Aspects: Partile

Aspects: Partile

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Partile Aspects

Using partile aspects is another way to fine tune your interpretations. Partile aspects are the ones you need to look at first as they have built in potential to be effective in the person’s life.

Partile Definition

Exact or within 1° of exact. The word “partile” comes from the Latin “partilis,” meaning “divisible.” In astrological terms, a partile aspect occurs when two planets are in the exact same degree of their respective signs.

The planets must be in the same degree although the minutes do not matter. Aspects may be in place but not partile.

Partile Examples

  • Venus at 27°01’ Taurus is partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.
  • But Venus at 26°59’ Taurus is NOT partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.

Example Chart: Jimi Hendrix

Looking at Jimi Hendrix’s chart, he has Mercury opposite Uranus.

Both Mercury and Uranus are at 2° of their respective signs.

Therefore they are in a partile opposition.

This make this particular opposition more meaningful than the Sun-Saturn opposition for instance.


Partile Significance


Partile aspects are considered to be at the peak of their influence.

They represent a precise alignment of planetary energies, often manifesting as clear and unmistakable influences in a person’s life or in current events.


Partile aspects have the strongest and most pure expression of the aspect’s energy.


Their effects are often felt more immediately and obviously than wider aspects.


The blending of the planets’ energies is clear and undiluted, making interpretation more straightforward.

Tightest Aspects

They are typically the tightest aspect in the chart.


Types of Partile Aspects

Any aspect can be partile. For example:

Partile Conjunction

Planets at the same degree in the same sign.

Partile Opposition

Planets at the same degree in opposite signs.

Partile Trine

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same element.

Partile Square

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same mode.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Aspects: Applying and Separating

Aspects: Applying and Separating

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Applying and Separating Aspects

Applying Aspects

In an applying aspect the faster planet moves towards an exact aspect with the slower planet.

These aspects are considered a more powerful as the potential is still to come.

Separating Aspects

In a separating aspect, the faster planet is moves from the exact aspect and is moving away.

These are typically seen as waning in influence as the climax has passed.


Applying Example

Mars moves faster than Jupiter.

Let’s say Mars is at 15° Aries and Jupiter at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s an applying trine, as the faster planet (Mars) is coming up to the exact trine point.

Separating Example

Let’s say Jupiter is at 15° Aries and Mars at 18° Leo.

The trine aspect is exact at 120°, but these planets are 123° apart.

With a standard orb of 8° for trines, this aspect would be considered in effect, albeit not at full strength.

It’s a separating trine, as the faster planet (Mars) has already passed the exact trine point.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...



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Sun Square Neptune

Sun Square Neptune

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: June 2024

Sun square Neptune

Aspect Basics Series

Today we’re going to be talking about the Sun square Neptune. This is part of our basic aspect series.
We are going to be seeing this transit exact on June 20, 2024 with the Sun at 29 Gemini Square Neptune at 29 Pisces but we’re going to focus on what it looks like in someone’s natal chart and give some celebrity examples and it’s relevant regardless of when you’re listening because this aspect occurs twice every year. For the last few years, it has occurred in mid-June and mid-December.

Sun square Neptune in the natal chart

In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Haymaker Zondag says, “The dream and fantasy world so typical of Neptune comes to the fore with this aspect. Inferiority feelings are not uncommon. The sources for this inferiority include Neptune’s habit of fudging boundary lines, which make it hard for us to see where our ego begins and ends or to discover who we are and what we want. The second is a nagging feeling that there’s something more, a feeling that another world lies beyond the world of perception and that our individual limitations are in sharp contrast to it.”

Spiritual Seeker

This person may be a spiritual seeker, with little interest in the real world, taking refuge in ideas and feelings or continually searching until they find an ideal that meets their emotional needs. There can be a lack of responsibility or grounding, but also a great deal of creativity, especially in music, poetry and other forms of wordplay, ideas, mysticism and metaphysics. These people can be incredibly eloquent and convincing, so they should be very clear within their own minds about their intentions, as they could potentially use their gifts to deceive and lead other people astray.



