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When to Go Professional as an Astrologer

When to Go Professional as an Astrologer

The Best Time to Go Professional as an Astrologer

An astrology business usually blossoms when your natal Uranus (astrology) and your Midheaven (going public with a business) are stimulated. This can happens usually by transit, secondary progression or other forecast technique contact.

It can just be on the day you finally ‘get’ astrology, which usually occurs at a transit or progressed contact. If you know the exact day your life changed and started your astrological awakening, write it down in your notebook.

You can answer the following questions and gather the information in your notebook or astrology journal.

Your Uranus Transits

The years when transiting Uranus makes an exact Ptolemaic aspect to your Midheaven are important, but if you can get the dates of the transits three passes, that is very good.

  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus sextile your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus square your Midheaven?
  • When does transiting Uranus trine your Midheaven?
  • When transiting Uranus conjoins two other points and planet in your chart it is a good indicator for starting to go pro.
  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your Midheaven ruler?
  • When does transiting Uranus conjunct your natal Saturn?

Your Solar Return Chart

The year when your solar return Sun falls in the 10th or 6th house of your solar return chart.

  • Which upcoming year is your solar return Sun in the 6th house?
  • Which uncoming year is your solar return Sun in the 10th house?

Your Secondary Progressions

The years when your secondary progressed Moon conjoins your natal Midheaven and passes through your tenth house are good indicators for starting to go professional as an astrologer.

  • Progressed Moon conjunct natal Midheaven.
  • Your progressed New Moon (previous).
  • Your progressed New Moon (next).
  • When does your secondary progressed Uranus station direct?

Your Solar Arc Directions

In solar arc directions the year when your natal Uranus is stimulated by a conjunction from any of; the solar arc Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Midheaven, Ascendant or Midheaven ruler suggest a growing interest in going pro with astrology.

Find the dates when the following occur:

  • Solar arc directed Sun conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Mars conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Jupiter conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Midheaven conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Ascendant conjunct your natal Uranus.
  • Solar arc directed Midheaven ruler conjunct natal Uranus.

Planning a Two-Year Window with Mars

Mars is the planet of beginnings, pioneering action, expended effort and it shows where you are happy to burn energy. Mars rules the sign Aries the Ram, which it the first sign of the tropical zodiac, and is the traditional ruler of Scorpio the Scorpion. As the first planet further from the Sun than the Earth, Mars takes about two years to make one complete pass through the zodiac. Because of this orbital period Mars can be used to kick start events and courses of action in your life.

Transiting Mars: Timing is Everything

Having two years to do something may seem a long stretch but if you plan to start a micro-business it can offer a convenient time span. The trick is to begin what you want to do when Mars transits the planet in your chart that rules the activity you want to start.

  • When Mars contacts your Sun, Moon, Uranus, Ascendant or Midheaven directly it may be time.
  • Mars conjoining your natal Sun is good for doing what you want and getting to the heart of the matter.
  • As Mars approaches your natal Moon it suggests active, and not reactive, behavior and you can use this emotionally charged time appropriately for taking the plunge.
  • When Mars nears radix Uranus it can create a spark for astrology and this may be the ideal time to overcome inertia if you have been thinking about an astrology business but not actually done anything about it – yet.
  • If Mars crosses your birth ascendant your personality gets fired up and you display confidence.
  • The red planet crossing your Midheaven indicates it is time to act on your career by taking a stab at competing for the career you want and being in the competition for the glory.

Mars: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

If you are lucky enough to receive a Martian three contact transit (direct, retrograde, direct) to an important natal planet or your Ascendant or Midheaven, it shows the time is ripe to expend the effort required to get that particular project started. Sometimes a Mars transit passes by quietly. If you look ahead and get the important dates in the next two years it can show the best time to launch your astrology career.

