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New Moon Wishing – a self-care guide book for wishful thinkers

New Moon Wishing – a self-care guide book for wishful thinkers

New Moon Wishing – A self-care guidebook for wishful thinkers

The New Moon Wishing self-care guidebook for wishful thinkers by Pearl Pendragon contains pages that you fill in with your New Moon wishes each month.

There are “New Moon in zodiac sign” prompts to help you align your wished with the current New Moon position.

Additionally, there are “New Moon in house” prompts so you can focus your wishes on the dynamic energy in your own unique birth chart.

This guidebook has enough pages for five years of New Moon Wishing which means you can create a record of the wishes you made and reflect on how things turned out.

The self-care aspect of New Moon Wishing surrounds writing your wishes and intentions to bring them forth through the act of hand penmanship which embeds your wish deeper into your consciousness.

You are encouraged to color in, embellish and add related ephemera to each month’s pages to create a beautiful record for yourself.

Who This Book is For

This is an ideal gift for the new-age and enlightened people in your life who enjoy creating with journals and notebooks.

Available now from Amazon.

Further Resources

Read my thoughts on New Moon Wishing and get some more ideas on how to use them in this video on Nadia Shah’s Channel.

Pin this image to your Pinterest board.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Astrology for Self-care

Available now.

A few years ago, I began writing horoscopes for various publications, including a print magazine, an online app, and a new age website.

However, each outlet required a different approach, as one catered to women, another started their week on a Monday, and the third targeted a trendy millennial audience.

As a result, I needed to organize my astrological data and focus on three specific events in the astrology calendar each month: the New and Full moons, the planetary stations, and the ingresses.

By noting these movements on a monthly chart and setting my chart on the zero Aries house system, I could see where each event would occur for each sign.


To make this process easier, I created a mini-PDF for clients with each month’s data, which I built up over five years with more valuable information, data, and tables.

However, people often had trouble printing or losing the file, so I eventually published a handy book on Amazon, which customers could easily purchase and return if necessary.

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide is now available on Amazon, and it includes short interpretations for each lunation, station, and ingress.

These mini-insights are similar to what I would write for a horoscope column, and they can be used as a basis for creating horoscope insights for yourself or your clients.


Who This Book is For

This book is for people who wish to embrace the art of astrology into their everyday self-care practice.

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner contains information for anyone interested in astrology.

It has material on the 2024 New and Full Moons, retrograde and direct dates and planetary ingresses (when the planets change signs) for the whole year.

Horoscopes Writers

If you write horoscopes or forecast for yourself, family and friends it will help you plan.

There is a page for you to draw in your own birth chart, so you can follow along and a few blank chart wheels.

Track Transits

Each month has a handy list of astro events including planetary ingresses, retrogrades and lunation information.

There is a lunar mood checker diagram for you to fill in each day to monitor your mood.

This is great for women and their cycles.

The handy weekly pages can be used to track, and make notes about, the transits and progressions to your own birth chart.

Personal Growth

This book will inspire you to find out more about astrology, your chart and how the celestial energy changes affect you.

As your astrology knowledge grows, you can add other astro related details which interest you.


This is a working book. You are encouraged to make it your own.

You can color in this planner, collage special days and make notes which mean something to you.

Create yourself a beautiful keepsake for the year 2024 which you can look back on later.

Customize Your Planner

The idea is that you make this planner your own.

Colour in the months pages and add your transits on the weekly pages.


Watch the Video

To get more inspiration on how to get organized to write horoscopes, or to forecast for yourself, watch the video below.

I explain how I use this planner and you can add your information, color and  embellishments as well.






The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner contains information for anyone interested in astrology


Practical Astro Forecasting

The spreads are the exact ones that I use each month for horoscope work and forecasting, which I draw in my journal and you can see more of that in this video.

It has material on the 2024 New and Full Moons, Eclipsesretrograde and direct dates and planetary ingresses (when the planets change signs) for the whole year.

If you write horoscopes or forecast for yourself, family and friends it will help you plan.

There is a page for you to draw your own birth chart, so you can follow along and a few blank charts.

Monthly Planner Pages

Each month lists the astro events like planetary ingresses, retrogrades and lunation information.

There is a lunar mood checker diagram and other fun pages.

Weekly Planner Pages

The handy weekly pages can be used to track the transits and progressions to your own chart.

Moon Mood Tracker

Each month has a 28-day Moon cycle tracker that you could use to track:

  • Your mood
  • Your lunar transits
  • Your monthly cycle


Personal Growth

This planner will inspire you to find out more about your chart and you can add other astro related details that interest you.

