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Chart Interpretation: Chani Atreides

Chart Interpretation: Chani Atreides

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Online Chart Interpretation


Our listener chose her Starzname or alias as Chani Atreides from Dune


Birth Details

3:31pm, September 26th, 1982, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. This returns an Ascendant of 04° 39′ Capricorn.


Chart Interpretation Balances


The polarities are balanced.

Active = 4 and Passive = 3 visible planets.



The elements are balanced.

Fire = 1, Earth = 2, Air = 3 and water = 1 visible planets.



The Cardinal mode is strong.

Cardinal = 4, Fixed = 1 and Mutable = 2 visible planets.



The southern hemisphere is strong with six planets.

Northern = 1, Southern = 6, Eastern = 3 and Western = 4.



The third quadrant is strong with four planets.

1st Quadrant = 1, 2nd Quadrant = 0, 3rd Quadrant = 4 and 4th Quadrant = 2 visible planets.


Triple Division

The 3rd Triple Division is strong with 4 planets.

1st Division = 1, 2nd division = 2 and the 3rd division = 4 visible planets.


Ascendant Complex

Ascendant Sign

The Ascendant sign is Capricorn.


Ascendant Degree

The Ascendant degree is 04° 39′ Capricorn.


1st House Planets and Points

The first house contains the South Node and the Moon.


Ascendant Aspects


Ascendant conjoined the South Node.

Ascendant quintile Saturn.

Ascendant bi-quintile Chiron.



The Ascendant is sextile the Midheaven.



Ascendant square the Sun.

Ascendant opposition the North Node.

Chart Ruler

The chart ruler is Saturn’s Capricorn is the sign on the Ascendant.


Chart Ruler’s Sign

Saturn is in Libra which means it is in exaltation and so Saturn gets the score of +4.


Chart Ruler’s House

Saturn is in the 9th house.


Chart Rulers, Rulership

Saturn rules the Northern Hemisphere, the first quadrant, the first triple division and the 1st and the 2nd houses.


Chart Rulers Position

The chart ruler, Saturn, is strongly placed as the Almuten with a score of +4.


Chart Rulers Aspects


Saturn is conjoined Pluto.

Saturn is conjoined Mercury which is retrograde.

Saturn is quintile the Ascendant.

Saturn is bi-quintile Chiron.



Saturn is square the Moon.

Saturn is opposite the Part of Fortune.

Saturn is opposite Eris.



Saturn is sextile Neptune.


Sun Complex

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Libra, which is it’s fall so it gets a score of -4.



Sun’s House

The sun is in the 8th house.


Sun’s Rulership

The Sun only rules the 8th house.


Sun’s Aspects


The Sun is trine Chiron.

The Sun is sextile Mars.

The Sun is sextile Uranus.

Note that the sun only has soft aspects and it has no challenging hard aspects.

Moon Complex

Moon’s Sign

The Moon is in Capricorn, which is in its detriment, so against a score of -5.


Moon’s House

The Moon is well placed in the 1st house.


Moon’ Rulership

The Moon rules the Southern Hemisphere, the third quadrant and the 7th house.


Moon’s Aspects


The Moon is square Mercury.

The Moon is square Saturn.

The Moon is square Pluto.

The Moon is square, the Part of Fortune.

The Moon is square Eris.



The Moon is trine Venus.

The Moon is trine Chiron.

The Moon is quintile the Midheaven.


Major Aspect Pattern

The Moon is part of the Earth Grand Trine between the Moon, Venus and Chiron.

Note that the Moon has a far larger complex than the Sun does and is therefore the more dominant luminary.


Midheaven Complex

This chart interpretation has a focus on what she will do in the world.


Midheaven Sign

The Midheaven is in Scorpio.


Midheaven Ruler

The Midheaven rulers are Mars and Pluto.


Planets in the 10th house

Jupiter is in the 10th house.


Most Elevated

Jupiter is the most elevated planet closest to the Midheaven.


Midheaven Aspects


Jupiter is conjoined the Midheaven.

The moon is quintile the Midheaven.



The Midheaven is trine the North node.

The Midheaven is sextile the South node.

The Midheaven is sextile the Ascendant.


Chart Interpretation: The Dispositor Tree

In this chart, there are two dispositor trees. Both are mutual reception trees. This is because there are no planets in their own rulership.

Having two dispositor trees in a chart indicates that there may be two sides to the person.


The Mercury Venus Mutual Reception Tree

Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception. This means that Mercury is in Libra which is Venus is sign and Venus is in Virgo which is Mercury sign.



There are no further planets below Mercury, as there are no planets in Gemini or Virgo.



