon

  • His and hers charts
  • Venus and Mars
  • Sun and Moon
  • 7th house
  • Lunar nodal axis
  • Vertex

503: Synastry 3: Vindemiatrix and The Part of Marriage

  • What to look for
  • Ascendant / Descendant axis
  • Chart shape
  • Vindemiatrix
  • Part of Marriage
  • Inter chart aspects

504: Composite Midpoint Charts

  • Midpoints overview
  • How to calculate a composite chart
  • The composite inner planet paradox
  • Composite angles
  • Composite houses
  • Composite vertex

505: Davison Relationship Charts

  • Davison biography
  • Davison theory of chart construction
  • Comparing composite midpoint charts to Davison relationship charts

506: Marriage Date Elections

  • Natal marriage indicators
  • Elections brief overview
  • Marriage elections desirable features
  • Dates to avoid
  • Choosing a wedding date window

Each student will receive a copy of their birth chart and their partner’s birth chart and some homework.

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Book your Beginner’s class here.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Book your Intermediate class here.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Book your Advanced class here.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Book your Vocational class here.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Book your Relational class here.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

Book your Coaching here.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Who These Classes are for

These are a face-to-face or Zoom beginner’s classes, no prior astrological knowledge is required.

This sixteen-week beginner’s course covers all the basic information you will need to read a birth chart.


What You Will Learn

Students will learn about the components that make up the natal chart. This vibrant course introduces the student to the following: glyphs, quadrants, elements, polarities, modes, planets, signs, houses, angles, aspects and much more.

You will learn how to read a chart from a beginner’s point of view. This will get you on the road to becoming an effective and competent astrologer. 

Book Your Class

You may click through to the booking page to book your spot for your next beginner’s class.

Semester 1

101: Polarities, Elements and Modes

This first class takes you through the basic structure of a chart.

We discover the broad background energy of a chart as shown by the main sign components.

You will learn about the two polarities of active and passive, the four elements of fire, earth, air and water and the three modes of cardinal, fixed and mutable.


102: The Twelve Zodiac Signs

This class is about the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

You will learn the sign meanings and their importance in a chart.


103: The Visible Planets

This class is about the seven planets you can see in the sky the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

You wil learn the planet’s attributes like the keywords, meanings, correlations to the everyday and their archytypes.


104: The Outer Planets, Asteroids and TNO’s

This class is about the planets which you cannot see. The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. we also look at Chiron.

We take a look at the asteroid belt and explore the Asteroids and the feminine. You will learn about Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athene and Vesta.

You will get an awareness of some Trans Neptunian Objects (TNO’s) like Eris and Sedna etc.


105: Chart Division: Ascendant and Midheaven Axes

This class is about how we divide the chart up with the two main axes.

You will learn about the angles, Ascendant, Midheaven, hemispheres, quadrants and triple house division.


106: Houses 1: First to Sixth Houses

This class is about the personal houses of the northern hemisphere. We cover house rulers and their importance.

You will discover more on angular, succeedent and cadent houses.

You will learn about the first to sixth houses and their meanings.


107: Houses 2: Seventh to Twelfth Houses

This class is about the public houses of the southern hemisphere.

You will learn about the seventh to twelvth houses and their meanings.

You will learn about intercepted signs.


108: Natal Interpretations 1

This is a class to bring all your current astrology knowledge to bear to read a birth chart.

You will practice finding the important messages in each chart and start to assess the potential within a chart.

Semester 2

109: Aspects 1: Major Aspects

Major, minor and lesser used aspects.


110: Aspects 2: Major Aspect Patterns

Major aspect patterns.


111: Essential Dignities

Measuring a planet’s influence in a chart.


112: Moon Phases

A deeper understanding of the Moon’s phases through the waxing and waning’s effect.


113: Retrograde Planets

Two steps forward and one step back.


114: Ascendant Overlays and Chart Rulers

Chart Ascendant sign rulers and Ascendant house overlays.


115: Lunar Nodes

The overall past and future tone of a chart.


116: Interpretation 2: Gathering Threads

Full interpretations and gathering related threads.

About the Classes


  • 2 hours per lesson.
  • 8 lessons in each semester.
  • Classes are delivered by Zoom.
  • Flexible class times and dates.


  • Personalized One-on One astrology training with Alison.
  • Individual attention.
  • Lessons can be taken one at a time.


What You Get

Each student will receive a PDF copy of their birth chart, PDF lesson notes at each session and some homework. 

This course is suitable for beginners and anyone with an interest in astrology. You do not need any astrological knowledge to attend. All are welcome.

This course is available via Zoom.

For more information please contact me.


These classes can be purchased by semester. So that would typically be first semester one then semester two.

Or you can do individual classes and pick and choose what you want to learn.

Check my current prices.

Testimonials On my Teaching and Courses:

“I scoured the internet to find the right teacher and in working with Alison I did. I looked forward to my weekly classes and felt that I definitely learned a lot. I liked that there were assignments and felt that they helped me learn more. As a teacher, she is kind, warm, funny and incredibly professional. For me, I couldn’t think of a better way to start than having a one on one tutor. I would absolutely recommend Starzology” – K. P. Toronto

“I have taken previous courses on astrology but these were of the internet webinar type where you could see and hear the presenter but the chance to interact with them was very limited. So I was delighted to find and then take Alison Price’s Introduction to Astrology course. The personal two-hour lessons gave me every opportunity to get my questions answered and make sure that I really understood the material. The chance to have such one-to-one sessions with a very knowledgeable astrologer meant that I could make very good progress and cleared up a lot of the problems and queries I had.” – Andrew K, – London, UK 

“Alison is a passionate and devoted teacher. She never hesitates to pass down her experience and knowledge to her students. Also, she encourages her students to think about controversial astrological topics and develop their own style as an astrologer. I enjoy being her student and hopefully I can study under her again.”  ~ W.Y.W. , Hong Kong

“I came to Alison as a novice astrology student with little to no expectations as to where a class with a professional astrologer would take me. Not only did I complete her introductory course and learn concepts not yet explored through self-teaching, but her encouragement and enthusiasm led me to enrol in natal interpretation, synastry and forecasting classes with her as well. She went above and beyond in her lessons and ensured I received the best education possible, even offering private lessons when the classroom didn’t meet my individual needs. Her lessons were clear and insightful, as were her analyses of my own natal chart and current transits. I highly recommend both her teaching and consultation services.” ~ Stephanie. Z.  Oakville

“I studied with Alison in Oakville taking 3 of the courses she offers her students – Natal Analysis, Intro to Forecasting & Synastry. She is an excellent teacher – well prepared with excellent study notes, and a wonderful sense of humor. I also use her Second Opinion services on a mentoring basis to confirm and expand my own astrological forays on client charts. Overall a beautiful woman, wish I lived closer to continue to experience her energies through her work with the Fraser Valley Astrological Guild.” ~ Shirley. W. March 2012 – Southern Ontario

“The material presented was well organized, understandable, knowledgeable and detailed. In particular I was most appreciative of the handouts… what an incredible reference guide.” ~ P. C. Etobiko

“Alison, you are a gifted teacher, who is very organized and have a great environment to be in. Thank you.” ~ M. M. – Burlington, ON

“Thank you.  I feel more grounded [since taking the course] and felt you were extremely professional yet very warm and giving.” ~ M. M.

Alison is a very informative and patient instructor. She understands the needs of her students.” ~ D. S. – Hamilton, ON

“I really enjoy your lessons, you provide a wealth of information.” ~ M. W. – Milton, ON

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, and houses.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Aspects, patterns, essential dignity, lunar phases, retrograde, nodes and chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

Intermediate Astrology Classes

Intermediate Astrology Classes

Intermediate Astrology Classes

These intermediate classes cover all the extra information you will need to read a birth chart.

About the Intermediate Astrology Classes

  • These classes feature 2-hours per class for a total of 32 classroom hours and 32 self-study hours as homework and other research.
  • Lessons can be taken one at a time.
  • Classes are delivered by Zoom at selected times.
  • Class times and dates may vary each week.

What you Get

Each student will receive a PDF copy of their birth chart, PDF lesson notes from each session and some homework. 

For more information, please contact us or set up a Meet and Greet with Alison.

Book Your Class

To book your next intermediate class please click on the button below.

Semester 1

201: Chart Balances

Discover which planets and signs are strong and which are weak in a chart.

Learn how to lazer focus onto the most important planet in a chart and its message.

Organize your chart reading approach and filter out the fluff to avoid information overload.


202: Chart Shape and Derivative Houses

This class is about chart shapes (splash, splay, bundle, bucket, bowl, fan, see-saw and locomotion).

Understand the flow of energy in each chart shape by finding the focal planet so you can provide a better reading.

Learn how to use derivative houses to find everyone (like your daughter’s boyfriend, your hairdresser and your mother’s financial advisor) who is represented in your chart and everything else and which can come up in a reading.


203: Oriental, Occidental, and Rising planets

This class is about the oriental planet and its two interpretations of as a herald for your life and as a vocational indicator.

Learn about the occidental planet and what that means.

Discover about what it takes to be a rising planet.


204: The Dispositor Tree

This class is about the Dispositor Tree.

Practice drawing your Dispositor Trees and interpreting them.

You will learn about the three positions a planet may have in a Dispositor Tree and discover about the five types of Dispositor Tree.


205: Ascendant, Sun, and Moon blends

This class is about you providing a high level interpretation of a chart using only the Ascendant, Sun and Moon.

Learn the overarching meaning of each of the triad.

Discover how to blend the three different energies and how they maybe expressed.


206: Critical Degrees and Declination Discussion

This class is about all the critical degrees, and where they come from, in the signs.

Learn to recognise an anaretic planet and what this means.

Discuss declination in detail which can be used with parallel and contra-parallel aspects.


207: The Part of Fortune

This class is about the Part of Fortune.

Learn how to calculate the Part of Fortune and what is signifies in each chart.

Disover what positions make for a strong Part of Fortune and what weakens this sensitive point.


208: Fixed Stars Discussion

This class is an introduction to the Fixed Stars.

Learn about the Four Royal Stars of Persia namely Aldebaron, Regulus, Antares and Formalhaut.

Discover how to decide which Fixed Stars matter, and what can be ignored, in each chart.


Semester 2

209: Ascendant, Midheaven and Sun Special States

This class is about special states pertaining the Ascendant like the Gauquelin Sector and rising planets.

Learn about the most elevated planet and the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

Find planets near the Sun which are cazimi, combust and under the beams and what this means.


210: Types of Signs, Antiscia and Contra-antiscia

This class in about types of signs like tropical, equinoctal, bi-corporeal and goes deeper into cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Learn about the solstice axis and planets in the state of Anticia with each other and what this means.

Learn about the equinoctal axis and planet in Contra-antiscia to each other and what this means.


211: Synodic Cycles and the Eight Phases

This class is about the broader and longer planetary cycles under which we all live.

You will learn about synodic cycles and what phase each cycle is at now.

Discover which specific synodic cycles are built into your natal chart and which affect your whole life.


212: The Great Year and the Age of Aquarius

This class is about the Great Year and the astrological ages.

Discover indicators of the previous Ages of Pisces, Aries, Taurus and more.

Learn where the Ages come from and current indicators of the shift into the Age of Aquarius.


213: Interpretations: Love life Questions

This class is about working with clients and interpreting a chart for love and romance.

Many people want to know about their lovelife and you need to be able to focus in on what to look for in a chart.

Learn how to pull the Venus and Mars complex etc..


214: Aspects of Moiety, Fibonacci and Dexter

This is an advanced aspects class looking at aspects sets of the Fibonacci sequence its place in nature and the specific aspects contained in the set.

Learn about working with orbs differently and learn about each planet’s Moiety.

Get some clarity on whether an aspect is powerful or weak by the nature of them being a Dexter or a Sinister aspect.


215: Interpretation: Money questions

This class is about interpreting a natal chart for financial questions.

Learn about the four money houses, the two money planets and what the chart says about money in general.

Sharpen your listening skills to understand how your client views income in general.


216: Your Chart’s Influence

This class is about being self-aware as an astrologer and how your own natal chart may influence your readings with your clients.

