Travel Through the Zodiac

Travel Through the Zodiac

Acknowledged as the Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: July 2024

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Adventurous, energetic, daring and bold. The fieriest of the fire signs; dives headfirst into life’s challenges.

Vacation Type: Action-packed adventures, off the beaten path; loves to explore and test themselves against the environment.

Ideal Destinations: Hiking in the mountains, surfing in Hawaii, exploring bustling, exotic places with lots of activities, like New Zealand.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Loves luxury, fine food and drink, relaxation or activity in a beautiful, scenic atmosphere that’s a feast for the senses.

Vacation Type: Relaxing, indulgent, beautiful and sensual, whether physically active or relaxing and meditative.

Ideal Destinations: Spa retreat in Bali, wine tasting road trip through Tuscany or Napa Valley, or a luxurious beach resort in the Maldives.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Curious, social and talkative; loves to be around people and learn about new things and places.

Vacation Type: Exciting, diverse and fun; wants to see and experience novelty, do lots of different things in a short amount of time.

Ideal Destinations: City tours in San Francisco, London or Tokyo; exploring eclectic neighborhoods and meeting a variety of people.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Home-loving, tradition oriented, sentimental and comfortable; loves food and family, creating a home away from home.

Vacation Type: Family vacations, staycations or traveling to your family’s country of origin to immerse yourself in the culture.

Ideal Destinations: Beach houses, lakeside cabins, train or boat travel to your ancestral homelands, learning and absorbing history in tangible vs. academic ways.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Loves glamour, drama and adventure, taking in grand sights and events; watching or participating in festivals or cultural activities.

Vacation Type: Extravagant, lively, beautiful, filled with excitement and artistic or cultural sights of your own making or performed for you.

Ideal Destinations: Las Vegas for the nightlife and gambling, luxury cruises, taking in plays or in New York or Paris, or a cultural festival in Rio de Janeiro.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Detail-oriented, health-conscious and organized; loves to make lists of all the sights to see and things to do on vacation.

Vacation Type: Organized and enriching, filled with activities, without a moment of down-time. Bonus points for walkable cities with healthy cuisine!

Ideal Destinations: Wellness retreats, intellectually stimulating travel like historical tours in Greece or Rome; places with rich, tactile culture you can take part in, like Bali or Thailand.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Romantic, cultured, graceful; loves beauty and sophistication, a balance of luxury and learning in a sublime setting.

Vacation Type: Beautiful, harmonious, relaxing, romantic or culturally enriching.

Ideal Destinations: Couples getaways in Paris or Venice, art tours in Florence, or relaxing on picturesque beaches. Shopping in Hong Kong or Madrid.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Passionate, intense and mysterious; attracted to the darker side, unearthing ancient secrets or exploring hidden places with rich or taboo histories.

Vacation Type: Intense and transformative, engaging on a deeper, emotional, cultural or ancestral level; experiences of a lifetime.

Ideal Destinations: Exploring ancient ruins in Egypt, mystical places like Machu Picchu, Petra, or the Catacombs of Paris. Ghost tours or altered states of consciousness.

 Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Freedom-loving, adventurous, philosophical and intellectually curious; fascinated by peoples and cultures different from their own.

Vacation Type: Adventurous, educational, rich in culture and history; wants to truly immerse themselves in a faraway place and come back a better person.

Ideal Destinations: Backpacking through Southeast Asia or Africa, cultural immersion in India, a tour of Eastern Europe’s great libraries, museums and cathedrals.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Ambitious, practical, entrepreneurial and achievement-oriented. Wants to come back from travel with something epic to show for it.

Vacation Type: Structured, goal-oriented, ambitious and impressive; exploratory, with a mission at the heart of the adventure.

Ideal Destinations: Skiing the world’s black diamond peaks, combining business with pleasure, studying historical sites, scaling Mount Everest or K2. Scouting for their next investment opportunity.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Innovative, independent, humanitarian, futuristic, intellectual and off-beat; seeks unique or strange adventures with friends or solo.

Vacation Type: Unique, unconventional, once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Learning about other people and cultures; changing their mind, their life or the world in the process.

