Venus Conjoined Uranus

Venus Conjoined Uranus

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Venus Conjoined Uranus

Uranus transits to natal Venus

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand describes the transit of Uranus conjunct Venus as potentially spectacular. He says you are likely to seek freedom and excitement through relationships at this time, especially sexual relationships. You may decide to break away from an old, steady partner to seek out a new and exciting affair.

Of course this can be very disruptive, but if you’re not in a steady relationship, this may be a time where you meet someone who sweeps you off your feet or vice versa. You could find yourself in an affair that’s different from anything you’ve experienced before. It may not last but it would certainly have a lasting effect even after the transit is over.

Venus also rules creativity so if you are an artist or involved in anything creative this can be an amazing transit and you can use it to integrate new techniques into your repertoire and make exciting breakthroughs in any creative pursuit.

Uranus conjunct Venus in the Birth Chart

Venus conjunct Uranus in the natal chart influences the personality by fusing the love and attraction nature with electricity, excitement, innovation, restlessness. This is probably not someone who will be content to settle down with their first love and never explore the other possibilities, and the same can be said of their financial outlook.

Depending on how well Venus is placed in their chart, they can be a fun and original partner who is always bringing excitement and playfulness into your life, or conversely, they may be the type who’s always on the lookout for the next exciting infatuation, next big investment or the next con. This can be good or bad, of course, depending on how it’s handled, and how well the people around them deal with change, and it also depends a great deal on the sign the two planets are in. This is definitely the “love at first sight” aspect. Sparks will fly.


Love and Finances 

These people tend to go with their gut feelings in matters love and finances, for better or worse. They’re adaptable and original but can also be fickle. The most important thing to them in a relationship is having the freedom to be themselves and to change and evolve. If you’re in a relationship with someone with this aspect, and not allowing them to change or evolve, don’t expect it to last.

Often, these people are attracted to others with the same aspect or similar and that can create an exciting partnership where shared adventures and mutual evolution are the keys to lasting happiness together.

In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says, “Venus represents the need for harmony and warmth, teaming up with Uranus, the need for individuality, freedom and a life of our own can make us bold, eccentric or reformist. Being highly-strung and having an overpowering desire for personal freedom, we can experience difficulty forming firm friendships, which make us nervous, tense and insecure because we are also trying to stay unfettered.” But she says relationships can work as long as we don’t feel hemmed in by conventional rules, have scope for development and above all are living with a partner who is unconventionally stimulating.


Creative Brilliance

This aspect is highly correlated with creative brilliance, and they tend to have a finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist, whatever field they choose to express their creativity in. Fashion, home decor, film and music are natural outlets for their specific brand of creative genius.

Since Venus has to do with money, these people can have great peaks and valleys in their financial life, experiencing the depths of ruin and the heights of economic windfalls and success through innovation and creativity.

Celebrities with Venus conjunct Uranus

Elizabeth Taylor (in Aries)
Rose McGowan (in Libra)
Warren Beatty (in Taurus)
Christina Aguilera (in Scorpio)
Miley Cyrus (in Capricorn)
Johnny Cash (in Aries)
Tim Burton (in Leo)
Jordan “the Wolf of Wall Street” Belfort (in Leo)

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Transiting Venus Sextile Uranus

Today we’re going to be talking about the upcoming transit of Venus sextile Uranus, which will be exact on March 28, 2024 and it happens once a year. Venus will be at 20° Pisces and Uranus will be at 20° Taurus. First, a bit of basics about the sextile, it’s a 60° aspect which means the planets are two signs away from each other. In this case, Pisces and Taurus, which are both feminine signs with very different yet complimentary energies.

We typically find the sextile to be a very energetic and agreeable aspect, so it’s one of the best aspects to find in relationship charts. The trine is the other soft aspect but the sextile is more active than the trine, which tends to be a bit too easygoing to actually make the most of the energies involved. This is especially true when you have trines between two charts in a synastry comparison.

In this case, the two planets we have in sextile are Venus and Uranus. Uranus has a very disruptive and electric energy. It rules invention, innovation and astrology, among other things, while Venus is the planet of love, harmony and beauty, so we can expect this aspect to affect our relationships in particular, and produce some excitement and fireworks in that area.