The Mars Three Pass Transit

At the first direct transit you may initially be enamored by the idea and inspired. During the retrograde pass doubt can set in about the validity of the venture. Finally, on the last contact your plans should be steaming along and well under way.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity

Find the dates when transiting Mars makes these aspects:

  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Sun.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Moon.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Uranus.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Ascendant.
  • Transiting Mars conjoins your Midheaven.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The 5 Levels of Astrologer

The 5 Levels of Astrologer

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Your Astrology Business

Amateur versus Professional Astrologer

To go pro, means to become a professional. The difference between an amateur and a professional is that amateurs do not get paid but professionals do get paid.

To change your status as an astrologer from amateur to professional is a huge step and requires adjustment on many levels and particularly mental, financial, psychological and physical levels. This post explores what is required to go pro and how you can reach this status in your astrological career.

The Path to Becoming an Astrologer

Your personal astrological development can take years. You may remain at one stage or level for decades and this happens when life gets in the way. Many people start astrology as adults and may have a day job and other commitments that demand their time and energy. You can always pick up where you left off and continue your journey towards astrology.

The process of becoming an astrologer includes particular milestones. Some are based on your knowledge of astrology some are mental states that change, and others are professional decision you make. I am not saying that aspiring to become master astrologer is everyone’s goal, but the process of becoming an astrologer is clear.

The 5 Levels of Astrologer

There are five levels of astrologer and different criteria or milestones to be reached at each stage of the astrologer’s evolution. Consider where you are today as you start this journey and check back in six and twelve months’ time to see how far you have come.

Level 1: Hobbyist Astrologer

  • You read your horoscope every week
  • You know your own and your family member’s Sun signs
  • You can discuss astrology at a dinner party
  • You know enough to be dangerous (ha ha)

Level 2: Student Astrologer

You are considered a Student Astrologer when you have all of the above Hobbyist astrologer skills and the following:

  • You have attended an astrology lecture.
  • You own five astrology books including an ephemeris.
  • You subscribe to The Mountain Astrologer.
  • You have taken at least one astrology lesson.
  • You are considering attending a conference.
  • You own Astro Gold.

Level 3:  Amateur Astrologer

You are considered an amateur astrologer when you have all the hobbyist and student astrologer skills and attributes and the following:

  • You can read the glyphs in a chart.
  • You know the signs, planets, houses and aspects.
  • You own ten astrology books including a Table of Houses.
  • You have at least one planet specific book.
  • You are a member of your local astrology group.
  • You have taken a formal astrology education course.
  • You can interpret charts for family and friends.
  • You can debate houses systems.
  • You have attended an astrology conference.
  • You own the latest version of Solar Fire.
  • You know at least four forecasting techniques.
  • You are invited to speak locally.

    Level 4: Professional Astrologer 

    You are considered aprofessional astrologer when you have all the hobbyist, student and amateur astrologer skills and attributes and the following: 

    • You can construct a chart from scratch (without a computer).
    • You can calculate forecasts from scratch (without a computer).
    • You have an extensive astrology library with duplicate editions.
    • You subscribe to all the trade periodicals.
    • You are a member of the international astrology associations.
    • You accept payments for your work.
    • Your income surpasses US$12000 a year from astrology.
    • You are invited to speak internationally.
    • You have appeared on TV, radio or a podcast.
    • You write a column/blog.
    • You own your self-hosted astrology website.
    • You have published an astrology book.

    Local Astrology Group: Vancouver

    Meet Sukhwinder Gadey who has created, operates and facilitates THE ASTROLOGER’S DEN which is Vancouver’s premier astrology group. This group meets online twice a month and focusses on general and mundane astrology. Everyone is welcome.

    Listen to podcast >>> Sukhwinder Gadey: The Astrologer’s Den

    Professional Astrologer and Musician

    Meet Toby Aldren, D.F.AstrolS., professional astrologer and musician. Toby is exploring the connection between astrology, music and medicine.