Ideal Destinations: Exploring Iceland’s unearthly landscapes, attending music festivals like Coachella, volunteering abroad, backpacking in the Amazon, space travel or simulations thereof.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Dreamy, creative, compassionate, spiritual, meditative, contemplative, deep and meaningful.

Vacation Type: Peaceful, calming retreats or artistic, cultural adventures; mind-expanding experiences that are profoundly memorable or transformative.

Ideal Destinations: Swimming with turtles or whale watching, art retreats in the desert, spiritual pilgrimages to Sedona, Bali, or India. An ayahuasca trip in the South American jungle.



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom



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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

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Sun Square Neptune

Sun Square Neptune

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: June 2024

Sun square Neptune

Aspect Basics Series

Today we’re going to be talking about the Sun square Neptune. This is part of our basic aspect series.
We are going to be seeing this transit exact on June 20, 2024 with the Sun at 29 Gemini Square Neptune at 29 Pisces but we’re going to focus on what it looks like in someone’s natal chart and give some celebrity examples and it’s relevant regardless of when you’re listening because this aspect occurs twice every year. For the last few years, it has occurred in mid-June and mid-December.

Sun square Neptune in the natal chart

In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Haymaker Zondag says, “The dream and fantasy world so typical of Neptune comes to the fore with this aspect. Inferiority feelings are not uncommon. The sources for this inferiority include Neptune’s habit of fudging boundary lines, which make it hard for us to see where our ego begins and ends or to discover who we are and what we want. The second is a nagging feeling that there’s something more, a feeling that another world lies beyond the world of perception and that our individual limitations are in sharp contrast to it.”

Spiritual Seeker

This person may be a spiritual seeker, with little interest in the real world, taking refuge in ideas and feelings or continually searching until they find an ideal that meets their emotional needs. There can be a lack of responsibility or grounding, but also a great deal of creativity, especially in music, poetry and other forms of wordplay, ideas, mysticism and metaphysics. These people can be incredibly eloquent and convincing, so they should be very clear within their own minds about their intentions, as they could potentially use their gifts to deceive and lead other people astray.



This is a very sensitive aspect, and this person often has to overcome insecurity and disappointments to build their self-esteem and confidence in order to feel strong. They can easily become confused, paranoid or dependent on drugs or alcohol if these dynamics are not dealt with in more productive ways. They should be cautious about chemicals, alcohol, drugs and medical treatments, and they may be susceptible to illnesses that defy explanation or diagnosis.

They may also fall victim to stronger personalities, people who try to take advantage of them or dominate them, like gurus or con artists. Although idealistic, life experiences can make it hard for these people to stand up for themselves, possibly because of their insecurity but also because they idealize other people and may find it hard to believe that others are not trustworthy or truly mean them ill.

They can be very altruistic and may be attracted to politics, volunteerism or activism, if they don’t become disillusioned. Spirituality can be used for good or ill; the darker realms of religious cults and political demagogues should to be avoided.



People with this aspect are urged to be as honest and direct as possible because Neptune can blur your intentions whether you mean to be dishonest or not. This is amazing for creativity, music, writing, etc., but can be challenging when it comes to dealing honestly with others, promoting yourself or pursuing your own goals. There may be a feeling of insecurity, guilt or the desire to apologize; over idealizing others and being gullible can lead to disappointment.


Sun square Neptune by transit

Your energy level can be lowered to the point where your immune system suffers or you may feel discouraged and beaten down by circumstances. This is not a great confidence boosting transit. You may feel inadequate and consumed by the futility of pursuing your goals.
Put off anything that requires clear thinking until this transit passes. It can stimulate idealism which can be great if you’re trying to produce something creative or beautiful but don’t be discouraged if what you create doesn’t match your ideal vision.

Celebrities with this aspect

Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Carl Jung, Che Guevara, Pink, River Phoenix, Kevin Costner, Matthew Perry, James Joyce and Kurt Vonnegut.



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Jupiter Trine Pluto

Jupiter Trine Pluto

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: May 2024

Basic Aspect Series: Jupiter trine Pluto

This is almost a generational aspect because Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so this aspect only happens every 8-10 years and this is an interesting one because both of these planets have just entered the air signs. Jupiter will be in Gemini for the next year, and we’ve done an entire podcast about Jupiter in Gemini so please go listen to that, as this aspect will be affecting everyone in different ways.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2046 which is a massive generational placement that we’ve also done an entire episode about. Jupiter will be at 1° Gemini trine Pluto at 1° Aquarius on June 2, 2024, but in this episode we’re going to focus on what this aspect looks like in someone’s natal chart. 