Discover how to analyze yourself for inherrent bias around hot topics like love and money etc.

Discover tips on how to be a better Aspiring Astrologer by taking yourself out of the equation.


Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

Your Progressed Moon and Transiting Saturn – Special Forecast

Your Progressed Moon and Transiting Saturn – Special Forecast

Forecasting in astrology can be a simple Sun sign interpretations that any astrologer can do, or the more detailed and complex forecasting techniques which a professional experienced astrologer will provide. It depends on the level of understanding you wish to extract from your birth chart which route you will choose.

In astrological forecasting there are many things to consider for each chart that you look at. One of the interesting nuggets in forecasting is the relationship between your progressed Moon and transiting Saturn.

This connection deserves a second look but only in some charts. It is not always present and therefore can be dismissed as not worth bothering about. But in the few charts that this does occur, you need to fully appreciate exactly what is going on and how this dynamic situation will affect you and for how long.

If you do have this complex attribute in your chart the energy from the contact will be in play for ten to twenty years. This can overshadow other things being brought forward in the forecast data. Pee Moon and Tee Saturn can be the full story for many people and for years of their lives.

Your Secondary Progressed Moon (P-Moon)

The progressed Moon can travel up to just over three times around your chart in your lifetime. In doing so it makes all the possible aspects to all the planets and points in your chart. This speed and constant aspect contacts creates an endless variety for consideration for an astrologer.

As the progressed Moon takes +/- twenty-nine years to make one round of the chart it will therefore progress through each sign in about two years and five months (29 / 12 = 2.42y).

All things being equal and depending on the house system, the progressed Moon will spend a similar amount of time in each house .

Progressed Moon changing sign:

  • You instinctively relates to sign attributes
  • Your moods reflect the sign element changes
  • You take comfort in the new signs meanings

Progressed Moon changing house:

  • You become emotional towards the affairs of the house
  • You feel at home in the new house
  • Your habits move towards alignment with the new house

Transiting Saturn (T-Saturn)

Saturn keywords: Detract, static, pull, contract, steadfast, curtail, held-in and achieve.

Saturn Returns

Saturn moves about eleven degrees each year or, to put it another way, spends around two and a half years in each sign. Saturn takes about twenty-nine years to pass through the zodiac. You can experience up to three Saturn returns in your life.

Your Saturn returns are at approximately ages twenty-nine, fifty-eight and eighty-seven.

A Saturn return can be a one or three pass transit. The three pass transit is very important and should be accorded the correct amount of attention.

Saturn and Jupiter are very often the opposite side of a situation and, when they both bring in influence to bear, both can be negated.

Transiting Saturn by house

Saturn through the houses shows where you exert control, can achieve things and will succeed in the long run. Saturn can bring structure to chaos and create formal organization in which to work.

During a Saturn transit you will “draw the line” and maintain boundaries for yourselves. When you have a Saturn transit you may have to learn the hard way about the issues of the house.

It can be challenging when Saturn passes through some houses and you may have to tighten your belt and keep going.

Transiting Saturn by aspect

The four major transits from Saturn are those to it’s natal position. Saturn transits can bring maturity, the ability to take responsibility and a certain acceptance of what the world has to offer. It can also be where we exist under some limitations or imposed boundaries.

Saturn is an indicator of your father, father figures or older men in authority in your life and they may become a feature under a Saturn transit.

Transiting Saturn waxing square natal Saturn

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at about age seven most children are in big school and in the system and have to abide by timetables and rules.

Transiting Saturn opposition natal Saturn

Saturn opposition natal Saturn at somewhere in year fourteen is an indicator for puberty and physical maturity. Some adolescents can begin a casual job in the food industry for example, and start to earn a living in the big world.

Transiting Saturn waning square natal Saturn

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at the closing square happens around age 21 and is the threshold for adulthood.

Saturn return

First return at 28/30 the age of maturity where you stop blaming yoru parents for your woes and take ownership for your life.

Natal aspects between the Moon and Saturn

Moon conjunct Saturn

The issues of parents Mother (Moon) and father (Saturn) are closely linked. This person goes through life with their parents showing a united front to them regardless of what is really happening.

Moon square Saturn

This person has a life where their parents may disagree on how to bring the. Hold up. There may even be a question on the paternity or the child. This person has tension about their parents that they take forward into their own lives where they become the authority and the pattern continues.

Moon opposite Saturn

This person experiences diverse views from each parent or opposite view which may develop into outright conflict between their parents. The parents will play them off against each other. This placement frequently brings confrontation and flip flopping in discipline for this child.


Of all the planetary progressions the Moon needs close attention as the whole mood of the life shifts during the time it takes to pass through the natal chart and ingress the signs and houses. These subtle changes which happen over a two to three year period are often easier to appreciate in retrospect. As an astrologer you need to be on the lookout for this phenomenon in your chart.


The Moon (mother) and Saturn (father) can be at the root of many issues faced by people. So much so that this phenomenon (the Moon aspect Saturn lockstep) may easily dominate the whole life. Resolution is to be found in the natal placement of the Moon and Saturn and the energies need to be accepted into the life of the individual. This is likely to be challenging.

Pee Moon Tee Saturn Forecast Lockstep

Transiting Saturn takes twenty-nine years to transit the zodiac and the progressed Moon takes twenty-nine years to transits the zodiac. If there is a natal aspect between the Moon and Saturn it will be held in place by the movement of these two planets with one transiting and one progressed.

Difficult aspects (hard) are exacerbated. Although transiting Saturn will retrograde for periods and perhaps break the aspect it will reform when Saturn goes direct, is fast and reapplies the aspect.

Natal Moon aspect natal Saturn – orb

Depending on the tightness of the orb of the natal aspect between the Moon and Saturn this aspect may be in orb, by progression, for the lifetime of the individual.

Over time it will ease away but this could take many years. It depends if the aspect is applying or separating. For example if the Moon is applying an opposition to Saturn it may hold the opposition for longer than if it is already separating in the natal chart.

In the natal chart if the Moon and Saturn are in a fourth harmonic aspect that is either a conjunction, square or opposition. This needs a further look.

If the Moon and Saturn are sextile or trine it just makes it an easier relationship throughout. Only bother about the fourth harmonic aspects.

How long will it be?

Each chart is different but many people will have an aspect between the Moon and Saturn. The first thing to look at is whether there is an aspect between these two bodies.

Second is the natal aspect applying or separating? This will show how long the aspect will be in orb.  If the aspect is applying from 8 degrees then it could be applying for years and then become exact and finally separating for ten years.

This time of”being in orb” varies in each case but will still be long time.

So what?

Well for someone with the Pee Moon Tee Saturn in aspect, the energies of the two planets are connected for much if not most of their life.

It is well known that the Moon and Saturn can be many things both separately and together but when there is a link between the Moon and Saturn by aspect in the chart, it is always the parents that come together.  

Moon as mother

In your chart your Moon shows how you see your mother and your experience of her.

If there are two sisters with different Moon sign this indicates their different experience of their mother even though she was the same woman they experienced her differently. This can be seen with eldest child, middle child and youngest child situations where each one has a different Moon sign.

It suggests how she nurtured you and tells how she mothered you. Was she super cuddly or a bit cold or somewhere in between? Did you get beautiful clothes to wear or your brother’s hand-me-downs? What about her cooking?

As an adult you will remember your mother’s treatment of you forever. It is where you learnt how to care and how to provide nurture for yourself and others.

Saturn as your father

Saturn in your chart shows your father and older men like uncles and grandfathers. It shows how you experienced him and his fathering.

It shows father figures and men in authority over you. These people were (and are) teachers, headmasters, the police and judges.

It shows whether you dad was there for you, or a bit distant or an absentee father.

Well placed Saturn shows how you respect authority the law and if you respect your elders or not. Do you give your seat to a senior when on the bus? Do you call old men “Sir” or does it choke in your throat. All of these things are shown by your natal Saturn.

Your transiting Saturn and progressed Moon return

Much has been written about a Saturn return. Even people outside the astrological community know of the Saturn return. But what of the progressed Moon return?

It happens around age 29/30 and can be a time for change and of going back to basics as promised in the natal chart.

Any return brings the energies of the planet back to its true meaning for you, as the planet in question returns to its natal position in your chart. At this point it remakes all the natal aspects it has that are part of your natal chart interpretation. So aspects other than to the Moon or Saturn from either will be realigned.

Once you realize that your Saturn return is around the same time as you progressed Moon return you can see how they can be different for each person.

  • There is only  one progressed Moon return in each cycle.
  • There can be one or three Saturn returns in each cycle.

Return sequences possible

  • Saturn returns before the progressed Moon return
  • Progressed Moon returns before the transiting Saturn return.
  • Saturn return one hit
  • Saturn return three hit
  • Saturn return before and after progressed Moon return.

When you realise the potential implications of a simple Moon Saturn aspect in a natal chart it opens the door for further investigation of the long term effects of this phenomena. Parental issues may not be the only thing to think about but they may be laid as a full background stage for the life of the person.

As always care should be taken when interpreting charts and all situations will ideally be related back to the whole chart for a full rounded forecast.



by Alison Price

Your Astrological Journal or Grimoire

This year my main plan to improve the presentation of astrology for your understanding and pleasure is a little different.

I am working on the development of astro art or creative pages to help aspiring astrologers or anyone and everyone learn more about our art.

In the astro art section so far you have posts on a binder cover page to colour and a wheel of fortune to make for yourself.

Creating an astrological journal supports the multiple input method of learning and is a good way to build a resource that you can use later.


How To Use Your Astrology Journal

A Journal can be used in several ways:

  • To plan your day for things you have to do (pick up the kids and take the dog to the vet etc.) and this works best as a bullet journal.
  • It can be a “dear diary” style for capturing what did happen and how you felt about it, whatever it is.
  • Or it can be used to build a personal resource to learn and remember information and build a knowledge base that you can use for years to come.

It it the third one that we will talk about here.

How to make an astrological journal that becomes a personal resource to learn , understand and appreciate the little pieces in your chart.

Things like signs, planets and houses meanings that go to build a comprehensive chart reading.

The Benefits of Journaling

Your brain remembers things easily if it knows them via more than one means of input.

Teachers read aloud, or make you draw pictures, or glue a collage from dried macaroni, or do a play like astro drama to reinforce your knowledge.

The variety or ways to learn is important because the information arrives in your memory through different channels.

This is why just reading books makes it harder to learn stuff.

In the multiple activity way of gaining knowledge, what you know can be retrieved in snippets through thoughts like, “Oh gosh, now what do I know about Jupiter in Virgo?”

You will get better at remembering the many things that you need to know to read a chart by writing and drawing in your astrological journal.


Which Journal to Choose?

There are a few points to consider and choices to be made for a journal that is good to use for astrological journaling.

If you are going to invest your time and energy creating a beautiful astrological journal you might as well get a decent journal in the first place.

Size does matter

The best size is A5 or about 6″ x 8″ because this is easily carried in your bag and can be whipped out on a plane or at dinner. Who does that?

If you choose a size smaller (say 3″ x 5″) it will work as a pocket journal, but will get full quicker.

You can think of this one as your on-the-go journal, or field journal, which is best to jot down ideas while you are out and about or at a conference or lecture.

When you get home you can transfer the gems of knowledge to your main A5 journal. This process serves learning.

Paper quality

Can you see through the pages in your journal?

If you can, the paper is too thin and too cheap.

Get a better quality book.

I like the Moleskine A5 plain paper journal and the Leuchhturm1917 dotted bullet journal.

Each year I buy a few new journal books and I have one for each year but that’s another story.


How to Use Your Astrological Journal – Basic Layout

Title page

You will have a title page which is usually the very first page in the main body and not the inside flap page which is thicker than normal.

State your journal name.

Typically this will be “My Astrological Journal” or “My Journey into Astrology” or something in that vein.

Contents page

Open to the first double page.

This will be a contents overview and here you can specify the deeper level of detail that you want. The choice is yours.

This will help you gauge the number of pages you need between each section.

For instance if you have 12 signs you may need 12 (or 24) pages.

This depends on how large your journal is to start with.

How to plan your astrological journal with sections and segments

For each main section like natal signs you will make a title page on the right hand side.

