Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern

Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern

Star of David

The Star of David is a major aspect pattern formed with six planets.

There are two grand trines and the planets from the one grand trine are sextile to the planets in the other grand trine.

This is a very rare major aspect pattern and sometimes the planets only form five of the star points which results a partial Star of David and not so important.



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What to Consider

As the Star of David is made from two grand trines and six sextiles it has much of the meaning of the grand trine.

There are typically only two elements in play, fire and air or earth and water, so there is usually in one polarity either active or passive.


Interpretation of a Star of David

In this pattern the planets are spread about the chart which suggests a variety of interests and talents because of the six sextiles which indicate latent talents for the individual.


Example Chart: Partial Star of David

November 3, 2023 has a partial Star of David.

The planets in this partial Star of David are the Moon trine Mercury and Neptune, and Venus trine Uranus and Pluto.

Four sextiles between Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus, Uranus and Neptune and Neptune and Pluto.

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Thor’s Hammer: Major Aspect Pattern

Thor’s Hammer: Major Aspect Pattern

Thor’s Hammer

Thor’s Hammer is a Major Aspect Pattern sometimes found in astrology charts. It is triangle shaped and if you have one you can see it immediately.

If you don’t have one you will probably only learn about this pattern later in the first or second year of your astrology studies.

Thor’s hammer and other major aspect patterns used to be part of the second year syllabus but have recently been brought forward to some first year classes.

Thor: the Man

Thor was a mythical guy who wielded a small hammer that was used for throwing. When hurled the hammer would spin and hit his opponent with quite some force. It was not a hammer for banging nails in or banging on about.

The head of his hammer was shaped short and blunt as the major aspect pattern triangle is today thus the name Thor’s hammer.

Thor’s hammer is formed by three planets, two planets in square with each other and both sesquiquadrate to a third planet.

Features of a Thor’s Hammer

There are several things that make a Thor’s hammer different to any other triangle shaped aspect pattern like a grand trine, T-square or yod.

This pattern has only hard aspects

The square (90°) always drawn in red ink, and the sesquiquadrate (135°) always drawn in orange ink, are both aspects from the eighth harmonic. This means they are derived by dividing the circle by 8 (360/8=45) and 4 (360/4=90). The sesquiquadrate is one quarter (90°) plus one eighth (45°) resulting in 135°.

There are no soft aspects in this major aspect pattern such as a trine or sextile.

In our example chart Terry Fox has Sun square Mars and both sesquiquadrate Saturn and this forms his Thor’s hammer.

It is a manifesting aspect pattern

A manifesting aspect is one from the eighth harmonic set of aspects. These are always challenging and will be the aspect that the person will be working with already. Manifesting aspects do not hide in the bushes they are to be grappled with from day one.

Resistant to change

Due to the tight squares and sesquiquadrates this aspect pattern is resistant to change and the planets in the aspect pattern will be locked together and work as a ‘team’ for the person whose chart it is. This can be for good or bad depending on the planets involved.

In our example chart the three planets are the Sun, Mars and Saturn.

Difficult to live with

A Thor’s hammer is difficult to live with because it will keep on coming up as the squares and the sesquiquadrates demand their attention.

The Sun square Mars is a very masculine aspect full of life and energy.

The Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn suggests a struggle to achieve the life’s goals but shows perseverance.

The Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn indicates the drive and the ambition are linked in a powerful way but that caution may be cast to the wind in the push for life.

The focal planet is a sensitive point

One square and two sesquiquadrates.

One square and two sesquiquadrates.

In every triangle shaped major aspect pattern there are three planets. Two will be in cahoots and the third will be a ‘focal’ planet.

The focal planet in a Thor’s hammer is the one with the two sesquiquadrates connecting to it.

This planet will express the energy of the two other planets in square through itself into the chart. This makes the focal planet very sensitive to the energy from transits and progressions and those from the other two planets as well.

In our example chart for Terry Fox the focal planet is Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius in the fifth house of sport. This suggests the energy (Mars) and the identity (Sun) was been harnessed towards the goal (Saturn) even to the detriment of the life as this man pushed through adversity in sports.

Note the dispositor of the focal planet

The focal planet’s dispositor is the planet that rules the sign that the focal planet is in. So if the focal planet is Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter (as the ruler of Sagittarius) will be the dispositor of Saturn. or in other words, Jupiter will dispose Saturn in the chart.

This suggests that caution will be cast to the wind and the underlying Saturn drives may be taken recklessly because of Jupiter’s influence on the staid focal planet Saturn.