Jupiter trine Pluto in the birth chart

The trine is one of the soft aspects, the other being the sextile. Trines are flowing aspects that occur between signs in the same element, in this case, air. Air signs are characterized as intellectual, innovative, communication, community-oriented, outgoing and curious.

Trines create positive movement, and in this case, opportunities for growth and profound transformation. Jupiter is the big benefic in the solar system and Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, so when they’re in aspect, these two planets come together to create a very exciting, powerful, dynamic potential for positive change.

Some of the keywords with Jupiter trine Pluto aspects are growth, improvement, healing, perception, ability to understand profound or complicated issues, ability to plan and organize, pursuit of success and a growth orientation. This person fully believes in their own ability to improve things and to make profound impacts in life wherever they choose to set their sights. They can be excellent researchers and investigators. They’re determined to get to the bottom of any issue whatever it is and they may become obsessed or adamant with finding the truth or expressing that truth to others.

These people need to feel important and they can have very strong willpower and great power of persuasion. Great explorers, investigators, and social organizers.

This is an ideal aspect for legislators, judges, politicians, detectives, publishers and scientists. These people are ideally suited for fields where they can use their talents at investigation, handling other people’s resources, managing other people’s talents and money and expanding anything they touch in the realm of success, power, influence and philosophy.


Jupiter trine Pluto by Transit

If transiting Pluto is making a trine to your natal Jupiter or vice versa, you might feel motivated to take control of your life’s direction, an amplified need for personal power, growth and change. You may have outgrown situations or environments in your life and feel the need to supercharge your personal transformation. Keywords are radical growth, intense metamorphosis, boundless confidence, plumbing of the depths, shedding your limitations, growing ambitions, big challenges and bold moves opportunities for growth and beneficial use of power.

This could also enhance your need for spiritual meaning, higher connections or interconnectedness. If you’re a spiritual person or someone who believes in coincidences or synchronicities you may have a field day with this transit. Make time for self-reflection, meditation, journaling or doing something that puts you in tune with your own inner voice or whatever the divine means to you. Share your vulnerabilities with others and make deep connections, seek meaning wherever you can, and accept the gifts of insight that the universe offers. When Jupiter’s expansion meets Pluto’s X-ray vision, dreams can become manifest and aspirations can become real. Set your sights high.


Previous Jupiter trine Pluto dates

October 11, 2015
March 16, 2016
June 26, 2016

Celebrities with Jupiter trine Pluto

Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Margot Robbie, RuPaul, Michael Keaton, Lynda Carter, Tina Turner, Nelson Rockefeller, Boris Johnson, Dave Chappelle, Rose McGowan, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Dahmer


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

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Mercury and Mars Aspects

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Kinds of Aspects

Today we’re going to be talking about something a little different. We’ve had a few questions come in about the difference between the various kinds of aspects we talk about, in transits or people’s charts, and we’ve done an entire episode (which will link to in the show notes) about the major aspects. But I wanted to take this episode and just go through all the major aspects with the same two planets. There are also minor aspects, but I’m just going to focus on the big five here, which would be the conjunction, the sextile and trine (the “soft” aspects), opposition and square (the “hard” aspects). This way we can really get a feel for the subtle differences when they apply to the same two planets, and those two planets are Mercury and Mars.

To quickly recap what aspects are, I’m going to quote from The Inner Sky by Stephen Forrest, in which he says, “If signs, planets and houses are the basic words in the astrological language then aspects are the laws of grammar and syntax that govern how those words must be hooked together. Aspects represent our first solid step towards the formation of full-blown coherent astrological sentences.”

Aspects are the angles that describe the relationships between any two planets. Aspect patterns describe when three or more planets are involved but today we’ll just be focusing on the major aspects (saving the biquintile for another day!).


(0 degrees)

A conjunction is zero degrees which means the two planets occupy the same position in the sky. With a conjunction the energies of the two planets are combined and express themselves as one which may be easier or harder depending on the nature of the two planets and of course the sign they occupy.


