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Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast


Podcasting a brand new venture for Starzology. We launched in April 2023 and you can check out our start chart here.

We are not sure how this podcast will unfold, but with your help and support we believe great things can happen.

I have particular interests in astrology mainly helping people get better at readings and polishing their interpretations.

I am also keenly interested in how different practitioners use astrology in their lives as most astrologers don’t just do natal consultations, although that is where most astrologers start


Read more >>> Apply to be a Podcast Guest


Full Episode List

Below is the full list for all the episodes we have published so far.

You are invited to start at the beginning or dip in and out to pick and choose the topics which truly interest you.

Alison hosts all the shows and Arwynne pops in to share her special interests with you.




Alison and Arwynne at a post recording dinner in Vancouver



Where to Find Us

We are hosted with Buzzsprout and are live on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all other major podcasting sites.  

Start Here: Intro Episode

In this episode Alison shares her view on Aspiring Astrologers and explains more about the type of content you can expect here on the Starzology Astrology Podcast. Alison shares how she got into the fascinating world of astrology, and discusses the first astrology book she bought. You get to hear about her first astrology teacher and the initial classes she took to achieve her astrology diploma.  



We hope to bring you in each episode candid conversations with experienced astrologers, who share their insights and experiences with you, our listeners.

From the challenges of building a successful astrology practice to the joys of interpreting a chart, we will eventually cover it all.

Our guests also provide tips and advice on how to incorporate astrology into your own life, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out.


Astrologer Interviews

Join us as we delve into the personal and professional lives of astrologers from around the world.

We discuss their journeys into the field, their daily routines, and their thoughts on the current state of astrology.


Astrology Events

In addition to our guest interviews, we also offer information on the latest astrological events and phenomena, as well as practical advice on how to apply astrology to your daily routine.

We cover everything from horoscopes and birth charts to astrology in the media and popular culture.



Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or just curious about this fascinating field, The Starzology Astrology Podcast is the perfect podcast for you.

Join us as we explore the mysteries of the cosmos and the intricacies of the astrologer’s life.



Start Your Own Podcast

If you are interested in starting your own podcast we recommend Buzzsprout. You can get $20 off my using our affiliate link below.


5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

Chart Complexes

There are many techniques which you can use to read a birth chart and one highly popular method is with chart complexes.

A complex contains everything to do with a particular feature in a chart

You can have house complexes, point (Ascendant, Lunar node, Part of Fortune etc.) complexes and planetary complexes.

In this post we’re going to look at planetary complexes.

A Planetary Complex

Each planet in your chart will have its own complex.

There will be the Sun complex, the Moon complex, Jupiter’s complex and even Eris’ complex.

Planetary Complex Components

The five components that go to make a planetary complex are the planet’s:

  • Meaning
  • Sign
  • Aspects
  • Position
  • Influence

Let’s have a look at each planetary complex component in detail.

1 Planet’s Meaning

The planet in question always retains its core meaning.

For example, Mercury will always have the urge to communicate, and Mars will always have the urge to initiate actions.

Pay attention to a planet’s keywords.

2 Planet’s Sign

When considering a planet in a sign you always want to find if there is any essential dignity.

This feature itself is probably the most prominent influence when considering a planets complex.


A planet in rulership is resilient.

Planets in rulership can work at their full potential 100% of the time.

Any planet in its own sign has the urge to dominate and express itself in the person’s life.

This is likely to be one of the top planets in the chart.


A planet in exaltation, is robust and walks towards the light.

If there is an exalted planet and there are no planets in rulership, the exalted planet will push itself forward into the person’s life.


A planet in fall, will benefit from support from other planets to achieve its potential.

Planets in fall can easily be dragged down by challenges from the malefic planets.


A planet in detriment will struggle to express itself in this person’s life.

This planet will need a lot of work to see its positive energy.

A debilitated planet is likely to effortlessly turn towards the dark side.


A planet with face, steps forward and wants to help the person.


A planet with term, is usually a nice-to-have and will support any planet struggling to move forward.

3 Planetary Aspects

Challenges or support from other planets are shown by the aspects.

Most planets have aspects to the other planets.

Consider the nature of the aspects themselves and the planet making the aspect.

Hard Aspects

The hard aspects are the opposition, the contra-parallel, the square, the semi-square and the sesquiquadrate.

Hard aspects bring challenges and energy is required to overcome the friction or obstacles expressed by the aspect.

