Mode Compatibility

Mode Compatibility

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Mode Compatability

Today we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of mode compatibility. I’m of the belief that when dealing with clients, they really are only two questions in astrology. “Where is the love? And “Where is the money?” Interesting these are both Venus related questions, but as a practicing astrologer and someone who’s trying to understand and read charts, you do need to know about love relationships, personal relationships and how people get on with each other. Or in other words, how people’s charts mesh. This usually unfolds by someone saying, “I’m a Virgo, she’s an Aquarius, how do we get on?” And yes, certainly there is a place for that type of astrology, but here I’m digging deeper into the background themes in a chart.

Background Noise

The broadest possible interpretation of a chart comes through in the polarity (a topic for another day) but check out this post on Ascendant, Sun and Moon polarity). The second broadest interpretation comes through in the three modes. So today we’re going to take a closer look at mode compatibility as a background theme for relationships between two people. This is part of the love and relationships category that I like to chat about a lot.

All Relationships

Of course, chart comparison can be used for every relationship you have with everyone you meet. You will have a relationship with your clients, your parents, your kids, your friends and your life-partner. You don’t always have to dig super deep into a chart to get some insights, here of course you can and many do, but if you are looking for some broad strokes, then mode is one way of doing it.


Mode Signs

There are three modes in astrology, the Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode and the Mutable mode. Each of the 12 Zodiac signs belongs to one mode. Each mode has four signs in it. The modes can also be referred to as qualities or modalities.

The Cardinal Signs

The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Any planets in these signs will be counted as cardinal. The cardinal signs are ruled by Mars (Aries), the Moon (Cancer), Venus (Libra) and Saturn (Capricorn).

The Fixed Signs

The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Any planets in these signs will be counted in the fixed mode count. The fixed signs are ruled by Venus (Taurus), the Sun (Leo), Mars and Pluto (Scorpio) and Saturn and Uranus (Aquarius).

The Mutable Signs

The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any planets and these signs will be counted as mutable. The mutable signs are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and Neptune (Pisces).

Which Planets to Count

Back in the Day

When I first started to learn astrology, we would count every planet from the Sun to Pluto, we weren’t using Chiron back then. Additionally, we would give two points to the Ascendant and the Midheaven sign. In this way you ended up with a count of fourteen. And while this method may work for some people, over the years I found that it was just too diluted to give a firm count.

Visible Planets

Years ago, I came across a system of only using the visible planets because you then have a seven count. For the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and from that point on I only do a count for seven because you are focusing in on the main planets in a chart straight away. Of course, you could do the full count to fourteen and even add in the nodes and whatnot if you want to, but I don’t. By only counting the seven visible planets in a chart you end up with a quality count as opposed to a quantity count.

Determining Mode Emphasis

Two More

In general. For a mode be emphasized, and only using the seven visible planets, the mode must contain two more planets than the next best mode. If you were writing in astrology exam, this would definitely be the case. However, this is the real world, and if you have a mode count that is perhaps four, three and zero, you could say that the mode with four planets is emphasized as well even though it was only one more than the three-planet mode. Additionally, you could have a count where there was two, three and two, and then technically the mode with three planets would then be the emphasized mode.

Past Seven

If you choose to ignore the visible planets only rule and you decide to count all the planets and some of the points as well, you will get different results for your mode emphasis count. At this point, we’re trying to find the emphasized mode for somebody’s chart, so that we can use it in our relationship analysis between two people. The choice is up to you.

Example Chart: Whoopi Goldberg

Birth Data

Whoopi Goldberg’s birth details are: 12:48 PM, November 13th, 1955, New York City, USA. In this chart below I’ve only displayed the seven visible planets to keep things simple.


Mode Count: 7 Planets

In the Cardinal sign of Libra, she has one planet, Mars. In the Fixed sign of Scorpio, she has four planets, and in the fixed sign of Leo, she has one planet, Jupiter. Then her one and only mutable planet is Venus in Sagittarius.

Cardinal = 1, Fixed = 5 and Mutable = 1.

She is strongly in the Fixed mode. If you recall, to have an emphasis in a mode you need to have two more planets than the next best mode which is certainly the case with Fixed at five which is four more than the next best mode, either Cardinal or Mutable at one planet each.



Mode Count: 12 Planets plus 4 Points

When you add in 12 planets plus 4 points (Ascendant, Midheaven, Nodes) the mode count is slightly different. She has Cardinal = 3, Fixed = 9, and Mutable = 4. In her case Fixed remains her strongest mode, but it wouldn’t always be the case.


Representing Modes


Mode counts are always represented in their order from Aries (the first sign) as in Cardinal, then Fixed, then Mutable or as C-F-M.

