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About Mercury

Mercury is one of the key planets in astrological interpretation, and it holds a special place in shaping an individual’s personality, communication style, and thought processes.

In simple terms, Mercury is associated with the way you think, speak, and process information.

Let’s delve into this with a gentle and caring approach.


Podcast Episodes

Listen to our latest podcast episodes and learn about the planet MERCURY and how you can interpret it in your charts.

In these episode,s Alison and Arwynne discuss all about Mercury in your chart.

They share some keywords and how this personal planet expresses itself in each sign and house.


Mercury is often described as the planet of communication and intellect.

It influences how we express ourselves, how we learn, and how we perceive the world around us.

Imagine Mercury as the cosmic messenger, delivering the thoughts and ideas from the depths of your mind to the outside world.

Communicates and Learns

Mercury’s position in your birth chart plays a significant role in shaping your communication style and learning preferences.

It affects how you process information, make decisions, and interact with others.

If Mercury is strong in your chart, you may find it easier to convey your artistic ideas and connect with people who share your creative passions.

On the other hand, if Mercury is challenged, you might face hurdles in effective communication, which can be a valuable area for personal growth in your artistic pursuits.


The zodiac sign in which Mercury resides in your birth chart adds another layer of complexity.

Each sign bestows certain characteristics and qualities upon Mercury.

For instance, if Mercury is in a fiery sign like Aries, you might have an energetic and assertive way of expressing your artistic ideas.

If it’s in a watery sign like Pisces, your art could be deeply intuitive and emotionally charged.


Furthermore, the house placement of Mercury in your chart determines the specific areas of life where you channel your creative and communicative energies.

If Mercury is in the 5th house, which is traditionally associated with creativity, your artistic endeavors are likely to be a significant part of your life and identity.


Mercury’s aspects to other planets in your chart also influence your artistic journey.

Positive aspects like trines and sextiles can enhance your ability to communicate and create, while challenging aspects like squares and oppositions may require extra effort in order to harmonize your artistic expression with your inner self.

Mercury and Art

In astrology, Mercury isn’t just about words; it’s about the entire spectrum of communication, including the silent language of art.

It’s the gentle whisper in your ear, guiding you through the intricate dance of colors and forms.

By understanding your Mercury placement and its aspects, you can gain insight into your artistic strengths and areas where you can improve.



Thinking: Thinking, talking, what you think and talk about are Mercury activities.

Information gathering: Also all forms of reading, writing, typing, handwriting, speech, your communication style, language, messages, penmanship, listening, calligraphy, codes and cyphers.

Mental arithmetic: Mercury rules arithmetic and numbers.

Commerce: Mercury rules all commerce, merchants, traders, deals,

Handiwork: Dexterity, handicrafts and handiwork.

School: Your early learning processes, intelligence and how you digest information is shown by the Mercury placement in your chart.

Mercury in the Signs

Here are some quick, precise phrases for Mercury in each sign.


You speak your mind.


You make decisions slowly.


You gesticulate when talking (rules the sign).


You use emotional language.


You can speak to an audience.


You trade meticulously (rules the sign).


You have a graceful verbal expression.


You listen more that you speak.


You spin a good yarn, if an exaggerated one.


You have a dry sense of humor.


You speak the truth more than most.


You may have telepathic abilities.


Mercury in the Houses

Here are some quick statements about Mercusry in the houses.


First House

You are proactive.


Second House

You discuss your finances.


Third House

You worry what the neighbors think.


Fourth House

You document your family history.


Fifth House

You like quizzes and crosswords.


Sixth House

Your work is verbal.


Seventh House

You discuss your relationships.

Eighth House

You read occult books.

Ninth House

You can learn a foreign language.

Tenth House

Your communication can benefit you at work.

Eleventh House

You tell jokes to your friends.

Twelfth House

You read spiritual literature.



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If you want to dig deeper into the famous Mercury retrograde cycles check out these articles.



Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius

The biggest Astrological update for 2024 is that Pluto will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius.

The Moon

The Moon

The Moon

Moon Rulership and Essential Dignity

Rules Cancer. Is in detriment in Capricorn, exalted in Taurus and falls in Scorpio.


Moon Keywords

Women: The Moon is the feminine principle in a chart.

Emotions: The Moon rules emotions, feelings, nuances, tears and things that well up.

Mother: It indicates your mother, mother figures, how you experience your mother and family ties.

Care: The Moon shows how you take care and what you care about. Food preparation and all cooking activities or storing food, eating and drinking beverages are influenced by the Moon in a chart.

Reactions: Anything that comes in phases such as reactions, responses, where we are reactive,

Habits: Instinctive behavior and habits are under the auspices of the Moon.

Nurture: The nurturing activities of breastfeeding, milk, all milk products and nutrition is under the Moon.


Moon Extras

Explore some extra information about the Moon.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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The Sun

The Sun

The Sun

Sun Essential Dignity

The Sun, like other planets, is better placed in some signs than others.

The Sun rules Leo, is exalted in Aries, in detriment in Aquarius and falls in Libra.


