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Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

Forest Bathing

Botanical Gardens

This week I went to a botanical garden near my home.

It is full summer here and the plants, shrubs and trees were in full bloom.

The weather was so warm and almost hot.

I walked the winding paths and sat on a few benches strategically placed for contemplation.

I’d first come across the idea of forest bathing last year.


Forest Bathing

To forest bathe means to immerse yourself in a woodland or forest where big trees grow and can touch each other high above in the canopy.

Here the noise of traffic is nonexistent or at least deadened.

It’s a way to decouple from the digital world and soak up some nature.


The City

I live in a big city and call myself a city slicker.

Even when I visit my friend and astrologer who lives further up the coast I comically say, “City mouse is visiting country mouse.”

Yes, there are parks in downtown, but not ones where the canopy joins together as it does in the botanical gardens.

Looking up towards the canopy where the trees join together.

12th House

Astrologically I believe that withdrawing and rejuvenating is a 12th house activity.

This is where you pray, take a bubble bath and now, yes, forest bathe.

See, cleansing and bathing go on in the 12th.

At the moment the Sun is transiting my final house so it just seems the right thing to do.

I enjoyed the few hours I spent in the garden.

I’ve took a couple of photos to show you what I mean.

There was even a “Moon gate” which ran under a main road.

I feel good that I managed to honour my 12th house in this simple way.


Grid Art

This week I created a simple grid art journal page in line and wash that is focused on leaves.

Creative art practice like this does not have to be complicated.

I hope to explore some more downtime activities in the next few weeks and make the most of the spotlight on my quiet 12th house.



A page from my sketchbook showing 12 grid art sketches titled “Leaves”.


The state of wellbeing is one that I will explore more in my work.

It is the seventh highest part of the astrology I practice.

Below is a simple chart to show how I think about wellbeing coupled with self-care and astrology.

And for those of you paying attention, yes, it aligns with the chakras and the visible planets.



Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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My Little Darlings

My Little Darlings

As an astrologer, I have a family and here I tell you a little about being an astrologer and my children’s charts.

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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: July 2024

Mars in Gemini

Today I’m going to be talking about Mars in Gemini. If you’re listening to this in summer of 2024, Mars is about to enter Gemini on July 20 and will stay there until September 4. Mars moves pretty quickly so it takes about two years to go all the way around the zodiac. Due to retrograde periods, it can spend as little as six weeks in a sign to as many as seven months! Last time Mars was in Gemini was from August 20, 2022 through March 25, 2023, but this is an unusually long time for Mars to stay in one sign. It retrograded in October 2022 but it stayed in Gemini the entire time, so that’s how it can sometimes be in one sign for a very long time.

Podcast Episode

Listen to the full podcast episode below.

Mars in Gemini by transit

When Mars transits through the airy, mutable, masculine (or positive) sign of Gemini, it is considerably less focused than in some other signs. As we might expect with any placement in Gemini, there’s an intellectual, chatty, indecisive and scattered energy. In the northern hemisphere, this might be perfect timing because we are going through the middle of summer and who wants to make fixed decisions and doggedly pursue ambitions when warm weather, beach vacations and weekend barbecues beckon?

That being said, Gemini is not a bad placement for Mars and although we may at times feel restless and indecisive, with our attentions pulled in many different directions, we’re just as likely to also feel alive with sparkling, effervescent and positive energy. We might feel like chatting up new and old friends, dancing late into the night, hosting a game night with or sing along, enjoy summer fun like fireworks, festivals and street fairs. Even solitary activities like getting engrossed in an exciting book, binging a new TV show or podcast, could be excellent uses of Mars in Gemini energy.

As Robert Hand says in his seminal book, Planets in Transit, Mars is a planet of energy and it specifically rules the energy that an individual uses to maintain themselves in the face of pressures from their environment. Mars is also connected with work and physical effort and its transits often signify days when you become very energetic and vigorous. So, as Mars transits through different signs you want to look at where you have significant placements in those signs in your chart. If you have the sun in Gemini or Gemini rising or, of course, if you have Mars in Gemini, this transit will energize your chart in a significant way.