You will do a section title page for each main section in your contents page.

It is best to add a tab sticking out at the right for your main sections and perhaps your segments.


Signs Summary Journal Pages



This is a summary page to note things about the zodiac signs.


Signs Journal Page


This signs full spread shows the signs in the natural wheel and some main keywords for each sign.

The ruling planet is shown in the inner wheel for each sign.



Elements and Modes Journal Pages


See how this element and mode table can help you work out each sign.

You can perhaps draw this table and place your planets in their corresponding signs from your chart to show which planets your have in each sign.

The colours relate to the signs.


Planets Journal Page


  • 1st to 12th houses
  • Planets in the first house, in the second house etc.
  • House systems

Chart Division


Aspects of longitude 

  • Soft aspects
  • Hard aspects
  • Neutral aspects

Aspects of declination

  • Parallel
  • Contra parallel

Aspects of antiscia

  • Antiscia
  • Contra-antiscia


  • Transits (outers)
  • Eclipses
  • Solar returns
  • Secondary progressions (inners)
  • Firdaria
  • Profections
  • Solar arc directions
  • Summary

You can do as much detail and depth as you wish. If you are just starting out with astrology I suggest the following sections, natal and forecasting and keep it simple.

Going deeper means a page for each planet in sign and house and deeper still is nice-to-haves about astrology like eclipses or the oriental planet.


Tree of Life

The tree of life is a symbol of the full cycle from root to tip.

Trees are leaned heavily on for our survival.

They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

If you are stuck on a desert island you can build handy items like boats and shelter with the wood from trees.

Paper that we used every day often comes from trees.

Art Tip

Make sure to center your circle on the page not like mine which is a little off to the left.

Herb Garden Layout

This is a classic herb garden layout with a central circle and four quadrants adjacent and larger gardens in this pattern have more quadrants.

Here I drew the four main beds of herbs.

  • Medicinal herbs
  • Aromatic herbs
  • Indigenous herbs
  • Culinary herbs

If you cook with herbs make sure that your fertilizer and mulch is organic and not synthetic.

The aromatic bed has plants for pot potpouri and perfume basics.

Indigenous herbs are local to your area they different for everyone.

Medicinal herbs are where traditional healing herbs come from, so know what you are doing here.

The Four Elements

The four elements align with the compass points

  • Fire – South
  • Earth – North
  • Air – East
  • Water – West


The symbols relate to the active (masculine) and passive (feminine) polarities.

The upwards pointing triangle for masculine elements is symbolic of an erect manhood.

The downwards pointing triangle for feminine elements is symbolic of a woman’s pubic area.

Spring Poem

Pippa Passes by Robert Browning.

Summer Poem

From A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

5 Items Every Aspiring Astrologer Needs on Their Desk

If you are an aspiring astrologer or even a full-blown astrologer for that matter, these five items you need to have in order to read charts effectively.

You may be attracted to a different branch of astrology than the next astrologer, but the basics to need are the same.

I am going to share with you the five essential things every aspiring astrologer requires to read a chart.

These items are distilled from many years of experience in my practice where I have cast and read charts for people.

Although you can have tons more books and goodies that can help with the process, I have trimmed the list down to the five basic necessities that you require to read a chart.

1) An Ephemeris

This is the best book you can have on your desk. An ephemeris contains the planet’s positions, retrogrades, eclipses, lunations and many other interesting facts about what the solar system is actually doing.

Back in the day (before we all had a computer to cast charts) you would need your ephemeris to calculate the chart in the first place.

Now you will reach for your ephemeris to quickly find when Pluto will enter your client’s eighth house for the second time, retrograde in a five-hit transit or to discover if it is going to be an appulse or total eclipse next autumn as you write you horoscopes for the following year.

If you never refer to your ephemeris for charts and forecasting it makes a great spot for your cat to sleep.

2) A Computer with Solar Fire

Where would we be without a professional astrology software program?

Still casting charts by hand I suppose. You do need some way to draw charts quickly and correctly if you read charts for a living.

I use Solar Fire and it is really powerful software and to be honest I don’t use all the features all the time, or even many of the features most of the time, but

I do use the powerful chart processing ability and its calculations for secondary progressions, solar arcs, solar returns, and transits. These are for client work and the chart for right-here right-now to plan my day.

You can get chart calculation apps for your iPhone like Astro Gold and this is wonderful for casting charts on-the-go. I use Astro Gold for pondering the charts of my clients as I always load their birth data into my phone, as well as Solar Fire, before the consultation so I can consider all the ideas I may have about their chart wherever I am in my day.

I can do this because I book clients usually one week ahead because I like to cast their chart and then mull over it for a few days so it can “speak” to me.

If you work differently (and you should follow your path) or work ahead of time as I do then, either way, you need powerful astrology software.

3) The Chart

You need the chart to do the interpretation. Usually, you will print the chart from your computer or draw it by hand.

But just having a plain chart is no good and you have to make notes on it, highlight special planets, draw attention to grand trines or yods and the like. This extra jotting on the chart is best done in color.

Emphasize the ruling planet in yellow wherever it appears on the page even in the aspectarian.

Color the grand trines and mini-grand trines in blue along with the normal blue trines for ease the T-squares in red (red is for squares in general), Thor’s hammers in tangerine (sesquiquadrates are always orange), emerald for yods (quincunxes are green).

You do this in color because after a time when you have looked at hundreds of charts they can easily blend into one in your mind. If you have each chart highlighted in color and the main features, planets, houses and major aspect patterns enhanced it is quicker to scan and immediately get up to speed on that particular chart.

It is a way to streamline your readings and stop you ploughing through all the myriad of details that each chart contains. By adding primary and secondary shades, as a component to clarity, you become more effective and just glancing at the wheel hues can become almost as a mandala when you contemplate many charts.

4) Your Astrology Journal

An astrology journal is every aspiring astrologer’s friend. You will always be learning new interpretations for charts. When you read astrology articles online, blogs or pieces in trade publications there is always something to learn.

It could be a technique or another way to remember planetary placement meanings, if you write them down you don’t have to remember everything.

You may not ever use these tidbits of information but then again you might. Points you find that may not make much sense today may be just what you are looking for in the next chart you read or maybe next year when you tackle another method that is new to you.

Astrologers are always learning and this is what the journal is for.

I use mine when I planning my horoscopes for next year or other writing projects that I may be developing.

5) Herb Tea

As you sit at your desk for a few hours each day working on charts and chatting to people it is nice to have a soothing cup of herb tea at your elbow.

Personally, I enjoy green tea, jasmine tea and now and then a refreshing Earl Grey. If you are not a tea drinker it doesn’t matter but you do need your favorite drink to hand.

Taking a beverage break lets you sit back, ease your shoulders that have become tense leaning in, drawing notes on your charts and making case notes for your charts.

Pausing for a drink gives you a time to breathe and make a moment of stillness in your day.

These are the five basics that should be on your desk. There is room for many more reference books (oh the books), but to cast a chart and read it you only need five things.

Start with these items on your desk and develop your aspiring astrology chart reading skills as you immerse yourself in the magical world of astrology.

Your Astrology Business: Master Class

Your Astrology Business: Master Class

Astrology Business Kick Start Master Class

If you are an aspiring astrologer and want to set-up your astrology business then this is the master class for you.

In this master class, we address the challenges experienced in the first year of your practice.

Who This Master Class is For

If you are an engaged astrology student, keen and attentive or you are thinking of starting to charge for your readings this master class is for you.

Masterclass Features

Your booking package

When you book a spot you will receive a booking package the week before the event which includes:

  • A copy of your birth chart.
  • A 12-month graphic ephemeris.
  • A questionnaire designed to bring focus to your business journey, which you will complete beforehand and bring to the masterclass.
  • The Zoom link of the event.
  • Worksheets for in-class exercises so you can follow along every step of the way and map out your astrology business.


Summer 2023

Zoom webinar

Presented by Professional Astrologer Alison Price

Master Class Outline

9:45 am – 10:00 am – Zoom waiting room open

Welcome and hellos.

10:00 am – 11:15 am – First Session

What type of astrologer you are and what type of astrologer should you be.

How to set up and manage your astrology business.

The importance of your online presence.

11:15 am – 11:30 am – Coffee break

11:30 am – 12:45 pm – Second Session

How to attract clients.

Advertising, marketing and promotion of your astrology business.

How to correctly take a client booking.

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm – Lunch break

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm – Third Session

The wealth potential in your chart.

Whether you took a vow of poverty.

How to manage your first paid consultation.

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm – Coffee Break

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Fourth Session

How to set fees for your products and services.

What your money says about your values.

How your chart shows the path for your astrology business.

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – Closing Summary

Final thoughts and next steps.

Masterclass Details: What You Need to Know

Only a few attendee spots available

To maintain an intimate experience and ensure personal attention the space is limited to only a few spots.


Pricing and Payments




Via Zoom webinar.



All booking cancellations requiring a refund will attract a $30 administration fee.

No refunds after two weeks prior to the start.



If for some reason you cannot make it, you may transfer or donate your spot to someone else at no extra charge.

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

How Saturn Transits can Improve Your Life

How Saturn Transits can Improve Your Life

by Alison Price

I recently received this question about Saturn from a reader:

“I always watch where Saturn is transiting for me and I’m beginning to think that Saturn is not as bad as we understand. I have had some of the best things happen for me when Saturn is in a certain house.

Like when it was in my first house I stopped drinking, smoking and lost weight. Now it’s in the second house and I have never earned so much money in my life. I have a lot to pay but the earning is something else!

I think if we are aware we can make it [Saturn by house] work for us. Buckle down to the discipline and so on. We live in terror of Saturn and yet find incredible blessing in its transits.

What do you think Alison?”

Here’s what I think

How exciting that a relative novice at astrology has such insights. That by having even a smattering of information (Saturn in her houses) allows her to understand the complexities of the planetary astrology and how it actually works in her chart.

For a bit of background information, this woman is forty-something and lives a regular life in the suburbs. She and her husband enjoy a fulfilling life where they try to make ends meet at the same time educating their kids and enjoying their family with many dogs.

In fact they are a couple probably just like you or me.

The first house

The first house is about your physical appearance, vitality and how you look. It is the facade you present to others.

Any planet passing through (or transiting) your first house will change you in the nature of the transiting planet.


Saturn is traditionally known as “The Greater Malefic” this means it is the biggest bad boy of the planets.

In case you are wondering Mars has the dubious reputation as “The Lesser Malefic” and on a side note Venus is the “The Lesser Benefic” and Jupiter is “The Greater Benefic” and we’ve got to love the old labels.

Saturn is the planet of control and discipline. It can be cold and hard but it does have its up side. When saturn bestows its gifts they are sometimes difficult to see.

Saturn brings things like:

  • Being able to master something
  • Finding staying power for the long haul
  • Building on a strong foundation

These are old fashioned virtues and don’t fit with the modern world of quick fixes, sound bytes and 7 day miracle diets etc.

Time is of the essence

Saturn takes time but if you do put the time in you will reap benefits from Saturn’s graces.Cousin Violet

I often relate how Saturn works in your life, to the beloved character of Cousin Violet in Downton Abbey.

Here is a woman who is old and crusty, loves traditions but has staying power for the long haul.

The Dowager will prevail.

Reader insights and being self-aware

That our reader has noticed when Saturn recently went through her first house changing her physical appearance by her improved self care of cutting out drinking and smoking and losing some weight is excellent.

Yes, Saturn can change your life and yes, for the better.

Although you may not notice it at the time, you will be able to look back and see the improvements that have been made in your life.

Your vitality is as good as your first house.

Living every day with destructive habits can be stopped, or at least curtailed, and limited when Saturn passes through your first house. This is a perfect example of Saturnian energy.

Putting your back into your toil can benefit you through more work coming your way or an increase in your hourly rate. This usually means more pay.

You have to work hard but the cash is worth it and so are you.

I have often said that “good income equates to good self-esteem” and this is very much so when Saturn passes through your second house.

Forecast for Saturn in the third house

We can guess what will happen when Saturn enters her third house.

