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Color of the Year

Color of the Year

Pantone – the Color People

Color of the Year

Towards the end of each year, Pantone announces a new color for the forthcoming year.

The publication of the Color of the Year is highly anticipated, mainly by artists, graphic designers, trend setters and the New Age community.

Because this is such a big deal in the world of color, the color which Pantone chooses usually invokes the potential that each New Year heralds.

As someone who loves astro art and color in general I find this interesting.

2023 Viva Magenta

The Pantone color of the year for 2023 is Viva Magenta a rich magenta color.



Rainbow Colors

The seven colors of the rainbow or spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Chakra Colors

The seven chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras.

The chakras are related to the spectrum colors thus:

Red – root chakra

Orange – sacral chakra

Yellow – solar plexus chakra

Green – heart chakra

Blue – throat chakra

Indigo – third eye chakra

Violet – crown chakra

Crown Chakra

Anyone familiar with chakras will know that the Viva Magenta color is related both the Root (red) and Crown (violet Chakra.


Astrologically the colors are related to the signs.

The 2023 color of the year seems to be associated with the sign of the the Fish, Pisces.

Pisces is associated with many things one of which is that it is a sign of intuition and blending in.

Saturn is shortly going into Pisces to stimulate this color .

Interesting ly Saturn was in Aquarius for the Veri Peri of 2022.

Color Theory and Healing

That color can influence us is well documented and many practitioners will use color to invoke emotional, spiritual and even physical healing.

2023 Potential

I wonder how the choice for this year’s Pantone Color of the Year will unfold during the next 12 months for the world.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Symbols and Meaning in Art

Symbols and Meaning in Art

Symbols and Meaning in Art


“I saw an angel in the marble, then carved and carved to set her free.” Michelangelo


Allow me to share with you my experiences as an artist and an astrologer. I have been combining astrology and art for many years. Now I am happy to have found RedBubble to showcase my original art pieces for you.

The world has moved on, and in the digital creation arena is where I feel compelled to express myself. From my creator studio in downtown Vancouver, I enjoy expressing myself via the colourful creations I produce.


Symbolic Language

The language of astrology is created through the symbols and glyphs that are used in astrology charts. These complex shapes and sigils, when skillfully combined, will make sentences which ultimately tell a story. 

Your personal astrology chart, and the symbols and patterns they contain, can help you explore the deeper meaning of your life through the symbolic language of astrology.

When the symbols are in your chart, it will be the story of your life. This is exciting isn’t it?

These symbols, or glyphs, convey meaning more than the actual shape. Glyphs have inherent properties that can be used to elevate your understanding of your life, and the world around you.

In your chart the synergy effect is present. Now one plus one equals three, or the sum of the whole is greater than the parts. Powerful.

I use traditional astrological glyphs in my artistic designs to bring them into mainstream consciousness for everyone.


Night Sky Dreams Pattern

We are but a small part of the huge universe. Many galaxies, stars and planets bring the positive energy of the universe to life. This is where life is lived to the full.

The vast dark space between the stars is the negative energy. Between the two opposites of light and dark, or positive and negative, the universal energy is in balance and mathematically adds up to zero.



My new “Night Sky Dreams” pattern is a piece that combines the sign symbols with other well-loved icons of the sky. 

The deep purple background symbolizes the night, and the negative, as it contrasts sharply with the brilliant white light of life as shown by the stars.

I avoided black to accent this piece by choice. I interpret purple as a secondary colour that is both rich and mysterious, without the connotation of a darker side of life which a midnight black shade implies.


My Starz

As an astrologer and artist I love what I do. For those of you who have supported me in the past thank you, and if you have just discover my creations, then welcome.

If you enjoy my work please give me a “like” and follow me, so you know when I post a fresh new creation.

If you want to know more about my process, you can watch my YouTube channel Starzology where I discuss the art or astrology and how you can benefit from knowing a little astrology. 

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

FOREST BATHING is a new method of spending time away from the digital world and immersing yourself in nature.

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Make Your Own Astrology Wheel of Fortune

Make Your Own Astrology Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Designing the Wheel of Fortune

I used to teach a class about the real basics of astrology. This was a class for beginners with not even a whiff of technicality.

I decided to create a visual aid to learning astrology that the students could make themselves and get to keep. I happiliy called it my “Wheel of Fortune.”

This diagram was inspired by the birth chart and has the twelve signs on it.

Template Creation for my Wheel of Fortune

I created a template for one sign that fits on a letter size piece of paper which can be printed out. The student printed out 12 pages and started to color in and make notes on their Wheels of Fortune. 