My Chart

My personal mode count is shown as 1-4-3 (7 count) or 5-7-3 (16 count). This shows that Fixed is my strongest mode either way. You can check your own chart.

Same Mode Dynamic

Same Modes in a Pair

If both partners have strong modes which are the same, Cardinal-Cardinal, Fixed-Fixed and Mutable-Mutable, it creates tension in the relationship.

Cardinal and Cardinal: The Present


Two Cardinal signs coming together creates a relationship charged with dynamism and drive. This pairing often results in a competitive atmosphere in which both partners have strong leadership instincts, which can lead to power struggles. This couple has an action-oriented dynamic where the relationship is rarely stagnant, with both people constantly pushing for progress. They have shared ambitions and their goals often align, creating a unified direction in life. Mutual admiration, although not always a plus, is expressed as each partner respects the other’s independent spirit and determination. With Cardinal-Cardinal couples, the potential for conflict is always there. Both people want to “be the boss,” which can create tension. This pair will rapidly make decisions that make other people’s head spin. They are quick to act on ideas and plans. Cardinal duos are the zodiac’s initiators of change. Together, they’re likely to spark new projects or life directions.


Cardinal-Cardinal pairings can face challenges where power struggles arise frequently. Compromise can be difficult as both people are used to taking charge. The relationship may lack a certain stability due to constant change and action.


To thrive, Cardinal-Cardinal couples need to learn to take turns in the driving seat. They will benefit from showing appreciation for each other’s strengths. This pair can channel their energy into shared goals rather than in competition with each other. By practicing patience and develop listening skills they will prevail and thrive as a couple.

Fixed and Fixed: The Future


When two Fixed signs form a relationship, it creates a union characterized by stability, determination and resilience. This pairing tends to build a solid foundation through their shared desire for security which makes them excellent at establishing a stable, long-lasting partnership. This couple can resist change because both partners prefer consistency and they may be slow to embrace new ideas or situations.

Fixed-Fixed will demonstrate unwavering commitment to each other and once committed, they’re likely to persevere through challenges, viewing the relationship as a long-term investment. They easily create a predictable environment where routines and traditions often play a significant role in their lives together.

This pair often exhibits loyalty, trust and faithfulness which are typically cornerstones of their bond. When both parties are strongly Fixed, it shows determination as a couple this is more so when they set shared goals and they work tirelessly to achieve them.

Key Points

Key characteristics of this pairing include strong values and principles that guide their relationship. There is a tendency to stick to established patterns and habits. They enjoy deep emotional connections which strengthen over time.


However, potential challenges may arise through stubbornness which can lead to standoffs when opinions differ. This couple’s resistance to change might result in a stagnant relationship. Inflexibility could make adapting to life’s inevitable changes difficult.


To thrive, Fixed-Fixed couples should practice compromise and open-mindedness. They would do well to actively seek new experiences together to avoid monotony. This pair can appreciate each other’s steadfastness while gently encouraging flexibility. They can communicate openly about needs for both stability and growth.

Mutable and Mutable: The Past


When two Mutable signs come together, they form a relationship that is flexible, dynamic and ever evolving. This pairing is characterized by adaptability as both partners excel at adjusting to new situations that make their relationship highly versatile.

Intellectual stimulation is a theme for Mutable-Mutable couples and the constant exchange of ideas and perspectives keeps their connection vibrant. Being spontaneous, the couple embraces change, leading to an eclectic and sometimes unpredictable lifestyle.

Mutable-Mutable couples’ relationships are communication-rich where the chatting and dialogue flows freely, with both partners eager to share thoughts and feelings. They have openness to new experiences and they will explore various interests and lifestyles together.

Key Points

Key aspects of this relationship include a tendency to approach life with curiosity and openness, the ability to navigate challenges by adapting rather than confronting and a shared appreciation for variety and new experiences.


Lack of direction is a challenge because by going through life without a firm goal, the Mutable-Mutable relationship may feel aimless at times. This pair may suffer from analysis paralysis where excessive talking and planning might hinder concrete action. A little less conversation a little more action. Constant change can sometimes lead to a sense of chaos or insecurity and instability can be a theme. Both may bring ingrained ideas from past experiences, affecting current dynamics.


To thrive, Mutable-Mutable couples should set some long-term goals to provide structure and direction. They could balance their flexibility with some routine for stability. They would do well to practice following through on plans and ideas and not just talking about them. This pair could cultivate mindfulness to stay grounded in the present and take the time to recognize and challenge preconceived notions that may limit their growth as a couple.

Mixed Modes in a Pair


When partners possess contrasting dominant modes, it often leads to a more balanced and effective collaboration. This is particularly evident in the pairing of Cardinal and Fixed modes.