In this planner, you can color in and make notes that mean something to you and create yourself a keepsake for the year 2024.


Astro Guide

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide is not only a planner with monthly and weekly calendar pages, but it also includes specific pages for the eclipses of 2024 and the retrograde periods for every planet in 2023.

Additionally, it features a short piece about the Wheel of the Year and the eight pagan festivals.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can visit my website or check out the link in the show notes.

And if you know someone who would be interested, it makes for a great holiday gift.

Thank you for spending time with me.

With love,


Pluto Transits Through the Houses

Pluto Transits Through the Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2021   –   Revised: March 2024

Pluto Transits the Houses


In this post I’m going to share with you, key energy shifts that you can anticipate when Pluto transits the houses of your chart. When your start with transits you typically begin from the outer planets inwards towards the Sun. The first planet that you will study will be Pluto. Pluto takes a long time to pass through each sign. It can take years to transit the houses of your chart.

Pluto’s Time in Each Sign

Taking into account that Pluto will retrograde over signs boundaries I am only looking at the first time Pluto enters a new sign in all cases.

This will give an average time for the planet to be in each sign, although yes, it will retrograde at the beginning of the ingress and go back to the previous sign for a while and at the end of a sign it will move into the new signa finally to retrograde back for a while into the old sign.

But all things being equal, that is why I’m taking the first ingress of Pluto into each sign that has occurred relatively recently.

Pluto Through the Signs

Pluto passed through Leo from 1939 to 1956 when it first entered Virgo. Pluto took 17 years to cover 30 degrees.

Pluto transitted Virgo from 1956 to 1971 when it entered Libra. Pluto was 15 years in Virgo.

Pluto entered Libra from 1971 to 1983 when it entered Scorpio. Pluto was 14 years in Libra.

Pluto occupied Scorpio from 1983 to 1995 when it entered Sagittarius. Pluto was 12 years in Scorpio.

Pluto took residence in Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008 when it went into Capricorn. Pluto was 13 years in Sagittarius.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will remain there until 2023 when it will go into Aquarius. Pluto will be 15 years in Capricorn.

Pluto’s Perihelion and Aphelion


When a planet gets closest to the Sun in its orbit, it is called perihelion.

Pluto, perihelion was actually within Neptune’s orbit on September 5th, 1989 at 13 degrees Scorpio. 



Pluto’s aphelionis  when it is the farthest away from the Sun in its orbit.

The last time Pluto was in Taurus was over one hundred years ago in 1867. Pluto was in Taurus from 1852 to 1882 which means that Pluto spent 30 years in Taurus.

Kepler’s 2nd Law

Kepler’s 2nd law of planetary motion states that, “Planets sweep out equal areas in equal time.”

This means that when a planet is closer to the Sun, at perihelion, it moves faster, as Pluto did through Scorpio. When a planet is further from the Sun, at aphelion, it moves slower as Pluto did when it transited Taurus. Pluto transited Scorpio in a brief twelve years but took thirty years to transit Taurus. Having said all that let’s have a look at some key phrases that you can anticipate when Pluto transits the houses of your natal chart.


Initial House Ingress

The most important part of transiting Pluto, or any planet for that matter, is the time it first enters a new house. That event will bring a period of usually one whole year when the changes relating to the new house are the most felt by the person whose chart it is.


By the time Pluto has been in a house for five to ten years you do get used to the energy. When in a particular house, if Pluto then conjoins a planet in your house it will it trigger more responses in you. And when transiting Pluto makes general aspects to the planets in your chart, but that is the topic for another time.


Ok, so we have covered some potential shifts of energy that you may experience as Pluto transits the different houses of your chart. Find the date when Pluto will change houses for you and jot that special date down in your calendar and worksheet.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The Graphic Ephemeris

The Graphic Ephemeris

The graphic ephemeris has a slightly different purpose than the ephemeris book. It is mainly used for predictive work and specifically outer planetary progressions, transits and directions shown in a graph.

Solar Return Charts in Astrological Forecasting

Solar Return Charts in Astrological Forecasting

Solar Return Charts

A solar return chart is a chart cast for the exact time that the Sun reaches the same longitude (degree, minute and second) that it was placed at the time of your birth as shown in the natal chart.

Solar Return Place

A solar return chart is cast for the city you are in on your solar return date and not your birthplace. It is known as you solar return place or location.

Every year there will be a different solar return chart for you as the Sun will be in the same degree and sign, but the planets and angles will have moved.

