Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern

Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern

Star of David

The Star of David is a major aspect pattern formed with six planets.

There are two grand trines and the planets from the one grand trine are sextile to the planets in the other grand trine.

This is a very rare major aspect pattern and sometimes the planets only form five of the star points which results a partial Star of David and not so important.



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What to Consider

As the Star of David is made from two grand trines and six sextiles it has much of the meaning of the grand trine.

There are typically only two elements in play, fire and air or earth and water, so there is usually in one polarity either active or passive.


Interpretation of a Star of David

In this pattern the planets are spread about the chart which suggests a variety of interests and talents because of the six sextiles which indicate latent talents for the individual.


Example Chart: Partial Star of David

November 3, 2023 has a partial Star of David.

The planets in this partial Star of David are the Moon trine Mercury and Neptune, and Venus trine Uranus and Pluto.

Four sextiles between Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus, Uranus and Neptune and Neptune and Pluto.

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Astrology Basics: The Aspects


A Cornerstone of Chart Reading

This is part of the Starzology Astrology Basics series of posts on the four cornerstones for reading a chart. This is what you need to know to read a chart. The other cornerstones are signs, planets, houses and a fifth cornerstone (?) is  chart points.


Podcast Episode: Aspects Introduction

In this podcast episode, Alison and Arwynne provide valuable insights into the aspects of your birth chart.

They delve into the specific angles of major, minor and lesser used aspects, discuss the orbs that influence them, and offer real-life examples of how these aspects manifest in actual charts.

Additionally, they offer guidance on where to begin and how to determine which aspects hold significance in your natal chart.

Introduction to Aspects

Aspects are the angular correspondences formed between planets, angles and other points in a chart.

They are measured in degrees and minutes of longitude in the signs.

Aspects are a function of simple geometry.

  • Every planet will usually have some aspects.
  • Not all charts will contain all the different aspects.
  • It is unlikely that all planets will have every aspect.
  • Not all planets will aspect each other.
  • Some planets may not receive any aspects from other planets (an unaspected planet).
  • Often charts will have a preponderance of one particular aspect such as trines or squares.

Aspects in General

Aspects and aspect patterns show the main story lines within a chart.

The dialogue between the planets and chart points is found by the planetary connections expressed through the aspects.

Aspects are like a conduit passing information between two planets.

Two planets in aspect will communicate with each other for better or for worse depending on the actual planets and the aspect in question.


Applying and Separating Aspects

An aspect is determined to be either applying or separating.

This state depends on the speed of the two planets and their position in regard to each other.

The planets are listed here by speed, from the fastest moving planet to slowest moving planet; the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


Note: Sometimes Mercury and Venus can be slower than the Sun it depends on their position at the time.


Applying Aspects

Aspects that are applying are stronger than those separating.

The applying faster planet is moving towards the exact (or partile) aspect with the slower moving planet.

During an applying aspect the pressure is still building, and the effect is of potential still to come.

Aspects are applying when the faster moving planet has yet to catch up to the slower moving planet’s degree position.


The Moon at 10° Virgo is applying a conjunction to the Sun at 15° Virgo.


Separating Aspects

Aspects are separating when the faster moving planet has passed the degree position of the slower moving planet.

After the aspect has been exact the aspect is separating and the effect is more of release or acceptance.


The Moon at 15° Gemini is separating from an opposition to the Sun at 10° Sagittarius.


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Major Aspects

We will focus on the major and minor aspects.

The major aspects are the ones used by the Greeks and are today known as “Ptolemaic aspects” after Claudius Ptolemy.

The five major aspects are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile.

Understanding Aspect Orbs

Orb Definition

An orb is the number of degrees by which an aspect can deviate from being exact while still being considered in effect.

Think of it as a margin of error or a zone of influence around the exact aspect angle.

The Importance of Orbs

Orbs are essential because planetary aspects are rarely exact to the degree.

By using orbs, you can determine:

  • Whether an aspect is in effect.
  • How strong the aspect’s influence is (tightness of orb).
  • Whether an aspect is applying (becoming more exact) or separating (becoming less exact).


Choosing Orbs


Aspect orbs are debated long and hard by astrologers who get together for an evening social. The debate goes on.

I suggest that if you are starting to learn astrology keep to my standard orbs, and as you become more experienced you can adjust the orbs to wider or tighter as you wish.

It is up to you.

Standard Orbs

These are the standard orbs I use.

  • Conjunction, opposition, trine and square: orb 8°.
  • Sextile: orb 4°.
  • Minor aspects: orb 2°.
  • Lesser used aspects: orb 1°.