Soft Aspects

The soft aspects are the trine and the sextile.

Soft aspects bring ease and support and boost the planet in the nature of the other planet making the aspect.

Neutral Aspects

The neutral aspects are the conjunction and the parallel.

Impartial aspects may be supportive or non-energetic.

These unbiased aspects add robustness to the planet in question.

Unaspected Planets

A planet is unaspected if it does not receive a Ptolemaic aspect from another planet.

Do not consider aspects from the points when determining unaspectedness.

4 Planetary Position

There are some positions that planet may have in a chart which are more important than other placements.

It’s like being in the right place at the right time.

High in the Chart

When a planet is high and near the top, at the most elevated position or in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector in a chart, it becomes more significant.

A planet in this position supports what you do in the outside world and in the public domain.

East in the Chart

When a planet is placed in the east, at the Ascendant position, either rising or in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector or bothit attains more significance.

A planet in this position supports your personal brand, message and the impression you make on others.

Proximity to the Sun

When a planet has solar proximity by being either cazimi, combust or under-the-beams it may add to, or detract from, the planet’s ability to express itself.

A planet in this position needs further consideration.

5 Planetary Influence

Through the principle of chart division, we can slice the chart up in several ways.

A planet may have influence over several sectors of the chart although some planets have no sway through chart division.

Hemisphere Ruler

There are four hemispheres in each chart, the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern hemispheres.

When a planet is a hemisphere ruler by being on the cusp of the hemisphere, it brings a broad influence over half of the chart.

Either the self (Eastern hemisphere), others (Western hemisphere), the public life (Southern hemisphere) or the private life (Northern hemisphere).

If it is a tenant in the hemisphere that it rules, it increases its authority.

Quadrant Ruler

There are four quadrants in each chart the first, second, third and fourth quadrants.

When a planet is a quadrant ruler by being on the cusp of the quadrant, it has influence over one quarter of the chart.

If the planet is a tenant in the quadrant which it rules, it gains dynamic power.

House Ruler

There are twelve houses in each chart.

When a planet is a house ruler by being on the cusp of the house, it impacts the area of life shown by the house.

If the planet is a tenant in a house which it rules, is intensifies its dominance.

Triple Division Ruler

There are three triple divisions in a chart, the first, second and third triple division.

When a planet is a triple division ruler by being on the cusp of the division, it impacts the Me (first triple division), We (second triple division), or You (third triple division), message shown by the division.

If the planet is a tenant in a triple division which it rules, is intensifies the main keyword of the division (Me, We or You).

Influence Assessment

When analyzing a birth chart, go through and work out every planet complex and determine which are the dominant planets within a chart.

Having attained a full picture of each planet’s complex you can decide just how influential each planet is in the chart.

This may bring up some surprising results.

It is often at this time that you realize that perhaps the Sun and the Moon are not as influential as you thought and maybe Uranus is a dominant planet within a chart.

Birth Chart Steve Wozniak

Example Chart Steve Wozniak

Sun Planetary Complex

Meaning: Identity, ego and self-awareness.

Sign: Leo dignity sign ruler

Aspects Soft: Trine Chiron and sextile Neptune.

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Pluto.

Position: 11th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the 11th House.

Moon Planetary Complex

Meaning: Feelings, reactions and needs.

Sign: Cancer in dignity sign ruler.

Aspects Hard: Square Mars.

Aspects Soft: Trine North Node

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Venus.

Position: 10th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Cancer is intercepted so the Moon has no place to rule.

Mercury Planetary Complex

Meaning: Languages, ideas, thinking and trade.

Sign: Virgo dignity well placed.

Aspects hard: Semi-square Mars and square Chiron.

Aspects neutral: Conjunct and parallel Saturn so a double whammy.

Position: 12th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules Chart, rules and is in the Eastern hemisphere, rules and is in the Northern hemisphere, rules 1st quadrant, rules 4th quadrant, rules 1st house, 10th house and 12th house.

Jupiter Planetary Complex

Meaning: Growth, vision and luck.

Sign: Pisces retrograde, in dignity, has face essential dignity and is traditional sign ruler.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Uranus. Note these are the only Jupiter Aspects.

Position: In 6th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the Western hemisphere, rules and is in the 2nd quadrant and rules and is in the 6th House

Uranus Planetary Complex

Meaning: Computers and the internet, lateral thinking and breaks.

