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Gardening with Astrology

Gardening with Astrology

Gardening with Astrology

Use the power of astrology to improve your outdoor living space.

A garden has much to offer and can be a place for rest, rejuvenation and meditation.

You can create a green area to soothe your soul.

To find that relaxing spot in your backyard, here are a few lighthearted suggestions that will allow you to align your outdoor environment with your zodiacal sign.



The Planet’s Dominion over Plants

In astrology, all plants fall under the dominion of the planets.

The flowers, shrubs and trees suggested here are chosen for their association with the zodiacal sign that each planet rules.

If you are not the gardener in your household, get the person who is Mr. or Mrs. Greenfingers, find their sign, and put them to work.

Discover the perfect garden for your home with the help of the ancient art of astrology!

You may choose to read the dominant sign in your chart (usually the Sun-Sign or Ascendant), and some consideration could be given to the condition of your sixth house, which pertains to things you do everyday and to small plants.



Overheard in the Ram’s garden:


“I am now going to plant the first seedlings.”

“Only now? But you’ve lived here for three years!”

“Yes, now I’m going to start!”


To get things off to a quick start, invest in some help so your garden can appear overnight as if by magic.

The Mars-ruled are keen to have annuals, as they make an instant improvement.

There is always something new going into the Arian garden, like introducing fresh color combinations each year.

Select flowers and shrubs with red petals or bracts and plant quick-growing climbers like beans and sweet peas.

Enjoy hot produce from the vegetable patch for flavor in cooking, like ginger and chili.

Arian gardeners should own super-sharp secateurs for pruning, shaping, and cutting back.

Where trees are concerned, a flame or pepper tree will be suitable. Having dogs provides much needed action.

Place a fire pit on the patio for use on cool evenings to encourage heated conversations.


Suggested Plants for the Aries Garden

Suggested plants for the Aries gardener are; anemone, chives, chilies, capsicum, garlic, lupine, tiger lily and the hawthorn tree.



Overheard in the Bull’s garden:


“Are you building your garden on clay or sand?”

“Well, it’s all earth, really!”


Strong Taureans will probably enjoy working with the earth, actually getting down into the dirt and crumbling and tilling the soil.

They can work their way through the whole garden by double digging and augmenting the earth.

Adding organic matter and then top dressing with mulch are essential in the Taurean garden.

Introducing earthworms will improve the soil condition beautifully.

Acquiring a small used-farm plow as a feature will remind the Bull gardener of the land and how it is worked.

If there is room, a real beehive where bees can make honey will appeal.

This sign likes to have a productive garden.

Taking it slowly and accumulating beautiful plants will bless you blessed with rich abundance in a few years.


Suggested Plants for the Taurus Garden

Suggested plants for the Taurean garden are; all root vegetables, roses, creeping Jenny and all local plants.

Suitable trees are silver birch and elder.



Overheard in the Twin’s garden:


“These two plants look the same as two peas in a pod.”

“Yes, but just because they look the same doesn’t mean they are the same.”


Twins may encourage butterflies to visit their garden by introducing certain plants.

It is important for Geminis to bring pairs of plants into the garden so they can see them next to each other.

Geminis love labeling species so locals can learn the plant names, too. Third­ sign people like to talk to their plants. It is beneficial both to the plants who like the vibrations and to the Twins, who always have a lot to say.

This is the person who may keep a pigeon coop.

What will the neighbors think of Gemini’s yard?

You’ll find out when you get together over the fence to discuss it.

The Twins will probably enjoy a corner seat for reading interesting articles about all the things they could be doing in the garden if only they didn’t have to read that book first.


Suggested Plants for the Gemini Garden

Some ideas for Gemini’s garden are: caraway, hazel and orchids.

Add some hybrid plants.



Overheard in the lunar garden at dusk:


“I prefer the garden in the moonlight.”


“It’s a New Moon tonight.”

Rubbing shin, “Yes, I see, well, I can’t really see.”


Gardening by the Moon is well documented.

Simply put, plant during the waxing phase and harvest in the waning phase.

To sooth the Cancer soul, they could try a circular lawn In the middle of the lot with deep borders all round the edges.