Perhaps she will find the time for her brother and sister, or she could easily take a stand on what is going on in her neighbourhood and perhasp build a fence to keep the dogs in or the passers-by out.

Our reader may decide to build on the successes she achieved when Saturn went through her second house of good work and income, and sign up for some more courses.

Maybe she will attend classes for something new that interests her or she could go back over classes she took in the past when Saturn first went through her third house, which would have been about thirty years ago when she was at school.

Perhaps she will make up a personal reading list and decide to get through one book a week for the year and a half that Saturn is in her third house. She could add some beloved classics to the list or try a modern author. Heck, she may even start her own journal, scribe poetry or teach others.

The possibilities are endless.

That we have given some ideas here will set our reader thinking on how best to use the planetary energies as they slowly transform her and she evolves in line with the potentials of her chart.

In reality an astrologer would look deeper into her chart and note the sign on the cusp of each house that Saturn is transiting and also how her natal Saturn is placed and how it contacts the rest of her chart through the dynamic aspects.

Of course there are many parts to a chart reading, and we have only looked at a small section today.

Further thoughts

Do you know which house Saturn is stimulating and transiting in your birth chart today?

Can you find the blessing when it passes by?

If you want to know more about astrology or your chart please contact me.

How to Create an Electional Chart in Astrology

How to Create an Electional Chart in Astrology

Electional Charts

Of all the things you can do with astrology I believe that electional astrology is the best.

When used correctly an electional chart can make your life easier.

Everything has a time and place and this is where electional astrology excels.

It makes sense to go with the flow of the energy in the universe and not against it. This is exactly what electional astrology is all about.

Doing the right thing at the right time makes so much sense.

Why wouldn’t you use it?


Electional Astrology

Electional astrology is a technique used by astrologers to cast a chart to do something in the future.

An election chart it is set for a time and date in which you have selected, or elected, to do something later on.

It could be cast for next week, next month or for several months time.


What Electional Astrology is Not

Electional Astrology has nothing to do with political elections or voting for your candidate.


Election Chart Uses

Election charts (or elections for short) can be cast for just about anything you plan to do in the future.

The two most popular election charts arwe for wedding and business start-ups.


Wedding Election Charts

Election charts are excellent charts to use to select a date for marriages and wedding ceremonies because you can choose a time when the union is likely to grow and sustain the test of time.


Business Startup Election Charts

Elections are strong when used to find a time to open a business or register a domain name which you want to flourish. Every new business deserves the chance to last and prevail.

In fact if you can use an election for just about anything in life.


How to Cast an Election Chart

Election Chart House Reinforcement

You have to reinforce the house in which the election is found.

Astrologically all of the houses cover everything in life.

When you choose to do something it will be in one of the houses.

You have to make the planet that rules the activity robust and have it prominent and in good condition.

Electional Chart Houses

  • 1st house – Cosmetic surgery, makeovers and haircuts
  • 2nd house – Buying jewelry, art or financial instruments
  • 3rd house – Short travel and weekends away
  • 4th house – Buying or selling a house
  • 5th house – Parties and conceptions
  • 6th house – Job interviews and getting a new pet
  • 7th house – Marriages and contracts
  • 8th house – Signing your will and doing things you want kept secret
  • 9th house – International travel, starting college and launching an advertising campaign
  • 10th house – Business startups and IPO’s
  • 11th house – Starting a group and mingling at social occasions
  • 12th house – Going off the grid and being incognito 

Election Chart Planets

Each of the planets has particular meaning very similar to natal astrology about it’s urges.

Remember, the planets are where the energy is in a chart and you want to energize an election chart with the correct planet being prominent. 

Planets in Electional Charts

  • The Sun – Things for your personal benefit.
  • The Moon – Family and home related events.
  • Mercury – Interviews, exams, and brokering any deals.
  • Venus – Marriage, investing or decorating.
  • Mars – Surgery, sports events and running a marathon.
  • Jupiter – International vacations, starting college and publishing your book.
  • Saturn – Any business registration, company start or IPO and watches.
  • Uranus – Computers, software, apps and technology.
  • Neptune – Rehab, hypnosis and anaesthesia.
  • Pluto – Rejuvenation and spa treatments, surgery and donating blood.


The list does go on and you can find the correct house and planet for everything in life.


Tech Business Start Up Election Example

This chart is an example of a good chart for a tech startup business.

The main features are as follows:


10th House – Business House

10th Cusp

10th house cusp is Aries therefore Mars rules 10th to bring energy and action.

This suggests a startup as well.

Looking at the 10th hous eplanets in order that the meet the MC.



Mercury in the 10th house indicates good communication in the business.

The owners will be able to get the word out.

Advertising will be easy.



Venus in 10th is beneficial for the style of the business and perhaps the branding will be tasteful as well.

Venus is super well placed in rulership in Taurus.

The business finances will be strong and steady.


The Sun

The Sun in the 10th House.

The Sun is the chart ruler and represents the heart of the enterprize.



Uranus in the 10th house and conjoined Sun. Uranus rules technology and computers and so this planet in the house of the business is perfect.



Jupiter in the 10th house brings high profile fortune and luck to the venture.



Moon in the 10th house suggests there will be a family style about the business.

It is a New Moon phase chart which supports new beginnings.

Moon in Taurus is in exaltationa dn is super well placed.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Postnatal Returns of the Outer Planets

Post Natal Returns

Transits begin to form or fade immediately in the days and weeks after birth. During this delicate time critical contacts from the outer planets can occur. This article looks at the transits of the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and the conjunctions to their natal positions in the first two years.

Transits are a popular technique and most astrologers are aware of the current planetary placements. When you know a planet’s position you can apply this knowledge to every chart for which you forecast in the next weeks. This information is transferrable which makes transits the most widely used predictive method by astrologers. Transits are powerful enough that many astrologers use only transits for predictive work and no other methods.

The planets are always moving but a birth chart captures a moment in time. Once a chart is cast, transits from the Moon and the faster moving planets will start to form aspects first. Then the chart will receive transits from the slower moving Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and finally the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It is only as the planets move from their radix position that they start to impact the birth chart and the child’s life.

At first glance it seems there is nothing to consider from the outer planets in the first year of life because they take so long to move through the zodiac. Outer planet movement can be like watching a sapling grow, you know the young tree is alive but the progress is so slow you can’t see it happening. It is easy to dismiss transits from the outers in the first year of life, but let’s take a closer look.

Adult and child charts

When you read charts for the majority of adult clients you address the usual issues of romance, work, health and family matters or other areas that have already developed during their life. They may have a job, be married or separated, have kids, be happy or not, and their life is on a well-established track. An adult knows some dreams will not be fulfilled and they accept they will never be a ballerina or an astronaut. When you read a chart for a newborn baby all possibilities are open. In an infant’s chart, no limitations are placed on their life from decisions taken in their past as they have not made any and no previous choices have been made which affect their future.

Many astrologers feel that there is no point to cast charts for babies and young children as their life holds so much promise and potential that it is difficult to read the chart of one so young. This attitude occurs because of the vast array of life options that the chart can offer, and there is the idea that an astrologer may somehow influence the future of the child by proclaiming a self-fulfilling prophecy. These may be valid arguments.

Planetary Returns

We refer to the time when a planet passes over its natal position as a return. This occurs when a planet goes back to its birth place in the zodiac measured in degrees and minutes. The planet has made a complete pass through 360° and once more assumes its position at birth. This takes place at different times for each planet due to their various orbital periods. The more well-known returns are the solar return, when the Sun reaches its natal position experienced every year near your birthday, and the Saturn return that happens around age twenty-nine as Saturn passes over its natal position in your chart. Pluto and Neptune will not return by orbit because they take more than a lifetime to transit through the whole zodiac. Pluto takes 248 years and Neptune takes 164 years to orbit the Sun. Uranus will make a return for everyone after eighty-four years.

Postnatal planet returns

In the early weeks and months of life the outer planets can go back to their natal position. This may happens in two instances; when an outer planet is retrograde at birth it will at some point station direct and again pass over the natal degree, and when an outer planet is direct and stations retrograde soon after birth thus going back over the birth position when it will station, move direct, and pass once more over the birth degree, in this case the planet makes two contacts to the natal placement.

Although these early outer planets are transiting their natal position, I hesitate to call them a return in the strict sense of the word (as they have not completed a full orbit of the Sun) nevertheless they have gone back to their birth position and for the purposes of this article we will refer to them as returns. Only some people will receive a postnatal outer planetary return. It depends where the planets were in their direct/retrograde cycle when you were born.

This year Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are passing through the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Pisces, and Aries respectively. The three transpersonal planets will be either moving direct or retrograde. Their retrograde station happens once each year around the time when the angle with the Sun develops towards the waxing trine. If your birthday (in any year) was immediately after a direct station of Pluto, or Pluto is within one degree after the station point in your birth chart, you will not receive any returns from Pluto immediately after birth. For example, anyone born between the date when Pluto station direct September 15, 2015 at 12° 55’ Capricorn and November 9, 2015 will not get a return from Pluto.

If you were born at the Neptune direct station or within two degrees of the station you will not experience a Neptune postnatal return. If your birthday was at a Uranus direct station or within four degrees of the station you will not experience a Uranus postnatal return. It is only during the first two years of life that you may experience a Pluto, Neptune or Uranus return.

What to Look for in Outer Planet Returns

If a planet is retrograde at birth it will station direct and cross back over the natal degree sometime in the first year. However, if the planet is direct at birth you have to crack open the ephemeris or consult a graphic ephemeris to check if it will station retrograde soon after birth and whether it will it move as far back in the sign as the natal placement. If so, you know it will transit back over its birth position at least twice, once retrograde and once direct. Use an orb of 30’ for transits both applying and separating.

Stationary at Birth

If you were born at, or in 30’ orb of, a station of an outer planet then the meaning of that planet will be experienced longer, initially by its position in the birth chart, and by transit as it hovers in orb of the birth position near the station. This is a special case as the transit may not reapply to the birth position it just takes longer to separate from the birth conjunction. Outer planets can linger in orb for various times after birth, Pluto for up to forty-eight days, Neptune for as long as forty-four days and Uranus for a maximum of thirty-one days.

When Forecasting With Transits

Before any forecasting techniques are employed the birth chart needs to be fully understood. It has to be interpreted for both potential and natal promise. If an outer planet does not return soon after birth it is not part of the transit sequence and can be dismissed. There is a cycle to a multi pass transit and in a three or five exact contact transit sequence the influence of the transit typically develops as follows:

First direct pass – Present

As the transiting planet moves towards the exact aspect the situation unfolds in line with the potentials. This is shown by the transiting planet, the natal planet or point being aspected, the area of life suggested by the house and any other aspects to the planet within the chart.

Second retrograde pass – Review

When the transiting planet moves back over the natal degree, the situation or issue that was aired at the first pass is reviewed as new information comes to light. It is during this time that changes and adjustments can still be made. In the retrograde pass the transit suggests that the situation is still being developed and is in flux.

Third and Final Direct Pass – Resolution

During the final direct pass the transit potential has culminated and the issue will fade away as the planet moves out of orb, although changes or shifts in consciousness that occurred during the transit will persist.

Five Pass Transits

Occasionally Pluto and Neptune will make a five-pass transit to a degree in the zodiac. For a five-pass transit the reprocessing of review (first retrograde pass) and resolution (second direct pass) are repeated as passes four (second retrograde pass) and five (third direct pass).

Every chart is different and some planets will have more influence on you than another. If you have Pisces rising then Neptune will be an important planet. Transits from Neptune will have a greater affect than they would have on someone without Pisces prominent in their chart. Not all transit potentials will come into tangible fruition every time a contact occurs. Often they are experienced as a subtle shift in perception.

Below is a selection of possible outcomes, with particular reference to the newborn baby, during the early years of life. Some items or situations on the list below may seem highly unlikely, but in the interest of good astrology, it is best to bear in mind all the planetary meanings so to present a well-rounded forecast. It is best to constantly expand the possible scenarios in forecasting work.