The beauty of this is that everyone had a similar wheel, but each one was unique.

This wheel is made up of twelve “slices” just like the slices of a pizza. Each slice is 30° wide and therefore is exactly one zodiac sign.

How to Construct Your Wheel

  • Print 12 sheets, so that’s one page for each sign.
  • Add your own keywords and notes to each sign.
  • Colour in as much as you like.
  • Cut the slice out leaving the tab on.
  • Carefully layout all the signs in the right order.

      Zodiac Signs in Order

      The signs in order anticlockwise are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

      • Tape the slices lightly at the front with small pieces of masking tape just to hold it.
      • Turn it over and magic tape the slices together.

        Note: Take your time as the slices can be tricky.

        • When completed glue the whole wheel onto a sheet of cardboard or Bristol board for support.
        • Cut with scissors and trim to 5mm to the edge of the circle.

          Hang Your Wheel of Fortune

          Hang the finished astrology wheel by a centre pin so that it can rotate, because you read each sign when it is at the bottom and the signs can be read from all around.


          How to Use the Wheel of Fortune

          You should place your wheel on the wall near your desk and where you do your astrology work. In this way, it becomes as inspiration and a memory jogger for when you forget things.  

          Remember to send me a photo of your completed wheel and I will publish it on this post later. There is no time limit. Enjoy being creative and learning at the same time.

          Keywords to Use

          Many astrology keywords are well known and you should add these to your wheel.

          When you discover a new word to describe the signs you can add them to your wheel. This is how you interpret astrology and not how I do, or the next guy does.

          Be your own astrologer and develop the art so that it speaks to you.

          Why stray from the true and tested keywords? Because we want to hear your voice coming through in your interpretations.

          If you ask ten artists to paint a picture of an apple they will all produce a painting that represents an apple. Maybe Picasso’s apple is a bit odd but it is still an apple how he sees it.

          It is the same with astrology. Every astrologer can read a chart, but each one brings their own flair to the reading. Your own words are important and this is why you need to develop your own words as well.


          How we Learn as Things Change

          Back in the day I was taught that the eighth house was to do with death. But I prefer to read it as a transformation either of the mind, body or the finances.

          Now, blood donors and blood donations (other people’s resources) are shown in your eighth house.

          Greek astrologers or even those in the last century may not have experienced blood donors (or had the ability to benefit from blood donation) but we have this today.

          It’s the same with Instagram and Facebook being in the eleventh house. Social media and being “friends” with others is an eleventh house thing. But ten years ago FB was unknown.


          Always Interpret in Your Own Words

          Yes, you need to use the usual keywords to start with as you learn astrology. It is the language of astrology. But as you develop your own astrological voice I urge to use your own words. This may take a while but I encourage you to take ownership of the astrology you do.

          If you want a cookie-cutter reading you can go to the internet and find a free site that prints preprinted pages of interpretations.

          But, if you want to be a good astrologer you need to do your own thing. Your own thing comes from the internal dynamics of your own chart.

          Be yourself. Don’t be just a human computer churning out information with no discernment for the value of what you produce, rather be yourself.


          Save Time Get Ready Made

          Get you Wheel of Fortune merchandise here


          Astrology Art: Cover Page

          Astrology Art: Cover Page


          When I attend lectures I often find myself doodling in the margins as the speaker talks and I thought about this for a while and at my workshops and lectures.

          When I taught every evening and four classes a week my students would come to class with their binders and stuff their notes from class into them. It occurred to me that they could do with a nice cover page for their binders so I created this page specifically to be colored in.

          Each student was able to do their own color combination and it became a component of the classes. So now I give each astrology class student or workshop attendee one of original astrology themed colouring pages.

          I want to share this with you now and offer you a free PDF download of one of my astro art pages. 

          Read more >>> Astro Art

          Read more >>> Astrology ABCs

          Astrology Binder Cover Page

          The idea is that you write your name in the space at the bottom and use this as the cover for your astrology binder (or file). If you are new to astrology you may not see the subtlety of the symbols peppered about this page but they will all be revealed as you learn about this exciting craft of astrology.

          If you are an aspiring astrologer then you probably have a few journals, files or binders where you keep all of your exciting astrology notes, class notes, snippets and information. There is so much to learn. I get it. It can be overwhelming at times. I have created a front cover for you to use for your astrology journal.

          All you have to do is download it and colour it in to your heart’s content. I’m calling these images and diagrams Astro Art and until I get a better name I’ll stick with that.


