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3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

Author: Alison Price  Published: March 2024

Interpretation Overwhelm

When you’re just starting to learn how to read a chart, it can feel like there’s a lot to take in. Whether you’re a hobbyist, an amateur, or a student astrologer, it’s helpful to start by focusing on the essentials.

You don’t have to tackle everything at once; instead, you can gradually explore the finer details of chart reading over time.

The key is to prioritize understanding the main elements of the chart first.

Many people wonder where to begin with chart reading because there’s so much to explore. It’s true, there are countless details, some obvious and some more subtle, waiting to be discovered.

However, you don’t need to try to absorb everything all at once, especially with your next chart.

To help ease the overwhelm of starting out as an astrologer, here are three strategies you can use when approaching a chart for the first time.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Visible Planets

Planets to Display

One approach to reduce overwhelm is to focus solely on the visible planets.

Traditionally, there are seven visible planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

To start, I recommend displaying only these planets on the chart.


Planets to Cut Out

You won’t include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, or factors like Chiron, Eris, and other asteroids.

Also, you won’t show into the lunar nodes or other specific points for now.

These topics are best saved for later exploration.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Ptolemaic Aspects

Big Five Aspects

To further simplify your interpretation process, focus only on the five Ptolemaic aspects.

These include the conjunction, opposition, trine, square, and sextile.

These are the essential aspects you should concentrate on initially.

Aspects To Ignore

You should disregard the minor aspects, including the semi-sextile, quincunx, semi-square, and sesquiquadrate.

Also, ignore any aspects beyond the basic five, such as quintiles, septiles, noviles, and deciles.

While these lesser-used aspects have their significance, you don’t need to focus on them when you’re just starting out.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Tighten Orbs

Cut Orbs

Next, I recommend halving the orbs.

By doing so, you’ll focus only on the aspects that are tighter in orb, making them more significant in the chart reading.

This adjustment helps streamline your interpretation process.

Conjunctions, Oppositions, Trines and Squares

Reduce the orb for the conjunction from its original 8° to 4°, allowing only conjunctions with a 4° orb or less to appear in the chart.

Similarly, adjust the orbs for oppositions, trines and squares to also have a 4° orb.

This ensures that only tighter aspects are considered in the chart analysis.


When halving the orbs, decrease the orb for the sextile from 4° to 2°.

With fewer aspects to interpret, you’ll focus on the ones that matter most initially.

Keep in mind that tighter orbs indicate greater significance for the aspect.

Example Chart: Andy Warhol

Let’s have a look at an example chart with these three ways of reducing overwhelm applied.


Chart Data

We’ll take the chart for Andy Warhol who was born at 6:30 AM on August the 6th, 1928 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Visible Planets Only

In a typical full birth chart, which is what I usually use, there are 12 planets and four points displayed.

However, this chart also includes 55 aspects in the aspectarian, which a professional astrologer would interpret, but you don’t need to dig into all of them at the beginning.

By simplifying the display to include only the visible planets, the chart becomes much easier to read.

You’ll immediately notice that it’s simpler to interpret, with only seven aspects in the aspectarian for you to understand.



When we narrow down the aspects to the five Ptolemaic ones, the chart becomes significantly easier to interpret.

Now, there are only 6 aspects to decipher, comprising 3 squares and 3 trines.


Cut Orbs

By halving the orbs, we further reduce the number of aspects to deal with. Now, there are only 3 aspects remaining.

However, it’s important to note that the Fire Grand Trine is the only aspect pattern left in this chart, underscoring the supreme significance of this major aspect pattern and the 3 trines that comprise it for this specific chart reading.


Take Away

Interpretation Overwhelm

By implementing all three steps to reduce the amount of data for interpretation, the information is significantly pared down.

In Andy Warhol’s chart, we’re left with only 3 aspects.

However, it’s not necessary to take all three steps every time you want to reduce the quantity of information to interpret. You can opt for just one of the steps mentioned above.

For instance, you might choose to retain all the planets in the chart but simply reduce the orbs.

Alternatively, you could keep all the planets but focus solely on Ptolemaic aspects.

Either approach will effectively decrease the amount of information you need to interpret.

Sign and House

For your chart reading you will still have to interpret every planet which is displayed by its sign and house. That’s where using the visible planets comes in.