Cardinal and Fixed Dynamic

A Force to be Reconned With

When Cardinal and Fixed get together, it’s like an irresistible force encountering an immovable object. Despite their differences, they often synergize for mutual advantage. In this combination, the Cardinal partner drives progress and initiates change and the Fixed partner provides stability and maintains course. This blending of modes allows for both forward momentum and necessary grounding, creating a potentially powerful and complementary partnership.

Cardinal and Mutable Dynamic


This partnership combines initiative with adaptability, creating a flexible and dynamic relationship. This pair is highly adaptable in navigating life’s various directions. Here the Cardinal partner typically takes the lead and the Mutable partner readily follows and supports. Mutable often inspires and persuades Cardinal into action.

The Cardinal’s drive to initiate blends well with the Mutable’s ability to adjust and flow with changes. This combination can result in a partnership that is both proactive and versatile, capable of handling various life situations with ease.

Fixed and Mutable Dynamic


This partnership brings together stability and flexibility, often resulting in a relationship of contrasts. The Mutable partner seeks variety and change and the Fixed partner prefers consistency and routine. This leads to the potential for misunderstanding due to differing approaches. Fixed may view Mutable as overly talkative or scattered and Mutable might perceive Fixed as too rigid or unexciting. While their differences can create friction, this pairing also offers the potential for balance. The Mutable partner can help the Fixed partner adapt to necessary changes, while the Fixed person can provide the stability and focus the Mutable person may lack.


With astrology, awareness is key and as an aspiring astrologer, if you have an awareness about what your mode count is and how you’re going to interact with other people, it gives you a broader insight immediately about how you’re going to connect with somebody including your clients. Certainly, you can go into the finer details of her Venus is on his Mars or situations like that, but always bear in mind that in your astrological toolbox you need to understand the general themes within a chart before you go into the nitty-gritty. Additionally, if you start paying attention to the background noise of a chart, that comes through the polarity, mode and element count, it gives you another feature to lean on when you are in consultation with your clients and you are drawing a blank.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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The Part of Marriage

The Part of Marriage

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

The Part of Marriage

Parts in General

The Part of Marriage is one of the Arabic parts or Greek lots. It is a sensitive point in any chart and can be used when considering marriages, betrothals and nuptials.

Natal aspects to this point will colour the marital urges of the person.


Part of Marriage Calculation

The Part of Marriage calculation is as follows:

ASC + DEC – Venus = Part of Marriage

The Part of Marriage is placed in the same hemisphere (north or south) of the Ascendant/Descendant axis as Venus, and at the same distance as Venus is from the closer point Ascendant or Descendant.

In other words, The Part of Marriage is as far away from the Ascendant or Descendant as Venus.



Convert the Positions to Zero Aries

You have the convert the zodiac positions of the Ascendant, the Descendant and Venus to degrees on the 360 wheel. This starts from Zero Aries. All calculations will be done from this point.

First convert the Ascendant then the Descendnat then Venus.

You make this conversion so you can do maths (adding and subtracting) on the positions. We will convert the answer back to the signs at the end.

You may get an answer that is greater than 360 (say 410) and in that case, minus 360 before you convert back to the sign.


Elizabeth Taylor: Example Chart

As we are talking about marriage, I thought of using beautiful Elizabeth Taylor’s chart as she was married 7 times.




Elizabeth Taylor

Example Calculation

POM = ASC + DEC – Venus

POM = 13°15′ Sagittarius + 13°15′ Gemini – 17°33′ Aries

POM = [13°15′ + 240° (Sagittarius)] + [ 13°15′ + 60 (Gemini)] – 17°33′ (Aries)

POM = [250°15′ + 73°15′] – 17°33′

POM = 323°30′ – 17°33′

POM = 305°57′

POM = 305°57′ – 300 (for Aquarius, see table)

POM = 5°51′ Aquarius


The Importance of Venus

Venus is hugely important in the Part of Marriage calculation. Venus is the planet of romance, love and marriage among other things.

Depending on how far above or below the horizon Venus is found, it will be the same distance as the Part of Marriage.


Venus Ascendant Aspects

Venus Conjoined the Ascendant

If Venus is conjoined the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be conjoined the Descendant.


Venus Sextile the Ascendant

If Venus is sextile the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be sextile the Descendant.


Venus Square the Ascendant

If Venus is square the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be square the descendant (and so also square the Ascendant).

In fact, if Venus does square the Ascendant then Venus will be very close to the Part of Marriage and they will be conjoined,

This special placement provides a powerful message in any chart regarding love and marriage. Take special note of this aspect when working on relationship charts with your clients.



Part of Marriage Eyeball Calculation

You can find this point by looking at the chart.

