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Newsletter Renaming
Author: Alison Price – Published: November 2024
Newsletter Renaming
For years I’ve had people on my Starzology e-mail list whom I emailed now and again. It was only back in April this year that I committed to writing an email once a week on Sundays. I decided to do this because further back in January I had finally changed my newsletter service provider from MailChimp to ConvertKit (now itself rebranded as Kit). Kit just makes things easier.
Since April I have published my newsletter, The Starzologer, every Sunday for over six months. As time went on, the astrologers reading it started reaching out to me asking for more. It occurred to me to provide a premium newsletter with more focused content for those who are really interested and who wanted to support my work. This gave birth to the Starzlife newsletter which launched back in the Summer.
So now, in Autumn, I find myself having two newsletters with two different names and different signup areas to manage. This has become almost double the work for me and confusion for you, my dear reader, because. it’s not clear what the difference is between the free The Starzologer and the paid Starzlife newsletter.
See the differences below.
Free Sunday Newsletter
Your gateway to astrological insights, delivered every Sunday.
- Weekly astrological guidance and insights
- “Extend Yourself” practice exercises
- Access to Starzology Podcast episodes
- Special offers and promotions
- Curated content from trusted partners
Premium Thursday Newsletter
Includes everything in the free Sunday edition, plus exclusive benefits:
Weekly Premium Content
Additional Thursday newsletter featuring:
- Practical chart-reading techniques
- In-depth astrological analysis
- Real-world application strategies
- Professional development tips
Premium Resources
Downloadable tools and materials:
- Practice worksheets
- Reference checklists
- Custom templates
- Printable guides
Exclusive Benefits
- Full access to Starzlife article archive
- Invitation to seasonal online events
- Preferred pricing on:
- Personal astrology coaching
- Private consultations
By becoming a premium member, you’re investing in your astrological education while supporting the creation of quality content.
Original Setup
I thought that both of these newsletters were running independently of each other because in my mind they were two separate entities. But what I have realized is that I still have one monster e-mail list with you good people on it. Additionally, there is there is a subsection within that group who are part of the premium newsletter.

This week my e-mail service provider Kit has clarified to me that these are not two separate lists, rather they are one giant list with a smaller subsection of paid subscribers within it. So that all being said, it now is clear that I need to combine the two in my mind and your mind because that’s how they actual exist. The public face of this newsletter will be one large reader base with a smaller paid subset of readers within it
It’s like moving into a house and you don’t realize that there’s an attic where other folks are living, but the people are all living in the same house even though you thought they were living next door. Yeah.

Rename: Starzlife
Now this is going to cause a slight re branding (more of a renaming) because I have to pick one name for both of the newsletters, and I’ve decided to go with Starzlife over The Starzologer it’s just an easier word. Starzlife is one word and two syllables whereas The Starzologer is two words with five syllables. Starzlife is just simpler and so that is the name change that is going to be happening shortly.
For those of you who’ve been here from the beginning, I know I was calling it, The Starzologer, from April to November, but we are now shifting gears. My newsletter, my one and only newsletter, will from now on be called Starzlife. It will still come out every Sunday and it is still free for everyone who signs up.
Then for those of you who wish to receive the premium content, which comes out on Thursdays, you can subscribe to the paid segment within my main Starzlife list.
During November, and yes, I know Mercury will be retrograde, I’m going to go back and revisit writing (Mercury) that I have produced and rejigger the whole thing. So, from now onwards, my one and only newsletter will be published as Starzlife as we sunset the name The Starzologer and move forward with one newsletter from me called Starzlife.
I’ve just written the whole saga down here for those of you who are trying to understand what’s going on because it is complicated. When it dawned on me that I wasn’t doing it right, it still took me five days to think it through because it is knotty. Although I’m trying to make it simple as I explain it to you, but technically, behind the scenes it is an intricate maneuver for me to sort these two entities out and get the whole process streamlined.
I also plan to go back into the library and rename the previous editions to reflect the new branding. This is what I want to do. I don’t need extra things on my to-do list each week as already the administration of this whole business, website, podcast and newsletters is a constant wrangle. Any of you who run your own astro businesses will know what I’m talking about. I don’t want confusion in your mind either.
There may be some teething problems as we go through November (thank you Mercury retrograde) as I sort this out, but I am confident that by the time we get to the New Year, the whole glorious thing will be in place. People who join my list from 2025 onwards will not even know about the previous name of this newsletter, it was just a blip for 2024, let’s put it that way.
If you’ve got any questions about this jiggery-pokery, please do e-mail me at starzology@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to explain anything further.
Author Bio
Alison Price: Professional Astrologer
Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.
If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.
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