This is a very sensitive aspect, and this person often has to overcome insecurity and disappointments to build their self-esteem and confidence in order to feel strong. They can easily become confused, paranoid or dependent on drugs or alcohol if these dynamics are not dealt with in more productive ways. They should be cautious about chemicals, alcohol, drugs and medical treatments, and they may be susceptible to illnesses that defy explanation or diagnosis.

They may also fall victim to stronger personalities, people who try to take advantage of them or dominate them, like gurus or con artists. Although idealistic, life experiences can make it hard for these people to stand up for themselves, possibly because of their insecurity but also because they idealize other people and may find it hard to believe that others are not trustworthy or truly mean them ill.

They can be very altruistic and may be attracted to politics, volunteerism or activism, if they don’t become disillusioned. Spirituality can be used for good or ill; the darker realms of religious cults and political demagogues should to be avoided.



People with this aspect are urged to be as honest and direct as possible because Neptune can blur your intentions whether you mean to be dishonest or not. This is amazing for creativity, music, writing, etc., but can be challenging when it comes to dealing honestly with others, promoting yourself or pursuing your own goals. There may be a feeling of insecurity, guilt or the desire to apologize; over idealizing others and being gullible can lead to disappointment.


Sun square Neptune by transit

Your energy level can be lowered to the point where your immune system suffers or you may feel discouraged and beaten down by circumstances. This is not a great confidence boosting transit. You may feel inadequate and consumed by the futility of pursuing your goals.
Put off anything that requires clear thinking until this transit passes. It can stimulate idealism which can be great if you’re trying to produce something creative or beautiful but don’t be discouraged if what you create doesn’t match your ideal vision.

Celebrities with this aspect

Barack Obama, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Carl Jung, Che Guevara, Pink, River Phoenix, Kevin Costner, Matthew Perry, James Joyce and Kurt Vonnegut.



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: October 2024 Election Day Chart Let the Astrology Speak I don't want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I'd take the red of the blue pill, because...

Moon Phases

Moon Phases

Moon Phases

In astrology, Moon Phases are an advanced natal chart topic.

This post lists the eight lunar phases and provides some keywords for each phase.


Moon Phases Podcast Episode

You can listen to our Moon Phases podcast episode by clicking below.

Your Astrology Journal

I love making my astrology journal and creating interesting pages that are zodiac themed. At the moment I’m using a Leuchtturm1917 journal. I chose the one with a yellow cover as I like that.


Moon Phase Keywords Page

On this page, I’ve listed the eight Moon phases.

The lunar phases in order are:

  • New Moon
  • Crescent
  • First Quarter
  • Gibbous
  • Full Moon
  • Disseminating
  • Last Quarter
  • Balsamic

I’ve drawn how each phase appears like when you look up at the Moon. At the New Moon, the Moon is all dark and you cannot see the Moon. At the Full Moon the whole of the Moon is illuminated, and you can see it clearly in the night sky.


Moon Phase Keywords for each lunar phase. Moon Phase Keywords[/caption]


The Lunar Cycle

The Sun and Moon’s Synodic Cycle

The Moon takes one month to orbit the Earth.

The Moon phase cycle, known as the synodic cycle, starts at New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct.

This happens once every month.

At New Moon, we cannot see the Moon as it is close to the Sun

The Moon starts to grow in light every day in the waxing part of the cycle.

Around day fourteen it reaches the Full Moon when we can see the most light from the Moon.

It begins the waning part of the cycle reducing in light back to the New Moon.

The Light and Dark of the Moon

The Moon is mainly dark for half of the month and mainly light for half of the month.

The darker half is during the last quarter, balsamic, new moon and crescent phases.

The light half is the first quarter, gibbous, full moon and disseminating phases.

This light/dark difference is symbolic and has much to say about the meaning of the Moon and its phases.


Lunar phase aspects showing the light and dark sides of the Moon's cycle.

Lunar Phases in the Chart

The lunar phases are based on the angular relationship between the Sun and the Moon.

If the luminaries are in aspect to each other, the aspect between them must be considered highly in the chart interpretation.

Moon Timing

The synodic cycle is around twenty-nine and a half days.

The Moon is in each phase for around three and a half days.

The Moon is in each sign around two and a half days.