Sun Keywords


The Sun plays a pivotal role in the tapestry of astrological influences, weaving threads that illuminate various aspects of one’s existence.

At its core, the Sun signifies identity, serving as a celestial mirror reflecting the essence of who you are as an individual.



In the cosmic dance, the Sun becomes the maestro orchestrating the symphony of vitality.

It is the life force that courses through your veins, breathing energy into the very core of your being.

This radiant luminary speaks the language of independence, revealing the strength that resides within you.



As the celestial patriarch, the Sun extends its influence to the realm of fatherhood.

It becomes a cosmic compass pointing towards your relationship with your father and other significant male figures who shape the narrative of your life.

In decoding this astral language, the Sun unveils the mysteries of paternal bonds, offering insights into the dynamics that characterize these crucial connections.


The Heroes’ Quest

Embarking on the hero’s quest, the Sun casts you as the protagonist in the grand narrative of your life.

It represents the epic journey of self-discovery, where challenges are met, and triumphs are celebrated.

In the cosmic theater, you are not merely a spectator but the lead actor, navigating the twists and turns of your destiny.


Men and Meleness

The Sun, in its celestial language, speaks of men and the essence of maleness.

It delves into the realm of ego and unveils the male role models that leave an indelible imprint on your life.

For women, the Sun becomes a guide, indicating the type of man who may stir the embers of attraction.

Paired with Mars, it creates a cosmic roadmap, outlining the characteristics that ignite the flames of passion.


The Self

Self-expression becomes a canvas painted by the Sun’s rays.

It is the brushstroke of your personality, revealing how you wish to be seen by the world.

The Sun becomes a beacon of drive and initiative, guiding you to the realms where your heart finds resonance.

In this cosmic dance of self-discovery, the Sun unveils the shades of your proactive nature, allowing you to express the kaleidoscope of your true self.



In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, the Sun takes center stage, not as a distant orb but as a cosmic storyteller weaving the narrative of your identity, vitality, and self-expression.

As you journey through the celestial realms, may the radiance of the Sun guide you on your quest for self-discovery and illuminate the path towards the hero you are destined to become.

The Sun in the Signs

Understanding the profound impact of the Sun’s placement in the astrological signs reveals the core desires and motivations that shape individuals.

Let’s explore into the nuanced expressions of each solar influence:


The Sun in Aries

Your driving force is the desire to be first.

Ambitious and assertive, you thrive on competition and challenges, always seeking to lead and pioneer new paths.


The Sun in Taurus

Your aspirations center around wealth and material abundance.

Grounded and practical, you find comfort in financial security and the tangible rewards of your efforts.


The Sun in Gemini

Communication is your forte.

Energetic and intellectually curious, you are driven to connect with others, share ideas, and constantly learn from the diverse perspectives around you.


The Sun in Cancer

A strong sense of family is at the core of your desires.

Nurturing and protective, you seek emotional security and a harmonious home environment where bonds are deep and meaningful.


The Sun in Leo

Your desire is to be appreciated, and you often take on a leadership role effortlessly.

Confident and charismatic, recognition and admiration fuel your creative and expressive endeavors.


The Sun in Virgo

Precision and correctness define your ambitions.

Detail-oriented and diligent, you strive for perfection in all aspects of your life, valuing competence and efficiency.


The Sun in Libra

Partnership and companionship are essential to you.

Diplomatic and sociable, you seek harmony in relationships, desiring to share your life with someone who complements and balances your energy.


The Sun in Scorpio

Deep and transformative connections are your yearning.

Intense and passionate, you seek profound emotional and sexual bonds that transcend the superficial and delve into the depths of intimacy.


The Sun in Sagittarius

Your quest is for broad knowledge and experience. Adventurous and optimistic, you seek to expand your horizons through travel, education, and a diverse range of interests.


The Sun in Capricorn

A life of honor and integrity is your goal.

Ambitious and disciplined, you strive for success and recognition in your chosen field, aiming for a life marked by respect and achievement.


The Sun in Aquarius

Objectivity and a sense of social responsibility guide your desires.

Innovative and open-minded, you seek to contribute to the greater good, valuing individuality and progressive ideals.


The Sun in Pisces

The desire to escape, often through music or art, characterizes your aspirations.

Compassionate and dreamy, you seek transcendence and connection to the mystical realms, finding solace in creative expression.


Understanding the Sun’s placement in your astrological chart provides valuable insights into your fundamental motivations and aspirations.

Embrace the unique qualities bestowed upon you by the celestial forces, and use this knowledge to navigate your journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment.


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Sun Extras

More interesting information on the Sun in astrology.


Discover more about the planets.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Discovered on 13th March 1781  by William Herschel a German-born British astronomer. Note from his diary, “Between 10 and 11 in the evening.”


Uranus’ Discovery Chart: Uranus’ Position and Aspects

  • UR 24GE27
  • UR-90-SU
  • UR-72-ME
  • UR-180-MA
  • UR-180-SA
  • UR contra-parallel MA

Its orbit around the Sun is 84 years. The axis tilted 98 degrees to the plane of t
he ecliptic. Uranus has a r
ing system.