You could use this time to dress in a way you normally wouldn’t, go to an exciting theme party or costume party or do something to spice up your love life. You’re going to be happiest doing something non-traditional and even eccentric. This really is an aspect that’s all about fun and flair and making the most of the unexpected and exciting.

It’s an excellent time to make new friends and if you’re single, to find a new love interest because this is a great aspect for sexual attraction which may or may not last. If you live in Vancouver or any city with a restaurant offering a “blind dining” experience, it’s a great date night idea. You can read Arwynne’s review of Dark Table here.


Venus Sextile Uranus in the Birth Chart

People with this aspect in their natal chart tend to be open-minded and progressive in their personal style, free thinking and exciting, maybe even capricious, strong-willed, active and eccentric.
In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says people with this aspect are “fully alive to the individuality in themselves and others. They have a taste for the unusual and an open mind on everything, no matter how strange. Nothing disturbs them and they may even find the unusual stimulating.”
They often look for changes at work or in their relationships so their emotional life may be unstable, unless this aspect is offset by other stabilizing factors like positive aspects to the Moon or Saturn for example.

Celebrities with Venus Sextile Uranus

Billie Eilish, Kendall Jenner, Leonardo da Vinci, Justin Timberlake, Robin Williams, Willow Smith, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Adam Driver, Lenny Kravitz and Jessica Lange.

A lot of pop music talent and romantic comedy energy going on with this aspect!


Celebrities with Venus in Pisces Sextile Uranus

Emma Watson, George Harrison, Ursula Andress and Tammy Wynette.


Image: David Hume Kennerly,

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


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Venus Conjunctions
Venus Trines
Venus Sextiles

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotnet


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Venus Square Chiron

Venus Square Chiron

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Originally published: January 2024

Venus square Chiron

On February 5, 2024, Venus squares Chiron. Venus is going to be at 16° Capricorn and Chiron is at 16° Aries so this is a square in the cardinal signs.

We all pretty much know what Venus means; it’s the goddess of love, it’s about relationships, it’s about beauty, and it’s also about money. But fewer people know what Chiron is.



Listen to podcast episode >>> Venus Square Chiron


Chiron was a centaur in Greek mythology and in astrology it represents the wounded healer. So wherever you have Chiron in your chart — its sign placement and the house it’s in — is where you may experience a psychological wound that enables you to grow stronger in whatever area it symbolizes, and help others because of the pain that you’ve overcome in your own life.

We’ve done an entire episode on Chiron in Aries because that’s where I have Chiron. I am going to be having my Chiron return over the next year or so, which is an aspect everybody has around the age of 50. So if you want to know more about Chiron in Aries, you should definitely listen to that episode.

Listen >>> Chiron Returns

The Transit

When we have Venus Square Chiron, this can create a lot of inner tension that can be really painful for people. It can make you feel like you’re being emotionally abused, bullied or taken advantage of. It can make you feel trapped in your relationships or like you are being sabotaged. You can feel as though you want to help people but they just lash out at you and there can be a lot of self-criticism and overstepping of boundaries with this aspect.

If you’re in a relationship that has a lot of emotional conflict it could become heightened around this time, and if you are in a relationship where one of you has set yourself up as sort of the protector or the savior of the other, things could really become tense at this time.

Read more >>> Chiron

Read more >>> Square Aspect

Read more >>> Venus

Venus square Chiron in the Birth Chart

In the natal chart this aspect can create a lot of tension within a person’s relationships. They may continually attract or be attracted to people who are bad for them, emotionally damaged, emotionally unavailable and this can really hurt their self-esteem in a number of ways.

This is often because they think they can heal or save the other person and can they end up getting dragged down Into the depths themselves. They often romanticize romantic pain, which is also great for art but not a great approach to relationships in general, and they can feel inadequate, like they deserve criticism, or they can become addicted to emotional pain in relationships, at sort of the most extreme end of the spectrum.

Of course the reason we’re focusing on the negative is because with the square aspect you are really going to see more of the sort of the negative side than if they had, for example, Venus trine or sextile Chiron, which maybe would make them a great nurse or caregiver or something.