As you begin to trim down both the aspect set and the orbs within it, you’ll notice a considerable decrease in the workload for each chart.

The beauty of this approach to reducing information overwhelm is that what remains are the crucial Ptolemaic aspects involving visible planets.

These aspects form the backbone of the chart reading process.

Creating Information Overwhelm

Let’s approach this from another angle.

Whenever you introduce additional elements to a chart, such as asteroids or fixed stars, you inevitably increase the interpretation load.

Each new component requires consideration by sign, house and aspect, adding more work to the process.

Moreover, if you decide to include quintile aspects, while intriguing, it further burdens your interpretation load since these aspects also need to be analyzed.

The key takeaway here is that the more you add to a chart, the more it contributes to your interpretation workload.

Conversely, simplifying what’s displayed within the chart brings clarity to what truly matters, focusing on the tight, Ptolemaic aspects between visible planets.


Let me know which of these 3 tips you will try to reduce your chart information load and improve your chart readings.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Birth Data Required for a Birth Chart

Birth Data Required for a Birth Chart

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Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024


In early 2024 I had the idea to offer online chart interpretations. These would be for listeners of our podcast.

The online astrology reading is not a face-to-face consultation, but it is an interpretaion that is discussed on the podcast or perhaps on Youtube. I considered inviting Arwynne to join in the conversation on some of them and she was excited to chim in on this, the first online astrology reading. I am happy that Arwynne joined me for the interpretation on the podcast.

Also please note that there was so much interest in the Online Astrology Readings that there is an 8 month waitlist because we need to catch up with all the readings already requested.



Chart Details

Birth City

When starting any chart reading you need the birth details. Taurpio’s was born at 6:28 pm, on the 28th April 1983, in Wellington, New Zealand.


Current City

Because I will look at the transits, I asked where she was living now and it turns out that she now resides in Perth, Australia.



Visible Planets

Only counting the visible planets.


Moving on to the hemispheres,  the four Hemispheres are balanced.


The four Quadrants are balanced.





Fixed = 5

Triple Division

2nd Triple Division = 4


Taurus = 5


6th house 6



Chart Shape

Shape see saw chart typically has many oppositions and not many trines. There are usually two sides to the chart.


Ascendant Complex

Sign and Degree

The Ascendant is at 28° Scorpio.


First House Planets

Part of the Ascendant complex are any planets in the 1st house. Planets in the angular 1st house are well placed. In Taurpio’s chart there are two 1st house planets. Uranus is conjoined Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius.


Ascendant Aspects

Ascendant Neutral Aspects

The Ascendant is conjoined the Moon in fall in Scorpio and in the sensitive Ascendant Gauquelin sector.

Ascendant Hard Aspects

The Ascendant is opposite Mercury and Chiron both in Taurus in the 6th house.

Chart Ruler Complex: Mars


As Scorpio is the Ascendant sign and because Mars rules Scorpio, Mars becomes the first chart ruler.


Mars Sign

The chart ruler, Mars, is in detriment in Taurus and gets a score of -5.



Mars House

Mars is in the 6th house.


Mars Position

Mars is the Evening Planet as it sets after the Sun.


Mars’ Aspects

Mars Aspects Neutral

Mars is conjoined Mercury and the Part of Fortune.

Mars Aspects Hard

Mars is opposite the Moon.

Chart Ruler Complex: Pluto

Chart Ruler’s Sign

The second chart ruler, after Mars, is Pluto as it is the modern ruler of Scorpio. 


Chart Ruler’s Sign

Pluto is in Libra.


Chart Ruler’s House

Pluto is in the 12th house.


Pluto’s Aspects

Pluto Aspects Neutral

Pluto is conjoined Saturn.


Pluto Aspects Soft

Pluto is sextile Neptune. This is a generational aspects and millions of people have it in their chart.

Pluto is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node.


Pluto Quincunx Chiron


Sun Complex

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Taurus.

Sun House

The Sun is in the 6th house.

Sun Rules

The Sun rules the Midheaven, the 6th house, the Eastern Hemisphere and the 4th Quadrant (Q4).


Sun Aspects

Sun Aspects Neutral

The Sun conjoins Mars and the Part of Fortune.


Sun Aspects Hard

The Sun is opposite Saturn.


Sun Aspects Adjustments

The Sun is quincunx Jupiter and Uranus.