Planetary Phases

The planets also have phases shown by their relationship to the Sun and particularly the inferior planets Mercury and Venus.

Eight Lunar Phases

There are eight lunar phases, four in the waxing period and four in the waning period.

Even if the Moon is not in aspect to the Sun, it will be in the phase shown below.




Lunar Phase Table

There are no orbs with the lunar phase. Each phase begins at the exact aspect and runs through until the next aspect. Lunar phases are closely related to the aspects between the Moon and the Sun.



Moon Phases and the Growth Cycle

The cycle of the Moon can be symbolically correlated to a plant’s life-cycle.

It can also be related to the yearly solar cycle and the seasons.

This correlation shows the driving essence of each lunar phase which is expressed through individual charts.

New Moon Phase: Germination

The seed is in the dark, underground and germinates. It is a delicate time, and it can be touch and go if the seed and plant will survive. It is the beginning.

Winter Solstice – December 21st.

Crescent Phase: First Leaf

The fresh sprout breaks through the soil into the light and the first leaves form. During this time the little seedling grows and strengthens.

Imbolc – February 1st.

First Quarter Phase: Roots and Growth

Stronger roots appear to stabilize the plant. Fast growth happens as the plant strives to reach full potential. Bigger leaves form and branches thicken.

The Vernal Equinox around March 21st and the start of spring in the northern hemisphere.


Gibbous Phase: Buds and Blossom

The plant starts to bloom as buds and blossom form showing potential. The plant is now established, and you can see what it will become.

This time relates to Beltane around May 1st when the Sun is at 15 degrees Taurus.

Full Moon Phase: Flowers and Fruit

The flower becomes the fruit. The plant puts forth its full sweet bounty. The fruits of its efforts are available for all to see. The fruit ripens.

The summer solstice is around June 21st and signals the start of summer in the northern hemisphere.


Disseminating Phase: The Harvest

This is the harvest phase where fruits are harvested. It is the culmination of the plant as it gives up its bounty to others.

This relates to Lammas around August 1st and when the Sun is at 15 degrees Leo.


Third Quarter: Decomposition

Now the planet begins to decompose and withers. The leaves fall, and the remaining flowers make seed pods for next year. Seed pods explode as the plant casts forth its life potential for the next cycle.

This is known as the fall or autumn equinox around September 21st and signals the start of Autumn in the northern hemisphere.

Balsamic Phase: Rest and Lying Fallow

Seeds become buried in the dark and bulbs stay hidden underground. The plants rest. Nothing is happening as the ground lies fallow. The wait.

This relates to Halloween on October 31st and when the Sun is at fifteen degrees Scorpio.



Four Waxing Moon Phases

In the waxing half of the Moon’s cycle, the four phases are new moon, crescent, first quarter and gibbous. During the waxing half of the month, the light of the Moon is growing.


New Moon


You see life through your own eyes, and not the eyes of others.



You are subjective and struggle to see another person’s point of view.


Starts Projects

You enjoy beginning new projects. You are good at starting jobs but not so good at finishing them. You have lots of energy and are independent.



You have the potential to emerge and do good things. At this stage, we don’t know.



You are mainly concerned with your life and your issues.




You feel compelled to move forward in your life. You can do this when you have a strong foundation underneath from which to launch.



You have an opportunity to grow in your belief in yourself. As your life unfolds and expands, you will become more comfortable with the feelings you have about your future path.


Eager Confidence

You will probably face the future eagerly. In time you possibly will develop inner confidence.



First Quarter


You perhaps have the forcefulness of youth, and there will likely be much subjective activity throughout your life. You prefer to lay a good base for your future and will take action to make this so.


Growth and Building

You are likely to construct your own plans to suit yourself. Your life is expected to be filled with lots of personal growth and experiences with which you can build a firmer foundation for your personal future.



You are usually strong-willed, and some may even say ruthless.


Crisis in Action

You have controlled energy expenditure which comes in bursts, and much can be done.





You generally have a desire to contribute something of value to society. You probably understand broad concepts and may have an impulse to clarify and work towards your personal goals or for a cause.



You are an individual who can overcome obstacles. You have a youthful approach to life.