Transiting Pluto Conjunct Natal Pluto

Pluto may cross a zodiac degree up to five times. For example, on March 2, 2015 Pluto will be at 15° Capricorn moving direct. It will station retrograde and cross back over this degree for the second time on June 2, 2015. Pluto again moves forward to transit 15° Capricorn on December 31, 2015 for the third time. It makes its fourth pass on September 8, 2016 and the fifth and final contact to 15° Capricorn will be on October 14, 2016. These are the dates for the exact hits and in reality there will be a period around these dates when Pluto is in orb of the exact conjunction that you will note. This five pass transit pattern provides the potential for a postnatal return from Pluto to occur up to nineteen months after birth for someone born at the first contact to 15° Capricorn on March 2, 2015. Bear in mind that this extended Pluto transit potential will not happen for everyone as it all depends on which day you were born and Pluto’s position in relationship to the Sun in your chart which determines where Pluto is in its direct or retrograde cycle.

When Pluto revisits its birth degree it may be a critical time in the life of a newborn. Pluto transits will be modified depending on its placement in the birth chart. For an example with reference to planetary dignities, Pluto in the natal eighth house is in accidental dignity (its natural house of rulership), and therefore is well-placed by house. This position suggests at the exact conjunction that any recovery or transformation will be great like the phoenix rising from the ashes. A natal Pluto in the second house (its natural house of detriment) may indicate that if something unforeseen does indeed occur at the transit that financial strain may surround the situation. Not all Pluto transits are bad news and there can be an upside through the transformative urges of Pluto, but in the delicate early weeks of life to pay attention to physical shifts in the new baby is key.

Pluto rules the reproductive and eliminatory systems in the body. It also has affinities with toxins and the decomposing function, in other words, the purging reflex of the body when something is not right and food going bad. During a postnatal transiting Pluto conjoining natal Pluto be aware of:

  • The mother’s medications becoming toxic to the child through the breast milk
  • Diarrhea and vomiting (purging)
  • Baby food and milk formula past their sell-by date
  • Using un-boiled or borehole water (found on farms) to make up bottles
  • Sexually transmitted diseases from the mother affecting the new born
  • Colic (the bowels cramping) abating
  • A transformation in the child indicating renewal of health

Transiting Neptune Conjunct Natal Neptune 

Neptune may cross a zodiac degree five times. The time from a first contact (as in the birth chart) to the final conjunction can be several months. On May 9, 2015 Neptune is at 09°30’ Pisces moving direct. Neptune will station retrograde and pass 09°30’ for the second time on July 16, 2015 and then station retrograde and retrace its steps returning to the same zodiacal position of 09°30’ Pisces for the third time on February 29, 2016. Once more stationing retrograde and passing back over 09°30’ on October 19, 2016 to make its final forward pass of 09°30’ on December 20, 2016.

This suggests that a child born during May 2015 can be revisited by transiting Neptune with a conjunction as a postnatal Neptune return when the child is up to nineteen months old.

Any natal conjunction to Neptune will modify the effect of a Neptune transit directly after birth. For an example using aspects, natal Neptune conjunct the Moon may indicate the child’s fluid intake needs monitoring during a transiting Neptune conjunction as the Moon rules bodily fluids. Natal Neptune conjoined with Mars (heat and fever) suggests hot atmospheres, in other words, the child’s room may be too warm and stuffy for comfort at the postnatal Neptune conjunction. Neptune rules all medicines, drugs and anesthesia. In the body it correlates with the feet. It has affinities with being unconscious, sleep, dreams and nightmares. Neptune may make five or three passes, it depends on the birth date. During a postnatal transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune be alert to:

  • Administering the correct doses of any medication, be scrupulous with measurement
  • Incubator oxygen levels to high or too low, however unless you are the nurse there is not much you can actually do although you can be present
  • The baby being wrapped up or swaddled too tight or their all-in-one outfit is too small and hampering easy blood flow especially to the feet
  • Sleep apnea
  • A maternal drug habit may can cause withdrawal symptoms in the child
  • The infant finally sleeping through the night

Transiting Uranus Conjunct Natal Uranus

Uranus may make one or three passes through a sign degree in a chart. On very rare occasions it can make five exact contact but is often in orb of the perfection. It again depends on the birth date. On May 24, 2015 Uranus will be at 19° Aries moving direct. It will station retrograde and Uranus will again arrive at 19° Aries on September 29, 2015 to make the final pass to 19° Aries on March 14, 2016. This means that Uranus can potentially take up to ten months after birth to conjoin a specific degree in a natal chart affecting the child with a Uranus conjunct Uranus aspect.

When interpreting a Uranus postnatal return the house in the birth chart will give clues to the area that needs attention. For an example considering house meaning, if the ruler of Aquarius is in the third house (which relates to short journeys) check the car seatbelts holding the baby chair in the vehicle. With Uranus in the fifth house which has an affinity with play carefully look for cracks in plastic play items or torn soft toys. Uranus rules technology, gadgets and widgets. It also has an affinity with the unexpected. In the body Uranus relates to the circulation, synapses (electrical sparks in the brain) and the ankles. At a transit of Uranus to its natal position at the Uranus return pay attention to:

  • Sudden changes in the child’s behavior
  • Clothes too tight cutting off circulation – especially socks
  • Flat batteries in the baby monitor
  • Loose and broken baby car seats
  • Buggies and strollers with no brakes
  • Damaged baby equipment and gadgets
  • Unexpected recovery from any ailments
  • A thriving child

These are just some of the possible scenarios and certainly each chart and every child is different.

The Transiting Conjunction

A conjunction is usually viewed as a positive aspect. It makes a strong statement in any transit chart as the energies of the transiting planet are brought to the natal chart. Post-natal outer transits can contain special potential because they are effectively returns or in other words they reinforce the message the outer planet already has in the natal chart. As the conjunction becomes exact it stimulates all the natal aspects from that planet that are in the natal chart. It is like a recalibrating of the planet’s message for the individual.

Children’s Charts in General

If you regularly work with babies’ and children’s charts then if you like you can apply these ideas. If there is a transit it can be used for both improvement or tension and clearly these interpretations can be applied to both good and difficult situations.

Personal Research on Your Own Chart

Go back to your own chart. if possible ask your mother if you were ill after birth or needed oxygen etc. Check in the ephemeris for your early outer transits and see what your transpersonal planetary returns happened. If you have children or grandchildren check their charts for any post-natal outer transits. This is great research because you will have specific, on-the-spot knowledge as you bore witness to situations that may have arisen in their early weeks and months.

The Visible Planets

You can take this technique a step further and consider the other planets as they will no doubt make their returns in the early days and months of the infant’s life. For Neptune and Pluto the first two years are the only time in life that you may experience an exact conjunction from the two outer planets and there has to be a way to make the most of them.

If you are reading this article then it is too late for you to use this particular narrow focus prediction method on your own chart. You have to look to the soon-to-be-born and those very young children to discover the true potential of these powerful aspects and the changes they may bring to a infants’ chart.

Other Forecasting Techniques

If there are planetary transit returns in the first weeks, it will guide you to look for the same contact from the secondary progressions as the postnatal transit conjunction will make a progressed conjunction to their natal positions later in the child’s early years. A progressed outer planet conjunction to its own place will occur if there was a postnatal transit to its own place. Trends, such as those that developed at the very early postnatal transit, will again be brought forward at the secondary progressed conjunction. When you bring the two dynamic forecast techniques of transits and secondary progressions together you can develop a well-rounded prediction story. Much of that which is discussed here needs to woven into a fuller forecast picture. It is not advisable to focus in on one specific transit to announce a fact. Use all the techniques available when you make your predictions. Take your time and develop a rich forecast story for those critical early years. Most of all keep an open mind.


Your Zodiac Sign and Spending

Your Zodiac Sign and Spending

by Alison Price

You can learn a lot about your spending habits by looking at your star sign.

Each of the twelve zodiac signs has a different approach to retail therapy. Next time you go shopping with your friends see their spending characteristics at play.

Check out each sign’s buying instincts below and see if you recognize yourself.


Aries rushes in where angels fear to tread, and in their hurry Rams want to be in and out of the shop. They buy with cash and online so as to grab the new stuff and be wearing the latest colors of the season.

This sign likes the challenge of hunting for a bargain and may easily tackle you to the ground at a fire sale.


Taurus takes their time deciding on what to spend their hard earned cash. Bulls prefer to shop in stores, and not online, because they want to touch and feel the goods before buying.

After a day of trawling the shops they are just as likely to bank the money and go home empty handed. Sometimes parting with the cash is the quandary.


Gemini likes buying on eBay and sniping the auction at the end. They order books and magazines, apps, games and puzzles. Twins are the best traders in the zodiac and will happily barter for stuff as the real fun is the actual deal.

You are more likely to see Gemini selling to you, than buying for themselves.


Cancers like to feather their nest and will splurge on home furnishings and tableware. They like pretty cutlery and plates to match the occasion, whether for a barbecue outside or a Sunday lunch.

Every meal is important and this means the props as well. Crabs like home shopping and will spend on friends, family and will remember to take the office a box of chocolates.


Leos buy the best they can afford and that goes for luxury items as well. Lions take pride in their purchases and will enthral anyone who will listen about what they bought to adoring oohs and aahs. They will shop in groups and make sure each person has a little something to take home. Leo’s are generous and may spring for lunch as well.

They will shop in groups and make sure each person has a little something to take home. Leo’s are generous and may spring for lunch as well.


Virgo spends in small increments and can drive the shop girl wild with their bag of small change for a fifty dollar purchase. They like to collect and will slowly attain the things they want.

Virgo likes things in patchwork, marquetry and paisley patterns. Virgins are more likely to go to the stores several times a day than do one big shop all at once.


Libra spends on themselves as much as their partner because there has to be a fiscal balance in their relationship.

Libra men may only buy one big item a year, like a car, but its cost will be equal to what their wife spent over the years. Shopping can be agony for Libra as they are not good at deciding and every transaction choice needs to be called.


Scorpio pays cash so there is no paper trail. They like acquiring things and surround themselves with items that mean something.

Scorpions will to remove price tags and hoard some attractive items of value. They like to buy things that others desire and may become a collector of rare books or surgical instruments.


Sagittarius likes to buy when away from home. They are the ones for whom the souvenir shops were made. Archers seek out things that are difficult to find like a seed pod from a baobab tree or exotic spices from Asia.

This sign arrives home and flings the bags in a corner not even opening them, already planning their next excursion to the mall.


Capricorn invests. When the Sea Goat goes shopping the items they buy have to earn their place. Not for them trivial trinkets.

Capricorn likes quality and will pay whatever it takes to get items perceived as status pieces. Expensive handbags for the women and watches for men. Over the years they can amass a very respectable wardrobe or collection of goodies.


Aquarius like to buy a variety of goods. They love snapping up music and books online and gadgets. They get bored with their stuff and will move on to the next fad as soon as it takes their fancy. Water Bearers have basements full of old things and should invite Scorpio around to rummage through it all.

Water Bearers have basements full of old things and should invite Scorpio around to rummage through it all.


Pisces enjoy art and soft and beautiful things. They are happy to tag along with the other signs on an outing to the shops. Fish like to buy only what is needed and can be frugal to the extent that they will “do without” when they should be buying things. Fish don’t like the crush of the malls and will shop late in the evening to miss the crowds.

Why Transits are Different for Everyone

Why Transits are Different for Everyone

Transits Are Different for Everyone

Forecasting with Transits

Forecasting interpretations can get complex. Reading transits can quickly become confusing and it may seem like they’re out of focus.

You may start following Jupiter as it transits through your chart and Jupiter will offer growth opportunities as it passes by.

But what happens when it makes an aspect with another planet?

If Jupiter is square Saturn does it play out the same way for us all?

We all have our own charts and this is what makes the difference.


Example Transit

Take Jupiter square Saturn. These two planets bring the concepts of expansion and contraction together.

Whether you will experience expansion or contraction in your life depends on your chart. It matters whether Jupiter or Saturn is stronger in you natal chart.

Is either of them your chart ruler or do you have Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces as your rising sign?

If one planet in a aspect rules your chart their trantits be stronger for you in general and will express themselves in your life in a clear way.

Cycles appear at all times. When you are on an up swing with one planet you may be on a down cycle with another.

The ability to see the difference between a transit from one planet which may or may not be overshadowed by another is the skill of reading transits.