Sign: Cancer, no essential dignity.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Jupiter.

Aspects hard: Square Neptune.

Aspects neutral: Parallel Pluto.

Position: Most Elevated, Midheaven Gaquelin Sector and 10th house.

Influence: Rules 5th house.

Transiting and Progressed Planets

The planetary complexes indicate how that planet will fare and express itself for this person when it influences the chart by transit or progression.

Any planet which is weaker in the natal chart, when transiting or progressing the chart by aspect is likely to be weaker as well.

To know a planet’s natal strength can help determine whether as a forecast indicator it will be influential or not for this individual.

This shows up in instances where perhaps in a chart with a weak Saturn complex, and therefore their Saturn Return is not as challenging for that person as it is for the person whose Saturn is the most dominant planet in the chart by complex.




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Aspiring Astrologer Activity

In your astrology journal and referencing your birth chart and a current ephemeris, please do the following:

working on charts


  • List the five key features of Planetary Complexes.
  • Choose every planet from the Sun to Pluto and list their Planetary Complexes.
  • Select the planet with most substantial and important Planetary Complex and fully analyze and get to know this planet.


  • See which house your most important planet (by planetary complex) is transiting today.
  • List the aspects it will make to your natal chart in the next twelve months and enter them in your calendar.
  • On a monthly basis, monitor these transits and ponder how they are unlolding in your life.

Blogs and Articles

More astro information from our blog.




Discover more about Mabon which is one of the festivals in the Wheel of the Year. Learn about colors and crafts associated with this time.

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner

Astrology for Self-care

Available now.

A few years ago, I began writing horoscopes for various publications, including a print magazine, an online app, and a new age website.

However, each outlet required a different approach, as one catered to women, another started their week on a Monday, and the third targeted a trendy millennial audience.

As a result, I needed to organize my astrological data and focus on three specific events in the astrology calendar each month: the New and Full moons, the planetary stations, and the ingresses.

By noting these movements on a monthly chart and setting my chart on the zero Aries house system, I could see where each event would occur for each sign.


To make this process easier, I created a mini-PDF for clients with each month’s data, which I built up over five years with more valuable information, data, and tables.

However, people often had trouble printing or losing the file, so I eventually published a handy book on Amazon, which customers could easily purchase and return if necessary.

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide is now available on Amazon, and it includes short interpretations for each lunation, station, and ingress.

These mini-insights are similar to what I would write for a horoscope column, and they can be used as a basis for creating horoscope insights for yourself or your clients.


Who This Book is For

This book is for people who wish to embrace the art of astrology into their everyday self-care practice.

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner contains information for anyone interested in astrology.

It has material on the 2024 New and Full Moons, retrograde and direct dates and planetary ingresses (when the planets change signs) for the whole year.

Horoscopes Writers

If you write horoscopes or forecast for yourself, family and friends it will help you plan.

There is a page for you to draw in your own birth chart, so you can follow along and a few blank chart wheels.

Track Transits

Each month has a handy list of astro events including planetary ingresses, retrogrades and lunation information.

There is a lunar mood checker diagram for you to fill in each day to monitor your mood.

This is great for women and their cycles.

The handy weekly pages can be used to track, and make notes about, the transits and progressions to your own birth chart.

Personal Growth

This book will inspire you to find out more about astrology, your chart and how the celestial energy changes affect you.

As your astrology knowledge grows, you can add other astro related details which interest you.


This is a working book. You are encouraged to make it your own.

You can color in this planner, collage special days and make notes which mean something to you.

Create yourself a beautiful keepsake for the year 2024 which you can look back on later.

Customize Your Planner

The idea is that you make this planner your own.

Colour in the months pages and add your transits on the weekly pages.


Watch the Video

To get more inspiration on how to get organized to write horoscopes, or to forecast for yourself, watch the video below.

I explain how I use this planner and you can add your information, color and  embellishments as well.






The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide and Planner contains information for anyone interested in astrology


Practical Astro Forecasting

The spreads are the exact ones that I use each month for horoscope work and forecasting, which I draw in my journal and you can see more of that in this video.

It has material on the 2024 New and Full Moons, Eclipsesretrograde and direct dates and planetary ingresses (when the planets change signs) for the whole year.

If you write horoscopes or forecast for yourself, family and friends it will help you plan.

There is a page for you to draw your own birth chart, so you can follow along and a few blank charts.

