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The Astrological Elements

The Astrological Elements

Astrological Elements


There are four elements or triplicities in astrology; fire, earth, air, and water.

Each sign is attributed to one element.

Every element has three signs.

The elements show how we experience and process the world around us.


The three Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

The fire signs are masculine.


The three Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

All earth signs are feminine.


The three Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Every air sign is masculine.


The three Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Each water sign is feminine.

Which Planets to Count?

Only count the seven visible planets which are, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Your total will add up to seven.

The reason for this limited count is that you want a quality count and not a quantity count.

The visible planets have been in human consciousness since man (and woman) evolved.

We are fully aware of them.

Whereas the other planets are relatively new.

Elemental Balance

The elements are considered to be in balance when the planets are equally spread amongst them.

For example, one planet in a fire sign, two in earth signs, two in air signs and two in water signs shows the elements are in balance.

Elemental Strength

An element with two planets more than the next best element is considered strong.

For example, four planets in fire signs and two in earth signs, zero in an air sign and one in a water sign will give a fire emphasis as there are two planets more in fire than in earth.

Elemental Weakness

An element without planets is considered weak.
For example, in a chart where there are no planets in fire, none in earth, four in air and three in water, fire and earth are both weak.

Fire Element Meaning

Strong Fire

Strong fire people will make things happen by creating a spark.

They use their intuition to make decisions.

Generally, fire people are optimistic, enthusiastic, inspirational, faithful, stimulating and positive.

Weak Fire

A lack of planets in fire indicates that inspiration and visualization may be in short supply.

Earth Element Meaning

Strong Earth

Strong earthy folk will bring things into reality and give them form.

They use sensations (touch, smell and taste) to make decisions. They are practical, realistic, useful, and can be slow moving.

Weak Earth

A shortage of planets in earth suggests the person is not well-grounded and may have an airy-fairy approach to life.

Air Element Meaning

Strong Air

Strong air individuals determine what things are, label them and then they inform others.

They use their thoughts and minds to process information, knowledge, ideas and concepts to make decisions.

They are often intellectual, good communicators, thoughtful, objective, positive, theoretical and they can deal in abstractions.

Weak Air

No planets in the element of air hints at an inability to think things through and to find a conclusion.

Water Element Meaning

Strong Water

Strong water souls experience feelings about things and they may give them care.

They use their feelings to accept or reject things depending on their likes and dislikes to make decisions.

Generally, they are sensitive, aware of atmospheres, introverted, impressionable and flexible.

Weak Water

When the water element is without planets, it implies an inability to understand emotions and what things and situations upset themselves and others.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Elements

In your astrology journal, and only counting the seven visible planets from the Sun to Saturn, do the following:

  • Note which planets are in the element of fire.
  • Note which planets are in the element of earth
  • Note which planets are in the element of air.
  • Note which planets are in the element of water.
  • Decide if there is an element emphasis or a lack.
  • Write a brief interpretation of your chart’s element strengths and weaknesses (50 words).

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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

by Alison Price

We have experienced several challenging planetary placements in recent years. I am of course referring to the Uranus Pluto square which has had astrologers and laymen alike buzzing with excitement.

Enter the Jupiter Uranus fire trine.

Whilst it is typical that we have both easy and challenging aspects within the zodiac at any one time, it is the individual and combined mixture of flow and resistance between the planets making the aspects that shape our lives.

That Uranus appears in both aspects (square Pluto and trine Jupiter) is telling. He seems to want to fit in and stick out at the same time.

We can live with this.


One way to interpret an astrology chart is by a technique called aspects

Astrological aspects are the angular distances between the planets.

Every planet has a measurement in degrees with the other planets but only certain angles are noted in astrology charts.

By dividing the circle of 360 degrees by any whole numbers we get the aspect angles.

The Trine Aspect

If you divide 360 by 3 the result is 120 degrees (360/3=120) and this is the size of the trine aspect.

Two planets that are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac will be in trine to each other.

The aspect degree does not have to be exact but can be within 8 degrees (the orb) either side of 120.

So when the two planets become between 112 to 128 degrees apart they are considered to be trine to each other.

Transiting Jupiter Trine Uranus


When the slower planets like Jupiter and Uranus trine each other it is to be noted.

It is a phenomenon that only happens around every six years then there is a gap of seven years before the next trine.

The elemental sequence is fire, earth, air then water. With two trines in each element, one waxing and one waning trine. Then it slowly shifts into the following element.

The Jupiter Uranus Synodic Cycle

Jupiter and Uranus have a fourteen year synodic cycle.

This means they are together and Jupiter (which is quicker off the mark) races off around the zodiac as Uranus moves forward slowly. Jupiter will catch up with Uranus around fourteen years later.

In 2010 Jupiter was conjunct Uranus at zero Aries. They will next be conjunct in 2024 at twenty-one Taurus.

Looking further forward in 2037 22 Cancer direct and in 2038 at 20 Cancer retrograde.

This shows the conjunction moves around either 30 degrees when at the retrograde three pass conjunction, or around fifty-one to fifty-four degrees and fourteen years during a one pass direct conjunction.

Because there is a trine in place for such a long period, when planets pass through the other fire sign of Sagittarius, they will create a fire grand trine when they trine both Jupiter and Uranus.

The most frequent planet to do this is the Moon.

It will provide huge opportunities and original approaches to how you can use that planet in Sagittarius.

The trine from Jupiter offers good things in line with your natal planet being aspected and the trine from Uranus offers unique and up-to-date solutions which allow things to move forward with ease and flow.

Get fired up!

Fire is all about inspiration. It gets the juices flowing and everyone hot under the collar. It gets people raving about things and issues. It creates fireworks and burning issues. We can get incandescent and want to burst. We are filled with bright ideas and get excited about anything with fire in it like dragon’s breath, candlelight, torches, barbecues and camp fires.

Make the most of this special fire trine.


The Elements in the Garden: An Astrology Tale

The Astrological Elements in the Garden

This is the shortest story about how the four elements of fire, earth, air and water express themselves through astrology.

Element Count

The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Each chart will have a predominant element which is the element containing the most planets.

Count how many planets you have in each element.

If you have a tie then count in the Ascendant and Midheaven.


Elements Story

The four elements fo Fire, Earth, Air and Water were friends.


Fire Element

It all began when Fire was out and about in the garden and, standing in a sunny spot, had an inspiration.

“Let’s create a fabulous place and encourage all these birds which visit our garden to rest here,” said Fire.


Earth Element

“I will design and make a shelter for the birds,” said Earth.

He went off to purchase building materials at the hardware store.

Next he made a sturdy home for their winged friends.


Air Element

“We will call it Chateau Cardinal!” decreed Air.

“I will inform everyone that I have named it so,” she said.

Air dashed off to spread the word.


Water Element

Water arrived carrying a bag of birdseed and a water dish.

“I will care for these birds. I will provide food, clean water and nurture them,” said Water carefully eyeing-up next-door’s cat.



And so it was, that each element brought their own strengths to the same issue to encourage the birds to live in their garden.

8th House

8th House

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: July 2024 The 8th House General The 8th house is succedent, in the southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, third quadrant and second triple division. The 8th house in astrology is often associated with transformation, death and...