There is effort spent to get better at what you do.



Four Waning Moon Phases

The four phases in the waning half of the Moon’s cycle are full moon, disseminating, last quarter and balsamic. During the waning half of the lunar cycle, the light of the Moon is diminishing.

Full Moon Phase


You can see the other person’s point of view, and it is clear to you. You are very self-aware. You can discriminate between truth and lies.



You can see the big picture and use broad strokes. It is all quite clear to you now.



You are supremely confident and have a mature outlook on life. You are realistic and accept things as they are.



You can build fulfilling relationships confidently. You approach life through an adult’s eyes, and there are no illusions.


Disseminating Phase

Transmit information

You are likely to have the desire to transmit what you have learned through both study and your personal, worldly experiences. Probably you quickly disseminate ideas to pass on to others. It is as though you are on a crusade to share your learning.


Knowledge dispersal

Perhaps you wish to spread your wisdom and knowledge with other people as a disciple would. You can probably use demonstration as a tool to impart your grasp of situations.


Convey Awareness

It is vital for you to let others know what you know and share your beliefs with them. You wish to make contact.


Last Quarter Phase


This indicates that you are fundamentally objective and can pass on your experience and sow seed for the future.


Crisis in Consciousness

You may spend much time reorienting your outlook. You may have a crisis in consciousness and be able to change your beliefs into concrete thoughts. Old values become useless.



You perhaps can be a pioneer in your day, and, with time, posterity will appreciate you. You may be tiresome and stubborn.


Readjustment and Reorientation

You may feel it has all come to naught and that it was not worth the bother. A transformation emerges as you process life’s cycles.



Balsamic Phase


You can become released from issues. You are likely to be visionary and have a confident belief in the future.


Sacrifice and Surrender

You may be called upon to sacrifice something in your life as a martyr perhaps. You need to surrender to the karmic cycle of life.



You are good with the closure of both relationships and situations but will mourn for what has past.



Moon Podcast Episodes

Below are some of our popular Moon related podcast episodes.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Libra Equinox 2024

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: September 2024 The Libra Equinox Every day the Sun transits about 1° through the Zodiac. It always moves forward and never retrogrades. Every year the Sun enters each the cardinal sign in turn. These cardinal ingresses are the...

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Astrology Basics: The Aspects

Astrology Basics: The Aspects


A Cornerstone of Chart Reading

This is part of the Starzology Astrology Basics series of posts on the four cornerstones for reading a chart. This is what you need to know to read a chart. The other cornerstones are signs, planets, houses and a fifth cornerstone (?) is  chart points.


Podcast Episode: Aspects Introduction

In this podcast episode, Alison and Arwynne provide valuable insights into the aspects of your birth chart.

They delve into the specific angles of major, minor and lesser used aspects, discuss the orbs that influence them, and offer real-life examples of how these aspects manifest in actual charts.

Additionally, they offer guidance on where to begin and how to determine which aspects hold significance in your natal chart.

Introduction to Aspects

Aspects are the angular correspondences formed between planets, angles and other points in a chart.

They are measured in degrees and minutes of longitude in the signs.

Aspects are a function of simple geometry.

  • Every planet will usually have some aspects.
  • Not all charts will contain all the different aspects.
  • It is unlikely that all planets will have every aspect.
  • Not all planets will aspect each other.
  • Some planets may not receive any aspects from other planets (an unaspected planet).
  • Often charts will have a preponderance of one particular aspect such as trines or squares.

Aspects in General

Aspects and aspect patterns show the main story lines within a chart.

The dialogue between the planets and chart points is found by the planetary connections expressed through the aspects.

Aspects are like a conduit passing information between two planets.

Two planets in aspect will communicate with each other for better or for worse depending on the actual planets and the aspect in question.


Applying and Separating Aspects

An aspect is determined to be either applying or separating.

This state depends on the speed of the two planets and their position in regard to each other.

The planets are listed here by speed, from the fastest moving planet to slowest moving planet; the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


Note: Sometimes Mercury and Venus can be slower than the Sun it depends on their position at the time.


Applying Aspects

Aspects that are applying are stronger than those separating.