Choosing plant material with white flowers is a good idea, because white petals are visible at dusk and attract moths. It is the classic green and white garden that appeals here.

Light colored flowers will reflect moonlight in the evening.

Cancerians will feel good walking around the curve of the lawn enjoying the fragrance of the evening flowers under the beams of the Moon.

In the vegetable patch, they can try watermelons and cucumbers, which are water dense, and the fruits are full and round.

Our lunar gardeners will enjoy feeding, seeding, and watering their garden.


Sugested Plants for the Cancer Garden

Suggested plants for the Moon-ruled garden are; cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, iris, lily, lettuce, some poppies, moonflower, lotus and white lilac.

Add white flowers.



Overheard on the Lion’s savanna:


“You have created a lovely garden.”

“Thank you, I did it all myself.”

“What, all that digging in the soil?”

“No, not the dirty work! I told the guy what to do.”


If you are going to make an entrance, then you need a wonderful arch. Place it where Leo can pause when entering the garden. Plant lots of yellow and red flowers and shrubs.

As a special treat in the solar-ruled garden, create a croquet game on the lawn to play with the kids. Of course, it will only be used for a while, then the hoops and mallet can be discreetly tucked away to allow the garden to return to the serene place Leos love.

A lounger for lazing on a sunny afternoon will be appreciated.

To be honest, most Leos would like to have peacocks in their garden. These extravagant birds are very regal. With a well-stocked flower-cutting garden, our Leo gardener has the flair to produce a good supply of fresh flowers for the vase.

All produce from the Sun-ruled garden can be bestowed on friends and family as gifts. Exquisitely wrapped gifts of seeds, cuttings, flowers, and vegetables will be given from the heart, as they are the fruits of Leo’s creation.


Suggested Plants for the Leo Garden

Suggested plants for Leo’s garden are: rosemary, marigolds, bay and ash trees, mistletoe, sunflowers, king proteas, and any plant specimens that no one else has.



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Overheard in the Virgin’s modest garden:


“Gosh, is that a weed?”

“I’ll just check my cross-referenced plant list, one moment … ah…, the garden design diagram …um, the detailed list, er …”


An herb garden is particularly suitable for a Virgo.

These delicate plants are useful, edible, and medicinal.

Herbs can be neatly labeled and different varieties of, say, mint can be compared in future taste tests.

Virgo will immerse themselves in the meticulous record-keeping required for herb growing.

Virgos will no doubt inform others of the different varieties planted in their formal beds.

A traditional herb garden layout with a circle defining planting placements appeals to Virgo.

This sign finds the precision of the structure soothing to the soul.

They can use a record book and keep a journal of all the plants and developments in their garden.

The Virgin will look back in years to come and see which plants really work well in which area.

Find a space to build a gazebo and place a table there so you can enjoy your gardening scrapbook work – oops, sorry, record keeping.


Suggested Planets for the Virgo Garden

Some specimens Virgo can try are; dill, fennel, narcissus, parsley and hazel.



Overheard while Libra is trimming the topiary:


“Just a bit off the left…” (snip)

“Oh, now a bit off the right…” (snip)

“Hmm, just a trifle on the left…” (snip)


I knew a man once who had a brownfields garden (brand-new home and not a blade of grass, just soil).

He wanted to prepare the ground for the lawn, which had been ordered and was to be put down the next day.

Mr. Libra spent the whole day raking the soil back and forth over the garden, endlessly, to reach the perfect level for the purpose of laying sod.

It is essential that there be no uneven areas to upset the Libra balance and prevent them from enjoying the rest of the garden.

Installing a bat house at the end of the property will encourage these flying mammals.

In the evening, these fascinating creatures can be seen swooping out to search for mosquitoes.

It is a conversation point for Librans to test the status quo of their guests at their many soirees.

A teeter-totter or seesaw is a great idea for Libra’s garden, and if anyone needs a hammock, it is Libra. Position it well out of range of a draft where they can gently rock.

A soft wind chime can induce relaxation.

They love scented plants, which can be used to make potpourri, and the fragrance helps maintain their delicate equilibrium.


Suggested Planets for the Libra Garden

Suggested plants for the Libran garden include; roses, gooseberry, all mints, apple trees and some aloes.

Add any soft green plants with fragrance.


The Scorpio Garden

Overheard in the Scorpion’s secret hideaway garden:



“[more silence]”


Of all the signs, the Scorpio gardener desires a compost heap.

Maybe even three, one for this week’s, one for next month’s, and one for next year’s beautiful sweet smelling blend.

This friable, black, recycled product can be returned to the earth to add enrichment.

Scorpios are sound in the knowledge that this is part of Mother Earth’s master scheme.

Plan to have a secluded space, perhaps with a bench, so that Scorpio can sit quietly enjoying their outside space without the neighbors looking in.

Scorpio will often bury boxes in the garden.

Well-drained soil is required.

Create a pool for frogs, toads and a few lizards to enjoy.

If the body of water is large enough, they can try adding turtles, too.

When space permits, a bog garden that filters and recycles water from upstream is something all Scorpios will appreciate.


Suggested Plants for the Scorpio Garden

Scorpios desire to have in their secret garden plants like; basil, figs, foxglove (digitalis), cactus, onions, nightshade, carnivorous plants.

Add any plant whose botanical name includes the name graveolens.


The Sagittarius Garden

Overheard on the Archer’s prairie:

“In Europe, gardens are going vertical.”

“Oh, yes?”

“Indeed, It’s a growth area, and did you know that trees are the new black…the sky’s the limit!”


Sagittarians will be happy with plantings of blue gladiolus and hollyhocks at the back of the bed.

Plant cornflowers at the front of the beds, near the edge.

Allow space for a path for strolling if room permits, or maybe lay a small labyrinth using small plants such a box hedge.

This garden would do well with an ornamental bridge crossing from one area to another.

Try to find an armillary sphere, or astrolabe, and place it on a large, high column, with the arrow pointing to the sky, so it can be seen from every vantage point in the garden.

Centaurs enjoy having a garden that can be left unattended for a few weeks at a time while they enjoy their travels, so all the plants in their garden will have to be hardy and indigenous.

Trees are preferred, with plants having tall growing spires of green. Strawberry runners that can pop up all along a border will amuse the Archer.


Suggested Plants for the Sagittarius Garden

Sagittarians could try growing; any blue flowers or foreign species, borage, carnation, asparagus, sage, wheat, strawberries, maple, chestnut, rushes, oak trees and all tall, leggy plants and runners.


The Capricorn Garden

Overheard in the Sea Goat’s garden:

“Why are you planting a pear tree?”

“Well, the fruit will be ready for the grandchildren.”

“You don’t have any kids.”

“Yes, but, you know – pears for your heirs.”


Now, Saturn-ruled folk are quite happy to plant trees and vines that take ages to come to fruition, such as pear trees, which may take up to twenty-five years to bear.

But the attraction for Capricorn is that the produce will be available for the next generation.

They seriously consider those that will come after them, so slow-growing plants appeal.

The Saturn ruled appreciate a sundial tucked away in the garden so they can verify that they are in time with nature. For posterity, Sea Goats may bury a time capsule to benefit later generations.

Establishing ivy against a fence, so it can be seen during the cold winter, appeals to the Capricorn gardener.

Small trellises here and there will break up the space and give it definition.

Perhaps they may build a stonewall to contain a raised bed.

This satisfies two needs; old folks can sit on the wall and weed, and the hard structure will limit and restrict the growth of any invasive plants and rampant root systems.

Container planting is a good idea for this sign, as the plant’s growth can be curtailed by its pot.


Suggested Plants for the Capricorn Garden

Suggested plants for Capricorn’s garden include; barley, spinach, ivy, yew hedges, poplar, elm, quince, angelica, Indian hemp and any flowers with black petals.



Overheard in the Water Bearer’s garden:

  • “Plants have rights, too, you know.”
  • “Really?”
  • “Yes, especially the triffids.”

In the Aquarian’s garden, place a small weather vane that can be seen from the house. This will allow the Water Bearer to monitor wind direction in the garden.

Growing a variety of tall grasses at the borders will serve two purposes: first, breezes will make their fronds sway in undulating waves, adding a pleasant rustle.

Secondly, they will provide nest-building material for wild birds, who can then weave them to use in building their homes in nearby trees.

An abundance of home-building plant material will encourage birds nearly as much as water in the garden.

The Uranus-ruled will find satisfaction watching wild birds. Aquarians are likely to protect our feathered friends from predators such as the cat next door.


Suggested Plants for the Aquarian Garden

Suggested plants for the Aquarian garden are; grasses, olives, some orchids, and any unusual or unique specimens. transonic repellents come in.

Water Bearers will appreciate the self-seeding of plants through the action of the blowing wind, creating drifts of textures and colors.


The Pisces Garden

Overheard in the Fishes’ garden:

“Gosh, I can’t imagine where that plant came from.”

“It looks a bit fuzzy.”

“Yes, I could have sworn it wasn’t there last year”


This is the garden with the overgrown look.

There is a slightly unkempt overflow of flowers, herbs, and trees that make up a Piscean garden retreat.

A good idea is to mount mirrors among the plantings, against the walls and pillars, to give the impression of more depth.

Looking glasses give the illusion of other garden rooms, which can open up all kinds of possibilities.

They will enjoy a fishpond; not just a small shallow one, but a deep pond for Koi, where Neptune-ruled Pisces can peer into the gloom and imagine any number of dreams.

Those with the Sun in this last sign of the zodiac prefer flowers with single petals, such as cosmos, daisies, and the purple coneflower.

The simplicity of the shapes will appeal to the Piscean gardener.

A good idea is to photograph the yard at the equinoxes and solstices to have an image for enjoyment.

Watch out for weeds (I use the term loosely) of all kinds.

These gardeners start with a vision of how they want their garden to look, but the plants just seem to get away from them.

The glamour in this yard will usually come from the owner herself.


Suggested Planets for the Pisces Garden

Suggested plants for the Fishes garden include; cosmos, purple coneflower, spruce, opium poppy and tobacco plant.

Introduce some water lilies, perhaps in the Koi pond.

Really, anything goes.


Read more >>> The Celestial Garden


Zodiac Sign Notebooks

Zodiac Sign Notebooks

Zodiac Sign Notebooks

I am excited to share with your my latest venture in creating Zodiac Sign Notebooks. I loved designing these colorful notebooks.

Each one has what I call “light astrology” (so nothing highly technical and tricky as astrology can often get), which will appeal to the person in the street.

Perfect for all who have a Sun Sign, oh right, that’s everyone in your life.

These handy ruled notebooks are specially written and designed by myself.

They are themed and tailored to the individual zodiac sign.


Each Zodiac Sign Notebook focusses on one sign.

There are twelve individual Zodiac Sign Notebooks in the whole collection.

Choose the book for your sign and the signs of your loved ones.

When you reach for your Zodiac Sign Notebook, you are automatically learning more about your sign.

Newbies can trace the glyphs for their sign which are printed on every page.

Aspiring astrologers will appreciate the snippets, at the bottom of every right-hand page, which contain interesting information about the specific sign.

Star Giving

If you are the star astrologer in your group (that’s the only person who knows the difference between a bull and a fish), consider your family, friends, and the people whom you love and stimulate their interest in astrology with the gift of a Zodiac Sign Notebook.

They will love you for it.

The goodness is in the giving. You will benefit as others begin to understand why you love astrology as well.

People can get a glimpse into your world and the astrology that you love.


  • The sign glyph is on every page.
  • Ruled pages.
  • Every other page has an interesting snippet especially about the sign.
  • The books have the sign’s affinities like the planetary ruler, precious metal and minerals, angel, trees, plants, herbs, compatibilities with the other signs and more.
  • Suitable for anyone with a Sun sign.
  • These medium sized (6″ x 9″) softcover notebooks contain 120 pages and are perfect for everyday use.
  • Available from Amazon.

How to Order Your Zodiac Notebooks

To order each book from Amazon, simply click on the image below.

Please note that as this is a brand new project.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter’s Astronomy

Jupiter entered the sign of Pisces on May 13th, 2021 for the first time in twelve years.


Jupiter as the Greater Benific

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is traditionally known as “The Greater Benefic” which means it is a really good planet.

Jupiter takes twelve years to do a full orbit of the Sun and it spends about one year in each sign.