Moon Complex

Moon Sign

The Moon is in Scorpio which is not well placed as it is in Fall and gets a score of -4.

Moon House

The Moon is in the private 12th House.

Moon Rules

The Moon only rules the 9th house.

Lunar Phase

This chart has a Full Moon phase where the light of the Moon is very bright.



Moon Position

The Moon is in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector which gives it weight.



Moon Aspects

Moon Aspects Neutral

The Moon is conjoined the Ascendant.

Moon Aspects Hard

The Moon is opposite Mercury, Mars, Chiron and the Part of Fortune.


Dispositor Tree

Dispositor trees are another way to visualize the chart. This chart has two dispositor trees. The first is a Planet in Sign Tree, the Jupiter one, and the second is the Mutual Reception Tree with Mercury and Venus.

See the Dispositor Tree diagram further down.


Planet is Sign: Dispositor Tree

Jupiter is in its own sign of Sagittarius and so is well placed on the top line. Below Jupiter is Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. Jupiter disposes both Uranus and Neptune.


Mutual Reception Dispositor Tree

The two planets in mutual reception are Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in Venus’ sign of Taurus and Venus is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini. This means that Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception and have equal status in the dispositor tree. They go on the top line.

Below Venus is Chiron, Mars and the Sun in Taurus and Pluto in Libra. Venus disposes Chiron, Mars and the Sun. Below Mars is the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Mars disposes the Moon and Saturn. There are no planets below Mercury because there are no other planets other than Venus in either of Mercury’s signs Gemini and Virgo.

Links and Aspects

I always note any links (the arrows) that are also aspects in the chart. In this chart Jupiter is linked to Uranus and there is a conjunction between the two. The Moon and Mars are linked in the tree and they are in opposition to each other as well. The aspected links are maked in red.

Chart Rulers

I always highlight the chart rulers in a dispositor tree and in this chart the two chart rulers are Mars and Scorpio which are highlighted in yellow.


Main Comments from Taurpio

These are the main comments and question that Taurpio wanted us to focus on. Arwynne and I can’t cover everything in a 30 minute podcast, so we did what we could.


Reading Special Focus?

“How to make the best of the delightful pluto square pluto transit I’m going through. Somewhat challenging.”

Your Favourite Starzology Astrology Podcast Episodes?

“I love them all. I find yourself and Arwynne super engaging. I really enjoy the planets through the signs, also when you talk about generational transits i.e Chiron return. Also enjoyed the Oriental planet, mine’s Neptune.”


“I feel like I have a lot of polarity in my chart, very fixed energy of ♉️ and ♏️. Also interested to hear about the axis of the 6th and 12th houses.”

Forecasting: Transits recent Past

Pluto square Pluto

This transformative aspects which was in place for the past two years has finally cleared. Taurpio specifically asked about this aspect and we discuss in more in the podcast episode.


Forecasting: Transits Upcoming

Pluto square Saturn

Pluto is squaring Saturn now and will do so another two times during the course of 2024. This is marked in orange on the Dispositor Tree.



Graphic Ephemeris

Graphic Ephemeris Defaults

I always set my Graphic Ephemeris defaults as follows:


  • 45 degrees.
  • Eighth harmonic aspects.
  • Two years.
  • Start six months ago.
  • Go ahead for 18 months.

Graphic Ephemeris: What to Add

Once I have the Graphic Ephemeris printed out, I begin to add extra forecasting details. These other forecasting techniques are great at underlying what has already been brought forward in the transits.

Graphic Ephemeris: Eclipses

I look for lunar and solar eclipses for the next 12 months. I add any eclipses that conjoin the natal chart planets or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Secondary Progressions

For the secondary progressions, I add any secondary progressed planet that changes of sign or house in teh next year. Additionally I add any secondary progressed planet of angle that conjoins a natal planet or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Solar Arc Directions

I add the Solar arc directed planet changes of sign or house. I also add any Solar arc directed planets that conjoin a natal plants or point. See more on this later.

Solar Return Chart

The solar return chart can standalone and be interpreted by itself. This is another direct forecasting technique that I use after transits and eclipses. I always cast the solar return chart for the place they are at on their birthday.

With a solar retrun chart I look for:


  • The Solar Return Sun’s house.
  • The Solar Return Sun’s aspects.
  • Solar return ascendant in the natal chart.

