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Fun Astro Bingo Cards to Help You Learn Astrology

Fun Astro Bingo Cards to Help You Learn Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024

Bingo Cards

Learn Astrology

This guide contains 5 Bingo cards for different types of astrology.

  • Beginner Natal (orange centre)
  • Advanced Natal (red centre)
  • Forecasting (green centre)
  • Relationships (pink centre)
  • Vocations (purple centre)

I created these cards to help you cover all the parts of astrology that you need to know at the different stages of your learning journey. 


Knowledge Gaps

Make sure there are no gaps in your knowledge. If you don’t know about an activity, then do some research or explore the topic further. Many of the topics are covered on the Starzology website and most are covered in my book “The Aspiring Astrologer.”



Bingo Video

The mini video below was recorded as I was working on the Bingo cards. Since I videoed that I’ve since added the vocational Bingo cards as well which is included in the PDF download.


What to Do

  • Download your free Bingo PDF.
  • Print out all five Bingo cards onto paper.
  • Start with the Beginner card and, as you complete each activity, cross it off.
  • Then move on to the next Bingo card.
  • Share with the hashtag #starzbingo.

Bingo Card for Reading Beginner Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to get started with the basics of astrology. There are activities on reading a birth chart from scratch and getting organized with an astrology journal. With this card you can learn a little about everything that matters.



Bingo Card for Advanced Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to polish your natal chart interpretations. There are activities on advanced topics and features in a birth chart. With this card you can learn to add depth and richness to your readings and be more confident overall.


Bingo Card for Forecasting Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to develop and deepen your forecasting skills and interpretations. There are activities on outer planet and middle planet Transits, the Graphic Ephemeris, inner Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions, Solar Returns and Eclipses.



Bingo Card for Relationships

Use this Bingo card to explore love, romance and meaningful personal relationships. This is useful for couples astrology. There are several activities on Synastry, Composite Midpoints, Davison charts and even a Wedding election task.


Bingo Card for Vocation

Use this Bingo card when you interpret a natal chart for someone’s Job, Career and or Vocation. This will help you bring a wide selection of interpretive techniques to your career consultations. Additionally, This card explores the financial energy in the chart.



Share your progress on social with the hashtag #starzbingo so I can see how you are doing.

Good luck!



Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

Chart Complexes

There are many techniques which you can use to read a birth chart and one highly popular method is with chart complexes.

A complex contains everything to do with a particular feature in a chart

You can have house complexes, point (Ascendant, Lunar node, Part of Fortune etc.) complexes and planetary complexes.

In this post we’re going to look at planetary complexes.

A Planetary Complex

Each planet in your chart will have its own complex.

There will be the Sun complex, the Moon complex, Jupiter’s complex and even Eris’ complex.

Planetary Complex Components

The five components that go to make a planetary complex are the planet’s:

  • Meaning
  • Sign
  • Aspects
  • Position
  • Influence

Let’s have a look at each planetary complex component in detail.

1 Planet’s Meaning

The planet in question always retains its core meaning.

For example, Mercury will always have the urge to communicate, and Mars will always have the urge to initiate actions.

Pay attention to a planet’s keywords.

2 Planet’s Sign

When considering a planet in a sign you always want to find if there is any essential dignity.

This feature itself is probably the most prominent influence when considering a planets complex.


A planet in rulership is resilient.

Planets in rulership can work at their full potential 100% of the time.

Any planet in its own sign has the urge to dominate and express itself in the person’s life.

This is likely to be one of the top planets in the chart.


A planet in exaltation, is robust and walks towards the light.

If there is an exalted planet and there are no planets in rulership, the exalted planet will push itself forward into the person’s life.


A planet in fall, will benefit from support from other planets to achieve its potential.

Planets in fall can easily be dragged down by challenges from the malefic planets.


A planet in detriment will struggle to express itself in this person’s life.

This planet will need a lot of work to see its positive energy.

A debilitated planet is likely to effortlessly turn towards the dark side.


A planet with face, steps forward and wants to help the person.


A planet with term, is usually a nice-to-have and will support any planet struggling to move forward.

3 Planetary Aspects

Challenges or support from other planets are shown by the aspects.

Most planets have aspects to the other planets.

Consider the nature of the aspects themselves and the planet making the aspect.

Hard Aspects

The hard aspects are the opposition, the contra-parallel, the square, the semi-square and the sesquiquadrate.

Hard aspects bring challenges and energy is required to overcome the friction or obstacles expressed by the aspect.