Jupiter square Saturn is different for everyone. Don’t make the mistake of thinking one size fits all but understand what each planet’s energies are about.

Read each transit by itself and follow along with the cycle so you will have a better understanding of how to forecast.


Measuring Planetary Strength

Apart from the actual aspect involved to understand the strength of the two planets in a combination is the first step.

As the slower moving planets form and release aspects with each other it is good to know which one of the pair is a more important planet for you.


Pluto is important for you if:

  • You have Scorpio rising
  • The Sun is in Scorpio
  • More than three planets are in Scorpio
  • Pluto in the first or eighth house
  • Pluto is your final dispositor

Neptune is important for you if:

  • You have Pisces rising,
  • Neptune in the first or twelfth house
  • The Sun is in Pisces
  • More than three planets are in Pisces
  • Neptune is your final dispositor

Uranus is important for you if:

  • You have Aquarius rising
  • Uranus in the first or eleventh house
  • The Sun is in Aquarius
  • You have more than three planets in Aquarius
  • Uranus is your final dispositor

Saturn is an important planet for you if.

  • You have a Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant
  • The Sun is in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • You have three or more planets in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Saturn is your final dispositor
  • Saturn is in your first, tenth or eleventh house.

Jupiter is an important planet for you if:

  • You have Sagittarius or Pisces rising
  • Your Sun is in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • You have three or more planets in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Jupiter is your final dispositor
  • Jupiter is in the first, ninth or twelfth house

Explore more >>> Fibonacci aspects

Explore more >>> Aspects applying and separating


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Discover a little about Yule and how the Suns’s position in Capricorn triggers this special quarter day in the year.

Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus sextile Uranus. Sextiles are very energetic and agreeable, so Venus sextiles one of the best aspects to find in relationship charts.

Astrological Compatible Signs

Astrological Compatible Signs

Astrological Compatibility

By Alison Price

You have probably heard of being astrologically compatible (or not) with other people.

If you compare your planets with another persons it can show attraction and maybe your chart and their chart have something in common. 

Astrology has specific criteria to decide if you are compatibile with someone else. Use my simple grid to find out.


Astrology has specific criteria to decide if you are compatibile with someone else. Use my simple grid to find out.


Your Sun Sign

Everyone has a Sun in a sign like Libra or Capricorn and that is what we are looking at here.

If you know her Sun sign and you know his Sun sign you can check for astrological compatibility.

Here are my quick rules you can apply to see if he or she could be the one and you can check out my heart chart as well for a visual.

❤️ If Both Suns are in the Same Sign

This is good for easy love and friendship. It can be a competition as both the good and the tough things in each sign can be present.

But you do get each other and can spend time together with easy silence and enjoy just being with each other.

💙 If Your Suns are One Sign Apart

This combination can be annoying and irritating. You both want to beat your own drum and although it may be music to your ears it grates on theirs

The same goes the other way and what they find fascinating makes you yawn.

Signs that are one signs apart are:

Aries/Taurus, Taurus/Gemini, Gemini/Cancer, Cancer/Leo, Leo/Virgo, Virgo/Libra, Libra/Scorpio, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Sagittarius/Capricorn, Capricorn/Aquarius, Aquarius/Pisces and Pisces/Aries.

💛 If your Suns are Two Signs Apart

This is it is good for love friendship and can offer excellent enduring romantic connections. Those you make contact with in this combination will forever be the “one that got away.”

Signs that are two signs apart are:

Aries/Gemini, Taurus/Cancer, Gemini/Leo, Cancer/Virgo, Leo/Libra, Virgo/Scorpio, Libra/Sagittarius, Scorpio/Capricorn, Sagittarius/Aquarius, Capricorn/Pisces, Aquarius/Aries and Pisces/Taurus.

💜 If Your Suns are Three Signs Apart

With this combination there is competition between each if you. Both want to be in charge. This combination is good for challenging situations and can be excellent for business partnerships.

Signs that are three signs apart are:

Aries/Cancer, Taurus/Leo, Gemini/Virgo, Cancer/Libra, Leo/Scorpio, Virgo/Sagittarius, Libra/Capricorn, Scorpio/Aquarius, Sagittarius/Pisces, Capricorn/Aries, Aquarius/Taurus, and Pisces/Gemini.

💛 ❤️ If Your Suns are Four Signs Apart

This is an excellent combination and good for easy love and friendship.

You can forgive each other and can be together easily without tension.

You each can be yourself with this combination.

Signs that are four signs apart are:

Aries/Leo, Taurus/Virgo, Gemini/Libra, Cancer/Scorpio, Leo/Sagittarius, Virgo/Capricorn, Libra/Aquarius, Scorpio/Pisces, Sagittarius/Aries, Capricorn/Taurus, Aquarius/Gemini and Pisces/Cancer.

💚 If Your Suns are Five Signs Apart

This can be annoying to say the least. One will want to boss the other and you may take turns in this role.

You have to constantlymakeg allowances for the other person and this can wear down any love over time. It can become tedious and annoying.

Signs that are five signs apart are:

Aries/Virgo, Taurus/Libra, Gemini/Scorpio, Cancer/Sagittarius, Leo/Capricorn, Virgo/Aquarius, Libra/Pisces, Scorpio/Aries, Sagittarius/Taurus, Capricorn/Gemini, Aquarius/Cancer and Pisces/Leo.

💖 If Your Suns are Six Signs Apart

if can be good for true love, soul mates and friendship. Other people cannot see what you see in each other but it just works.

This is truly a good combination as the other person will stretch you as a person, call you out on your stuff and make you a better person in the end of your journey.

Signs that are six signs apart are:

Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius and Virgo/Pisces.

The Astrology of Autumn

The Astrology of Autumn

by Alison Price

Image by Michal Kubisek

Image by Michal Kubisek


The Four Seasons

There are four seasons each year; spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The seasons start when the Sun enters one of the four cardinal signs which are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

These seasonal ingresses are the time markers for the year and the basis for calculating the tropical zodiac, which is the one used on my site, and that references time not space.

The Sun spends three months, or one quarter of the year, in each season.

Autumn or Fall

As the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra the third season of the year Autumn begins.

During its passage of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius the autumn season develops and the beginning is very different to the end.

Mild temperatures at the start of Libra lead through to cooling and far crisper weather at the end of Sagittarius.

The Harvest

Autumn is the time to gather in the crops and store grains to sustain animals and us over the long winter and into the early spring.

We who live in the developed world and reside in major cities may be slightly out of touch with the sequence of growth and harvest for food.

We just pop into the local deli or bakery and pick up a fresh loaf of bread, baked and sliced that morning.

Rural dweller on farms and small-holdings do notice the changing year more closely.


Venus rules Libra and she also rules sugar and the fructose in all fruits and berries.

During the Libra part of autumn the late fruit is harvested (the early fruit harvest starts at Lammas on August 1st).

Typically at this stage the food plants have their sugars fully developed even in crops like onions and potatoes.

Plants are ripe and juicy.


As the Sun enters Scorpio the leaves fall profusely and annual plants start to decompose to provide nutrients for the next year’s trees and crops.

This is the transformation period of plant’s decay and part of the cycle of nature.

It is reflected in astrology by the Sun being disposed by Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio.

In many plants the seeds for the next year are being created in pods and flower heads and they wait for the Sagittarian breezes to blow them hither and thither.

Seed distribution is a process of autumn and can be spread over the whole three months.


The last sign of autumn is Sagittarius.

By now all the leaves have fallen and bare branches abound and this allows the wind to whisk through the branches.

Jupiter’s influence as the planet of Sagittarius now disposes the Sun and we can see much further through the trees and our horizons are broadened at this time.

The late crops are now in and the animals have grown in their thicker coats ready for the cold ahead.

The final migrations have finished and long journeys by birds and herds have come to an end.

Did you notice? Really?

Did you notice all this going on?


Neither did I.

But I live in Vancouver city where I can see the changing seasons by the trees in the streets being stripped bare and the varying colours throughout the city’s parks.

This year I hope to pay more attention, will you?

by Alison Price

Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

by Alison Price

We have experienced several challenging planetary placements in recent years. I am of course referring to the Uranus Pluto square which has had astrologers and laymen alike buzzing with excitement.

Enter the Jupiter Uranus fire trine.

Whilst it is typical that we have both easy and challenging aspects within the zodiac at any one time, it is the individual and combined mixture of flow and resistance between the planets making the aspects that shape our lives.

That Uranus appears in both aspects (square Pluto and trine Jupiter) is telling. He seems to want to fit in and stick out at the same time.

We can live with this.


One way to interpret an astrology chart is by a technique called aspects

Astrological aspects are the angular distances between the planets.

Every planet has a measurement in degrees with the other planets but only certain angles are noted in astrology charts.

By dividing the circle of 360 degrees by any whole numbers we get the aspect angles.

The Trine Aspect

If you divide 360 by 3 the result is 120 degrees (360/3=120) and this is the size of the trine aspect.

Two planets that are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac will be in trine to each other.

The aspect degree does not have to be exact but can be within 8 degrees (the orb) either side of 120.

So when the two planets become between 112 to 128 degrees apart they are considered to be trine to each other.

Transiting Jupiter Trine Uranus


When the slower planets like Jupiter and Uranus trine each other it is to be noted.

It is a phenomenon that only happens around every six years then there is a gap of seven years before the next trine.

The elemental sequence is fire, earth, air then water. With two trines in each element, one waxing and one waning trine. Then it slowly shifts into the following element.

The Jupiter Uranus Synodic Cycle

Jupiter and Uranus have a fourteen year synodic cycle.

This means they are together and Jupiter (which is quicker off the mark) races off around the zodiac as Uranus moves forward slowly. Jupiter will catch up with Uranus around fourteen years later.

In 2010 Jupiter was conjunct Uranus at zero Aries. They will next be conjunct in 2024 at twenty-one Taurus.

Looking further forward in 2037 22 Cancer direct and in 2038 at 20 Cancer retrograde.

This shows the conjunction moves around either 30 degrees when at the retrograde three pass conjunction, or around fifty-one to fifty-four degrees and fourteen years during a one pass direct conjunction.

Because there is a trine in place for such a long period, when planets pass through the other fire sign of Sagittarius, they will create a fire grand trine when they trine both Jupiter and Uranus.

The most frequent planet to do this is the Moon.

It will provide huge opportunities and original approaches to how you can use that planet in Sagittarius.

The trine from Jupiter offers good things in line with your natal planet being aspected and the trine from Uranus offers unique and up-to-date solutions which allow things to move forward with ease and flow.

Get fired up!

Fire is all about inspiration. It gets the juices flowing and everyone hot under the collar. It gets people raving about things and issues. It creates fireworks and burning issues. We can get incandescent and want to burst. We are filled with bright ideas and get excited about anything with fire in it like dragon’s breath, candlelight, torches, barbecues and camp fires.

Make the most of this special fire trine.


Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2014

Jupiter in Leo

As the planets wander through the sky they change positions against the backdrop of the zodiac.

This movement can be like a dance as everyone (the planets) take their place and enter the stage.

At anytime one or two of the planets will take center stage as the others fade into the background for a while.

Planets in prominent positions may have a story to tell, and we listen.

This time it is Jupiter as he enters the fifth sign of Leo. A fire planet (Jupiter) in a fire sign (Leo).

Up there right now the biggest planet in the solar system and the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, is entering the zodiac sign of the Lion.



Jupiter in Leo Imagery

I often use the imagery of a hot air balloon to explain the astrological meaning for Jupiter.

Balloons are big, brightly coloured and when they drift by you simply can’t miss them. Much like Jupiter.

The collective noun for balloons is a festival of balloons which brings a fun and exciting element to ballooning. Much like Jupiter.

They travel on their journey, but to who knows where? Much like Jupiter.

They are filled with hot air or gas, and balloons will explode if over-filled. Much like Jupiter.

They often broadcast a message from their sponsors or promote special events (such as at sports events) written in huge letters on the sides of the balloon. Much like Jupiter

And I would imagine that the people who do take a ride in a hot air balloon say a prayer before launch. Much like Jupiter.