Below Venus, we have Chiron in Taurus, the Sun in Libra, Saturn in Libra, and Pluto in Libra.

Below Saturn is the Moon in Capricorn.


The Mars Jupiter Mutual Reception Tree

Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception.

Mars is in Sagittarius which is Jupiter’s sign and Jupiter is in Scorpio which is Mars’ sign.



Below Mars is Eris in Aries.



Below Jupiter is Uranus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Sagittarius.




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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024


In early 2024 I had the idea to offer online chart interpretations. These would be for listeners of our podcast.

The online astrology reading is not a face-to-face consultation, but it is an interpretaion that is discussed on the podcast or perhaps on Youtube. I considered inviting Arwynne to join in the conversation on some of them and she was excited to chim in on this, the first online astrology reading. I am happy that Arwynne joined me for the interpretation on the podcast.

Also please note that there was so much interest in the Online Astrology Readings that there is an 8 month waitlist because we need to catch up with all the readings already requested.



Chart Details

Birth City

When starting any chart reading you need the birth details. Taurpio’s was born at 6:28 pm, on the 28th April 1983, in Wellington, New Zealand.


Current City

Because I will look at the transits, I asked where she was living now and it turns out that she now resides in Perth, Australia.



Visible Planets

Only counting the visible planets.


Moving on to the hemispheres,  the four Hemispheres are balanced.


The four Quadrants are balanced.





Fixed = 5

Triple Division

2nd Triple Division = 4


Taurus = 5


6th house 6



Chart Shape

Shape see saw chart typically has many oppositions and not many trines. There are usually two sides to the chart.


Ascendant Complex

Sign and Degree

The Ascendant is at 28° Scorpio.


First House Planets

Part of the Ascendant complex are any planets in the 1st house. Planets in the angular 1st house are well placed. In Taurpio’s chart there are two 1st house planets. Uranus is conjoined Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius.


Ascendant Aspects

Ascendant Neutral Aspects

The Ascendant is conjoined the Moon in fall in Scorpio and in the sensitive Ascendant Gauquelin sector.

Ascendant Hard Aspects

The Ascendant is opposite Mercury and Chiron both in Taurus in the 6th house.

Chart Ruler Complex: Mars


As Scorpio is the Ascendant sign and because Mars rules Scorpio, Mars becomes the first chart ruler.


Mars Sign

The chart ruler, Mars, is in detriment in Taurus and gets a score of -5.



Mars House

Mars is in the 6th house.


Mars Position

Mars is the Evening Planet as it sets after the Sun.


Mars’ Aspects

Mars Aspects Neutral

Mars is conjoined Mercury and the Part of Fortune.

Mars Aspects Hard

Mars is opposite the Moon.

Chart Ruler Complex: Pluto

Chart Ruler’s Sign

The second chart ruler, after Mars, is Pluto as it is the modern ruler of Scorpio. 


Chart Ruler’s Sign

Pluto is in Libra.


Chart Ruler’s House

Pluto is in the 12th house.


Pluto’s Aspects

Pluto Aspects Neutral

Pluto is conjoined Saturn.


Pluto Aspects Soft

Pluto is sextile Neptune. This is a generational aspects and millions of people have it in their chart.

Pluto is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node.


Pluto Quincunx Chiron


Sun Complex

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Taurus.

Sun House

The Sun is in the 6th house.

Sun Rules

The Sun rules the Midheaven, the 6th house, the Eastern Hemisphere and the 4th Quadrant (Q4).


Sun Aspects

Sun Aspects Neutral

The Sun conjoins Mars and the Part of Fortune.


Sun Aspects Hard

The Sun is opposite Saturn.


Sun Aspects Adjustments

The Sun is quincunx Jupiter and Uranus.


Moon Complex

Moon Sign

The Moon is in Scorpio which is not well placed as it is in Fall and gets a score of -4.

Moon House

The Moon is in the private 12th House.

Moon Rules

The Moon only rules the 9th house.

Lunar Phase

This chart has a Full Moon phase where the light of the Moon is very bright.



Moon Position

The Moon is in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector which gives it weight.



Moon Aspects

Moon Aspects Neutral

The Moon is conjoined the Ascendant.

Moon Aspects Hard

The Moon is opposite Mercury, Mars, Chiron and the Part of Fortune.


Dispositor Tree

Dispositor trees are another way to visualize the chart. This chart has two dispositor trees. The first is a Planet in Sign Tree, the Jupiter one, and the second is the Mutual Reception Tree with Mercury and Venus.

See the Dispositor Tree diagram further down.


Planet is Sign: Dispositor Tree

Jupiter is in its own sign of Sagittarius and so is well placed on the top line. Below Jupiter is Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. Jupiter disposes both Uranus and Neptune.