Soft Aspects

The soft aspects are the trine and the sextile.

Soft aspects bring ease and support and boost the planet in the nature of the other planet making the aspect.

Neutral Aspects

The neutral aspects are the conjunction and the parallel.

Impartial aspects may be supportive or non-energetic.

These unbiased aspects add robustness to the planet in question.

Unaspected Planets

A planet is unaspected if it does not receive a Ptolemaic aspect from another planet.

Do not consider aspects from the points when determining unaspectedness.

4 Planetary Position

There are some positions that planet may have in a chart which are more important than other placements.

It’s like being in the right place at the right time.

High in the Chart

When a planet is high and near the top, at the most elevated position or in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector in a chart, it becomes more significant.

A planet in this position supports what you do in the outside world and in the public domain.

East in the Chart

When a planet is placed in the east, at the Ascendant position, either rising or in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector or bothit attains more significance.

A planet in this position supports your personal brand, message and the impression you make on others.

Proximity to the Sun

When a planet has solar proximity by being either cazimi, combust or under-the-beams it may add to, or detract from, the planet’s ability to express itself.

A planet in this position needs further consideration.

5 Planetary Influence

Through the principle of chart division, we can slice the chart up in several ways.

A planet may have influence over several sectors of the chart although some planets have no sway through chart division.

Hemisphere Ruler

There are four hemispheres in each chart, the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern hemispheres.

When a planet is a hemisphere ruler by being on the cusp of the hemisphere, it brings a broad influence over half of the chart.

Either the self (Eastern hemisphere), others (Western hemisphere), the public life (Southern hemisphere) or the private life (Northern hemisphere).

If it is a tenant in the hemisphere that it rules, it increases its authority.

Quadrant Ruler

There are four quadrants in each chart the first, second, third and fourth quadrants.

When a planet is a quadrant ruler by being on the cusp of the quadrant, it has influence over one quarter of the chart.

If the planet is a tenant in the quadrant which it rules, it gains dynamic power.

House Ruler

There are twelve houses in each chart.

When a planet is a house ruler by being on the cusp of the house, it impacts the area of life shown by the house.

If the planet is a tenant in a house which it rules, is intensifies its dominance.

Triple Division Ruler

There are three triple divisions in a chart, the first, second and third triple division.

When a planet is a triple division ruler by being on the cusp of the division, it impacts the Me (first triple division), We (second triple division), or You (third triple division), message shown by the division.

If the planet is a tenant in a triple division which it rules, is intensifies the main keyword of the division (Me, We or You).

Influence Assessment

When analyzing a birth chart, go through and work out every planet complex and determine which are the dominant planets within a chart.

Having attained a full picture of each planet’s complex you can decide just how influential each planet is in the chart.

This may bring up some surprising results.

It is often at this time that you realize that perhaps the Sun and the Moon are not as influential as you thought and maybe Uranus is a dominant planet within a chart.

Birth Chart Steve Wozniak

Example Chart Steve Wozniak

Sun Planetary Complex

Meaning: Identity, ego and self-awareness.

Sign: Leo dignity sign ruler

Aspects Soft: Trine Chiron and sextile Neptune.

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Pluto.

Position: 11th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the 11th House.

Moon Planetary Complex

Meaning: Feelings, reactions and needs.

Sign: Cancer in dignity sign ruler.

Aspects Hard: Square Mars.

Aspects Soft: Trine North Node

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Venus.

Position: 10th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Cancer is intercepted so the Moon has no place to rule.

Mercury Planetary Complex

Meaning: Languages, ideas, thinking and trade.

Sign: Virgo dignity well placed.

Aspects hard: Semi-square Mars and square Chiron.

Aspects neutral: Conjunct and parallel Saturn so a double whammy.

Position: 12th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules Chart, rules and is in the Eastern hemisphere, rules and is in the Northern hemisphere, rules 1st quadrant, rules 4th quadrant, rules 1st house, 10th house and 12th house.

Jupiter Planetary Complex

Meaning: Growth, vision and luck.

Sign: Pisces retrograde, in dignity, has face essential dignity and is traditional sign ruler.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Uranus. Note these are the only Jupiter Aspects.

Position: In 6th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the Western hemisphere, rules and is in the 2nd quadrant and rules and is in the 6th House

Uranus Planetary Complex

Meaning: Computers and the internet, lateral thinking and breaks.

Sign: Cancer, no essential dignity.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Jupiter.

Aspects hard: Square Neptune.

Aspects neutral: Parallel Pluto.