This loosely relates to the Chinese Astrology of twelve years of the Rat, Tiger and Monkey etc.

Jupiter will be in Pisces until 2022.



Jupiter’s Sign Rulership

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and it is also the traditional ruler of Pisces before Neptune was discovered.

This means that in traditional and Hellenistic astrology Jupiter will be in rulership in Pisces.

During the year that Jupiter will be in Pisces, Saturn will still be in Aquarius.

This means that both of the large planets will be strong in their own signs.


Who This Will Affect

Over the next year, I anticipate that if you are an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) or a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), Jupiter will be more prominent for you.

If you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) or an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) sign then Saturn will probably be more influential for you.

As Jupiter transits through Pisces, it will affect each ascendant sign differently.

Check out how Jupiter’s passage through the sign of the Fish is likely to influence you by your ascendant sign below.


Aries Ascendent


During the next year you can anticipate a deeper connection to spirituality in your life.

If you are open to personal evolution, use this time to explore mysticism and your connection to faith, religion and how you see God.

Embrace meditation, prayer or yoga as tools to guide you through this time frame.

Live Your Dreams

This is the perfect time for you to create a dream for your life.

The first thing to do is to start a dream journal.

Every morning as you awake, jot down the main details about your dreams.

Déjà vu, visions, insights or flashes of inspiration that you receive during the day need to be paid attention to this year.

You can tune in to your clairvoyant abilities and use them to your advantage now.


You probably will feel the urge to retreat from life a little more than usual now.

It is important that you have an adequate “me time” where you can spend an afternoon alone or maybe even a weekend to recharge your batteries.

Rest and recuperation are keywords for you this year.

Read more about Aries.

Taurus Ascendant


They say if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand you are doing well.

Not everyone has a large pal’s network, but Jupiter’s passage through Pisces offers you some ideal moments to broaden your connections with companions.

This will be an impeccable time for you to grow your network.

It could be that your entourage, or the people you know, gets bigger although you may not necessarily consider them BFFs.

Friends and associates that you meet now potentially will have a lasting impression upon you.

Learn Together

Try to reach out to other people and keep connections going.

Share what you know with others.

It can be very easy to forget about classmates and before you know it, months have gone by.

Every week reach out to someone just to say, “Hello.”

It is as important for you and it is for them.


Anticipate moving in different circles with evolved people who have thought-provoking conversations and whom you see almost as visionaries.

Be alert to any “a-ha” moments that can improve your life.

The ideal place for you to go would be to a book club where you can learn new things.

Read more about Taurus.

Gemini Ascendant


As the greater benefic planet, Jupiter, enters your career sector you are likely to reach great heights in your chosen profession.

If you work for a company, you can anticipate moving up in some way, or taking on broader responsibilities.


If you are considering opening your own company this will be an ideal time to spread the word, broadcast and expand it.

If you have never considered opening your own business, this will be a brilliant time for you to look into it and discover all the possibilities.

Public Reputation

Whichever way you choose to go, you will be lucky in all your endeavors in the public domain this year.

This is the time when strangers will get to know your name.

Spruce up your online presence and remove any embarrassing photos from the past.

Be authentic.

Your life will be improved by influential people who first know you by your reputation and the recommendations of others.

Read more about Gemini.

Cancer Ascendant


This is the perfect time for you to publish anything that you’ve been working on it could be a book or it could be a blog post, or it could just be your opinion about something.

The important thing is to share your ideas with the world.

Jupiter will support you in getting your word out to the masses.


This is an ideal time for you to sign up for some adult educational classes or go back to school to finish that degree.

Use this time to explore thought-provoking subjects that interest you.

Anticipate an abundance of learning this year.

You may be surprised at the journey you take as you improve yourself through knowledge.


Although many cities are still in lockdown, you are likely to receive great offers to visit other places.

Become an armchair traveler, by reading books about the places you will visit one day.

Focus in on the art, architecture and cultural practices of other countries.

Consider every opportunity carefully but try to do some travelling this year.

Read more about Cancer.

Leo Ascendant


This will be a time when other people will offer you things.

You are likely to receive many gifts but some of them will come with strings.