You also want to look at what house Mars will be transiting for you while it goes through Gemini. If you have Gemini rising, Mars will be transiting your first house and it will light up your personality your self-expression your identity, your self-esteem, and it could give you a great boost of self-confidence or indicate a time when you are presenting yourself to the world and this could be a great time for you because you’ll find it easier to express yourself in your naturally effervescent Gemini fashion with Mars lighting up your first house. It could be a great time to meet new people or make a great impression on people who already know you, champion a cause that’s close to your heart or undertake a self makeover to present yourself or your ideas in an exciting new way.

You also want to look at any aspects that Mars will be making to planets in your chart. If you have any major placements in Sagittarius, Mars will be transiting opposite those planets while it’s in Gemini, so this could bring conflicts with people, opposition to your ideas, impediments and obstacles that suddenly come up, hindering your movements and thwarting your ambitions or aims.

Any major placements you have in mutable signs will be affected by Mars transiting through Gemini as it will make hard aspects to all the mutable planets, including Virgo and Pisces which will receive squares from Mars in Gemini.

Mars in Gemini in the birth chart

As with any air sign, Mars in Gemini tends to have more mental energy and social activity associated with its martial tendencies. These people might be more the type to spar with you verbally then physically. They could be intellectually inexhaustible, pursuing higher education or gobbling up trivia like information junkies, memorizing movie quotes or song lyrics or sports statistics in order to repeat them at the ready anytime conversation turns to their topic of choice, or supplementing any pub trivia team with their sparkling, broad-based intellect.

These people love to exchange ideas and they’re motivated by communication, social and intellectual stimuli. They may be the type to go off on a political rant or some obscure tangent at the drop of a hat, or drone on about whatever personal topic fires their interest long past the point of exhausting others in the room. Used correctly, they could be excellent, engaging teachers or professors, journalists, radio hosts or podcasters, influencers, marketers or sales people.

Since Mars is one of the relationship planets, along with venus, we would look to Mars to find out what a person is like in relationships. Mars is the planet of desire and going after your object of affection, so people with Mars in Gemini will be the type who want to charm you with their wit, intellect, conversational moves and lofty ideas. Of course keeping their interest will be the real challenge. Mars in Gemini is not known for its ability to focus on one thing or one person for very long.

In Person to Person Astrology, Steven Arroyo says, “the essence of Mars in Gemini is that it asserts itself verbally, flexibly, cleverly, communicatively, through a variety of skills. The focus of one’s desire changes very quickly and often, easily diverted. Expresses a wide ranging friendliness, very good at making connections. Physical energy and sexual drive are affected by mentally stimulating conversations, images or curious new ideas, very open-minded.”

They may appear or behave especially youthful and embody a sort of ageless vitality and charm, flirting or putting on the charm for people of all ages and genders indiscriminately. This may be the guy who you dated just long enough to bring home to meet your parents one time and years later they still ask, “whatever happened to..?” He made an indelible impression and then flitted on to the next flower before you had a chance to make a real connection.

This is not to say they can’t commit. The wonderful thing about Mars in Gemini is that these people are genuinely interested in the thoughts and ideas of other people; they’re open-minded, curious and communicate well with their partners. If you make a lasting love connection with them, they could turn out to be a wonderfully stimulating and exciting partner for life, keeping you laughing well into old age, exploring new ideas and interests together long after other couples have settled into mutal silence.

Grant Lewi says, if you have Mars in Gemini, “you are rarely bored or boring, but you can wear yourself and others out by the ferocity of your attack on life. You are extraordinarily aware of the world around you, sense perceptions are acute, swift, probably accurate, and you are valuable in expressing what you take in. Energy flows naturally to the tongue; you are a better talker than listener. With any concentrated force, this position gains value, Without it, you scatter your energies.” He also cautions the Mars in Gemini individual to take care of their body as well as their mind. There is a danger of neglecting your physical well-being because you are so focused on mental pursuits.


Celebrities with Mars in Gemini

Al Pacino, Chris Evans, Martin Luther King Jr., Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman, Jim Morrison, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, Naomi Campbell, Mike Tyson and Dwayne Johnson.

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Mars Podcast Episodes

If you’ve enjoyed this topic, below are some more interesting podcast episodes about Mars.

