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Intermediate Astrology Classes

Intermediate Astrology Classes

Intermediate Astrology Classes

These intermediate classes cover all the extra information you will need to read a birth chart.

About the Intermediate Astrology Classes

  • These classes feature 2-hours per class for a total of 32 classroom hours and 32 self-study hours as homework and other research.
  • Lessons can be taken one at a time.
  • Classes are delivered by Zoom at selected times.
  • Class times and dates may vary each week.

What you Get

Each student will receive a PDF copy of their birth chart, PDF lesson notes from each session and some homework. 

For more information, please contact us or set up a Meet and Greet with Alison.

Book Your Class

To book your next intermediate class please click on the button below.

Semester 1

201: Chart Balances

Discover which planets and signs are strong and which are weak in a chart.

Learn how to lazer focus onto the most important planet in a chart and its message.

Organize your chart reading approach and filter out the fluff to avoid information overload.


202: Chart Shape and Derivative Houses

This class is about chart shapes (splash, splay, bundle, bucket, bowl, fan, see-saw and locomotion).

Understand the flow of energy in each chart shape by finding the focal planet so you can provide a better reading.

Learn how to use derivative houses to find everyone (like your daughter’s boyfriend, your hairdresser and your mother’s financial advisor) who is represented in your chart and everything else and which can come up in a reading.


203: Oriental, Occidental, and Rising planets

This class is about the oriental planet and its two interpretations of as a herald for your life and as a vocational indicator.

Learn about the occidental planet and what that means.

Discover about what it takes to be a rising planet.


204: The Dispositor Tree

This class is about the Dispositor Tree.

Practice drawing your Dispositor Trees and interpreting them.

You will learn about the three positions a planet may have in a Dispositor Tree and discover about the five types of Dispositor Tree.


205: Ascendant, Sun, and Moon blends

This class is about you providing a high level interpretation of a chart using only the Ascendant, Sun and Moon.

Learn the overarching meaning of each of the triad.

Discover how to blend the three different energies and how they maybe expressed.


206: Critical Degrees and Declination Discussion

This class is about all the critical degrees, and where they come from, in the signs.

Learn to recognise an anaretic planet and what this means.

Discuss declination in detail which can be used with parallel and contra-parallel aspects.


207: The Part of Fortune

This class is about the Part of Fortune.

Learn how to calculate the Part of Fortune and what is signifies in each chart.

Disover what positions make for a strong Part of Fortune and what weakens this sensitive point.


208: Fixed Stars Discussion

This class is an introduction to the Fixed Stars.

Learn about the Four Royal Stars of Persia namely Aldebaron, Regulus, Antares and Formalhaut.

Discover how to decide which Fixed Stars matter, and what can be ignored, in each chart.


Semester 2

209: Ascendant, Midheaven and Sun Special States

This class is about special states pertaining the Ascendant like the Gauquelin Sector and rising planets.

Learn about the most elevated planet and the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

Find planets near the Sun which are cazimi, combust and under the beams and what this means.


210: Types of Signs, Antiscia and Contra-antiscia

This class in about types of signs like tropical, equinoctal, bi-corporeal and goes deeper into cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Learn about the solstice axis and planets in the state of Anticia with each other and what this means.

Learn about the equinoctal axis and planet in Contra-antiscia to each other and what this means.


211: Synodic Cycles and the Eight Phases

This class is about the broader and longer planetary cycles under which we all live.

You will learn about synodic cycles and what phase each cycle is at now.

Discover which specific synodic cycles are built into your natal chart and which affect your whole life.


212: The Great Year and the Age of Aquarius

This class is about the Great Year and the astrological ages.

Discover indicators of the previous Ages of Pisces, Aries, Taurus and more.

Learn where the Ages come from and current indicators of the shift into the Age of Aquarius.


213: Interpretations: Love life Questions

This class is about working with clients and interpreting a chart for love and romance.

Many people want to know about their lovelife and you need to be able to focus in on what to look for in a chart.

Learn how to pull the Venus and Mars complex etc..


214: Aspects of Moiety, Fibonacci and Dexter

This is an advanced aspects class looking at aspects sets of the Fibonacci sequence its place in nature and the specific aspects contained in the set.

Learn about working with orbs differently and learn about each planet’s Moiety.

Get some clarity on whether an aspect is powerful or weak by the nature of them being a Dexter or a Sinister aspect.


215: Interpretation: Money questions

This class is about interpreting a natal chart for financial questions.

Learn about the four money houses, the two money planets and what the chart says about money in general.

Sharpen your listening skills to understand how your client views income in general.


216: Your Chart’s Influence

This class is about being self-aware as an astrologer and how your own natal chart may influence your readings with your clients.

Discover how to analyze yourself for inherrent bias around hot topics like love and money etc.

Discover tips on how to be a better Aspiring Astrologer by taking yourself out of the equation.


Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

Your First Astrology Lesson

Your First Astrology Lesson

The Path

You find astrology on your own path and for everyone the road it is different because you each have your own chart this alone tells us that you will happen upon astrology in your own way.

It is highly unlikely that your career guidance counselor at school suggested you became an astrologer. They will probably have informed you that you should have become a doctor or a lawyer or a civil engineer.

Most people get into astrology by some form of side-stepping or as often is the case you stumble upon it one bright morn.

The time will come when you consider taking a class. when you finally end up at your first astrology lesson. I want to share my early journey on the road to astrological understanding with you.

My First Lesson

My interest in astrology was first piqued in a geography class at school when I was about fifteen. We were doing the solar system and after the module was complete the teacher sat on the front of her desk and read our Sun sign characteristics from Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs which she had in her drawer.