Position: Most Elevated, Midheaven Gaquelin Sector and 10th house.

Influence: Rules 5th house.

Transiting and Progressed Planets

The planetary complexes indicate how that planet will fare and express itself for this person when it influences the chart by transit or progression.

Any planet which is weaker in the natal chart, when transiting or progressing the chart by aspect is likely to be weaker as well.

To know a planet’s natal strength can help determine whether as a forecast indicator it will be influential or not for this individual.

This shows up in instances where perhaps in a chart with a weak Saturn complex, and therefore their Saturn Return is not as challenging for that person as it is for the person whose Saturn is the most dominant planet in the chart by complex.




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Aspiring Astrologer Activity

In your astrology journal and referencing your birth chart and a current ephemeris, please do the following:

working on charts


  • List the five key features of Planetary Complexes.
  • Choose every planet from the Sun to Pluto and list their Planetary Complexes.
  • Select the planet with most substantial and important Planetary Complex and fully analyze and get to know this planet.


  • See which house your most important planet (by planetary complex) is transiting today.
  • List the aspects it will make to your natal chart in the next twelve months and enter them in your calendar.
  • On a monthly basis, monitor these transits and ponder how they are unlolding in your life.

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More astro information from our blog.


How to Create an Astrology Study Group

How to Create an Astrology Study Group

Astrology Study Group

Humans are group oriented individuals. It is natural for us to congregate together even if it means simply sitting in a coffee shop or alone at a busy bar. The nature of people is to flock together. Did I hear “baaaa!”

Like minded people often gather to discuss their favored subject, support each other, bounce ideas off each other and explore theories amongst themselves.

A study group is created when several people join forces to work, read or study something of mutual interest. As I have said many times before, astrology can be an isolating interest.

It makes sense to go where you are understood and (dare I say it) everyone knows your name. Perhaps you have been thinking of getting some people together to mull over charts if so here are some ideas to help you formulate that plan.

When to Start a Study Group

Consult your chart to find the best time to begin building your astro group. Or any group for that matter. Bear in mind the planet that signifies the subject of the groups should be prominent. In our case Uranus rules astrology and astrologers.

Here are some times to look out for when creating a group:

  • Transits to your eleventh house. (For example, Mars is good to get things going.)
  • When the ruler of your eleventh house is aspected.
  • During transits to your North node. In astrology the North node suggests future people who may come into your life and the nodes are hubs and indicate get-togethers.
  • Conjunctions to your Vertex show new people entering your life.

Who to Invite

It is my belief that the people who will benefit from your group will make themselves known to you. It is natural for strong fire and air types to get together and the same for earth and water signs.

If you give it some thought, you will probably be able to come up with one or two people who live nearby and maybe interested.

Perhaps you have a busier astrologer in your area. Send them an invite. All astrologers have the same problem as in not having many others to talk to about the ins and outs of charts. This suggests why astrology conferences, retreats and seminars are so prolific and most astrology organizations are going from strength to strength.

When to Host

You may meet once a month, perhaps every third Wednesday, from 10:00am to noon or 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you establish a firm day and time it makes it easier for attendees to juggle their schedule and make more appearances during the year.

What to Do

  • Astrology book clubs are often the first step. One new book is chosen each month and the attendees read it beforehand to arrive prepared and ready to discuss it at the meeting. You can explore the philosophies of the author compare your views on the techniques presented or even compare the “professional” book reviews found in the trade magazines.
  • Astrology transit groups usually discuss the current Moon placements and any major transits or planets changing signs happening during the month. This is a good method to support general first level forecasting techniques.
  • Astrology interpretation groups will often discuss each others charts comparing Jupiter placements or work through one planet each meeting going over, for instance, Jupiter in all the houses and learning by hearing how other members of the groups experience their Jupiter placement. this type of get together supports natal chart analysis and better interpretation skills.

These are just some ideas for bringing your astrology cronies together in meaningful discussion.

If you feel like hosting a group similar to one of these in your home you can benefit by offering to do all the three type of meeting suggested above.



Private Astrology Classes

These classes are all by Zoom one-on-one with Alison.

Price Details

These prices are per person.

All classes, consultations and services are prepaid.

If you want to have a class with your sister, friend or mother each person pays the same amount.

You cannot take one class and then decide to swap it for a semester and get a reduced rate.

If money is tight you should carefully consider whether astrology is for you at this time. See if you qualify for a free class.

Consultations and Readings

Intermediate Reading (One hour)

Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (2 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

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