Be very aware of offers to up your credit limit is and, as tempting as it may be, think carefully before excepting every opportunity offered to you this year.


This is a period where your private life is likely to grow.

All intimate relationships have the potential to become more satisfying.

If you’re naturally retiring, you may find that you are now open able to open up to explorations in the bedroom.


Donations will be a feature of this period and they could go either way.

You may need to lean on the support and resources of other people which could be presented either in time or money, alternatively, you will be approached to donate to other people.

It could be as simple as spending a Saturday night looking after someone’s grandma or it could be a huge sacrifice that you are being asked to make if someone requests an organ donation from you.

Read more about Leo.

Virgo Ascendant


For all Virgos, your primary one to one relationships will be of paramount importance this year.

If you are single, you are likely to meet someone really special.

If you are already in a relationship, you will find newfound happiness with your significant other.

Make sure to spend enough time together so your relationship can grow and blossom.


This is the perfect time to collaborate with others.

Typically, it may come down to a business relationship where you decide to work together for a common cause, or you may establish an official partnership, so that you can both benefit from the synergy of working together.

Consider every opportunity and don’t dismiss any out of turn.

Take an optimistic attitude and you will benefit by working with other people this year.

Other People

This will be a time when you are extremely likely to meet more people.

Not everyone will become your best friend, but how do you treat people that you do meet in passing will be important now.

Make sure that your karmic message of care, respect and how you treat other people is impeccable, because your action now will come back to you later.

Read more about Virgo.

Libra Ascendant


If you are a Libra, this is the time to get your day-to-day life organized.

Create simple morning and evening rituals to help you withstand the ravages of the day.


Choose to focus on healthy eating that nourishes your body and wards off ill health.

If you need a medical check, get it done early and use that as the set point for all improvement.

Do not ignore any sniffles and act immediately for the slightest cut or graze.


Your job is a focus this period.

If you are unemployed. you are more likely to find work now than at any other time.

If you are a part-time employed and looking, opportunities will come your way.

If you have a job already and are quite happy, you may find that you receive job offers that you had not considered.

The important thing to bear in mind during this Jupiter transit, is that there may be other ways of working on a job that you had not considered before and which might be just what you need.

Read more about Libra.

Scorpio Ascendant


Your love life is a focus now.

You will be more attractive and alluring than you have been for a long time.

If you are unattached, you are likely to go on multiple dates this year with a variety of people just to test the waters.

You don’t have to make a decision right now.

If you are in a committed relationship, it will be a brilliant time to set a “date night” to reconnect with your partner in a loving way.

This really is the time to love the one you’re with.


Children and young people are likely to feature in your life now.

If you do not have any children, you will probably be associated with them in some way.

If you are a parent, you will find great happiness by spending time helping your children to develop.

Focus your energy on providing your kids a happy childhood.


This is a year where you are happy to take some risks.

It could be that you want to go skydiving or bungee jumping for your thrills.

But if that is not for you, you will find that investing in the stock exchange gives you enough excitement to keep you going.

The only issue here could be that you take too many risks and mortgage the farm without careful thought beforehand.

Set yourself a “mad money” cash budget before you enter a casino.

Read more about Scorpio.

Sagittarius Ascendent


This is a year where you are likely to move house and depending on who you are, you may relocate multiple times.

Jupiter brings the urge to expand, so it could be that you want to get an additional room added to your home or work on finishing the basement.

You will have multiple good ideas through which to express this planetary energy.

The trick will be to know when to stop and not to take on a project that is way beyond your capabilities.


In simple terms, your family is likely to expand this year which could happen in several ways.

A new child may be born, your daughter’s boyfriend could decide to move into your basement, or perhaps you take in your ageing parents to care for them.

Be prepared for people to be visiting and those who do will stay over a little longer than you had anticipated.

You are generous of spirit and this is the time to offer your home as shelter and succor to others.


The foundations of your life will improve.

These changes can be shown in several ways.

You may finally accept the past and the family that you were born into as being OK.

This is a period to tap into your heritage and use it to support you as you go about your life.

Make sure you understand the origins of your family and choose to embrace some of these ideals in your current life.

2021 can be an important year when you get to know who you are and where you came from.