Artistic Outlets

Since Venus rules artistic pursuits, a lot of that pain can be used to create amazing music and art, which we often see with harsh Venus aspects but that doesn’t make it any more fun for the person with the aspect. They can be very sensitive to the opinions of others and they can go overboard in analyzing every little detail of their relationships, either criticizing the other person or trying to save the other person, or becoming enmeshed in bad habits and dangerous, toxic behaviors because they fall in love with either the wrong person or they find themselves attracted to that dark side.


Celebrities with Venus square Chiron

Angelina Jolie, Leonard Cohen, Arthur Rimbaud, Sinead O’Connor, George Michael, Russell Brand, Courtney Love, Joe Biden, Stanley Kubrick, Judy Garland, Chris Cornell, Bill Murray, Leo Tolstoy and Val Kilmer.



Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Venus Trine Neptune

Venus Trine Neptune

Learn about Venus trine Neptune in astrology. Anticipate a bit of delusion because that’s what Venus-Neptune aspects do brilliantly.

Venus Trine Neptune

Venus Trine Neptune

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.


Venus trine Neptune

by Arwynne O’Neill

Today we’re going to be talking about Venus trine Neptune which will be exact on Christmas Day this year, December 25, 2023.

Venus will be at 25° Scorpio and Neptune will be at 25° Pisces.

So this is a water trine between Scorpio and Pisces, which has a very flowing, romantic, intense, spiritual sort of energy which is kind of perfect for Christmas because it’s all about this soft, mystical, snowy (if you’re living in the northern hemisphere) sort of feeling.

It could be great aspect to have around the holiday season because it will create warm, fuzzy feelings between people and smooth out the edges that might otherwise be rough.

So whether you’re getting together with family, having a romantic dinner with your partner, seeing the kids or bringing together a lot of people who may normally have conflicts throughout the year, this aspect could just smooth all that stuff out and make it a really lovely evening.

There might be a bit of delusion in that because Neptune is kind of like the old trope of adding Vaseline to the camera lens to smooth out all the wrinkles in an aging actor or actresses’ face, but that’s what Venus-Neptune aspects do brilliantly.


Podcast Episode

Listen to the full conversation about Venus trine Neptune with Arwynne and Katia on teh Starzology Astrology podcast.

Venus in Transit

Venus only takes about 10 to 12 months to move through the entire zodiac and depending on the retrograde periods.

It can spend as little as two to three weeks in a sign and as many as five months, so its aspects are not uncommon but when it touches an outer planet, I think it’s much more interesting to talk about.

If it’s in aspect to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto then we definitely want to look at it because the effects will be felt for a couple of days on either side.

And of course it’s super interesting when someone has this or any Venus aspect to an outer planet in their birth chart.

Some keywords for Venus and Neptune aspects are idealizing, spiritual, imaginative, living in a dream world, artistic, creative, sympathetic, warm and deep emotions, but not always seeing things as they are.

If you meet someone under a Venus Neptune soft aspect, you might not be seeing them as they really are, and if you have this aspect in your birth chart, you might struggle with seeing people as they are on a day-to-day basis.

If you have a certain vision of someone which very different from what they really are, that’s obviously going to cause problems once the honeymoon phase has worn off.

“Projection” is another Neptune buzzword, both for its association with psychology and self-delusion but also with cinema and the projection of images on screen that are larger than life yet completely illusory.


In Your Chart

People with Venus trine Neptune are going to be seeking perfection and a sort of heavenly inspiration from their partners.

They’re going to elevate them on the pedestal and they might not see them clearly, so there’s that soft focus lens which diffuses the details and can create a wonderful, creative, dreamy sort of individual.

Getting outside the realm of relationships, this can be an incredibly artistic expression of Venus, which we can see in the following celebrity examples:


Celebrity Examples

Arianna Grande, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, James Dean, Miles Davis, Anthony Bourdain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, JRR Tolkien, and Alan Watts, so we really see the creative and spiritual sides of this aspect, but a dark side that includes addiction, escapism, self delusion, and in some cases even suicide.

Also, Abraham Lincoln, which is interesting because he famously had a very loving and egalitarian relationship with his wife.

He’s best known for being the president who freed the slaves, which speaks to his idealism and sensitivity, but we also know him as a tragic figure who was emotionally devastated by the death of his young son while he was in office.