Monthly Planner Pages

Each month lists the astro events like planetary ingresses, retrogrades and lunation information.

There is a lunar mood checker diagram and other fun pages.

Weekly Planner Pages

The handy weekly pages can be used to track the transits and progressions to your own chart.

Moon Mood Tracker

Each month has a 28-day Moon cycle tracker that you could use to track:

  • Your mood
  • Your lunar transits
  • Your monthly cycle


Personal Growth

This planner will inspire you to find out more about your chart and you can add other astro related details that interest you.

In this planner, you can color in and make notes that mean something to you and create yourself a keepsake for the year 2024.


Astro Guide

The Starzology 2024 Astro Guide is not only a planner with monthly and weekly calendar pages, but it also includes specific pages for the eclipses of 2024 and the retrograde periods for every planet in 2023.

Additionally, it features a short piece about the Wheel of the Year and the eight pagan festivals.

If you’re interested in learning more, you can visit my website or check out the link in the show notes.

And if you know someone who would be interested, it makes for a great holiday gift.

Thank you for spending time with me.

With love,


Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrological Holy Trinity and Polarity

This article will show you what next two steps to take after you know what is your Sun sign. A way to learn astrology.

If you believe your Sun sign is not enough then this is for you.

Sun Sign

Perhaps you already know your Sun sign. It could be Aries, Cancer or Virgo etc. Your Sun sign depends on the date of your birthday. It is the zodiac sign which the Sun was in at the time and day you were born.

Everyone’s Sun sign is the easiest thing to know in astrology.

You will know your own, and your family’s birthdates, and probably your close friend’s birthdays as well. It is a simple step to ascertain everybody’s Sun sign.

The Sun sign is the first nugget of information that all people know about astrology but, after that, what should you learn next?


Ascendant Sign

The second thing you need to learn is your Ascendant sign. This is likely to be different to your Sun sign although it could be the identical.

You will only know your Ascendant sign if you cast your chart.


Moon Sign

The third fact you need to discover is your Moon sign. Again, you will have to cast your chart to find this out.

Your Moon sign is likely to be in a different sign both to your Sun sign and even to your Ascendant sign, but it could be the same.


Where to Get Your Birth Chart

If you do not yet have a copy of your birth chart, there are three pieces of information that you will need.

  • Your birth time
  • Your birth date
  • Your birth place (the city and country)

For quick information go here to calculate your chart.


The Holy Trinity

These three pieces of astrological information, your Ascendant sign, your Sun sign, and your Moon sign, are known as the holy trinity, the triad or the triumvirate of your chart.

They are always listed in this order of importance; Ascendant, Sun, Moon (and yes, your ascendant is more important than your Sun).

If you are an aspiring astrologer, and if you attend an astrology conference, you will be given a badge with your name. There will be a space for you to write the three main parts of your chart listed on it, your Ascendant, your Sun, and your Moon.

For example, my top three or Holy Trinity would be listed as; Leo, Leo, Scorpio. This is because my Ascendant is in Leo, my Sun is in Leo, and my Moon is in Scorpio.

Your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon can each be in any one of the twelve zodiac signs.



Let us have a quick look at the numbers.

The Ascendant has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, the Sun has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, and the Moon has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs.

Therefore, 12 × 12 × 12 = 1728 possible combinations of Ascendant, Sun, and Moon.

This detail is huge and speaks to the complexities that can be found within an astrology chart, but there is a simpler way.


In astrology there are two polarities active and passive. They can also be referred to as masculine or feminine, or positive (+) or negative (-).

The twelve zodiac signs are either in one polarity or the other.

The active signs are; Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The passive signs are; Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Let’s look at some examples of polarity.

If you have your Ascendant in Aries, your Sun in Virgo and your Moon in Pisces your polarity converts to: active, passive, passive or (+, -, -).

If you have an Aquarius ascendant (+), your Sun is in Gemini (+), and your Moon is in Libra (+), you are active (+, +, +).

8 Combinations

In the scenario of active and passive signs, as regards to your chart’s holy trinity, there are only eight possible combinations.

The three are always listed in the sequence; Ascendant, Sun, Moon.

The ratio is always active:passive (+ : – ).

 + + +             3:0       100% active

 + + –              2:1       More active than passive.

 + – +             2:1       More active than passive.

 – + +              2:1       More active than passive.

 – – +                1:2       More passive than active.