  • Find Venus.
  • Draw a line parallel to the Ascendant/Descendant Line across the chart.
  • That point will be the Part of Marriage.


  • If Venus is 10° above the Ascendant then the Part of Marriage is 10° above the Descendant.
  • If Venus is 25° below the Ascendant the Venus is 25° below the Descendant.
  • If Venus is 10° above the Descendant then the Part of Marriage is 10° above the Ascendant.
  • If Venus is 25° below the Decsendant the Venus is 25° below the Ascendant.


Parallel Lines

In the chart below for Elizabeth Taylor, note the red line parallel to the Ascendant / Descendant line that is drawn from the point of  her natal Venus.

This is an easy way to work out the Part of marriage quickly. Of course if you want the exact position for the Part of Marriage you will have to do the calculations.

Solar Fire lists the Part of Marriage so I recommend that program for this type of work.


Part of Marriage Meaning

This sensitive point represents the qualities and experiences you seek or encounter in relationships, marriage and long-term meaningful partnerships.

Its placement in the natal chart can give insights into your approach to marriage, the type of partner you are attracted to, and the dynamics of your romantic relationships.

Here are some key points to consider when interpreting the Part of Marriage:


The sign in which the Part of Marriage falls can reveal important qualities and characteristics desired or sought after in a partner.

For example, a Part of Marriage in a fire sign like Aries may suggest a preference for adventurous and dynamic partners, while a Part of Marriage in an earth sign like Taurus may indicate a desire for stability and security in relationships.


Always consider the Part of Marriages dispositor which is the planet that rules the sign which the Part of Marriage is in.

In Elizabeth Taylor’s chart her Part of Marriahe is in Aquarius so there are two dispositors. The firt is Saturn as the traditional ruler of Aquarius and teh Second is Uranus as the modern ruler of Aquarius.


Part of Marriage House

The house placement of the Part of Marriage highlights the area of life where one is most likely to seek or experience significant partnerships and marital experiences.

For instance, if the Part of Marriage falls in the 7th house, which traditionally governs marriage and partnerships, it suggests a strong focus on committed relationships and marriage in the individual’s life.


Aspects between this point and other planets or points in the chart can provide further insights into the dynamics of relationships and marriage.

Harmonious aspects may indicate ease and compatibility in partnerships, while challenging aspects could suggest areas of tension or growth in relationships.

Transits and Progressions

Transits and progressions can trigger significant events or developments in one’s romantic life, such as marriage, divorce, or significant relationship milestones.

Pay attention to transits and progressions to help you navigate important relationship phases and transitions.


The Part of Marriage gives valuable, if subtle, insights into the area of partnerships, marriage and committed relationships.

It provides guidance on the qualities, dynamics and experiences people may experience in their romantic lives.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Midpoint Composite Charts

Midpoint Composite Charts

Author: Alison Price   –   Published:  January 2024

Podcast Episode

Listen to our podcast episode on Composite Midpoint Charts where Alison and Arwynne discuss this topic. The composite chart we chat about is shown below.


Composite Midpoint Charts: Overview


Two points on a circle will generate two midpoints, the nearer midpoint and the farther midpoint.


Natal Midpoints

A natal midpoint is the point between two planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury etc.) or chart points (Ascendant or North Node, etc.). For example, in a natal chart you can calculate the midpoint between the Ascendant and the Midheaven.

Composite Midpoints

Composite midpoints are formed by the midpoint of the same planet from two (or more) different charts.

Nearer Midpoint

If the first person’s natal Sun is at 5° Libra and the second person’s natal Sun is at 5° Leo, then the composite Sun will be at 5° Virgo. There is also a midpoint at 5° Pisces, but we always use the nearer midpoint.

Computer Generated Composite Midpoint Charts

Solar fire and Astro Gold will calculate composite midpoint charts for you. However, it is important to check the placements of the planets and aspects to the angles as they are sometimes shown as the opposite to that which you would expect.


How to Calculate a Composite Midpoint Chart Computer Calculations

Astro Gold and Solar fire will calculate a composite midpoint chart for you. However, as an Aspiring Astrologer you ned to know how to do it manually. Here is the sequence to manually calculate a composite midpoint chart for two people..

House Cusps in a Composite Chart

The composite Ascendant and the house cusps are calculated differently. Initially we find the Midheaven midpoint and then back calculate the house cusps in the Table of Houses for the location that the relationship is taking place. Unless you are doing manual calculations, the computer will take care of this.

Calculating the Composite Planets

Take both persons Sun’s longitude position and find the midpoint between the two Suns. Place that new composite Sun in the correct position in the composite chart.