    Read more >>> Toby Aldren: Professional Astrologer and Musician


    New Moon Group

    Meet Norma Lachance professional astrologer and teacher. At every New Moon Norma hosts a vibrant online meeting to guide and explore the potentials of the lunation.


    Listen to podcast >>> Norma Lachance: New Moon Group

    Level 5: Master Astrologer

    You are considered a master astrologer when you have all the hobbyist,  student, amateur and professional astrologer attributes, skills and knowledge and the following:

    • You have been a professional (accepting payments) for at least ten years.
    • You are considered a guru in the astrological community.
    • You have written more than one book.
    • Your income exceeds US$60000 a year from astrology.
    • Your name is known by the general public.
    • You are the Keynote speaker.
    • You are a recipient of astrological awards acknowledging your contribution to the art.
    • You may have forsaken daily consultations for focused astrology research.
    • You are the Astrorati of the day.


    Aspiring Astrologer Activity

    Look over the five levels of astrologer (hobbyist, student, amateur, professional or master) and ask yourself the following questions:

    • What level are you at today?
    • Which level will you be in six months time?
    • Which level will you be in two years time?
    • At which level will you be satisfied?


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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Astrology Coaching

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    Your Astrology Business: Master Class

    Your Astrology Business: Master Class

    Astrology Business Kick Start Master Class

    If you are an aspiring astrologer and want to set-up your astrology business then this is the master class for you.

    In this master class, we address the challenges experienced in the first year of your practice.

    Who This Master Class is For

    If you are an engaged astrology student, keen and attentive or you are thinking of starting to charge for your readings this master class is for you.

    Masterclass Features

    Your booking package

    When you book a spot you will receive a booking package the week before the event which includes:

    • A copy of your birth chart.
    • A 12-month graphic ephemeris.
    • A questionnaire designed to bring focus to your business journey, which you will complete beforehand and bring to the masterclass.
    • The Zoom link of the event.
    • Worksheets for in-class exercises so you can follow along every step of the way and map out your astrology business.


    Summer 2023

    Zoom webinar

    Presented by Professional Astrologer Alison Price

    Master Class Outline

    9:45 am – 10:00 am – Zoom waiting room open

    Welcome and hellos.

    10:00 am – 11:15 am – First Session

    What type of astrologer you are and what type of astrologer should you be.

    How to set up and manage your astrology business.

    The importance of your online presence.

    11:15 am – 11:30 am – Coffee break

    11:30 am – 12:45 pm – Second Session

    How to attract clients.

    Advertising, marketing and promotion of your astrology business.

    How to correctly take a client booking.

    12:45 pm – 2:00 pm – Lunch break

    2:00 pm – 3:15 pm – Third Session

    The wealth potential in your chart.

    Whether you took a vow of poverty.

    How to manage your first paid consultation.

    3:15 pm – 3:30 pm – Coffee Break

    3:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Fourth Session

    How to set fees for your products and services.

    What your money says about your values.

    How your chart shows the path for your astrology business.

    4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – Closing Summary

    Final thoughts and next steps.

    Masterclass Details: What You Need to Know

    Only a few attendee spots available

    To maintain an intimate experience and ensure personal attention the space is limited to only a few spots.


    Pricing and Payments




    Via Zoom webinar.



    All booking cancellations requiring a refund will attract a $30 administration fee.

    No refunds after two weeks prior to the start.



    If for some reason you cannot make it, you may transfer or donate your spot to someone else at no extra charge.

    Astrology Classes

    Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

    Click the images on the left for more details.


    Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

    Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

    Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

    Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

    Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

    Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

    Semester One:

    Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

    Semester Two:

    Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

    Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

    Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

    Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

    Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

    Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

    Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

    Your passion, earning and soft skills.

    Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

    Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

    Love and Romance Questions

    Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

    Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

    Basic Business Setup

    Start charts, website, products and services.

    Privacy and mission statements.

    Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

    Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

    Client work advice.

    Practise readings so you can get better.

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