          How to Colour

          You can do felt pen, pen and ink, pastels or primaries. It’s up to you.vIf you like you can do more than one copy.Now you can always have something to doodle on when you find yourself in a long lecture.



          When you have completed your Astrology Art cover page please share it with us use the hashtag #starzart I can’t wait to see what you can do.

          This year I plan to have more images for you to color in and they are coming out soon, so get those crayons sharpened.

          Author Bio

          Alison Price: Astrology Coach

          Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

          Learn more about Alison’s journey.

          If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

          More Articles

          If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.


          Astrology Trading Cards (ATC)

          Astrology Trading Cards (ATC)

          Astrology Trading Cards

          Making astrology trading cards is a creative way to do arty things and learn some astrology as well.

          Anyone who is interested to explore astrology in a fun way will enjoy crafting and trading with their Astrology Trading Cards.

          Other ways of getting arty with astrology are through my astrology Wheel of Fortune.

          The Inspiration for Astrology Trading Cards

          Astrology trading cards are a twist on the famous artists trading card when an artist would do a large painting and then make several tiny copies on these cards to give to prospective buyers, galleries and other artists in an effort to promote their craft.

          The cards would be swopped between others. You don’t sell them but you give one and they give you one back.

          Over time you will have a vast collection of a variety artist’s work without spending a penny. At the same time you have distributed your hard won work to people who may be interested


          Each card is 64mm x 89mm or 2.5″ by 3.5″ which is a standard card size.

          Astrology Theme

          At a group meeting each person will be given a blank copy of the trading card template. You can download a PDF copy below.


          [purchase_link id=”13940″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Download Your Template” direct=”true”]


          The leader, or moderator will offer you a hat, or jar, with pieces of paper containing one word indicating an astrology feature or theme. You take one piece of paper and the word printed on it is your theme for the day.

          The pieces of paper will have either one planet, house, sign or aspect as your theme for you to work on. These are the starter words and are used in the groups I guide.

          Examples of words on the papers are::

          • Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto
          • Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces
          • 1st House, 2nd House, 3rd House, 4th House, 5th House, 6th House, 7th House, 8th House, 9th House, 10th House, 11th House or 12th House
          • Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine or Opposition

          When I have a more advanced gathering or class I can have more advanced themes like; anticia, moiety, contra-parallel or transits.


          Astrology Trading Card front and back

          What you do

          Say you get “Jupiter” as your astrology theme.

          You write your own name in the by line on the back.

          You will write the word “Jupiter” in the top block on each card on your sheet of six cards. You do this on every trading card on the page so in the end you have six Jupiter named cards with your name as your by line.

          This is the fun part.

          You draw the glyph and write keywords or draw images of what this theme means for each card. You can make each card the same or each one different. It does not matter how you embellish your cards but what is important is that you make something nice because you will be trading them with the other people at the end.

          When you have finished you will have six detailed and coloured Jupiter trading cards.

          The Trade

          When you are happy with your designs and have completed the cards you cut them out. You may keep one for yourself if you like otherwise you will trade these cards with the other people who have various themes and will have made different cards.

          That day you will go home with six original works of art signed by people you know and they will all be special and unique.

          If you meet again the next week you can redo the hat/jar theme pull with the remaining theme prompts and over time you will grow a beautiful Astrology Trading Card collection that spans all the planets, houses, aspects and signs.

          That is at least a total of about forty handy dandy astrology trading cards.

          Show Us Your Cards

          You may decide to make more cards you can buy actual cards in better quality cardstock and thicker thicknesses (available at Michael’s craft store) to make better cards.

          As the interest in making these little cards grabs you, you can develop your style and the way you present your astrology through cards.

          Every astrologer is different and each one will work with the energy of astrology in their own way.

          When you finish a card take a photo and put it on Instagram or other social media with the hashtag #astrologytradingcard and we will love to see your work.

          Grow Your Collection

          This can be used as a learning resource for beginners and seasoned astrologers as well.

          Getting Clever

          In reality, the artists write their name and the title of the piece they have created on the back. You can get creative here as well. This is also a place to put your website and contact details.

          More advanced astrologers who get into Astrology Trading Cards collection will make individual cards to trade with other astrologers.

          In Vancouver?

          Follow me on Instagram for more updates or direct message (DM) so we can get started if you are in Vancouver. I am up for a trade as soon as you are.

          Join In at Conferences

          I was at Calgary in September 2017 and at NORWAC in March 2018 and I had had some of my Astrology Trading Cards to trade with you.

          Will I see you there next time? I hope so.