As the teacher read everyone’s Sun sign out loud she finally got to mine. I could not believe how it described me and it all made so much sense. I was blown away. I began to pay attention to my horoscope in the women’s magazines.. I discovered I liked reading about astrology.

The fact that my Sun and ascendant sign is the same would have reinforced the popular horoscope predictions as is the nature of how they are written with each sign on the first house and the forecasts for the signs generated from there. But there it is.

However, one day it was not enough. I wanted more information and I needed my questions answered. Questions like, “When do the signs change?” and “What does the Moon mean?”

These were really simple when I look at them now but back then, and I’m sure it is the same for many of you just starting out, they were huge questions. Questions that deserved an answer.

But there were no answers and I had to find out more. I sought out someone to whom I could ask these tricky questions and who could explain them and other things to me.

My First Teacher

Eventually I found an astrology teacher offering a two-year astrology course which started from scratch. The class was to start the following Tuesday evening at 7 pm. It was exactly what I was looking for.

The place was not near my home but at that time in Africa to find anyone to teach astrology was like finding a diamond in the rough. Beggars could not be choosers and I was a beggar for knowledge.

I got home from work changed my outfit into something less businesslike, scooped up my notepad, pens and the R7 cash (about US$0.70) to pay for the class. Those were the days.

I jumped into my trusty car and drove off into the night. I crossed over the top of Johannesburg along what is known as the concrete highway for obvious reasons. I left home one hour before it was to start to make sure I was on time.

Parking in the driveway I went in. I was excited and anxious at the same time. Grinding over my insecurities. Perhaps I would not like them? Perhaps they would not like me? Maybe I would be lost as the class conversation moved ahead? Maybe I would be floundering today? Imagine if the others knew it all already?

It was crowded and there was standing-room only.

I was twenty years old and the youngest one there. Because seating was limited and my mother had taught me some manners I acquiesced my position to an older lady and I stood at the back with the other “young ones.”

My first teacher’s name was David and told us he was over seventy. He was thin, wiry and wore his long white hair over his shoulders like a merlin.

He began talking and we all put our heads down and started to take notes. He handed out some shiny photostats of a map of the world and other information sheets with complicated looking numbers.

images-2As I was at the back of the room I had the privilege of turning on the hot water urn for the tea halfway through. It was my job to signal him when the water had boiled and made his hot drink which I did with pleasure.

The others crowded around and made their brew and stepped out into the garden to enjoy the break. The sultry evenings were filled with the sounds of crickets and someone had the fly swat to kill the mosquitoes which plagued us in the summer months.

Back again for the second half and more writing. Ok, I was scribbling now. Trying to keep up, hazarding a guess on how to spell some of the new words that would not roll easily off my tongue. I began to wonder if I would be able to decipher my scrawl when I got home.

The classroom was a converted double garage with wall-to-wall bookshelves. Back then the teacher imported the astrology books from America and we could buy them from him. In those days you could not find new age books available to the general public.

There must have been thirty people in that first class. By the next week it had shrunk to about twenty-five people. At class number three I could get a seat at the back and things settled down. Thus the rhythm of my life was set and I had my astrology lesson every Tuesday evening, from seven to nine and let’s not forget the tea break.

After two years of this there were only three of us left, myself and a married couple Marie and Arthur, of whom both I happened to know before I joined the class, serendipitous I call it. I am still in touch with Marie via a mutual friend but sadly her husband left this Earth a few years ago.

In retrospect my first astrology teacher was a fountain of knowledge. My initial tutor set standards in the knowledge that I rely on today. He too had passed but left many trained students behind to spread his life’s work. I hope you find a teacher to inspire you like I did.



Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

Top 10 Reasons to Book an Astrology Reading Now

You may have other thoughts to add and everyone is different.

What are you waiting for?

10 Reasons

  1. If the mystical experience of a reading has never graced your life,
  2. If a year has passed since the last time cosmic insights illuminated your path,
  3. If you find yourself standing at the crossroads of life, pondering the next step,
  4. If the idea of exploring the celestial mysteries strikes you as an enjoyable endeavor,
  5. If your friend, recently touched by the magic of a reading, can’t stop raving about it,
  6. If your mother-in-law, with a knowing nod, suggests that a reading might be in order,
  7. If an inherent curiosity beckons you to unravel the secrets written in the stars,
  8. If the luminous allure of a full moon casts a cosmic spell upon your senses,
  9. If your upcoming birthday prompts a desire for celestial insights into the year ahead,
  10. If you aim to gift the extraordinary experience of a reading to someone truly special, then the time for an astrological rendezvous may be ripe.

And 10 Bonus Reasons

  1. If your quest for seasonal gifts leans towards experiences rather than accumulating more possessions,
  2. If you’re determined to stride into the New Year with the best possible energy,
  3. If the pursuit of continual self-improvement is a cornerstone of your life philosophy,
  4. If you find yourself navigating a profound spiritual journey, seeking meaning and connection,
  5. If the arrival of your new bundle of joy sparks a curiosity about their celestial influence,
  6. If understanding the cosmic blueprint of your children intrigues you as a parent,
  7. If you’ve encountered Mr. Right and wish to explore the cosmic compatibility,
  8. If Mr. Could-Be-Right has entered your life, prompting a desire for astrological insights,
  9. If the pursuit of personal enlightenment is a guiding force in your life’s journey,
  10. If you’re an astrology student eager to witness seasoned professionals in action,
  11. If the joyous occasion of marriage beckons and you want celestial blessings woven into the union, then consider the gift of astrological services—a unique and meaningful way to enhance various facets of your life’s journey.


What are you waiting for?


More >>> Book Your Personal Astrology Reading Now