 – + –                1:2       More passive than active.

 + – –                1:2       More passive than active.

  – – –                0:3       100% passive.


Some More Examples

Ascendant       Sun                  Moon

Libra               Gemini            Pisces               + + –

Aquarius         Sagittarius       Virgo               + + –

Leo                  Aries                Taurus            + + –


They are 216 possible combinations that are active, active, passive (+, +, -), but only eight possible combinations.

The use of polarity in the holy trinity of your chart is way to simplify what is a complex subject, astrology.

Spend some time analyzing your family’s and friends charts to see polarity at work.

Of course, there are many more interesting things about astrology charts that you could learn.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity

I love providing you with aspiring astrologer activities.

This initiative is similar to “next steps” and the activities give you some ideas on what to do with the information you have just gathered.


Step one:         Your Sun sign.

Step two:         Your Ascendant sign.

Step three:       Your Moon sign.

Step four:        Write your polarity combination (Ascendant, Sun, Moon).

Step five:        Holy trinity polarity (only eight possible combinations), (?, ?, ?).

Share and Learn Astrology

Share your polarity combination with us in this quick anonymous survey.

I will revisit this post every six months at the equinoxes.

The equinoxes occur twice a year the first equinox is around March 21st and the second equinox is around September 21st.

Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️

More Articles

If you enjoyed this post on polarity you may like to explore some more of our astrology content to help you understand how to read a birth chart.

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...

Synodic Cycles in Astrology

Synodic Cycles in Astrology

by Alison Price

Synodic Cycles in Astrology

This post covers the principles of superior planet (excluding Mars) synodic cycles, and how they can be interpreted in a meaningful way for use in your astrology practice today.

Find out each planetary pair’s birth poin,t and where they fall in your chart.

See where we are in each cycle by phase.

Explore how the seeds of each cycle are played out over the years.

Synodic Cycles

Synodic cycles refer to the relationship between any two planets. A synodic cycle starts at the conjunction between two planets.

The chart for the conjunction shows the nature of the cycle as it unfolds.

The phases in which the planets are found describes the type of circumstances that can unfold during the phase.

Aspect Set for Synod Conjunction in the Natal Chart

Only use Ptolemaic aspects as follows:

  • Conjunction – orb 8°
  • Sextile – orb 4°
  • Square – orb 8°
  • Trine – orb 8°
  • Opposition – orb 8°


The word synod is from the Greek, synodos, which means “a traveling together”

Outer Planet Stellium

The last triple conjunction between the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) occurred at 8° through 11° Taurus, approximately between 576 and 575 B.C.

This was when Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, made a conjunction in Taurus. This triple conjunction occurs only every 120,000 years. This makes it the only one that relates to human evolution.

It was the most powerful stellium that has occurred in human history and heralded the beginning of writing, art and mathematics.

Uranus Neptune Pluto

This cycle represents an overlying patterning of collective human experience on a very long-term basis. The last mutual conjunction of these three planets was in 578-575 BCE in a very close succession of just a few years. Around this time the world reached a crucial junction point and some of history’s greatest teachers were alive around then.

Triple Conjunction Graphic Ephemeris

The graphic ephemeris at 90 for the triple conjunction that occurred in 576/575 BCE.

How to read this Graphic Ephemeris

The top x-axis has time and shows the years 576-574BCE.

The y-axis shows the cardinal signs from the top then fixed sign and then mutable signs. The sign Taurus is indicated and the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and indicated by their glyph and the wavy lines are the planets actual movement through the zodiac.

Where two lines cross is a conjunction between two planets.

The three did not actually come to an exact conjunction but with an eight-degree orb for conjunctions, they are within orb for many months.

Working with Synodic Charts

Casting the Conjunction chart

When you cast the conjunction chart you have several options for each conjunction.

Previous conjunction

If there is only one conjunction, then that is the chart to read.

If there were three, five or conjunction then the last chart of the series is the chart you read.

Next conjunction

If there will be one conjunction, then read that chart.

If there will be a triple or multiple conjunctions (and therefore more than one chart) read the first chart until the conjunctions have passed and then read the final chart.

New Book Coming Soon

My new book “Synodic Cycles – Astrological Echoes from the Past” is in the final editing stages and will be published later this year.

It is a guide to working with synodic cycles in your charts and the chart of your clients.

Subscribe to my email lisrt for more information.


May 2018