You can continue on and interpret the whole chart but remember that is is the Sun that is the basis of this chart and therefore the Sun in the solar return chart is the most important.

If you want to loo for love and money then cast a Venus return chart and interpret that.


Secondary Progressions

With secondary progressions I cast the secondary progressed chart but mainly look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone secondary progressed chart.

When using bi-wheels I alwasy put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the secondary progressed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal cahrt or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel has the natal chart in the center and the secondary progressed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Secondary Progressions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Secondary progressed Moon phase and when is the next phase change.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often consider other secondary progressed aspects unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.


Solar Arc Directions

With solar arc directions I cast the solar arc directed chart but only look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone solar arc directed chart.

When using bi-wheels I always put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the solar arc directed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal chart or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel shown below has the natal chart in the center and the solar arc directed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Solar Arc Directions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Directed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Directed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Directed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often look at other solar arc directed aspects, like squares and oppositions, unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.



Chart Overview

In this post I have highlighted the important factors in this chart. I would urge you to develop your chart reading skills by working through the post from top to bottom and concentrate on the chart details that I have brought forward for consideration. Yes, there is much more to discuss about this chart, but those bits can be left for another day.

I want to inspire you, an Aspiring Astrologer, to get better at chart reading by focussing in on what really matters in a chart and leaving the lighter signifiers for another day.

I think it is better to teach someone how to fish and not give them a fish. So to relate that to chart interpretation, “It is better to teach you how to interpret a chart than to do it for you.” This is why I have not provided thorough interpretations in this question because you need to do it for yourself.


Chart Interpretation Done For You

However, if you requested a full chart consultation from me, then I would give you all the information surrounding the placements in the chart and the full forecast prediction.



I want to thank Taurpio for sending in her questions and especially for listening to our podcast in the first place. This post answers our podcast listener Taurpio’s questiions. It is heartening to know that we have listener’s from as far away as Perth, Western Australia in our audience. This shows the power of podcasting.






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Below is some recent feedback from Taurpio about the podcast and what she thought of our interpretation (edited for brevity).
Thank you Taurpio.
Hi Alison,
A big thank you to you and Arwynne for the online interpretation of my chart. I listened while taking my dog out for a walk. Pretty spot on really, particularly the part about my parents, I have a Taurus mother and a Scorpio father.
Anyway so generous of you to offer these readings. Look forward to booking an online consultation with you in future.
The information on the blog is so helpful also. 
I thoroughly enjoy all of your podcast episodes and learn something new every episode. Have shared with my friends and family also.
Have a great day.
Best regards,

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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Chart Interpretation Example for Bo

Chart Interpretation Example for Bo

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2023   –   Revised: January 2024

Chart Interpretation Example

See how to get organized to start a CHART INTERPRETATION. You can listen to the interpretation in the podcast episode below or read on for all the main margin notes that I extracted to read this birth chart. I’d like to thank Bo for giving us permission to use his birth chart for this training. We appreciate you.


Podcast Episodes

Bo’s Natal Chart Interpretation

In the first podcast episode, Alison and Arwynne go through a new chart interpretation step by step and extract the most important planets and signifiers. This is the way professional astrologers begin their chart readings.


Listen now >>> Bo’s Natal Chart Interpretation Prep


The Duality of Pisces

In the second podcast episode Arwynne welcomes Bo. This is a wide-ranging discussion on the most complex and hard-to-define sign of all. Pisces might also might be the most misunderstood and maligned sign in the zodiac. This episode is an illuminating deep dive for anyone struggling to pin down what the deepest of the water signs is all about. We explore the complexities, contradictions, dreams, intuitions, addictions, ambitions and sacrifices that make this sign so unique, and why we would all benefit from understanding the oceanic energies of Pisces a little better.



Chart Details

Bo’s natal chart details as given are as follows:

  • 9:32 am, January 22nd, 1988, Ness City, Kansas, USA.

This birth data is rated “AA” on the Rodden Rating as the time (9:32 am) is recorded on his actual birth certificate in hand.


Chart Calculation Defaults

We are using standard Western astrological defaults including:

  • The Tropical zodiac.
  • The Placidus house system.
  • The True Node.

This chart is calculated with Astro Gold.