Composite Midpoints Special Considerations Chart Calculation Defaults

It is important to measure apples to apples and not apples to oranges. Before you create a midpoint, composite chart make sure both natal charts are cast the same way and they are set for:

  • The same zodiac(tropical or sidereal
  • The same house system (usually Placidus)
  • The same node calculation (true or mean)

When the Natal Planets are Opposite

When natal planets are more than 150° apart between the two charts, you may want to consider both composite planetary positions, that is the nearer and the farther midpoint.

Planets in Signs in Composite Charts

Do not give much value to the sign positions of the planets in the composite charts. It is more useful to consider the planetary house positions, aspects and aspect patterns when interpreting these charts.

Composite Retrograde Planets

One person’s natal chart could have a direct Jupiter. and another person’s natal chart could have a retrograde Jupiter. We usually ignore retrograde motion when using composite charts.

Group Composite Charts

Although composite charts are usually done for a couple, you can cast a composite chart for three or more people. In group charts you see the dynamic of the group or unit.

Example 1

You may cast a composite chart for you and your partner who live in your home. When Granny decides to move in, you can cast the new composite chart with three natal charts to see how things will improve or deteriorate as a third person is added to the home.

Example 2

You may consider creating a four-way partnership at work, or perhaps for a music band. You can cast the composite chart for all four potential members to see how the partnership will change as more people are added.

In group composite charts look to the major aspect patterns that drive the chart for quick information.

Composite Chart Inner Planet Paradox

One paradox in composite planetary position calculations is that the composite Mercury or Venus can sometimes end up on the other side of the chart to the Sun.

This paradox can cause for example, the incorrect aspects of:

  • Sun opposition Mercury.
  • Sun opposition Venus.
  • Mercury opposition Venus.

The suggested solution to this paradox is to take the composite Sun’s position (the nearer midpoint) and, if the inner planets are on the wrong side of the chart, move the inner planets directly opposite the calculated composite Mercury and Venus position (the farther midpoint), and thus near the Sun’s position.

The Sun always is the magnet for Venus and Mercury.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’ Compoiste Midpoint Chart

Venus’ position at 25°48′ Libra is the nearer midpoint. Use the futher midpoint for Venus at 25°48′ Aries. Angelina’s natal Venus is at 28°09′ Cancer and Brad’s natal Venus is at 23°28′ Capricorn. They are in opposite signs and are in fact nearly opposite each other.


The Angles in the Composite Chart

Remember the composite Midheaven and composite IC are both midpoints generated from the two individual charts. Whereas the composite Ascendant/Descendant axis is back calculated from the Midheaven position in the Table of Houses. This indicates that the composite Ascendant is not as important as in natal astrology and one should focus on the condition of the MC/IC angles.

Composite Ascendant

  • Indicates the “face” of the pair shown to the world.
  • Suggests the image they would like to project as a couple.

Composite Descendant

  • Shows the true nature of the relationship.
  • Indicates what brought them together in the first place.

Composite Midheaven

  • Shows how the world views this couple’s relationship.
  • A strong Midheaven indicates they are a public couple and well thought of and respected by others.

Composite IC

  • This shows how the couple are in the privacy of their own home.
  • Suggests the foundations of the relationship.

Read more  >>> The Ascendant

Composite Houses

  • Suggests how the couple are regarded together.
  • Makes this an important relationship.
  • Can show a united front even a façade.

Composite Second House

  • Shows their shared values.
  • Indicates their attitude towards joint finances.
  • Suggests what they appreciate.

Composite Third House

  • Shows how the couple communicate – can be important.
  • Indicates what language (vulgar or not) is acceptable between the two.
  • Suggests communication breakdowns as well.

Composite Fourth House

  • Indicates if they have similar backgrounds or if this is an issue.
  • Shows the basic feeling of being at home with each other.

Composite Fifth House

  • Suggests an honest relationship.
  • Indicates they like each other’s company.
  • Shows they are both good at role playing.

Composite Sixth House

  • One person easily becomes subservient to the other (master/slave).
  • This relationship is related to the concept of work.
  • Good for business partnerships.

Composite Seventh House

  • Supports marriage and partnerships in general.
  • Two become one in this house.
  • Both are looking for the same thing (can be competitive in work relationships).
  • Often found in a mentor/protégé arrangement.

Composite Eighth House

  • This is a transformational relationship and will affect both parties.
  • Regeneration may be so crushing for some who will leave the partnership.
  • May suggest the debt level taken on by the partnership.

Composite Ninth House

  • Suggests that both will see life as a journey they are taking together.
  • Indicates an international partnership (differing foreign nationals).
  • Suggests that both have similar education levels.

Composite Eleventh House

  • Both individuals in this relationship are friends.
  • This couple are on the same team.
  • Suggests they share the same hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Composite Twelfth House

  • Indicates trauma mental, emotional and physical.
  • May suggest unconscious behavior on someone’s part.
  • Much careful consideration is needed with a strong composite twelfth house.

