Creating Good Habits with The Moon: 30 Day Drawing Challenge

Creating Good Habits with The Moon: 30 Day Drawing Challenge

by Alison Price


In astrology, your habits are closely realted to the Moon.

As the Moon passes through your birth chart it transits every house and forms every possible aspect to all of your planets.

Because of the Moon’s natural abilities, everything is sensed and instinctively known. You just have to pay attention.


To break a bad habit takes one lunar orbit of the Earth or one month.

By the same token, to build a good habit takes one lunar orbit of the Earth, or 30 days, give or take a whisker.

30 Day Drawing Challenge

Thus is born the 30 Day Challenge. All new habits can be established if they are practiced every day for 30 days.

I talk about the five components to live a satisfying life which are; love, money, wellbeing, vision and creativity.

I have taken up a creative project, and I will be doing a new sketch, or drawing,  every day for 30 days. You can join me if you like.

New habits that you begin are better supported, and more dynamic, when started at a New Moon, or a solar eclipse, like the one that occurred on August 11th, which spurred me into action as it was conjoined my Sun.

You can practice New Moon Wishing in line with your birth chart to support your creative new habits.

I will post my progress here. Tag your creations with #starz30 so we can see your beauties. “The 30 Day Drawing Challenge”

Please share this with anyone who needs to see it.

Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️

Day 1

Vancouver Art Gallery - Day 1

The Vancouver Art Gallery from the steps of Robson Square, downtown Vancouver.

I take a photo just to show you. I complete the drawing at the location.

The buildings were a bit wobbly and the trees were hard to draw, but hopefully, I will get better over the next 29 days.

Day 2

The giant pandas outside the Marriott Parq Hotel in Vancouver.

This piece is named “Slow” by Chinese artist Zhang Huan. This sculpture is in stainless steel and is highly polished.

Huan’s pandas are “meant to eulogize eternal maternity and family while expressing expectations of a future, and expresses the artist’s understanding of human nature and his thoughts on love and eternity.” 

This drawing was quite a challenge to do in pen and ink. There is about 50 shades of grey.

On a side note, I need to get another pen as this one seems to have run out of ink.

Day 2 of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge over. Roll on the next twenty-eight.

Alison ⭐️

Day 3

Sunset Beach

This is the view across Sunset beach in Vancouver. Looking towards the west.

There were three main bands of color.

From the top down, the sky a hazy grey/blue due to lots of forest fire smoke, the sea which had more bands of dark blue and green within it, and the sand which was beige and grey, or greige, in the footsteps of the bathers.

Beachcombing was great and we collected many shells which we will use as mulch in the little plant pots in our apartment..

Day 4

The waterfall and rill in my local Emery Barnes park in Vancouver.

This was the first year for ages that they have had water flowing in the city parks due to recent water shortages.

The water itself was difficult to capture and somehow the falling water is not quite right, but I think the general image is ok.

Day 5

What is to come…

Wellbeing and Astrology

Wellbeing and Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2018


A Five Pointed Star

How to live your satisfying life can be seen through your personal astrology. I chose the name Starzology for my astrology website and business because of its relationship with the number five.

The fifth sign of the zodiac is Leo the Lion (which is my sign). The aspect of the fifth harmonic (when you divide the chart by five) is the quintile, which is in itself an aspect of creativity.

The five-pointed star is a symbol of creativity first and foremost. But, it offers four more points to make it whole.

I believe the attributes of wellbeing, vision, love and money are perfect additions to the creativity point on the star.


Wellbeing Podcast Episodes

Below are some of our most popular wellbeing podcast episodes. Click to listen now.

Wellbeing 🙂

Vitality and health can be rounded into well-being as physical, mental and emotional well-being.


Physical Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing is symbolized by the first house and the sixth and twelfth houses. Also, the Sun and the sixth house ruler will say a lot about your wellbeing.


Mental Wellbeing

Mercury and Jupiter and symbols of mental wellbeing in your chart.


Emotional Wellbeing

Your emotional wellbeing is symbolised by the Moon and, to some extent, the South Node.

Creativity ⭐️

In astrology the fifth house, Leo and the quintile all symbolize creativity. Creativity is the act of making something that was not there before.

You may be a singer, a musician, an artist, a writer, or craftsperson and in this way you are creative. You could be a blogger, a YouTuber, a podcaster or a speaker and in this way you are creative.

Creative people go to bed a night and can say, “I created that today.”

Love ❤️

You all need love.



First, you need self-love. You have to love yourself first before you can love others.

Love for Others

Then you need someone to love (or love of others). If you do not have a special person now you can love a pet.

This is the love of a partner, children and family, and friends.


Universal Love

Finally, universal love, and the love of all people. Now you are satisfied, you have self-love, the love of others and can turn to give universal love to all and sundry.


Vision 👁

Vision is shown in the chart by the ninth house and Jupiter which are both related to another fire sign, Sagittarius. When you lift your eyes to the horizon and want travel you have vision.

Your life-journey is a part of your vision.

What you want to do and where you want to go in life is a part of your vision. If your life is a drudge you can still have a vision of better things.

Hope springs eternal.


You need money. It is the way the world works.


Enough Money

To start with, you need enough money. Enough to pay the rent, put food on the table and educate yourself and your children.


Extra Money

Then you need extra money to improve your life, To pay for a holiday or vacation, to pay for higher education, to support a social life and bring you extras.


Contribution Money

Finally, you need contribution money to build something for others.

Perhaps you will do this by creating a company, building a school in Africa or providing shelters for those in need. Your contribution money goes to help other people.

It can be accomplished in many ways. You could just donate your spare cash or ten dollars each month and is your contribution.



These five attributes combined go to make a satisfying life for you.

What will you focus on this month?



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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