Aspects of Longitude

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Aspects of longitude are the angular relationships between planets in a birth chart.

Think of them as cosmic conversations or dialogues where some planets are in harmony, others in tension and some are indifferent to each other.

These relationships influence how the energies of different planets interact and manifest in our lives.

The Five Major (Ptolemaic) Aspects

Where to Start

These aspects should be interpreted first in this order; conjunctions (neutral), oppositions and squares (hard) then trines and sextiles (soft).

So any conjunctions come first.

Only if you have time go onto the minor aspects.

The Conjunction

First Harmonic

The circle divided by one. 360°/1 = 360°. 

Usually planets in conjunction will be in the same sign or house. 

When a conjunction occurs over a sign boundary, they are said to be in a disassociate conjunction

For instance, if the Sun is at 29° Virgo and the Moon is at 4° Libra, they are still conjunct but in a disassociate conjunction.

Conjunction (0°)

When two planets are very close together, their energies blend and intensify.

This can be harmonious or challenging, depending on the planets involved.

Conjunction Aspect Meaning

The conjunction is the most powerful aspect. It inclines the two planets towards togetherness and blends their energies. The planets virtually move as one and they have synergy

Synergy means one plus one equals three. Each planet is indistinguishable from the other. 

They show the same face to the world. Because of their close proximity it is hard for the first planet in the conjunction to clearly see the second planet and vice versa.

The Sextile

Sextile (60°)

Sextiles offer opportunities for growth and learning.

They require some effort to activate but bring positive outcomes.

Planets in sextile work well together and support each other. 

They suggest that you have latent talents in the nature of the planets involved and this can be brought forward for the creativity and vision in your life. The sextile is a soft aspect.


The Trine

Trine (120°)

Trines represent harmony and ease and are usually in the same element.

Planets in trine support each other, offering natural talents and opportunities.

Planets in trine to each other are easy going and let the other planet be themselves. This is the best aspect of support and being positive. The trine is an easy or soft aspect.


The Square

Square (90°)

The challenging square creates internal tension and dilemmas.

While difficult, squares drive us to take action, get of the couch and grow.

Planets that are square to each other have some tension between them. Their energies compete for dominance and challenge each other. Planets in square create internal dilemmas for you. The square is a hard or difficult aspect.


The Opposition

Opposition (180°)

Planets facing each other across the chart create a tug-of-war energy where projection is a theme.

Oppositions bring awareness through relationships and balance.

Planets that oppose are in tension with each other and will struggle to work together. 

These planets create external dilemmas for you and can indicate where you project the issues to the other.

 The opposition is a hard or difficult aspect.



Minor Aspects

The minor aspects are those found to have value in chart interpretation. The four minor aspects are the semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx. 

Minor Aspect Orbs

The orb for minor aspects is 2° both applying and separating.

Minor Aspects – Twelfth Harmonic

The twelfth harmonic aspects suggest potential frustrations where constant adjustments are required to maintain equilibrium in whatever is brought up by the planetary energies involved in the aspect.

Semi-sextile Aspect


The circle divided by twelve. 360°/12 = 30°. The semi-sextile is half a sextile and one twelfth of a circle.

Semi-sextile Aspect Meaning

The semi-sextile suggests subtle niggling tensions.

It creates a slight unease that can motivate learning and adaptation

The semi-sextile is an aspect that can be unsettling and disruptive. There can be annoyances and tensionsIt is a difficult aspect but in a quiet way. Both planets behave as if the other did not exist and try to ignore each other. The semi-sextile shows where you will push something off to another and try to redirect.

Quincunx Aspect

The circle is divided by twelve and then timesed by five. (360°/12) = 30° x 5 = 150° (i.e. 5/12). 

A quincunx was a Roman coin. 

The origin of the word is from the Latin “quince” meaning five and “uncla” meaning one-twelfth. 

The quincunx is sometimes referred to as the inconjunct.

Quincunx Aspect Meaning

The quincunx is the aspect of adjustment, paradox, and the need for compromise.

Also known as the inconjunct, the quincunx creates a sense of niggling unease that requires constant fine-tuning

It is an aspect of awkwardness and unease. 

The quincunx shows where adjustments are needed. 

These two planets will grind along, but are never happy together. 

They can be un-supportive of each other and make for disharmony in a niggling way.

Minor Aspects – Eighth Harmonic

These aspects fall into the eighth harmonic which indicates they are manifesting aspects and will generally exacerbate change through tension upon us.


The circle divided by eight. 360°/8 = 45°. The semi-square is also known as the octileOrb for a semi-square is 2°.

Semi-square Aspect Meaning

The semi-square is an aspect of internal tension.