Each of your solar return charts (year after year) will have the same sign, degree and minutes for the placement of the Sun as it is in your natal chart. In other words, your solar return Sun position on the zodiac is always the same as your solar return Sun every year.

When to Cast a Solar Return Chart

A solar return chart is cast every year on your birthday, or thereabouts, and can be used to predict the trends coming up for you each year.

A solar return chart is a direct astrological forecast method, which means it is based on transits, but it is crafted for you individually based on your natal Sun’s position.

If you can read a natal chart you can quickly interpret a solar return chart.


Solar Return Annual Forecasting Period

It is usual, and advisable, for clients to have a chart consultation on or near their birthday because of the power inherent in the solar return chart.

If you do a client consultation midyear you have to print the current and the next solar return chart.

Solar Return Charts can Stand Alone

A solar return chart is one forecasting technique that can be done alone and not combined with the other methods.

A solar return chart is useful for forecasting one year ahead which is a typical length of time for an astrological forecast for someone.

Relocate the Chart

Your birth chart is calculated for the town or city where you were born.

When the transiting Sun perfects the conjunction to its natal position you could be anywhere on Earth.

When using a solar return chart, it is necessary to cast the chart for the place that you are living in on that birthday.

As the potentials for the year are inhaled at the exact time of the Sun’s return.

If you move from your birthplace, each year’s solar return place can be different if you continue to move.

For example: If you were born in Toronto and now live in London then you would calculate the solar return chart for London for that year..

If you were born in Toronto and now live in London and are on vacation in Los Angeles on your birthday, then you would calculate the solar return chart for Los Angeles.

Solar Returns: Podcast Episode

Learn how to cast a SOLAR RETURN chart, what to look for and intrepret it.

In this episode, I (Alison) chat with Arwynne and discuss the direct forecasting technique of solar return charts.

We explain how to cast a new solar return chart, solar return travellers, and three key interpretation steps to understanding the message in the chart without being overwhelmed by too much data.

Date and Time Changes

All good astrology software such as Solar Fire and Astro Gold will calculate a solar return chart for you.

Check that the Sun’s position is the same as the natal Sun’s position and check the new location.

Solar Return Date

If you move extremely west or east of your birthplace then the solar return chart may end up being dated on the day before, or the day after, your actual calendar birthday.

Solar Return Time

The birth time for the solar return chart will be different to the natal time and different each year.

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Solar Return Chart Interpretations Interpretations

Interpretation of the solar return chart is not as complicated as re-analyzing a whole new chart.

There are specific details to look for and not every solar return chart will provide as much information as the next one.

How Often to Cast a Solar Return Chart

The solar return chart may come into effect one or two months before your birthday and last up to ten to twelve months after your birthday.

I find that it is best to start using the next solar return chart one month before your birthday.

That is when the Sun is at thirty degrees to its natal position, or one sign before.

This can be variable, and it depends on the placement of the planets that year.


When to Use a Solar Return Chart

You don’t just wake up one day under the effects of the new solar return chart.

It is a gradual process.

However, when the transiting Sun is in orb of a conjunction to your natal Sun (8 degrees) then the solar return chart begins its effect for sure and last year’s solar return chart fades away.


Using Two Solar Return Charts at Once Two Solar Return Charts

A situation may arise when you have to cast two solar return charts at once.

This would typically be the case if you were looking at the yearly forecast for someone and it was six months from their last birthday and therefore six months until their next birthday.

Previous Solar Return

You can use the previous year’s solar return up until the month before your next birthday.

Current Solar Return

The current solar return is cast for your last birthday and can be used for twelve months. You may begin to feel the effects of the next solar return chart when it is under one month to your next birthday.


Next Solar Return

The next solar return chart will come into effect around your next birthday. But the influences may start to develop at around one month before your next birthday.

If your birthday is in the next month use the next solar return chart.

Instances When to Cast Two Solar Return Charts

If you had a client who came for an astrological consultation and required a forecast between their two birthdays, then you would cast two solar return charts, the previous one and the next one.


Angles in the Solar Return Chart

Solar Return Angles

When reading a solar return chart, the four angles are very important.

The natal sign over the solar return Ascendant clues you into the year ahead.

Any planet conjunct an angle in the solar return chart will be prominent that year.

Planets Conjunct the Angles

  • Ascendant – A planet conjunct the solar return Ascendant may play a role in how your project yourself.

  • Descendant – A planet conjunct the solar return Descendant may play a role in your close personal relationships.