Uranus is the “God of the Sky.” Uranus was the father of Cronus (Saturn) and the grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter).

Uranus’ Keywords

New Age: Astrology, astrology students, astrology practitioners, astrology groups, and awakening.

Broken: Breaks, breakdowns, breakups, breakouts, and breakthroughs.

Original: Genius, original thoughts, lateral thinking, and concepts.

Oddness: Quirky, unusual, unique and the unexpected.

Hooligan: Rebels, riots, mobs, revolution, resistance, and agitation.

Trends: Fashion, fads, and freaks.

Electricity: Waves, sine waves, radio waves and microwaves

In the body (Body Parts): Circulation, the ankles, and brain synapses.

Uranus in the Signs

Uranus in Taurus



Discover more about the planets.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Saturn rules things you can master, your ambition, worldly achievement and your grasp in life.

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius

The biggest Astrological update for 2024 is that Pluto will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus

Learn about the impact of the upcoming sign change for Uranus as he enters Taurus for the first time in eighty-four years.

See how this planetary shift will affect you and each sign of the zodiac.

Alison presenting a talk on Uranus in Taurus in Vancouver.

More about Uranus, more about Taurus.


Uranus in Taurus Main Themes

These main thems we are likely to hear about over the seven years when Uranus is in Taurus.


  • Awareness of your carbon footprint
  • Astrologers will be paid at worth
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Online banking
  • Money pools
  • Economic revolution
  • Interest rates change
  • Energy for all
  • Internet reach
  • Upheaval in food markets
  • New and Improved farming practices
  • Land ownership crisis
  • Community gardens

Ascendant Signs and Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus for Aries 

PositivesUnexpected income, improved self-esteem, and unique values.

Challenges: Financial upheavals and changes in your values.

Uranus in Taurus for Taurus

PositiveChange in your physical body, awareness of self and unique dress sense

Challenges: Breakdown in your physical body, awareness of shortcomings and your circulation weakens.

Uranus in Taurus for Gemini

Positive: Sudden private awareness, breakthroughs in spiritual practices and meditation.

Challenges: you may be unexpectedly hospitalized.

Uranus in Taurus for Cancer

Positive: Astrology groups, new social circle, and unusual friends.

Challenges: Break up with friends and agitate the group.

Uranus in Taurus for Leo 

Positive: Sudden fame, new career – goals, unexpected promotion and you become known for astrology.

Challenges: Noterioty and authority issues.

Uranus in Taurus for Virgo 

Positive: Fresh roads, publishing astrology work and discovers philosophy or religion.

Challenges: Suddenly dropping education and yoru unexpectedly leave your religion.

Uranus in Taurus for Libra 

Positive: Genius with other people’s money, breaks debt habits, unusual support from others and your intimate life changes.

Challenges: May become promiscuous and change in your karma.

Uranus in Taurus for Scorpio 

Positive: Original partnerships, relationships suddenly appear and astrology business partner.

Challenges: Disrupts marriage and a breakdown of relationships.

Uranus in Taurus for Sagittarius

Positive: Works as an astrologer, daily rituals encompass astrology, you have genius ideas at work and original pets.

Challenges: Crazy work schedule, weak and swollen ankles and unusual pets.

Uranus in Taurus for Capricorn

Positive: Unexpected romance, love life improves, leisure time is random and you find that astrology is fun.

Challenges: Changes in love life, children suddenly appear the possibility of pregnancy.

Uranus in Taurus for Aquarius 

Positive: There are sudden moves of home, new family members, you discover your roots and the foundations of your life experiences upheavals

Challenges: New family members, electrical problems at home and your parents may divorce.

Uranus in Taurus for Pisces 

Positive: Takes an astrology class, sudden appreciation of the neighborhood, siblings get weird, unusual commute and the trend is to “local is better”

Challenges: Car breaks down, car accidents, bus rerouted and siblings break off relations.


In Summary

Positive Changes

Change is relentless, we grow through adversity, keep yourself relevant and know that technology is here to stay.


Resistance is futile and you will be assimilated.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Mars in Gemini – The Juggler

Mars in Gemini – The Juggler

Mars in Gemini

Mars Themes

The red planet is known for its energy, effort being expended and activity.

This is the planet that gets you off the couch as something inspires you take action.

It is all about overcoming inertia and any sluggish behaviour that may have been plaguing you recently.

Martial energy will push forward through the meaning of the sign and there is always a shift in momentum when Mars changes sign.


Gemini Themes

Gemini is the sign for multi-tasking and Mars in Mercury’s active sign helps you keep all the balls you are juggling in the air. The more balls you have the higher you have to throw them. Yeah…

You may not get much finalized at this time but there will be lots of activity and brainstorming.

Get you thinking cap on and forge ahead, carving out your ideas for world domination.

We want to see you win.


Mars in Gemini

Gemini is not the easiest placement for Mars.

It can work for you and it depends on what you are trying to do.

Mars is all about activity and having the energy to expend.

The knack is to make an effort where it matters.

It is best to work with the cosmic energy and not against it.

What will you juggle this time?


Mars in the Signs

Below are some more Mars placements in the signs. As I write more I’ll add them here.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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