Standard Orbs

Our standard natal orbs for both applying and separating aspects are:

  • 8° for conjunctions, oppositions, trines and squares.
  • 4° for sextiles.
  • 2° for semi-sextiles, semi-squares, sesquiquadrates and quincunxes.
  • 1° for quintiles, biquintiles, parallels and contra-parallels.


Begin Gathering the Information

This is how to approach a chart interpretation using the method I’ve been using for years. The aim is to get all the relevant information onto one page to start with.



Step 1: Balances

The balances refer to the polarity, elements, modes, hemispheres, quadrants, triple divisions, signs and houses. Only count the seven visible planets.


In this chart the active polarity has five and the passive polarity has two planets. This makes the active polarity strong. People who are strong in the Active polarity are positive and eject energy into the world by their thoughts and actions.



Now let’s consider the elements. In this chart there are three planets in Fire, Earth has no planets, Air has two planets and Water has two planets. This makes Fire slightly stronger than the other elements. Technically, for an element to be strong it must have two more planets than the next best element, which fire doesn’t. It only has one more planet than the next best elements which are Air and Water. Strong fire people are inspirational and will inspire others as well.

Explore more >>> Astrological Elements

Explore more >>> The Elements and Herbs



Turning to the modes. In this chart. Cardinal has one planet fixed has two planets and Mutable has four planets. This makes the Mutable mode strong with four planets. For a mode to be strong it technically must have two more planets than the next best mode. In this case the next best mode is Fire with two planets therefore Mutable is strong. People who are strong Mutable types are amenable to change.



Of the four hemispheres, the Northern hemisphere has three planets, the Southern hemisphere has four planets, the Eastern hemisphere has six planets, and the Western hemisphere has one planet. This makes the Eastern hemisphere strong with six planets. People with a strong Eastern hemisphere. Have a great focus on their lives and what they are doing.

Hemisphere Ruler

The Eastern hemisphere ruler is Jupiter (as Sagittarius is on the MC). Jupiter is in its own hemisphere (Eastern) so this make Jupiter a focus planet for us to note.


Considering the quadrants. The first quadrant has three planets. The second quadrant has zero planets. The third quadrant has one planet. And the 4th quadrant has three planets. Because the 1st and the 4th quadrants have equal amount of planet. There is no strength in quadrants here.


Triple Division

Moving on to the triple divisions. The first triple division has three planets. The second triple division contains zero planets, and the third triple division has four planets. This makes the third triple division slightly stronger. However, technically, for a division to be strong it needs to have two more planets than the next best triple division, which the third division doesn’t. That’s why the third division just getting the “slightly stronger” label. The third Triple division is the “Them” division, where the focus is on what’s going on in the world.

Sign Emphasis

The sign with the most planets is Sagittarius. Therefore, the sign of The Archer, Sagittarius, is emphasised.


House Emphasis

There is no house with more than two planets thus no house emphasis.

Step 2: Ascendant Complex

Ascendant Sign

The Ascendant sign is Pisces. This makes the chart ruler the greatest planet of all, Jupiter.

First House Planets

The planets in the first house are Venus in Pisces and the Moon in Pisces. We also note that the north node is in the first house in Pisces as well.

Aspects to the Ascendant

Looking at aspects to the Ascendant, and we have Venus conjoined the ascendant and Mars is square the ascendant.

Step 3: Chart Ruler Complex

Chart Ruling Planet

The chart ruler is Jupiter because Pisces is on the Ascendant and Jupiter rules Pisces.

Ruler’s Sign

Jupiter is in Aries. Note that Jupiter is in mutual reception with Mars in Sagittarius.

Ruler’s House

Jupiter is in the second house.

Ruler’s Aspects

Jupiter is conjoined the Part of Fortune and Eris. It receives sextiles from Mercury and Chiron, and trines from Saturn and Uranus. Note that Jupiter only has soft aspects and therefore is unafflicted. Very nice.


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Step 4: Luminaries

The Sun

Sun’s Sign

The Sun is in Aquarius which is in detriment as it is in the sign opposite its rulership sign of Leo, so it gets a score of -5 in Essential Dignity.

Sun’s House

The Sun is in the 12th house.

Sun’s Aspects

The Sun is unaspected as it does not receive a Ptolemaic aspect from another planet. However, the Sun does receive a lesser-used aspect, the bi-quintile, from Chiron. Additionally, the Sun is trine the South Node. Even though the Sun receives two aspects, it is technically considered “Unaspected” because the Sun does not receive a Ptolemaic aspect from another planet.

