Wine Zodiac Pairings: Which Wine Compliments Your Sign?

Wine Zodiac Pairings: Which Wine Compliments Your Sign?

This Guest Post is by Nicholas Rubright from Jordan Vineyard and Winery.

Wine Zodiac Pairings

Wine and the zodiac actually have a lot in common.

Both have elements that change over time and have seasons and situations in which they shine best.

Each sign in the zodiac wheel compliments the others in a specific way, just as wines compliment different foods.

There are already so many resources out there about how to pair food and wine.

Today I’m going to do something a little different and tell you which wine compliments your zodiac sign and why.


Fire Signs

Aries and Petite Sirah

Petite Sirah Profile

Style: Full Body, Dry, High Tannin, High Alcohol
Flavors:  Sugar Plum, Blueberry, Dark Chocolate, Black Pepper, Black Tea

Though it’s a common California wine, Petite Sirah comes from a French grape called “Peloursin”. This is a rare grape, with a very flavorful profile. This wine is popular for its bold, fruity flavors which contrast its dark red color.


Aries Traits

March 21 – April 19 | The Ram

Strength: Bold, Honest, Determined, Confident
Weakness: Aggressive, Impulsive, Moody, Impatient

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac wheel. It falls under the Fire element.

As the first sign, Aries is open to new opportunities. They move through life knowing that they’re leading the way for a new adventure, even if their adventures are short lived.

As a fire sign, Aries tend to have bold emotions at all times. It is not unlike an Aries to show some tough love.

To an Aries it means they are doing right by you. This blunt honesty is what makes them a loyal friend and lover.


Petit Sirah Pairing

Petite Sirah is full of aggressive sweet and bitter notes. Similar to Aries, who are bold in their own right, giving you a refreshing solution to a problem.

Within all its powerful flavors, Petite Sirah is good for your health. The bitterness is an effect of the high level of tannins in this kind of wine.

Like an Aries’ brutal honesty can leave a sour taste in your mouth, so can a Petite Sirah.

Among its sweet notes of blueberries and sugar plums,  Petite Sirahs have the bitterness of dark chocolate and black pepper to spice things up.

Life is never boring with an Aries, this flavorful wine pairing will not disappoint.

Leo and Champagne

Champagne Profile

Style: Light Body, High Acidity, Intensely Dry
Flavors: Citrus, Peach, White Cherry, Almond, Toasty

Champagne comes in a variety of brut, dry, and sweet bodies with deep flavors that pair great with seafood or crunchy appetizers.

You know Champagne as the world’s go-to bubbly used to celebrate special occasions like weddings, holidays, and Friday nights.


Leo Traits

July 23 – August 22 | The Lion
Strength: Ambitious, Loyal, Generous, Enthusiastic, Leader
Weakness: Egoistic, Lazy, Stubborn, Arrogant

Out of all the Fire signs, Leos yearns most to make an impression.

In fact, it’s their number one priority. Their personality is powerful and attractive making them hard to miss.

As far as love languages go, this Fire sign is most fluent in Words of Affirmation. As much as they receive compliments, they’ll give them right back to you.

Leo’s warm heart and eagerness to do well in everything they set out to do is what makes up their magnetic confidence and loyalty.

However, if Leos are mistreated, they won’t hesitate to move on from what is making them unhappy.


Champagne Pairing

A Leo’s loyalty is unmatched so long as it’s reciprocated.

They know what they deserve and will not budge. Fire signs need the proper attention to feel someone is worth the affection they are giving.

When you don’t fulfill the needs of a Leo, their confidence dwindles. Just like a Champagne left unattended, that can’t help but go flat.

Both Champagne and Leos can be dry or sweet depending on their style.

Regardless of the details, there is no better pair to celebrate with than Leos and Champagne.


Sagittarius and Malbec

Malbec Notes

Style: Full Body, Dry, Low Acidity, Low Tannin, High Alcohol
Flavors: Red Plum, Blackberry, Vanilla, Tobacco, Cocoa

Like many other wines, Malbec originated in France. However, most vineyards that produce this wine are in Argentina.

Malbec has a deep and sweet full body bound to leave you wanting more. It’s cocoa and vanilla tones give this red wine a smooth finish every time.

Sagittarius Traits

November 22 – December 21 | The Archer
Strength: Idealistic, Adventurous, Persistent, Optimistic, Romantic
Weakness: Competitive, Impulsive, Impatient, Overachiever, Blunt

Sagittarians are the social butterflies among the zodiac. They are known to be very positive and outgoing. They are always up for sharing information with others.

As the Archer, they seek out as much knowledge as they can find.

A Sagittarian’s curiosity is limitless especially regarding love, philosophy, and religion. They yearn to be free, therefore knowledge and adventure is what they pursue most. This can make them a bit stubborn, as they hate being told the can’t do something.