The applying faster planet is moving towards the exact (or partile) aspect with the slower moving planet.

During an applying aspect the pressure is still building, and the effect is of potential still to come.

Aspects are applying when the faster moving planet has yet to catch up to the slower moving planet’s degree position.


The Moon at 10° Virgo is applying a conjunction to the Sun at 15° Virgo.


Separating Aspects

Aspects are separating when the faster moving planet has passed the degree position of the slower moving planet.

After the aspect has been exact the aspect is separating and the effect is more of release or acceptance.


The Moon at 15° Gemini is separating from an opposition to the Sun at 10° Sagittarius.


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Major Aspects

We will focus on the major and minor aspects.

The major aspects are the ones used by the Greeks and are today known as “Ptolemaic aspects” after Claudius Ptolemy.

The five major aspects are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile.

Understanding Aspect Orbs

Orb Definition

An orb is the number of degrees by which an aspect can deviate from being exact while still being considered in effect.

Think of it as a margin of error or a zone of influence around the exact aspect angle.

The Importance of Orbs

Orbs are essential because planetary aspects are rarely exact to the degree.

By using orbs, you can determine:

  • Whether an aspect is in effect.
  • How strong the aspect’s influence is (tightness of orb).
  • Whether an aspect is applying (becoming more exact) or separating (becoming less exact).


Choosing Orbs


Aspect orbs are debated long and hard by astrologers who get together for an evening social. The debate goes on.

I suggest that if you are starting to learn astrology keep to my standard orbs, and as you become more experienced you can adjust the orbs to wider or tighter as you wish.

It is up to you.

Standard Orbs

These are the standard orbs I use.

  • Conjunction, opposition, trine and square: orb 8°.
  • Sextile: orb 4°.
  • Minor aspects: orb 2°.
  • Lesser used aspects: orb 1°.

Aspects of Longitude

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Aspects of longitude are the angular relationships between planets in a birth chart.

Think of them as cosmic conversations or dialogues where some planets are in harmony, others in tension and some are indifferent to each other.

These relationships influence how the energies of different planets interact and manifest in our lives.

The Five Major (Ptolemaic) Aspects

Where to Start

These aspects should be interpreted first in this order; conjunctions (neutral), oppositions and squares (hard) then trines and sextiles (soft).

So any conjunctions come first.

Only if you have time go onto the minor aspects.

The Conjunction

First Harmonic

The circle divided by one. 360°/1 = 360°. 

Usually planets in conjunction will be in the same sign or house. 

When a conjunction occurs over a sign boundary, they are said to be in a disassociate conjunction

For instance, if the Sun is at 29° Virgo and the Moon is at 4° Libra, they are still conjunct but in a disassociate conjunction.

Conjunction (0°)

When two planets are very close together, their energies blend and intensify.

This can be harmonious or challenging, depending on the planets involved.

Conjunction Aspect Meaning

The conjunction is the most powerful aspect. It inclines the two planets towards togetherness and blends their energies. The planets virtually move as one and they have synergy

Synergy means one plus one equals three. Each planet is indistinguishable from the other. 

They show the same face to the world. Because of their close proximity it is hard for the first planet in the conjunction to clearly see the second planet and vice versa.

The Sextile

Sextile (60°)

Sextiles offer opportunities for growth and learning.

They require some effort to activate but bring positive outcomes.

Planets in sextile work well together and support each other. 

They suggest that you have latent talents in the nature of the planets involved and this can be brought forward for the creativity and vision in your life. The sextile is a soft aspect.


The Trine

Trine (120°)

Trines represent harmony and ease and are usually in the same element.

Planets in trine support each other, offering natural talents and opportunities.

Planets in trine to each other are easy going and let the other planet be themselves. This is the best aspect of support and being positive. The trine is an easy or soft aspect.


The Square

Square (90°)

The challenging square creates internal tension and dilemmas.

While difficult, squares drive us to take action, get of the couch and grow.

Planets that are square to each other have some tension between them. Their energies compete for dominance and challenge each other. Planets in square create internal dilemmas for you. The square is a hard or difficult aspect.


The Opposition

Opposition (180°)

Planets facing each other across the chart create a tug-of-war energy where projection is a theme.