Luminaries: The Moon

Moon’s Sign

The Moon is in Pisces.

Moon’s House

The Moon is in the first house. Well placed in an angular house.

Moon’s Aspects

The Moon is conjoined the North Node and trine Pluto. The Moon is quintile Neptune. The Moon’s hard aspects are squares from Saturn and Chiron. The Moon is the focal planet in the T-square. The Moon receives an opposition from the South Node. The Moon is opposition and contra-parallel the Vertex. This makes the opposition to the Vertex a double whammy opposition and is therefore a more significant aspect.

Lunar Phase

The lunar phase is Crescent.


Arwynne and Bo

Part 5: The Other Planets in Order


Venus’ Sign

Venus is in Pisces, in exaltation. Venus gets a score of +4 for it’s exalted status in Essential Dignity.

Venus’ Position

Venus is the rising planet and Venus is in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector.

Venus’ House

Venus is in the first house. Well placed in an angular house.

Venus’ Aspects

Venus is conjoined the Ascendant. Venus is square Mars. Venus is trine Pluto and sextile Neptune. Venus is quintile Saturn.


Chiron’s Sign

Chiron is in Gemini. Chiron is the only retrograde planet in Bo’s chart.

Chiron’s House

Chiron is in the fourth house. Chiron is part of the only T-square.

Chiron’s Aspects

Chiron is trine Mercury and sextile Jupiter. Chiron is opposition Saturn and square the Moon and part of the T-square. Chiron is opposition Uranus. Chiron is biquintile the Sun.


Pluto’s Sign

Pluto is in Scorpio, in dignity and gets a score of +5 for Essential Dignity.

Pluto’s House

Pluto is in its natural eighth house which makes it in accidental dignity. I give Pluto a score of +1 for this. Well placed.

Pluto’s Aspects

Pluto is square Mercury. Pluto is trine the Moon and Venus and sextile Neptune (generational aspect).


Mars’ Sign

Mars is in Sagittarius.

Mars’ Position

Mars is well positioned as the Most Elevated Planet. Mars is in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

Mars’ House

Mars is in the ninth house.

Mars’ Aspects

Mars receives a trine from ErisMars receives a square from Venus. Mars is quintile Mercury.


Saturn’s Sign

Saturn is in Sagittarius.

Saturn’s House

Saturn is in the tenth house so is in accidental dignity because the 10th house is Saturn’s natural house (+1).

Saturn’s Aspects

Saturn is conjoined Uranus. Saturn is trine Jupiter and trine the Part of Fortune. Saturn is square the Moon, opposition Chiron and square the Lunar Nodes. Saturn is quintile Venus.


Uranus’ Sign

Uranus is in Sagittarius.

Uranus’ House

Uranus is in the tenth house.

Uranus Aspects

Uranus is conjoined Saturn, trine Jupiter and trine the Part of Fortune. Uranus is opposition Chiron and square the Lunar Nodes.


Neptune’s Sign

Neptune is in Capricorn.

Neptune’s Position

Neptune is the oriental planet.

Neptune’s House

Neptune is in the eleventh house.

Neptune’s Aspects

Neptune is sextile Venus and sextile Pluto (generational). Neptune is square Eris. Neptune receives a quintile from the Moon.


Mercury’s Sign

Mercury is in Aquarius.

Mercury’s Position

Mercury is the occidental planet.

Mercury’s House

Mercury is in the twelfth house.

Mercury’s Aspects

Mercury is sextile Jupiter, the Part of Fortune and Eris. Mercury is trine Chiron. Mercury is square Pluto. Mercury is biquintile the South Node.

Dispositor Tree

Bo has a Mutual Reception Tree with Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius on the top line. Also note the Saturn is a Gateway planet with three planets below it.


Explore more >>> Dispositor Trees



Part 6: Major Aspects Pattern


There is only one Major Aspect Pattern which is a T-square. The T-square composes of Saturn in Sagittarius opposition Chiron in Gemini, and both are square the Moon in Pisces. The Moon is the focal planet of this T-square. The energy of Saturn and Chiron will be channelled and often expressed through the Moon. This is a mutable T-square as all the planets are in mutable signs. This T-square can be referred to as a “Moon mutable T-square.”


More Example Charts

Below is a selection of example charts. Thet generally show my process for getting the information together before the interpretation begins.