(60 degrees)

Sextiles are 60° and two signs apart, for example Virgo and Scorpio, Aries and Gemini or Sagittarius and Aquarius. Stephen Forrest says something interesting about the sextile, which is that it’s often considered a watered-down trine, but in fact it’s quite distinct and it produces excitation, intense, colorful and dynamic stimulation, so there’s humor, enthusiasm and restlessness but in a positive way, like the feeling of falling in love, dancing or laughing.


(120 degrees)

Trines are 120° or four signs apart and they’re considered the softest and easiest of the aspects. The key word is “flowing.” They occur with two signs in the same element, so two water signs, fire signs, air signs or earth signs. Signs in a trine relationship are allies. They support each other but they’re not always passionate, to continue the relationship metaphor. They can also be wasted because the energies flow together so easily you sometimes take them for granted.


(90 degrees)

A square is 90° or three signs apart and they’re considered the most difficult of the hard aspects because here we have friction without commonality. Squares are the aspect of constant tension, where the two signs have a lack of understanding, like two cars at an intersection trying to decide who should go first.


(180 degrees)

An opposition is when two signs are 180° apart or exactly opposite each other in the birth chart. Oppositions create a push and pull energy, whether they occur in one chart or between two people. The keywords are tension and polarization. Think about the signs Taurus and Scorpio, it doesn’t get much more opposite but it’s like the old saying, opposites attract. Each sign contains what the other lacks and they can come together and create a whole that is greater than the two parts.

Mercury and Mars Aspects

We’re going to use Mercury and Mars as our example, because Mercury moves so quickly that we wouldn’t normally talk about the transits, so this is a great opportunity to take a deep dive into what it means when Mercury is in any major aspect with Mars in the birth chart.
Mercury of course is the planet of communication, speech, thought patterns, your style of self-expression, writing, humor, body language, etc.
Mars is the planet of drive, aggression, activity, initiative and sexual conquest. It can also suggest the type of man you’re attracted to.

Mercury conjunct Mars

When these two planets are conjunct, we see one’s initiative or aggressiveness and intellect occur as one initiative in the chart. When one is affected by a Transit or the energy of another person, the other is activated at the same time. We get a sharp or forceful intellect, a competitive mind, someone with a temper who uses their words as weapons.
The energies of Mercury and Mars are fused together and will never operate independently for that person. These people sometimes talk very quickly; they are not afraid to stand up for themselves or others and they often don’t care whether others agree with them. They are sometimes rash, tactless, sarcastic or even offensive but very straightforward and blunt.

Celebrities with Mercury conjunct Mars

Heath Ledger, John F Kennedy, Meryl Streep, Salvador Dali and Kendrick Lamar.

The Soft Aspects: Trines and Sextiles

With the soft aspects, the trine and sextile, Mercury and Mars indicate an alert and active mind, affluent conversationalist, someone who is brisk and Lively and for both, with an active mental life and easy communication style. They express their opinions freely, independently and easily and maybe a very good with their hands. The difference between the trine and sextile in this case would be more easily felt by the person than observed from outside.
With the trine, both planets would be in the same element, for example Leo and Sagittarius or Libra and Aquarius. Obviously someone with those combinations would be very different from each other and the expression of their aggressive intellect would come across very differently.
With the sextile, they might have Mercury in Leo and Mars in Libra, which would create a very different personality than if they had, say, Mercury in Leo trine Mars in Sagittarius.

Celebrities with Mercury Sextile Mars

Beyoncé, Princess Diana, Katy Perry, Prince, Sharon Stone, Jay Z, Bill Clinton and Sean Penn.


Celebrities with Mercury Trine Mars

Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lawrence, Franklin D. Roosevelt and George Orwell.

