Venus Conjoined Uranus

Venus Conjoined Uranus

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Venus Conjoined Uranus

Uranus transits to natal Venus

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand describes the transit of Uranus conjunct Venus as potentially spectacular. He says you are likely to seek freedom and excitement through relationships at this time, especially sexual relationships. You may decide to break away from an old, steady partner to seek out a new and exciting affair.

Of course this can be very disruptive, but if you’re not in a steady relationship, this may be a time where you meet someone who sweeps you off your feet or vice versa. You could find yourself in an affair that’s different from anything you’ve experienced before. It may not last but it would certainly have a lasting effect even after the transit is over.

Venus also rules creativity so if you are an artist or involved in anything creative this can be an amazing transit and you can use it to integrate new techniques into your repertoire and make exciting breakthroughs in any creative pursuit.

Uranus conjunct Venus in the Birth Chart

Venus conjunct Uranus in the natal chart influences the personality by fusing the love and attraction nature with electricity, excitement, innovation, restlessness. This is probably not someone who will be content to settle down with their first love and never explore the other possibilities, and the same can be said of their financial outlook.

Depending on how well Venus is placed in their chart, they can be a fun and original partner who is always bringing excitement and playfulness into your life, or conversely, they may be the type who’s always on the lookout for the next exciting infatuation, next big investment or the next con. This can be good or bad, of course, depending on how it’s handled, and how well the people around them deal with change, and it also depends a great deal on the sign the two planets are in. This is definitely the “love at first sight” aspect. Sparks will fly.


Love and Finances 

These people tend to go with their gut feelings in matters love and finances, for better or worse. They’re adaptable and original but can also be fickle. The most important thing to them in a relationship is having the freedom to be themselves and to change and evolve. If you’re in a relationship with someone with this aspect, and not allowing them to change or evolve, don’t expect it to last.

Often, these people are attracted to others with the same aspect or similar and that can create an exciting partnership where shared adventures and mutual evolution are the keys to lasting happiness together.

In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says, “Venus represents the need for harmony and warmth, teaming up with Uranus, the need for individuality, freedom and a life of our own can make us bold, eccentric or reformist. Being highly-strung and having an overpowering desire for personal freedom, we can experience difficulty forming firm friendships, which make us nervous, tense and insecure because we are also trying to stay unfettered.” But she says relationships can work as long as we don’t feel hemmed in by conventional rules, have scope for development and above all are living with a partner who is unconventionally stimulating.


Creative Brilliance

This aspect is highly correlated with creative brilliance, and they tend to have a finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist, whatever field they choose to express their creativity in. Fashion, home decor, film and music are natural outlets for their specific brand of creative genius.

Since Venus has to do with money, these people can have great peaks and valleys in their financial life, experiencing the depths of ruin and the heights of economic windfalls and success through innovation and creativity.

Celebrities with Venus conjunct Uranus

Elizabeth Taylor (in Aries)
Rose McGowan (in Libra)
Warren Beatty (in Taurus)
Christina Aguilera (in Scorpio)
Miley Cyrus (in Capricorn)
Johnny Cash (in Aries)
Tim Burton (in Leo)
Jordan “the Wolf of Wall Street” Belfort (in Leo)

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Forecasting Tips

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Mars Conjoined Neptune

Mars Conjoined Neptune

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Mars conjunct Neptune in Transit

When Mars transits your natal Neptune, which happens once every two years approximately, the effect is about being motivated to either impact the world through your creativity or through your empathy.

It can blur the boundaries of your ambition, infusing your motivation with empathy and vulnerability and blurring the boundaries between yourself and others, or in can infuse your Mars energy with a diffuse glow of glamour, imagination, vulnerability and a quality of unreality.

Not a great time to try to accomplish fixed goals where you know the end in sight. Instead, it’s a good time to forge ahead and go where the wind takes you. The effect will last for a couple of week or so on either side of the exact conjunction.