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: July 2024

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus in the natal chart

Today we’re taking a deep dive into Mars in Taurus. Mars takes about two years to go around the Sun so it spends approximately two months in each sign, give or take the retrograde periods, so it can be a bit variable. Mars covers about half a degree per day so even if you don’t know what time you were born you will definitely have a very good idea of the exact degree of your Mars, which is nice.

I feel pretty qualified to talk about Mars in Taurus because that is where my Mars is, exactly opposite my ascendant in Scorpio give or take a few degrees. Mars is the planet of drive, ambition, physical activity, aggression, sexual conquest and the masculine drive to go after the object of your love or lust. By masculine of course we just mean active versus passive in the traditional archetypal sense. Everyone has Venus and Mars somewhere!

Mars in Taurus in Love

In his excellent book Person to Person Astrology: Energy Factors in Love, Sex and Compatibility, Steven Arroyo says, “when Mars is found in Taurus, the aggressive urges are held under control but should never be underestimated, for they are powerfully stubborn and persistent.” This placement of Mars is rarely aggressive but people with Mars in Taurus are among the most willful, purposeful, obstinate beings in the world in terms of unrelenting pursuit of their goals and desires.

I always describe Mars in Taurus as the Ferdinand the Bull placement, from the well-known children’s story about the famous bull in Spain who was recruited to be in the bullfights but all he wanted to do was smell the roses, so he wasn’t much of a fighter.

Of course we all probably know some Taureans in our lives and they may not seem like very aggressive or angry people, but all it takes is the right instigation for their tempers to flare. It’s definitely more of a slow burn rather than fiery, since Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus and traditionally associated with comfort, wealth, good food, quality fabrics and the finer things in life.

Steven Arroyo goes on to say that the core qualities of Mars in Taurus are that “they assert themselves steadily, retentively, conservatively and stubbornly. Their initiative and drive are directed towards consolidation, productivity, comfort and enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures. They often have a creative and/or artistic flair and their physical energy and sexual drive are influenced by a deep appreciation of the physical senses, which may lead them to complacency and laziness.”

He says both men and women with Mars and Taurus have strong, consistent sex drives and powerful sensual urges, and a strongly developed sense of touch. Although they lack the spark of Mars in a fire sign, they tend to be more cautious, not wanting to risk exposing themselves to ridicule. This is not generally a “make the first move” type of person (and I can personally attest to that LOL). But they are very sensual and very generous even if they don’t always like to communicate verbally about their own needs or the desires of their partners.

Grant Lewi, another OG astrologer from even before Stephen Arroyo’s time, said of Mars in Taurus that they are generally somewhat passive aggressive. They may not fight but they will wait you out and stubbornly refuse to give in until you consider their point of view. He says their motto is, “I don’t want to fight, let’s just do it my way.”

Mars in Taurus breaking a sweat

I can definitely see that in my personal life; not laziness, but a conservation of energy. I don’t like to be bored and I don’t like to sit around and do nothing, but my idea of nothing may be different from other people’s. That could involve mental pursuits or doing something crafty or creative with my hands. I like to sew and for a while I made jewelry. Maybe you like to fix or make things, or cook or work in the garden. These can be really satisfying pursuits for someone with Mars in Taurus.

Similarly, in my forms of exercise that I enjoy, I really prefer activities things that I can do more or less mindlessly. I’m not physically competitive and I hate counting reps or having to think too much about getting exercise for the sake of it. I much prefer activities that are fun, and if they can’t be fun, I want to be able to keep my mind off it completely by listening to audiobooks or podcasts. The last thing I want to do is go to a gym with a bunch of other people and wait my turn for the next machine or really have to think about my workout and focus on counting or doing a circuit of machines or how much weight I’m using for different exercises. I love roller skating outdoors, biking, disc golf and other things that I can either do with friends or more or less mindlessly, without having to think about the fact that I’m exercising!

Which is not to say everyone with Mars in Taurus is like that, of course, but there is something about a non-competitive, steady form of exercise that I think would be very appealing to anyone with a lot of Taurus energy. A lot of my friends who I do physical activities with have either Taurus sun or some personal planets in Taurus. There’s something about the Mars in any sign that attracts similar energies.