Read more about Sagittarius.

Capricorn Ascendent


This year all Sea Goats will busy themselves within their neighborhood.

You can express this energy by taking an evening walk through the parks or streets around where you live.

It is important for you to make a connection with your community now.

Short Training Courses

A perfect way for you to use this current Jupiter energy is by taking several short training courses.

These days, they may all be on Zoom, but if you get the opportunity to do a weekend class on something that interest you, take it.

Seek out  information in small chunks, or try several teachers and styles of classes this year.

There is no need to make a long-term commitment, but it is important that you dip your toe into topics that interest you.

Weekends away

Ideally you will feel recharged if you take a couple of weekends away.

There is no need for a long-term vacation, of course we don’t seem to do that anymore.

A change of scenery perhaps by spending time with family or friends or perhaps spending two nights at a lodge nearby will be enough for you.

Try to fit in one or two trips to places you have never been and you may surprise yourself by how interesting things are.

If your life has become a little jaded, a change of scenery could be all you need.

Read more about Capricorn.

Aquarius Ascendent


Your finances will improve this year.

Jupiter, as the greater benefic, will bring income for you.

This could be in the way of pay, bonuses or tips for things that you have done.

Be aware that this largesse will not last forever.

Savvy Aquarians will bank as much as possible before the flow dries up.


This is a great time for you to work on your self-worth.

It is important to know your self-worth as it brings a confident air to your personality that other people find attractive.

Having positive self-worth is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You feel good about yourself, therefore you exude confidence and ultimately other people feel confident in you and start to give you things.


Your personal values will be a focus at this time.

Things that you value above money, such as integrity, will become of paramount importance for you now.

Spend your time wisely and with people whom you find uplifting and supportive.

Read more about Aquarius.

Pisces Ascendent


This is the year to get your self-care routine in place.

You have to put yourself first and number one in your life.

If you do not look after yourself, you cannot look after anyone else either.

It’s like when you’re on an airplane and the oxygen mask drops down, you must put your mask on first before you can turn to aid others.


This really is your year as Jupiter passes through your sign it will bring abundance, opportunity and luck.

Choose to live life to your full potential.

Do not hesitate to step forward into things, situations and relationships that interest you.

You only have one life to live, and it is not a dress rehearsal.

For all Pisces people, this is your year, so embrace it.

You are at the threshold of living an authentic life that will bring satisfaction to you.

Listen to what other people are saying, but make your own decisions at all times.

Get outside, step into the sunshine and live your best life

The only downside is that excesses may swamp you later.


Self-image is huge for you now.

Get a haircut, book a makeover and step out into the world.

This is the year to chuck out all the ratty old clothes in your wardrobe.

Purge tired shoes and make sure that everything you wear truly reflects your inner self.

How you look sends a message to others.

You need to make sure that your outer world truly reflects your inner heart.

This is a time to be genuine, honest and wholehearted in everything you do.

An air of positivity is likely to surround you now.

Read more about Pisces.



Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Jupiter in Pisces

In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

  • Decide on the condition of Jupiter in your natal chart.
  • Find the house that transiting Jupiter is in now.
  • Note which planets and points Jupiter will conjoin, oppose and square (use a one degree orb) as it passes through Pisces.
  • State the date that Jupiter will change houses for you as it transits in Pisces.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a short interpretation on Jupiter transiting Pisces and how it may potentialy unfold for you. Consider the houses, conjunctions and hard aspects (100 words).


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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What Each Sun Sign Wants in the Workplace – for Employers

What Each Sun Sign Wants in the Workplace – for Employers

by Alison Price

What Each Sun Sign Wants in the Workplace

In astrology the Sun shows what you want. Each Sun sign has specific wants that they naturally strive towards. When we consider how each sign can benefit you as an employer it makes sense to take a look at what each sign wants so you can place each person in the correct role in your company.


Aries wants to be first. They are keen to lead a team and be the front man and the go-getter. Rams want to make a difference and leave their mark, or two, at work. They can easily drive, encourage and push workers to reach their own potential. They are the natural entrepreneurs of the zodiac. Mars ruled folk love to start projects.