It can create low-level stress that pushes for personal development

The semi-square is half of a square and it can be difficult to work the two planets energies smoothly. 

They can be unstable and require a change of approach each time. 

This aspect inclines the individual to persisting and to keep working at making it better and finding a solution.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect

The circle divided by eight and then multiplied by three. (360°/8) = 45°x 3 = 135°. The orb for a sesquiquadrate is 2°. The sesquiquadrate combines one square and one semi-square. The sesquiquadrate is also known as the tri-octile.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect Meaning

Sesquiquadrates indicate external challenges that require creative solutions.

This aspect often manifests as recurring issues that demand innovative approaches

It is an aspect of tension and difficulty. 

The planets challenge each other, and this person has to redo decisions. 

This aspect spurs the person to find peace.

Lesser Used Aspects


Although not one of the big five aspects I use the quintile aspect as well as it is the aspect of creativity. 

Planets in quintile to each other show your creative expression in line with the meaning of the two planets. 

The quintile should always be considered when analyzing creative expression and outlets in your life.

I also consider the lesser-used aspects in the fifth harmonic like quintiles and bi-quintiles.

In fact, I like quintiles a lot for insights into creativity and inspiration.

Quintiles are 72° and bi-quintiles are 144° with an orb of 1°.

However, I personally avoid the septiles, noviles and deciles.

I’ll explain.


When you divide the chart of 360° by seven, you don’t get a whole number as the result is 51.428°.

The Bi-septile and tri septile also have non-whole numbers or fractions.


The Novile is an aspect at 40° with an orb or 1°.

This is very close to the semi-square at 45° (orb 2°) and it seems not worth the bother.


The decile aspect is 36° with an orb of 1°.

This is very close to the semi-sextile at 30° with an orb of 2°.

This aspect again seems like too much bother.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Enter the Jupiter Uranus fire trine.

Whilst it is typical that we have both easy and challenging aspects within the zodiac at any one time, it is the individual and combined mixture of flow and resistance between the planets making the aspects that shape our lives.

That Uranus appears in both aspects (square Pluto and trine Jupiter) is telling. He seems to want to fit in and stick out at the same time.

We can live with this.


One way to interpret an astrology chart is by a technique called aspects

Astrological aspects are the angular distances between the planets.

Every planet has a measurement in degrees with the other planets but only certain angles are noted in astrology charts.

By dividing the circle of 360 degrees by any whole numbers we get the aspect angles.

The Trine Aspect

If you divide 360 by 3 the result is 120 degrees (360/3=120) and this is the size of the trine aspect.

Two planets that are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac will be in trine to each other.

The aspect degree does not have to be exact but can be within 8 degrees (the orb) either side of 120.

So when the two planets become between 112 to 128 degrees apart they are considered to be trine to each other.

Transiting Jupiter Trine Uranus


When the slower planets like Jupiter and Uranus trine each other it is to be noted.

It is a phenomenon that only happens around every six years then there is a gap of seven years before the next trine.

The elemental sequence is fire, earth, air then water. With two trines in each element, one waxing and one waning trine. Then it slowly shifts into the following element.

The Jupiter Uranus Synodic Cycle

Jupiter and Uranus have a fourteen year synodic cycle.

This means they are together and Jupiter (which is quicker off the mark) races off around the zodiac as Uranus moves forward slowly. Jupiter will catch up with Uranus around fourteen years later.

In 2010 Jupiter was conjunct Uranus at zero Aries. They will next be conjunct in 2024 at twenty-one Taurus.

Looking further forward in 2037 22 Cancer direct and in 2038 at 20 Cancer retrograde.

This shows the conjunction moves around either 30 degrees when at the retrograde three pass conjunction, or around fifty-one to fifty-four degrees and fourteen years during a one pass direct conjunction.

Because there is a trine in place for such a long period, when planets pass through the other fire sign of Sagittarius, they will create a fire grand trine when they trine both Jupiter and Uranus.

The most frequent planet to do this is the Moon.

It will provide huge opportunities and original approaches to how you can use that planet in Sagittarius.

The trine from Jupiter offers good things in line with your natal planet being aspected and the trine from Uranus offers unique and up-to-date solutions which allow things to move forward with ease and flow.

Get fired up!

Fire is all about inspiration. It gets the juices flowing and everyone hot under the collar. It gets people raving about things and issues. It creates fireworks and burning issues. We can get incandescent and want to burst. We are filled with bright ideas and get excited about anything with fire in it like dragon’s breath, candlelight, torches, barbecues and camp fires.

Make the most of this special fire trine.