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Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrological Holy Trinity and Polarity

This article will show you what next two steps to take after you know what is your Sun sign. A way to learn astrology.

If you believe your Sun sign is not enough then this is for you.

Sun Sign

Perhaps you already know your Sun sign. It could be Aries, Cancer or Virgo etc. Your Sun sign depends on the date of your birthday. It is the zodiac sign which the Sun was in at the time and day you were born.

Everyone’s Sun sign is the easiest thing to know in astrology.

You will know your own, and your family’s birthdates, and probably your close friend’s birthdays as well. It is a simple step to ascertain everybody’s Sun sign.

The Sun sign is the first nugget of information that all people know about astrology but, after that, what should you learn next?


Ascendant Sign

The second thing you need to learn is your Ascendant sign. This is likely to be different to your Sun sign although it could be the identical.

You will only know your Ascendant sign if you cast your chart.


Moon Sign

The third fact you need to discover is your Moon sign. Again, you will have to cast your chart to find this out.

Your Moon sign is likely to be in a different sign both to your Sun sign and even to your Ascendant sign, but it could be the same.


Where to Get Your Birth Chart

If you do not yet have a copy of your birth chart, there are three pieces of information that you will need.

  • Your birth time
  • Your birth date
  • Your birth place (the city and country)

For quick information go here to calculate your chart.


The Holy Trinity

These three pieces of astrological information, your Ascendant sign, your Sun sign, and your Moon sign, are known as the holy trinity, the triad or the triumvirate of your chart.

They are always listed in this order of importance; Ascendant, Sun, Moon (and yes, your ascendant is more important than your Sun).

If you are an aspiring astrologer, and if you attend an astrology conference, you will be given a badge with your name. There will be a space for you to write the three main parts of your chart listed on it, your Ascendant, your Sun, and your Moon.

For example, my top three or Holy Trinity would be listed as; Leo, Leo, Scorpio. This is because my Ascendant is in Leo, my Sun is in Leo, and my Moon is in Scorpio.

Your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon can each be in any one of the twelve zodiac signs.



Let us have a quick look at the numbers.

The Ascendant has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, the Sun has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, and the Moon has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs.

Therefore, 12 × 12 × 12 = 1728 possible combinations of Ascendant, Sun, and Moon.

This detail is huge and speaks to the complexities that can be found within an astrology chart, but there is a simpler way.


In astrology there are two polarities active and passive. They can also be referred to as masculine or feminine, or positive (+) or negative (-).

The twelve zodiac signs are either in one polarity or the other.

The active signs are; Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The passive signs are; Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Let’s look at some examples of polarity.

If you have your Ascendant in Aries, your Sun in Virgo and your Moon in Pisces your polarity converts to: active, passive, passive or (+, -, -).

If you have an Aquarius ascendant (+), your Sun is in Gemini (+), and your Moon is in Libra (+), you are active (+, +, +).

8 Combinations

In the scenario of active and passive signs, as regards to your chart’s holy trinity, there are only eight possible combinations.

The three are always listed in the sequence; Ascendant, Sun, Moon.

The ratio is always active:passive (+ : – ).

 + + +             3:0       100% active

 + + –              2:1       More active than passive.

 + – +             2:1       More active than passive.

 – + +              2:1       More active than passive.

 – – +                1:2       More passive than active.

 – + –                1:2       More passive than active.

 + – –                1:2       More passive than active.

  – – –                0:3       100% passive.


Some More Examples

Ascendant       Sun                  Moon

Libra               Gemini            Pisces               + + –

Aquarius         Sagittarius       Virgo               + + –

Leo                  Aries                Taurus            + + –


They are 216 possible combinations that are active, active, passive (+, +, -), but only eight possible combinations.

The use of polarity in the holy trinity of your chart is way to simplify what is a complex subject, astrology.

Spend some time analyzing your family’s and friends charts to see polarity at work.

Of course, there are many more interesting things about astrology charts that you could learn.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity

I love providing you with aspiring astrologer activities.

This initiative is similar to “next steps” and the activities give you some ideas on what to do with the information you have just gathered.


Step one:         Your Sun sign.

Step two:         Your Ascendant sign.

Step three:       Your Moon sign.

Step four:        Write your polarity combination (Ascendant, Sun, Moon).

Step five:        Holy trinity polarity (only eight possible combinations), (?, ?, ?).

Share and Learn Astrology

Share your polarity combination with us in this quick anonymous survey.

I will revisit this post every six months at the equinoxes.

The equinoxes occur twice a year the first equinox is around March 21st and the second equinox is around September 21st.

Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️

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8th House

8th House

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Creating Good Habits with The Moon: 30 Day Drawing Challenge

Creating Good Habits with The Moon: 30 Day Drawing Challenge

by Alison Price


In astrology, your habits are closely realted to the Moon.

As the Moon passes through your birth chart it transits every house and forms every possible aspect to all of your planets.

Because of the Moon’s natural abilities, everything is sensed and instinctively known. You just have to pay attention.


To break a bad habit takes one lunar orbit of the Earth or one month.

By the same token, to build a good habit takes one lunar orbit of the Earth, or 30 days, give or take a whisker.

30 Day Drawing Challenge

Thus is born the 30 Day Challenge. All new habits can be established if they are practiced every day for 30 days.

I talk about the five components to live a satisfying life which are; love, money, wellbeing, vision and creativity.

I have taken up a creative project, and I will be doing a new sketch, or drawing,  every day for 30 days. You can join me if you like.

New habits that you begin are better supported, and more dynamic, when started at a New Moon, or a solar eclipse, like the one that occurred on August 11th, which spurred me into action as it was conjoined my Sun.

You can practice New Moon Wishing in line with your birth chart to support your creative new habits.