Venus trine Neptune Movies

This is absolutely the aspect that rules the fairy tale and the happy ending!

Some movies that exemplify this aspect include Splash,

The Shape of Water, La La Land, and The Little Mermaid.

If you think of any other great examples, feel free to share them with us. We’d love to hear from you!



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom



Venus Square Pluto

Venus Square Pluto

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Venus square Pluto

by Arwynne O’Neill

Today we’re talking about the Venus Pluto Square coming up on December 3, 2023.

Venus will be at 28° Libra and Pluto will be at 28° Capricorn.

This is one of the final aspects Pluto will be making while it’s in Capricorn before it enters Aquarius in January, where it will stay for the next 20 years.

This is the first time on the podcast that we’ve talked about specific Venus aspects.

Until now we’ve focused on some of the big Mars aspects and of course Venus has a very different character from Mars so let’s talk a bit about what Venus is.


Podcast Episode

Listen on the go to our special podcast episode Venus square Pluto.

In this episode, Arwynne and her guest Katia discuss what to anticipate as the aspect of Venus square Pluto forms. And as always they offer some celebrity examples.



Venus Transits

Just like you might expect, Venus is the planet that rules love, relationships, beauty, harmony, grace and of course is named after the Roman goddess, who was known as Aphrodite in the Greek pantheon.

In your personal chart Venus is about your attractiveness if you’re female, or about the type of women you’re attracted to.

Venus has a fairly interesting orbit due to retrograde periods, so it can stay in a sign for about 2 to 3 weeks or, in some cases, as long as 5 months.

It typically takes from 10 to 12 months to go through all 12 signs but it can be longer depending on the retrogrades.


Venus in Libra

Right now, Venus is in Libra which is a placement I have, which you can really see in my choice of makeup and fashion.

I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to never leaving the house without lipstick and fussing over my hair, etc.

Relationships are very important to me, both romantic and friendships, and Venus rules both Taurus and Libra so it is very comfortable in both of those two signs.

Since Venus moves so quickly it does make a lot of aspects while it moves through the zodiac, and not all of them will have earth-shattering effects, it will basically only be active for a day or so.

But when Venus contacts an outer planet like Uranus, Neptune or Pluto the effect is much stronger and certainly if either planet makes an exact connection to your personal chart.

As we’ve discussed in the past, squares are the most difficult and intense of the aspects, so when a planet like Pluto, which rules transformation and destruction, contacts Venus, we can expect sparks to fly.

This aspect rules power trips, sexual violence, obsession, extreme and life-transforming relationship encounters and events.

Things that happen under this aspect can feel karmic, like there’s a spiritual importance to them that we don’t normally feel unless of course we have this aspect in our natal chart.


In Your Chart

So let’s talk about what this aspect looks like in someone’s chart.

Very strong feelings and emotions, a need for a depth of involvement can be seen any time you have Venus in aspect to Pluto and the square is the strongest of those effects.

Pluto encourages us to delve deep into relationships. There’s an all or nothing, life or death feeling.

When these people make friends or fall in love, their emotions can be so extreme that they can attract or repel people with equal intensity.

Depending on the other person’s chart, some people love this kind of intensity and in fact they don’t feel like they’re in a relationship unless there’s a super-intense attraction or repulsion, but other people are absolutely not interested in that kind of intensity and find it scary.

So these people have a harder time with relationships, especially at a young age.

They will tend to attract other people who have intense Venus aspects in their chart.

We talked about people with Mars-Uranus aspects and how they tend to attract the opposite type, a more easy-going, accepting, peaceful, stable type.

But people with strong Venus-Pluto aspects will tend more to attract each other… or they will get into relationships with people who can’t handle their intensity with the result that both people can come away hurt and damaged.


Celebrity Examples

Some famous people with Venus Square Pluto include Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton, Bruce Lee, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Nicholson, Naomi Campbell Sean Connery, Warren Buffett — and this is an interesting one because Venus and Pluto are also known as the money planets so that’s an intense aspect in a different way for him.

We also have William Shakespeare, Woody Allen, Johnny Cash and Sinead O’Connor.

So a lot of intensity there for sure.



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom