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3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

Author: Alison Price  Published: March 2024

Interpretation Overwhelm

When you’re just starting to learn how to read a chart, it can feel like there’s a lot to take in. Whether you’re a hobbyist, an amateur, or a student astrologer, it’s helpful to start by focusing on the essentials.

You don’t have to tackle everything at once; instead, you can gradually explore the finer details of chart reading over time.

The key is to prioritize understanding the main elements of the chart first.

Many people wonder where to begin with chart reading because there’s so much to explore. It’s true, there are countless details, some obvious and some more subtle, waiting to be discovered.

However, you don’t need to try to absorb everything all at once, especially with your next chart.

To help ease the overwhelm of starting out as an astrologer, here are three strategies you can use when approaching a chart for the first time.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Visible Planets

Planets to Display

One approach to reduce overwhelm is to focus solely on the visible planets.

Traditionally, there are seven visible planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

To start, I recommend displaying only these planets on the chart.


Planets to Cut Out

You won’t include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, or factors like Chiron, Eris, and other asteroids.

Also, you won’t show into the lunar nodes or other specific points for now.

These topics are best saved for later exploration.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Ptolemaic Aspects

Big Five Aspects

To further simplify your interpretation process, focus only on the five Ptolemaic aspects.

These include the conjunction, opposition, trine, square, and sextile.

These are the essential aspects you should concentrate on initially.

Aspects To Ignore

You should disregard the minor aspects, including the semi-sextile, quincunx, semi-square, and sesquiquadrate.

Also, ignore any aspects beyond the basic five, such as quintiles, septiles, noviles, and deciles.

While these lesser-used aspects have their significance, you don’t need to focus on them when you’re just starting out.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Tighten Orbs

Cut Orbs

Next, I recommend halving the orbs.

By doing so, you’ll focus only on the aspects that are tighter in orb, making them more significant in the chart reading.

This adjustment helps streamline your interpretation process.

Conjunctions, Oppositions, Trines and Squares

Reduce the orb for the conjunction from its original 8° to 4°, allowing only conjunctions with a 4° orb or less to appear in the chart.

Similarly, adjust the orbs for oppositions, trines and squares to also have a 4° orb.

This ensures that only tighter aspects are considered in the chart analysis.


When halving the orbs, decrease the orb for the sextile from 4° to 2°.

With fewer aspects to interpret, you’ll focus on the ones that matter most initially.

Keep in mind that tighter orbs indicate greater significance for the aspect.

Example Chart: Andy Warhol

Let’s have a look at an example chart with these three ways of reducing overwhelm applied.


Chart Data

We’ll take the chart for Andy Warhol who was born at 6:30 AM on August the 6th, 1928 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Visible Planets Only

In a typical full birth chart, which is what I usually use, there are 12 planets and four points displayed.

However, this chart also includes 55 aspects in the aspectarian, which a professional astrologer would interpret, but you don’t need to dig into all of them at the beginning.

By simplifying the display to include only the visible planets, the chart becomes much easier to read.

You’ll immediately notice that it’s simpler to interpret, with only seven aspects in the aspectarian for you to understand.



When we narrow down the aspects to the five Ptolemaic ones, the chart becomes significantly easier to interpret.

Now, there are only 6 aspects to decipher, comprising 3 squares and 3 trines.


Cut Orbs

By halving the orbs, we further reduce the number of aspects to deal with. Now, there are only 3 aspects remaining.

However, it’s important to note that the Fire Grand Trine is the only aspect pattern left in this chart, underscoring the supreme significance of this major aspect pattern and the 3 trines that comprise it for this specific chart reading.


Take Away

Interpretation Overwhelm

By implementing all three steps to reduce the amount of data for interpretation, the information is significantly pared down.

In Andy Warhol’s chart, we’re left with only 3 aspects.

However, it’s not necessary to take all three steps every time you want to reduce the quantity of information to interpret. You can opt for just one of the steps mentioned above.

For instance, you might choose to retain all the planets in the chart but simply reduce the orbs.

Alternatively, you could keep all the planets but focus solely on Ptolemaic aspects.

Either approach will effectively decrease the amount of information you need to interpret.

Sign and House

For your chart reading you will still have to interpret every planet which is displayed by its sign and house. That’s where using the visible planets comes in.


As you begin to trim down both the aspect set and the orbs within it, you’ll notice a considerable decrease in the workload for each chart.

The beauty of this approach to reducing information overwhelm is that what remains are the crucial Ptolemaic aspects involving visible planets.

These aspects form the backbone of the chart reading process.

Creating Information Overwhelm

Let’s approach this from another angle.

Whenever you introduce additional elements to a chart, such as asteroids or fixed stars, you inevitably increase the interpretation load.

Each new component requires consideration by sign, house and aspect, adding more work to the process.

Moreover, if you decide to include quintile aspects, while intriguing, it further burdens your interpretation load since these aspects also need to be analyzed.

The key takeaway here is that the more you add to a chart, the more it contributes to your interpretation workload.

Conversely, simplifying what’s displayed within the chart brings clarity to what truly matters, focusing on the tight, Ptolemaic aspects between visible planets.


Let me know which of these 3 tips you will try to reduce your chart information load and improve your chart readings.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The ABCs of Astrology

The ABCs of Astrology

The ABCs of Astrology

In this particular episode, we’re going to explore the whimsical side of astrology by examining the ABCs of this mystical discipline.

Each letter of the alphabet will feature a chosen astrological component but be aware that not all aspects will be covered.

To illustrate, the letter C could stand for Chart, Cancer, Conjunction, Chiron, or Capricorn, and there are likely numerous other astrological terms that readily come to mind.

Without further ado, let’s begin our journey with the letter A.


A is for Aspects

In astrology, aspects refer to the angular relationships between celestial bodies in a birth chart. These relationships, determined by the degrees of separation between planets, reflect specific energetic connections and influences. Aspects reveal the dynamic interplay between various planetary energies, shaping an individual’s personality traits, potentials, and life experiences. They can indicate harmonious or challenging interactions, highlighting areas of strength, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Common aspects include conjunctions (when planets are close together), squares (90-degree angles), trines (120-degree angles), and oppositions (180-degree angles). The nature of the aspect determines the nature of the interaction, influencing the overall astrological interpretation.   


Read more >>> Astro Art

B is for Books

If you’re delving into astrology and seeking some insightful reading material, I have a few book recommendations for you.

Consider adding the following three titles to your astrology collection:



  • An Ephemeris” – This book provides essential astronomical data, such as the positions of celestial bodies, which is crucial for accurate astrological calculations and chart interpretations.


  • The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook” by Sue Tompkins, this handbook offers a comprehensive guide to modern astrology, covering various techniques, chart interpretation, and practical advice for aspiring astrologers.


  • Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand, this book explores the influence of planetary transits, revealing how the movement of planets in relation to an individual’s birth chart can shape and influence life events and personal growth.

These three books can serve as valuable resources to deepen your understanding of astrology and enhance your astrological practice.


C is for Chart

The centerpiece of any astrology session lies in the chart, a profound depiction of your life and spiritual voyage.

Your individual birth chart acts as a blueprint, unveiling the intricate details of your existence.

Numerous chart variations exist, including:

  • Natal charts: It highlights the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth, shedding light on your personality traits, potentials, and life path.
  • Composite charts: These charts combine the birth charts of two individuals to explore the dynamics and potentials of their relationship.
  • Progressed charts: They reflect the evolution of your natal chart over time, offering insights into your personal growth and life transitions.
  • Directed charts: These charts focus on specific periods or themes in your life, providing a more in-depth understanding of their influence and significance.
  • Solar return charts: They are cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the upcoming year’s themes and energies.
  • Bi-wheel charts: They feature two charts overlaid, allowing for a comparative analysis of different time periods or individuals.

This list merely scratches the surface, as astrology encompasses a wide array of chart types, each offering unique perspectives and insights into various aspects of life.

D is for Descendant

The descendant, located on the western horizon at the time of your birth, holds significance in your chart.

It symbolizes several facets, including your life partner and the qualities you seek in a companion.

This point highlights the characteristics, values, and attributes you desire in a significant other.

It provides insights into your ideal partner’s traits and helps shape your expectations in relationships.

The descendant plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of your partnerships and the type of connection you seek in your journey through life.


E is for Ephemeris

An ephemeris is a table or data set that provides the positions of celestial objects, such as planets, moons, and stars, at specific times.

It contains information on their coordinates, distances, velocities, and other relevant parameters.

Ephemerides play a crucial role in astrology, where they provide information for horoscope charts and planetary alignments.

Overall, ephemerides are vital tools for understanding and navigating the celestial realm.


F is for Fixed Stars

Although all stars are in motion, some appear stationary to us, and we refer to them as fixed stars.

The Four Royal Stars of Persia, including Fomalhaut, Antares, Aldebaran, and Regulus, are considered the primary fixed stars.

They are also known as the watchers of the four cardinal points of North, South, East, and West.

Currently, all of these magnificent stars are located in fixed signs, indicating their significant influence on human affairs.


G is for Glyphs

Glyphs in astrology are symbolic representations used to denote celestial bodies, zodiac signs, and other astrological elements.

Each glyph has a unique design that captures the essence of its corresponding entity.

These symbols serve as a concise and universal language in astrology, enabling astrologers to communicate and record information efficiently.

Glyphs are essential for constructing birth charts, where they represent planets, asteroids and other celestial points.

They are also used to represent zodiac signs, planetary aspects, and other astrological factors in charts and diagrams.

By utilizing glyphs, astrologers can convey complex astrological concepts quickly and accurately, enhancing the understanding and interpretation of astrological systems.


H is for Houses

Houses, alongside signs, form one of the fundamental pillars of astrology.

Astrologers must possess a comprehensive understanding of the significance of houses and the meaning each planet holds within them.

Mastering this knowledge requires time and dedication due to its vast scope. However, the endeavor is immensely rewarding.

For those practicing writing horoscopes, a thorough comprehension of houses becomes indispensable.

It serves as a vital tool for deciphering the intricate dynamics between celestial bodies and human lives, enriching the accuracy and depth of astrological interpretations.


I is for Immun Coeli

In astrology, the Immum Coeli (IC) is a significant point in the birth chart representing the bottommost part of the sky at the time of an individual’s birth.

It is often associated with one’s roots, family, and private life.

The IC signifies the foundation of one’s being, including their upbringing, ancestry, and emotional core.

It influences the person’s sense of security, innermost desires, and personal connection to their home and family.

Understanding the Immum Coeli helps astrologers gain insights into a person’s psychological and emotional foundations, enabling them to explore the deep-seated influences that shape an individual’s sense of belonging and personal identity.


J is for Jupiter

Jupiter stands out in my astrology ABC as the largest planet by a significant margin.

It boasts an impressive number of satellites and is renowned for its iconic Great Red Spot.

Associated with growth, luck, and all things expansive, Jupiter holds dominion over the signs of Sagittarius and traditionally rules Pisces.

These two signs are bicorporeal, symbolized by dual entities within each: Sagittarius depicts a man and a horse, while Pisces showcases two fish.

Jupiter’s influence extends to all that is grandiose and abundant, amplifying the qualities of these signs and emphasizing the multifaceted nature of their symbolism.


K is for Kepler

Johannes Kepler established three laws of planetary motion, and his second law holds particular relevance for astrologers.

This law states that a planet will cover equal areas in equal times.

Consequently, when a planet is closer to the Sun in its orbit, or at perihelion, it moves more rapidly through the zodiac signs.

In contrast, when it is farther away at aphelion, its movement through the signs is slower.

For example, Pluto’s orbit brings it close to the Sun in Scorpio and farther away in Taurus.

Therefore, it takes twenty years for Pluto to transit Scorpio, but it takes forty years to transit Taurus, underscoring the impact of Kepler’s second law on astrological calculations.


L is for Local Mean Time

Local mean time, an essential component in manual chart calculations, required determination in the past.

It differs from standard time within a specific time zone.

Local mean time refers to the time in your specific geographic location, accounting for the variations in longitude.

Prior to the convenience of standardized time zones, individuals had to calculate their local mean time based on their specific longitude.

This adjustment allowed for more accurate astrological chart calculations, taking into account the precise positioning of celestial bodies at the moment of an individual’s birth in their particular location.


M is for Midheaven

The Midheaven, a potent and influential point situated at the pinnacle of every chart, holds significant meaning.

It represents one’s highest achievements and honors, reflecting their endeavors in the public sphere and their notable contributions.

This point sheds light on an individual’s professional pursuits, public image, and the activities for which they are recognized.

It plays a crucial role in shaping one’s reputation, be it for positive acclaim or even notoriety.

The Midheaven serves as a compass, guiding astrologers to gain insights into an individual’s standing in the world and their prominent role, or not, in society.


N is for Nodes

The nodes, also known as the lunar nodes, constitute a pair of points in any chart where the path of the Moon intersects with that of the Sun.

These nodes are present in every chart and gradually regress or move retrograde through the zodiac, though they may occasionally remain direct or stationary for brief periods.

The North node implies forthcoming opportunities and one’s future destiny, while the South node signifies the relinquishment of certain aspects or circumstances and points to one’s past experiences.

By analyzing the placement and movements of these nodes, astrologers can gain insights into an individual’s karmic journey and provide guidance for their path ahead.


O is for Orbs

Orbs function as tolerances in astrology, indicating the degree range within which two celestial bodies can form an aspect.

A narrow or tight orb refers to a range of less than one degree, while a wider orb typically extends to about eight degrees for aspects like conjunctions, oppositions, trines, and squares.

The tighter the orb, the stronger and more precise the aspect is considered to be.

A wider orb allows for a more lenient interpretation, acknowledging the potential influence of the aspect even if the exact degree alignment is not as precise.

Orbs provide astrologers with flexibility in assessing the strength and significance of planetary aspects within a birth chart.


P is for Planets

The planets within a chart embody the energetic forces at play.

Their placement indicates areas of activity and significance.

As planets occupy houses, they infuse vitality and meaning into them.

Planetary positions in signs can determine their state of happiness or lack thereof, which is influenced by their essential dignity.

This reflects how well a planet aligns with the qualities and characteristics of a given sign.

Essentially, the planets serve as active participants, shaping the dynamics and expressions within a chart, with their location and essential dignity providing valuable insights into their influence and impact.


Q is for Quadrants

The four quadrants are defined by two axes: the Ascendant and Descendant, as well as the Midheaven and IC.

  • The first quadrant lies below the Ascendant and represents the realm of the private self.
  • The second quadrant lies below the Descendant, embodying the private interactions with others.
  • The third quadrant sits above the Descendant, symbolizing the public interactions with others.
  • The fourth quadrant resides above the Ascendant, denoting the public self and one’s outward presence.


R is for Retrogrades

With the exception of the Sun and Moon, all planets undergo retrograde motion.

Mercury retrogrades three times annually, Venus retrogrades five times within an eight-year period, and Mars retrogrades approximately once every two years.

The remaining planets experience retrograde motion each year.

The outer planets enter retrograde from their trine aspect to the Sun, continue through the opposition, and conclude at the subsequent trine.

When the outer planets are opposite the Sun, they are all in retrograde.

Retrograde periods add unique dynamics to planetary influences, providing astrologers with valuable insights into the complexities of planetary energies and their impact on individuals’ lives.


S is for Sun Signs

Sun signs are the gateway to astrology as everyone is familiar with their own Sun sign.

It’s usually the first thing people learn about astrology.

Even individuals who are not into astrology are aware of their Sun sign and read horoscopes related to it in the media.

Your Sun sign is determined by the position of the Sun on the day of your birth, such as being in Gemini if your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20.

The signs are categorized into polarities, elements, and modes.


T is for Transits

When beginning the study of astrology, one of the first forecasting techniques introduced is the use of transits.

In fact, many astrologers solely rely on transits for their forecasting practices.

Transits focus on the current and future positions of planets, providing insight into their movements in the upcoming weeks, months, or even years.

By observing where the planets are presently and where they will be in the future, astrologers can gain valuable information about the potential influences and developments in an individual’s life.

Transits serve as a foundational tool for forecasting, enabling astrologers to analyze the dynamic interplay between celestial bodies and their impact on an individual’s chart.


U is for Universe

For the letter U, I have chosen the term “universe.”

While not exclusively an astrology term, it encompasses the entirety of the space in which we exist.

The universe holds a broader significance, encompassing all celestial bodies, energies, and cosmic forces that influence our lives.

While astrology focuses on specific planetary and celestial influences, the concept of the universe reminds us of the vastness and interconnectedness of everything in existence.

It serves as a reminder that astrology is just a part of a much larger cosmic tapestry, inviting contemplation of our place within the grandeur of the universe.


V is for Vertex

The Vertex is an intersecting point in a chart where the prime vertical converges with the ecliptic.

Positioned on the right side of a chart, it commonly resides within the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth houses.

The Vertex acts as a gateway through which people, situations and events enter and exit our lives.

When the Sun of another person is conjoined your Vertex, it signifies that they are a profoundly influential individual for you.

This alignment suggests a person of great significance, playing a pivotal role in your life’s journey and leaving a lasting impact.

The Vertex serves as a key indicator of significant connections and transformative experiences within the realm of astrology.


W is for Wheel

The wheel serves as the foundation of a chart, visually depicting its structure.

Resembling a wheel with spokes, it delineates the distinct areas of life through the houses and axes in your chart.

The circular form of the wheel symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of various life domains.

The houses represent specific realms of experience, while the axes highlight important dynamics and relationships within the chart.

By visualizing the chart as a wheel, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how different facets of life intertwine and influence one another, allowing for insightful interpretations and analysis of an individual’s unique cosmic blueprint.


X is for X-Factor

The X-factor in astrology represents your individuality and the unique qualities you bring to chart interpretation.

It remains unknown until you dive into the process.

Your personal approach to understanding and connecting with clients becomes your X-factor.

When interpreting charts, I draw insights from my own birth chart, which reflects my true essence, while you utilize your birth chart and personal experiences to shape your interpretations.

In astrology, there are no rigid rules for interpretations, allowing for individual interests and inclinations to shine through.

Embrace your X-factor and unleash your potential as the best astrologer you were destined to be, utilizing your distinctive perspective to provide meaningful and authentic guidance to others.


Y is for Yod

The Yod aspect in astrology, also known as the “Finger of Fate,” is an intriguing and potent configuration.

It forms when two planets are in sextile (60°) aspect and both form an inconjunct (150°) aspect to a third planet.

The Yod creates a focal point of tension, pushing an individual towards a unique and transformative path.

It represents a karmic challenge or a special mission in one’s life, often requiring adjustment and integration of seemingly contradictory energies.

Those with a Yod aspect pattern possess exceptional potential for personal growth and spiritual evolution, as they navigate the complexities and embrace the opportunities presented by this interesting and impactful configuration.


Z is for Zodiac

The Zodiac signs derive their names from the constellations that the Sun traverses throughout the year.

Only the constellations aligned with the Sun’s path are recognized as Zodiac signs, while those like Orion, despite being well-known, do not fall within the Zodiac.

Although constellations can differ in size, each tropical sign spans a uniform length of thirty degrees.

This standardization allows for consistent division and interpretation of the zodiacal wheel.

By understanding the relationship between the Sun’s journey and the designated signs, astrologers can accurately analyze and interpret the unique characteristics and energies associated with each Zodiac sign.


Greetings Cards

Because I enjoy astro artwork as well, I have created a greeting card with the ABCs images on it and you can find the link in the description.

You can see the image on the blog post.




Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Inspiring Others

I hope that the work I’m doing here will inspire other people to take what astrology they know and run with it.

I believe that your mind can explore your current astrology skills and take you down some exciting roads.

We don’t know where you will end up, but at least you will have taken the first step.

Many people who learn astrology don’t turn into consulting astrologer, but they use the knowledge to enhance other parts of their lives or related businesses.

People like coaches, artists, numerologists and healers from all walks of life can improve their insights with some understanding of astrology.

I urge you to look at the craft from all sorts of different angles, and yes, I know there are angles in a birth chart, to find the treasures within the teachings of astrology which resonate with you and your chart and dig deep.

Exploring Astrology

I believe in exploring astrology by going down all the nooks and crannies and finding ways to present it differently.

I did this in 2011 with my extensive research into the Oriental Planet. Where I dug deep into this topic for over two years.

Again in 2015 I pushed forward with some original research into the Five Types of Dispositor Tree and the specific positions planets can hold within a Dispositor Tree.

Once again during 2018 with my tentative exploration of the Fibonacci Aspects. Which did not go very far, but still…

And once more recently with what I’m calling the “Astrologer’s Holy Trinity” research that I’m doing now.

Not all of this research has gone somewhere, but some of it has.

You don’t know what will take off until you try.

What do they say, “Sow your seeds in the morning, then keep busy all afternoon, because you never know what will grow.”

Discover Research

Whatever you think about most in astrology is likely to be a place where you can develop something of value in the future.

I believe that great things can be imagined and brought forward from all modern astrologers.

Just because astrology has been around for so long, thousands of years, does not mean there is nothing left to explore.

In this episode, I’m going to explain my current research into the Astrologer’s Holy Trinity and the highest-level temperature of the chart thus reducing it down to only four values.


We used to refer to the two polarities in different ways than we do today.

  • Black and White
  • Masculine and Feminine
  • Positive and Negative
  • Active and Passive

I’ll be using the terms active and passive signs.


The very nature of energy on Earth is in balance.

In a way this can be seen by the magnetic North and the South Poles.

As I understand it, one pole ejects positive ions and the other pole absorbs them.

The poles swap back and forth over time and are somewhat aligned to the eleven-year sunspot cycle.


In a bar magnet the magnetic lines can be seen when you tap iron filings.

They come out of one end and go back in the other.

The Sun

The Earth’s magnetic field has both a positive and a negative pole. This is similar to the Zodiac sign polarities.

Sign Polarity

Active Signs

The active signs are:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Passive Signs

The passive signs are:

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Trinity Chart Components

There are three main components of a chart.

  • Ascendant
  • Sun
  • Moon

List your main component polarities in this order of importance.

First the Ascendant, then the Sun and then the Moon.


In this example we have, a Virgo Ascendant, a Cancer Sun and an Aries Moon.

This would be listed as (Virgo, Cancer, Aries) or (VI,CA,AR)

Which converts to (-, -, +)

The other options are:

+ + +

–  + +

+  + –

+ – +

– + –

– – +

+ – –

– – –

So what?

Well, it’s a high-level way to analyze the chart. Through a elevated approach of the core components with just Ascendant, Sun and Moon.

And it’s probably the highest.

Most will be either +2 and -1 or -2 and +1.

Let’s do the Maths

+2 -1 = +1

-2 +1 = -1

+3 = +3

-3 = -3


There are only 4 options for a score.