Composite Planets

Composite Sun 

The composite Sun shows:

  • How the couple identify themselves.
  • The main drive for the relationship.
  • The light that shines in the partnership. 

Composite Moon 

The composite Moon shows:

  • Emotional bonds between the people.
  • The general feel for the pair.
  • The history they have together. 

Composite Mercury 

Mercury in a composite chart shows:

  • The communication style between them.
  • The interests that brought them together.
  • What they trade with each other. 

Composite Venus

Venus in a composite chart shows: 

  • The love and what they love jointly. 
  • The attributes they have when together.
  • The value they place on each other. 

Composite Mars 

  • In a composite chart Mars shows:
    The activities they do together.
    Their intimate life (couples).
    Where they compete as a “team.” 

Composite Jupiter

In a composite chart Jupiter shows:

  • What they gain by being together.
  • Where growth can happen.
  • The journey of exploration taken as a couple.


Composite Saturn

In a composite chart Saturn shows:

  • The longevity of the relationship.
  • The mastery they get when together.
  • The fears they experience within the partnership.

Composite Uranus

In a composite chart Uranus shows:

  • The uniqueness of the union.
  • The excitement in the relationship.
  • Genius stimulated by being together (synergy).

Composite Neptune

In a composite chart Neptune shows:

  • The illusion or the ‘front’ of the partnership and where they are kidding themselves.
  • The sensitive spots in the relationship.
  • Empathy for others who are not a part of the pair.

Composite Pluto

In a composite chart Pluto shows:

  • The intimate energy that powers the partnership.
  • Where and what they will ‘kill’ or who they will ‘bury’ for the relationship.
  • The deep magnetic attraction that brought them together and that powers the couple.

Read more >>> The Planets

Composite Charts Interpretation Sequence

Remember the composite chart shows the relationship and not the individuals that formed it. You always need to have interpreted the two natal charts first to glean what each individual wants in a relationship and who they hope to attract.

In composite charts consider:

  • Any house emphasis
  • The luminaries houses
  • The luminaries aspects
  • Any planets conjunct the angles
  • Venus and Mars’ house positions and aspects
  • Any 7th house planets
  • Saturn by house and aspects
  • The other planet’s houses
  • The other planet’s aspects
  • The aspect patterns

Forecasting with a Composite Chart

The usual forecasting techniques of transits, secondary progressions and solar arc directions can be applied to a composite chart. It is not recommended to produce a solar return chart for a composite chart as the Sun’s position in the zodiac is already an extrapolated position. However, you may certainly attempt some research in this regard.

The Composite Vertex

The vertex in composite charts shows the sphere of experience that will be most significant for the couple, and the destiny of the relationship and to where the relationship is eventually going. We always need to consider that any relationship may have another purpose than that which we would normally expect. For example, two people who are married may not love each other anymore but both find solace or friendship within the actual relationship.

What to look for in the composite vertex:

  • A well placed vertex in the composite chart indicates this relationship is having a great effect on the couple and them as individuals.
  • Conjunctions and oppositions need careful consideration.
  • Use a 2° orb.
  • Do not consider the vertex house position heavily. Remember in a natal chart the vertex is typically only found in the 5th, 6th 7th and 8th houses.

Aspiring Astrologer Activity

Using the composite midpoint chart between yourself and your partner:

  • Determine if the inner planet paradox in present in this composite chart. If so, what will you do?
  • List the house positions of the composite planets (not signs).
  • Determine the Ptolemaic aspects in the compositechart.
  • Find any composite major aspect patterns (stellium, grand trine, grand cross, T-Square, Thor’s hammer, yod, cross of David, mini grand trine or mystic rectangle) and write a short interpretation for the pattern. (100 words)
  • Find the most emphasized composite house and briefly comment on the tenants and house meaning in regard to the relationship. (100 words)
  • Note if the emphasized composite house echoes the same houses in the two natal charts or if this a new emphasized house only showing in the relationship and comment. (50 words)
  • In a few sentences describe the composite chart ruler complex exploring the house (not the sign), essential dignity and if it is most elevated, oriental or the almuten and consider all the aspects. (100 words)
  • Note your feelings about this composite chart and how it describes the relationship between you and your partner. (50 words)

Extend Yourself

As an Aspiring Astrologer, to really get to grips with the principles of midpoint composite charts, you can extend yourself.

  • Cast a couple’s two natal charts and only by looking (no arithmetic calculations) decide which sign (and maybe degree) their composite planets will be. Check yourself against the computer calculations.
  • Cast the composite chart for your parents by hand. Do the manual calculations (arithmetic on paper) to see what you can create, then check your manual hand drawn chart against the computer results.
  • Cast a chart for three people that you know by hand. You could use your family member’s natal charts. See what happens to the composite chart as one person is added (when granny moves in) or taken away (when a young adult finally leaves home).