Example Chart: Super Jupey

Example Chart: Super Jupey

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: June 2024 Example Chart : Super Jupey This is an example chart reading for our listener Super Jupey. I think the name comes from the prominence of Jupiter in this chart.    The Natal Chart   Balances Strong Polarity...

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Natal Chart Readings: Beginners

Natal Chart Readings: Beginners

How to Read a Birth Chart

The 4 Cornerstones of Chart Interpretation

Reading a birth chart is a skill that can be learned. By an undestanding of four main components of a chart you can get to understand the chart easily. Although there are many, many parts to one birth chart, if you start with the basics you swill be well on the way to interpreting the message in a chart sooner rather than later.

In this post, I’m going to share with you the four cornerstones of chart interpretations. Chart reading is a huge subject and there are many ways to skin this cat, so today let’s zoom out for a high level look at what you need to know. And what is important for anyone who wants to read charts.

Listen now >>> The Four Cornerstones of Chart Reading


The four cornerstones are what holds things up and they can hold up your chart readings. An example is the pyramids. They first lay the four cornerstones and make them level then they can build upon that. Walls are built that hang from the corners. It’s like the foundations of your house.

The four cornerstones of chart reading are the signs, planets, houses and aspects. Many astrology books focus one one or more of these factors. I urge you to read as many astrology books as you can and I have some book recommendations for you.

1. Signs

The signs of the zodiac are the gateway into chart reading. The signs are originally named after the constellations. In the tropical zodiac, measured fro the Vernal equinox, the zodiac signs are the ones that the Sun passes through every year.

Everyone knows their Sun sign. You will know your family and frineds and maybe even your colleagues’ Sun signs. As an astrologer, you need to understand the meaning of the signs and one way to do this is with keywords.

Sign Keywords

There are a few main keywords for each sign. Let’s just be clear about sign keywords. A keyword cannot be generic like “happy” as this could relate to many signs. A sign keyword must directly relate to the sign and to no other sign. A sign keyword is unique to that particular sign.

Example Sign Keywords

Fire signs keywords: Inspirational, hot, fiery, active and outgoing.

Aries: Competitive, aggressive, dynamic and red.

Leo: Creative, honest, extravagant and yellow.

Sagittarius: Adventurous, cosmopolitan, philosophical and blue.

Read more >>> Sign Wine Parings

Read more >>> Compatible Signs

Your Astrology Journal

A good idea when learning astrology is to have an astrology journal. Reach for your astrology journalMake a page titled “Signs”  then on the next 12 pages, write each sign name at the top of the page. You will fill in more information about the signs later.

Reference your good astrology books, choose five sign keywords for each sign and learn them first. Be aware of polarity, element and mode, but don’t worry too much about out this yet. First learn the signs in which you have tenants, or planets. So for instance, if you have the Sun in Libra, then learn that sign.

Next turn your attention to your Moon sign and learn that signs keywords. Follow in for all the planets and learn these signs first.

Read more >>> Recommended Reading

Read more >>> Your Holy Trinity and Polarity

2. Planets

As you start to learn the sign keywords, along with all of that you can add in some planet keywords. Start with the Sun, the Moon and then work your way outwards from Mercury.

Get at least five planet specific keywords for each planet. Planet keywords must not be generic and must be only relevant to that individual sign. You can use all your astrology books as a reference but don’t quote other astrologers directly.

Read more >>> Planets

Read more >>> How Planets Move

Read more >>>Retrograde Planets

3. Houses

For the houses there are 12 houses and each house represents a different area of life. Houses can also contain people in your life. 

Start learning the houses by your own planet in house placements. So learn your Sun’s house keywords then your Moon’s house keywords and so on. In this way you become more familiar with what is in your own chart first. Then go back over and learn the rest of the house keywords. That will be your vacant houses.

Read more >>> The Astrological Houses

4. Aspects

Next learn the aspects.

Ptolemaic Aspects

There are five Ptolemaic aspects. Start with the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile. In other words the major or Ptolemaic aspects. When you have mastered the big five, go on to learn keywords for the minor aspects.

Minor Aspects

The minor aspects are the semi sextile, quincunx, semi-square and sesquiquadrate.

Aspects of Declination

Eventually you will learn keywords for the parallel and contra parallel aspects.