Mutual Reception Dispositor Tree

The two planets in mutual reception are Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in Venus’ sign of Taurus and Venus is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini. This means that Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception and have equal status in the dispositor tree. They go on the top line.

Below Venus is Chiron, Mars and the Sun in Taurus and Pluto in Libra. Venus disposes Chiron, Mars and the Sun. Below Mars is the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Mars disposes the Moon and Saturn. There are no planets below Mercury because there are no other planets other than Venus in either of Mercury’s signs Gemini and Virgo.

Links and Aspects

I always note any links (the arrows) that are also aspects in the chart. In this chart Jupiter is linked to Uranus and there is a conjunction between the two. The Moon and Mars are linked in the tree and they are in opposition to each other as well. The aspected links are maked in red.

Chart Rulers

I always highlight the chart rulers in a dispositor tree and in this chart the two chart rulers are Mars and Scorpio which are highlighted in yellow.


Main Comments from Taurpio

These are the main comments and question that Taurpio wanted us to focus on. Arwynne and I can’t cover everything in a 30 minute podcast, so we did what we could.


Reading Special Focus?

“How to make the best of the delightful pluto square pluto transit I’m going through. Somewhat challenging.”

Your Favourite Starzology Astrology Podcast Episodes?

“I love them all. I find yourself and Arwynne super engaging. I really enjoy the planets through the signs, also when you talk about generational transits i.e Chiron return. Also enjoyed the Oriental planet, mine’s Neptune.”


“I feel like I have a lot of polarity in my chart, very fixed energy of ♉️ and ♏️. Also interested to hear about the axis of the 6th and 12th houses.”

Forecasting: Transits recent Past

Pluto square Pluto

This transformative aspects which was in place for the past two years has finally cleared. Taurpio specifically asked about this aspect and we discuss in more in the podcast episode.


Forecasting: Transits Upcoming

Pluto square Saturn

Pluto is squaring Saturn now and will do so another two times during the course of 2024. This is marked in orange on the Dispositor Tree.



Graphic Ephemeris

Graphic Ephemeris Defaults

I always set my Graphic Ephemeris defaults as follows:


  • 45 degrees.
  • Eighth harmonic aspects.
  • Two years.
  • Start six months ago.
  • Go ahead for 18 months.

Graphic Ephemeris: What to Add

Once I have the Graphic Ephemeris printed out, I begin to add extra forecasting details. These other forecasting techniques are great at underlying what has already been brought forward in the transits.

Graphic Ephemeris: Eclipses

I look for lunar and solar eclipses for the next 12 months. I add any eclipses that conjoin the natal chart planets or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Secondary Progressions

For the secondary progressions, I add any secondary progressed planet that changes of sign or house in teh next year. Additionally I add any secondary progressed planet of angle that conjoins a natal planet or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Solar Arc Directions

I add the Solar arc directed planet changes of sign or house. I also add any Solar arc directed planets that conjoin a natal plants or point. See more on this later.

Solar Return Chart

The solar return chart can standalone and be interpreted by itself. This is another direct forecasting technique that I use after transits and eclipses. I always cast the solar return chart for the place they are at on their birthday.

With a solar retrun chart I look for:


  • The Solar Return Sun’s house.
  • The Solar Return Sun’s aspects.
  • Solar return ascendant in the natal chart.

You can continue on and interpret the whole chart but remember that is is the Sun that is the basis of this chart and therefore the Sun in the solar return chart is the most important.

If you want to loo for love and money then cast a Venus return chart and interpret that.


Secondary Progressions

With secondary progressions I cast the secondary progressed chart but mainly look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone secondary progressed chart.

When using bi-wheels I alwasy put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the secondary progressed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal cahrt or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel has the natal chart in the center and the secondary progressed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Secondary Progressions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Secondary progressed Moon phase and when is the next phase change.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often consider other secondary progressed aspects unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.


Solar Arc Directions

With solar arc directions I cast the solar arc directed chart but only look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone solar arc directed chart.

When using bi-wheels I always put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the solar arc directed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal chart or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel shown below has the natal chart in the center and the solar arc directed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Solar Arc Directions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Directed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Directed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Directed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often look at other solar arc directed aspects, like squares and oppositions, unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.



Chart Overview

In this post I have highlighted the important factors in this chart. I would urge you to develop your chart reading skills by working through the post from top to bottom and concentrate on the chart details that I have brought forward for consideration. Yes, there is much more to discuss about this chart, but those bits can be left for another day.

I want to inspire you, an Aspiring Astrologer, to get better at chart reading by focussing in on what really matters in a chart and leaving the lighter signifiers for another day.