Mars in Taurus at work

Similarly, in terms of ambition at work, I’ve never been much of a “climb the corporate ladder” type . When I’m doing all my creative thinking and work behind the scenes, I prefer it to be kind of a solitary, steady pursuit, as opposed to being in a room brainstorming with other people or trying to come up with the next big idea. I’d rather be left alone to do what I do well and find ways to be excellent at those things, rather than strategizing some big picture or collaborating with a lot of people. Your mileage may vary! This is probably a combination of my Mars in Taurus and all my personal planets in Virgo. If you’re a Capricorn or Gemini with Mars in Taurus, it’s going to look very different.

Mars vs. Venus

With any Mars placement, in order to get the full picture you’re going to want to compare where you have your Venus. In my case I have Venus in Libra which of course is a masculine air sign compared with the feminine Earth sign of Taurus so they’re not compatible by element but they are both ruled by Venus. This makes Venus much stronger than Mars in my chart because it’s in the sign it rules, whereas Mars in Taurus is in its detriment (since Aries is one of its ruling planets).


Mars in Taurus celebrities

Some famous people with Mars in Taurus include Bruce Willis, Charlize Theron, Christian Bale, Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Cavill, Robert De Niro, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Tom Cruise, JFK, Jennifer Lawrence, Muhammed Ali


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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USA Birth Charts

USA Birth Charts

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

USA Birth Chart and Election 2024


Podcast Episodes

Listen to our podcast episode below on the USA birth charts and the 2024 US elections candidates and some predictions.

This will be published in the months ahead towards the end of 2024.

Sibly Chart

Chart Details

Ebenezer Sibly cast a horoscope for 10:10pm London time which converts to 5:10pm Philadelphia time.

He appears to have made some errors in calculation and you can discover more about that by reading Nicholas Campion’s book The Book of World Horoscopes on page 362 where he outlines the situation.

Chart Diagram

The Sibly chart is represented here with the time of 5:10pm.

This returns an Ascendant of 12° 21′ Sagittarius.


Scorpio Rising Chart

Chart Details

The second chart we have a look at is one put forward by Michael O’Reilly in his book Political Astrology.

This returns a chart with an Ascendant of 8°35′ Scorpio.

Extend Yourself

This is an interesting topic and I encourage you to read more by starting with these three books.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Solar Cycles

Solar Cycles

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: June 2024

Solar Cycles

Tracking the Transiting Sun

One of the fundamental skills in forecasting is learning to track the transiting Sun through the solar cycle.

This involves following the Sun’s daily position as it moves through the zodiac over the course of a year.

Understanding this movement provides insights into seasonal changes and astrological influences.

The Sun’s Path

The Sun travels along a specific path known as the plane of the ecliptic.

Only locations on Earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn can experience the Sun directly overhead.


Seasons and Cardinal Signs

Each year, we experience four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

These seasons begin when the Sun enters one of the four cardinal signs of the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Solar Cycles and the Cardinal Ingresses

(Northern Hemisphere)

Aries (March 21st)

The Sun’s entry into Aries typically marks the beginning of spring.

This occurs around March 21st, but it can vary by a day or two, this is the vernal equinox.

Cancer (June 21st)

The Sun’s ingress into Cancer signifies the start of summer.

This happens around June 21st and this is the summer solstice.

Libra (September 21st)

The Sun entering Libra signals the onset of autumn.

This occurs around September 21st at the autumnal equinox.

Capricorn (December 21st)

The Sun’s movement into Capricorn marks the beginning of winter.

This happens around December 21st at the winter solstice.

Date Shifts

These dates are approximate and can shift by a day or two each year.

The slight variations are due to the Earth’s orbital dynamics and the need for occasional realignment through leap years.


Cardinal Ingresses of Other Planets

While the Sun’s ingress into cardinal signs is notable, other planets can also enter or ingress these four signs.

When this happens, the event is referred to by specifying the planet and the cardinal sign.


Mercury’s Cardinal Ingress of Libra

This would occur when Mercury moves into the sign of Libra.

Jupiter’s Cardinal Ingress of Aries

This occurs when Jupiter enters the sign of Aries.