Lesser Used Aspects

The lesser used aspects are the quintile and biquintile, the sextile, bi-sextile and tri-septile and the novile and decile.


You won’t know everything at once it is a process. Lay out your astrology journal with one double page spread for each cornerstone component of sign, planet, house and aspect. Ideally you will leave pages inbetween each cornerstone topic so you can come back and add more information later.

Read more >>> Fibonacci Aspects

Read more >>> Aspect Orbs

Personal Astrology Resource

If you create an astrology journal it can become your very own astrology resource. As you read more and more charts you can develop your interpretation style further. 

I hope these ideas will give you something to think about. I’d like to think these four cornerstones will help you get going with learning your wonderful craft.


Read more >>> Planetary Complexes

Read more >>> Astrology Reading Cards

Listen now >>> Starzology Astrology Podcast


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Astrological Ethics and Privacy

“It is not possible that particular forms of events should be declared by any person… it is necessary for [astrologers] to adopt inference. Only God can predict particulars.” ~ Ptolemy


We as astrologers would certainly be wise to adopt inference about our readings especially in regard to our clients. Here we will discuss some ethical predicaments in which an astrologer, or student, can easily find themselves.


The privacy laws are always in effect and you need to be aware that they affect your work as an astrologer. You cannot discuss the chart details of one person with another – even another astrologer.


If you want to use an individual’s chart details and personal storyline you may not do so without first obtaining their written permission and clearly stating whether the data will be used for research, teaching or for publication. The public do not know the breadth and depth that an astrological interpretation can entail and how chart analysis will reveal features and motivations in someone’s life. As an astrologer, you need to tread carefully here.


A new mother comes to you and wants her baby’s chart read. What do you do? Obviously, parents make decisions for their offspring all the time. Perhaps one way of dealing with interpreting children’s charts is to be found in the transits. Prior to the first Jupiter return (age 12) the parents may request a child’s chart to be read and after the Jupiter return the child should agree to you doing the reading.

“Is he the one?”

A woman arrives at your office clutching the birth details of Mr. “Fifth Boyfriend this Year” and demands, “Is he the One?” What do you do? This really is an ethical situation where you are being asked to interpret charts for those who are not there and are unaware that it is happening. There may be justification in some instances, but you will have to decide where to draw the line.

The Deceased

We often select famous people who are dead for chart interpretation practice such as Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein or Michael Jackson. If a private person has died and you wish to work with their chart details this usually is acceptable unless the death has occurred recently, and the family is still working through their grief. You have to decide what type of astrologer you are and again you have to make the call.


You have just left an energetic astrology meeting and are standing at the door casually chatting about the weather and someone thrusts their chart into your face and says breathlessly, “I have no planets in the seventh house, I was told it means I won’t get married, what do you think?”

Well, what do you think? For a start you can’t stand there discussing her chart in front of other people. What gets me about this scene is that during some point in her past someone told her the grim news and she has been carrying the baggage with her up until now. There is no point to respond with another hit-and-run consultation as you stand at the door.

The way to handle this situation is to explain that many factors influence marriage and invite her to make an appointment to meet with you at a more appropriate time where you can gently go over how it all works and put her straight on this matter.

You are the Authority

Remember, as an astrologer (and as an astrology student) you are deemed the authority in all matters of an astrological nature. From the point of view of your clients and the general public you are the wizard and as such you need to be careful to do no harm.

Your Chart

Look at your chart to see what your Saturn (respect and boundaries), Uranus (astrology) and Pluto (secrets) reveal about you and your approach to ethics and privacy.

Give some thought to the issues discussed above and it could help you decide where you stand.


Every astrologer has their own opinion on these introductory matters. It would do you well to think about what your views are before attempting a chart interpretation.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Ethics and Privacy

In your astrology journal, please do the following:

  • Consider three possible ways you may be challenged in your astrology business with family and friends surrounding ethics and privacy.
  • Decide if you will reveal information about a client’s chart to the person who pays for the consultation.
  • Consider which types of requests you will decline e.g. “Why did he die, can you look at his death chart?” “I’m sixteen years old, will you read my chart and not tell my parents?” “I think my partner is having an affair, will you read their chart for me but not tell them, I have the details for you?”

Extend Yourself

  • Write an astrological personal privacy statement which can be used on your website and in correspondence with potential clients (100 words).


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