  • Midheaven – A planet conjunct the solar return Midheaven may play a role in the public persona you can project that year.

  • IC-A planet conjunct the solar return IC may play a role in what your private life looks like.

Solar Return Ascendant Sign

The Ascendant sign in the solar return chart indicates the way you will present yourself this year.

It may be that same as your natal Ascendant, but in years when it is truly different, it offers you a chance to express yourself through a different lens, or filter.

Solar Return Ascendant in Your Natal Chart

The natal house which contains your solar return Ascendant needs close inspection for it is through this portal that you will express yourself in that year.

The Solar Return Sun

“Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns”

The Importance of the Solar Return Sun

The whole concept of solar return charts hinges on the Sun.

The Sun’s position in the natal chart dictates the Sun’s position in the solar return chart every year.

It follows that the Sun is the most important feature to be considered, not by sign (as it is the same as the natal) but by house and aspect.

Pattern of the Sun’s House Placement in Subsequent Solar Return Charts

Astrologers love patterns.

Having a pattern somehow makes astrology seem like it is part of a big plan.

Whose plan, we may not be sure, but a plan anyway.

The Solar Return Sun by House

Each year the solar return Sun will be in a different house of the solar return chart.

The solar return Sun moves through the houses in a particular pattern by type of house.

After around ten years, moves into the next kind of house (angular, succedent and cadent), eventually placed in each of the twelve houses in turn.

The pattern is loosely the angular houses (first, tenth, seventh and fourth), then the succedent houses (second, eleventh, eighth and fifth) and then the cadent houses (third, twelfth, ninth and sixth).

In this way the Sun may cover the whole twelve houses over a thirty year stretch.

This pattern is reliant on you not moving place.

The Solar Return Sun’s House Shift Pattern

This Sun house shift pattern works perfectly under three specific criteria:

  • If you live on the equator.
  • If you use the equal house system.
  • If you never move place.

But, if you use Placidus house system (which I do) or many of the other house systems, then the solar return Sun’s house shift pattern may be slightly out.

This is because the house widths are skewed by many house system cusps.


Relocating from Year to Year

Note: If you move place from one city to another for your solar return (that is your birthday) the pattern will be interrupted.

For around ten years the Sun is in angular houses and then it moves to succedent houses.

For example: You may have three returns with the Sun in the first house or only two returns.

It depends on your chart.


Solar Return Travellers

Therefore, the Sun could feasibly be in your solar return twelfth house for three years out of ten.

This twelfth house’s retiring and private position may or may not suit you.

For this reason, people travel for a better solar return Sun house position. 


First the Angular Houses

Sun in first house.

Sun in tenth house.

Sun in seventh house.

Sun in fourth house.

The Succedent Houses

Sun in the second house.

Sun in the eleventh house.

Sun in the eighth house.

Sun in the fifth house.

The Cadent Houses

Sun in the third house.

Sun in the twelfth house.

Sun in the ninth house.

Sun in the sixth house.


The Sun in the Solar Return Houses

The Spotlight is on Each House in Turn

The Sun’s house is very important as it shows which house has a spotlight on it for the forthcoming year.

It is where you can shine in your life.


First House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return first house it is a year to:

  • Focus on self-improvement.
  • Expect physical changes.
  • Let people get to know you.

Second House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return second house it is a year to:

  • Improve your self-esteem.
  • Improve your personal and core values.
  • Earn a good income.

Third House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return third house it is a year to:

  • Focus on short courses and learning skills.
  • Participate more in the neighborhood.
  • Allow self-expression to become important.

Fourth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return fourth house it is a year to:

  • Spend time at home.
  • Stamp your personality on your home.
  • Identify with your family.

Fifth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return fifth house it is a year to:

  • Fall pregnant
  • Enjoy children and play
  • Give birth to your creative projects.

Sixth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return sixth house it is a year to:

  • Begin your own business
  • Go back to work
  • Attend to your heart health.

Seventh House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return seventh house it is a year to:

  • Consider marriage.
  • Feel an individual within a partnership.
  • Experience legal matters.

Eight House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return eighth house it is a year to:

  • Possibly inherit from your father.
  • Acquire individual debt.
  • Spend time on personal inward looking.

Ninth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return ninth house it is a year to:

  • Expect to travel.
  • Be attracted to and identify with foreign things.
  • Begin a self-improvement courses.

Tenth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return tenth house it is a year to:

  • Finally get your career to take off.
  • Gain public accolades for any previous endeavors.
  • Become known and have a reputation in the public domain.