These planetary movements are significant as they mark important shifts in energy and influence related to the characteristics of the cardinal signs they enter.

Understanding the Sun’s Movement through the Solar Cycles

The Sun moves approximately one degree through the zodiac each day, completing a full circle of 360° in about 365 days.

This movement means that the Sun will be at nearly the same degree in the zodiac on the same date each year, albeit with slight variations.

Annual Conjunction with the Ascendant

Given this regularity, the Sun will conjoin your Ascendant around the same date each year.

This pattern extends to the other houses in your chart, meaning the Sun will enter your 2nd, 3rd and subsequent houses on approximately the same dates annually.


 I recently gave this as a presentation at the Sunshine Coast Astrology Group.

Aligning with Solar Energy

Knowing when the Sun transits through each house in your chart allows you to align your activities and energy with the solar influence on different areas of your life.

Each house represents a specific domain, such as personal identity (1st house), finances (2nd house), communication (3rd house), and so on.

By being aware of these dates, you can better harness the Sun’s energy to support your goals and activities in each area.


Personalized Dates

These transiting dates are unique for everyone, depending on the position of the Ascendant and the configuration of the houses in your natal chart.


Sun Entering the 1st House

For example, if your Ascendant is at 4° Leo, as mine is, the Sun will cross your Ascendant and enter your 1st house around July 27th each year.

Transition from 12th to 1st House

When the Sun moves from the 12th house into the 1st house, it signifies a shift from a more introspective and subdued phase into a period of personal empowerment and visibility.

The 1st house is associated with self-expression, new beginnings and a heightened sense of identity.


Sun in the Houses

The Influence of the Sun

As the Sun transits through each house in your natal chart, it brings light, warmth and a sense of vitality to the corresponding areas of your life.

The Sun’s energy illuminates these areas, making them more prominent and allowing you to focus your efforts effectively.

Aligning your personal activities with the transiting Sun can enhance your well-being and success.

The Solar Cycle Through the Houses

First House (Self-Identity and Beginnings)

When the Sun transits your 1st house, it’s a time for self-expression and new beginnings.

You may feel more self-assured and energized.

The spotlight is on you as an individual, yourself, your vitality, your image, self-confidence and what you want in life.


Start new undertakings, set personal goals and embrace opportunities for self-improvement.

Launch personal projects and pursuing new goals.

Use this time to show confidence and assertiveness in all you do.

Second House (Finances and Values)

The Sun’s transit through the 2nd house highlights financial matters, self-esteem and personal values. The spotlight is on your possessions, your assets, what you have and what you have to give.


Review and adjust your budget, make wise investments and clarify what is most important to you.

Consider how your resources align with your values.

Third House (Communication and Learning)

As the Sun moves through your 3rd house, communication, learning and social interactions become emphasized.

It’s a great period to study, teach, write or engage in meaningful conversations. The spotlight is on your siblings, cousins, local neighbourhood, teachers, weekend getaways and short self-improvement courses.


Learn new skills, write, teach or enhance your communication strategies.

Strengthen relationships with siblings and neighbors.

Fourth House (Home and Family)

The Sun’s presence in the 4th house shines a light on your home, family and emotional foundations.

You may feel a stronger connection to your roots and a desire to improve your living space or take more time with loved ones. The spotlight is on your home, living space, your family, where you come from and your parents.


Spend quality time with family, develop your living space and reflect on your personal roots.

This is a good period for home projects and nurturing family bonds.

Fifth House (Creativity and Pleasure)

When the Sun transits your 5th house, creativity, romance and recreation take center stage.

This is a joyful time to explore hobbies, engage in artistic endeavors, or enjoy leisure activities.

The spotlight is on your inner-child, creativity, appetite for risk, children, love and romantic affairs.


Indulge in creative hobbies, enjoy recreational activities and embrace romantic relationships.

Let your playful side shine.

Sixth House (Health and Work)

The Sun in the 6th house emphasizes health, daily routines and work.

It’s a favorable period to focus on improving your well-being, organizing your daily life and excelling in your professional duties.

The spotlight is on your day-to-day routines, rituals, work, workmates, exercise, diet and health.



Improve your wellness routines, organize your workspace and focus on productivity.

Consider how you can be of service to others in your daily life.

