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New Moon Wishing

New Moon Wishing

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2018   –   Revised: March 2024

New Moon Wishing

Every Month

New Moon Wishing is a ritual you can practice every month that brings the meaning of each New Moon alive for you and relates it to your life.

The next New Moon will be at a particular degree in a sign and will be in one of the twelve houses of your chart.

By making wishes at the New Moon that correlate closely to your chart you can tap into the energy of the cosmos in a specific way.


The Cycle of New Moons

There is a New Moon about every twenty-nine days and that typically makes one New Moon each Month.


Two New Moons in a Month

But, each year there may be a month with two New Moons.

For example, back in August 2019 there were two New Moons. The first New Moon is on the first of August and the second New Moon is on the thirtieth of August.


Two New Moons in a Sign

Now and then there may be a zodiac sign with two New Moons.

Aries 2023

For example, in 2023 there were two new Moons in one sign that of Aries the Ram.

Check and see where the next New Moon will be in the zodiac. Then find the natal house in your chart where the position of the next New Moon will occur.

Each month the New Moon will likely move to the next house of your chart but it does depend on your chart’s houses.

If you have an intercepted sign it could skip one house altogether. If you have wide houses there could be two New Moon in the same house for two months in a row.

Solar Eclipses

New Moons that are also solar eclipses can be more energizing for that month’s wishing.

Your Natal Houses

Find the house in which the next New Moon will occur.

Make three to five wishes in line with the meaning of you New Moon house.

Write them on a nice piece of paper and have these wishes ready and prepared before the New Moon.

Suggested New Moon Wishes

Here are some suggested wishes for a New Moon in your natal chart houses. You can add more wishes and modify the ones you like.

Let your inspiration guide you.

New Moon in your first house

  • I wish I was…
  • I wish my self-confidence was…
  • I wish I was more authentic in…

New Moon in your second house

  • I wish my income was…
  • I wish the value I place on people and things was…
  • I wish my self-esteem was…

New Moon in your third house

  • I wish to take a short course in…
  • I wish that I will spend more time in my local area so I can…
  • I wish that my commute was…

New Moon in your fourth house

  • I wish that my family was happy, healthy and…
  • I wish for a nice home that is…
  • I wish to thank my ancestors and parents for…

New Moon in your fifth house

  • I wish for children who are happy, healthy and…
  • I wish I took my creativity more seriously so I can…
  • I wish I could enjoy my leisure time and spend it doing…

New Moon in your sixth house

  • I wish to have simple daily rituals that…
  • I wish for robust health, a strong physique and the strength to…
  • I wish I had a job that…

New Moon in your seventh house

  • I wish to have a life-partner who will…
  • I wish for a business partner who has the skills of…
  • I wish that I treated other people…

New Moon in your eighth house

  • I wish to have financial support available for…
  • I wish that people will take my side regarding…
  • I wish that my intimate life was…

New Moon in your ninth house

  • I wish to read and know more about…
  • I wish I could go on a journey so I can…
  • I wish that I could advertise and promote my…

New Moon in your tenth house

  • I wish my career would…
  • I wish that what I am known for in the public domain is…
  • I wish I was accomplished and recognized for…

New Moon in your eleventh house

  • I wish my friends were…
  • I wish I could support the group of…
  • I wish my social circle was…

New Moon in your twelfth house

  • I wish to withdraw from life for a while and…
  • I wish I could look after and curate…
  • I wish to confine myself for a time so I can…

At The New Moon

At the moment of the New Moon place a candle in your window and say your wishes out loud. Then place the paper with your wishes on it on the windowsill underneath or next to the candle. If possible let the candle burn a while or even overnight.


Your Astrology Journal

In your astrology journal note the date and the degree of the New Moon and make any notes later in that cycle if there was anything to mention.

Say how and when your wishes came true.

New Moon Annual Forecasting

New Moon Wishing and the positions of each New Moon can (and should) be a part of your annual astrology predictions and year-end astrology review.

You can get all the forecast information together for yourself towards the end of each year in November or December so you are all ready for the New Year.

Next Year

When you get a next year’s calendar, diary or journal that is the time to add the astrological information which really interests you.

Professional astrologers typically have whole years of forecasting material ahead so they are fully prepared.

I usually have all major transits and therefore New Moons listed for up to five years ahead.

This practice is more about that I write horoscopes so far in advance for publications who need to be months and even years ahead.

You can do one month at a time to start with and perhaps one day you too will look further ahead.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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