I have always fancied trusting the woven basket and journeying on a balloon flight and perhaps one day I shall. Much like Jupiter.

Benefits of Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo is especially good news for the fire signs and that means those with strong fire signs present in their birth charts.

I will tell you I am strongly Leo myself and I have been waiting for a while now for this shift in energy as Jupiter changes sign.

If you have an Aries, Leo or Sagittarian Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Jupiter or other cluster of planets in these three signs you will benefit during the upcoming year as Jupiter goes through Leo.

If your business chart has the fire signs emphasized as well your business can experience huge growth now.

If you are strongly Gemini or Libra you will see some support and some good things. You need to grasp any opportunities fleeting as they may be.

If you are strongly Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius could face the difficult side and this may suggest the over excessive situations as mentioned later.

Those of you with strong Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces may not see much change although you will try to make adjustments this year.


How can you make the most Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo is upbeat, positive and outgoing. It encourages taking chances and aiming higher in life.

Leo is the sign of the theatre and when planets enter the “stage” they will play their roles to perfection.

Using the theater analogy, Jupiter in Leo can either be the highly colorful swashbuckling much loved hero or he can be an overly costumed blow-hard in a pantomime.

The down side of Jupiter in Leo can be over-extension, over-doings things and excessive behavior. Or just too much of a good thing.

Pace yourself and all will be fine.

Jupiter in Leo, what’s in it for you?

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion.

It has to do with reaching for things just out of your grasp but it is the reaching that is important.

We like to s-t-r-e-t-c-h ourselves when Jupiter is active.

You can lift your eyes to gaze at your horizons.

Now is the time to aspire towards previously laughable dreams. Dust off your visions and start to believe.

When Jupiter is prominent by transit, and if it contacts your chart, you can raise your profile and aim for more in life.

Jupiter will support activities in broadcasting, promotion (self and business), publishing, gaining knowledge (as opposed to information), adult education, religious temperance, international travel and cosmopolitan situations.

Jupiter in Leo reinforces the theatre and daily dramas. See them for what they are.

More on this topic

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus sextile Uranus. Sextiles are very energetic and agreeable, so Venus sextiles one of the best aspects to find in relationship charts.

The Astrological Elements and Herbs

The Astrological Elements and Herbs

The Astrological Elements and Herbs

We are all about astrology here on this site and, having said that, astrology does have a broader sense through which it can be appreciated.

I realize that there is a thin connection from the plant world to astrology, but, I’m trying to express how astrology can be used in everyday life and not just as a horoscope column to be read on a Friday night to see how the weekend will go.

Which is really an entry level use of the craft.

Planets and Plants have Similar Origins

Earlier I shared with you my interest in herb gardening in the posts astrology and herbs, gifts for astrologers and the sixth house and herb gardens and this hobby has been with me for many years.

Some of you will appreciate that to accept astrological themes into your life can enhance your experience and understanding of the symbolic nature of the planets.

Four Beds – for Four Elements

Herbs are a diverse group of plants which have much to offer the windowsill grower or the real sized garden plants person.

Gardeners who plant formal herbs gardens typically segregate them into sections in line with their strengths.

Not all herbs are used for the same thing.

There are basically four types of herb that you can grow in a herb garden and they usually grow in their own bed.


  • Medicinal – Fire signs
  • Culinary – Earth signs
  • Fragrant – Air signs
  • Indigenous – Water signs

Medicinal Herbs

The medicinal herbs are associated to the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Medicinal herbs are at the root of all medicines we know today.

Examples of medicinal herbs are: Eyebright – for weepy eyes, mullein – used for bronchitis and the storax tree gum – used for coughs and cold remedies.

Culinary Herbs

The culinary herbs are related to the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Culinary means you can eat them so all the herbs that can be used in cooking and meal preparation are culinary herbs.

Examples of culinary herbs are: Bay leaves in babotie, parsley typically as garnish, rosemary best with roast chicken and mint for mint sauce to accompany lamb.

Fragrant Herbs

Fragrant herbs are under the auspices of the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Fragrant herbs are use for their smell and are often used in perfume, room cleansers and soaps.

Examples of fragrant herbs are: Jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender and rose all of which are the basis for the perfume industry.


Indigenous Herbs

Indigenous herbs are related to the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Indigenous herbs are those that naturally grow in an area and they can be home grown and they are different for each region.

Examples of indigenous herbs are: for instance, in South Africa the aloe Vera, in central and South America the cactus and in Canada the sugar maple.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

Mercury has more retrograde cycles than the other planets. Mercury goes retrograde three times each year. This occurs roughly at four month intervals and usually coincides with the same element for three consecutive retrograde periods.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It moves the fastest of all the planets. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.

All the planets except the Sun and Moon have retrograde periods every year. The exception is Mars which turns retrograde every two years. you can see that it affects many planets and that there is almost always one planet retrograde at any given time.

Mercury’s Upcoming Retrograde Periods


During December 13th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024 from 8° Capricorn to 22° Sagittarius.


During April 1st to 25th from 27° Aries to 15° Aries.

During August 5th to August 28th from 4° Virgo to 21° Leo.

During November 26th to December 15th from 22° Sagittarius to 6° Sagittarius.

Mercury Retrograde Element Focus

Mercury’s current retrograde signs are mainly the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries and Leo) for 2024.


The Mercury Retrograde War Cry!

“Go back, go back, go back to the woods.

You haven’t, you haven’t, you haven’t the goods. 

You haven’t the spirit, you haven’t the jazz… 

You haven’t the moves that Mercury has!”

Pop Culture and Mercury Retrograde

As the details of Mercury retrograde permeate through to the general public the words, “Mercury retrograde” become a catch phrase and is diluted down into basic, and often most inflammatory words. You will hear things like, “don’t buy computers, cars or phones when Mercury is retrograde.”

Well yes, certainly those things can be said, but astrologers know there is a more subtle effect to the apparent reversal of direction for the innermost planet.

Your Natal Mercury Condition

As with all astrology good forecasting and interpretation for yourself hinges on your own chart. If you have a well-placed and robust Mercury you will withstand the influence of Mercury retrograde (or any retrograde depending on the planet) and still be standing as other folds under their weaker Mercury placements.

A broad generality is like saying, “All cars reverse (or back-up) badly” when really it is more that, “some drivers can’t reverse very well.”

You know yourself that you are better at some things than others and certainly you will do some things way better than anyone else. So saying we all suffer the same way when Mercury is retrograde is simplistic.

If you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart you will withstand the negative effects of any Mercury retrograde period now and in the future.

How Retrogrades Affect Your Chart

Whichever house in your natal chart this retrograde occurs will be the area of life that is affected.

For example, if this Mercury retrograde period occurs in your fourth house then you will revisit family and home issues and you will need to go back and attend to them as drains, leaks and plumbing come to mind.

If Mercury retrogrades in your seventh house, your marriage will need further discussions and conversations and yes it will be about dragging up past issues (like affairs) to be once aired again as these things just won’t stay buried.


The Illusion of Aparrent Retrograde Motion

Retrograde motion is the apparent backwards movement of a planet.

The analogy I use when I’m teaching a class is that when you are on a train moving forwards then another train pulls alongside going at the same speed, if the second train slows down it appears to be going backwards, although it is still moving forwards albeit slower than your train.

This is an optical illusion and clearly demonstrates planetary apparent retrograde motion.



Read more >>>  Mercury retrograde and Job seeking.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Learn a little about the pagan festival of Lammas which occurs as the Sun reaches 15 degrees of the fixed sign Leo.

Your First Astrology Lesson

Your First Astrology Lesson

The Path

You find astrology on your own path and for everyone the road it is different because you each have your own chart this alone tells us that you will happen upon astrology in your own way.

It is highly unlikely that your career guidance counselor at school suggested you became an astrologer. They will probably have informed you that you should have become a doctor or a lawyer or a civil engineer.

Most people get into astrology by some form of side-stepping or as often is the case you stumble upon it one bright morn.

The time will come when you consider taking a class. when you finally end up at your first astrology lesson. I want to share my early journey on the road to astrological understanding with you.

My First Lesson

My interest in astrology was first piqued in a geography class at school when I was about fifteen. We were doing the solar system and after the module was complete the teacher sat on the front of her desk and read our Sun sign characteristics from Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs which she had in her drawer.

As the teacher read everyone’s Sun sign out loud she finally got to mine. I could not believe how it described me and it all made so much sense. I was blown away. I began to pay attention to my horoscope in the women’s magazines.. I discovered I liked reading about astrology.

The fact that my Sun and ascendant sign is the same would have reinforced the popular horoscope predictions as is the nature of how they are written with each sign on the first house and the forecasts for the signs generated from there. But there it is.

However, one day it was not enough. I wanted more information and I needed my questions answered. Questions like, “When do the signs change?” and “What does the Moon mean?”

These were really simple when I look at them now but back then, and I’m sure it is the same for many of you just starting out, they were huge questions. Questions that deserved an answer.

But there were no answers and I had to find out more. I sought out someone to whom I could ask these tricky questions and who could explain them and other things to me.

My First Teacher

Eventually I found an astrology teacher offering a two-year astrology course which started from scratch. The class was to start the following Tuesday evening at 7 pm. It was exactly what I was looking for.

The place was not near my home but at that time in Africa to find anyone to teach astrology was like finding a diamond in the rough. Beggars could not be choosers and I was a beggar for knowledge.

I got home from work changed my outfit into something less businesslike, scooped up my notepad, pens and the R7 cash (about US$0.70) to pay for the class. Those were the days.

I jumped into my trusty car and drove off into the night. I crossed over the top of Johannesburg along what is known as the concrete highway for obvious reasons. I left home one hour before it was to start to make sure I was on time.

Parking in the driveway I went in. I was excited and anxious at the same time. Grinding over my insecurities. Perhaps I would not like them? Perhaps they would not like me? Maybe I would be lost as the class conversation moved ahead? Maybe I would be floundering today? Imagine if the others knew it all already?

It was crowded and there was standing-room only.

I was twenty years old and the youngest one there. Because seating was limited and my mother had taught me some manners I acquiesced my position to an older lady and I stood at the back with the other “young ones.”

My first teacher’s name was David and told us he was over seventy. He was thin, wiry and wore his long white hair over his shoulders like a merlin.

He began talking and we all put our heads down and started to take notes. He handed out some shiny photostats of a map of the world and other information sheets with complicated looking numbers.

images-2As I was at the back of the room I had the privilege of turning on the hot water urn for the tea halfway through. It was my job to signal him when the water had boiled and made his hot drink which I did with pleasure.

The others crowded around and made their brew and stepped out into the garden to enjoy the break. The sultry evenings were filled with the sounds of crickets and someone had the fly swat to kill the mosquitoes which plagued us in the summer months.

Back again for the second half and more writing. Ok, I was scribbling now. Trying to keep up, hazarding a guess on how to spell some of the new words that would not roll easily off my tongue. I began to wonder if I would be able to decipher my scrawl when I got home.

The classroom was a converted double garage with wall-to-wall bookshelves. Back then the teacher imported the astrology books from America and we could buy them from him. In those days you could not find new age books available to the general public.

There must have been thirty people in that first class. By the next week it had shrunk to about twenty-five people. At class number three I could get a seat at the back and things settled down. Thus the rhythm of my life was set and I had my astrology lesson every Tuesday evening, from seven to nine and let’s not forget the tea break.

After two years of this there were only three of us left, myself and a married couple Marie and Arthur, of whom both I happened to know before I joined the class, serendipitous I call it. I am still in touch with Marie via a mutual friend but sadly her husband left this Earth a few years ago.

In retrospect my first astrology teacher was a fountain of knowledge. My initial tutor set standards in the knowledge that I rely on today. He too had passed but left many trained students behind to spread his life’s work. I hope you find a teacher to inspire you like I did.



Astrology and Herbs

Astrology and Herbs

Astrology and Herbs

imgresIn astrology the planets rule many things in daily life of which some examples are the days of the week, our body parts, colours, birthstones and plants. Most plants fall under the auspices of one of the planets. Therefore each planet has many plants to which it is related.

Some planet/plant affinities are clear to see such as that the sunflower comes under the Sun, and the Moonflower under the Moon but others are not obvious connections at all.