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Astrological Compatibility

Astrological Compatibility

Author: Alison Price   –   Revised: November 2024

Sign Compatibility

Compatibility with Other Signs

Compatibility Note

Read your Ascendant sign if you know it, or your Sun sign or Moon sign.

These are quick sign connections from your sign’s alignment with the other signs.

Of course, other factors will play into this compatibility list.

For example, if you have many planets in a different sign to your Sun, then that sign will probably dominate and you should read that sign for compatibility.

Aries Compatibility

Passionate for Libra.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Gemini and Aquarius.

Stretches with Cancer and Capricorn.

Grinds with Virgo and Scorpio.

Ignores Taurus and Pisces.

Taurus Compatibility

Passionate for Scorpio.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Cancer and Pisces.

Stretches with Leo and Aquarius.

Grinds with Libra and Sagittarius.

Ignores Aries and Gemini.

Gemini Compatibility

Passionate for Sagittarius.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Aries and Leo.

Stretches with Virgo and Pisces.

Grinds with Scorpio and Capricorn.

Ignores Taurus and Cancer.

Cancer Compatibility

Passionate for Capricorn.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Virgo.

Stretches with Aries and Libra.

Grinds with Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Ignores Gemini and Leo.

Leo Compatibility

Passionate for Aquarius.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Gemini and Libra.

Stretches with Taurus and Scorpio.

Grinds with Capricorn and Pisces.

Ignores Cancer and Virgo.

Virgo Compatibility

Passionate for Pisces.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Cancer and Scorpio.

Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.

Grinds with Aries and Aquarius.

Ignores Leo and Libra.

Libra Compatibility

Passionate for Aries.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Leo and Sagittarius.

Stretches with Cancer and Capricorn.

Grinds with Taurus and Pisces.

Ignores Virgo and Scorpio.

Scorpio Compatibility

Passionate for Taurus.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Virgo and Capricorn.

Stretches with Leo and Aquarius.

Grinds with Aries and Gemini.

Ignores Libra and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Passionate for Libra.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Libra and Aquarius.

Stretches with Virgo and Pisces.

Grinds with Taurus and Cancer.

Ignores Scorpio and Capricorn.

Capricorn Compatibility

Passionate for Cancer.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Scorpio and Pisces.

Stretches with Aries and Libra.

Grinds with Gemini and Leo.

Ignores Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Aquarius Compatibility

Passionate for Leo.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Aries and Sagittarius.

Stretches with Taurus and Scorpio.

Grinds with Cancer and Virgo.

Ignores Capricorn and Pisces.

Pisces Compatibility

Passionate for Virgo.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Capricorn.

Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.

Grinds with Leo and Libra.

Ignores Aries and Aquarius.

Heart Chart

Read your romance astrology signs on my new heart compatibility chart.

If you know your ascendant sign use that otherwise check out your Sun sign.

You across the top and your partner down the side.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Relationship Astrology Classes

Relationship Astrology Classes

Relationship Astrology Classes

These Relationsship Astrology Classes will help you to interpret personal relationships.

Each lesson is two hours with the expectation that you will do two hours of Aspiring Astrologer Activities as homework and related study per lesson.

You will work with two charts throughout the course; your chart and another person’s chart of your choice (your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife etc.).


Who this course is for:

You must be able to read a natal chart and forecast in astrology to a fair level before taking this course.


Course Overview

You will be shown how to first interpret the two charts separately and learn to analyze them from a relationship point of view.

You will compare two charts for their romantic potential and determine the synastry between the two charts.

You will begin to appreciate the value of using a composite midpoint chart and Davison relationship charts in personal relationship analysis.

You will get some pointers on how to select a wedding date.

How to Book Your Class

When you are ready to invest in yourself and get some realtionship astrology classes, please click the button below.

Then you can choose your date and time and confirm the booking.

501: Synastry 1: Pairs of Charts and Bi-wheels

  • Pairs of charts
  • Interpretation for the romance of natal charts
  • Types of relationships – planetary focus
  • Comparing two charts – elemental and modes
  • Using double charts (bi wheels)

502: Synastry 3: Venus, Mars, Sun and Moon

  • His and hers charts
  • Venus and Mars
  • Sun and Moon
  • 7th house
  • Lunar nodal axis
  • Vertex

503: Synastry 3: Vindemiatrix and The Part of Marriage

  • What to look for
  • Ascendant / Descendant axis
  • Chart shape
  • Vindemiatrix
  • Part of Marriage
  • Inter chart aspects

504: Composite Midpoint Charts

  • Midpoints overview
  • How to calculate a composite chart
  • The composite inner planet paradox
  • Composite angles
  • Composite houses
  • Composite vertex

505: Davison Relationship Charts

  • Davison biography
  • Davison theory of chart construction
  • Comparing composite midpoint charts to Davison relationship charts

506: Marriage Date Elections

  • Natal marriage indicators
  • Elections brief overview
  • Marriage elections desirable features
  • Dates to avoid
  • Choosing a wedding date window

Each student will receive a copy of their birth chart and their partner’s birth chart and some homework.