Seventh House (Partnerships and Relationships)

As the Sun moves through your 7th house, partnerships and relationships come into focus.

This is a time to fortify bonds, seek balance in your interactions and collaborate effectively with others.

The spotlight is on serious partnerships, marriage, business relationships and putting others before yourself.


Strengthen personal and professional relationships, seek balance in interactions, and consider new partnerships.

Work on conflict resolution and mutual support.

Eighth House (Transformation and Shared Resources)

The Sun’s transit in the 8th house brings attention to transformation, deep connections and shared resources.

It’s an opportune time for introspection, addressing joint finances, or delving into psychological and emotional growth.

The spotlight is on your intimate life, private life, other’s resources, what and to whom you owe time or money.


Address joint finances, look into personal transformation and explore deeper psychological and emotional realms.

This is a time for significant inner work.

Ninth House (Travel and Philosophy)

When the Sun is in your 9th house, it illuminates travel, higher education and philosophical pursuits.

This period encourages you to expand your horizons, explore new ideas and embrace adventure.

The spotlight is on your life-path, higher education, religion, breadth of vision, international travel and your personal philosophy.


Travel, engage in higher education and explore new philosophies or spiritual practices.

Embrace adventures that broaden your perspective.

Tenth House (Career and Public Life)

The Sun in the 10th house emphasizes career, public image and ambitions.

You may experience increased recognition and the drive to achieve your long-term goals.

The spotlight is on your place in the world, reputation, career, your name and how you make your mark.


Pursue career goals, seek recognition for your work and reflect on your long-term ambitions.

It’s a time to shine in your professional life.

Eleventh House (Community and Goals)

As the Sun transits your 11th house, focus shifts to community involvement, friendships and aspirations.

It’s a good time to network, collaborate with groups, and pursue your dreams.

The spotlight is on collaborations, friends, associates, you as a team player and your social conscious.


Network, join or build a team or organization and cooperate with like-minded individuals.

Work towards your aspirations with the support of your community.

Twelfth House (Spirituality and Solitude)

The Sun in the 12th house brings light to spirituality, solitude, and inner reflection.

This period is ideal for introspection, healing and connecting with your deeper self.

The spotlight is on rest and recuperation, simple living, personal inner work, quiet self-care and prayer.


Engage in introspection, meditation and spiritual practices.

Use this time for healing, rest and connecting with your inner self.

Aligning Your Activities with the Transiting Sun

Harnessing the Sun’s Energy

Aligning your personal activities with the transiting Sun allows you to harness its vibrant energy to enhance various aspects of your life.

The Sun’s journey through each house in your natal chart brings focus and vitality to the corresponding areas, offering opportunities for growth and improvement.

Maximizing the Sun’s Transit

By consciously aligning your activities with the transiting Sun, you can make the most of its energy in each house.

This alignment helps you navigate different life areas more effectively, fostering growth, internal balance and fulfillment.

Each phase offers unique opportunities to enhance your life, guided by the Sun’s illuminating presence.

Extend Yourself

House Cusps

Why not do some solar transit work on your own chart? Using your birth chart, an ephemeris and the solar transit tracker [download your copy here] or your astrology journal please do the following.


  • List the houses from 1 to 12.
  • Find the degree and sign of each of your houses.
  • Starting at the Ascendant (the first house cusp) and using your ephemeris, find the date that the transiting Sun will enter each of your 12 houses.

Extend Yourself Further

And if you really want to get ahead with transits, start with the aspects. Using your birth chart, an ephemeris and my solar transit tracker [download your copy here] or your astrology journal please do the following.


Conjunction Aspect

Conjunctions are the most effective aspects to use with transit work. If you only do one aspect then choose the conjunction.


  • Find the date when the Sun will conjoin each of your planets.

Hard Aspects

As the hard manifesting aspects are more dynamic next do the oppositions and squares.


  • Find the date when the Sun will oppose each of your planets.
  • Find the date when the Sun will square each of your planets.

Soft Aspects

Finally, and only if you have time, find the dates when the Sun will trine or sextile your natal planets.


  • Find the date when the Sun will trine each of your planets.
  • Find the date when the Sun will sextile each of your planets.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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