

By Alison Price


In an astrology chart there are four hemispheres: north, south, east and west.

Hemisphere Emphasis

Bearing in mind that you only count the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

A hemisphere is emphasized when it contains more than five planets.

The Hemisphere Ruler

The hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the angle of the hemisphere.

The northern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant.

The southern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the descendant.

The eastern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the MC.

The western hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the IC.

If the hemisphere ruler is found in its own hemisphere that planet gains status.

Northern Hemisphere

Spans from the first house to the sixth house.

The northern hemisphere shows your personal matters it is the private hemisphere).

When the northern hemisphere is strong

If the northern hemisphere is emphasized, your identity and personal resources bring success. You are probably a private person and like to keep it that way. Your family is behind you in all you do. You may sometimes be distracted by worldly commitments or demands made on you by your career or society. Strong northern hemisphere people are often introverted.

Southern hemisphere

From the seventh house to the twelfth house

The southern hemisphere indicates your outside world it is your public hemisphere.

When the southern hemisphere is strong

You are an extrovert if the southern hemisphere is emphasized in your chart. Your outside life is the highlight of your life. It is likely that you relish public acclaim. You probably strive for career and status. You may be distracted and even annoyed by the demands of your family and their needs.

Eastern Hemisphere

The eastern hemisphere encompasses the six houses from the tenth house to the third house. The eastern hemisphere is known as your self-hemisphere.

When the eastern hemisphere is strong

You are subjective, and everything is really about you. You are a self-motivated and self- oriented and much can be achieved in life. You value independence and may forsake marriage. You enjoy your own company and have many personal projects on the go. You demand personal freedom to come and go at will which does not sit well with the demands of a marriage or partnership unless your partner is flexible as well.

Western Hemisphere

The western hemisphere includes all houses from the fourth to the ninth. Interaction with other people (the “other” hemisphere).

When the western hemisphere is strong

Your interaction with others is the main focus of your life. You value personal relationships and marriage. You prefer to negotiate with others to find a win-win situation where possible. You learn about yourself through your interactions. There is a danger that you can become buried in a dead-end relationship.


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