The Hard Aspects: Oppositions and Squares

The opposition and the square are similar in many ways, both being hard aspects. There may be combative egotism and sharp aggressive temperamental behavior that can antagonize others. This person is often unable to control their communication Style and they behave in an irritable temperamental, rash and hot headed fashion. The important difference between these two hard aspects comes when you consider the signs involved.
Someone who has Mercury in Gemini, for example, opposite Mars in Sagittarius will exhibit this energy quite differently from someone who has Mercury in Gemini square Mars in Virgo or Pisces. In this example, the opposition will create a lively and adventurous personality, someone who loves wordplay and banter, maybe a prolific writer or wordsmith or conversationalist and regaling others of their adventures and exploits. Whereas the square will create more tension, someone who constantly feels the need to prove their intellect, a verbose intellectually aggressive, maybe even ostentatious or obnoxious personality.
On the other hand, the square can create frustration and a difficulty in communicating clearly. The person with this aspect may always feel like they need to clarify or explain themselves or that they’re often misunderstood.

Celebrities with Mercury square Mars

Michael Jackson, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Manson, Sean Connery, Warren Buffett, Tom Brady, Conor McGregor and Anthony Bourdain.

Celebrities with Mercury opposite Mars

Kate Blanchett, Christina Ricci, Nina Simone, Ice Cube, Alice Cooper and Tucker Carlson.

More on this Topic


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More on Aspects

The aspects are the dialogue between the planets. Below is a selection of articles on aspects.



Conjunction aspects form when two planets are very close to each other and within an 8° orb.



Opposition Aspects

Opposition aspects form when two planets are opposite each other in a chart. They 180° apart with an orb of 8°.



Trine Aspects

Trine aspects form when two planets are 120° apart with an orb of 8°.



Square Aspects

Square aspects form when two planets are 90° apart with an orb of 8°.



Sextile Aspects

Sextile aspects form when two planets are 60° apart with an orb of 4°.


Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotnet


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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Transiting Venus Sextile Uranus

Today we’re going to be talking about the upcoming transit of Venus sextile Uranus, which will be exact on March 28, 2024 and it happens once a year. Venus will be at 20° Pisces and Uranus will be at 20° Taurus. First, a bit of basics about the sextile, it’s a 60° aspect which means the planets are two signs away from each other. In this case, Pisces and Taurus, which are both feminine signs with very different yet complimentary energies.

We typically find the sextile to be a very energetic and agreeable aspect, so it’s one of the best aspects to find in relationship charts. The trine is the other soft aspect but the sextile is more active than the trine, which tends to be a bit too easygoing to actually make the most of the energies involved. This is especially true when you have trines between two charts in a synastry comparison.

In this case, the two planets we have in sextile are Venus and Uranus. Uranus has a very disruptive and electric energy. It rules invention, innovation and astrology, among other things, while Venus is the planet of love, harmony and beauty, so we can expect this aspect to affect our relationships in particular, and produce some excitement and fireworks in that area.

You could use this time to dress in a way you normally wouldn’t, go to an exciting theme party or costume party or do something to spice up your love life. You’re going to be happiest doing something non-traditional and even eccentric. This really is an aspect that’s all about fun and flair and making the most of the unexpected and exciting.

It’s an excellent time to make new friends and if you’re single, to find a new love interest because this is a great aspect for sexual attraction which may or may not last. If you live in Vancouver or any city with a restaurant offering a “blind dining” experience, it’s a great date night idea. You can read Arwynne’s review of Dark Table here.


Venus Sextile Uranus in the Birth Chart

People with this aspect in their natal chart tend to be open-minded and progressive in their personal style, free thinking and exciting, maybe even capricious, strong-willed, active and eccentric.
In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says people with this aspect are “fully alive to the individuality in themselves and others. They have a taste for the unusual and an open mind on everything, no matter how strange. Nothing disturbs them and they may even find the unusual stimulating.”
They often look for changes at work or in their relationships so their emotional life may be unstable, unless this aspect is offset by other stabilizing factors like positive aspects to the Moon or Saturn for example.

Celebrities with Venus Sextile Uranus

Billie Eilish, Kendall Jenner, Leonardo da Vinci, Justin Timberlake, Robin Williams, Willow Smith, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Adam Driver, Lenny Kravitz and Jessica Lange.

A lot of pop music talent and romantic comedy energy going on with this aspect!


Celebrities with Venus in Pisces Sextile Uranus

Emma Watson, George Harrison, Ursula Andress and Tammy Wynette.


Image: David Hume Kennerly,

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


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Venus Conjunctions
Venus Trines
Venus Sextiles

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotnet


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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.



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