These planet to plant connotations and affinities have come to us through the ages over time. For those early correlations we have to go back to the older herbalists who were often astrologers as well.

See Gardening with Astrology for more on general gardening.

Nicholas Culpeper

The most famous herbalist is probably Nicholas Culpeper (28 October 1616, 12:12pm). Born in Oakley, England he was, amongst other things, a herbalist and an astrologer.

I refer you to Culpepper’s Complete Herbal for many of the planetary correlations I refer to here.

I am also a huge fan of Margaret Roberts from Johannesburg, South Africa who is a charismatic herb grower and author of many wonderful books on herbs and herb growing.

Herb gardens

I used Margaret Roberts schematic for the laying out and planting for both of my herb gardens that we built in Cape Town and Phalaborwa.

The first one in was in a new house in Table View, and yes that means with a view of Table Mountain, this first garden was laid out behind the house in a thin strip of land but a spot onto which the dining room faced.

Here I was able to position the birdbath (which is the focal point in any herb garden) in the centre of the window scape as you looked out at dinner. Those were the days when we as a family ate at a table each night.

The second herb garden my husband built with his own fair hands at a time when I was recovering from a most difficult surgery and could not rise from my sickbed for about a month. He wanted to create something for me to get out of bed for and hopefully to aid my long and painful recovery.

I must say I was intrigued from the enthusiastic stories from the kids about what Dad was doing as I flopped about unable to stand unaided. It worked, and indeed one day I managed the long walk to freedom down the passage and outside the house into the back garden.

What a beautiful sight to behold the red paving bricks were in a ten metre circle and all the little paths where they should be. He had been listening all those days in the past when I was chattering on about the importance of the circle and the measurements of the whole thing. I was very impressed and immediately set about making a list of the plants I now needed to fill the beds.

But when it came to it I did not need that many plants as my “sickroom” visitors came with not just gifts of biscuits and cake but of little herbs plants, packets of seeds and cuttings from their garden. The word had spread to the small community in which we were living and everyone who heard about my herb garden wanted to be part of it. Even the teachers from our kids little school donated something living like a plant or seeds with the potential for life.

For this generosity I am grateful.

But sadly we moved away and now new people have the benefit of a well stocked herb garden. In fact I believe the herb garden was a selling feature for the house when we moved. It was the only formal herb garden in the town when we built it and it maybe so today.


Herbs are a group of aromatic, culinary and medicinal plants typically grown in the subtropical regions from the 23rd to the 35th parallel on the Earth in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

Herbs are usually small leafed and grow under one meter in height.

Examples of herbs are parsley, sage and thyme.

Spices are usually grown in the tropical regions on the Earth between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn from the equator to the 23rd parallel and therefore are usually naturally found closer to the hotter areas than herbs. Spices are often harvested for their roots, seeds and leaves which pack a powerful heat and taste.

Examples of spices are turmeric, ginger, and peppers.

Therefore herbs have a wider growing area parallel to the Earth’s equator and so are cultivated in many countries.

Some tree bark, leaves and fruit are also loosely considered “herbs” and in modern culture we accept cinnamon, the bay leaf and elderberry etc.

Herb growers

In my experience people who grow herbs are the nicest and most generous spirited folk as they readily share their bounty of seeds, cuttings, and flowers and homemade produce of soaps, jams and preserves.

Herb growers typically spend many hours a week in their herb garden or tending their pots of little plants on their windowsills.

Herb benefits

We have known of the benefits of herbs for centuries. Many have connotations with the planets and astrology and it is interesting to see which plants related to each planet and sign.

In future posts I plan to discuss the astrology of herbs and those that I like and find the most useful.

Your Natal Promise and Your Potential Energy Planet

Your Natal Promise and Your Potential Energy Planet

Natal Promise

One of the techniques in astrology when assessing chart potential is to consider natal promise.

This is what is in the chart at birth and all the planets placements, condition and angle positions show what is possible for you in this lifetime.

It is what your chart promises and if something is promised like Sun conjunct Midheaven being well known and well respected and well thought of it may come to pass.

If it is not promised (weak MC) therefore it may pass you by.

Just because something is promised does not mean it will happen, but if something is promised you can focus your energy on bringing it to fruition.

I’ve often heard the adage, “The harder you work the luckier you get,” and this may indeed be the case. By focussing on your strengths you actually can diminish your weaknesses.

Criteria for Natal Promise

For example, you won’t win the lottery if you don’t have a strong fifth house.

Winning things like lotteries and sweepstakes are areas of life associated with the fifth house of risk and gambling.

For this type of natal promise to manifest you will need:


  • The 5th house ruler to be well placed and not afflicted.
  • The benefics (Venus and Jupiter) well placed and not afflicted.

Your Potential Energy Planet

Expend your efforts on the good things in your chart like:


  • Planets free from affliction – No squares, oppositions, semi-squares or sesquiquadrates and throw in the semi-sextile and quincunx as tough aspects too
  • Houses with many planets – One of your houses will have more planets that the others
  • Signs with many planets – One sign will have more planets that the other signs and it may be different than your Sun sign
  • Easy aspects joining two planets by trines or sextiles

Find Your Natal Promise through your Potential Energy Planet

Highest Essential Dignity Score

In your chart find the strongest planet by essential dignity, position and condition.

The planet with the hoghest essential dignity score may also be your potential energy planet.

Moving on…


Free from Affliction

Now find any planet which is free from affliction which means it has no challenging aspects like squares or oppositions from the other planets.

I refer to this planet as your potential energy planet it is the one most likely to work well for you.

Follow that planet’s message.

This is where your potential lies.

One Potential Energy Planet

In every chart, one planet will be less detracted from or diminished than the others and have more potential.

Find that planet.

Understand its message.

Work it daily.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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International Astrology Day

International Astrology Day

International Astrology Day


Every year on or around March 21 the Sun enters Aries and we celebrate International Astrology Day. This day is chosen for its special status because it is the time when the Sun commences the annual astrological cycle on its journey through the zodiac




International Astrology Day : 2024 Chart

Below is the chart for International Astrology Day in 2024. It is set on the Zero Aries house system and can be used all over the world. You can cast one specifically for your location if you wish.

Ingress Chart

This is an ingress chart for the exact moment that the Sun enters Aries.



Equinox means equal night and therefore equal day. The day and night are twelve hours long which when added together makes up the usual twenty-four hour day.

The equinoxes occur on the day when the Sun is directly overhead at the equator, or in other words, at zero degrees of celestial latitude. To be specific there is a time in the day that this happens it does not occur at midnight. Each year is different.

There are two equinoxes each year and they are six months apart. The first near March 21st and the second on or around September 21st. The date slowly shifts back and forth over the years as we adjust the calendar for leap year.

The spring or vernal equinox is in March and the autumnal equinox is in September. This naming of the equinoxes is northern hemisphere related and my friends in South Africa, Oz and Middle Earth will experience the opposite seasons.

It is at the vernal equinox when the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac Aries. The twelve zodiac signs are in sequence as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Cardinal Ingresses

The four cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

An ingress is the term used to define when a planet, or the Sun or Moon, leave one sign and enter the adjacent sign. So you can refer to this event as the Sun’s Aries ingress or simply as the Aries Ingress.

We can cast an ingress chart for the exact time, to the minute and second, of the Sun’s entrance into Aries and this chart and it’s meaning will be in effect for three months until the Cancer ingress or one year until the following Aries ingress.


Yearly Cycles

All cycles have a beginning and an end. In this case the new beginning suggests hope and eagerness to start things afresh. The sign of Aries is one for initiating things, starting a venture or turning over a new leaf.

If you have a project that you want to start and get going quickly then do so after International Astrology Day and try not to start before that date. You can certainly plan and work over the strategy required for your actions but wait for the Sun to shine from Aries and use this strong energy.

How to Celebrate International Astrology Day

Typically you can celebrate in several ways:

  • An astrology group meeting.
  • Lunch or dinner.
  • Bake a cake.
  • Share and discuss the ingress chart.
  • Other types of get together.
  • Perhaps you can make some personal affirmations for changes you would like to see flourish in your life.

It is not necessary for everyone to acknowledge this day.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

You may have other thoughts to add and everyone is different.

What are you waiting for?

10 Reasons

  1. If the mystical experience of a reading has never graced your life,
  2. If a year has passed since the last time cosmic insights illuminated your path,
  3. If you find yourself standing at the crossroads of life, pondering the next step,
  4. If the idea of exploring the celestial mysteries strikes you as an enjoyable endeavor,
  5. If your friend, recently touched by the magic of a reading, can’t stop raving about it,
  6. If your mother-in-law, with a knowing nod, suggests that a reading might be in order,
  7. If an inherent curiosity beckons you to unravel the secrets written in the stars,
  8. If the luminous allure of a full moon casts a cosmic spell upon your senses,
  9. If your upcoming birthday prompts a desire for celestial insights into the year ahead,
  10. If you aim to gift the extraordinary experience of a reading to someone truly special, then the time for an astrological rendezvous may be ripe.

And 10 Bonus Reasons

  1. If your quest for seasonal gifts leans towards experiences rather than accumulating more possessions,
  2. If you’re determined to stride into the New Year with the best possible energy,
  3. If the pursuit of continual self-improvement is a cornerstone of your life philosophy,
  4. If you find yourself navigating a profound spiritual journey, seeking meaning and connection,
  5. If the arrival of your new bundle of joy sparks a curiosity about their celestial influence,
  6. If understanding the cosmic blueprint of your children intrigues you as a parent,
  7. If you’ve encountered Mr. Right and wish to explore the cosmic compatibility,
  8. If Mr. Could-Be-Right has entered your life, prompting a desire for astrological insights,
  9. If the pursuit of personal enlightenment is a guiding force in your life’s journey,
  10. If you’re an astrology student eager to witness seasoned professionals in action,
  11. If the joyous occasion of marriage beckons and you want celestial blessings woven into the union, then consider the gift of astrological services—a unique and meaningful way to enhance various facets of your life’s journey.


What are you waiting for?


More >>> Book Your Personal Astrology Reading Now



Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

by Alison Price

Life Comes in Cycles 

One of the more obvious cycles is the seasonal changes you experience as the Sun moves through the zodiac when it enters a cardinal sign every three months.

This is the start of the four seasons.

The Zodiac Year

The year begins as the Sun enters the first sign of Aries and spring officially begins. Summer starts as the Sun enters Cancer around July 21st. Autumn is ushered in late September and winter draws in from December 21st at the Sun’s ingress to Capricorn.

Midsummer – Sun in Leo – What to expect

Here we are in the early degrees of Leo. It is just about mid-summer. But what can we expect?

That depends on whether you have a strong Leo presence in your chart from planets or your Ascendant or your Midheaven is placed in the sign.

Or, if you have a chart where there is no Leo influence at all and you have zero planets or angles in the sign of the Lion. 

If you do have a natal Leo influence

As the Sun moves through its own sign it will connect with any planets or chart points in Leo.

This will stimulate that planet or point and you will become aware of creative potentials as suggested by the strength of the contact,

Having Leo planets already in your natal chart will be reinforced as the Sun comes through. Things can become over-the-top but to express your individuality is key this month.

If you do not have a natal Leo influence

When the Sun transits Leo, and if you have no Leo signature in your chart, it becomes an opportunity for you to experience your inner child and express yourself in ways in which you would not normally.

Yes, at times it can get dramatic and loud but it can also be a lot of fun.

Summer is always good to kick back, relax and when you can be the star in your own life production.

It is a great time for a vacation or at least relaxing at home lying barefoot in a hammock. 


Enjoy the simple pleasures of sunbathing, sun-downers (drinks at sunset) and sunbeams playing in your windows. Be kind to yourself. Soak it up and make the most of the Sun in Leo.

You can’t keep up a punishing work pace all year. Even the tireless practitioners amongst you need a break from your grueling schedule of clients, preparations, and research.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

You can’t be going at full tilt all year.

Going forward into Virgo

Face September with renewed enthusiasm and bring your relaxed and refreshed self to your business and clients.


(Note, All these comments are for the northern hemisphere. For southern hemisphere reverse the seasons, but maintain the dates).