Taurus wants to produce things. They are happy for situations to remain the same. Bulls can work on consistent projects with results. They will establish valuable resources for the company and are adroit at managing business finances. Taurus is reliable, will stay put, be at their desk and build productivity.



Gemini wants to communicate information to anyone who will listen. They are great at interviewing and educating the workforce. Twins can translate concepts that lesser mortals struggle to see. They happily give knowledge, and they know all the office gossip. They will network with all and sundry and question ideas.


Cancer wants to care. They can easily step into the role of the office mother. Crabs are the most comfortable sign for working at home. In the workplace they make other employees feel safe and create a welcoming environment. They will lead from behind as they protect and nourish the staff. They love to cultivate both people and companies.


Leo wants to inspire others. They easily develop younger members, youth and children. Lions shine at work and can birth ideas that benefit the business. They are the perfect person to tackle one-off projects of which they can be proud. They will take risks and are not usually shy to show their style at work. The Sun ruled will support and mentor younger people as they create projects.


Virgo wants to serve. They are the best administrators of the zodiac. Virgins gladly assist on projects that are led by others. They are the best troopers in the office. They will stand behind and support others thus they make ideal assistants. They can analyze things and will give credit where it is due. They may be accused of micromanaging, but they will always help others with daily activities.


Libra wants to work with others. They straightway need to be social at work. The Scales will be an excellent silent partner for the other pushy signs. They make great mediators and are often found in human resources departments. Libra strives for an equitable work/life balance. They want to find win-win situations and negotiate results.


Scorpio wants to be an angel investor. They are attracted to research in all its forms. Scorpions make the best human resources terminator which is often a role that others do not want. They manipulate situations to be the power behind the throne. They will uncover problems and purge weak people, projects and trappings from the workplace.


Sagittarius wants to be a visionary. They can immediately see the overarching company direction and guide other towards the light. Archers easily realize the big picture. They are brilliant at reaching out worldwide to grow the company. They will encourage others to explore different approaches utilizing global techniques.


Capricorn wants to be in charge. They can easily solidify and formalize company structures. Sea Goats strive to build succession so they themselves can move up. They can prepare rules for systems and methods to aid productivity. They are the gatekeepers and will enforce commercial regulations, maintain dress codes and establish businesses.


Aquarius wants to innovate. They are the thought leaders of the zodiac. Water Bearers can use computer systems and will keep the company up-to-date with technology. They are happy to be one of the boys and to be seen as part of a group. They welcome newcomers to the office and embrace new ideas, projects and inventions.


Pisces wants to be artistic. They are keen to be in the backroom and may be a recluse. Fish are in tune with others and can intuitively find solutions to problems. They empathize with co-workers. They can happily work behind the scenes quietly making progress. They are the best sign to understand the underlying office energy and are aware of atmospheres and elusive behavior.






Pisces Symbolism

Pisces is the sign of the Fish. Its symbol is two fish tethered together but swimming in the opposite direction.


Pisces Season

The Sun is in Pisces from February 21st to March 21st.


Pisces Key Phrase

Your key phrase is “I believe…” and many strong Pisces types use this to begin conversations.


Pisces’ Ruling Planets

You have two ruling planets; Jupiter your traditional ruler and Neptune your modern ruler.


Pisces Polarity, Element and Mode

If you are born under the sign of the Fish it means you fall under the fluid and flowing element of water.

You are in the quality of mutability which suggests you are flexible.

You are in the passive polarity indicating you will take in and absorb things more than most. This can mean you empathize with others.


Pisces Key Words

If you are Pisces you will make sacrifices and are understanding.

You will blend well with others and can be arty.

You may drift a bit in life but you have compassion.

You are idealistic and can become disillusioned at times.

You may be glamorous.

You can be vague, kind and will be happy to surrender.

You may retreat near the sea and you are spiritual and devoted.


Pisces Compatibility

Passionate for Virgo.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Capricorn.

Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.

Grinds with Leo and Libra.

Ignores Aries and Aquarius.

Pisces Extras

Here are some more articles about Pisces.

The Other Signs

Discover some more astrology with the other signs.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Starzology has free information, tips and lessons for people who want to know more than their Sun sign.

This site is created by professional astrologer Alison Price.