The Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune

There is a tide in the affairs of men,

which taken at the flood,

leads on to fortune.

~ Shakespeare

The Part Of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is a point in a birth chart.

There are may components in a birth chart like planets, aspects, houses, signs and points.

A chart point is a place in space and there is not an entity there like a planet.

Chart points usually displayed are the Lunar Nodes, the Vertex and the Part of Fortune.

This Post covers the basics of the Part of Fortune in your chart.



The Part of Fortune is known as one of the Arabic parts in astrology. There are many other Arabic parts like the Part of Marriage and the Part of Divorce for example.

The Arabic Parts are also known as Greek Lots.


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The Part of Fortune Meaning

In a chart the poistion of the Part of Fortune represents the following:


  • Indicates good luck, grace and favor.
  • Suggests ease of wealth.
  • The house and sign indicate the quality of the fortune.
  • Consider the planetary ruler (of the sign) and its condition.

Calculating the Part of Fortune

There are two methods of calculating the position of the Part of Fortune whcih depends on your chart.

If you were born when the Sun is above the horizon it is a Daytime chart, if you were born when the Sun is below the horizon it is a nighttime chart.


Day and Night Charts

Daytime chart

A daytime chart is one where the Sun is placed above the horizon (in the south).

In a daytime chart the Part of Fortune is found where the Moon would be if the Sun were on the ascendant.

Nighttime chart

A night-time chart is one where the Sun is placed below the horizon (in the north).

In a nighttime chart the Part of Fortune is found where the Sun would be if the Moon were on the ascendant.


There are two ways to calculate the Part of Fortune using the longitude degrees of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant


In a daytime chart


ASC – Sun + Moon = Part of Fortune


In a nighttime chart


ASC + Sun – Moon = Part of Fortune

Calculation Examples

Example: Ascendant at 10° Gemini, Moon at 20° Virgo, and Sun at 15° Aquarius.


Ascendant’s position         10° + 60° = 70°

Moon’s position              20° + 150° = 170°

Sun’s position                 15° + 300° = 315°  

Daytime Chart Calculation

 If: ASC + Moon – Sun = Part of Fortune

Then:   70° + 170°  – 315° = POF

                                           -75° = POF

                                  -75° + 360° = POF

                                           285°  = POF

     (Capricorn 270°) so 285° – 270° = POF

Capricorn 15° = Part of Fortune


Nighttime Chart Calculation

If: ASC – Moon + Sun = Part of Fortune

Then: 70° – 170° + 315° = POF

                                             215° = POF

         (Scorpio 210°) so 215° – 210° = POF  

                                     Scorpio 05° = POF

The PoF and Money

The Part of Fortune has much to say about financial issues because in our society money is fortune.

That is not to say that your fortune cannot come in other guises like fortunate spouses, children or friends.

That fortune is often better when it is not financially related is quite clear to many New Age travelers.

We will consider the Part of Fortune as a financial indicator in your chart.


The Condition of the Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is well placed for finances when it is:

  • In a money house – 2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th.
  • In Taurus or Libra – Venus’ signs.
  • Conjoined the Sun.
  • Conjoined Venus or Jupiter.
  • Trine Venus or Jupiter.
  • Sextile Venus of Jupiter.
  • In an angular house 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th.
  • Trine the ruler of the second house or the other money houses.

The Part of Fortune is poorly placed when it is:

  • In a cadent house – 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th.
  • Square or opposite the traditional malefic planets (Mars or Saturn).
  • Has a retrograde sign ruler.


The sign that the part of fortune is in shows the nature of the fortune in line with the meaning of the sign.


Sign Ruler

The planet that rules the sign – the dispositor of the part of fortune may help or hinder the fortune.


Aspects to the Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is an interesting point of the astrological puzzle.

A thorough understanding of the main parts of a chart are needed to understand the Part of Fortune.

The Part of Fortune is one of those things that, if it is not well-placed, it does nothing and if it is well-placed will do much for the person whose chart it is.


Any planet conjoined the part of fortune will influence the nature of the fortune.

This is the powerful influence for the person’s fortune.

A conjunction to the part of fortune can sometimes overshadow the sign and the sign ruler because the planet is well-placed.


Oppositions the Squares 

Either an opposition or a square from any planet to the part of fortune will modify the nature of the fortune.

This shows challenges along the way towards your fortune.

Squares and opposition from Mars or Saturn will be detrimental to easy money flow.

You will have to overcome monetary hurdles in life and income will probably improve with age.


Trines and Sextiles 

Either a trine or a sextile from any planet to the part of fortune will modify the nature of the fortune to your benefit.

Venus trine the part of fortune indicates wealth in general.

This person is fortunate indeed.

Pluto trine the part of fortune may bring wealth from others.

This placement will alleviate most debt raised.


Closest (tightest) Ptolemaic Aspect to the Part of Fortune

The closest Ptolemaic aspect to the Part of Fortune, the meaning of the aspect and the planet making the aspect, is of vital important and indicates the nature of the fortune.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal and refering to your chart, please do the following:

  • Decide if you have a daytime or a night-time chart.
  • Calculate your Part of Fortune position.
  • List your Part of Fortune complex.
  • Find the tightest Ptolemaic aspect to the Part of Fortune.

Extend Yourself Furthur

  • Interpret your Part of Fortune considering the sign, house, dispositor, and aspects (100 words).


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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

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