For aspiring astrologers, here are 25 advanced tips to improve your astrology readings in 2025 and beyond.
Astrological Holy Trinity
Astrological Holy Trinity
Inspiring Others
I hope that the work I’m doing here will inspire other people to take what astrology they know and run with it. I believe that your mind can explore your current astrology skills and take you down some exciting roads. We don’t know where you will end up, but at least you will have taken the first step. Many people who learn astrology don’t turn into consulting astrologer, but they use the knowledge to enhance other parts of their lives or related businesses. People like coaches, artists, numerologists and healers from all walks of life can improve their insights with some understanding of astrology. I urge you to look at the craft from all sorts of different angles, and yes, I know there are angles in a birth chart, to find the treasures within the teachings of astrology which resonate with you and your chart and dig deep.
Exploring Astrology
I believe in exploring astrology by going down all the nooks and crannies and finding ways to present it differently. I did this in 2011 with my extensive research into the Oriental Planet. Where I dug deep into this topic for over two years. Again in 2015 I pushed forward with some original research into the Five Types of Dispositor Tree and the specific positions planets can hold within a Dispositor Tree.
Once again during 2018 with my tentative exploration of the Fibonacci Aspects. Which did not go very far, but still… And once more recently with what I’m calling the “Astrologer’s Holy Trinity” research that I’m doing now. Not all of this research has gone somewhere, but some of it has. You don’t know what will take off until you try.
What do they say, “Sow your seeds in the morning, then keep busy all afternoon, because you never know what will grow.”
Discover Research
Whatever you think about most in astrology is likely to be a place where you can develop something of value in the future.
I believe that great things can be imagined and brought forward from all modern astrologers.
Just because astrology has been around for so long, thousands of years, does not mean there is nothing left to explore.
In this episode, I’m going to explain my current research into the Astrologer’s Holy Trinity and the highest-level temperature of the chart thus reducing it down to only four values.
We used to refer to the two polarities in different ways than we do today.
- Black and White
- Masculine and Feminine
- Positive and Negative
- Active and Passive
I’ll be using the terms active and passive signs.
The very nature of energy on Earth is in balance. In a way this can be seen by the magnetic North and the South Poles. As I understand it, one pole ejects positive ions and the other pole absorbs them. The poles swap back and forth over time and are somewhat aligned to the eleven-year sunspot cycle.
In a bar magnet the magnetic lines can be seen when you tap iron filings. They come out of one end and go back in the other.
The Sun
The Earth’s magnetic field has both a positive and a negative pole. This is similar to the Zodiac sign polarities.
Sign Polarity
Active Signs
The active signs are:
- Aries
- Gemini
- Leo
- Libra
- Sagittarius
- Aquarius
Passive Signs
The passive signs are:
- Taurus
- Cancer
- Virgo
- Scorpio
- Capricorn
- Pisces
Trinity Chart Components
There are three main components of a chart.
- Ascendant
- Sun
- Moon
List your main component polarities in this order of importance. First the Ascendant, then the Sun and then the Moon.
In this example we have, a Virgo Ascendant, a Cancer Sun and an Aries Moon. This would be listed as (Virgo, Cancer, Aries) or (VI,CA,AR). Which converts to (-, -, +)
The other options are:
+ + +
– + +
+ + –
+ – +
– + –
– – +
+ – –
– – –
So what? Well, it’s a high-level way to analyze the chart. Through a elevated approach of the core components with just Ascendant, Sun and Moon. And it’s probably the highest. Most will be either +2 and -1 or -2 and +1.
Let’s do the Maths
+2 -1 = +1
-2 +1 = -1
+3 = +3
-3 = -3
There are only 4 options for a score.
-3, -1, +1 and +3
Interpretations of Final Four
Let’s start with some obvious keywords.
Minus Three
Super passive – Cold – Icy 💙
Minus One
Moderately passive – Chilled – Cool 💚
Plus One
Moderately active – Warm – Toasty 💛
Plus Three
Super active – Hot – Sizzling ❤️
Ongoing Research
This is as far as I’ve got with the Holy Trinities and the extension of plus one, plus three, minus one and minus three research. Is this going somewhere? I don’t know. Is it useful for astrologers to know these hot numbers? Time will tell. Let me know what you think.
Holy Trinity Survey
To be a part of this research please complete our Holy Trinity Survey. We appreciate your support.
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