I think it is better to teach someone how to fish and not give them a fish. So to relate that to chart interpretation, “It is better to teach you how to interpret a chart than to do it for you.” This is why I have not provided thorough interpretations in this question because you need to do it for yourself.


Chart Interpretation Done For You

However, if you requested a full chart consultation from me, then I would give you all the information surrounding the placements in the chart and the full forecast prediction.



I want to thank Taurpio for sending in her questions and especially for listening to our podcast in the first place. This post answers our podcast listener Taurpio’s questiions. It is heartening to know that we have listener’s from as far away as Perth, Western Australia in our audience. This shows the power of podcasting.






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Below is some recent feedback from Taurpio about the podcast and what she thought of our interpretation (edited for brevity).
Thank you Taurpio.
Hi Alison,
A big thank you to you and Arwynne for the online interpretation of my chart. I listened while taking my dog out for a walk. Pretty spot on really, particularly the part about my parents, I have a Taurus mother and a Scorpio father.
Anyway so generous of you to offer these readings. Look forward to booking an online consultation with you in future.
The information on the blog is so helpful also. 
I thoroughly enjoy all of your podcast episodes and learn something new every episode. Have shared with my friends and family also.
Have a great day.
Best regards,

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation

Step 2: The Physical Chart

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

The Physical Chart – Printing and Highlighting Main Features

This time I going to share with you some of my process and the focus will be on the natal chart. I will answer the following questions that plague new astrologers.


Once you have the chart cast what do you look for? What is important? What is not worthy of consideration and where do you start?


The image below is of a chart for Rosie and she is one of my clients. I have not shown the chart details that is; the time, date and place as that is not important.

What we are going to be looking at is how to prepare a chart for reading after you have printed it out and before you start.

This is like step 2 of the natal chart reading process.


What to Print

In Solar Fire or your other astrology program print a chart with a half aspectarian in the corner as shown above. This is a standard chart so you should have no problem doing this.

House Rulers

Write the house rulers against every house cusp. Start at the ascendant and in this chart (above) I have written Jupiter/Neptune and drawn a bubble around them at the house cusp.

Quadrant and Hemispheres

Draw a circle in the top right of the page. Draw a cross in it with one horizontal line and one vertical line.

This shows the four quadrants (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and the four hemispheres (north, south, east and west).

Only counting the visible planets from the Sun to Saturn count how many planets are in each quadrant.

In this chart there is one planet in the first quadrant (Saturn), two planets in the second quadrant (Jupiter and Venus), three planets in the third quadrant (the Sun, Mars and Mercury) and one planet in the fourth quadrant (the Moon).

Elements and Modes Table

Draw a table of four columns and three rows.

On the top label the columns F (fire), E (earth), A (air) and W (water). On the side label the rows C (cardinal), F (fixed) and M (mutable).

Add the number of visible planets (the Sun to Saturn) and write the quantity in the appropriate cell in the table.

Add up each row and column. The total will always be seven.

Chart Ruler

Find the chart ruler which is the planet or planets that rules the ascendant sign. In this case, it is Pisces so the ruling planets are Jupiter and Neptune. Colour in each instance of the ruling planets in yellow.

Major Aspect Patterns

Find all the major aspect patterns.

In this chart there is a stellium of the Sun, Neptune and Mars and a Moon yod of Mars, Pluto and the Moon.

Bracket the stellium and highlight in red so you can see it easily.

Colour the yod in green to relate to the quincunx colour which is green.

The idea is to bring forth the main features of a chart through the use of colour so you can easily see the main points when you pick up this chart again next month.

If you are reading many charts a week you do not have time to reread each chart to discover the main threads. they should be highlighted the first time around.

Most Elevated

Note the most elevated planet in this case it is Mercury (although I originally noted Mars in the drawing and I can’t change the image.

Morning Planet

Note the oriental planet in this case it is Venus.

Lunar Phase

Note the lunar phase in this chart for Rosie it is a gibbous Moon phase.

Essential Dignity

Find the essential dignity of the planets and write the score on the left of the aspectarian. the aspectarian is the triangle-shaped grid at the bottom left of the chart.

In this chart we note that Mars gets a score of -5 for being in Libra and Venus of -4 for being in fall in Virgo.

Mutual Receptions

Note all mutual receptions in the chart. Interestingly enough in Rosie’s chart there are two mutual reception pairs, Mercury and Venus are the first pair and the Moon and Jupiter are the second.

On the back of the natal chart page you will also draw the dispositor tree using these handy mutual receptions as your start.


Watch the video about highlighting a birth chart as part of your chart preparation process.

Note that it refers to another birth chart but show sthe process that you will use for every chart you cast.