Robert Hand says when transiting Neptune conjuncts your Mars, you could be subject to discouragement and malaise. Your energy level is low and it’s hard to accomplish anything in your own interest. You may be more vulnerable to infections, so be careful taking any foreign substances, even prescriptions because the effects can be unpredictable.

You can also be dishonest or devious without meaning to, thus damaging your reputation and the trust you may have built up with others, which can do lasting damage.


Mars conjunct Neptune in the Natal Chart

People with Neptune conjunct Mars in their charts tend to be idealistic, principled, penetrating and passionate. You’re inclined to overstep other people’s boundaries in pursuit of your own goals or your own desire to merge or connect. Neptune can either elevate Mars and be used as the impetus to make the world better through ideals put into action or it can dissipate Mars’ ambition into sentimentality and overcompensation or over-emotionality, in relationships and otherwise.

A difficulty in knowing where your boundaries end and others’ begin is common with this aspect. You can either be a torch of inspiration for others or you can overpower them with your zealotry. People with this aspect can be amazing symbols for a cause or goal, blazing a trail where others fear to tread, but it can be dangerous as well because these energies mix like fire and water… or oil and some explosive compound. Your success will largely depend on how strong Mars is in your chart and what other aspects it makes.

People with this aspect need to know their “why,” to have a realm where they can be evangelists or spiritual warriors. Being able to follow your ideals as a champion is important. But it’s also important to have a strong moral compass or you can get caught up in the wrong kinds of causes, devolve into illusion, paranoia or mania and use the sheer force of your charisma and the power of your belief to bring others down the road to ruin with you.

If you’re interested in Neptune or if you have Neptune aspects in your chart, an excellent book is Liz Greene’s The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption. She’s a brilliant psychological astrologer from the middle of the 20th century who was very popular in the ’80s and ’90s when I was learning astrology, and it’s well worth a read if you’re interested in advanced mythological studies of astrology. In it, she says “Mars-Neptune aspects, like Dionysus, can be a seducer but sometimes as a collective we need to be seduced. This longing lies at the core of religious worship, as well as the catharsis of a musical or theatrical performance.”

She goes on to say, “The dilemma lies in the integrity of the goal and how it is pursued. Mars’ innately self-centered desires, when diluted with Neptunian waters, must include others if the individual’s needs are to be fulfilled. [Otherwise,] aggression may be masked by apparent docility and the rage which lurks beneath the surface may become the chief factor behind drug and alcohol addictions, which reflect anger and vengeance against life as much as the desire to escape.

When a well-lit channel cannot be found for Mars-Neptune’s romantic heroism–political, military, scientific, artistic–may be sought in darker waters. Mars-Neptune may also elect, like Charles Manson, who had the exact conjunction, to play the anti-hero who destroys himself and others rather than endure the dreariness of a decent but unglamorous life.”


Mars Conjunct Neptune: Celebrity Examples

Lady Gaga (in Capricorn)
Jennifer Lopez (in Scorpio/Sagittarius)
John Lennon (in Virgo/Libra)
Yoki Ono (in Virgo)
Ryan Gosling (in Sagittarius)
Napoleon (in Virgo)
Charles Manson  (in Virgo)
Bill Clinton (in Libra)
Richard Branson (in Libra)


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Forecasting Tips

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Mars Conjunct Saturn

Mars Conjunct Saturn

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: March 2024

Mars conjunct Saturn in Transit

Today we’re talking about the upcoming transit of Mars conjunct Saturn, which is exact on April 10, 2024. This transit happens once every two years and this time it occurs in Pisces.

You may go into this transit feeling like you’ve been held back and you’re just waiting to unleash the full force of your powers of creativity. This transit could feel very frustrating, like your engine is revving but you’re being held down and unable to complete tasks you want to accomplish.

Obstacles in your way might require more patience, perseverance, hard work and planning but you should be able to persevere and achieve more than you would otherwise. This is a great time to overcome limitations or fears, to step up and harness all your faculties in spite of the difficult circumstances you’re facing.