Eleventh House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return eleventh house it is a year to:

  • Identify with a cause close to your heart.
  • Become humanitarian and concerned about humanity.
  • Begin a self-interest group.

Twelfth House

When the solar return Sun is in your solar return twelfth house it is a year to:

  • Retire and withdraw from life.
  • Reflect on your life path.
  • Recharge and replenish your inner self.

Planetary House Emphasis

Any house in the solar return chart that has more than three tenants needs special attention.

The areas of life indicated by the house will be of importance in the following year.


The Importance of the Solar Return Sun’s Aspects

The aspects the solar return Sun makes in the solar return chart (and therefore to the transiting planets at the time) are very important is showing the year’s identity and ego for the individual.

At the exact solar return, the Sun will be transiting the natal chart and triggering all the natal solar aspects that are in the natal chart.

This transiting Sun conjoined the natal Sun tends to recalibrate the meanings of the solar aspects.

The most important Sun aspects in the solar return chart in sequence are:

  • Conjunctions

  • Other Ptolemaic aspects; the square, trine, opposition and sextile

  • Minor aspects; the semi-sextile, quincunx, semi-square and sesquiquadrate

  • Lesser used aspects such as the quintile, septile and novile

  • Tip: I usually only consider the conjunction and the Ptolemaic aspects.

Transiting Sun Reinforces the Natal Sun’s Aspects

As the Sun moves into its natal position each year it remakes all the solar aspects that are in the natal chart.

For instance, if you have a natal Sun square Moon, then you will have a transiting Sun square natal Moon at the solar return.

Solar Return Videos on YouTube

There are 3 videos in this series.


Part 1: How to correctly cast a solar return chart

This gives you some specifics about the correct time, date, and place for your solar return chart.


Part 2: The solar return Sun’s house and the solar return Sun’s aspects.

This video explains what each house position of teh Sun means in your solar return chart.

It also explains the importance of the Sun’s aspects and which aspects to choose.


Part 3: Solar return chart retrograde planets and other planetary returns

This video looks at retrograde planets in your solar return chart. It also covers other types of planetary return charts that you may wish to use someday.

There is a checklist for when you work with solar return charts.


Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Your Second Saturn Return – Astrology for the Third Age

Your Second Saturn Return – Astrology for the Third Age

Your Second Saturn Return

Astrology for the Third Age

Discover more on your Saturn returns in general.


As you pass the age of sixty, and even the in the year coming up to your 60th birthday, the planets make a special contact to your birth chart as Saturn once more returns to its natal position.

This is where it was the day you were born and Saturn takes around thirty years to make one full pass through the zodiac.

Your first Saturn return happened at about age twenty-nine to thirty and the second Saturn return occurs at around age fifty-nine to sixty.

Saturn is the timekeeper of the zodiac and brings a time for you to recalibrate back to your core values as shown in your natal chart.




You can make the most of your second Saturn return by accepting the following:

  • You know who you are
  • You are mature
  • You know what you can and can’t do
  • You know your limitations both physical and mental
  • You consider starting a new business
  • You become the mistress or master of your own life

The Astrology of your Saturn Return

Your Saturn returns can happen in one of two ways. It all depends on the movement of Saturn at the time of your return. This movement is determined by the angular relationship Saturn has with the Sun in the transit chart.

If the Sun is square or sextile Saturn it will not be the Saturn retrograde that happens once a year.

Your Saturn return could be short as a one hit transit or prolonged if there is a three contact transit.


One Contact Return

In a one conjunction Saturn return the influence will be in orb for ten days beforehand and ten days afterwards the exact date.

If it is one single Saturn return you will immediately recalibrate back to all your natal aspects to Saturn.

Three Contact Return

If you are fortunate to receive a three contact Saturn return the transit can be for as long as three months as you experience an extended Saturn return that is more powerful and life changing.

There will be a first direct hit, then a second retrograde contact and finally the third contact.

  • The initial contact will set the stage for all this Saturn return favours.
  • The second contact makes you revise any plans or opinions about your life.
  • The third and final contact brings closure to the things initially opened at the first contact of the return.

Natal Saturn Direct

If your natal Saturn is direct and you get one transit it will be a relatively painless return. A Saturn return like this is short and sweet.

If your natal Saturn is direct and you get a three pass Saturn return it will draw out. The natal issues relating to Saturn and it’s complex in your chart as shown by the sign, house and aspects that you natal Saturn has.

Each contact will be reinforced in a prolonged Saturn return and you will have more time to assess and process the changes taking place in your life.