General interpretation

Thor’s hammers need careful interpretation. You have to understand the meaning of the three planets (Sun, Mars and Saturn) and the meaning of each individual aspect (the square and the sesquiquadrates) and which planet is stronger in each aspect before you can understand the inner dynamics of a Thor’s hammer.

Again in our example, in the Sun square Mars aspect, the Sun is powerful in Leo (score +5) and Mars is in detriment in Taurus (score -5) so the Sun dominates the square.

In the Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect, the Sun again dominates this aspect and bosses up the sesquiquadrate with Saturn.

In the Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect, Mars is in detriment in Taurus (score -5) and Saturn is peregrine in Sagittarius (score 0).

Neither Mars nor Saturn has accidental dignity by house but Mars is most elevated and Saturn is retrograde so on average Mars will be stronger than Saturn in that particular sesquiquadrate. This again shows the weakness of his Saturn.

Be on the lookout for a Thor’s hammer and see how it works in your charts.


The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

Some students may think it is odd

to work with the finger of God.   

One sextile and two

quincunxes to view

and now we all call it a yod.

The Yod Limerick

Most of you are probably wondering what the heck this limerick is all about.

Let me explain.

A Yod is an astrological major aspect pattern sometimes found in birth charts.

It comprises of one sextile aspect (blue line) and two quincunx aspects (green lines).


Yod Bearers

An aspect is an imaginary line drawn between two planets in a horoscope.

People who have a yod in their charts are known as Yod Bearers as it indicates there are burdens that need to be carried through life.

The image is that of an isosceles triangle where the short side is 60 degrees and the two equal longer sides are 150 degrees.

The shape is somewhat reminiscent of an arrow or finger pointing thus the nickname of The Finger Of God. It is also referred to as the Finger of Fate.

In chart interpretation the area of life that the yod is pointing at is highlighted and becomes an important focus for that person.


The Yod Major Aspect Pattern

A Yod is an astrological planetary configuration also know as a major aspect pattern which is formed when three planets line-up in a particular way.

A Yod is an aspect pattern composed of one sextile and two quincunxes. It looks like an isosceles triangle with one short side and two equal length longer sides.

A yod looks like a triangle. But it is different to a grand trine, T-square or a Thor’s Hammer because of the aspects it contains.

In the example chart of Margaret Atwood, she has a Neptune Yod with the Moon and Saturn as the base planets.

The Aspects in a Yod


A sextile is an aspect 60° wide or two signs. The orb for a sextile is 4° degrees.

It is an aspect of ease and it suggests your latent talents.


A quincunx is an aspect 150° wide or five signs.

The orb for a quincunx is 2°.

It is an aspect requiring constant adjustment and causes mild irritation.


How to Interpret a Yod

The broad stroke with interpreting yods is to look at the one planet being quincunxed (the green lines) by the other two.

This is known as the focal planet and is a sensitive spot in the zodiac which will be reflected in your chart by the house placement.

  • Pay special attention to the focal planet and interpret it thoroughly. Check the essential dignity of the planet and its condition.
  • Look at the house or the area of life that is bringing pointed to.
  • Look at the sign that the focal planet is in, this shows the type of energy that the focal planet can express.
  • The two planets in sextile are the support for the yod and offer up their energy and qualities to the focal planet.


Double Yod Key

If there are two yods lying side by side (so four planets and three quincunxes) then it is known as a “double yod key”.

This will reinforce the general meaning of the yod for the person.

What to Consider in a Yod

The focal planet at the end of the quincunxes, is the most sensitive planet as energies flow to it from the two other planets.

The two planets in sextile are known as the base of the yod and work together harmoniously.

The planetary ruler of the sign of the focal planet is important.

Interpretation of a Yod

Charts with yods suggest the person is independent and driven.

Due to the nature of the quincunxes they can be constant and unchanging but fraught with the constant adjustments demanded. T

his person may experience a crisis of energy and find they are constantly battling to stay on track.

There is a certain spiritual element to this pattern and these people can be lofty.

The meaning of the house and sign of the focal planet points (as the pointed in the shape) to the issues that need addressing in this person’s life.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Yod

In your astrology journal and referring to a chart with a yod major aspect pattern, please do the following:

  • Name the two aspects that form a yod, their angles and orbs.
  • Note the three planets involved.
  • Name the focal planet.
  • List all the individual aspects that make up this yod.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a brief interpretation for the sextile aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the first quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the second quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

Extend Yourself Further

  • Write a detailed interpretation of the yod incorporating the meaning of the individual aspects and try to weave a comprehensive interpretation (250 words).

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