I will post my progress here. Tag your creations with #starz30 so we can see your beauties. “The 30 Day Drawing Challenge”

Please share this with anyone who needs to see it.

Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️

Day 1

Vancouver Art Gallery - Day 1

The Vancouver Art Gallery from the steps of Robson Square, downtown Vancouver.

I take a photo just to show you. I complete the drawing at the location.

The buildings were a bit wobbly and the trees were hard to draw, but hopefully, I will get better over the next 29 days.

Day 2

The giant pandas outside the Marriott Parq Hotel in Vancouver.

This piece is named “Slow” by Chinese artist Zhang Huan. This sculpture is in stainless steel and is highly polished.

Huan’s pandas are “meant to eulogize eternal maternity and family while expressing expectations of a future, and expresses the artist’s understanding of human nature and his thoughts on love and eternity.” 

This drawing was quite a challenge to do in pen and ink. There is about 50 shades of grey.

On a side note, I need to get another pen as this one seems to have run out of ink.

Day 2 of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge over. Roll on the next twenty-eight.

Alison ⭐️

Day 3

Sunset Beach

This is the view across Sunset beach in Vancouver. Looking towards the west.

There were three main bands of color.

From the top down, the sky a hazy grey/blue due to lots of forest fire smoke, the sea which had more bands of dark blue and green within it, and the sand which was beige and grey, or greige, in the footsteps of the bathers.

Beachcombing was great and we collected many shells which we will use as mulch in the little plant pots in our apartment..

Day 4

The waterfall and rill in my local Emery Barnes park in Vancouver.

This was the first year for ages that they have had water flowing in the city parks due to recent water shortages.

The water itself was difficult to capture and somehow the falling water is not quite right, but I think the general image is ok.

Day 5

What is to come…




The Sun is in the sign of Cancer from June 21st to July 23th.


Cancer’s Symbolism

The symbol is the Crab and their key phrase is “I feel…” which is often their sentence opener.


Cancer’s Polarity, Element and Mode

Cancer is the second cardinal sign which means you are leaders and Cancerians will often lead from behind.

You are in the water element which indicates that much intuition is used and you are fluid and in the passive polarity suggesting a reticence for aggression and a more receptive approach to life.


Cancer’s Ruling Planet

The ruling planet is the Moon which is not really a planet at all but the natural satellite of the Earth.

The Moon goes through phases and this is a typical attribute for Cancerians.



Cancer Compatibility

Passionate for Capricorn.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Virgo.

Stretches with Aries and Libra.

Grinds with Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Ignores Gemini and Leo.

The Other Signs

If you liked this information on Cancer you may wish to explore the other zodiac signs a little.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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The Moon

The Moon

The Moon

Moon Rulership and Essential Dignity

Rules Cancer. Is in detriment in Capricorn, exalted in Taurus and falls in Scorpio.


Moon Keywords

Women: The Moon is the feminine principle in a chart.

Emotions: The Moon rules emotions, feelings, nuances, tears and things that well up.

Mother: It indicates your mother, mother figures, how you experience your mother and family ties.

Care: The Moon shows how you take care and what you care about. Food preparation and all cooking activities or storing food, eating and drinking beverages are influenced by the Moon in a chart.

Reactions: Anything that comes in phases such as reactions, responses, where we are reactive,

Habits: Instinctive behavior and habits are under the auspices of the Moon.

Nurture: The nurturing activities of breastfeeding, milk, all milk products and nutrition is under the Moon.


Moon Extras

Explore some extra information about the Moon.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Read some more astrology articles from our blog.

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

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8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

8th House

8th House

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The Moon, Your Mother and Food

The Moon, Your Mother and Food

The Moon is an indicator of how you experienced your mother and food

How your mother shaped your eating habits is indicated by your Moon sign. Obviously, the full lunar complex needs analysis but try this as a first pass through the chart.

Instinctively we reach for the comfort food which is associated with early habits and patterning that our nurturing taught us.

If you trawl back through your memory banks to when you were a child sitting at the kitchen table maybe you can still hear these comments ringing in your ears.

Moon Signs

The Moon in Aries mother says, “Eat it while it’s hot” as she places a sizzling plate in front of you.

The Moon in Taurus mother says, “Don’t gulp your meal. Take your time and taste the food.”

The Moon in Gemini mother, drumming her fingers says, “Hurry up and finish your dinner I want the table for our jigsaw puzzle.”

The Moon in Cancer mother as she pats your hand says, “I prepared your favourite recipe, so when you eat it, it will make me feel good.”

The Moon in Leo mother dramatically says, “I have created yet another culinary masterpiece in my kitchen. I have put my heart into the preparation of your meal. I hope you appreciate it. Eat up.”

The Moon in Virgo mother, checking a packet’s food values label says, “Everything in this meal is healthy food so clean your plate.”

The Moon in Libra mother sitting opposite you says, “I’ll make a deal with you, If you eat your veggies we can have cake.”

The Moon in Scorpio mother whilst watching you closely says, “Don’t waste food, people in the world are dying of starvation, eat up.”

The Moon in Sagittarius mother says, “I’m trying a new-fangled recipe, what do you think? Oh, please have some more, I made plenty, in fact, there is enough so I can take what’s left to the big hall meeting later tonight.”

The Moon in Capricorn mother says, “I’m tired of cooking you the same old meals every day, but tradition is tradition, so eat what I say. I am your mother (and therefore the food authority).”

The Moon in Aquarius mother standing at the door says, “I have to dash out to my book club but you can find something to eat, can’t you? There is cold pizza in the fridge.”

The Moon in Pisces mother softly says, “I have had to sacrifice to provide this meal. If you don’t eat it I will be upset” and “But, I fed you only yesterday!”