Natal Saturn Retrograde

If your natal Saturn is retrograde and you receive one direct contact from Saturn it will be refreshing and the positive side of Saturn will be available to you.

If your natal Saturn is retrograde and you receive a three hit Saturn return it will seem more familiar. The hesitation that comes from the Saturn retrograde will be reinforced through the aspects that you already have in your natal chart.

When to Expect Your Second Saturn Return

Your second Saturn return happens when Saturn does a full second cycle and returns to the sign it was in when you were born.

If your natal Saturn is in Aquarius your Saturn return will happen from March 2020 to March 2023.

If your natal Saturn is in Pisces you will get a Saturn return somewhere between 2023 and May 2025.

The Third Age

Your second Saturn return is like a passage of life. Everyone’s life is different and if you were married or not or have kids or grandchildren the situation will differ from person to person.

But there are main themes for the third age of Saturn.

Now you are free to do more. The constraints and demands of reproduction have passed as most women are now through their menopause and cannot have children. They may be called crones or elders.

The grown up kids may have moved out, gone to college or got married.

Your parents may have gone. Even your husband or wife may have shuffled off.

This time is for you to master yourself and to draw the line about people or things that demand too much from you.

You may downsize your home and find a smaller place and change things.

You are not responsible for so many things and now you can concentrate on yourself.

Now your duty is to yourself. You can approach life with renewed energy and accomplish things you have only dreamed of before.

Now you can:

  • Be free from responsibilities of a family or a husband.
  • Know that retirement is a dirty word
  • Travel
  • Make new friends
  • Get more education
  • Explore your creativity
  • Be a mentor for others
  • Have a simpler life
  • Get a smart phone
  • Eat nourishing and quality food
  • Exercise as you see fit
  • Volunteer your time
  • Upgrade your wardrobe and style
  • Get new hair and makeup
  • Love your grandchildren

Each second Saturn return will be different for everyone but the core meaning will remain.

If you plan carefully you will have a new lease on life and can do what you have always wanted to do on your own terms.


8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

Your Saturn Returns

Your Saturn Returns

Your Saturn Returns

The Saturn Return is becoming one of the most talked about astrological events in people’s lives.

It is the third most popular astrological topic for the general public after, “What is your sign?” and  “Did you survive Mercury retrograde?”

Everone receives a Saturn return or two or three during their lives. If you are over thirty you have already experienced one and have more to come.


When to Expect Your Saturn Returns

First Saturn return – Age 29/30

Second Saturn return – Age 58/59

Third Saturn return Age 87/88


Podcast: Saturn Returns

Listen to our podcast about Saturn Returns where we discuss more on Saturn Returns.

Click below.



Saturn and the Ages

Saturn is a broad timekeeper and marks the passage of life.

Before your first Saturn return you are in the first age. the second age occurs after your first Saturn return.

The third age begins after your second Saturn return and the fourth age starts after your third Saturn return.


The First Age

The first age is from birth to your first Saturn return at age 30.

This period of life takes you from child to adult to responsible person.

In these years you learn to do as you are told up to a point.

Those in authority like teachers, your parents, the government and older people will dictate how you should behave.

Maturity. You get in your lane and you know your place.

Your duty is to your parents. You learn the rules.

You are looked after by others but you struggle to be autonomous. You get honours for yourself.

Keyword – Crisp.


The Second Age

The second age covers the years of life from 30-60 this stage of your life are the mature years when you are responsible for other kids and holding down a job or taking a mortgage.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

You may do traditional things and do what is expected by your betters and elders.

Now you consolidate your worldly achievements whatever they are.

You have a duty to your spouse, kids and your boss to reproduce and play by the rules.

You look after others. You are honour bound.

Keyword – Solid.


The Third Age

The third age starts at age sixty and lasts for thirty years until the age of ninety.

In this age you get more time for yourself and the responsibilities of earlier years often fall away.

You have mastery. Your duty is to yourself. You have some personal achievements.

You can rewrite the rules you live by.

You look after yourself.

You are honoured as you choose to do things for others.

Keyword – Capable.


The Fourth Age

The fourth age begins very late in life at age ninety.

This is the final Saturn return it ias the fourth one. 

Not everyone will make it this far, but more do every year.

Now you will spend each day carefully living your life as if it were your last day on Earth. Time is precious.

You have limitations. You ignore the rules.

You have a duty to a higher order. You are looked after (physically and spiritually).

You become honoured for time and longevity.

Keyword – Tired.


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Read more >>> Saturn