-3, -1, +1 and +3

Interpretations of Final Four

Let’s start with some obvious keywords.

Minus Three

Super passive – Cold – Icy 💙

Minus One

Moderately passive – Chilled – Cool 💚

Plus One

Moderately active – Warm – Toasty 💛

Plus Three

Super active – Hot – Sizzling ❤️

Ongoing Research

This is as far as I’ve got with the Holy Trinities and the extension of plus one, plus three, minus one and minus three research.

Is this going somewhere?

I don’t know.

Is it useful for astrologers to know these hot numbers?

Time will tell.

Let me know what you think. 

Holy Trinity Survey

To be a part of this research please complete our Holy Trinity Survey. We appreciate your support.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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8th House

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Pluto Transits Through the Houses

Pluto Transits Through the Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2021   –   Revised: March 2024

Pluto Transits the Houses


In this post I’m going to share with you, key energy shifts that you can anticipate when Pluto transits the houses of your chart. When your start with transits you typically begin from the outer planets inwards towards the Sun. The first planet that you will study will be Pluto. Pluto takes a long time to pass through each sign. It can take years to transit the houses of your chart.

Pluto’s Time in Each Sign

Taking into account that Pluto will retrograde over signs boundaries I am only looking at the first time Pluto enters a new sign in all cases.

This will give an average time for the planet to be in each sign, although yes, it will retrograde at the beginning of the ingress and go back to the previous sign for a while and at the end of a sign it will move into the new signa finally to retrograde back for a while into the old sign.

But all things being equal, that is why I’m taking the first ingress of Pluto into each sign that has occurred relatively recently.

Pluto Through the Signs

Pluto passed through Leo from 1939 to 1956 when it first entered Virgo. Pluto took 17 years to cover 30 degrees.

Pluto transitted Virgo from 1956 to 1971 when it entered Libra. Pluto was 15 years in Virgo.

Pluto entered Libra from 1971 to 1983 when it entered Scorpio. Pluto was 14 years in Libra.

Pluto occupied Scorpio from 1983 to 1995 when it entered Sagittarius. Pluto was 12 years in Scorpio.

Pluto took residence in Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008 when it went into Capricorn. Pluto was 13 years in Sagittarius.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will remain there until 2023 when it will go into Aquarius. Pluto will be 15 years in Capricorn.

Pluto’s Perihelion and Aphelion


When a planet gets closest to the Sun in its orbit, it is called perihelion.

Pluto, perihelion was actually within Neptune’s orbit on September 5th, 1989 at 13 degrees Scorpio. 



Pluto’s aphelionis  when it is the farthest away from the Sun in its orbit.

The last time Pluto was in Taurus was over one hundred years ago in 1867. Pluto was in Taurus from 1852 to 1882 which means that Pluto spent 30 years in Taurus.

Kepler’s 2nd Law

Kepler’s 2nd law of planetary motion states that, “Planets sweep out equal areas in equal time.”

This means that when a planet is closer to the Sun, at perihelion, it moves faster, as Pluto did through Scorpio. When a planet is further from the Sun, at aphelion, it moves slower as Pluto did when it transited Taurus. Pluto transited Scorpio in a brief twelve years but took thirty years to transit Taurus. Having said all that let’s have a look at some key phrases that you can anticipate when Pluto transits the houses of your natal chart.


Initial House Ingress

The most important part of transiting Pluto, or any planet for that matter, is the time it first enters a new house. That event will bring a period of usually one whole year when the changes relating to the new house are the most felt by the person whose chart it is.


By the time Pluto has been in a house for five to ten years you do get used to the energy. When in a particular house, if Pluto then conjoins a planet in your house it will it trigger more responses in you. And when transiting Pluto makes general aspects to the planets in your chart, but that is the topic for another time.


Ok, so we have covered some potential shifts of energy that you may experience as Pluto transits the different houses of your chart. Find the date when Pluto will change houses for you and jot that special date down in your calendar and worksheet.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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