Oppositions bring awareness through relationships and balance.

Planets that oppose are in tension with each other and will struggle to work together. 

These planets create external dilemmas for you and can indicate where you project the issues to the other.

 The opposition is a hard or difficult aspect.



Minor Aspects

The minor aspects are those found to have value in chart interpretation. The four minor aspects are the semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx. 

Minor Aspect Orbs

The orb for minor aspects is 2° both applying and separating.

Minor Aspects – Twelfth Harmonic

The twelfth harmonic aspects suggest potential frustrations where constant adjustments are required to maintain equilibrium in whatever is brought up by the planetary energies involved in the aspect.

Semi-sextile Aspect


The circle divided by twelve. 360°/12 = 30°. The semi-sextile is half a sextile and one twelfth of a circle.

Semi-sextile Aspect Meaning

The semi-sextile suggests subtle niggling tensions.

It creates a slight unease that can motivate learning and adaptation

The semi-sextile is an aspect that can be unsettling and disruptive. There can be annoyances and tensionsIt is a difficult aspect but in a quiet way. Both planets behave as if the other did not exist and try to ignore each other. The semi-sextile shows where you will push something off to another and try to redirect.

Quincunx Aspect

The circle is divided by twelve and then timesed by five. (360°/12) = 30° x 5 = 150° (i.e. 5/12). 

A quincunx was a Roman coin. 

The origin of the word is from the Latin “quince” meaning five and “uncla” meaning one-twelfth. 

The quincunx is sometimes referred to as the inconjunct.

Quincunx Aspect Meaning

The quincunx is the aspect of adjustment, paradox, and the need for compromise.

Also known as the inconjunct, the quincunx creates a sense of niggling unease that requires constant fine-tuning

It is an aspect of awkwardness and unease. 

The quincunx shows where adjustments are needed. 

These two planets will grind along, but are never happy together. 

They can be un-supportive of each other and make for disharmony in a niggling way.

Minor Aspects – Eighth Harmonic

These aspects fall into the eighth harmonic which indicates they are manifesting aspects and will generally exacerbate change through tension upon us.


The circle divided by eight. 360°/8 = 45°. The semi-square is also known as the octileOrb for a semi-square is 2°.

Semi-square Aspect Meaning

The semi-square is an aspect of internal tension.

It can create low-level stress that pushes for personal development

The semi-square is half of a square and it can be difficult to work the two planets energies smoothly. 

They can be unstable and require a change of approach each time. 

This aspect inclines the individual to persisting and to keep working at making it better and finding a solution.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect

The circle divided by eight and then multiplied by three. (360°/8) = 45°x 3 = 135°. The orb for a sesquiquadrate is 2°. The sesquiquadrate combines one square and one semi-square. The sesquiquadrate is also known as the tri-octile.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect Meaning

Sesquiquadrates indicate external challenges that require creative solutions.

This aspect often manifests as recurring issues that demand innovative approaches

It is an aspect of tension and difficulty. 

The planets challenge each other, and this person has to redo decisions. 

This aspect spurs the person to find peace.

Lesser Used Aspects


Although not one of the big five aspects I use the quintile aspect as well as it is the aspect of creativity. 

Planets in quintile to each other show your creative expression in line with the meaning of the two planets. 

The quintile should always be considered when analyzing creative expression and outlets in your life.

I also consider the lesser-used aspects in the fifth harmonic like quintiles and bi-quintiles.

In fact, I like quintiles a lot for insights into creativity and inspiration.

Quintiles are 72° and bi-quintiles are 144° with an orb of 1°.

However, I personally avoid the septiles, noviles and deciles.

I’ll explain.


When you divide the chart of 360° by seven, you don’t get a whole number as the result is 51.428°.

The Bi-septile and tri septile also have non-whole numbers or fractions.


The Novile is an aspect at 40° with an orb or 1°.

This is very close to the semi-square at 45° (orb 2°) and it seems not worth the bother.


The decile aspect is 36° with an orb of 1°.

This is very close to the semi-sextile at 30° with an orb of 2°.

This aspect again seems like too much bother.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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