Your Astrology Questions Answered

Your Astrology Questions Answered

Your Astrology Questions Answered

We answer several of the questions we get from listeners, viewers and students.

Some of you have emailed your questions in and you can do that by contacting us at

And we have some podcast episodes dedicated to answering our listeners questions as well. You can see these episodes below.


Your Astrology Questions Answered: 75th Episode Celebration

Your Astrology Questions Answered: 50th Episode Celebration

Your Astrology Questions Answered: 25th Episode Celebration




“Can you tell me if Financial Astrology is lucrative? I would like to earn money as an astrologer.
What do you think is the best way to learn financial astrology?”

This is a question I received from a reader like you about making money as a financial astrologer. This query comes up often and I have answered it below.


“Is Financial Astrology Lucrative?”

Whether financial astrology is lucrative depends. There is not a “yes” or “no” answer.

It depends on who you are and what you know.

As an astrologer, it really hinges on your own natal chart. For all questions like these, we would look to your unique birth chart

Ask yourself the following about your own chart:

Do I have the natal promise for income from financial astrology or even regular astrology for that matter?

Do I have planets in my second house?

Are they unafflicted?

Where is Uranus (the planet that rules astrology) and what is its condition?

Is Uranus unafflicted and that means it has no squares or oppositions from the malefics?

Is my second house ruler strong, direct and well-placed?

Then you would assess the Midheaven its ruler and the tenth house for your entrepreneurial skills.

  • What is the sign?
  • Who is the ruler?
  • Where are they placed?
  • Is your most elevated planet conjoined the Midheaven?

You may like to consider how to set up and run a prosperous astrology business.

Then look to your eleventh house for income from a business you own.

And let’s not forget the morning planet that will indicate your vocation and what really moves you.


“I would like to earn money as an astrologer.”

This is a career choice that you are trying to make. When you read your first chart and charge a fee then you are making money as an astrologer.

The point here is the words “making money” as that means different things to different people.

The real question may be, “Do you have enough money?

Income of US$1-1000 per month

Many astrologers do make some money from astrology. Anything from US$1 to US$999 per month.

Many astrologers work in this area with a variable income that can vary each month and it depends on how many charts they read and other activities.

Income of over US$1000 per month

Some astrologers make a reasonable amount. Here the benchmark is more than US$1000 per month. So that is around US$12000 per year.

But, does it provide for a full time living off astrology alone?

Perhaps not, but it does augment your day job, and it provides an outlet for the creative work that astrology can be.

If you live in Africa (as I did for over thirty years) or Asia you are likely to find this adequate income.


Income of over US$5000 per month

Very few astrologer fall into this category but it can be done. Here the income is enough to sustain astrology as a full-time job, career and vocation and you can comfortably budget for tax at around 20%.

With a net income of US$4000, anyone can manage, even those of us living in expensive cities in the first world.

You can look at the five levels of astrologer and see where you are and map out yoru career path using this a guideline.


“What do you think is the best way to learn financial astrology?”

Let us assume that you already know basic chart reading and you can you interpret a chart with confidence.

Financial astrology falls into two camps:

Do you want to follow the stock exchanges, forex and financial markets and earn money through your general fiscal information and tips?


Do you want to help everyday people to make good financial decisions based on their own natal chart and what it suggests for investments and luck?

Either way, you need to fully understand the dynamics of a chart, the four financial house and two financial planets. In other words your money planets.

Where to next?

You have to be confident in basic astrology in the first place.

You have to understand financial markets, economics etc.

You should be tracking your own financial upliftment that has happened through your own decisions based on the astrology in your chart.

You should already be giving astrological financial advice to family and friends.



Always look to your own natal chart for guidance on when to start an astrology business, how to name your astrology business.

Investigate the messages from the forecasting techniques of current transits, solar arc directions and solar returns, secondary progressions and eclipses.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Your Zodiac Sign and Spending

Your Zodiac Sign and Spending

by Alison Price

You can learn a lot about your spending habits by looking at your star sign.

Each of the twelve zodiac signs has a different approach to retail therapy. Next time you go shopping with your friends see their spending characteristics at play.

Check out each sign’s buying instincts below and see if you recognize yourself.


Aries rushes in where angels fear to tread, and in their hurry Rams want to be in and out of the shop. They buy with cash and online so as to grab the new stuff and be wearing the latest colors of the season.

This sign likes the challenge of hunting for a bargain and may easily tackle you to the ground at a fire sale.


Taurus takes their time deciding on what to spend their hard earned cash. Bulls prefer to shop in stores, and not online, because they want to touch and feel the goods before buying.

After a day of trawling the shops they are just as likely to bank the money and go home empty handed. Sometimes parting with the cash is the quandary.


Gemini likes buying on eBay and sniping the auction at the end. They order books and magazines, apps, games and puzzles. Twins are the best traders in the zodiac and will happily barter for stuff as the real fun is the actual deal.

You are more likely to see Gemini selling to you, than buying for themselves.


Cancers like to feather their nest and will splurge on home furnishings and tableware. They like pretty cutlery and plates to match the occasion, whether for a barbecue outside or a Sunday lunch.

Every meal is important and this means the props as well. Crabs like home shopping and will spend on friends, family and will remember to take the office a box of chocolates.


Leos buy the best they can afford and that goes for luxury items as well. Lions take pride in their purchases and will enthral anyone who will listen about what they bought to adoring oohs and aahs. They will shop in groups and make sure each person has a little something to take home. Leo’s are generous and may spring for lunch as well.

They will shop in groups and make sure each person has a little something to take home. Leo’s are generous and may spring for lunch as well.


Virgo spends in small increments and can drive the shop girl wild with their bag of small change for a fifty dollar purchase. They like to collect and will slowly attain the things they want.

Virgo likes things in patchwork, marquetry and paisley patterns. Virgins are more likely to go to the stores several times a day than do one big shop all at once.


Libra spends on themselves as much as their partner because there has to be a fiscal balance in their relationship.

Libra men may only buy one big item a year, like a car, but its cost will be equal to what their wife spent over the years. Shopping can be agony for Libra as they are not good at deciding and every transaction choice needs to be called.


Scorpio pays cash so there is no paper trail. They like acquiring things and surround themselves with items that mean something.

Scorpions will to remove price tags and hoard some attractive items of value. They like to buy things that others desire and may become a collector of rare books or surgical instruments.


Sagittarius likes to buy when away from home. They are the ones for whom the souvenir shops were made. Archers seek out things that are difficult to find like a seed pod from a baobab tree or exotic spices from Asia.

This sign arrives home and flings the bags in a corner not even opening them, already planning their next excursion to the mall.


Capricorn invests. When the Sea Goat goes shopping the items they buy have to earn their place. Not for them trivial trinkets.

Capricorn likes quality and will pay whatever it takes to get items perceived as status pieces. Expensive handbags for the women and watches for men. Over the years they can amass a very respectable wardrobe or collection of goodies.


Aquarius like to buy a variety of goods. They love snapping up music and books online and gadgets. They get bored with their stuff and will move on to the next fad as soon as it takes their fancy. Water Bearers have basements full of old things and should invite Scorpio around to rummage through it all.

Water Bearers have basements full of old things and should invite Scorpio around to rummage through it all.


Pisces enjoy art and soft and beautiful things. They are happy to tag along with the other signs on an outing to the shops. Fish like to buy only what is needed and can be frugal to the extent that they will “do without” when they should be buying things. Fish don’t like the crush of the malls and will shop late in the evening to miss the crowds.