This transit can give you the stamina and patience and initiative to work harder than ever, but it could also result in negative outbursts, passive aggression, nastiness and petty vindictiveness. It definitely needs to be dealt with constructively or else it could be a very destructive transit. You certainly don’t want to antagonize people needlessly at this time because there is a sense that this explosive energy is just barely being held in check.

Mars conjunct Saturn in the Natal Chart

With every aspect there are positive and negative expressions possible, but this is one of the more difficult conjunctions because the energies of Mars and Saturn are so opposite to each other. People with this aspect really needs to make a concerted effort to use it constructively or it can easily become a destructive, bitter and abusive influence. It’s like the stereotypical father who tells his kids they don’t have a right to expect an easy life because his life has been so hard. It’s a bitterness that becomes a cycle of violence if you’re not careful or aware of it.

People with this aspect tend to have great powers of endurance and mental fortitude. It’s the combination of two very opposite energies, Mars being the fiery motivating aggressive, martial force and Saturn being the planet of restriction and discipline, a much more conservative archetype. This aspect tends to create a personality that oscillates between action and control.

They can have an amazing amount of perseverance, discipline, patience and authority if they are able to make the most of this conjunction. This is the kind of person who will likely say that nothing has ever come easy to them. They will feel like everything they’ve accomplished in life has come through hard work and struggle and discipline and the harnessing of all their faculties to attain their goals.

This aspect in a sign like Aries or Sagittarius would have a very different expression than it does in Pisces, which we’re getting a lot of right now with major planetary placements in this watery sign.

Mars in Pisces Keywords

Passive, charming, creative, go with the flow, calculating, fluctuating energy levels, moody, compassionate, changeable and indirect.

Saturn in Pisces Keywords

Inhibited emotions, fear of vulnerability, lack of faith in your own intuition, feeling restricted by, or an inability to express, true feelings, resentment of other people’s neediness or vulnerability, a desire to express one’s creativity but an inability to do so for internal reasons for due to external factors.

Celebrities with Mars conjunct Saturn

Dolly Parton, Pablo Escobar, Eddie Izzard, Henry Winkler, Rihanna, Venus Williams, Al Gore, Pierre Trudeau, David Lynch, Howard Hughes



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Forecasting Tips

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Sun Conjunct Pluto

Sun Conjunct Pluto

Author: Arwynne O’Neill – Published January 2024


Sun Conjunct Pluto

On January 20th, 2024 the Sun is going to be conjunct Pluto at 29° Capricorn. This is the last major aspect that Pluto makes in Capricorn as the Sun and Pluto both move into Aquarius the next day. Pluto’s final transit into Aquarius comes in November, after a brief retrograde this fall.

So we’re going to talk a bit about what you can expect from this transit, then what it looks like in your natal chart and then we’ll have some celebrity examples.


Listen to episode >>> Sun Conjunct Pluto


The Sun Conjunct Pluto in Transit

This transit happens once a year, so next time the Sun and Pluto are conjunct in January 2025, they’ll be in Aquarius.

As we’ve said before, anytime Pluto connects with a personal planet and the Sun is about as personal as it gets, we can expect to feel its effects. They won’t really not long lasting because the sun moves pretty quickly, but it’s about a day or so. Of course, if you have the sun in Capricorn you will have been experiencing the Pluto conjunction for a while and if you have it at 29° Capricorn that aspect will be exact on January 20, so all of this will apply to you in a big way.

The Sun conjunct Pluto in transit can dramatically increase your desire for power and your ability to influence outcomes in your life. You may feel this heightened intensity within yourself or you could observe it around you, and it could lead to power struggles. You may become controlling and manipulative towards other people or you may begin to feel paranoid, as if hidden enemies were plotting against you, but this is probably not how most people will experience this transit.

A more productive use of these energies would be conducting research and investigatimg mysteries or deep instrospection. You may be able to get to the bottom of psychological issues at this time because this transit can bring about the sort of obsessive behavior that’s obviously beneficial if you’re investigating anything.

Some dramatic or upsetting events may occur, especially involving power struggles and reversals of fortune, the mighty being brought down by hidden secrets coming to light or abuses of power being exposed.