Malbec Pairing

Malbec is a fun and strong wine with strong notes of oak and black fruits.

As the last of the Fire signs, Sagittarians can be as aggressive in their passion as they are in their truth-seeking.

Unlike other wines, a Malbec’s finish does not last, and the same can be said with the adventures of a Sagittarius.

Just like Aries, Sagittarians are very good at starting new ventures but are not the best as finishing them. Without looking back at how their last one ended, they’ll embark on a new one.

Earth Signs

Taurus and Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon Profile

Style: Full Body, Dry, High Tannin, High Alcohol
Flavors: Black Cherry, Black Currant, Baking Spices, Cedar

Cabernet Sauvignon is among the safest choices when selecting a red wine. It has a strong full body with a balance of fruits and spices.

This California wine is easy to pair with a variety of unexpected foods.
Sure, red meat is an obvious pairing, but get yourself some dark chocolate with this wine, and you’ll be dreaming about it later.

Taurus Traits

April 20 – May 20 | The Bull
Strength: Loyal, Dependable, Patient, Grounded
Weakness: Possessive, Aggressive, Uncompromising

Earth signs tend to do things to get rewarded.

Taurus is no exception. People who fall under this sign will work hard for the benefits they earn.

Along with their work ethic, a Taurus is dependable knowing that they will earn respect and other prizes.

However, they know it’s a two-way street and remain aware that their work is ongoing.

This is where their patience comes in.

As hopeless of a romantic as they can be, a Taurus is always on the defense.

You must first earn their trust before they feel safe giving you theirs in return.

Cabernet Sauvignon Pairing

Cabernet Sauvignon is a sensual red wine that you learn to love and trust – not unlike a Taurus.

The sensual undertones of the wine’s flavor evoke black fruits and spices.

These undertones are found in Taurians too, they’re one of the most sensual signs on the wheel.

Both the sign and wine have a range of earthy flavors with a strong body, and dry style.

Virgo and Chardonnay

Chardonnay Notes

Style: Full Body, Dry, Medium Acidity, High Alcohol, Little to No Tanning
Flavors: Yellow Apple, Starfruit, Pineapple, Vanilla, Butter

Chardonnay was originally harvested in large quantities in the Burgundy region of France. The variety of flavors a Chardonnay offers is not limited to the list above.

When fermented and aged in oak, it develops spicy, almost bourbon-like notes, making it the rich white wine we love.

Virgo Traits

August 23 – September 22 | The Maiden
Strength: Strong, Hardworking, Observant, Analytical, Sophisticated
Weakness: Intense, Dominating, Perfectionist, Shy

Virgos have a very practical way of making their plans.

Like Taurus, this Earth sign doesn’t mind putting in the work, as they realize how the little things can add up to the big picture.

Virgos are known to be the most sophisticated on the zodiac wheel. Both their work and honest advice are delivered clearly so that you won’t misunderstand what they mean.

It is their graceful advice and willingness to help that make Virgos great friends.

Chardonnay Pairing

It takes a lot of dedication to make Chardonnay the elegant wine it is, much like the dedication Virgos put into their own craft.

Virgos are sophisticated in the way they talk, work, and carry themselves.

Some call it perfectionism, Virgos call it attention to detail.

Virgos are loved for their ability to compliment all the other signs just as Chardonnays are loved for their versatility in food pairing.

Capricorn and Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc Profile

Style: Light Body, Dry, Low Alcohol, Low Tannin, High Acidity
Flavors: Gooseberry, Honeydew Melon, Grapefruit, White Peach, Passion Fruit

It’s hard to confuse Sauvignon Blanc with other white wines (like Chardonnay).
When compared, you’ll note Sauvignon Blanc is full of acidity and herbal flavors.

This rich white wine is widely produced as the grape can be grown almost anywhere. The result, Sauvignon Blanc comes in a variety of ranges – from lean to bountiful.

Capricorn Traits

December 22 – January 19 | The Goat
Strength: Responsible, Disciplined, Ambitious, Practical

Weakness:Inability to be Wrong, Pessimistic, Unforgiving

Capricorns will tell you they are the “Greatest Of All Time” or these days, G.O.A.T.

This earth sign is a determined sign which doesn’t need to be asked to do what they know needs to be done.

Along with their practical sense of duty, they always strive for success. Yet they are fully aware that their success will take time. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. That’s an Earth sign for you.

Sauvignon Blanc Compatibility

Capricorns are dry with their emotions, much like Sauvignon Blanc. This is due to a Capricorn’s view of the world and their diligent traits.

Sauvignon Blanc is one-part fruits and one-part earthy notes matching Capricorn’s element perfectly.

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