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Book your Beginner’s class here.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Book your Intermediate class here.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Book your Advanced class here.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Book your Vocational class here.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Book your Relational class here.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

Book your Coaching here.

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Astrological Compatible Signs

Astrological Compatible Signs

Astrological Compatibility

By Alison Price

You have probably heard of being astrologically compatible (or not) with other people.

If you compare your planets with another persons it can show attraction and maybe your chart and their chart have something in common. 

Astrology has specific criteria to decide if you are compatibile with someone else. Use my simple grid to find out.


Astrology has specific criteria to decide if you are compatibile with someone else. Use my simple grid to find out.


Your Sun Sign

Everyone has a Sun in a sign like Libra or Capricorn and that is what we are looking at here.

If you know her Sun sign and you know his Sun sign you can check for astrological compatibility.

Here are my quick rules you can apply to see if he or she could be the one and you can check out my heart chart as well for a visual.

❤️ If Both Suns are in the Same Sign

This is good for easy love and friendship. It can be a competition as both the good and the tough things in each sign can be present.

But you do get each other and can spend time together with easy silence and enjoy just being with each other.

💙 If Your Suns are One Sign Apart

This combination can be annoying and irritating. You both want to beat your own drum and although it may be music to your ears it grates on theirs

The same goes the other way and what they find fascinating makes you yawn.

Signs that are one signs apart are:

Aries/Taurus, Taurus/Gemini, Gemini/Cancer, Cancer/Leo, Leo/Virgo, Virgo/Libra, Libra/Scorpio, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Sagittarius/Capricorn, Capricorn/Aquarius, Aquarius/Pisces and Pisces/Aries.

💛 If your Suns are Two Signs Apart

This is it is good for love friendship and can offer excellent enduring romantic connections. Those you make contact with in this combination will forever be the “one that got away.”

Signs that are two signs apart are:

Aries/Gemini, Taurus/Cancer, Gemini/Leo, Cancer/Virgo, Leo/Libra, Virgo/Scorpio, Libra/Sagittarius, Scorpio/Capricorn, Sagittarius/Aquarius, Capricorn/Pisces, Aquarius/Aries and Pisces/Taurus.

💜 If Your Suns are Three Signs Apart

With this combination there is competition between each if you. Both want to be in charge. This combination is good for challenging situations and can be excellent for business partnerships.

Signs that are three signs apart are:

Aries/Cancer, Taurus/Leo, Gemini/Virgo, Cancer/Libra, Leo/Scorpio, Virgo/Sagittarius, Libra/Capricorn, Scorpio/Aquarius, Sagittarius/Pisces, Capricorn/Aries, Aquarius/Taurus, and Pisces/Gemini.

💛 ❤️ If Your Suns are Four Signs Apart

This is an excellent combination and good for easy love and friendship.

You can forgive each other and can be together easily without tension.

You each can be yourself with this combination.

Signs that are four signs apart are:

Aries/Leo, Taurus/Virgo, Gemini/Libra, Cancer/Scorpio, Leo/Sagittarius, Virgo/Capricorn, Libra/Aquarius, Scorpio/Pisces, Sagittarius/Aries, Capricorn/Taurus, Aquarius/Gemini and Pisces/Cancer.

💚 If Your Suns are Five Signs Apart

This can be annoying to say the least. One will want to boss the other and you may take turns in this role.

You have to constantlymakeg allowances for the other person and this can wear down any love over time. It can become tedious and annoying.

Signs that are five signs apart are:

Aries/Virgo, Taurus/Libra, Gemini/Scorpio, Cancer/Sagittarius, Leo/Capricorn, Virgo/Aquarius, Libra/Pisces, Scorpio/Aries, Sagittarius/Taurus, Capricorn/Gemini, Aquarius/Cancer and Pisces/Leo.

💖 If Your Suns are Six Signs Apart

if can be good for true love, soul mates and friendship. Other people cannot see what you see in each other but it just works.

This is truly a good combination as the other person will stretch you as a person, call you out on your stuff and make you a better person in the end of your journey.

Signs that are six signs apart are:

Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius and Virgo/Pisces.