In your life this would be a good time to excavate, investigate, and eliminate… That could be as simple as de-cluttering, getting rid of anything that’s getting in your way and no longer serving you, and this could include relationships or work that’s unfulfilling and anything else that you have outgrown and that’s holding you back. You have access to extra reserves of power at this time that you should try to make use of, in the form of both willpower and the will to power.

The Sun Conjunct Pluto in the Birth Chart

People with the Sun conjunct Pluto in their charts can be profoundly intense people, they can wield great power and influence but they could also be subject to powerful forces and those forces can either destroy them or make them stronger. They can be incredibly ambitious people with a great deal of willpower and a probing, piercing nature that can come across as overbearing.

They can read people very well and get to the bottom of matters because they are excellent researchers they have very political minds, so they can be very effective leaders. They value their privacy, and they can even come across as mysterious or paranoid. They can also get embroiled in decadent, self-destructive behaviors, ruthless power struggles and manipulation of others. They are often attracted to the dark side, or the Underworld, which may include addictions, criminal activities, etc. But they can also become great investigators or go up against the powers that be and bring about change from revolutionary or investigative activities.

Celebrities and Historical Figures with the Sun Conjunct Pluto

And you can really see this in some of our celebrity examples. Artists with this aspect are often instrumental in creating art, movies and literature exploring the relationship between power and the powerless.

Celebrities with Sun conjunct Pluto:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Martha Stewart, Steve Wozniak, Mick Jagger, Emmet Till, Alan Turing, Hunter S. Thompson, Hulk Hogan, Lance Armstrong, Victor Hugo, Charlie Sheen, Tim Burton, Jada Pinkett Smith and Emperor Nero.


More on this topic:

Read more >>> Sun

Read more >>> Pluto in Aquarius

Read more >>> Steve Wozniak’s Planetary Complexes


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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The Sixth House and Herb Gardens

The Sixth House and Herb Gardens

The 6th House and Herb Gardens

Herbs and herb gardens are shown in your sixth house.


Uranus conjunct Neptune

During the Huge Conjunction of 1991/93. Uranus conjoined Neptune for the first time in 170 years this time in Capricorn.

At the time I was a mamber of the Cape Town Astrologroup.

They had a particular meeting to celebrate the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune.

The activity that night was to get into huddles depending on which house the conjunction occurred in our natal charts.

6th House

For myself it was the 6th house.

I joined with the other astrologers in the clutch who had the Uranus Neptune conjunction in their 6th houses as well.

This is not the most exciting house in a chart because it is about health, daily rituals, service and work.

They began discussing their work and how busy they were, but it did not resonate with all the group members.

Someone said they had started gardening.

Well that was the catalyst for an animated discussion as we all had taken up gardening recently.

Then we got onto herbs… 🌱


My First Herb Garden – Cape Town

I was able to tell them about the new herb garden I had recently designed and had constructed in my garden.

It was down a narrow strip of land behind our house.

I explained how herbs had suddenly had more meaning for me.

That year I had been growing and cooking with fresh herbs and making interesting meals for my family.

Cooking with fresh herbs was something I had never done before.

It was glorious. I loved it.

Small plants are shown in your 6th house.

My Second Herb Garden – Phalaborwa

We later moved to another house right on the Tropic of Capricorn (that is another story) and again the garden needed care.

My husband and his guys laid out a beautiful 10m x 10m square herb garden with appropriate circles and a birdbath in the middle.

At the time of construction, we made sure that money, yes cold hard cash, was buried below the concrete of the water feature.

This was to provide for the garden.

A nice touch.

I often wonder what those gardens look like today having had thirty and twenty-five years to establish themselves.


The inspiration for both layouts was based on the designs in Margaret Robert’s book Guide to Growing Herbs in South Africa.

Below is a simple plan for a four square herb garden.

See more about the sign elements and herbs.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

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Forecasting Tips

Forecasting Tips

In astrology, FORECASTING encompass many different techniques. Here are some forecasting tips to help you get going.